VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY !Ot 1013. No. 1 fi EDITORIAL BRIEFS That proposed Constitutional Con vention will bear watching. Those towns that want the com mission form of government will bare to first get rid of their political bosses. The 'Visiting Statesman" If in Ra leigh again this week. Probably in the Interest of another Constitutional Convention. The North Carolina Senate has also appointed a patronage committee Patronage seems to be the long suit with the Democrats. The antl-tlpping bill Introduced in the House Monday should become a law. The tipping evil has actually reached the graft stage. The Durham Herald doesn't like it because the Hillsboro people will throw things in Eno River. Why not have the Legislature pass a law. The Legislature thus far has been merely beating time, but even that is probably better than beating the pub lic. The Legislature is a little slow get ting down to business, and there are about one thousand Democratic Jus tices of the peace yet to be appoint ed. The Charlotte aldermen have voted against the commission form of gov ernment. Evidently they do not want to give up any of their political power. Mr. Wilson has already placed sev eral of the newspaper men in the Ananias Club. Mr. Wilson reiterates that he has not framed any slate for his Cabinet. One member of the Legislature has introduced a bill to prohibit public drunkenness in his county." And this, too, after the State has been "dry" for four years. The State debt was first reported as $725,000, but now it is said to be over $800,000. Won't it be awful if it continues to grow at that rate; in fact, isn't it awful as it is? Wouldn't it be a good plan to let those who think that "Democratic good government" is worth the price pay that $800,000 debt the Demo crats have heaped upon the State? The Wilmington Star thinks the Democratic party in several Southern States needs overhauling. We hear no dissenting opinion, so let the over hauling proceed. William Allen White, a noted mag azine writer says that Woodrow Wil son will put the Democratic party "down and out." And, so Wilson may serve a good purpose after all. If North Carolina is making won derful strides along educational lines the educational progress in the other States must be simply marvelous, as we don't seem to be able to get away from tr" foot. In his message to the Legislature Governor Kitchin recommends the creation of a Board of Pardons. Wonder if that was out of kindness to Mr. Craig or to take away some of his power as Governor? A Durham dispatch states that Gen. J. S. Carr favors woman suf frage and a dog law. The suffragettes are usually glad of any aid, but will hardly appreciate having the two recommendations linked together. Woodrow Wilson may like "13," but it is a safe wager that Judge Archbald does not. There were 13 counts against Archbald, and. in the year '13 and on the 13th day the Senate voted that Archbald was guil ty. President-elect- Wilson says the task ahead of him of making appoint ments to office Is "wholly hateful." Don't you know that sounds ungrate ful to the million or more office seekers who feel that they helped Mr. Wilson get his job. STATK OPERATES INSURANCE COMPANY. Wisconsin Now Insure the Lives of Her Citizens. People in Wisconsin may now buy life insurance from the State. This brought about through the en actment by the Legislature of 1911 of a law establishing a "Life Fund to be administered by the State without liability on the part of the State be yond the amount of the fund, for the purpose of granting life insurance and annuities to persons who at the time of the granting of such insur ance and annuities are within the State or residents thereof." The Commissioner of Insurance was given two years in which to pre pare forms, tables, and other data necessary to carry out the act. Such data have been prepared, and the first application was formally received on October 24, 1912. Insurance may be granted to per sons between the ages of twenty and fifty in amounts of $500 or multiples thereof. Until one thousand policies have been issued, no more than $1, 000 shall be granted on any one life, and not more than $3,000 at any time. At present five plans of Insur ance are offered: (1) Ordinary Life; (2) Twenty Payment Life; (3) Endowment at Age Sixty-five; (4) Ten-Year Endow ment; (5) Term of Age Sixty-five. Other plans, including annuities, will be Issued later. On the Ordinary Life plan a level annual premium Is charged until death and at death $1,000 is paid; on the Twenty-Payment Life Plan a level annual premium Is charged for twenty yeTars or until prior death, and at death $1,000 is paid; on the Ten-Year Endowment a level pre mium is charged for ten years, or un til prior death, and at death or at the end of ten years, $1,000 is paid; on the Endowment at Age Sixty-five a i 'vel annual premium lo charged until age sixty-five is reached or un til prior death, and at death