( TfeursdAJ, January 30, 1913. Tage Two. THE CAUOASIAH. General Netfs. WHOLESALE POSTAL FRAUDS. Every child born In Orange, Conn., -vrill get a bank account of $1 from the local savings Institution. nnHnf hlit adm iniBtration Presi dent Taft has traveled 113.569 miles, which was enough to take him around the world four times. Wool manufacturers presented a solid front against reduction in that schedule at the Ways and Means Committee in Washington Monday. Italian, British and other warships have been ordered to proceed imme diately to Turkish waters, according to dispatches from Mediterranean ports. Joseph H. Choate, who has been called the successor to the late John Bigeiow as the "senior American," celebrated his eighty-first birthday in New York Friday. Nazim Pasha, the commander of the Turkish army, received his death wound while expostulating with a crowd of demonstrators for having become embroiled in a conflict at the Grand Vizierate. Illegal Traffic In Stolen Postage Stamps Aggregating Many Million Dollars, Disclosed by Postofllce In spectors. Washington Dispatch, January 23: Illegal trafficking the country over in stolen postage stamps, aggregating several million dollars annually, has Just been disclosed by post-office in- State News. J. W. BELAXD ACQUITTED. spectors, wnose investigations were j cape, the authorities say. reported to-day to Postmaster Hitch- j cock. They involved so-called stamp Ben Davig a Durham negro, was brokers and confidential employees of Mn8tantly kUled Mocday mornIng by large business concerns throughout , comlne ,n contact wlth an -wtrlc Through confes-j ,ight w,rp whch wag touchlng a h5gh voltage wire. Wlloa Man Chaixd With MnnJr of Wife Tvmfd Ixe by Wayoe Mr. R. G. Mace, at one tine editor j Coenty Jury. of the Hickory Mercury, has entered j Mr. j. w. Beland. of WUoa. wa the Baptist ministry. tried in Goldboro lam k for th I murder of his wife a few months af o. It. A. Denton.of Nashville, N. C, i The case was moved from Wilson was fatally wounded by Cleveland i County to Wayne on motion of tb Boone Sunday. Boone made his es- j prosecution. It appears that Mr. Be- land's wife was unfaithful, and he ; had often tried to get her to reform the United States. sions obtained by the inspectors from some of the brokers whose operations were Investigated, it was learned that stamps of all classes and denomina Klla Browley, an eighteen-year-old with the promise that he would for get the past. But she refused to re form or to stop keeping company with certain men. On the night she was killed her husband had plead with her to reform. She refused and told her husband she expected to leave him. Then he shot and killed her Pic aad Gr bm Cotton FVrid Labor. tions, stolen by burglars from post-i co,ored glrl who lived near ores-j Theg gtatements were corrobated by offices and embezzled by employees from great business houses and man ufacturing establishments, were pur chased and resold by the brokers at prices far below their face value. The postal laws make it a crime ville, was drowned Monday while at tempting to cross a stream. Her foot; slipped from the foot-log precipitat ing her into the water. A live ten-months-old baby was washed ashore from the wreck of the steamship Veronese off Portugal. More than forty-four people are be lieved to have been lost when the steamer was wrecked. Professor Emory R. Johnson, spe cial Panama Canal Commissioner, in an address Monday night at Philadel phia declared the owners and not the shippers would benefit from a free toll provision in the canal act. One man was killed and thirteen injured in a spectacular rear-end collision between two elevated trains in New York Saturday. Both trains took fire, and for a time it was feared they would topple into the street. An appropriation to assist private pvnprimenters in Germany to pro duce artificial rain was asked for in! a resolution adopted by the Iemperial Parliament and addressed to the Ger man Government a few days ago. An armistice of five days to permit the informal discussion of Mexican peace terms, became effective Friday. Peace commissioners from Chihuahua City are waiting at Vila Ahumada for the arrival of rebel representatives. Mr. Beland's daughter who was put upon the stand during the trial. i lurv considered the case for a dav and nieht and then returned a verdict of not guilty. Two hundred Jim Dunnigan. a negro of Durham, and fifty citizens of Wilson were sum- punishable by imprisonment to sell ' was shot in the stomach and serious- moned to Goldsboro as u ltrse& in any stamp issued by the Government ly, if not fatally, wounded by Char- the case. j for less than its face value. Investi- lie Daniel Monday. 