THE CAUCASIAN. VOL. XXX N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1912. No. SO. EDITORIAL BRIEFS j.y should any one want to abide in a pirate ship? Tbe lumber trust is showing some gratitude by supporting Simmons for tbe Senate. Wonder if Simmon and his friend Irimer are still interested in deals ia swamp lands In Eastern Carolina ? jlow many Republican votes has yr Duncan promised to deliver to yir. Simmons in the Democratic pri maries? If Craig was not fit for Governor four years ago, then will some one tell us how much he has improved in that time? Some of the Democratic leaders claim they want a "pig-tight" Sena torial primary. That sounds like an effort to hog it all. A lady is running for State Sen ator in Colorado on a "no politics" platform. She, like Governor Kitchin, must be running on her personality. Simmons' campaign manager says the Senator's friends are satisfied. Well, would it have been wise in him to have said that they were not satis fied? Mr. Bryan says a Progressive is a free man who does his own thinking. Then there are many thousands of Democrats in the South who are not Progressive. The Democrats are claiming that several Republicans will give Wood row Wilson their support. Yes, the Republicans would row Wilson up Salt River. Everybody knows that Taft can not fce elected, then why should any Re publican vote and thus -help to curse the country with another Democratic administration? The Democratic State Executive Committee will meet in the near fu ture to determine what is a Demo crat. But how does the public know whether all the committee are really Democrats? Any man who could vote to white wash Lorimer the first time, could vote to whitewash him again. It did not take any more whitewash or India-rubber conscience the second time than the first. The Statesvllle Landmark says even those who have not read the Democratic platform are pleased with it. Those who have not read it are probably better pleased with it than those who have read it. The Wilmington Star says all the English papers have decided to sup port Woodrow Wilson for President. Dut, it will be remembered, that the English papers cannot vote in the United States on November 5th. Gov. Wilson has announced that he will not accept campaign contribu tions from any questionable source. Of course none will be offered from any questionable source, as the source will probably not be ques tioned. What is a Democrat, and who shall e permitted to vote in the Senatorial primary? is a question that Governor Kitchin and Senator Simmons can't agree on. Kitchin charges that Sim mons wants the bars left down so he ca& get Republicans to vote for him. According to the testimony of Yllliam F- Sheean, Chairman of the National Democratic Executive Com mittee in 1904, Parker's race for the Presidency cost one million dollars. That was mighty expensive running, considering the short distance Parker covered. Notwithstanding it was only a few months ago that the News and Ob server was attacking Senator Sim mons' Democratic record, that paper s now trimming its sails to support Simmons. The Observer has not ex Nained whether its suddsn change is 0ne of principle or for political expediency. CONGRESSMAN CATL1N PROTESTS. Says Democrats Voted to Unseat Him in Order That a Democrat Might Have His Job Bays They Have Violated Every Principle of Politi cal Decency. Washington, July 19 Representa tive Theron E. Catlln, of Missouri, in a statement tonight characterized as a "monumental fraud" the action of the House committee on elections to day in voting to recommend that he be deprived of his seat In the House. The committee decided, by a vote of six to three, to report that Mr. Cat lin had not been properly elected, be cause it was disclosed that his rela tives had spent approximately $13, 000 In his campaign, contrary to the State law. The committee voted to seat former Representative Patrick Gill, a democrat, in the place of Mr. Catlin. "The action of the Democratic members of the committee en elec tions in declaring that Patrick Gill is entitled to my seat, violates every principle of political decency and is a travesty on elementary Justice," said Representative Catlin. Not a scin tilla of evidence was produced indi cating fraud of any kind, character or description. In order to consummate this monumental fraud and to seat Mr. Gill, the Democratic members of the committee arbitrarily threw out votes of two wards, both of which I carried by very substantial majori ties. "It is inconceivable that any polit ical party should resort to such des perate measures to - thwart the ex pressed will of the people. I look confidently to the voters of the dis trict for an overwhelming vindica tion in November. I welcome a con test with Mr. Gill and his party on this issue." FLEECED THROUGH THE MAILS. One Hundred and Twenty Million Dollars- Filched From, American People the Past Year, A Washington, D. C, dispacth of July 22 says: "One hundred and twenty million dollars was filched from the