It I ! ' V A' . "VOL. XXXI, RALEIGH, M. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30f 1013, C A UC ASIAN, 1 EDITORIAL BRIEFS The State doesn't need any more Democratic lawyers that need Jobs. The people may not have their truest representatives In Raleigh, but Jhe trusts Jiave. The Legislature is doing some bus iness.. During the past week they have put some more clerics on the pay-roll at $4.00 a day. , Governor Miller, of Delaware, has appointed his son to be Secretary of State with a salary of $4,000 a year. Nothing like keeping all the money in the family. The State deblJ, could be reduced considerably If the "Legislature would only agree not . to meet agaln;in five or six years. . The Legislature' one of the State's most expensive luxu ries r- It is claimed that the new anti trust bill whicTi has passed the House gives the Attorney-General all sorts of power to enforce the law. Still no provision is made to force the Attorney-General to enforce the law. Of course, if the- Superior Court - f . - . Judges are going to adjourn court to attend all the Democratic conven tions and baseball games, then we need more Judges. That is to fill the places of some already on the bench. When the new Democratic admin istration goes In the Charlotte Chron- icle wants "corn-bread established as the National diet. Are not you going to furnish a little soup to go. with the bread? Even Cleveland did that well. The Statesville Landmark thinks certain judges should be required to stay in their own districts just as a , ,;. punishment to the districts responsi ble for their being on the bench. No doubt punishment should be meted out to them in some way. The House Committee has reported favorably on Representative Kellum's bill to restore local self-government to New Hanover County. Why did Representative Kellum wish to ap pear so selfish with his bill; why didn't he have it apply to the whole State? In trying to explain the large deficit in the State's treasury the Democrats claim a good amount has been spent for education. Well, if it was, it doesn't seem to have done much good as North Carolina is now next to the bottom of the State's in the Union in educational progress. When the minstrel parade passed the capital building Monday legisla tive proceedings were practically sus pended for the time. The Raleigh Times noting this fact, says that about 1870 the Legislature adjourn ed to see a circus parade and attend ed the performance practically in a body. However, this Legislature should never have to adjourn for any suck cause, as they have a two ring circus of their own. One paper states that when ex Governor Glenn was asked a few days ago if he would be a candidate for the United States Senate he stated he had not yet made up his mind. He Is probably waiting until the people will make up their minds to call him for this duty, and in the meantime Glenn is in Washington to see if he can find a vacant seat around the boards of the Inter-State Commerce Commission. The Spectacle of Spoils, a drama now playing in the United States Sen ate, is likely to hold the boards for the remainder of the Senate's season engagement. This is a drama where in pursuit of pie ami success in se curing it is considered the highest standard of excellence. The play is of Democratic authorship with the Democratic Bird in the leading role. The play goes well till the final act, when the Bird Is made to unmask and is discovered by the audience to be not the stately and dignified American eagle, but rather the com moner and more ordinary vulture. FEDERAL IMPEACHMENTS. The Trial of Judge Archbald Make a Total of Xine In the History of the Nation Only Two Convictions. The recent conviction and Im- peachment of Judge Archbald calls to mind the murder of Federal Impeach ment trials In the history of this na tion. There have been nine in all and only two convictions. Here are the persons and dates: William Blount, Senator from Ten nessee, July 7, 1797, for conspiring tn THava n.-nr i- f H Cniln in fisnr tt Great Dritain. to excite the Chero-i' kee Indians against Spain, and to cre ate disaffection among, the Indians toward the United States, acquitted. John Pickering, Judge of the Dis trict Court of the United States, for the District of New Hampshire, 1803, for drunkenness and disregard of the terms of the statutes. He was found guilty and removed from office. Samuel Chase, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1804, for misconduct of trials of persons charged with breach of the sedition law.t He was acquitted. James Heck, Judge of the District Court of the United States for-the'vous condition as to what position, District of Missouri, 1830,. for tyran nous treatment of consul. Acquit ted. West H. Humphreys, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of Tennessee, 1862, for supporting the secession move and unlawfully acting as Judge of the Confederate District Court. Guil ty and removed from office. . Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, 1868 for usurpation of the law, corrupt use of the veto pow er; interference at elections and high crimes and misdemeanors. Acquit ted. 'Charles Swayne, Judge of the Dis trict Court of the United States for the District of Florida, 1905, miscon duct in office. Acquitted. Robert W. Archbald, Associate Judge of the Commerce Court. Full particulars of this case have been ap pearing in the press the past few days. Convicted. Union Republi can. Some Judges Could Render the State a Great Service by Resigning. Statesville Landmark. 1 Judge Peebles held court in Greens boro last week and the Greensboro News says of his work: "In no term of Guilford court in recent years has criticism been bo pronounced, against a North Carolina judge as against Judge Peebles, this criticism finding its origin chiefly in the bar, and being caused by both the slow movement of the court and by the alleged discourteous treat ment of the members of the bar by the judge." Unpopularity with lawyers does not always mean that a judge has failed of his duty, but according to the News Judge Peebles was not only disagreeable to the lawyers but he got little work done. As a matter of fact, there are about a half-dozen Superior Court judges in North Carolina who could render the State the greatest service of their lives by resigning. To para phrase another, nothing they have ever done on the bench at least would so become them as quitting it. "We're naming o' no names," but if we were crowded to the wall we could call some. Would to heaven these judges could be kept in their own districts all the time as just and merited punishment to the people who foisted them on the State. Australian Ballot. Shelby Highlander. The strong and forceful article from the pen of J. W. Bailey in the News and Observer, Sunday, named, among other progressive measures that this State Legislature should pass, the Australian ballot. There is every reason to believe that this ballot will be adopted. We are late in doing it twenty five years behind the times. Every Northern and Western State has adopted that form of ballot, as have also the following Southern States : Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Oklaho ma, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Vir ginia, and Maryland. Even benighted New Mexico the land of the Greasers, the ONLY State in the Union below North Carolina In illiteracy, according to Governmental statistics has had the Australian ballot for its territorial elections for many years. Parcel Post Loads Down Mountain Mail Carriers. Boone Democrat. ' The R. F. D. carriers as well as the carriers of the mails on the star route in this mountain section, seem to be "up against it" since the parcel post came into effect. We are told that one mail up from Lenoxr to Blowing Rock last week weighed 1, 400 pounds. WOTCHNAGES FRONT His Radical Change of Position bat Thrown Many Democrat Into a State of Political Panic A PLAY TO THE GALLERIES Colonel Roosevelt's Remarkable Vote -CauMl Mr. Wilson to Strike for the Midd,e of thc oad Monopoly Democrats, However, Are More Interested in Making Up Wilson's Cabinet for Him Democrats Wor ried About the Facilities for Get ting to the Pie Counter and Want Wilson to Rescind Taft's Civil Ser vice Orders. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, Jan. 28, 1813. The Democratic leaders In both the House and Senate are in rather a ner- t-resiaent-eiect wnson win tane on great economic questions when he be-! comes President. Worry About the Pie Counter. They have for months been very speech and utterance from the Gover-i t0 the Federal Constitution was rati much exercised and annoyed at the nor during the last two months andifiei Dy the Senate and House. No position that he might take on the distribution of Federal patronage, gressive, not to say radical. He is They have beeri .so inuch exercised now declaring that every trust and about this matter that they have act- monopoly in the country should be ually appointed an Official Commit- robbed of its power and put under tee known as the "Committee on Pat- the control of the Government, and ronage," the chief purpose behnid that the individual and independent this movement was to try to get Pres- enterprises should not be left to the ident-elect Wilson to agree to rescind mercy of competition with these all the civil service orders of his prede- powerful combinations. These after cessors, which took more than 30,000 election declarations on the part of appointments from the public pie Governor Wilson have frightened the counter and placed them under the heads of the great trusts, including protection of the civil service. j the 4 money trust and has caused a w ..... , . demoralization of prices on the Wall Worry About Wilson's Present Tosi-' street Exchange. tion. j ' Wilson's Play to the Galleries. When Governor Wilson was a can- - didate for the nomination before the". There is a growing feeling in Wall Baltimore Convention, he was very Street,' that Governor Wilson, after evasive and non-committal as to his studying the election returns, has de position on the currency, trust and elded to change front and play to the other great economic questions.