1 ' ii i """""" 1 . i ii i j i hi '" " 1 wwiimi , prwiiwiwiii.Mi.wwMaiiuMWujawyJiM m iimwuwwiiiUHiM urn. hi wiiMwi Mil I i.h;-',. . ' "X.- mill i mi i WMiCnw nnUI iim 11 ' " "" ' " "" 1 "' 1 ""' " "'" "" 1 " 1 -' 1 I I IM I I u run., m. i. in -hi if v .. - " ' ' ' VOL.. XXX, RALEIGH, N. C,t JULY 10t 1012. No. 2T. THURSDAY. I EDITORIAL BRIEFS """put bow far do you suppose a pro Krfiglve Democrat will geton a reac tionary platform? sow, why don't they go for those ppnioeraUc Senators in Illinois who soli out for Lorimer? Wonder if Senator Simmons still ttirkfi that Senator Lorimer Is the pft.r of any man in the Senate? Wonder if Woodrow Wilson in tends giving a fried chicken lawn party, and carry scheme. out the color Senator Simmons helped those who whitewashed his friend Lorimer In lull, but he later found out that it wouldn't stick. And now there are twenty-eight Democrats advertising for office in Robeson County. Still some say Democrats do not chase the office! The New York World says the nomination of Woodrow Wilson is a new birth. And it will need some soothing syrup before this campaign is over. There are still some Democratic writers in North Carolina who refuse to tell the truth if they can make a lie answer their purpose. Want a bill of particulars? If Wall Street is sincere in saying it is for Wilson, then it must have a definite understanding with Wilson, which would mean that the rank and file would have to suffer. Neither Senator Simmons nor ex Governor Glenn attended the Prohibit- tion Convention last week. Would you have thought that' anything could have kept them away? After a delay of two weeks or more Congressman Godwin has finally ac cepted his renomination for Con gress. However, there were few who expected him to refuse it. The Governor of South Carolina says the mayor of Charleston doesn't like him because he refused to ap point a negro to office, and remember they are both Democrats. If the Democratic politicians should get at the Federal pie trough it would be necessary to nail it down to keep them from rooting it over to see if there wasn't more under it. Yes, if the Democrats get in power living will be cheap, with soup sell ing at three cents a bowl. But who wants to live on soup all the time, even if they had the three cents? A "tariff for revenue only" might' be higher than a protective tariff, if the Democrats get in, for it would take a lot of revenue to pay for all the new offices they would create. The Statesville Landmark says the Democratic platform is too long. No doubt about that, but they may have been trying to frame one long enough to hold all the fifty-seven varieties. The Lumberton Robesonian says the number of candidates for the of fice of County Commissioner is un precedented! Which shows that the Democrats have not lost their appe tite for pie. The Statesville Landmark is op Posed to the abolition of the hot place and thinks it a necessary Institution for those who fail to get what Is coming to them in this world. How about the bad ones who catch it here? An exchange says that it has been only two weeks since the Baltimore Convention, but the Democrats can already smell the post-offices and other Federal pie. Thought the Dem ocrats looked upon Federal jobs as a disgrace! Simmons seemed to think it nec essary to explain why he voted for senator Lorimer the first time and then to explain why he voted against Lorimer the last time. And each time he was votine for tna sam Lorimer who was under the Bame charges: JOINS ROOSEVELT FORCES. Herbert Knox Smith Resigns as Com mUftioner of Corporation and Will Work for Roosevelt, Washington, D. C, July 10 Her bert Knox Smith today resigned as Commissioner of Corporations to Join the forces of Theodore Roosevelt and the new Progressive party. He will be succeeded in all probability by Luther Conant, Jr., of Brooklyn, N. Y., the present Deputy Commissioner of corporations, who is described as a distinctly administration exponent. The change will become effective Thursday, July 18. Mr. Smith will go to New York for a conference with Colonel Roosevelt on Friday when his political plans will be mapped out. He will prob ably take an active part in the cam paign, discussing corporations with particular reference to the Sherman anti-trust law. He adraited today that he advised the former President of his contemplated action and ten tatively discussed the future at his conference with Mr. Roosevelt at Oyster Bay last week, which gave rise to rumors then that he would with draw his allegiance to President Taft. RATES ARE EXCESSIVE Result of Gommerce Com mission's Express Probe Made Public Extensive Investigation Finds One Cause of the High Cost of Living Express Business is a Family Affair Sweeping Reforms Needed. Washington, D. C, July 15. Sweeping reductions in express rates averaging, in general, approximate ly 15 per cent; drastic reforms in regulations