CAUCASIAN " " ' - ' " - -.- - - mm! JL JL RALEIGH, rvj. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1012. No. 31. xxx. vol READ OUT OF PARTY State Republican Committee 0nly Taft Followers to Take Part in Convention C0L81EL PEABSON TALKS ionll Committwman Vrom North ran,lin Say Supportm. of Col. .it Will Hold Convention of jhfir Own . Carolina in orn ,-anlpain lU-irt of Committee of President Talt we ask them to take a second solemn j thought and remember that the Re- publican party is the onljr party that has vouchsafed constitutional govern ment. Resolved, That all electors who be liere in the principles of the Repub lican party is enunciated in the na tional Republican platform, adopted at Chicago, on June 18, 1912, and won will pledge themselves to abide by the action of the national conven tion, be invited to participate In the primaries and conventions. 'Ball Mwne" Oppoe. DOCTORS FAVOR T. B. Big Medical Magazine Urges Profession to Support Roosevelt REALM PUSUC HEALTH WAS IGNORED American Magazine the Taft Convention at Chicago Ig- There was a time when medical men were supposed to keep aloof from polities; to remain neutral, averting a sort of political bermaprrodlsza and j NaDQgAn role soon became Intolerable to Intel- ligent physicians, since their educa-1 I lion, training and mental attainments qualified them to be positive factors I in their various communities. Hence U is that for several years medical j men nave oeen taaing a oeacne, Iclar That ! lacd or Uoa eonCernln h A ' puDiic weuare, ana lew men win u- inv th t h rwinlM v rained 1 14 9 gala ta nia a4 Aamtsa gs aa raasoes, T& ewMruta QETT DiSTUli l . T. ! Dcesber 2 fftn. a tfUM Wf d. r -4 tj. j I Tbe Starrer v !lt!u aa' v Am- Enough War cn Hand in 1805-6 ttrU were laartlve etaa4 v t&eir armiea Naj5o. tb Ess rr ' Fraace. vsi la rotassaad ov tae Frarh araajr. aoesetala tstt feat pm that day. Hoalt ats tioat. to ts KYoch taral. Vlnel Roosevelt to i concluded the reading, loud cheers T.llf XlirtHlffll ! InUntA.I n m o n v v fovnpikla nan. Interest of timent, but before the chers had died j the ' Hull Meese were drawn up in, oposition. Cicero Hoiton, a Guilford j supporter of Roosevelt, essayed to ead the fight in behalf of the Colonel but with a broadside irom waiter lenry he left the meeting in a huff. nored the National Public Health thereby. "By the same token, we believe FRANCE NOW HAD WAR ;ra crn4 near a las., la. 'Uke Wis t& Ua Vcv. tfcef rot thick. Napoieoa bs4 lfcta tkt for a parto 11 ut f to rat through the long iln a the eaetay. ftiampd them, an tta Soclt sa vouit. would do the f-t At th ;Uict at the rrriS Jat Aftrr NftpitlroR 1 Income Knapcir Franc At Anterlit at4con, ! !ai fullowers . followers of Colonel Roose- hold separate convention, i . -ie aaimrl YXt m yl 1 A. A. ' V S. Pearson, oi unarioiiw. , V thf result of the action of i;tiv; committee at its meet Z ' cri-ensboro last Wednesday n K-"sevelt men were practically oat OI l" nciiuuuvuu ion will be held in Char- . k It mm to the Great Chagrin oi Many i ny- . th&t a jje awake, earnestly con-1 Kiclan!--ay Itoovelt Will Help! ducted medical Journal should not ; I nutate to come out Into the open Plans to Heneilt Public Health andand take a clearut position on the That the Medical Profeifion Should ! grea civic and political questions of the day. Medical men are Interested Support Him Point- o Rjjn everythlng that has the slightest! velt's Itecortl. (influence on human progress and j well-being, and what Is more import-! .New lorx, Aug. i- in a reaidrR-i nt th rlMn hnneat eovernment. to marr a nnal spirit or narmony.j . municipal, otaiw auu uauuua.. whlrh waa avIdRneed bv the final oas- OI American weaiciue. .uc u . u g our excuBe for taking up lne 8Ut- . . i i Il. ! inai. nowever, was ui ouij mtmcui . w -I Medicine, which ranks in i class of professional pub-, ject reinforce(i Dy Cur furth te medical profession is that tQe medlcal profession a tv... ro.'iVi-nt f-uteinber 4 Thf following report of the Greens- l0ro nutting is taken from the Char joltf. observer of last Thursday: Vh,' oassage of a resolution reny nr to delegates who will not pledge ",nr,ort to the ticket of the regular K,Publiean party and platform adopt i at Chicago the privilege of partic- n,tinn in the coming State conven .!nn and selection of Charlotte