or at age sixty-five $1,000 Is paid; and on the xfm of Age Sixty-five a level annual 1$ jum is charged until age sixty- t r until prior death and $1,000 & ftaid if death incurs before age voxty-five.. These policies represent standard forms issued by legal reserve com panies. In fact, the State life insur ance is nothing more than the taking over of the best insurance practice of the day reduced to its simplest terms and offering it to the people at cost, with a large part of the cost eliminat ed through the fact that no agents are employed and th,at there ino "over-head" charge to maintain of fices and highly salaried officials. From "State Insurance in Wisconsin," by Benjamin S. Beecher, in the Amer ican Review of Reviews for Janu ary. SPRINGS SENSATION AT KINSTON Judge Intimates That Officials Have Been Derelict and Orders Inves tigation. A Kinston, N. C, dispatch says: The feature of the present session of Lenoir Superior Court c&me when Judge Carter ordered the grand jury before him for a special charge with regard to moral conditions in Kin ston. He stated that it had been re ported to him that indecent resorts were maintained here in violation of the State law. Before charging the grand jury his honor sent for the mayor and chief of police, and cited the statute bearing upon their duties in the matter. After asking the mayor if such places had been report ed to him by the chief of police once every thirty days as required by law, and the chief of police if he had made such reports to the mayor, and receiving a reply in the negative from both, he directed the grand jmry to investigate, saying that if it found such houses existed in Kinston it was their duty to present both officials for failure to do their dut. The grand jury immediately went into an investigation. Just Suppose Republicans or Pro gressives Had Run State in Debt! Clinton News-Dispatch. But If the Republicans had been in power and had run the State gov ernment exactly like the Democrats have been running it, gee, wouldn't Josephus and his band of "me-too's" raise a breeze over It. They would have thrown forty fits and would have sworn that the State was going to the bow-wow's in a gallop. Fear of Insanity Caused Danville Man to Suicide. Dickens Jones, thirty-five, member of a prominent family of Danville, Va.f and brother of Mrs. James White, of Statesville, N. C, commit ted suicide at his place of business in Danville Saturday by shooting him self through the head with a revolver. Fear of insanity, with which he was threatened, prompted him to do the deed, it is understood. YASHINGTON LETTER Widespread Sestxnent for Recall of Judges had its Isflaence m the Coariction of ArcMkld GROWTH OF PARCELS POST Friends of the Measure Are Much Gratified at the Wonderful Popu larity of the System However There Are Many Imperfections Ye to be Remedied The Express Com paniee Were the Cause of an Im perfect Bill Much Country Pro dace Bent by Parcels Post A Good Money Trust and a Bad Money Trust Morgan Says Trusts Com posed of Good Men! (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, Jan. 14, 1913. On yesterday the Senate of the United States voted to convict Judge Archbald, of the United States Com? merce Court, on the impeachment charges filed against him by the House of Representatives. , While it was generally believed that he would be convicted, nearly every one was surprised at the overwhelming vote of 68 to 5. The Washington Times com menting upon the conviction and up on the overwhelming vote, says that it is believed that some, who would not have voted for conviction ordi narily, did so because they feared the proposition made by Colonel Roose velt for the recall of judges and the recall of judicial decisions, had made such a deep Impression on the coun-4 try. The statement by-the Times is so signified and important that we give the following extract: "Recall a Factor. "It is Impossible to know ac curately the motives of the dif ferent Senators who voted on the case. But it is much talked about the Senate that the wide spread sentiment the country over for the recall of the judici ary was a large factor. - "Many conservative Senators felt that to acquit Judge Arch bald would mean the spread of the recall movement at a rapid rate. "It is said that when they first entered on the trial of the case, the respondent and his counsel did not believe he would be convicted. But as the end of the trial came near, they realized the strength of the tide of feeling that had set in in the Senate. Even at that, they were not prepared for the overwhelming vote, 68 to 5, by which Judge Archbald was adjudged guilty on the first count of the thirteen articles." There is much to the fact that there is force in this statement. In this connection it should be remem bered that in the whole history of the country there has heretofore been only nine impeachment trials, includ ing this one, and that of the former eight trials there were only