and practices; and com prehensive changes in the methods of op ration, are prescribed in a report made public to-day by the Inter-State Commerce Commission of its invest! gation into the business of the thir teen great express companies of the United States. Dealing with the Identify j)f inter est between the various companies. the report finds that while these com panies are separate legal entities, "it is of interest to regard this fact that by stock ownership and otherwise they are so interlaced, intertwined and interlocked that it is with dif ficulty we can trace any one of the greater companies as either wholly independent in its management or the agencies of a single railroad sys tern. So that while these compete with each other for traffic, the ex press business may be said to be al most a family affair. The inquiry was the most exten sive, and, in wealth of infinite detail, proDaDiy tne most tnorougn, ever prosecuted by the commission. It was" conducted an dthe report was prepared by Commissioner Franklin K. Lane. It has been in progress for nearly three years. The report itself makes 600 printed pages. It involves an examination and comparison of practically more than 60,000,000 ex press rates in effect in this country, in addition to an examination of mil lions of waybills and an investigation, through the book of the companies. of their financial opetration and busi ness methods. Commissioner Lane is of the opin ion that the conclusions reached constitute a long step towards the so lution of that gravest problem of the American householder, the high cost of living. FOR APPALACHIAN PARK. Agricultural Department Takes Over 32,000 Acres of Land in Graham and Clay Counties. News is given out in Washington that the Treasury Department has turned over to the Department of Ag riculture 32,000 acres of government land in Graham and Clay Counties, North Carolina, for the Appalachian Park. Nearly -forty years ago the tract of land donated to the forest reserve was forfeited to the government. By a recent act of Congress the Treas ury Department was authorized to transfer it to the Department of Ag riculture. Added to what the Appalachian Park Commission has contracted for, this makes a total of 78,500 acres in North Carolina for the reservation. Government engineers are now on their way to survey the Graham and Clay County lands and mark out the boundary lines. The land will" imme diately be put under the administra tion of the Rorest Reserve. For the first time in its history the Hamilton Club, of Chicago one of the leading political organizations of the country, has failed to ratify the action of the Republican National Convention. : , " aw sr.oris FLOPPED Was Afraid of the People Back Home if Again Voted for Lorimer CASE OF JUDGE AQCDDALD IIoue Recommends Impeachment of Judge Archbald of the Commerce Court Senate "Jurr Sworn la to Try Case Striking Object Lennon for the I Uicall io v erno r Gait her of Maryland Comes Out for Iioose velt -President Taft to Reply to Charges of Theft Gov. Wilson to Center His Fight Express Compa nies Have Been Giving Poor Ser vice at an Exorbitant Hate. Washington, D. C, July 16, 1912. (Special to The Caucasian.) Congress Is now trying to arrange to adjourn during the first week in August. If this program Is carried out, it will send over the impeach ment trial of Judge Archbald of the United States Commerce Court until the fall. The Case of Judge Archbald. The charges against Judge Arch bald are of such a serious nature that the House Committee on Judiciary, by a unanimous vote, declared that he should be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors." The na ture of the evidence before the com- mitee when reported to the House was so strong that every member of the House, with the exception of one Congressman, who is a close personal friend of the Judge, voted to sustain the charges of impeachment. A committee appointed by the House appeared before the members of the Senate on yesterday and for mally presented the impeachment charges and asked for a trial of the Judge on the charges presented. To day, the members of the Senate were impanelled, and each one took an oath as a special judge to try the charges of impeachment against Judge Archbald. ' - " " A Striking Object Lesson for the Recall. Notwithstanding the serious na ture of the charges, supported by the unanimous action of the House Ju diciary Committee and the unani mous vote of the House of Represen tatives, save the vote of one Con gressman, who explained his vote, yet it freely predicted that when the Sen ate comes to vote on the impeach ment charges that two-thirds will not vote to sustain the charges. This is the tenth case of impeachment against a Federal Judge, and so far not one has been convicted, because in every case one less than two-thirds or a few less than two-thirds of the Senate have voted for conviction. This