(7 If i: H JL JL iLJL w . n VV II m. II II II 'l VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, N. C.f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1013. EDITORIAL BRIEFS Mr. Wilson seems to be shore go ing to the White House so long as it is occupied by a Republican. Thought it was . about time for them. One of the saw-dust bills was Introduced In the House Saturday. The Marshville Home wants the boys of that town civilized. Why sot have the Legislature pass a law? The editor of Charity and Children doesn't think this Legislature up to theaverage. But isn't that hitting them hard. Mr. Bryan now says he doesn't want the Democratic nomination for Presi dent four years hence. He probably knows it won't be worth having by that time. Mr. Wilson says that his Cabinet is not yet completed. It appears that he is finding It very hard to get enough suitable timber within bis party ranks. The editor of Charity and Children says this is no time for creating jobs to reward politicians. Just such business in the past has helped con siderably to pile up the State debt. Since President Wilson stated that he would surround himself with Pro gressives, and only Progressives, it is impossible to find a Democrat who will admit that he is not a Progres sive. After all, It appears that the South will not have much representation in the inaugural parade. It Is announced from Washington that only one regi ment from the South will participate in this function. President-elect has announced that he will call the special session of Con gress to convene on April 1st... Won der if he considers' that the most ap propriate day to call his Democratic brethren together? About seventeen hundred bills have been introduced in the State Legislature, and if more than a half dozen of them are of any special im portance, they hare escaped this writer's attention. If Governor Craig intends being the "Good Roads" Governor, it is about time for him to hand around his program. Thus far he has called only one good roads conference, and that one to boost his home town. Representative Mull introduced a bill in the Legislature Monday to pro vide a non-partisan board of educa tion for Burke County. To show that he is really non-partisan Mr. Mull should have his bill apply to the whole State. And now the suffragette clubs are preparing to make demands on Presi dent Wilson regarding the distribu tion of offices. When they march on the White House Mr. Wilson will either have to hand lout the offices or crawl under the table. The Superintendent of the Nation al Capitol has figured it will cost the Government $186,000 to keep Con gress cool this summer. But who is to keep the rest of the country cool while Congress is tinkering with the tariff? Mr. Bryan says he will not be a candidate for the Presidency four years hence, but that he will favor Mr. Wilson's nomination. Wasn't it Mr. Bryan who wrote that sentence in the platform committing the Dem ocratic candidate to one term? Why this sudden change of ideas? Judge Goff, one of the Federal Judges for this Circuit, has been elected by West Virginia, United States Senator. The last appoint ment of a Federal Judge in this Cir cuit was by a Republican President, and he appointed Judge Connor, a Democrat, to the position. Now, let us see if Mr. Wilson, a Democratic President, will return the compliment by appointing a Republican to sue ceed Judge Goff. "PROFLIGATE WASTE OP MOSEY." Thii Democratic Congres Will Prove More Costly Than Any Previous Congres -Lot of Money Wanted. Union Republican. The Democratic national platform adopted at Baltimore the platform on which the Democrats elected a President last November denounced "the profligate waste of money wrung from the people by oppressive taxa tion through the lavish appropria tions of recent Republican Con gresses." This was virtuous, and was taken by the country as a hopeful promise of reform. But recently the Democratic chair man of the Democratic Appropria tions Committee of the Democratic House of Representatives declared that the appropriations of this ses sion of Congress will exceed the ap propriations of any session in the his tory of the Government, and that "the total expenditures are in danger of being so great that the talk of a downward revision of the tariff will be a hollow mockery." All this ques tion of appropriations is substantially within the control of the House of Representatives ' and its Democratic majority. Those who made the Democratic national platform either had no knowledge of what they were pro claiming, or it was intended to mis lead the people by false charges of Republican extravagance. The proof has come with unexpected swiftness. There has been an enormous increase of expenditures for investigations in to everything without resulting in anything. The so-called Money Trust Investigating Coirmitee has not only expended its original appropriation of $25,000, but it calls for $35,000 more, and has obligations out for that amount, without any authority of law. And this is only one of a number of illustrations. If the Democrats in Congress had confined themselves to the proper and necessary appropriations it is not probable their chairman of appropri ations would have been compelled to confess that the expenditures of this Congress will exceed those of any previous Congress in the history of the country. But when they began their wholesale use of the public money to carry on investigations for party advantage they not only in creased expenditures,, but' they have been guilty of a "profligate waste of money" for no public purpose. TEMPTING THE FARMERS. Texas Gives $10,000 in Prizes to Till ers of the Soil. (From the Manufacturers' Record.) The last census shows that the population of the United States in creased 21 per cent in the ten years, while grain product in that time in creased only 1.7 per cent. This is an appalling condition