Ameri can people duringhjast fiscal year by swindlers who operated largely through the United States mails, ac cording to a report to Postmaster General Hitchcock. This was an in crease of aproximately $50,000,000 over the previous year. Of those who are alleged to have operated the fraudulent schemes, l,063were ar rested by postoffice Inspectors. They included persons in all walks of life, merchants and mechanics, politicians and professional men, paupers and millionaires. During the year which ended June 30, last, 452 persons were convicted and sentenced and 571 cases are awaiting final dispositon. The report says that these fraud manipulators, who usually exploit bogus mines, fake remedies and worthless lands, constitute a distinct class of law-breakers. Among the wealthy offenders who have been caught by the inspectors are criminals who have posed , as respectable citi zens, leaders in the communities and personages in the highest social and business circles. Some of them were millionaires, enriched by their plun der. Some of these men now are serving prison sentences. ROOSEVELT 3IEN TO STAY. Will Not Be Removed From West Virginia Electoral Ticket Leaders Anxious to Avoid Doing Anything That Would Endanger Success of State Ticket. (The Washington Post.) Parkersburg, W. Va., July 18.- After taking up the entire day with conferences and executive sessions, laying plans for the fall campaign in this State, the new Republican State Executive Committee organized late to-night by electing James B. Lakin, of Terra Alta. President of the State Board of Control, as its chairman, and R. B. Bernheim, of Welch, as secretary. Instead of taking drastic action looking toward the removal of the State electors who stated that they would vote for Roosevelt and arrang ing to place Taft men on the ticket in their stead, as it has been predicted the committee would do, a harmony plan was adopted and the third party men were ignored entirely. This action was taken, it is said, in the hope of saving the State tick etet which would have been greatly imperiled by such a decisive step. Afraid to Trust a Strange Negro, The day before she was to be mar ried an old negro servant came to her mistress and instrusted her sav ings to her keeping. "Why should I keep your money for you? I thought you were going married?" said the mistress. "So I is, Missus, but do 'spose I'd keep all dis money in de house wid dat strange nigger?" Ladies' Home Journal. , . IN CASE0F A DEADLOCK Congressman Lafferty Thinks Electors Gould Select Outside Man A COMPLICATED SITUATION Oregon Cdngrensznan Thinks Presi dential Electors Would Have Ab solute Power Under the Oonstlta lion to Elect Whomsoever They Plese If the Election Should be Put Up to Congress There Would Still be Deadlock in the House and the jienate Situation an Interest ing and Peculiar One. Hon. A. W. Lafferty. member of Congress from Oregon, has contribut ed the following entertaining article to the Washington Post on the prob- lems that may confront the next elec-i toral college: - It is perfectly thrilling to con- j deadlock and tnat ig a mean8 whcnJtnat man' one ov tne tartest ov the! plate all the possibilities of thejhv p...,., ft rTWi,,,,. , Jacobin. Bourdin, Tallien, Fouche j tempi forthcoming presidential election. The fact that three formidable can didates are in the field, one of them a president and another a former president, in itself presents a spec .1 tacle not heretofore witnessed in the history of our country, but even greater interest is being aroused by a study of the constitutional proced ure in electing a president and vice -president in case of deadlock in the electoral college, which now seems to be a very likely outcome of the bitter contest to be waged. "No one has heretofore suggested the very startling thing which I be lieve will happen in the latter event namely, that the 529 electors to be chosen November 5, will call a convention of their own number, and take the matter of breaking the deadlock into their own hands. "In such eevnt the electors may go outside of the entire list of aspir ants in choosing both president and vice-president. They may elect Champ Clark, Governor Hadley, Jus tice Hughes, Bryan, or any other citr izen who was born in this country and is thirty-six years of age. "The 529 electors to be chosen have the absolute power under the constitution to elect whomsoever they please. True, by custom they are supposed to vote for those candidates who were the nominees of their re spective parties. But they are neither bound by any law nor by the constitution to so vote. And if it shall be apparent the morning folow- ing the forthcoming election that no one would have a- majority in the electoral college, granting that the votes of the electors are cast in the usual way, there will be no reason, moral or legal, why the electors should not hold a caucus in advance, and decide upon both a president and a vice-president. "There cannot be the slightest doubt but that a conclusion solemn ly reached in