is a striking illustration, at a most oportune time, of the necessity for a simpler and more effective method for the recall of judges. Every one will admit that no man is fit to sit on the Federal judiciary against whom there are charges of such grave nature as to be unani mously supported by the Judiciary Committee of the House, and then unanimously, with one exception, supported by a vote of the House. It is horrible to think of such a man to continue to sit on the bench for the remainder of his life who has been thus impeached by the House Judic iary Committee and a vote of the House, and who is by a majority vote of the Senate declared to be guilty of such charges. In this connection, let it be re membered that if Judge Archbald has twenty-eight votes in his favor and fifty-five against him, that he will be declared acquitted and be per mitted to serve the rest of his life on the Federal bench simply because one vote less than two-thirds voted to convict him. The Lorimer Case. We use the above figures of fifty five for conviction and twenty-eight against, because they are the figures represented by the striking vote just cast by the Senate in the case of Sen ator Lorimer. His friends attempted to have the Senate to pass upon his case under the two-thirds rule, which is required in the case of the expul sion of a Senator. If such a rule had been adopted, Senator Lorimer, who, on last Satur day, was 'ousted from the Senate by a vote of fifty-five to twenty-eight, would have been acquitted, simply because fifty-five is one less than two-thirds of the vote cast The Senate, however, decided that they had a right to determine whether or not Senator Lorimer was ever legal ly elected, and that a majority vote could determine this qquestion. The Senators Who Flopped on the Lorimer Vote, When the vote on the Lorimer case was taken on last Saturday, Senator j a fight la the North and East to c-- Simmons of North Carolina. Seaatorhesr New York. Machatta. Cullom of Illinois, and Senator Car- Hi Ot fULELMas. who had voted la the j Other trial to whitewash ft9inr f.nr.! other trial to whitewash Senator Lor- jgreeslv than the Sosthtra States Imer, Sopped and voted this time that land which added together oal4 git be W not entitled to his seat, b la a bar majority. Some of the colleagues of these Sea-j A number of leading politicians ators hare not been very corn pi! rata- j have been astonished at this an tarr about their action 1 nouneemeat beeaaM thee ur tf Gov. The slatement ha been beard from Congressmen, to the effect that theyiod Mid 41 Wwt to Roosevelt, where fioppedi simply because they were frightened at the action of the people In repudiating everr Senator who haa so far5 come up for re-election who voted to whitewash Senator Lorimer before. lOne man, discussing the case of Senator Cullom. said that his action Jvas pitiable, because he had alreadfjbeen defeated for re-election, and that his vote now against Lori mer was nothing to his credit. In discussing the case of Senator Curtis.ij.it was suggested that he would hot strengthen himself with the people of his State In shifting his position, because every one would say that he did it because he was he was up for re-election and was afraid. Similar .remarks have been made about Senator Simmons of North Carolina. The Reduction of Express Rates. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion has been for months investigat ing the express companies of the United States, The report of the Commission has just been published showing that the express companies have been giving the people a very poor service and have been charging an exorbitant rate therefor. As a, result, the Commission has Issued an order reducing express rates in a very substantial way, espe cially on the smaller articles shipped. Substantial Reductions. The Washington Times has figured out the effect of the order of the Commission as between Washington and a number of prominent points In the United States, showing that the reduction that will result is very sub stantial, runing from one-third to one-half of the former rate. The fol lowing is a table published by the Washington Times today showing the reductions between Washington and the poSnamed in this table: Between Wasb 3 pounds. 10 pounds. Ington and Old. New. Old. New. Baltimore .. .