ThtmUv. THE CAUCASIAN Page Two. State Nen?s. TIIHY LKT DOWN THE BAKS. A "Democrat" I Now tVnidril Ifc-mnrritt If H VoUn for Onlj Onv Man en the Kntiic Ticket. General Netfs. i earA AAA hntol will he erect- ian ,n r.mnc " ; nracy oas uui iu iue run- ed on the"lte formerly occupied by2 Democratic State Kiecotive! PPns acd the Goversatat the K.nilworth Inn. near AsheviUe. committee met In Raleigh Thursday; using vigoroM itepi to rapprets nipht In response to a call by thej11- Dr. Charles S. Uoyette, a prominent-Cnairm2n to define the meaning of. . nf !iiin.. dentist of Clinton, died Friday from the worda ..Dem0cratic ticket." asj The Supreme Court of ""noli hu heart trouble, after a month's Hl-j .erl ln tne nWn covering the Sen-1 Screed that ;vllvboa 1 atorial primary which was adopted not be used in the November elections I by the State Convention, and at thej ln Chicago. Claud Black was convicted at Ashe-J clogo of a sefeFion which did not ad-; , . tI vllle Saturday of attempted criminal) journ tU1 aftf?r midnight. the resolu-; Cholera is inKJmlnJ assault on a woman of his race, and lon of Mr. A. w. McLean, of Kobe-. In Madras alone 2 UO Ji w ere to servo six rears on r.o,i ThP Rub-, reported In one month and 10.6-0 of k. ,nntv rnadfl ' , Imh fa fniinufi-i these resulted in death. VortH Carolina Plae AwocUtlon waa blrb irai pwnlri to Gnm X,. S. thrt. ot tl ,r. I..;.,,.,, LTain cT"ton rrdar - Frl- Gr..l , I SlrS.'. G, mM.k Lumbermen from on the occasion of the fonaer Trl- before which the, & cJSSk Cnt attended i deaf. ,LU to Jap-, and the Orient clt, Jh. Ml r. in large number. An addrea. on the: In T.ltJ. --- . benefit of the Panama Canal was ce-4 .i..noSu f ' - , 1" V k V livered by Owen M. Bruner. of Phil-irate detectives, hotel rpl ad on not h.r :: adelphia. on Thursday night. of the city department, a. well a. the. At iht Ma u ew i or ik nrui W4 - , mci n Ut, V . 2."' . On complaint of Thomas A. Kdl-? ben on a .till hunt for the treaaure.j ln. rrporl ttit claim.' not tne iigniei. irac u; . "-;naa aeciaej to r- "Any elector who shall have voted The Dunn Silk MIIIb, of Dunn, Har- for one nominee of the Democratic! nett County, has been chartered with $25,000 capital for silk cloth and knitted goods. The Incorporators are A. E. McNeill and others. The residence of Dr. Tyson, near Greensboro, was burned last Friday mornlnc with all its contents. The In time to make their escape. Mr. Charles H. Hlx, Vice-President and General Manager of the Sea board Air Line Railway, has been elected President of the Norfolk According to estimates of Post- partv. and who shall not have voted j "l,!I",v Xt th- .nVt - 4 t ftnnnci,lnn 760 wl l be required for the support for any candidate of the opposition; ' 'JV J rf . . f eVi PAtn sorvirp npit Tear tickets, will be allowed to participate in New York State have decided to the National Progressive a social political son. the noted inventor, woo ciai , . ; u"'yry 'j that he has been receiving numerous $ found. A Urge reward na oeen o- of ,atpention of threatening letters from an unknown fered. but little hope ..held out to j revolutionary 4l.r f?fcr writer, the police of Baltimore. Md.., Mrs. Jones 01 me pu.ui.. pupreme t oun lor have arrested Harry Mitchell after a; ring being recovered. i tigation a to me lons search. Mitchell, it is alleged.; jDUi ihouU t- sent many similar letters to the late , C.eneral Dlaa ami Thw of HU Con-; popular apprrher. President McKinley and is regarded federate Srntence! to lie Sbo. (ate of Dux has r,c as a dangerous lunatic. Mexico City. Oct. 27. General Fei layed. ho trr. ly i This resolution was offered after noKsihlv a dozen others had been vot- - 1 1 . V. Vn ed down after much discussion oni organic iue the part of the committeemen pres-iclub- u wUl be family was aroused by the flames justj ent. it was finally carried by a vote: club- 11 n 9A T nraf (pallr monna thp I retti;; down of the rs T.S by I Col -John S. Mo., the noted Con- the first resolution, which required federate leader, is cmicauy