as the and September 4 as the time for holding the State Republican Con vention, formed the featurea of thrn-hours public session of the state executive held here this after- non. Chairman John M. Moreehad pre idwi and in response to a cordial in vitation by him that all Republicans meet with the committee and ex fhanire Ideas and suggest plans for confronting the present crisis, a rep- f mrr than 180 was - present. Taft supporters were in the majority, but here and there was a Roofleveltlan and it was due to this that the session of todaj was not en tirely harmonious. The whole discussion was based on the passage of the resolution which in effect binds all delegates who par ticipate In the State convention to support the national ticket. This waa offered by Dr. J. J. Mott, a vet eran of many political storms and d almost immediately he wa3 In the midst of a veritable "Bull Mooso" stampede. The Mott resolu tion, as later adopted without the changing of a sentence was: Resolution Adopted. Resolvod, That a Republican State convention is hereby called to meet in the city of Charlotte on the 4th day of September, 1912, at 12 o'clock m.. for the purpose of nominating presidential electors for the State at large. Governor and other State of ficers, two Corporation Commission ers, and nominate candidates to fill any other office that may be, or be come vacant for which nominations should be made or ratified by the State convention, election a Republi sage of the resolution by unanimous i vote. ! The committee made a ruling to j the effect that in counties ana pre-1 cincts where conventions or commit-j tees fail, or refuse to act in accord- j ance with the policy adopted by the j committee, the Republicans of such j the highest er belief Gave .More Sabtaatial Pruof That j riKht moment Npo!oa taad a ealty He Wa No Ordinary Soldier lky ru.h. the lluastaa AuitrUB life. were broken, h had lta Jlt4ed. by Nuauhinc Vkrturj From IWfslMy fofly toaa OB rhfcer !4 o How iMfferent Cuuatrie Uvrtl him. an they rooU&'t cwt itroms 40.000 Krmcbroen. On ot Me ut lp at Tliat Time. j a Iske covert Ith thin if Tosrd thl lh Preach forced al tb !tu lUni an Austrian, now dran to fetber. on that sld Thry retreated pell mell onto the Icr, hU h In 1805 Napoleon Bonaparte bad. ay an thousand went to tt bjot .... v n tn Uit for inmo.loci ov the lake neter to rtw lw mikinsville. N. C. Aug 12. 112. Corrtpondence of The Caucaslan-Knterprise. lications, th ith In . k . L k . Sv .ft Pranr wn nn bad terms Wltn O V tn UMIBl cx)Uia Min. n.rj u . . t V 4 V . - ana all OI . , A,..t-( Tur. on ht&vv uniforms an' carried much . . :a j .. . . . . . i r.HKltlUU. IVUHia, tiLratu, . urged to use us njiiucuLt: iu bupuh : instrumentalities should actively j. . DOMlbly other COuntrirs. ammunition. Once In deep water, an' of the election or ineoaore uooseveu , n e movement or poHcyiM,VtK. ;,U(PKth., ram. linie '. eitremelv cold, hit wut 1 oe for l resident. that aims to advance public health nnt mnrh lu'thrm. Thus wut the aSMr cut As an embodiment of every Princi- efficlency. wu2 gtU, younK an: fitln' eernt-d to to. disorgar.iied. an many drowned, pie of the conservatism and ethics or, ..The question confronting us as be hiz ,onR g(jlt iruMa had prom- Hut the Rus.lans still had a rrr the medical profession, American earnegt physicians and good citizens . t d takt, t In a Kreat coalition forr ov freh troop, tn personal usi- county or precinct shall organize and j euicine is 'CB;uiai"c - ' ls which party offer8 reale8t prom planned, to whip Napoleon, for hit mand ov the rrmperor. tnourn in send delegates to the county, district inost careful and conscientious ; ge Qf advancing the politics that the j j that no one country could do (irand Iuke t'on.tantlne wut actual- and State convention and elect com- mougni amuuK p""'""- medical profession nas oeen earnestly . Q j()b jrugsia had been in the.iy in commanu. i dis rrm sore fighting for so many years: w men ? prencn combination, but for some soon maue nu war menoun ior vum candidate, through inclination, Inter- i rea80n withdrew. The Prussian arm- French. lionaparte soon learned that est or qualification, can be depended ies nnaiiy took a poslton between the 'there wui aomethin' wrong He dt upon, not only to recognize the real j f rontiers ov Silesia an" the Dambe patched a trusted officer to the other fundamental Importance of the pres-! jiver General Mack of the Aus- s lde to learn the real situation. When been defeated this officer reported back lionaparte , n ( f 1 I 1 I r I II d i nixi.n I 1 . . tn n rrn U'lth ttlP f I f- I - " " " - . - iiwiiee uidji , , , c t : 1 nublican party It was also provided i snouiu aepari irum p-"-?hat " in countie. where conventions edents. which have hitherto preclud- and delegates elect- any discussion oi poi.t.i cu.