rage Two. THE CAUCASIAN. JThunuUr. February 13, 1913. I rfcurvUr General Netfs. Frederick O. Beach, the New York millionaire charged with an assault on his wife, was acquitted at Aiken, S. C, Friday. James Porter, clerk of the court of Louisa County, Va., met death in Richmond Saturday by falling down the steps of a building. Nineteen persons were drowned Thursday when the schooner Gran ada, a small coasting vessel, was wrecked off Greytown, Nicarauga. Teachers of the New York public schools are planning a union, the principal object being to secure rep resentation on the board of educa tion. Mrs. Grover Cleveland and Thomas J. Preston, Jr., were quietly married Monday morning at Prospect, the ex ecutive residence of Princeton Uni versity. The Lower House of Congress passed a bill forbidding the inter marriage of blacks and whites in the District of Columbia. The Senate has not acted. Women ejonnected with the United States Army have contributed $2,000 to the Women's Titanic Memorial. The subscriptions averaged $1 each and came from all parts of the globe. A Greek aviator made a daring flight over the Dardanelles Friday and dropped three bombs near the Turkish fleet. The Turkish ships fired at the aviator but failed to hit him. Dr. H. II. Goddard, after making an examination of the pupils in the New York public schools, declared that at least 15,000 of them were feeble-minded. He urged they be segregated. James Purcell, one-time partner of Herman Rosenthal in a gambling es tablishment, Friday appeared at the New York aldermanic graft investi gation and testified that he had paid over $50,000 for police protection. The salary at Yale for Prof. Wil liam H. Taft as Kent professor of law, with other duties annexed, will be $5,000, which is the maximum salary now paid to the upper grade of full professors. James A. Patten, the cotton and grain speculator, pleaded guilty in the Federal Court of New York to six counts in the indictments charging him with restraint of trade. Judge Mayor fined Patten four thousand dollars, which Patten paid immedi ately. Secretary of the United States Treasury MacVeagh has ordered the engraving of the plates for the new one-dollar treasury notes. It will require eighteen months to put into circulation this new paper money, which will be only two-thirds the size of existing currency. William Rockefeller, the aged Standard Oil magnate, suffered a nervous collapse Friday at Jekyl Island while he was being examined by representatives of the Pujo Com mittee. The examination was ab ruptly terminated and his testimony will likely never be taken. SOUTHERN GROCERS IN COURT. Criminal Proceedings Against Asso ciation Contempt of Court At tempt to Reduce Cost of Living. Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 10. Crim inal contempt of court proceedings against the Southern Wholesale Gro cers' Association and fifty-nine indi viduals for alleged violations of the anti-trust decree entered against the "grocers trust" more than a year ago were begun here to-day by the Fede ral Government. This is the first prosecution undertaken by the Gov ernment by a "trust" for the alleged disobedience of. a court's mandate un der the Sherman law. Despite the decree, the Government declares in its petition filed in the United States District Court that the defendants have employed coercion, threats, intimidations and persua sions to prevent manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers from reduc ing prices. It is charged that they have sought to coerce and compel manufacturer and producer to mar ket his product through the medium of the wholesaler and have conspired to prevent direct transactions from producer to retailer or consumer. These are the things forbidden by the decree, and the court here, which en tered it October 17, 1911, is asked by Attorney - General Wickersham to make an order requiring the defend ants to show cause why they should not be attached and punished for con tempt of eourt. Kansas Will Publish Text Books and Sell to Pupils at Cost. Topeka, Kans., Feb. 8. When Governor Hodges signs a bill passed by the House, Kansas will become Its own publisher of text books used by the school children of the State. Pu pils will be able to buy the books at actual' cost. SIX THOUSAND KILLED Turkish Army Loses Hearilj in Battle With Bulgarians It Is ISelieved the Wounded Turk Number 12,000 or Moro Heavy Turkish Ixe In Other Battle- Bulgarians Ixyse Hut Few Men. Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb. 11. Large numbers of men were sent out to clear the battlefields of the dead bod ies of Turkish soldiers, numbering 5,000 or 6,000. It is believed that the wounded Turks number over 12, 000. The Turkish army in the pen insula of Galipoli lost 6,000 men and fifty officers during the fighting at Bulair, according to official report is sued here. Several thousand Turk ish soldiers, it is declared, fell in the battle before Tchatalja lines on Feb ruary 9, and thousands more fell at Charkeui. The Bulgarian army having re pulsed several Turkish attacks along Tchatalja lines, retired to fresh posi tions five or six miles to the rear.fThe losses of the Bulgarians were small. The heavy Turkish loss is due to the excellently directed Bulgarian shell fire. Bulgarians are entrenching their positions in front of Bulair. The Turkish warships shelled the Bulgarian left fiank "311 day with but few Bulgarian casualties. The Bul garian infantry continued their dead ly fire on small boats loaded with Turkish troops, inflicting losses amounting to several thousand men. The Bulgarians' losses did not exceed one hundred killed. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED. One Was Tied to Stake and Tarred and Match Applied Had Murder ed Woman. Houston, Miss., Feb. 7. Andrew Williams, a negro, was lynched by a a mob to-day. William was suspect- .nurdering Mrs. John Williams, the Deputy Chancery Clerk's wife, who was found dead at her home yester day. Robbery was the motive. Houston, Miss., Feb. 8. Dibrell Tucker, thirty years old, a negro, in whose possession a diamond ring was found, said to have been the proper ty of Mrs. J. S. Williams, murdered in her home here Thursday last, was lynched late to-day by a .mob in the court-house square. The negro, who was captured earl ier in the day, was taken to the square about 2:30 o'clock and chain ed to an iron post. A kettle of tar was poured over him and faggots piled around the trembling man. He .was allowed to talk for a short time, and then a brother of the dead woman touched a match to the dry wood. Tucker had hardly begun to feel the effects of the heut when the fath er of Mrs. Williams, it is said, ran up and shot him four times. The second shot, it is believed, caused his death. The negro, according to responsi ble citizens, admitted the crime and said Andrew Williams, the negro lynched on Friday, took the body of the dead woman out of the house and threw it into the pit where it was found. Boot and Shoe Last Trust Dissolved by Federal Court. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 7. The "boot and shoe last trust," which the Gov ernment alleges fixes the price of practically every last sold in the United States, was dissolved here to day by the Federal Government in quick time. Immediately following the filing of the Government's civil anti-trust suit against Krentler, Ar nold Hinge Company and numerous other last manufacturers with whom it is allied by agreement. Judge Tuttle entered an agreed decreed ter minating the license agreements in so far as they fixed the price of un patented lasts and dissolved a club through which the alleged violation of the Sherman law v was accom plished. President of Salvador Dies at Hand of Assassin. San Salvador, Feb. 9. Manuel Araujo, President of the Republic of Salvador, who was wounded by the bullets of an assissin on February 4, died to-day. Don Carlos Melendez will succeed to the office of Chief Executive. President Araujo was attacked and shot last Tuesday night by several men, one of whom, a Guatemalan, named Virgilio Mulatillo, was arrest ed. Mulatillo, in a confession, de clared that the plot to assassinate President Araujo had been contract ed in Guatemala City. Twelve Eggs in Six Days. Mr. Hugh Helms is authority for a hen story to the effect that Miss Anna Bass, who lives a few miles west of town, is the sole owner and possessor of a hen that laid twelve eggs in six days. Mr. Helms declared positively that Miss Bass had been suspecting her hen of laying two eggs a day and therefore put her behind prison bars to ascertain the correct ness of her impression. While thus locked from the invasion of other birds, the noble old hen made her matchless record of twelve eggs In six days. Marshville Home. State Netfs. The four-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Presnell vat burned to death at Asheboro last week. Lucy Brame, colored, said to be the oldest person in Vance County, died Thursday at the age of 115. Arthur Harden shot and killed Bud Kirby near XI t. Holly Thursday. Both colored. Harden made his escape. Rev. W. W. Rose, Methodist min ister, died last Wednesday night at Franklintcn. The remains were tak en to Pittsboro for interment. The lower house of the Legisla ture amended the Senate Building & Loan Association bill, fixing the maximum borrowing power at 20 per cent of assets. Earl Ketcbum, employed at a saw mill in Pender County, was caught by a heavy steel cable, which wound around his body and crushed him to death a few days ago. The House