in a that a man would have to vote the Hospital in Washington. D. C with straight ticket from President to! an affection of the kidneys. Colonel township constable before he would Southern Railway, effective Xovem-j be allowed to participate in the Sen- ber 1. Oscar Robertson, a negro of Char lotte, shot and killed another negro named Hannon Sunday night. Rob ertson was beastly drunk, and asked for another drink after being arrested. atorial primary. After many resolutions had been voted down, the committee found It self without anything to work on, and A. D. Watts made a motion to adjourn, which was voted down. Chairman Webb then appealed to the members of the committee to fix upon Mosby is seventy-nine years old. Three medical students were killed and several wounded at Havana, Cu ba, Friday, when the police fired into a mob following a resumption of riot ing in Central Park when several persons were wounded. Four members of an automobile Mrs. II. S. Anderson, aged about up some test, and not leave the matter, party bound for Shawnee, Pa., from up to him. It was following his : their homes in Noble, Pa., were drowned in the Delaware uiver faun day when the ferryboat on which they were crossing was wrecked. thirty-five years, of Winston-Salem, speech that the McLean resolution committed suicide Saturday morning; wag adopted by shooting herself with a 22-callber rifle. She was alone at the time, her two sons, aged twelve and ten years, were playing In the yard. Enraged because to give him a Senatorial Candidates Have Spent Over Two Years' Salary. Senator F. M. Simmons, Governor m if rofmwwi! W. W. Kitchin, and Chief Justice lunch at the circus1 Walter Clark' candidates for the United states senate in tne strenuous prminrls In AsheviUe last Thursday. Joe Wilkins struck his wife on the ! campaign now pending, made public last weeK tneir campaign expenses to date, as required by United States statute. Senator Simmon's total expenses reported under the statute amounted to $6,788, Governor Kitchin's to $5, 452, and Judge Clark's to $1,420. Governor Kitchin's report shows $1,600 paid for newspaper advertis ing and Judge Clark's shows $571 paid for newspaper advertising, Bruce Craven received $375 salary and expenses. Senator Simmons reports $2,415 contributed by friends toward his campaign expenses. Governor Kitch in reports $592.00 contributed by friends. Judge Clark reports that no contributions have been made toward his campaign expenses. Simmons reports an additional ex pense (not required by the statute) amounting to $6,037, bringing his en tire expenses to nearly $12,000. Mr. A. D. Watts is reported as giv ing $500 to Simmons, while he and head with a stick, killing her Instant ly. Wilkins said he had given his wife the money to run the lunch stand. J. West Sutton, a farmer of Nash County, was thrown from his wagon when his mule became frightened at a passing automobile near Louisburg Tuesday. Mr. Sutton fell on his head, the fall breaking his neck. He had been to Louisburg to sell a load of to bacco. North Carolina's part of the mon ey appropriated by the last Congress for the National Guard Is $76,963.61 of this sum $31,353 is to be used In purchasing ammunition and oth er supplies and $45,610.61 for camp purposes and the promotion of rifle .practice. Dr. Ira M. Hardy, superintendent of the State School for the Feeble- Minded at Kinston, announces he has llx Diax, leader of the revolution re-j court martial. received notice of an appropriation 1 RSers and one other are reported to by the Carnegie Institute at Wash-1 have been paid less than fourteen Ington, of $500 for the employment of a field agent of the school for six months. J. A. Crandall, of Pitt County, wno had been drinking, killed himself a few days ago with a shot-gun. He told his family on leaving the house what he intended doing, and when they attempted to follow him, he threatened to kill them if they didn't: stand back. The dead body of Mr. Fred Wol fenden, a prominent farmer of Beau fort