- dates, is ascriDeo soieiy io cuumuci- have been held. ed to the State and distrist conven tion who refuse to call their county conventions for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the State convention in rnmnliance with the resolutions adopted, then the Republicans of such county will organize ana send delegates to the sexeral conventions who are in accord with the Republi can party. Settle For Governor. That the Charlotte convention will name Thomas Settle for Governor was the general belief. They declare that the distinguished Buncombe man, the pet of his party in the State, will be made the standard bearer and that full amends will be made for the treatment accorded him at the Ral eigh convention. It waa evident that there was a strong fear that witnoui the nassage of drastic rules govern ing the eligibility of delegates the Roosevelt followers wouia swoop down upon the Charlotte convention and control it. From Colonel Pearson. The declaration of Col. W. S. Pear son, referred to above, is contained in the following, which is taken from the Greensboro News of Sunday: Roosevelt will x uak a.-. - .noavinr trin across the m a iv ci .j. - c State of North Carolina in the fall, that the headquarters for the Pro gressive party in the State will be opened in Greensbaro today, and that the new party has no disposition to interfere with the political or other rights of anyone in North Carolina were statements made by Col. w. Pearson, of Charlotte, who spent yes terday here on his return rrom week spent in Chicago. Colone Pearson went to his home last nignt ent-dav public health movement, but!trian armv had lust to advance it and its various details j bv tnt pnch forces, an in a few again displayed great coolness by nAiicrr.tiT7 DnH fnrrfnllv? 1. ".. v, irith th ' 8 n o A send In" a strong fore to the weak Should SupiKrt T. U, ation of public welfare which present themselves in the progressive- move ment for Colonel Roosevelt's elec tion. Health Ignored At Chicago. ru .n 4m..Hv,n Mprti. "It is true that the Democratic 1 UK cuiiui a v. . ... , i i, rtn.0. platform has an unequivocal plank 'The nolitica; situation can hardly advocating all that the medical men . - t. nr.advo nhv- of the country nave Deen so iouK tail tU iiiiciooi, H "t r j Ua sician not onlv because of the many contending for. The nominee of the questions which essentially concern , KimV hi7h him as a good, conscientious citizen, - but more especially because certain mental "" 1 '" matters of great professional import- unknown quantity in J " T r.c.r hrnr and owes his nomination so definitely We refer parUcuTarlT to the organl- to certain interesU that ar. known to Nation oJ ?he natlona! puMlc health be .trone r U onUtic to genuine agenda, inder one head.. . . ; JI'ZZ.M "To the great chagrin of many . M,ntkA am material physicians, the Republican ConYfc- advance in direction if aover- tion at Chicago compleUly ignored wilaon u eited. Ws are not the subject, and the platform adopt- dlg to refer to certain other ed did not make a single reference to condltIons which may le4ul many to this great question, wnven means o douDt the adTisabillty of tnrning the ranch to the American people, iui . 