Committee on Counties, j Cities and Towns voted for an un-j favorable report on the Kellum bill j for the annexation of a portion ofj Brunswick County to New Hanover. ! j W. H. Hughes, of Asherille, cWg- ed with shooting George Carver and j wife during the early part of De-I cember, Saturday was sentenced to serve two years on the roads for the offense. Waldo McCracken and Robertson i Rogers, convicted in Haywood Coun ty Superior Court of second degree murder for the killing of Lee Wells, were sentenced to three years each in the State Prison. The case was ap-j pealed to the Supreme Court. : The trial of Will C. Griffin, charged : with the recent killing of Cleveland; Campbell, in Chatham County, has' been postponed until the May term of Chatham court. The difficulty that; led to the tragedy grew out of Griffin j hunting on CampbeH's land. The nine-year-old son of Mr. Wil-j liam Whitehurst, of Pitt County, shot; and killed Hoyt Whitaker, a fifteen-j year-old orphan boy who lived at the Whitehurst home. The shooting was accidental and occurred when the Whitehurst boy was handling the gun. The Carolina Warehouse Company to be located in Jreensboro was form ed by members of the State Farmers' Union in session there Saturday. . The purpose of the warehouse is to fad- vance the interest of the farmer as well as the general public in both buying and selling. At a meeting of the joint commit tee of the General Assembly on Ju dicial Districts it was decided that two sub-committees shall work out the apportionment of the State into the twenty judicial districts decided upon and the matterof salaries to be paid the twenty solicitors. Albert H. Kimball, of near China Grove, was run down by an automo bile driven by a young Mr. Hanes, of Salisbury Saturday evening, and died shortly after reaching a hospital at Salisbury, where he wras taken. Kim ball was riding a bicycle on tne streets of China Grove when the fa tal accident occurred. Lee A. Jones, of Speed, N. C, while visiting a friend in Baltimore last week, was "cleaned" of a wal let containing $200. He boarded a street car and shortly afterwards was jostled by two men. He paid no attention to them. Later he was jostled again, this time harder than the first, by the men, who got off the car at that point. He then re membered his money, and upon feel ing for it, found it gone. Running the State Further in Debt. Clinton News-Dispatch.) The Democrats have increased sal aries, created new officers and blown in the people's money until they have almost bankrupted the State and still they keep right on at it. They are now fixing berths for four more Judges and as" many Solicitors and the State hasn't got a dollar with which to pay them. That's why they are going to increase the bur den of taxation on the dear "peepul." How the South Suffers From Demo cratic Rule. Charlotte Observer.) Tariff revision under Democratic rule seems to be taking its usual course, to some extent. Articles of Southern make are put down, and those of Northern make are more or less upheld. We make no complaint in this matter against our Northern friends, for the fault rather rests upon and with our representatives in Congress. It is proposed to make a very decided cut of the tariff on cotton good3, while the late news is that the tariff on woolen goods re mains almost the same. Southern Representatives in Congress have moved in some degree away from the old fetish of free trade which belong ed to the institution of slavery, but we are not yet wholly free from it. Without any quart 1 whatever with the woolen trade, we know. It could better stand a cut than It Southern roitoa roods could. Our Representa tive in Ccagresa hate been so long advocating fre trade. thAt It is hard for them to refuse to acjoS-c ta a cut on Southern product towards a free-trade basis, bat meanwhile Northern Congressmen et the high est tariff possible and hold to it While the Southern Congressmen are pursuing a theory, and let the prac tical results go in deference to the theory, the Northern Representatives are pursuing practical results and getting them. ONE KILLKI) AND TWO lNJl RKII. Kxnre Train Strike Haad-Car on Yadkin River Bridge Three Men Knocked Into the River. A Salisbury dispatch Monday night reports that one man was killed, two badly injured and several others had a narrow escape from death when a northbound express train collided head-on with a hand-car on the Yad kin River bridge near Spencer Mon day night. Of eight men of the car. three were knocked into the river forty feet below. Cicero Armstrong, a negro, was either killed or drown ed and Tom Brooks and Joe Reid. two white men swam to a snag in the stream and were rescued by Lind say Yarborough and Iris Roach, in a boat. A special train was made up and