County, was found by the road side near Washington Saturday aft ernoon. His horse and buggy were found without a driver a little dis tance away. It is thought the man died from heart failure. A Winston dispatch of October 26 says: "John Scott, a white prisoner recently brought here from Davie County to serve a term on the For syth County roads, was shot and kill ed to-day by Guard Holder. Scott was attempting to make his escape and was shot in the back running from the guard." hundred. Ward has been at work for j Simmons for more than a year. Ward must love Simmons, or something, to give all this time and traveling ex penses for nothing. The Apple Harvest on the Cone Orchard. (From the Lenoir News.) We had a conversation yesterday with Mr. C. P. Downs, of Little River Township, this county, who has been helping to harvest apples on the big Cone orchards at Blowing Rock. He says that the harvesting is about half done and that 10,000 to 12,000 bushels of apples have been gathered and packed. There is a large force of hands at work and a good swift hand can gather thirty bushels of ap ples a day. The apples are all sold. Mr. Downs says to Raleigh parties and are being shipped as rapidly as possible. Mrs. Cone is paying 37 cents a barrel to have the apples hauled to the depot here and a num ber of teams in addition to her own are engaged in carting them down. Will Prohibitionists Oppose Wilson and "Ijocal Option"? Lincoln Times. Watch the denominational papers of North Carolina and it won't hurt to keep an eye on the preachers. You know the churches stand for prohi bition. Let's see if the Church will condemn the local optionist candidate for President. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Wnere Are the Democratic Patriots? Durham Herald. Chairman Webb says he is short of speakers and something must be -wrong. This is the first time we everj heard of a scarcity of patriots who were willing to go on the stump and .help save the State. State Chairman Webb of the Dem ocratic party, also Judge Winston in his .peech here last week, say they hare yet to hear of a Democrat who is dissatisfied. Doubtless the Char lotte Observer can give them some Information, since it states that there are hundreds of Democrats who will not suport the national Democratic ticket in this State. The Lincoln Times. - V Tom Watson Will Support Roosevelt. Charlotte Observer. Thomas E. Watson, who announced last week that he would withdraw his personal support from Governor Woodrow Wilson as a candidate for tne Presidency, has followed that statement in the current issue of his publication, The Progressive Demo crat, by announcing that instead of merely "remaining away from the polls, which was his original inten tion when he broke away from Wil son, he will go to the polls and cast his ballot for Roosevelt. The statement of contributions and expenditures of the Democratic Na tional Committee as filed with the chief clerk of the House Friday shows contributions of $678,364 and expenditures of $562,682.21. Seventy Christians and a priest were massacred by the Turks before their retreat from the town of Servia Thursday, according to an official ca ble from the Greek foreign office to the Creek legation at Washington. Mrs. Ed. Stansell, of Greenville, S. C, hanged herself Saturday with a small rope which had been affixed to a gas pipe in her home. The body was discovered by her little daugh ter. Mrs. Stansell had been a promi nent church worker. A solider was ordered to turn on a tap at Riga, Russia, in order that an officer might take a bath. The officer was called away, and the whole build ing was flooded because the soldier could not turn off the water without orders. Last Sunday was observed as Na tional Memorial Day by the Junior Order United American Mechanics. Sub-councils throughout the country observed the day with appropriate ceremonies. Graves of deceased mem bers were decorated. The United States Government may send a large force to Cuba to pre erve order during the election, as