iliaV( jh 18, 1912. THE CAUCASIA!! V01CE OF THE PEOPLE. .' . .. it-ate iettera a short a ,utBD 1 upen u our subscriber Me iett .rji uj trx point. The editor . . r w ui-v'- - -, - I aoxr7JL r.ihii.hed- iev " fight. It U not whether he thall be President, but whether the fleepabli can party shall lire. I am (or the party and its regular nominees. j. e! spencs. rap Vanff .. . m County Mercnani rawre Itooevelt. t- ..,or of The Caucasian: 1 have thinking ror several aays ij . urite you. I am in Sandys 1 A - Tt Many Ire4iminarie. (From the Youth's Companion.) "Can't you get any work?" asked! a -woman of the tramp who had ap plied at the back door for food. "Yes, ma'am." he replied. "I was i . i rtfTorprf a fttf9(lr inh hv fh man hn .. Tt ii ti iih id. ance county, nenir 4 Franklin County line. Hays-j 1Ive8 tbe road fn big white .. .. Township, and we have a good Improvement TRAIHIKa THE DOG TO WORK 1 For Farm Ut Sccuh Cof!lt Art Meet WMt CevnpanleAahi. Farm Topics Scotch Collies ar the mott neefc!! docs for tie fans. tM ! tfc ! I most compaaieaasie, Ty arw t)i9M th DtmofTaU iorta. Cotoa! tloortlt 3o?r4 as . . . vll ! ... r jn.ber or nepuunwu. i ' I think if I were to start out today j how they stand In the twoi " . .whips. I could find 150 Roosevelt ;blicans to one or two Taft Re "blicans. We all think Roosevelt 1 ! . to have been nominated and Qatseed. What was ant to vote for him, and we do want to, nor we do not Intend to) Taft. We cannot toler-j as was used to If we wanted to So we want a Roose- ticket put out and we w.Tf for Mr such methods . .minate Mr. Taft. indorse such methods we would join t u - ,y.t. Democrats ,,.it e!-ctoral do all we posibly can to elect It, but e cannot work, nor support Mr. Taft. Mr. Editor, I wish you would hur ry" up and make The Caucasian a daily paper. I am ready to do all I ran for it. And If you will support Mr. Roosevelt it would be a good tim to get your paper well started, I think. yours for Roosevelt, P. J. STAINBACK. Epsom, N. C, July 10, 1912. house. "That's Mr. the work?" "He wanted me to get up at 4 In the morning, milk seventeen cows, feed, water and rub down four horses, clean the stables, and then chop wood until it was time to be gin the day's work." "What did he want to pay?" "I dunno, ma'am. I didn't stop to ask." ! the country, as do tsott docs. Witt f proper car a Scotch Colli pep caa ! h trained to do almost a&r doc trk-k SOLVE CORNER POST PROBLEM ! a tramd coin, wtn bri stock j from th pastara mora satisfactorily Use f Heavy Stona or Concrete Post j ast boys. Tea crdtmaa mt POISON IVY. For Whoever the ltossen Want to Servo Them. The Caucasian: I note in your is .sue of the 4th of July, under head lines "The Position of Iowa Repub licans Declaring Theodore Roosevelt the Lega Nominee of the Republican Party." My recollection is that one OI III" IIU1 lUCt U V4v. -" swhstance recently, also in my opin ion that will be the position takn by the Republican conventions when they meet throughout the land. Now look for the Taft machine to propose withdrawal of both Taft and Roose velt. I say if the Taft men want to withdraw him let them do so, but I take it that the Rooeevelt men of this nation, the rank and file of the Re publican party will concede nothing to a gang that have deliberateely stolen from the rights and wishes of the people, or at least tried to. I am for whoever the people as a mass want to serve them in an office from hiuh to low. Blame machine boss ism! C. L. JENKINS. Fairview, N. C, July 12, 1912. Beware of ivy poisoning when you flee to the woods these days. For many people there is little else so discomforting as a bad case of ivy poisoning. The poison is caused by coming into contact with a peculiar kind of gum or oil secreted by the poison Ivy plant. To ovoid ivy poison ing, never touch the ivy plant, leaves, stem or root, of anything that may have been in contact with sucn a plant. If one has accidentally come Into contact with poison ivy, the best thing to do is to thoroughly wash the place touched by the ivy. Cool water alone will not always remove the poisonous oil or gum. Use soap and warm water whenever possible When out in the woods, hasten to the nearest stream of water and wash, usine fine sand and mud for soap. A vigorous washing of the bare skin with fine, sharp sand, mud and water may be a bit strenuous, but it usually accomplishes the re sults. Poison ivy may be easily recognized because it has only three leaves, while the harmless' forms have five leaves. Will Ca Practically Everlasting Method la Shown. An