Page Two. THE CAUCASIAN. -. f State Netfs. The government has Increased the candle power of the lights at Cape Hateras from 3 4,000 to 160,000. "Oil They Kept ThHr Word. Maxton Scottith Chief. The late Colonel Wilbur F. San ders, of Montana, who wai once a General .Netfs. T.I FT MEKTI.VC; FtUl COLON NKL. 1 1 American politic, it hu only to j Ut Wall street and TacsniAoy dotai- cate the Baltimore Contention. If ? the delecate to the Democratic Na United States Senator from that Com- Savannah. Oa., last k, leo It. Ba-j mon wealth, mixed a good deal in pol-i I IlsMXkfYrlt Fore- Storm Republican i County CommUtr. the delepate to the In Draeticinz for the Julr races, at . .. - , , -rv!tional CosveBtion ' - t jersey liu, ,.. juuc r f . .... . w - SB a--r. at Vs. I a W ? 1 f T r Vapor" has the place of "oil" as the -. " ""Y, ; vapor ui v jthfc Governorship was defeated by a; illuminant. 'prominent Democrat. n n.,rh,rn! On election night the Democrats Revenue officers In D-irnam i.oun-t ... . . , ... Helena held a Jollification meet-, tv captured three negro moonahln-t" , . Thbv rrmnn "! i . i v i nepuuue-u lb , va.u..i w acd a third party. Hudwa couniy. j., mei nr an s 4 . . , night with the announced purpose of indort ins President Taft. Instead of that a resolution was passed by a vote of 3&9 to 21 declaring Hoose- velt the "only true Republican," de- He stood In thei . .. i what was eo ne on and noured out over seventy ganuuo i . t of whiskey. Cognized and called upon for a speech, j "p.nrifT.Vr'.f J 5 I hiKh officC o Governor by the j compan oi . . A, Republicans my opponents and Dem-; there Monday by coming in contact , me they couIdj with a live wire. me a yeow dQg j ii .i,A,,.t,f "And," shouted Sanders, "theyj Burton Finger a well-thought-of , colored man, of Lincolnton, was shot' J t and tiled by Zed and Tom liamgeur.) Jon U? ,,a of n.cJ two coiorea ooys, uu wcic uhumus,; and called at Finger's house and : ker crashed into a tree- with his mo torcycle and was killed Instantly. Reports are that two thousand ref ugees, made homeless by the flood in the Mississippi valley, are being fed ana nousea at tne unuea states i nouncfng the Chicago Convention naval station at .New Orleans. j and assorting that the President I gained his renomlnation by fraud. Attorney General WicKershan has! When chairman Kinney looked agrd to a delay of one month in : orer the members and found so many the filing of the International Har-1 RooM?veit men present he announced vester Company's answer to the gov-, that the meeting nad been called for ernment anti-trust suit, the reply to j the dual purpose of Indorsing Taft be filed AUgUSt 5. Ln,1 fpalnc th tronror't rrrt wish to create an demand for they have only to follow the leadership of the men who are behind Judjce Far ; ker. The Republican party if ething with revolt. If Ryan and Murphy, if Wall street and Tammany domintr the Baltimore Convention, the Dem ocratic party il! likewise be seeth ing with revolt. A new party will b Inevitable. The American people will not submit to be tricked and de frauded forever by corrupt bosses bosses and corrupt plutocrats. Let Baltimore remember it. Suffragettes made a general cam paign of destruction of postofflcea ; He read the report and tried to ad I journ the meeting. Failing In this. 1 he left The Roosevelt faction elect- and public buildings throughout the eJ John Weastell chairman. Cent Cotton. The Lincoln Times.) were ordered away. M. S. Burch, a travelling man, making his home in Reldsville, N C. j the KfcpubUcan8 0 died at his home there last Friday. whoae night, as a result or poisoning uy strychnine. It is stated that there was evidence of suicide. Mr. Geo. C. Gurley, a shoe manu- facturer, of Tryon, was run over and killed by a shifting engine on the , are a DemocraU." the country around London, England,5 last week. A number of them were arrested and imprisoned. NOKIUS SCFIMUTS KOOSFVKLT. The Lincoln County News, in its; last isseu, extended an invitation to' f the county to join the party whotse leaders have for years insulted them, called them nig- gers, ostracised them, cheated them: out of their ballot and treated them generally as a class of undesirable citizens. One of the stock argu ments of these "leaders" is that "the by the Colonel. Washington, D. C. June 29 Rep resentative Norris of Nebraska, one Southern Railway track just above the station last Tuesday. He was 47 years of age and an estimable citi zen. A baby was left on the porch of