Dr. J. A. Caldwell rushed to the scene. Thomas was taken to a Salisbury sanitorium with nose brok en, a bad contusion on the forehead and otherwise bruised. Joe Reid was also taken to the same sanitorium with a broken leg and face badly lac erated. It is thought both will re cover. To Add New Feature to Paper. (Charlotte Observer.) The Charlotte Daily Observer is planning to devote a portion of its Sunday issue each week to items of news and articles of merit relating to traveling men, their work and worth to the city from which they work and the country at large in which they "live, move, and have their being." In this undertaking The Observer believes that it will have the cordial endorsement and co-operation of each and every traveling man in the Caro lines and particularly of the two great organizations, the United Com mercial Travelers and the Travelers' Protective Association, both of which maintain large and flourishing branches in this city. The greater part of the material will be furnish ed by special committees from these two organizations and wilt be devoted especially to affairs of interest to those who travel. It is hoped in time to make this department of the paper one of the most attractive in its Sun day issue. Necessarily the begin ning will have to be on a small scale, but with the cordial assistance of the hundreds of traveling men in this territory, it. will be made one of real value and merit. Time to Call a Halt on Democratic Extravagance. The Legislature must either find a way to put the property of the State on the tax books at its true value, or issue bonds to pay the an nual expenses. There is no other alternative. Of course the only course dictated by statesmanship is to assess the property at a higher valuation. Raleigh News and Ob server. Of course there is no "alternative" but to raise taxes or issue bonds al though the State is pretty well loaded down with the latter and the last bonds the State issued were a drag on the market. Two years ago taxes were raised by the "equalization" process and with the natural increase in property valuations the State came up this year with a $725,000 deficit. You never hear a word about econ omizing and cutting down expenses and as Governor Kitchin told the Legislature in his address to "make the garment fit the cloth." On the other hand it is more Judges, Solici tors and Courts, State-wide primaries and the State to foot the bill, more appropriations and increasing those now being made, etc. It looks like It was about time to call a halt, take an inventory and a new start along different lines for it is getting about time for one of those "Democratic periodical panics" to roll around and then, pray, what are you going to do?" Union Republican. Simply Voting the Democratic Ticket. Clinton News Dispatch. The Statesville Landmark in speak ing of the thirty-nine employers of the- Legislature who are paid $2.50 per day each, a total of $97.50 per day, wants to know what these labor ers do. It says, "can't somebody who knows take the public into his con fidence and tell just what the work is." Sure Mike, the work you have reference to ia simply Toting the Democratic ticket. That's all. Two Fatal Accidental Shootings. A Winston,. NVC, dispatch says: "E. L. Weir, a farmer of Forsyth County, accidentally shot and killed himself early Thursday morning. Arising early, Mr. Weir picked up his gun, telling his wife that he was go ing to kill some troublesome dogs. Later he returned and In placing his gun behind the door it was discharg ed, the entire load taking effect in his face, tearing 2 half of It, predating death ia fifteen cinutea. Mr. Weir Is ssrvit ed by a wife and three chil dren. "Itobt. B. Casseil. of North Wilkes boro. while hottine was accidentally shot by his friend. Ttooas Matthews, and no hope ts entertained for his re covery. The top of Mr. Casseii's head was blown o!f by the accidental discharge of Matthew' can. MiMocHATie itr.;t:u txm vtr One IVmorratic Kdifor .dmonibe- IIU larty Not to Shake the ltwm Until They Are Ripe. There was a time when the I Vrno cratic papers and Democratic poli ticises claimed that members of their party never sought office, and in fact only accepted an office when they felt it was their patriotic doty. How ever, their hunger for pie has be come so apparent of late that even members of their own household are advising them to go slow and not at tempt to shake the plum tree before they secure ground rights, in writ ing on ibis subject the Mount Airy News, a Democratic paper, sajs: An old politician ears ago said that the Democratic party could al ways be counted on to act the d m fool every time it had a chance. And the eagerness that Is shown by Democrats for office reminds us of the old expression. Now just