$0.25 $0.22 $0.30 $0.25 Boston 40 .24 .65 .35 Savannah ... .45 .27 1.00. .47 New York... .35 .23 .55 .30 New Orleans. .45 .31 1.25 .61 Atlanta 45 .27 .90 .47 Cheraw, S. C. .45 .25 .85 .39 Jacksonville . .45 .29 1.10 .51 S.NorwalkCt. .35 .23 .60 .32 Putnam Ct... .40 .24 .65 .34 Attala, Ala. . . .45 .28 1.00 .50 Birmingham Ala. 45 .29 1.00 .51 Tuscaloosa A. .45 .29 1.10 .52 Bedford City Va 35 .23 .60 .31 Knoxville, Tenn 45 .26 .85 .44 Governor Gaither of Maryland Comes Out for Roosevelt. One of the most prominent men of Maryland. Hon. George I. Gaither, late Republican candidate for Gover nor of that State, has just come out in a public statement denouncing the fraudulent nomination of Mr. Taft and declaring for Col. Roosevelt as the lawful Republican nominee for President. He concludes his state ment with the following: "We must bring back the govern ment of this country into the hands of the people themselves, and allow the politicians to come in as a part of this great government, but not as its masters and directors" President Taft to Reply to Charges of Theft. It is announced today at the White House that President Taft has been urged by a number of his friends and supporters that it was absolutely ne cessary for him to issue an official statement denouncing the widespread charges to the effect that the Na tional Committee unseated enough delegates elected by the people to prevent the nomination of Col. Roosevelt and to steal the nomina tion for him. It is said that he is working on such a statement, and that if it can be gotten into satisfac tory shape that it will soon be issued. Governor Wilson to Center His Fight in the East. ' It is announced to-day that Gover nor Wilson, after a long conference with his leading supporters, has de cided that it is practlcaly impossible for him to carry any of the States west of the Mississippi River or any of the great Middle Western States, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illi nois, and 8o-forth. In short, It is an nounced that Governor Wilson and his advisers have decided that In stead of making a strong progressive fight, and appealing to the West and Middle West, that they will take the solid support of the South, which is not very much progressive, and make Connecticut. New Jersey, aad DeU-t ware, which State are no wore prv j tlva tfc fkr lttt I ernor Wl!oa surrender the Wt I every one admits that Pmldeat Taft has practically no show, that it endanger the ch asses of WlUoa to! hold tome of the Southern States, as well as endanger his chance of car rying New York .MMachuwtu and New Jersey. In short .at this writing, it Is clear that the Wllon committee and man agers are dlrlded and at sea as to! what is the best course for them to! pursue. They fear that if they were to make a strong progresslre fight in the West and Middle West against Roose velt that the pronounced progressive position that they would take In those sections would alienate from them the Northern and Eastern States. GOV. WANTS TO SCOOT South Garolina Executive Galls his Enemies "Gutter Snipes" and Cowards Says Law Forbid a Challenge for Duel But Dam Anyone to Face Him and Charge Him With Graff. Ing The Chargea Are Heard on Georgias Soil, so as to Prevent a Tragedy. A special from Augusta. Ga.. to Tuesday's Baltimore Sun says: "Governor Cole L. Blease, of South Carolina, is so mad because of the charges of graft, ranging from traf fic in pardons to rake-offs from 'blind tigers,' brought against him by wit nesses who testified before the South Carolina legislative committee, which concluded Its sessions here on Satur day, that he openly threatens to kill any man who tells him to his face that the charge are true, , "The Governor is especially, hitter against Thomas B. Felder, an attorv ney of Atlanta, who "procured the evidence. He is also denouncing Judge Ira B. Jones, a candidate for Governor, and the members of the legislative committee, whom he calls 'guttersnipes and political prosti tutes " 'If they will come to me, he con tinues, 'I will call them something that will make any man in South Carolina fight "Furthermore, the Governor has Invited any member of the committee who does not like what he has said to meet him on the streets of Colum bia and shoot it out. "I will give any man $1,000 who will get Tom Felder two feet on this side of the Savannah River and let me be present, said the Governor. "Then his Excellency denounced the committee for meeting in Georgia instead of South Carolina. He char acterized Georgia as 'a State that can't raise anything but watermel ons said Governor Brown, of Geor gia, is 'a man who did not have sense enough to raise even a watermelon. "The Governor referred to his par don rceord. "They say that I have pardoned a great many people, he declared. I have, and, by the living God. I pro pose to pardon more. That dirty set of sneaks have gone over to Augusta to take the testimony of Tom Felder, and the Attorney-General of South Carolina knows that Felder is the gT eat est grafter that ever came into the State Felder's statements are false as h , and the cowardly little puppy knows it, and that's why he is afraid to come to South Carolina. it is against the law to send cnauenges in South Carolina, but if any of that commltte will come to me and tell me he believes what Tom Felder said, you won't need any duel ling law, and Charlie Smith will be your Governor "Charles A. Smith is Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina.' Atlanta, Ga., July 