old method of settle a firm cor ner post, but cne not known by every body. Is tha "dead man- way. which U fully described and illustrated by Carl Brann. of Linn county, Kansas, In the Homestead. The corner post i set and the brace extended to the bot tom of the second post In the usual way as shown In Fig. 1. hut the guy wires from the top of the second post pass on both sides of the brace and of Kansas Asrtculturai ceHece has a Col lie do which is very useful for that purpose. The demand for Scotch CoI15m Is steadily increasing as their value on the farm becomes known- It la better -t;uhr the rwsustrats Ul. it elected, have to fctsfcce the eoatry into trouble by t54t of frre trade or costists the pretest tart!? tjtrai and wink at the platform declara tions and say that they re adopted for carnpaJfs purpose sly. An linVproilrttt Farmer. J. F. Katldc. of MocktvU!; Ro1 1. one of Davie's beat farmers. telU us he has t& farmt&e for thirtv to buy paps or younr dors, as they are j ,ear. and daring that time he has IJeall Bill Passes House. A Washington dispatch under date of July 16 says: Heavy penalties for gambling in cotton "futures" are provided in the Beall bill, passed by the House to day by a vote of 95 to 25. The bill has yet to run the gauntlet of the Senate. Efforts were made to amend the bill to include provisions prohibiting gambling in brains, but these failed. Twelve Mills Close When 13,000 Op eratives Walk Out. A New Bedford, Mass., dispatch of .Tulv 15th savs: "Twelve New Bed- I ford cotton mills, employing 13,000 i operatives, were closed to-night (for on indefinite period as a result of the ! strike of weavers and loom fixers, which went into effect to-day. The Hiinks Mr. Taft Secured the Nomina tion. Mr. Editor: As you invite discus sion of the situation in the Republi can camp, I will submit my views. I want no office now, nor do I ever ex npft to a sk for one. but I am inter- - , I retail in ihp nrnsopritv of OUT COUn-! arv and therefore in the Republican loom fixers went out in sympathy partv. It seems to me that the duty ! with the weavers as did also the twis of every true Republican at this time j ters and smoothers." is to stand by the party and its reg- j There is a dispute as A dispatch from Hagerstown, says: A clock the corner post near the ground, and being crossed back of the post pass around a large stone or piece of dur able wood buried In the ground. These wires are then twisted between the posts to make them tight and hold firmly In place about the brace and corner post. A corner so set cannot pull up. However, as the best gal vanlzed wire will rust off In a few years In the ground the life of such a corner is not so long as may be de sired. The use of a heavy stone or concrete post set in the same man ner without the "dead man" will be practically everlasting, but in many cases the cost of the stone or concrete more easily trained. They usually are black, with tan legs and tan dots over the eyes and feet, tail tipped with white, and often with white collar. With their large, shaggy, silky coats they are very pretty. As house dogs, they have no equals. The pup must be treated kindly. Scolding and whipping will soon spoil him. In training him, always use the tame words and he will soon learn to know what you mean. After he has learned one lesson well It Is no trouble to train him to dp other things. When he Is older, if you have to whip him for disobedience, be sure that he is again friendly with you before you let him go. If you do not you are likely to spoil him. It requires patience to train a dog right never had to purchase a busel of corn oats, chops of any kind of feed stuff for his stock. Only once In all that U&t Laa a4 to afTse f whal as 4 he a&r tt 84tUg feat fre cr o fela t il,al ta4e MPceaary, Wn4f h ts-aar frss-r la ttN aa vay a csh a II r. HtS4r Tfc crt? js-ere il fares,, ak$ o?l4 teo4fe' wife. trm cat. ot. etc -tHtte A Hero tat a lJtthMMe For yfcar 2. Jt, laaiae. Hates. Mkh. a cSil war cabals, a a Uxht-to. keer. art4 awfal vrrci. tM&t a $sef fart Is he j&liStl have been a rk. hts&teif. If Ke? UH HUtrs fc4 teot f rete?e4 Tfef Ctsre4 tae of ktd&ey troafc a4 thill. he write, -after ! ha4 11 ea other ca!le4 tare for rr. !th ot b.t and thy a!e ia$roe4 my !ht. ow. at teteaty, I am feelisg fine- For dyspepsia. t4I gettios. all stomach, liter asd kldaey troabJe. they're wttheat eaaL Try them. Osly 9 tt at all dmggtst. Educational Directory EUROPEAN ENEMY OF CARR01 Pi V II I T I 1 I 1 I -VX I I III v EBBL in the home of McCommas Chase, or u