two con victions, this making the third. It has been suggested by persons who have Investigated the other trials, that Judge Archbald, who has just been convicted, was not guilty of any more offenses of an impeachable character, than have been some oth er parties who have been acquitted. This has been pointed to by some of the Progressives as a proof of the wholesome influence of the position taken by Colonel Roosevelt. Besides it is believed that there would have been many more impeachment trials, had there not been a feeling that it was practically impossible to convict a person under impeachment proceed ings, no matter how grave their of fences might be. Already there are a number of sug gestions being made by the law-mr: , ers on Capitol Hill to the effect ,t it is necessary to not only sir Jty the methods of trying a judge 'nder impeachment charges, but o the grounds on which a judge Could be removed from office, shod. ; be made broader. To-day more than one Congress man has announced that he intends to prepare and introduce, at an early date, a bill for a Constituional amendment providing for such need ed reforms. The Growth of the Parcels Post. The Postoffice Department is not only surprised but greatly gratified at the wonderful popularity of the parcels post system. The number of packages of almost every kind which have been sent by parcels post since the inaugration of the system has ex ceeded all expectations. The friends of the parcel post meas ure in Congress, are also surprised at the great popularity of the system, because those who most earnestly ad vocated the establishment of the sys- tm were vtry much dissatlsSed a! the form is which lbs bill providing for the system, was finally passed. The Opposition of the Kxprewi Com panies. ; la order to allay the intense op position of the Express Companies it was necessary for the friends of the parcels post, in Congress, to agree to modify the bill providing for such a I system, in many Important respects. The most serious concession, to get the bill through, was to raise the rates so high on parcels, sent by the parcels post, as to nearly equal the charges made by the express compa nies for the same weight and dis tances. The fact Is that onr parcels post system, as now established. Is the poorest in the world. In every other country the rates are lower and the weight and kind of packages permit ted to be carried through the post office are larger. In some countries of Europe the rate is less than half of that now charged in this country and the weight of a single package permitted to be carried is over a hundred pounds, while under our system no package can be carried that weighs more than eleven pounds. This gives a complete monopoly to the Express Companies for all pack ages over eleven pounds, and besides as the law now stands in some cases enables the express companies, at their present rates to carry packages cheaper than the post office can carry, j 1 The friends of parcels post, how-: ever, agreed to these unjust provis ions in the parcels post law, believ ing that if once the system could be established that then the people, would demand of their Congressmen,; many amendments that would make the system more just and efficient. ! In spite of the above stated imper fectlons in the parcels post system, this writer knows of more than one housekeeper in this city who has al- .reaay arranged witn rarmers at a distance of fifty miles or less from J this city, to send to them on certain days by the parcels post, one or more dressed chickens; a dozen or more chops, etc. Such arrangements we are; informed have been made where fthr parcels post rate on such articles iche express rates. . We learn from the Postoffice De partment that housewives, hotel keepers and people in nearly every city of the country are making sim ilar arrangements with the farmers and wealth producers. This explains the enormous growth of the business of the parcels post in spite of its many imperfections. A Good Money Trust and a Bad Mon- ey Trust. A Mr. Baker, of New York, one of the close and confidential advisers of John Pierpont Morgan in his gigantic banking and industrial operations has just testified before the House Com mittee appointed to investigate the money trust. He admitted that he and Mr. Mor gan and a number of other leading financiers In New York were directors in many different banks and corpora tion, having largely the same direc tors. He further admitted that the power held by these Board of Direc tors of these various powerful banks and industrial corporations, which j also control most of the leading rail- j road lines in America, had it in their j power to concentrate a large part of j the money and capital of the country ; and create a squeeze or a panic when j they saw fit; but he declared that he j and his associates were "patriotic" j and would not abuse their power,; but that they would use it for thej public good. In answer