such a convention, com posed of a body of leading men of the country, equal in number to the combined membership of the Senate and House, would be carried out in good faith by the electors when they returned to their several states to cast their official votes. "Heretofore the electors have never taken the course here suggest ed in case of a deadlock in the elec toral college . But it was because one party or the other was dominant in the House of Representatives, and the electors of the dominant party knew that by failing to relieve the deadlock in the electoral college their party would prevail when the elec tion was thrown into the House. Situation a Peculiar One. "At this time, however, the situa tion Is entirely different. If the 529 electors fail to choose a president and vice-president, under the consti tution the duty will devolve upon the House of Representatives to elect the president, and upon the Senate to elect the vice-president. And it is certain that the House would be unable to elect a president, and it is very doubtful if the Senate would be able to agree upon a vice-president. In case of both bodies failing to elect, the secretary of state would succeed to the presidency for four years, and in case of his death he would be succeeded by the other cabinet officer in the order fixed by law. For these reasons it is more than probable that the pressure of public sentiment will be brougct to bear upon the 529 electors to take the job into their own hands, if there is a deadlock upon the face of the elec tion returns. House . Could Not Elect. The reason why the House could not elect a president is that the con stitution requires that, a candidate to be elected by that body must re ceive a majority of all the States. It is the present House that would have to act, and cot the House to be elected in November, which Is not or ganized until the 4th of March. In the present House the Democrats have twenty-twe states and the Re publicans hare twenty-two states. In the other four states the delegates are equally divided, and they could not vote, as the constitution puts the unit rule on the states. It would require the vote of twenty-Are states to elect, there being a total of forty-eight states, and neither party could muster over twenty-two states. "In the Senate the Republicans have a majority, but the regulars and insurgents would hare to vote to gether to make that majority. It is practically certain that the Insurgent Republican Senators would not vote for aav candidate for Yirn-nrirfnt . w I who under the circumstances weuld ' become the psesident for four years,; who would be agreeable to the regu lar Republicans. Therefore, it is fair to assume that no election would result in the Senate. . . SU1I Another Gueea. ..In thia ronnprtin ft t. inprt-i lng to 8uggegt another possibility un. j A ,SjB . I, himself in office for four years more. if the electoral college and both Sen-j ate and House should fail to elect. He could resign as president prior to! March 4, have Vice-President Sher man appoint him secretary of state, and upon March 4 he would become acting president for four years. It f v, t,;.. person of his choice for secretary of fetate, in place of the incumbent, to succeed to the presidency in case of all bodies failing to elect. "Taken altogether, the situation is very interesting to the people of the country who may desire to study that portion of our constitution re lating to the election of a president and vice-president." The above article is a very inter esting one on the presidential sit uation, though The Caucasian does not agree with Mr. Lafferty in some of his solutions. For Instance, in case the electoral college and the ongress should both fail to select a president, it looks like the country would be without a chief executive as the succession act provides that the secretary of state shall succeed to the presidency only in case of the death of the president and vice-president. Asso. Ed. Caucausian. TAFT APPEALING TO THE COURTS. Trying to Keep Electors From Voting for Roosevelt as Directed by the People. Newton, Kans., Jury 18. A tem porary restraining order was issued by Judge C. E. Branine in the Dis trict Court here enjoining every coun ty clerk in Kansas from printing on the official primary ballot mnder the head of Republican party those candi dates for Presidential electors who have openly declared they will sup port Theodore Roosevelt if elected. The proceedings were filed by Fred Stanley, Republican National Com mitteeman, and State Senator F. Du mont Smith. 