rioting has already begun to take place and it is feared there will be a serious revoltionary movement start ed by the defeated party after the election. Dr. Basil L. Gildersleeve, Professor of Greek at Johns Hopkins, has just celebrated his eighty-first birthday. In addition to lecturing to his classes every day, Doctor Gildersleeve does work as editor of The American Jour nal of Philology, of which he is the founder. Several astronomers from Ameri can universities who made a special trip to Rio Janiero to observe the solar eclipse, are returning home dis appointed. A cloud hid the eclipse and half a hundred Eurcpean scien tists are also returning from a fruit less journey. C. G. Fox, aged forty-two years, a rancher living near Paonl, Colorado, Sunday shot and killed his six-year-old daughter, four-year-old son and fourteen-months-old baby, and com- uimea suiciae. ine Domes were discovered by Mrs. Fox who returned home an hour after the shooting. Six men have been arrested at West Clarksfleld, Ohio, on indict- j ments charging them with the recent i tarring or painting of Minnie La-; Valley, a young woman of that vil-j lage. Minnie La Valley was seized oni the street of the village the night of j August 30, divested of clothing and: smeared with tar or paint. It was alleged at the time that women dress ed as men had taken part ln the af fair. Floyd Allen and Claude Allen, bis ! son, the Hlllsville gunmen, were car-J ried from the Roanoke jail to the) State Penitentiary at Richmond, Va.,1 Saturday under sentence of electro-j cution for their part in the murder at j the Carroll court-house last March, j Floyd Allen's wife issued a public ap-j peal for money to aid the effort to save the men from death. General James H. Berry, of Ar kansas, who was appointed by Presi dent Taft to see that the graves of Southern soldiers who died in North ern prison during the Civil War and were buried near the prisons, were marked, has completed his work and tendered his resignation. In his re port to the President he says that every grave is marked with a stone, a tablet.or a monument. About $51,- uuu or tne money appropriaiea Dy Congress for the purpose or carrying on this work were not used. SERVIANS WIN OVER TURKS. Seize 123 Gnns From the Sultan's Army Victors Celebrate. Belgrade, Oct. 28. Semi-official advices report that the Turkish army which retired from Uskup towards Veles surrendered to-day to the Ser vian cavalry and delivered up their arms. The Servians later seized 123 guns. That section of the Turkish army which was defeated at Kumanova ap pears to have been entirely broken up. The Turks from Istip, are mak ing Veles the objective point of their retreat. Prior to their occupation of Istip by the Servians, the inhabitants arose against the Turks and seized their arms. London, Oct. 28. The Servian le gation anounces that a hundred Arnaut villages in the vicinity of Uskup have surrendered. Great fes tivities are in progress throughout the conquered section. Reika, Oct. 28 Montenegrins cap tured the town of Plevlie in the San Jak of Novipazar, near the Bosnian border, at noon to-day. Constantinople, Oct. 28. The min ister of war, Nazim Pasha, who has reached the scene of operations in the East, telegraphs to-day that he is well satisfied with the position of the Tur kish forces and expects a decisive battle soon. The minister says the Burgarian army sustained such se vere losses in the battle of October 23, that it was unable to reform and resume the offensive. On the other hand, he adds, the Turkish forces since that date, have gained in strength and numbers and await confidently the Bulgarian at-J tack. The cabinet crisis has been avert ed and the grand vizier has decided to retain his office. Ex-Sultan Abdul Hamid arrived here late to-night and was lodged in the palace on the Bosphorus. Lost Ring That Emperor of Japan Presented to President Grant, New York, Oct. 28. It came to light yesterday that some time ago Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris, - now