Mr. Jacob Fisher, a farmer, living near Salisbury, one night last week. There was no clue to the parents of the child. Extra clothing and a nursing bottle was left with the child. Ex-Judge W. J. Montgomery, of Concord, died at his home there last Friday morning after an illness of more than a year. He was seventy eight years of age, and had been a prominent man in public life since 1858. A young man named Cable met in stantaneous death in handling a wire rope in High Point one day last week. He was an experienced lineman and had been with the telephone com pany for several years. His home was in Burlington. The State Bankers' Association at Morehead City last week elected Leake S. Covington, of Rockingham, president; G. A. Holderness, of Tar- boro, Thos. E. Cooper, of Wilming-i ton, and J. L. Arnifield, of High Point, Vice-Presidents. Mrs. Fannie Lee Worsham, of Cas well County, while temporary insane a few days ago, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid. She had been brooding over the death of her child which was burned to death about two years ago, and had seemed irrational for some time. The North Carolina Pharmaceuti cal Association met in Waynesville last week and elected J. G. M. Gar den, of Clayton, president; Geo. C. Goodman, of Mooresville, third vice president, and J. G. Beard, of Chapel Hill, secretary. New Bern was de cided on as the next place of meet ing. Edwin Borden, of Wilmington, general superintendent of the Atlan tic Coast Line, died at Clifton Springs, N. Y., June 30th, where he had gone for his health following a stroke of paralysis a few days ago. He was 59 years of age, and had been with the Atlantic Coast Line since he was a boy. Jesse Young, living in Beaverdam Township, Cherokee County, sent his two children over to the house of his brother, who lived only a few hundred yards away, to tell his brother to come over at once, then barricaded his house, shot and -killed his wife, and then committed sui cide. It is believed that he was in sane. Two revenue officers made a raid in Sampson county a few days ago, found a still which had been in oper ation recently, but no one present, and on finding some beer, proceeded Governor of the State going so far as to say that "all the best women are Democrats." Republicans, remember these in sults and we have no idea they will fall over themselves to accept the in vitation to join the party of five cents cotton, fifty cents wheat, soup houses, Coxies Armies, want, misery, and suf fering. They believe in protection and prosperity, honesty in politics, and while they will not endorse fraud in the leaders of the Republican par ty they will hardly go over to a par ty that here in the South, is past mas ter in the art. The Socialists of New York nomi- nated a full State ticket for the com-j ing campaign at their convention hlri at Auburn N. Y.. last Saturdav. 1 Charles Edward Russell, of New j of the leading Republican insurgents York, was nominated for governor. ! of the House and Senator-elect, today ! announced that he intended to sup port Theodore Roosevelt, not at the nominee of a third party, but as a Republican. This statement on the Didn't Know the lKad Inguasr. I Aunt Caroline came running into I the dining room, her kinky hair ; standing on end. "Missus," she gasped. "I done met Nebraska Representative Will Stand a ghost out dar by de well." . . . ... "ou must have been miftakn. Caroline." said the lady of the house 'There aren't any such things as A fierce tornado swept over Regi na, Can., Sunday, killing 200 persons r. A A n-mr, erincr tirnncrfv t r thp amount of ten million dollars. The j part of Mr. Norris indicates, it is be- local telephone office was wrecked. ; neved, that the other Republican in and fifteen girls, employees, were killed. Locke Craig's Beer Special. j Hickory Times Mercury. j Rev. Maddrey, Baptist pastor in j Raleigh, in a sermon, scored the ' good (?) prohibitionists there for j contributing money to buy "free li-j quor" for the Republican and Dem- j ccratio Conventions that met there, i The Mercury glories in his moral con-J victions, but fears that if he sticks to j them, he will be given to feel that ho j can dc "more good somewhere else." We hear Locke Craig's train had : so much beer on it, his friends . couldn't keep quiet. Notwithstand- j ing this, Locke was unanimously J nominated for the Democrat prohibi-i t?on candidate for Governor. Wheth er Mr. Maddrey votes for him or not, hundreds of others, just as