0 tn .nnthftr nartv com- those who followed events at the Chi-1 uted iQ drastic tarlfl revision and cago convention, it was naraiy . . rhflnM of many existing prising that the people's interests condltk)n9 that have brought the were of secondary or negligible lm- country it8 present State of pros- portance, ior eiemenw er i w" I noritv vn it la nrettv good judg- trol that could be depended upon to to cHng tQ known forcee that satisfy their own purposes ngnt uu haye demon8trated their qualiaca ignore everything that did not prom- and fltne6jJ tQ lead ise some selfish advantage or gain. . . feel the Furthermore, since Mr. Taft's sup- nrofession should support Colonel Roosevelt, our honored ex- men under him. Ferdinand, the oth-j point w iui oroers mai iafni er Austrian commander, fared better. ! thin. This reserve force charted the for he wut able, alter hard fitin, to j Russians with an impetuosity that no reach Bohemia. The French now .army could stand before an victory Denetrated through Bavaria an' Aus-(wut won after what looked like de- tria into Moravia; an arter navin-i ieai. ai . hiu, r.iuyivi obUined possession ov the defiles ov j Russia an Austria were In active the Tyrol (durin' November) they ! command, an 'they must hev felt blue proceeded to drive back the Russians! when they reallted that Napoleon r ........ . i j a . i. . la that naborhood, bavin' skirmisn at Limbach, Amstettln. an Kerms, finaly reachin Vienna, the capital ov Austria, awlso Presburg. another Im portant city. This war only lasted two months, France defeatin the Aus- trians. Bnt that didn't end the trou ble. Russia had made a deal with Austria an the combined armies were at Olmutz. Between the Rus sian an' Austrian commanders they could muster about 80,000 men. while Napoleon Bonaparte had but 60.000 men available. Confident ov victory, the Russians an Austriana proceeded to hunt up Napoleon an' bring matters to a close, Napoleon be In near Brunn. But they didn't know Napoleon, an' they didn't know the ground Napoleon had selected for biz battleground. To deceive the enemy Napoleon pretended to retreat ai the Austriana an' Russians approached. But he wux not retreatln'. Awl he did wuz to draw hlz right wing back a little more than the left wing. The Russian commander saw the move- Taft Indifferent. . i. t,,i o nn train No. 43 and will return 101 tan state executive cuiuuuu - 0f t State chairman, and to transact any make arrangements ifor opening State other business that may properly headquarters m Greensboro at once come before the convention. for the new party He will be join- We endorse the nomination of Wil- ed here by J. N. Williamson, of Bur- Ham H. Taft for President, and lington. who was maae n.u. James S. Sherman for Vice-President, mtiteman by the delegates at Chi- and pledge our loyal support to their cago. re-election, and declare our abiding Colonel Pearson said it J-thelr faith and belief in the principles of intention to open the headqna rters in the Republican party as enunciated the old Benbow 'JjJ in the national platform adopted at point the Roosevel campaign willbe the Chicago convention held June 18. conducted In the State This aaid 191, he, la by direction of National Chair Resolved further, That in view of man Dixon and to in line with the existing political conditions the com- plans of effect thoroug h organ iza mittee deems It proper to announce tlons in every State of the union, to the Republicans of the State that One of the first moves after the in holding their county and township opening of headquarters will be the conventions none but those who en- calling together of the State commlt 'dnr tv- B,Hn9i Renublican can- tee of the new party for a meeting didate for President, and the Repub- here during the week, the Purpose lican platform adopted at the Repub- being to issue the call for the first i,0 in Chicaeo. convention of the Progressive party Jima 10 iqio tn unv canacity in the State. This committee consists entitled to participate In or represent of one member from each Congrea the party, and that in organizating sional district and four from the all township, county, Senatorial, con- state at large, gressional and' State conventions, W11 wtch Charlotte Meeting. none but epublicans supporting the , f .x.. tm nf The date for the conference of the "auunai UCKet, ana vuo yiav. - ri1 Dnorsnn and our party nominated and adopted at committee with Co lonel on and the convention held in Chicago. June Mr. Williamson will P1 18, 1912. be allowed to participate in nounced tomorrow. J Aether It sMl the election of delegates or commit- be hel before or f ter the conven- teemen, or in nominating candidates tion called by Mr. Moreh cad Id he nr ' tn said has not yet been determined. No conventions definite conclusion as to the shape Ant cnmft the campaign will take has been who have heretofore belonged to our reached other than the f election of nnr,,r