'The shooting Mr. Beland took his children and! gations disclosed that, in addition to was without provocation. Daniel was returned to Yilon to resum his selling the stamps for less than a simply doped up on cocaine. He was work. His employers had held his price they could have been purchased placed in jail. position open for him. for from the Government, the brok- ers knew that the stamps were stolenl In tne rear room of his father's MANY ATT EMITS AT SUICIDE, when they purchased them. Inquiries' druu-store. at Henderson. Monday af-i Fayrttrvtil IndtiJ Sqo!rc R, A. Colr. of Un4a. who attended court her last has a & master of kpio$ th wrds and rrass out of tc cotton. He says that hands wr so scare and labor so bUh last year that & tried an experiment with pi and ges. Ge il! not destroy wesis and May-pop tines and the pic feast on these. So "Squire Collier put ricjrs ia the pi noses, so they could not root, and turned eral piss and gee In his cotton patch of seTen acres, which he hsd fenced. The experiment as entirely satis factory. Neither the plies nor s would bother the cotton, but kept the field entirely free from grass and weed. After the cotton was chopped a hoe was never u-d in th field The anj an the ork needed as plowing half ami paihfrfn? He made alKut a bale to the acre, and the larger part of it war proft!. while some prof.l was added to the geefe and pi: tai rat would follow. ?ow w ar confront with an deScit rf I22S.00 and rasy reasonably k for another Incrr la the ar4 valu of taxable property without sty loweric f ut f! w patriot. lyrtUUiare ad J. P.. (Grren ReSector.) W think the Lrr.iUtur tk- mistake la appointing jutte of th peac. The- oCccrs are rlerte4 a the several counties at the- geser; election, and usually as many r elected as the county U entitled to So it looks like the appointment of more by the l.EtUtur Is without excuse, except It be to gratify tnsn ho wants to be a juUce of the peace snd his county wa14 cot eli him. What People Were Tdd. Th people of the State were told when the aK-hed value of property , was Increased from - to 3 5 pr cent J tw oyears apo, that a reduction in the Make the Nation CUp. The awful list of Injuries on a Fourth of July staggers humanity. Set orer against it. however. U tfc wonderful nealtng. by Bucklens Ar nica Salfe. of thousands who suffer ed from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. It's th quick healer of boils, ulcers, ecxema. sor lips or piles. Twenty-fit centa st all druggists. showed in some instances brokers en- ; ternoon, little Johnnie Thomas was Davidson County Man Make Half a tered into a conspiracy with employes j painfully wounded from a shot fired of business houses to buy at prices jfrom an 0id cast-off pistol in the agreed upon all the stamps the clerks j hands of Dick Perry, a colored lad. could steal from their employers. ! The wound is not considered danger- I ous. Iozen Attempt to End Hin Iife Wounds Himself and Daughter Is Evidently Insane. A Winston dispatch. January 25, says: TILLMAN "INSULTS" LEGISLATURE. j "After being prevented by his niece. Bunyon Bass, a mill man, was ar-jMlgg Mabel Conrad, from shooting rested in Wilson Friday upon the re-j himself with a shot-gun. Gordon South Carolina Law-Makers Do Not Like His Charge Acainst Them and Demand an Explanation. Washington, D. C, Jan. 25. In a prepared statement to-day, Senator Tillman replied to the resolution re cently adopted by the House of Rep resentatives of South Carolina, call ing upon him to produce evidence in support of his charges of corruption in that body. He also made refer ence to the assertion he had "insult ed" the Legislature. The Senator declared he had done nothing except write a letter just be fore the State primaries in answer to Governor Blease in which he charged that the General Assembly had been informed by the railroad attorneys. "This is not the first time I have criticised the Legislature about rail road matters, nor it is the first time that State Senators have criticised me for my utterances. "It is not the first time that Sen- Governor Wilson Monday received ator Tinman has insulted the Legisla ture, nor will it be the last if he lives long enough and it keeps on doing as it has done. "I have boasted in my lectures in the North that there is not enough money in Wall Street to buy South Carolina, and I believed it to be true. I still believe it to be true, but pub lic morals in the State have rapidly grown bad in the last ten years, and I am coming to doubt whether my ment, died suddenly of heart failure, boast could now be made and sustain- quest of the sheriff of Lenoir Coun ty on the charge of bigamy. Bass, in June of last year, married a Mi6s Jenkins of Kinston, and her father, David Jenkins, had him arrested when he learned that Bass had an other living wife in Edgecombe Coun ty. Prof. Wr. R. Webb, of Bellbuckle, Tenn., an independent Democrat from that State was elected United States Senator from that State last Monday. Professor Webb's election came on the ninety-eighth ballot, his support- Shutt, a wealthy farmer of Davidson County, sixty years old and unmar ried, slashed his throat with a knife, and while taking the weapon away from her uncle, Miss Conrad had both hands gashed up and she may lose two fingers. "The insane man then began but ting his head against an apple tree. He was carried to the house and while passing through the hall picked up a long hat-pin and endeavored to stab himself in the breast. Failing in this effort to end his life, Shutt cut an ugly gash in his forehead. He ing coming from independent Demo-jtnen picked up a flat-iron and at crats, Republicans and eleven Demo-1 tempted to strike himself, but was crats. The Senator-elect is a native of Person County, this State, and a graduate of the