15. So sensa tional was the testimony against Governor Blease that the members of the legislative committee before re turning to Columbia, S. C, stated that the investigation would be re sumed at the South Carolina capital this week. The charge that Governor Blease has been selling pardons is to be thor oughly probed, as is also the charge that he has been receiving $10 a month from each of the fifty-five blind 'tigers found operating in Charletsoa. ' Turkish Cabinet Resigned Yesterday. i Constantinople, July 17. Turkish Cabinet resigned to-day in conse quence of a revolt in the army against the methods of the committee of union and progress. REAL ATvijTGSiCIlY ? tT flCfl WflC.O Oi CXTuQ Was Excited and and a World-War was Threatened A KOT OECCirJ KrttnS be Klathl e With a Kalfe fatifSMfst mi IstM IlecaMMt Hitler That Oa Lare City Waa T2atly Ietrjr4 a4 A tta populated IW fcoca Ymre Ilraaitu aad TtUmaaUm Xoartjr Rained Kraaf e Xew RefvabJlc Made a Had Mart UrtllUat Mar nit Ullki&svUle. N. C.. July IS. 1IU. Correvpo&dtnc of The Caucasian KaterprUe, In a short time after the etecutioa ov the King ov France at the tasta&ce ov the French Redfthirta. practically the whole ov the Empire becaae stirred up, not an unusual state ov affairs, but In this case the agitation seemed more serious than usual. A world-war wui threatened. Eaglaad Increased her army; and, altogether fourteen countries had armies ready for any sort of strife. The French people who were known ax Girondists bad the aid ov a dew Joan de Arc. Her name wui Charlotte Corday. She ui not from the great hot atr capi tal ov Mecklusburg County, N. C.. however, az her name would Indicate, but from Normandy, a division ov France. This girl landed in Paris oa the 11th ov July. She spent some days lookln about an sized up the three men who were largely respon sible for the unsettled condition ov France, Damon, Robespierre an Marat. With Charlotte Corday after the trio somethtn wui bound to hap pen.. Ater watchtn the conduct an habits ov the lawless leaders some days she concluded that Marat wui the meanest in the bunch. But Marat wuz sick with a form or fever, prob ably malarial, about that time, and this proved to hlz advantage, for Miss Corday didn't care to kill a sick man. regardless ov his record. Marat edit ed a newspaper an' managed to write some ov the meanest editorials which ' hit contained, sick though he wuz. Finally Charlotte Corday went to the home ov Marat, whose mistress de nied admission. But Marat learned that some one wuz present an had the girl admitted. The scoundrel 1 said to hev been in hlz bathtub at the time. He eagerly questioned Miss Corday to learn somethin ov the Girondist strength In Normandy, what they were doin an so on. After hearin' her replies he appeared to grow very angry, sayln. "The Giron dist leaders In Normandy shall be ex ecuted." Miss Corday wuz far from bein' in sympathy with the Giron dists in Normandy or elsewhere,' but the language ov Marat furnished the inspiration an she sprang at Marat an drove a knife Into biz breast an one ov the three monsters wuz no more. Charlotte Corday stood near an' saw him breathe hlz last. She wuz arrested at once an' hurriedly tried an executed the same day Marat wuz buried. Or course thous ands lamented the death ov Marat, though they were wastln breath. Speak in ov the conditions then existln' in France, a noted writer said: "The convention Is a political phenomenon which has existed, but once; and its terrible power wuz wielded by men ov the lowest ambi tions. The Mountain (a division of the Girondists) wuz a volcano, which vomited its fires over Europe, while It Inundated France with its incen diary lava; an' the Jacobin Club, the caves where the thunderbolts were forged. Still these fanatics ov liber ty remained poor, while they were denouncln death upon the rich; as they depopulated the earth, while, they were promising themselves to share its blessings an live like breth ren. Everythln in fact' wuz Immo lated to the fierce inflexibility of their passions." This wuz anarchy in hit worst form. Ov course efforts were made to shake off the terrible yoke. The Girondists an' constitutionalists had been called moderate men. rose at Caen and Lyons. The convention had decreed that Lyons, a prosperous manufacturin city, should be de stroyed. Marseilles, another thrivln city, wuz depopulated for a time, an even the name wuz ordered suppress ed, show In' to what folly Redshlrt politics had brought the country. When we compare the democracy or France one an two hundred years ago with modern Bryan lam and Till manlsm, we can't help notidn that they were an' are one an the same thing, with Just enough Catholicism to flavor the whole business. After things reached a crisis Tou lon opened Its gates to the English, probably thlnkin that foreign con- (Ccsttsctd ca pis 5.) i 1 1 i Ii It i v it is 4 1