nr-v ntrh an electoral ticket. Whether a State has been so recently organized, ticket is to be nominated or not is a nCQ in L 1, uv tf matter for future reference, and leaders is to destroy the Republican largely dependent upon the action of nartv a wnoo rio- the State Republican organization at rA r a o on. Charlotte. As to the exact meaning tagonistic to the principles and tra- of the dependency on the Charlotte ditions of the Republican party, and (Continued on page 5.J . . a porters were able to aommaw m whole situation an achievement more than any other .ji m. m. w ' a, which apparently eniaiiea meuou . . ,inn iifA ha8 done more nriniiMi that hit showed ... I a Y j ft CUL w -w - and manners that oner ntue grounua tQ recognize tbe hoBestf unselfish weaknegs on the part ov the French for pride or sausiacuon uj nrk nf thft medical profession, it hrh-t WI1Z what Nanoleoa wuz up to positive stand on public health mat- wM durIng administration that The RUMian an Austrian comman ters was not to be expected. th nrA8-,n Dure food and drug act at once concluded (feelln sure came into being, and his attitude has tfcat they had a much superior force) always been one of consistent co-op- to surround Napoleon. For one army Mr. Taft's whole auiuioe on ti ith every practical move- to surround another, unless with a questions pertaining to public health ment for tha advancement of the vastly stronger force, iz a dangerous has been one of indifference, lgnor- puDuc health. proceedln'. This move makes hit ance and neglect. The treatment ac- . u. necessary to completely guard a very corded Doctor Wiley may well be clt- w ytlde circle an' the linea ov men nat- ed for if the President had estimated Qf the three candidates, Colonel urany must grow very Ihln or scatter the administration of the pure food Roosevelt has expressed himself most with even a much smaller but and drug law at ita full importance, strongly in favor of proper organiza- concentrated force, the general who the Department oi Agriculture would tion of the various public health in the center only hex to stay awake have been cleaned up when the true agenciea under one head in a depart- an gee things happen. In thla case situation waa revealed, and men of ment which will make them of prime there wuz not long to wait. In even nnnuestionable integrity placed in importance in their work. It is im- Blight encounters the French would charge. material whether we have a health not stand long, ahowin' weakness, for Dr. Wiley may have had hia faults department with a cabinet officer or the enemy knew hit wuz not coward- we have not been one of his blind not. The important point la to have ice. The Russians an Austriana, feel- .nnnnrtarR. althoueh we recognized -ii the nubile health agencies under in' sure that they had the wnoie his ability and earnestnesa; but to let one head, with an oanization that French army an' blta leader In a vert- a man who had been so largely re- will inaure the greatest efficiency in taoie trap, sent a courier w sponsible for the real progress made promoting the health and physical an' gave mm a cnance 10 surrenaer. i ,t fnnrf and drne matters with- welfarA of the American people. But he hesitated, put them off. He draw from the service of the people. "Colonel Roosevelt la a anown receivea me omcer kui w i th him those whoLantitv n th. as well as the skirts or hlz camp an' had thrown up auu 1 J I. j.ivi- were considered to be playing poll- other problems confronUng our na- oreaaiworas piamiy - .rtnM f indifTerence Ui v , mn hefore the ouD-l aence ov iue nuc. i i on the part of President Taft that the lic embodies more of whta we can wut In. On the first or December medical nrofeesion will not soon for- term the American spirit. Honesty, there wuz no change. Napoleon wuz v a intoiifrenca and a apparently hopelessly entrappeo. me "In fact the medical men of the sense of civic integrity so typl- Russian an Austria commanders country should recognize without de- fylng thla great American citizen that fermlned J"1" ,. w , nntinn. Trtain- i la k VAnra at that he trap. The Russians moved forward lay maw mo - 10 v" " 1 1 rr, . Mrflnn nV thm Ing to the public health, which they has the following he has. To a cer- V .V. Z .Th T fhiah iu6 w v v atne- L.. v Ar mtsron- Napoleon had a ridge, a aeries of high nave ior BO maujr ,cao " I uumucr. wo - whlh n mif basis, nave uouiiuB c r Buypurnug i-uiuuc. - An,tHaM rushed to President Taft or any administration frankneas. we feel that to witnnoia . ..n AmindmA Into . . j- it. vAM a fntntfl . Aa rmm a man 1 or wmcn ne i vuo 1 suuyui l uu bucu Kiuuua 1 . . . v.