University of North Carolina. greetings from the King of bpain, through a representative of the lat ter's country who came to the United States to make arrangements for a Spanish exhibit at the Panama Ex position. Colonel Alzono G. Sharp, former Mayor of Chattanooga, Tenn., and father of Robert S. Sharp, chief in spector of the United States Depart Making Rapid Progress der "Democratic ment." d sine Un-Govern- in Atlanta, Ga. years of age. Friday. He was 73 Electrocution is substituted hanging as the punishment of first degree murder in the District of Co lumbia by a bill the House passed Monday. The measure already has Dassed the Senate and now goes to the President for his signature. There are 78,000 children in the public schools of New York City with defective eyes, and the Board of Health has been asked to discharge the physicians who are employed to examine the children attending school, but "who are really incompe tent to examine any one." Two French airmen were killed near Etampes, France, Friday. Chas. Nieuport and his mechanician both were instantly killed, when the mon oplane, in which they were flying, fell to the earth from a high altitude. Nieuport had achieved great success as a manufacturer of monoplanes. The Women's Recall League of San Francisco, Cal., which is seeking the removal of Police Judge Charles L. Weller, has 12,000 names on the re call petitions, 5,000 more than are necessary to compel a recall election. The campaign against Judge Weller was begun after he had reduced the bail of a man accused of an offense against a woman. Every woman who smokes cigar ettes is lowering the standard of wo manhood, according to Representa tive Frederick P. Greenwood of Ev e.rette. Mass., who appeared before the Committee on Public Health of the Massachusetts Legislature Friday in support of a bill providing a fine of not more than $50 for any person who gives or sells tobacco in any form to a woman. Dispatches state there is a large and increasing sale of cigarettes and women are smoK ing them more and more. ed. We will see the temper of the General Assembly by its action in pu rifying and protecting the primary. for lit has the opportunity to lift the State out of the slough of despond and disgrace in which it now allows." We're starting the New York pret ty fair in a criminal way in North Carolina. The battle at Glen Alpine a few days ago would do credit to any of the Kentucky feud districts. In the Sandy Marsh section of Bun combe County last Sunday Ezelle and Manus King entered Gillespie Meth odist Chapel and assaulted Rev. J. H. Greene, the pastor, while h e was preaching in the pulpit. The preach er was slightly injured by his assail ants, who brandished knives and ter rorized the congregation. The sole reason for the occurrence seems to have been that the Kings were drunk. prevented from doing so by those who were endeavoring to quiet him. He next grabbed the fire shovel, but this, too, was taken away from him. He was finally persuaded to go to bed but soon after retiring he jumped up and made a rush for the bureau. Opening one of the drawers he got hold of a black necktie, thinking it was a razor. He found a knife, but it was taken away from him before ho fftnid nit himself with it. His final effort was to choke himself. " 'You've whipped me this time, but you will not be able to do it any more,' declared Mr. Shutt who added that he was determined to kill him self but declined to offer any explana tion. "Shutt is known to have written a will on Thursday. He denied to rel atives that a love affair was responsi ble for his mania to commit suicide. "He tried to shoot himself at ' Christmas, his effort failing through Annual Clean 9 Sweep Sale Until Feb. 15th we offer our entire stock of Men 's Suits and Overcoats at exactlylJhalf price. We do not carry Clothing from one season to another, hence this sacrifice. Every Suit and Overcoat marked in plain figures the original price, you just deduct half this amount. WHITING &HORTON 10 E. MARTIN STREET The Home of Good Clothes PROGRESSIVES BEGIN CAMPAIGN. Three Oflices Opened in Washing ton to Aid in Publicity Work New York Office Will Devote Time to Organization Work. Washington, D. C, Jan. 26. The Progressive party to-day opened na tional headquarters in Washington and New York and announced that the campaign for 1916 was under way. The Washington headquarters are in charge of O. K. Davis, secre tary of the party, and are in the Munsev buildine. The New York of fices are to be managed by Walter L Brown, Progressive National Com mitteeman from Ohio. The opening of these offices is the answer of the simon-pure Progres sives to the proposal for an amalga mation of that party with the Re publican party. The Washington bureau will be de voted almost entirely to the dissemi nation of a weekly paper to be called the Progressive Bulletin. The New York office will devote its time to or ganization work. Hooper Again Inaugurated Governor of Tennessee. Nashville. Tenn., Jan. 27. Ben W. Hooper, the second Republican who has held the Governor's offlce in ien nessee since Reconstruction days, was inaugurated for the second term to i the thouehtfulness of some one who There have also been a few mur-jhad placed Diank cartridges