sound prohibitionists as he, will, and thus aid and abet in the sin of which Mr. Maddrey so timely complains. So long as good people encourage the li quor traffic by their vote,' they can preach against it all they please and it will do no good. Thank you, Mr. Maddrey. Chester D. Hart, a young civil en gineer and man of considerable prominence, of White Plains, N. Y., drank cyanide of potassium a few days ago, which killed him instantly. Business troubles were assigned as the cause of the deed. He was 2S years of age. During W. J. Bryan's absence from his home attending the Baltimore convention, vandals tore up and haul ed away 56 two-foot squares of his sidewalk near his Fairview home, in Lincoln, Nebraska. The police have no clue as to the guilty parties, and the suggestion has been made that these blocks were taken as souvenirs. Former United States Senator An thony Higgins, of Delaware, died Wednesday at the home of his brother in Wilmington, Del. Mr. Higgins was more than 71 years old, and was the first Republican elected to the United States Senate from Delaware. surgents of the House, except those who are supporting La Follette, In tend to give their support to Roose velt, but that they will also seek to retain their party regularity. Mr. Norris declared that President Taft was not, in his judgment, the nominee of the Republican party. He said that the convention which nominate'! Taft was improperly made up, and that Roosevelt was the real choice of the Republicans. ghosts." Aunt Caroline drew herself up , haughtily. "Dey ain't, ain't dey Wei! what j would you say if I told you this un done spoke to me? Yassum, ! heerd him." "Why. what did he say?" "Say," sniffed the dusky mistress of the meals, "how you speck I know? I neber learned dese here daid langwiches." ELECTION BRIBERY CASES. STORM SWEEPS CANADIAN CITY. Two Hundred Men Indicted on Grave Charge in Lee County, Virginia Vilonce Fearexl if Judge Skeen Pre sides at Trial Another Hillsville Scene May be Enacted. A special from Bristol, Tennessee, to the Charlotte Observer says: "Rumblings of discontent are heard from. Lee County, Virginia, among the men who stand indicted on charges of election bribery, due to the fact that the main point which they wanted decided by the Supreme Court of the State was not Dassed upon. "It is claimed by persons interest ed in the view of the more than 200 rden who are under indictment thati More Than Two Hundred Persons t hp nrnsprntinn tnmoH a tnvtr an,i I Killed and Much Property Destroy-1 brought about a decision upon a dif- ! Came For the Supplies. Eli Perkins used to relate this anecdote of President Lincoln: One day an old negro, clad in rags and carrying a burden on his head, am bled into the Executive Mansion and dropped his load on the floor. Step ping toward President Lincoln, he said: "Am you de President, sah?" "1 am," said Mr. Lincoln. "If dat am a fac', I'se glad to meet yer. Yer see, I Uvea away up dar In de back o Virginia and I'se a poor man, sah. I hear dere is some per visions in de Con'stution for de culled man, and I'm here to get some of 'em, sah." The IlttwTUr IWim. TraU. I- Seatlle. Wh . j . nerro oid$ni of t. of the T T,ty-f:-4. BrowcMillf !;r. Fort La n . ar r, tern iu an rllor? 'o . ; !Kldicr o af.A-ic a white woman ;r, Saturday nigh; ; t lined up ar. ! to identify htr au; me MArrjm, A r.ew notary r. ..: on to marry h nr completely lot. t.t A to the occan'.on ar, I . rcony as folio . "lo each of nu . that you will oVj , of the Fnlted Stat. k see. and that ou -a:!: of your oSice? Th. : you man and ,.r. tand committed uti : ; paid, and may (;t.J your souls." Me mil.. ter. i-i . The- Only Wj. An elder w hile bapti;::. : ,r. at a revival meeting alvA-fi a wiry, sharp-eyed old r water. He asked the ii-' wnetber tnere was any - . the ordinance of baptism . . be administered. Aftr ;a. tall, powerful-looklnc mn v, looking quietly on remarked "Elder, I don't ant to it.'t:u tkat this is an old sincrr u; j got hold of, and that m.,- j.p c. -lWt.. I . .... chor him out night." Life. in deep '!!