'The case will be heard at Hutchinson July 22. " Eight electors named before the Chicago Convention met have de clared they will not support Presi dent Taft if they are elected. TAFT WILL DISCUSS TARIFF. President's Speech of Acceptance to Include Plea for Commission. Washington, July 24. President Taft spent the greater part of today in the library of the White House working on his speech of acceptance, which he will make when the dele gation of Republicans named at the Chicago convention officially notify him on Aueust 1. at the White House, of his nomination. The tariff question will be the big subject of the speech, according to word received in the offices of the White House today. From these re ports it was learned that the Presl- went will make a plea for the creation of a permanent tariff board or com mission. He will argue that the re sults obtained by the temporary tar iff board, appointed by him, justify the creation of a non-partisan board. Democrats Insincere Even Among Themselves. Wilmington Dispatch. And what position does the side that has been talking about not want ing joint debates for fear they would injure the party find itself in when Secretary Brock, of the State Com mittee, actually not only advocates, but tries to precipitate such? - How does Secretary Brock also size up as a harmonizer, when he wants Demo cratic speakers on the stump to dis cuss a party difference? No, Secre tary Brock, is not a Kitchin . nor a Clark supporter. I2EAL AKQEOT GST0RY 4i Mountain Men" Were Good at Forming Combinations AI11STC CHATS VS. PIAEI PECrlE Jjtcobia Lewder livmaaded th Iled of More Than Half the Member of tht Kreach rViujin fluw m Modern Ruler Tried to "Have tUs lUcon" France Made a New Com titutio A word About Xefnleoai lloaapartcv a Man Who Made Much History. Bllktnavllle. N. C, July 22. 1 12. Correspondence of The Caticaaian Enterprise. Shortly before tae death or ) Robespierre, mentioned In a recent article ome ov the mrtest or the j "moinUln men" had shown a dlspo-j sition to form a combination against and Barn? were named " lhe ers uch atmo,vIemenlt- "j1 " awUo ! lated. In a. leadIn torlcal work mai me maiconienis ov Dom tactions (we may call them the aristocrats an' the common people az a matter ov convenience), discussed a coalition. against whom hit would be difficult to though hit must hev ben both fac against the better class ov tions, those disposed to live square lives, if such were possible at that stage ov French history. About this time hit wuz reported that the Ja cobin leader demanded the heads ov at least half ov the members ov the French Congress, a pretty state ov af fairs, for the Jacobin chief wuz abso lutely without legal authority ov any kind, wuz merely a popular outlaw whose influence wuz of no conse quence to anybody except the illegal gang who had elevated him tp an un certain position az a leader, chiefly owin' to hiz zeal in an unworthy cause. Some ov hiz misguided fol lowers urged him to seize the hated lawmakers upon hiz own authority an' agreed to see to hit that his or ders regardm them would be carried out promptly, show In' that hiz fol lowers were thoroughly drilled in il legal practices, even to takln' the lives ov their fellow man, another bit ov proof that red shirt Democracy wuz havia' a great run in France, proof that modern Democracy, so called, iz nothln more, nothin less, than a species ov ancient Jacobinson, an' recent events hev shown that even a so-called Republican high-up in American politics, az high az man can get, hez become so tainted with the poisons ov treacherous democ racy that he threw off htz cloak ov re spectable Republicanism long enough to bow at the shrine ov red shirt De docracy, appoint a number ov Demo crats to influential positions, simply because he had the deadly miasma in hiz blood. To crown hit awl, when he saw that he had "thrown the fat in the fire," be an' some ov hiz back ers conclude to try and save hiz "ba con" by some additional Democratic tictice, i. e., vote-stealin' arbitrary misaplication ov honest methods, high-handed outrages, an' the whole catalogue ov the usual schemes ov Simmons. Tillman Co., (limited). Liberty, justice, where art thou? The very life ov this great republic hez been threatened, iz yet in peril, by the damnable arts ov dishonest pol iticians, led, trained, tutored by the heads ov the more than three hun dred illegal trusts existln' in the United States, most ov them havln headquarters in the State of New Jer sey, owin' to the tax laws existln' there. An' after gettin' the earth at Chicago the same gang ov trust out laws transfered the scene ov their ; operations an' manipulations to Bal timore an after a five days' struggle they turn out a New Jersey Democrat az nominee so that if by any hook or crook Taft fails to land, the long haired New Jersey professor may turn the trick. The American peo ple, if they love their wives, their children an their homes, ought to turn to Teddy an give the trust can didates a solar-plexus blow which may cause the politicians to get their eyea open an sew up their pockets before they again venture out to an other national convention. Fellow citizens, you are facing a great crisis today. What are you goin to do about hit? On the last lay ov May, 1795, when hit looked ax though France would be plunged into a civil revolution, six ov the prominent "mountain men committed suicide, after havin been tried and sentenced to death. By some agreement a peace wuz