liamsport, that had not been running for a long time, suddenly struck 11 Friday. The superstitions in the family were startled and said it was to whose followers stole more votes j Maryland, at Chicago, but there is no question but that Mr. Taft secured the nomi nation from the Republican Conven tion. Mr. Roosevelt having with- r VA Avn -wn-n e I n i f cooma uiaw II 1 1 u ill LiitJ tuatcuvivii, u , to me, conceded the nomination to ! an evil token. An hour or two later Mr. Taft. Having withdrawn from; Mr. Chase's daughter fell headfore the party, and being now engaged in j most into a boiler of water and near organizing a new party, it seems to j ly drowned. me Mr. Roosevelt has no claims upon j the TCpnnhlirnn nartv. which he is ! Tommy went out to dine at a trving to destroy. ! friend's house one evening. As to the claim that the National ! the soup was brought Executive Committee stole the nomi nation for Mr. Taft, that claim re quires more evidence than mere "hot air" to substantiate. The men com posing that committee are, as a rule, the greatest and wisest men in our party, who when our country had been laid waste and her industries destroyed by Democratic misrule un der Cleveland, these men under the leadership of William McKinley, re stored prosperity to every man; and it has been under their leadership that our people have enjoyed such a period of prosperity for fifteen years as has never been equalled in any country in the history of the world, so far as I am aware. They have proven their patriotism and their leadership, and now shall we de nounce these men as thieves because cause they retuse to gratify the am bition of Theodore Roosevelt. I believe our committee make up the roll of that convention according to the faets as they ' understood them. AnL I believe the great man When Tommy did not touch his, and the hostess, look ing over, said: "Why, Tommy, dear, what's the matter? Aren't you hungry to night?" "Yes," replied Tommy, "I'm quite hungry, but I'm not thirsty." post, or some other consideration, makes the plan impracticable. The following method (shown in Fig. 2) has been successful where It was Im possible to dig deeply. Three posts were set at a distance of ten or twelve feet apart. Then the brace and guy wires were attached to the second and third posts In the manner usually em ployed between the corner and second posts. A guy wire was run frm the top of the second post to the corner post at the ground and a stout board or 2x4 nailed to the upper ends of the first and second posts. The wire of the fence was then stretched to the second post and wrapped around it. The space between that and the cor ner post was closed with fencing boards or wire, as was most convenient. Rust-Fly. of Recent Importation, Doei Much Damage to Roots Ex. cedent Remedy Given. The carrot rust-fly is a Tery serlouf enemy to the plant. It is a compara tively recent Importation from' Europe, having first been observed in this coun try about twenty-fire year ago. It attack may first be noticed in soring. I when the leaves of young carrots turn j a reddish color, and on the roots will be found to be covered with rusty blotches hence the name of the insect. The parent of the mischief Is a small two-winged fly, quarter of an inch long, body dark green, head and legs pale yellow and the eyes red. From the eggs, which are laid on the stem below the surface of the ground. Louisburg College North Carolina for Young J Torn en and sir Is. Thorough Work In Book. Sym pathetic Training in Manners and Morals Positive Religious Tea ching and Training. Pleasant Location and Spacious Ground. Fine Health Record. Moderate Charges. 0E BTMJtlD AND OnrSTl YU1 EIGLVS SmtMEIl llta, till. SESD FOR CATALOG. Mrs. MARY DAVIS ALLFA, Rresident. I. AlLEfl, Secretary. LOUISDUEG. n. c I THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Miuie r tae tut N tae Wmm ef Kerts Carolie. five rmar Cere leeli t Deer- SaecUl Gear tmr ter. fee tiiltoe te the we wtm te Womb Weteere la U Suie. Fill $ WfUi MIT tt. till Foe eauleree efce UltrMtiea 4 etett JULIUS L FCCST. fraMr. CrrectWr - C THE NOKTH CAROLINA CJL1XGE OF examination 1 AGRICULTUSt AND MECHANIC ARTS THE STATE'S INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE MAINTENANCE OF GOOD ROADS Cannot Be Kept In Proper Condition Unless Kept Weil Drained and Free. From Holes. Soo you're in jail for taking a watch." "Not exactly. I'm here because I couldn't get away with it." Detroit Free Fress. I am auite clear that one of our worst failures is at the point where, having resolved