to a ques-j tion, on cross examination, he ad-j mitted that if the power which hej and his associates had were in the hands of bad and reckless men, that they could create a bad and frightful condition. A prominent politician from the West who had just read this testi mony remarked that the people of the United States should get to-night on their knees and thank the "Heav enly Father 'that our business salva tion and the perpetuity of our gov ernment were so firmly held in the hands of "such angel patriots" as Mr. Morgan and their associates. Governor Kitchin's Pardons. Raleigh Times. Governor Kitchin during his term granted about 1,200 pardons, a slight increase over the number of his pre decessors, but the percentage is prac tically the same. There have been more prisoners and consequently more petitions. Governor Kitchin has never given out the names ojf the convicts refused clemency, but there have been thousands of them. Pin-Cushion Stuffing. Finely ground dry coffee grounds make a good filing for pin cushions. "Home Department," National Magazine for January. WI1H THE LEGISLATORS Sealer Stx&s btrWscej M &B- bf let a Ccactkail Ccavesiiea FOR STATE WIDE PRIMARY Dciilnger of 6to ItUrodecr Bill for Compulsory Attendance in rub lie Schools From fierest to Twelve Veers Old Another BUI for a Six Months School Term Justice In trodoce Resolution Assists; the General Aseexnbtj to free Con gressmen to Work for Legislation Remedying Freight Rates in Refer ence to Long and Short Haul. The most of the committees have been appointed, the inauguration of the new Governor is over and it has been Intimated that the Legislature may soon get down to business. Sev eral bills have been introduced, but none of State , Importance have yet' been enacted into law. i For Compulsory Kduratlun. j I Mr. Dillinger, of Gatton County. I has introduced in the House a bill; for compulsory attendane on the pub lic schools throughout the State. The ago limits are 7 to 12 years. Parents wilfully failing or refusing to comply will be guilty of a misdemeanor and flf.ed fifty dollars or imprisoner thirty days. The County Superintendent is constituted educational inspector for the enforcement of the act. He shall receive reports from local school au thorities as to children out of school and can demand pay rolls of factories to verify any reports made to him. He can prosecute in magistrates' court any parents, teacher, commit teemen, officer of factory or other person wilfully violating the act. The same punishment is prescribed for County Superintendents failing to perform their duties. Would Investigate Sale of Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road. '"Itepresentatlve Kellum. of New Hanover, introduced in the House a joint resolution to-day calling for an investigation by the Corporation Commission into the sale of the old Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Rail road, Mount Airy to Wilmington, un der the act of 1889 through receiv er's sale, and its subsequent division between the Southern and Atlantic Coast Line. The Coast Line operates Wilmington to Sanford and the Southern Sanford to Mount Airy. The resolution alleges that the division of the road is in violation of the Sher man anti-trust act. The Corporation Commission is to report findings to the Attorney-General, who is directed to institute suit to break up the com bination if grounds for such proceed ings develop. The division of the road is alleged to greatly hamper service in that it used to be, with through service freight Wilmintgon to Mount Airy required only thirty six hours, but now five days and long er are required to get shipments through either way. The allegation is that the Atlantic and Yadkin Rail road Company that bought the road had no right to sell to the two roads and break the chain of freight be tween Mount Airy and Wilmington. Juries From Other Counties. Senator Bryant has introduced a bill in regard to certain sections of the Revisal of 1905 regarding jurors in criminal cases. His bill provides for summoning juries from other counties instead of having to move cases from one county to another. A communication was read in the; Senate from Secretary of State! Graves, of Ohio, transmitting a joint! resolution of the Legislature of that! State urging Congress to define thej law against polygamy as clearly asj that against bigamy, and calling up- on North Carolina's General Assem-; bly for a similar resolution, with the reminder that when two-thirds of the States so act. Congress will take ac-j tion. Resolution referred to Judici ary No. 1. Resolution by Mr. Justice, A joint resolution of Representa tive E. J. Justice, of Guilford, in troduced In the House would have the General Assembly express its views on freight transportation in equalities and urge the State's dele gation in Congress to work for such laws as will Improve conditions. In the view of the General Assembly, the resolution declares. Congress should declare illegal a greater charge of transportation of either freight or passengers for a short haul than for a long haul. The resolution would have abolish ed all discriminations and In addi tion empower the Governor to em ploy counsel to institute and prose cute suits in this State to insure bet ter and more equitable freight rates. The isn of !.