conclud ed with another faction, the Yen deans, about the same time, an hit! again looked az If France mite set tle down once more. On the 23rd ov October, 1795, a new constitution wuz adopted by France. Hit wuz claimed that this V a woald rtt la gKtae to s try greater stability aa reaao&a&le de gree ov st. tiy the at co&atita tloa the co a try got two eoacila. The first consisted ev five haadred members an was sotaetnla tike the Congress ov the Called State. A I taws were to ortftaate ia this coaacU. The "eoaacU of the aaccta," totst thla like the failed SlM Senate, cootsl&ed two haadrwd as 4 fifty members aa this body coat 4 adopt or reject any laws or bUts swat np fro a the lower nous, t&akta hit aviso quite similar te tbe Ualted Stat Senate today. Of France a great writer o&ce said: "The history of Fra&c has bea lik ened to a great river; the deep ma jestic current of the monarchy burst its basks at the revolution, aa spread over aa tmme&se extent, fores tag ta its wide Isuadattoa a lake with la- glands interspersed with various chan nel, inlets, too intricate and vast-for the eye to grasp at oae view. Now, however, as the revolution draws to Its close the current narrows, aa' like water at the termination of a take. we see the large events of a natioa'a history contract an' deepen, la order to run In the bounded channel of aa individual's fortune. In other words. the history ov France becomes for a long and glorious period Identified with the life of Nspoleon Bonaparte." The successful defense of Toulon. ! mentioned briefly in a recent article ) when Marshal Bonaparte was but twenty-four years old an' had not I risen higher thsn tbe ranks of a colonel, opened hiz career. Tbe King of Italy, awl rulers, in fact, had an eye upon Napoleon Bonaparte after hat. He wuz Induced to join the Ital ian army In the capacity ov engineer, though this lz probably not known to the average historical reader. This gave Napoleon an opportunity to study an' practice a profession which wuz to afterward prove very valuable to htm. At Thermidor young Bona parte partially failed to make good, wuz suspended an' placed under ar rest. But that proved only a tempor ary discouragement to the future great leader, commander ov men, may have been an advantage, for hit doutless caused him to realize that be, like other men. wuz not Infallible. An energetic remonstrance on the part cv the French government soon caused hiz release. He returned to France an' wuz restored to the army. But mere active service wuz not suf ficient for Bonaparte; he must be do in' somethin' worth while. He finally refused to serve against the Vta deans, remained In Paris. Dei a" still a young man. Bonaparte began to take notice ov the girls an planned an ambitious marriage. Pretty sooa a rebellon started fn Vendemalre. Bonaparte, under Barras. took charge ov the force sent, and wuz success ful. This brought quick promotion; he became a general of the army ov the Interior. Soon after this he mar ried the widow ov Oen. Boharnols. Awl writers agree that Bonaparte seemed to love hiz beautiful wife Josephine, az she was afterward fa miliarly known, loved an' respected la France. Napoleon, havln adopted the life ov a soldier, havin served two countries, wuz soon In active ser vice again. France wuz free from hostilities oa the Lower Rhine by a treaty with Prussia, an on the side ov the Pyre nees by a treaty with Spain. Out Germany wuz considered fair prey for French Invasion, though the peo ple ov that country had shown abil ity az fighters. Bonaparte wuz sent to Italy with inferior equipment He marched from Genoa; defeated the Austrian and Piedmontese In the battles ov Montenotte on April 12, 179S, an of Mllesimo on the 14th; compelled the King ov Sardinia to conclude a treaty ov pace an1 give Savoy an Nice up to France. Oa the 8th ov May Bonapare crossed tht river Po an' compelled Parma to agree to an armistice; on the 10th defeated Gen. Beanlllen at Lodi; on the 20th proclaimed the freedom or the Lombarf eae; in June he compell ed Modena, Naples, and the Pope to conclude an armistice. He defeated General Wurmaer on the 3rd of Au gust at Louado, an' on the 5th at Caa tigilone; advanced against the Tyrol; defeated Alvanzi at Arcole on the 15th of November and at Rlvoll oa the 14th or January followis; con cluded peace a Tolentino. in which the Pope yielded Arigno to France; on the 19th or February defeated the archduke Charles at Lisonon, an signed preliminaries or peace with Austria at Leo ben on the 16 th ov April. Thus in less than twelve months Napoleon Bonaparte, who like Washingon, had mighty sorry aids is charge ov hiz war department whipped practically everything in sight. Some thousands ov years ago a gentleman known az Alexander the Great, ran amuck in Europe an' did some tall work In the war line. In fact, he announced that he wuz go in to conquer the world. He didn't know that the United States an South Carolina then existed. But he did proceed to flog pretty nigh every (Continued oa pace S.)