like angels, we drop back into the old matter-of-fact life and do just what we did before, be cause we have always done it, and be cause everybody does It, and because our fathers and mothers did it all which may be the very reason why we should not do It. . ..." . There is no station of life, and no place of one's home, where, if he wants to enlarge his life by caring for people who presided, weighed out equal jus-W)Utside himself, he may not start on tice to every man. Now shall we Re publicans turn our backs on the tried and true leaders of our party? Men who have led us out of depression, panic and industrial disasters of every kind and into peace, prosperity and happiness. Shall we desert these leaders and follow Mr. Roosevelt into the wilderness? The great leaders of our party are almost to a man behind the Rresi dent. In the call for the new party no names appear, which have inspir ed us in the past. Untried leaders are at the helm. Not even Lafollette, Hadley or Cummins, former leaders of the progressives are in it. They prefer to take their chances with the old Republican party, that has saved our country In thepast. Mr. Taft is only an incident in the a career of enlargement which shall find the answer to our question to be that the man who enters upon infinite purposes lives 'the infinite life. H" enlarges his life by every experience of life. Edward Everett Hale. No earth road can be maintained In good condition unless it be 60 con structed as to drain well, and unless it be kept free from ruts and holes. The best method of maintaining an earth road, especially a prairie road, is by the systematic use of the road drag. A sand road Is never good un der any circumstances, but certainly Is not improved by crowning. A sand road is at its best when moist, so it should be left flat. No one wants a sand road, eo, if possible, clay should be added to, and mixed with the sand, making what is known as a sand clay road. The old way, and it is used today by many, of filling a mud hole with brush with a little earth on top, cannot be too strongly condemned, and Is only permissible In cases of emergency, when it is impossible to drain the hole or to get sand or stone to fill it. The orerseer or foreman should in dry weather center his work on such places until the road is raised to a sufficient height th drain well. Many overseers have brush hauled two miles to fill a mild hole, when sand Is with in shoveling distance of it If farmers do not take a community Interest in the Improvement of the roads and put their shoulders to the wheel we will surely remain "stuck in the mud. Carrot Rust-Fly In Its Various Stages and Damaged Carrot. the young maggots make their waj into the root, and tear the tissues In a similar manner to the cabbage mag got; the attack causes the rusty blotches to appear. The maggots oi a later brood infest the full-grown roots and continue their work of de struction In the root-house during th winter. Celery and parsnips are alsc attacked. Preventive measures seem to be the only remedies available. To deter th fly from laying her eggs, the rows oi young carrots, when ready for thin ning out, should be sprayed with kero sene emulsion, or dusted with sand oi plaster In which coal oil is mixed, hall a pint being used to a pailful of th material. The application should b made weekly, and especialy after hoe ing, until about the middle of July. Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, snd Mechanical Eng ineering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechanic Arts and m Textile Art One-year and Two-year course in Agriculture These courses are both practical and scientific Ex aminations for admission are held bv the Counly Superintendent at all county seats on July 11th. For catalog address THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N. C. . . run . i latcrcatkrul Ccntsp:::M Set::! or sciiajitux. pa. Ill trl jou, uurtag epaxe tint, lot a Ooterameat poeStloa or to til a re sponsible technical posJUoa at a larg er salary than yoa ar ao gettiag For full tifortnatlo. til out th coupoa below and mall tt to out Waahlaffto oOc. tt. D Haaley. 8upL. "I. C. a." Wata Ingtoa, D. C. Once Clt. Paa- tylvaala Ateau. N. W, Dear Blr: Plea d m Ufor aatloa to how I cat become a imentloa ,1- tto) by epre tlrn etud? wluoil leaving ay preseat vort aat!) . ra tuallfied. 