suppose the Democratic party was go.ng out of office the 4th of March and our President had the right to make appointments dur ing the remainder of his term. What a howl we Democrats would raise if Republicans tried to keep us from having every office during our term, even to the very last day. Rut now that the Republican party has only a few more weeks to serve the country and there are hundreds of offices becoming vacant and natur ally would be filled by the present acting President and confirmed at once by the present Senate we Demo crats are trying to turn heaven and earth to stop this regular order and keep the Republicans from having what is naturally and by right theirs. Because we are hungry for office is no good reason for trying to keep Republicans from having what be longs to them in the way of patron age that is due them so long as their term of office lasts. It must be remembered that all Democrats are not after office. There are thousands of Democrats who are willing to give a Republican all that is coming to him even to giving him an office. There'8 BULL DOG Gasoline Engine a ror tvery farm ScmisallSoeafl Piaino Sales Dependable pianos are never sold at the rediclous ly low figures quoted by houses abusing public confi dence by sensational advertising statements. Those who purchase pianos under the belief that they are getting $100.00 or more in piano value for nothing, are storing up trouble for the future. The Genuine Krakauer Bros. Pianos with the tone you can't forget, is the best that human skill can devise, fully guaranteed as to quality satisfac tory and sold on a one-price and profit basis. Sensationalism and misrepresentation find no place in our business policy. Send for catalog and full particulars to THE MOVING SALE BRINGS CROWDS Our store has begun its stupendous MOVING SALE with a rush. The almost unheard of prices which we announced have certainly met with general favor; and we are glad that our customers and friends are taking advantage of the opportunities which we are offering. Come Early and Get the Uzut Selections HUNTER-RAND COMPANY 210 Eaycttevflle Sl Of eemw it MI tak etery haati-tr Detsoerat ta tise coantry ct4 to say It. hat th wisest a&4 tst honorable plan for the Deoocrau to follow Is for thee to let th K pub lican Senate aleae and 1t It hate what See a,? taade taract hU the presc&t administration is ta po er. Some of tt days we taay hat to answer for all onr ottraaik for of2.ee. If we r solas at t& 4th of March we would thlak It aa outrage for a set of it public a &ators to b chasisc aca other out of the United State !Nna!e chamber to keep us from feati&x a quorum and thus defeat as ta e&ak Itsc confirmations that ty tstcM reap the rewards later. It U aadic ttlfied and unworthy of the rnea b: are try In to take from the !Wpat" licans a hat Is naturally theirs, and all for the reason that the co&iry is literally fall of men who are. many of them, up against the prob lem of landing aa oSEce or boardi&c with a relative. Such Is iVetuorracj . Clinton News Dispatch.) Hut the record runs, that wbea the iVmocratic party has squandered the people's taxes In "riotous living" and can no longer find anyone to buy their bonds they will sell the State Interest In her railroads. They sold the Western North Carolina Railroad during Governor Jarvts Administra tion. Governor Carr. another Demo crat, leased the North Carolina road j for SS years, and now It looks llko j Governor Craig and his crowd are go ; Ing to sop out the dUh by selling: the Atlantic and North Carolina road from Goldsboro to Heaufort. the last piece of railroad property the State owns. Hut such Is North Carolina Democracy. eel fr Kkfr Jude. We may need more Judges, but we do not think ho. So long as the courts apparently waste half the time allotted to them the lay mind will not appreciate the need of moro Judges, The trouble must be mime where else. Salisbury Post. Move on Now! Says a policeman to a street crowd. and vharki fiends If if ilnn'l "Mn on now," says the big. harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffer ing follows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. Twenty-five cents at all druggists. INecd 1 to 12 H- P. one for your Threhinf Machine sad Saw MBL ebers adapted to Puanpwg, Sawms. Kunntac SeparstorsTOurss. etc I be Bull Dog u a strong, compact rpgtna which you can ibyiliite Ir rely upon for long, hard service. Write today for complete, descriptive catalog, shewiag designa and sues for every purpose. THE FAIRBANKS CO, BALTIMORE. MD. The rifhnk CentD made a trtteU. Mnfctrrs ef Fairbtnka calee-Standard fee 10 yeare. OMAS M. C. Raleigh, N. C CJf Why tatf talaa IN" ' TV. m. to &a Tfc fts fa ii I n i B Lf y n n 1 It h is

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