-, w 'Pmv.j.v can usually be pretty accurately pre- who has proved himself so useful to ey - - - dieted on the past, and President nIs country, would be a grave mis- f?J I , rftHllnlv lanrh Taft's past relations to the national take, and we doubt if in the end such A" A . n,0,i, rtffA lltle - t ,n ,Ml.t nf- ran- ong iouu. uu u, v. puDiic ueiuv" c.6Cw AL -l "t battle went on. practically every promise that ne win awaeu w i aiaacy. importance or do anything to pro mote their efficiency. Doctors In Politics. "Our political preferences have been asked by so many correspond ents that we are going to take this opportunity of stating our position, j Roosevelt the Man. move ov the Russians an' Austriana bain' plainly visible to Napoleon, but "Summed up. therefore. Colonel dark to the enemy so far az Napol- Roosevelt ls the one man among the eon's moments an' intentions were candidates who will be able, not only showin'. The real battle wuz yet to by reason of his personal qualifica- begin. The next day wuz to be the tlons. but through his vast experl- first anniversary ov Bonaparte s first (Continued on page 7.) year'ax ruler ov France an he wish- had whlnped them after comblnin against him, an' with a much smaller force. So complete wuz the victory that the Russians an Austriana made a quick run for safety. The Uft wing ov the allied army upon which so much depended wuz cut to pieces. Ov this battle Savary, a military author ity, said: "It waa a aerie of mili tary manoeuvre, not one of which failed, that cut the Russian army, surprised In a side march. Into as many portions az columns were di rected against It." The battle ov AusterllU wuz foK owed, on the 4th ov Dec em bar by an interview between Napoleon and Francis II. an' an armistice was con cluded on the Cth. By the treaty ov peace which followed at once, signed by Talleyrand. Prince John of LJUk- ecateln an' Count Stadlon, Austria yielded to Italy (though Napoleon wuz ruler ov France), lis entire Ve netian possessions, the Tyrol an' sev eral German sections to Bavaria; " Breisgan to Baden; an other Saablaa possessions to Wlrtemburg. She awl so agreed to recognize the elector (a deputy ruler) ov Bavoria an WiaUra- burg az Kings. There were other lit tle pickings uktn In by France at the same time. Just why France bled Austria so freely does not appear. though the reason Russia escaped apyin an Indemnity wuz probably due to the fact that hit wus really Austria's war an' Russia had nothin to lose In the war except prestige. But ahe lost enough ov that In the battle ov Austerllts, for Bonaparte certain spread defeat on thick enough. But while this victory on land wuz a great one, for France, she suffered a bad naval defeat on water about the same moment, for Admiral Nelson of the English navy totally defeated the combined Sects ov France and Spain off the coast ov Cape Trafalgar on the 21st ov Octo ber, just previous to the defeat ov Russia an' Austria on land. If Franoe had owned a powerful navy with a Bonaparte In command, she mite hev defied the earth at that date. On the 15th ov December Bona parte concluded a treaty with Prussia and the alliance between that country an' France wuz renewed, such a con tract havln' been in existence for a number ov years. In thla deal Fiance pretended to give Hanover to Prus sia; an' on the other band Prussia ac tually gave Auzpach, Cleve an Ken fachel to France. The real object be hind thla wuz to aave Prussia from the clutches ov England, for that country hid shown a disposition to invade Prussia through the North Sea. England had recently failed to get North America an' wuz lookin' around on the other side for some country which could be whipped eas ier, an' had selected Prussia. But Napoleon blocked that game by the alliance with Prussia. In 1806 the ancient German em pire which had stood for a thousand years wuz overthrown In order to make way for the Rhenish confeder ation. Ov this confederation Na poleon Bonaparte wuz named as pro (Continued on' page 5.)