4 My same li Street aad No. . . Town ami State, FOUNDED 1838 CHARTED 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE ITS STREXGTII LIES JS A LARGE. WELL-TRAINED FACULTY; EXCELLENT BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT; FULL, WELL-ARRANGED COURSES; EARNEST. HIGH MINDED STUDENTS; A LARGE AND LOYAL BODY OF ALUMNI AND FRIENDS; NOBLE IDEALS AND TRADITIONS; AN INSPIRING HISTORY OF ACHIEVEMENT AND SERVICE. Next Session begins September 11. 1912. For Catalogue and Illustrated BoolUt, aJJreti R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, North Carolina EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 24, 1912. For catalogue and other information address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, Pres., Greenville, N. C. Little faithfulness are not only the preparation for greater ones, hut lit- tie faithfulnesses are in themselves the greater ones. The essential fidelity of the heart is the same whether it be exerpised in the mites, or in a royal treasury; the genuine faithfulness of the life is equally beautiful, whether it be displayed in governing an em pire or In writing an exercise. F. W. Farrar. A man is good for nothing hut to be used up. Arthur Mitchell. Manure., and Silage Corn. Twenty tons of corn silage an acre were harvested last fall by George U Hyslop of Ohio. He uses it for fat tening cattle and hog. The most interesting thing about this yield is that it is the result of proper utiliza tion of barnyard manure. The ma are shed has an important place on the farm. Function of Barnyard Manure. Barnyard manure is Tery essential fn garden making because it furnishes both plant food and humus. It also warms the soil and makes it easier and cheaper cultivated. It cannot cas ily be dispensed with. . Squash Bugs. Squash hugs may be trapped by laT zLg shingles near the plants. The hugs -in he found under them early ia the By means of seed corn selection, the corn crop is moving northward. Poultry manure is particularly good for forcing the growth of onions. It is none too soon to begin to think about putting up a silo for next fall. For the West there is still no bet ter variety of early potatoes than! Early Ohio. I A proper kit for farm work Is about j as handy a thing as the average farm er can buy. The asparagus should have had a coat of manure last fall, but better late than never. Tobacco stems strewn on the ground at the base of rose plant will help to keep away insects. Big prices for sweet wotato plant demand first pulling, or no. later than the second at the most. No land Is so rich that it owner can afford to waste the manure that ia made by hi farm stock. Don't plant the large varieties of en cumber expecting to raise a many as if the cluster kinds were used. Some enterprising; gardener should work u a fancy trade on Al vege tables In the neighborhood of cities of 5,000 or over. Nurse the young clover and th al falfa, plan for more of both another season, also a large acreage of' root crop and pumpkin. Alfalfa does not attain maturity un til the third or fourth year; therefore, do not sow It expecting to get the best results in lea time. For general or common use, cans tic or burnt lime or ground limestone are employed almost exclusively for the correction of soil abnormalities. Two blades of grass where only one --ew before are all right provided eh blade Is as good as the one, and o provided that the cost Is not too MEREDITH COLLEGE One of th few co! for womn n th J-uth tht cm f r, ma A.H. 4r rf prt-Krntlnir four y-r of genuine college wwrk according t the ta4ar4 of I fc colleges belonging to the Aoclation of CoUe- of the Kootfcern tte. Diploma are awarded those who complete the courn In the CkhooU of tlon. Art. and M uic - Library facilities escelJent- Pytemat!e training ta Physical education. Court for tennU and fekt -b?l Board and f urnUhed room in Main Build&g. beat, light, literary tuitloa. free for physician and nurw, and all minor fees I2S.- la Eaat Building and Cottage, from 14? to IS? le. Students not offering the necessary units for entrance may prre ta Meredith Academy, which Is rated la the A-Claa of the accredited schools of the Stat Uni versity. , Both the College and the Academy are located la the center of Raleigh, near the Capitol and leading churches, so that student hare many opportanitt for general culture, la addition to their regular work. Vor Catalog. Quarterly tSaUrtl. mt fuller information, addrro H. T. VAXX, Presides t, SpscM felie to Mete Send money-order for $10.00 and we will send by return mail a Waltham or Elgin 20 year gold filled watch, fully guaranteed. For $5.50 the same movement in nickel case- ' EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY 128 FayeUnISs Sired.