$ ts ai4 to he set j aside for this parpoe. The rto!tiaa was rftre4 t the The tyimmrj HUL Ths primary htU Utre4ac4 fey Mr. Justice provides that a ute-l4 primary for the nomlnaiioa of all State oSetrt. representative, ta frees a4 ia the Geaeral AtaViy and county and towaship oScers tail be heid for all polltkal parties on the same day, the first T4y la Sptabr in each tlt-ctloa rear, ts cept tfcs years of PresUtaUal lions, when the primary ta to be held on the first Tseeday la Jane. Called States Senators also are to be nomi nated ia such primary. It further provide that each vott r shall vote ta ths primary for both a first sad a second choke as to Pre) dsut and Vlee-Prealdtst aa4 Gover nor, and that the electors are bound by the results of the primary; that all acts made criminal if committed In connection with lb general flec tion shall be criminal If committed ta connection with the primary, and that the sam punishment shall prevail. The bill requires that each voter mho participates In the primary shall state under oath with what political party he affiliates. A "corrupt practices" bill Intro duced by Mr. Justice In connection with the primary bill makes It a mis demeanor to bet or wscer anything of value on an election; "to directly or indirectly discbarge or threaten to discharge from employment or other wise intimidate or oppress any legal ly qualified voter on account of any vote such voter may cast, or consider casting, or Intend to cast or not to cast, or which he may have failed to cast"; to directly or indirectly spend or contribute any money or other thing of value to aid In the campaign for any office in a primary or in a general election un?ess the same be reported Immediately to such candi date, that it may be Included in hit reports of receipts and expenses as required by law, which report must be m&de under oath; for a candidate to tpsnd or assent to the expenditure of more than 50 per cent of what the annua salary would be in the office to which he aspires, except that can didates for Governor and United, States Senator may not spend or al low to be spent an amount greater than the annual salary of tbe office to whicb they aspire. Electoral College Meets in the Senate The electoral college of North Car olina met in the hall of the Senate Monday and declared that the twelve votes of this State were cast for Woodrow Wilson for President and Thos. R. Marshall for Vice-President. A messenger will be sent to Washing ton on tbe second Wednesday in February and present the vote to the President of the United States Sen ate. The formality of ratifying the elec tion of the State officers was gone through with by the General Assem bly in joint session Tuesday at noon, the Senators moving over to the house. The vote for governor was: Lock Craig, 149.925; Thomas Settle. 43,624; Iredell Meares. 49,410. To Pull Mileage n Trains. Representative Stewart, of Meck lenburg, introduced three bills of genersl Interest: One to prevent bas ing, one to prevent tipping, and one to compel the railroads to accept mileage on trains Instead of requir ing passengers to exchange their mileage for tickets. Mr. Plummer's anti-tipping bill makes it a misdemeanor to give or receive a tjp and makes the employer of porters, wallers, etc., guilty of a misdemeanor if they allow their help to receive tips; and the receiving of a tip by an employe in a hotel or other place of this kind is made prima facie evidence that It Is done with the proprietor's knowledge. For ConOJtatkmal Convention. Senator Stubbs. of Msrtia, has in troduced a bill to submit to the vot ers of the State, at the general elec tion in 1914, the proposition of "con vention" or "no convention." to re vise or amend the State constitution, and providing machinery for elect ing delegates and holding the conven tion. Senator Lovlngood. of Haywood, has introduced a bill to authorize the State Corporation Commission to make power, light and such corpora tions furnishing light, beat, or power, for pay, under tbe control of the State Corporation Commission. In the House Tuesday, Ray of Ma con, presented a resolution from the Committee on Constitutional Amend ments asking the House to empower the committee to Investigate the need of amending the constitution and the methods that should be employed In regard to amending the tax laws; and also to determine whether or not a constitutional convention or a spe cial session of the Legislature should be called. Mr. Kellum asked it the commit tee desired authority to examine in (Continued oa pags 5.) 1 1 4

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