- Af- kulleris. Tt is not uncommon to ter his unexpected and accidental hear the expression from those who nomination at Baltimore, he appar- have been concerned and exercised at ently attempted to allay the fears of nis latest expression, saying that he the great capitalistic interests trying to out Roosevelt and be laying a vast deal of nothing." Ev- come the real Progressive leader of ery one will remember, and by refer- the country. ence to the files of the daily news-' f course, the assertion is fre papers can verify, the fact that he Quently made in this connection, that said time and time again that he was he intends to repudiate the plank put not bound by the expressions of the in the Baltimore platform by Mr. Baltimore platform, which was a gen eral statement of principles, but that; he would formulate his own concrete program for legislation during his ad- ministration, if elected. He further; declared in numerous speeches that1 he thought that too much legislation to control and interfere with private interests was undesirable, and that dmf tLr G ITZ't These kinds of pmrpwinim wure nf .iiiese Kinus oi expressions were, OIj course, most pleasing to the heads of the great trusts and money combines, and were played up in their subsi dized newspapers in the front page, ; and strongly commented in leading editorials. A Million Republican Votes for Wil son. This attitude taken by Governor Wilson during the campaign brought to his support, some, if not al, the powerful monoply interests in the country. It is well known in every community that a large number of the monopoly and standpat Republi cans, who were really for Taft's re election, but who, realizing he could not be re-elected, voted for Wilson. Indeed only a few days ago, in a speech in New York, in trying to ex plain the small vote which he re ceived, President Taft stated that over a million Republicans who were for him and the standpat Republican policy had voted for Wilson, in order to defeat Roosevelt. It is known, that orders went from the Taft headquar- COLONEL ROOSEVELT DEFINES PROGRES SIVE POSITION ON TARIFF : FOR PROTECTION, AGAINST EXTORTION - In the matter of the tariff, we stand for protection and against ex tbrtion. We believe it is as wrong to make the tariff improperly high as to make it improperly low. We hold that the only safe course to pursue is to find out the exact facts, through a permanent, non-partisan commis sion of experts, and with these facts before us to provide protection ade quate to equalize conditions of competition between this people and for eign nations, both for the farmer and the manufacturer, in such fashion that we shall maintain for labor an adequate standard of living. We hold, as our platform has said, that the Republican Payne-Aldrich tariff bill was unjust, and that the Democratic program of a tariff for revenue only, If honestly adhered to, would Inevitably produce the most widespread Indus trial and commercial disaster. ten during the last campaign, that la every doubtful State and district lai the country, that the Taft Republi can should Tote for WUon. Roosevelt's Remarkable Vole. Ia lew of these fact, the rote re ceived by Colonel Roosevelt in the last election, as compared to the vote received by Wilson and Taft. is truly remarkable. If Governor Wilson had received the normal Democratic ote ' and had received none of the Taft Republican votes, he would, of course, received a greater vote than that! cast for Bryan; In any one of bis j three campaign as a Democratic nom-' inee for President. The fact, how- j ever, I that Wilson, though elected? President on account of the Republi-j can split, yet received a smaller votej tb til Bryan received in any one of his? three campaigns, and indeed a small- j er vote than any candidate for Pres-! Ident has received in the last twenty j years, and this is true in spite of the fact that he got, as President Taft' says, over a million Taft Republican votes. ' Wilson's Change of Front. governor wnson lias no aoubt pon-j dered seriously over these significant J iacis. At any rate. Governor Wil- son's radical change of position since j the election has necessarily attracted! j me attention or every thinking maniand LaFollette to address the House tand woman in the country. Every! faiiPd ta naaa. The 1 7th amendment more, has grown more and more pro- Bryan in favor of a one-term Presi dent, and