( Homicide at Row laud. Bud Monroe, colored. tM years old, was shot ai. l ki Rowland Thursday nlht i Grady McCormlck, who u t, twenty-two years old, as the r.fu!t a quarrel about a dog b loi.K.r.K Mr. McCormlck. Lumberton J;, sonian. An illicit distillery a.i :. and captured eight miles rv. Pittsboro last week, by was an SO-gallon still. No arr,s were made. Strength The Stranger Had Been There Ten Years. Asheville Gazette-News. A Charlotte pastor some time ago, the Chronicle says, gave his flock a slight upbraiding for their coldness and lack of cordiality in welcoming new people into the church. One lady took it upon herself after ser vices to speak to a Strang woman who was seated beside her. Assured of a most cordial welcome and asked how long she had lived in Charlotte, the "strange" lady replied: "I've been living in Charlotte ten years and have been a member of this church all of that time." To a friend whom she had met outside the church the "strange" lady said that that was the first time in the ten years she had been welcomed Into the church except by the pastor. Young White Girl Assaulted Near Boies, Robeson Connty. ' Bernice Tew, a white fellow about seventeen years old, who lived near Buies, was placed in jail here last week on a charge of criminally as saulting a seven-year-old daughter of Mr. Z. Hall, who also lives near Buies. It is said that Tew is a kind of half-witted fellow and hardly re- to drink some of it, and as a result sPnsible- The Robesonian. came very near dying with all symp- : toms of having been poisoned. It Democratic Platforms Mean Nothing, was evident that the beer had been Durham Herld. fixed for them. When the party platform declares for tariff for revenue only it means Negro Child Burned to Death in An nothing, and when it declares for Unusual Manner. free lumber and free print paper Sen- A dispatch from Shelby tothror simons appears to take it to Charlotte Observer says the three- mean noniDS' - : year-old child of John Dillingham, . . " near Double Shoals, was burned to ne Presiden Who Has o Oppo- death Sunday night when its father dropped it from the bed clothes in an effort to save its life from the burn ing building. The fire was well un der way when discovered and the parents barely escaped with their lives and the lives of their other chil dren. Dillingham ran back into the house and picked up the bed clothes on which the three-year-old child was lying and as he rushed to the door he heard something drop. When he got out into the yard he dis covered that it was his child. Then it was too late to venture back into the smoke and flames. The origin of the fire is unknown. - nent. The first President or the first leper republic in the world is an American citizen named Michael Whalen, the only American leper on the island of Culion, in the Philip pines, who was today elected chief executive of the republic which the Philippine government has establish ed to manage the afflrs of the leper colony. Exchange. Mr. Whalen has one satisfaction. He has no rivals nor nominating con ventions to harass his very existence. Even in his unfortunate physical con dition there is this morsel of satis faction. Union Republican. W5? ed Blew Train Off of Track and Lifted Ships Out of the Water. Winnipeg, July 1. More accurate estimate to-day put the loss of life at from 200 to 500 and the property loss at from $4,000,000 to $10,000, 000 in the tornado that last night practically destroyed Regina, capital city of Saskatchewan. To-day, twelve hours after the storm, conditions are still chaotic, and It is thought it will require weeks to ascertain the damage that was wrought by the wind. Practical ly the whole north side of the city was wiped out. As bodies to-day were recovered scores of living rush ed to them, seeking to identify miss ing relatives, and the hospitals that remained standing were overtaxed and temporary shelter arranged. Doz ens of houses were pressed into ser vice as morgues. The entire city was in darkness last night. The path of the cyclone was sev eral blocks wide and passed through the heart of the city. Three church es, the finest in the city, were blown down. Railroad cars standing in the yards were picked up and carried many yards. Many river crafts and small sailing vessels were lifted from the water and carried into Victoria harbor, a mile from the lake. To-day all the buildings left standing near bear some sign of mourning. Improvised and temporary hospitals are filled. to Next! From the National Monthly. The widower had just taken his fourth wife and was showing her around the village. Among the places visited was the churchyard, and the bride paused before a very elaborate tombstone that had been erected by the bridegroom. Being a little near sighted, she asked him to read the inscriptions, and in reverent tones he read: "Here lies Susan, beloved wife of John Smith, and Jane, beloved wife of John