in his ders and various other crimes of a i . more or less atrocious character, but: the murders are so common that they i have almost ceased to attract atten- j SAYS FATHER MURDERED NEGRO tion. All this while the year's yet young. -Statesville Landmark. BRIDE COMMITS SUICIDE. Raleigh Girl Armed With Gigantic Hat-Pin. A Boston, Mass., dispatch Monday says : "Students at the fashionable Sim mons College in the Fenway where Miss Katherine Parker, of Raleigh, is registered, have armed them selves with gigantic hatpins. A slug ger believed to be insane, has been attacking the girls. One girl was as saulted and robbed. "Captain Goode, of the Back Bay nolice, has assigned special ofilcers to the college grounds to protect the girls, many of whom came from lead ing families in distant cities. Who Told Him? "f!nnaripncft is what tells a man when he is doing wrong. "That may be true in your family," replied Mr. Meekton, "but my wife's name is Henrietta." Washington Sad Tragedy at Rocky Mount Veiled in Mystery. A Rocky Mount, N. C, dispatch of January 23 says: "Leaving his wife early this morn ing, H. M. Meyers returned later to find her lying prone upon the floor in a pool of her own blood and with a bullet hole in her head. The sui cide took place at the residence of W. H. Snell on Nash Street. The couple boarded at Mrs. Wr. H. V. Eames and Mrs. Meyers, with her husband, was at breakfast and seem ed to be in the best of spirits. The tragedy was made even sad der by the fact that the couple had been married only seven weeks, hav ing come to this city right after the wedding. He was from Aulander and she was Miss Mollie Woodruff, of Portsmouth. The reason for the trag edy remains a mystery, she giving no hint as to the reason in the note to her husband. She was about twenty-five years old and was pretty. Joseph Price Arrested After Son's Confession Boy Says Father Made Him Help Bury the Negro's Body. Asheville, N. C, Jan. 25. Charged with the murder of John Allen, an imbecile negro, on the night of Au gust 11, 1911, Joseph Price, white, formerly of Marion, thirty-eight miles from this city, was to-day lodged in the county jail at Ruther- frirrHnn Price's arrest followed a confession by his son, Ernest, aged 16, who told the solicitor that the skeleton found in the woods near Marion la6t March was that of the negro Allen, whose mysterious dis appearance has hitherto baffled the authorities. Young Price In his confession re lates that on the morning of August 11, 1911, hi3 father roused him from bed and compelled him to aid in burying the negro's body in a patch of woods near the Price home. The boy further alleges that his father declared that he had killed the ne gro with an axe, while the boy and his mother were attending a revival meeting, because he (the father) wanted to "get the negro's gold." Sensational Piano Sales Dependable pianos are never sold at the rediclous ly low figures quoted by houses abusing public confi dence by sensational advertising statements. Those who purchase pianos under the belief that they are getting $100.00 or more in piano value for nothing, are storing up trouble for the future. The Genuine Krakauer Bros. Pianos with the tone you can't forget, is the best that human skill can devise, fully guaranteed as to quality satisfac tory and sold on a one-price and profit basis. Sensationalism and misrepresentation find no place in our business policy. Send for catalog and full particulars to DARNELL & THOMAS - M. C. Deputy Sheriff of Wilmington Indict ed for Embezzlement. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 25. Mel vin Home, a deputy sheriff, against whom a true bill was returned by the grand jury a few days ago for em bezzling $500 tax money while in the employ of Sheriff S. P. Cowan, was to-day indicted by the grand jury for violating the prohibition law. He has not yet been found. The Charlotte Observer Favors Three Reforms. Charlotte Observer. The Torrens land-tiUe system, the Australian ballot, and shorter ballots these measures universally recog nized as progressive and upon them not the slightest suspicion of faddish ness or impractlcality rests. Some Chickens. They are raising chickens nowadays that sell for almost as much as a "likely negro boy would have brought in slavery days, says the Charlotte Observer. Wrhat would our grandpas have thought at offering 50 cents for a rooster and being told that $500 wouldn't buy him? That science of breeding has reached a high grade of perfection when a single fowl ia worth the price of a pair of farm mules and will bring it, too. Mon roe Enquirer. Smallpox Outbreak. (Elkin Tribune.) Over one hundred cases of small pox are reported in Wilkesboro and North Wllkesboro. Every precaution possible Is being taken to prevent the disease from speading further. THE MOVING SALE BRINGS CROWDS Our store has begun its stupendous MOVING SALE with a rush. The almost unheard of prices which we announced havecertainlv met with general favor; and we are glad that our customers and friends are taking advantage of the opportunities which we are offering. Come Early and Get the Best Selections HUNTER-RAND COMPANY 210 Eayetteville St. Ralegh, N. C Star. day.

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