that he intends to be a candidate for a second term. Democratic Leaders Puzzled and Worried. An OI tnis nas or course, kept the; ! democratic political leaders here puz- .' z,ed and worried, and indeed some of Busman who are here as special rep-; reseniauves or tne special interests . .. . . . are ot course excited, for fear that' President Wilson will become a real; Progressive. Also those who want to go in his Cabinet or those who have! been grooming certain friends to go! into his Cabinet, are also excited. Their nightmare is, that the last mo ment he may announce a Cabinet of sincere and intelligent Progressives from top to bottom. Of course, they take some comfort from the fact that ' af ter his nomination at Baltimore he was induced not to make any fight against the monopoly bosses of the Democratic party if any State except! his own State of New Jerey. In that I State he had been forced to fight the! State boss ex-Senator Jim Smith! and his machine in order to become Governor. During the campaign, however, he agreed to recognize, or at least not disturb, the plans of similar bosses (including the Suther land machine in Illinois, and the Sim mons machine in North Carolina) In any State. The result of this agree ment is that Governor Wilson, even if (Continued on page 5.) WITH THE LEGISLATORS Jtuiice Anti-Trust Bill Passes the House and Sent to the Senate i CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Several are Xo lining tVmidered by the I jegilat ure JutJce Iam- Second Resolution to Invite I If"? an. WiUon and Ial'ollrtte to Addrrmi the Hooe on Initiative and Refer endum Some Stormy Scene in the House 17th Amendment to Federal Constitution Is Ratified by the krfUture- AnU-TtppinK Rill Causes Ieble. I The anti-trust bill, which its thor claims has "teeth, handcuffs and warrant, passed the House Tuesday ; without much ooDosltlon. and was sent to the Senate. A resolution was' introduced in the' House to pay the! expenses of Confederate veterans to j Gettvsbure. The second resolution bv I Mr justice to Invite Bryan, WiUon measures of great importance have yet been enacted into law. Thursday. Justice, In discussing his joint res olution declaring the position of the North Carolina Legislature in de nouncing and resisting discrimina tory interstate freight rate put on North Carolina cities compared with ed railroad companies that if they ; persisted in these discriminations they may expect retaliatory legisla tion and predicted that it might come at this session. He suggested that it is possible to annul the lease of the North Caro lina Railroad and a number of other things might be done. His resolution which was reported favorably from the Committee on Public service Cor porations, has to g to the Commit tee on Appropriations, because it car ries a $50,000 appropriation for the Governor to begin suits concurrent ly with the Corporation Commission. The Justice resolution for the House to invite W. J. Bryan, Wood row Wilson and R. M. LaFollette to address the members of the House on initiative and referendum, in spite of the fact that the Senate voted down his joint resolution to that ef-l feet, went down in defeat Thursday i in the House, after the stormiest de-j i bate of the session, opposition to the; measure making it clear, as did the; ' not the nersonalltr! Tntenaed he Ined thir fj l be inited that j When teolution came upasj Yu s To n I . t, .., . " -; resolution I rvan. Wilson and Under- , . " ; " T , " ? , v'a. they desired, instead of ieaiunng initiative and referendum. . "e i"si!ledl at H ZM do to I i invite LaFollette and pay him the high tribute of the Justice resolution j along with Wilson and Bryan. It would be Republican campaign lit- erature later. Mr. Reavis, Republican, offered an amendment to the Justice resolution that Colonel Roosevelt be invited in stead of LaFollette, and Insisted that no politics should enter movements for proposing into the ; constit tional amendments. Mr. Justice urged his House bill, insisting that he did not care to have this matter thrust on the Senate. He pleaded that to refuse to invite La Follette would be to display narrow ness. Mr. Doughton criticised severely the unfairness of coupling an invita tion for Bryan and Wilson to speak with that of contenancing the initia tive and referendum. He wanted nothing of it. Speaker Connor criticized Mr. Jus tive for attempting to force the House to vote its sentiment on initia tive and referendum at this time with invitations to great Democratic lead ers as a rider. After much heated discussion the Legislature decided no one could In- iorm me hi as 10 me lniuauve ana referendum and the resolution was m ii . a l ii.i.f at killed. After hearing from railroad attor neys on one side and locomotive en gineers on the other, the Senate Com mittee on Judiciary No. 2 and the House Committee on Judiciary