the wife of Frank H. Jones, a Chicago banker, lost in the Hotel Renaissance Georgia Citizens Objected to so Many Methodists on the Juries. There are a good many strange things in this world, and here is one from Georgia. Certain citizens of Dougherty County, Georgia, are ask ing the removal of the six jury com missioners on the ground that 73 1-3 per cent of the jurors selected by these commissioners are members of the Methodist Church and that the jury commissioners give preference to members of the Methodist denomi nation (from which It is assumed that the jury commissioners are of the Methodist faith). The lower court refused to remove the commis sioners on this complaint and the case is now before the Georgia Su preme Court. Statesville Landmark. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS ARID WDNDERH0SE Plenty of Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, and Sweaters for the cool weather. Shoes for the family. Ladies', men's, boys' and children's Union Suits. Vests and pants in Cotton and Wool. YOURS TO PLEASE HUNTER-RAND CO. C C. Phone 274, - - Raleiflb, N. C Cross & Liichan Company "23 Years Raleigh's Leading Clothing ' FALL-WINTER STYLES READY. Our Store is full to the brim with Clothing ami Yv.r. for gentlemen, their sons and little brothers. Wi inspection. WE ARE SHOWING THE LARGEST ASSORT MI NT JOHN B. STETSON HATS EVER SHOWN IN RALEIGH. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTHSTlOS. SHONINGER The Piano that has won its remark able reputation on merit alone. The Pi ano that is recognized by all competent critics as a standard high-grade instru ment. The Piano that always gives satis faction to the purchaser. The only Piano in the high-grade class sold at a reasonable price. Send for catalog to HDARMELL & THOMAS ISI. c. k Syr will be y y tural paper to tell you I "American Boy ADVERTISEMENT ice it herc :ase" and found in your favorite this month. We repro! that we have Menz ' " shoes. Read it and tbe MENZ "EA8E" BHOE8 PIT LIKE A GLOVE. You'll alo find thea ttemoct comfortable every -dy hoes yon eret walked in. And after you have worn them. that a bailt any better, etroncer or weara longer. The name on ycllaw label wotecta you affalnet imitatiaoa. Aak for Catalog Rt. 12 It illoatratea an feelghta Mens "Eaae," alo the American Boy for boye, an ex act duplicate mi the MenzXaae in quality. J1 One reason hy Mens 'But tod "A ra e r 1 e m n 'Boy thoes aire the comfort and la found in tha UDDCr leather. V. twelve veara . A ft. Mens "Eat" Sm.i.1 emi. duaiveiv. v-"rrrr It has no eouL fft Sf tron as raw-hide. and if t.-' never harden. 'ASKPOBCATATvima . r Pie of this wcmderfaiiliri." sn?5a- f era all over v, c "?vc uem1' ' In your toW 'r " w "e.,er IOno MaMMP.-r-Z ' wc can introduce ' t??ou f VLdr Amcric Boy" rAoea direct nenHetShoe Co.. Biker. Detroit, Hlch. -My 'American Boy' eto- ir? satisfaction and are all you .j Herea to the Stam and Hr... Land of oar Birth. , The 'American Boy' e 011 eartto-" ROBERT D. HUGE IT one tap on them and the up . and pliable." -I win say that the Men 'Jf le beat for everyday VZZ i the beat for everyday rr i are Just an soft now as tW . f them. They axe good yrt D Oi In them.". ' "1 boctht a pair of Mf ft-.r one of my handi .on t&e u- - . -, as a plow .hoe in th Itil?, worst season on ho-4. a. - uv. . r satisfactory in every ' J - .,- r iX manufacturers claia for Uic. mr-v, Tsif' shoe co-I claim. They wear -iX l iu fahl in every way. m 'r "A A-'. worn a better aaoe. RTF- 0- -I have never rn shoV y, .r (tafia faction arvice than the Mer-i a a t3 worn -3 j of Men fcae m r-'-f -J4 of weather, in mad and "c, g i-a, - car tren, never " ,nr!.i.g -:c take pleaure la recoam or to anybody that .O fort and lAne service. I M rQ.VW the best shoes I ever saw. 22 S': "AMERICAN BOY- shoe, are not teto tc length of eervtov new rtt j -Tr". .u nffered e o- tUev am rirw-ir tl auu ukh mien 1 -- ever7"w' 7 re GOOD ehoea worth conaidertn the next time you need an 129 FAYETTEVIUE STREET ncrtb Cardta-