Smith, and Mary, beloved wife of John Smith." He paused abruptly and the bride, leaning forward to see the bottom line, read to her horror: "Be Ye Also Ready." Anent, the Baltimore Convention. From the New York World. After contemplating Murphy's de vastating work, agin we ask: Must a boss he an ass? Technical Defense. "Sam Johnson, you've been fight in agin. You'se lost two of yo front teeth." "No, I ain't, Mammy, honest. I'se got 'em in me pocket.' Life. ferent question than that sought have tested. "As a result, it is said that the friends of the men indicted are not willing that Judge Skeen of the Cir cuit Court, who is said to have been largely responsible for instituting the election investigation, expect to petition him to refrain from sitting during the trial of the cases, allow ing a judge from a distance to hear the cases. "It seems to be the imnression among the indicted men that it would j the cases, inasmuch as it is not de nied that he has taken an active hand in the investigation from the start, aiding the Commonwealth's attorney and even directing that indictments be returned in some instances with out hearing witnesses. "It is feared by some that violence may result at the trials if Judge Skeen persists in presiding. Threatening communications have already been received at Jonesville, where the court is held, and one received by Judge Skeen threatened effect that another such tragedy as that enact ed at Hillsville, Va., March 14, might be anticipated in the event the indict ed men are sent to jail. 'We will die and go to h 11 the communi cation concluded, 'before we will sub mit to going to jail.' "The casts are set for hearing Au gust 19th, and it is expected that a lengthy siege of hearings will be in augurated at that time, it being claimed that the bribery will be found to be as extensive perhaps as that Involving citizens of Adams County, Ohio, In an investigation not long ago." ForThe Pull The race is to the strong have you strength for the up-stream pull of life-are you gaining just holding your own, or do you feel yourself being swept back by the current of circumstances? Strength is what you need the strength that comes from good red blood You can buy strength Read these extracts from letters of gratitude from those who did: "'Of'! belt and rtrenftb blao ImDrovad od I attribute this to tb aM cf mZbl-W t oni fl- lSS!m' Frnlr. W. Va. Ht taken nly a few bottle of Milam but fel tmn. and I TLl-, ,My trenfth returned lhTe l 7V. thank to bottles ofil.i fZZTfl' WP" a. Took fit hoMi-TV ?'--rin. vi Am on my foorth uwu aw can now tt aU I caa ret. and Asi your druggist about '1 (baa Iartr did la mr Ilf J. R"r KAdford, Va. After using aeTeo bottle I fiad f in parfact health, fiaa appetite aad tmmg tRf than la roar. Mr, if. Kroida. Crti la bT taken all bottlea of Milan and can trjttfa- T I7-!. fsJln better than 1 ar remmtrr brf . Myrtla L ffeboOcid. with W era p!. Virmm t Waahlnrtoa. V. C Milam benefitted n f TT way. It la a maff nloeeat tnaic Harry H- ?r- ltap- Tobacco Co.. baa 'Hie. Va. I t atllam to to tii traatoat medicine yet iinyf" L' BfT7o" nd rua-down tiatamaT. EUp fcrort. J orzoik. Va. tk guuranletd remedy. Hi WALI STREET AN TAMMANY. New York World Fears Their fluence at Baltimore. In- Prom the New York World.. g i Shall Wall street and Tammany tnrn Democratic opportunity into Democratic discord! Shall Wall Street and Tammany turn Democratic triumph into Demo cratic disaster? Those are the first questions to he answered at Baltimore. The Murphys and the Ryans arid the Belmonts and the Sheehans are already reaching out for the Demo cratic National Convention. The World herewith warns the Demo cratic party that a Murphy-Ryan-Belmont-Sheehan Democracy Is not worth saving. A Mnrphy-Ryan-Bel-mont-Sheehan ticket is not worth fighting for . . . The same men who blasted Demo cratic hopes in 1904 are seeking to blast Democratic hopes in 1912. If the Democratic marty wishes to j make. Roosevelt agin a great captain THE LaW IAN0S In no other salesroom in this State will you find such a variety of standard makes of pianos dis played side by side as you will here. Every one intending to purchase a piano at any time should make it a point to visit our store and carefully examine our line and compare our pianos with others selling at same prices. Every piano tagged withi ts price in plain figures. Free Catalog and Foil Particulars, Address DARNELL RALEIGH, N. C

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