No. 1, voting separately decided unanimous ly to report favorably the employers liability bill, introduced in the Senate by Bryant, of Durham, and in the House by Kellum, of New Hanover. There are penalties for failably the bill offered in the House by Williams, of Buncombe, for vital statistics. It reuires the appointment of township rcitrr to record Mrtas ae4 death, a 4 retires reports of tbe ; to royRty regie? f !! a4 itate Hoard of Health TSr ar tr.a2t5e for fallst el s!ylt,ai ta EjaKe rrjorts tn rlt rr as 4 for recutrsr to fail fa thir dU.. Senator Tbosnat bill to rrl&?t ' tb kep!cg of lijsor la or arose 4 t tobacco ware ho us for lb purpose of away s frrr4 to ih Judiciary Committee. KriiUy. The IIoum Friday toted to adopt the joint resolution whir a bad aJ ready pae4 the Senate to ratify ! seventeenth amendment to Us Fed eral constitution providing for the election of Tntted States Senators by direc vole of the people. T'je Justice joint resolution t pressing the views of the General As sembly on the questioe of freight rates discriminatory to North Car- ,ina w P1 its third reading and sent to the Senate. The resold au-!tlon requests Congress to enact laws j that w ill give relief to North Carolina m tt?e matter of freight rstes that discriminate arainst the State in fa vor of other State. The hum adopted a resolution memorializing Congress to pass tha Webb-Ken von-Shenherd IJauor bill. which Is now pending In Congress j The Williams resolution to lavit Messrs. Wilson. Ilryan and Under ; wood to address the General Asscm i bly was not mentioned In the House. Following the lengthy debate In the Senate, the bill by Senator Jones to repeal the law limiting the borrow- Ing capacity of building and loan as j sociatlons to 25 per cent of their as J sets was passed, after it had been I amended to place the limit at 50 per ' cent. ! In the Senate and the House a bill j was Introduced to provide a six ; months' term In ail the public schools b"t no mean, were provided by which it could be done. In the Senate other bills of gen eral interest were introduced as fol lows: By Senator McLean, to consol idate the A. and M. College and the Department of Agriculture; by Sena tor Jones, to allow citizens to sue city and county commissioners for illegal allowance to officeholders; by Sena tor Daniel, to erect a new. building , for the Department' of Agriculture, and by Senator Daniel, to provide uniform bills of lading. Representative Pace's bill to re quire county officers whose remuner ation is derived from fees to file re ports annually with the county com missioners passed the House after it had been so amended as to apply only to about twenty-five counties, which were included by action of their re- j speotive representatives. Considerable time was consumed in the House in debating the bill by Representative Slkes to punish those tt'hn malfp fnlsa Ktatnmonfa In trAr Q obtan d. QT The b Pa8ed Ht 8eCnd readln,? nd Se OVer UnlU nXt Fr,dajr fT flnal Ctlon by the House. Saturday. " p"ru wuuu reaumg raiuraaj in .... .. , . oue proviaing mat it snau be misdeameanor punishable by 50 fine an(j 30 dayB- the discretion of the court, for any per- on to be guilty of either giving or receiving a tlD or for an emDloTer to be a party to any tlpp,n(f( through agreement that employes shall be permitted to receive tips. Some adverse sentiment was mani fested along with levity over the measure and its scope, but Mr. Stew art insisted that the situation in this State is really very serious. That it ha enmo tn mm fl mmA - w f MW AUVi iM the average waiter and twenty-five and fifty cents are minimum tips that win favor. A waiter had recently thrown him back a ftve cent Up with distinct manifestation of Indignation. One 3 Ian Clog the Legislative Whsels. Among bills passed final reading were: To consolidate Winston and Salem; authorize the construction of Watauga Railroad through Watauga and Ashe counties as part of the Carolina Virginia Railroad. Just before adjournment Saturday the House found Itself confronted with the condition that there being no private or local public bills on the calendar, there was nothing that could be done further Saturday or I Monday, owing to a motion by Jus- jute, ui uuiuora, aaopiea teat no ; public bills be considered during his ftc. m , I . . . . . . absence Saturday and Monday .Mem bers of the House Insisted that they had not Intended to vote any snch mo tion Friday, their understanding be ing that merely none of tht bills in troduced by Justice or in which he was specially Interested should be considered. Mr. Doughton declared that it would be unprecedented for public business of the Legislature to stop for two days because of the absence of a particular member. The House then reconsidered the Justice motion (Continued on page 5.) j- i 1 i

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