when you take into consideration the fact that the exports of our grain products are now so very small that a dry year or a poor crop in this mighty Union would force us either to tie our apron strings tighter or to buy bread from somebody else. rvtt . . .... ine meat conditions are even worse. Beef cattle has deceased 21 per cent in actual numbers in the ten years, while population increased 21 per cent. That puts them 42 per cent apart and both growing rapidly in the wrong direction. Sheep and hogs are in almost the same cate gory. The only practical remedy is more intelligent and efficient effort on the farm; not. an enlargement of the farm, not an opening up of new lands ana increasing the amount in cult! vatlon, but m cutting down the amount that each man shall culti vate and teaching him to produce a larger net return an acre. He must also realize that the one or two-crop system is bad beyond de gree; that it makes the land, the landlord and the tenant all poor in a constantly increasing ratio; that he must diversify and rotate and turn under green cover crops and return to the land fertilizing matter of vari ous kinds In proportion to what his crops have taken from it. To attract the attention of the farmers and the business men of the country and especially to influence those of Texas to change their meth ods the Texas Industrial Congress offered and paid in 1911, $10,000 in gold as premiums or prizes for every farmer of any age who produced the best results in the class In which he was a contestant. There were no entrance fees, obligations or charges of any kind. Should Attend to More Immediate Necessities. If there is such a big deficit in the State Treasury cannot the refurnish ing of the Executive Mansion be put off for matters of more immediate necessity? Greensboro Patriot. , ..,. ... . , i "" - -- - : . 1 BRYAN NOT CANDIDATE It u 5af g cstd he Does Net Thhk There Will be Any Hsssr ia the Next Neshatka MIL WILSON CAUSES SURPRISE Flatly Refused President Tart's Of fer to Keep Him Informed ob Im portant Matter Now Before the President and -Departments A Mort Incomplete Congre Pen sion List Swelled to 180,000,000 What President Garfield Said About Pensions He Thought the lVntdon List Should Grow Smaller Each Year. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C. Feb. 25. 19ll Word has just reached Washington from President-elect Wilson that he will call Congress to meet in extra session on April 1. It is also under stood that the new President will cover other subjects besides the ta riff, including reform of the currency, in his message. Wilson Refuses Taft's Offer. It has also just been learned that President-elect Wilson has flatly de clined an offer, recently made to him by President Taft, to not only keep him informed about important mat ters that are now before the Presi dent and the Departments, but also to confer with him, if he desired, so that the action taken by this adminis tration, in its closing days, would be in harmony with the policy of the new administration. Much surprise has-been expressed by legislators here, of all parties, at Mr. Wilson's declination of this very proper and patriotic offer on the part of Presi dent Taft. A number of the leading Democrat ic Congressmen are much worried l at Mr. Wilson's course. It is pointed out that a week from to-day Mr. Wil son, who has never had any experi ence in -public life except as-Govfef- nor or New Jersey, will have to take up the threads of the many very im portant affairs of this great govern ment, with many crtical matters needing instant attention. It is also pointed out that President-elect Wil son has announced that he intends to name a full Cabinet on March 4. It is certain that many, if not all of these men, will be entirely unac quainted with the duties of the offices to which they will be appointed. It is clear to every one that President Wilson and his new Cabinet, no mat ter how able they may be, will not be in a position to carry on the import ant work of the Government without delay and embarrassment, especially under the present conditions. If President-elect Wilson Bhould not confer about anything else, it is inconceivable that he should not want to confer on the Mexican situation, not only to be informed as to the present state of things, but in order that he and President Taft might, each day, work in harmony as to the best steps to take to protect American lives and property, and indeed, the lives and property of all foreigners in Mexico. 'A Most Incompetent Congress." Congressman Dalzell, of Pennsyl vania, one of the oldest and most ex perienced Congressmen, at the capital, a fe wdays since, reviewed the record of the present Democratic Congress. He showed that the things that the Democrats had promised to do had been left undone, and that the things that they had promised not to do, they had done with a vengeance. Mr. Dalzell was trying to get the Democratic Cofamittee on Rules to take up the Workmen's Compensa tion Act. When he failed to get this done he showed that this was a meas ure that the Democratic" party had promised to pass; that they now had the power to do it and yet refused. He also pointed out that they were wasting time on a number of use less and unimportant matters, such as "the Webb Ahtl-LIquor Bill." which showed was a fraud at the best. He said if they wanted to pass an effective bill to prohibit the ship ment of liquor into prohibition States that then they would have adopted the Senate Kenyon bill. He said it was clear their purpose was to fool the people, while, in fact, doing noth ing. He also reminded the Democrats of their promises and loud protestations In favor of economy, and then pro ceeded to show that the appropria tions made by this Congress was the most extravagant in the history of the Government. Mr. Dalzell concluded his speech by saying: "I submit that this is only another evidence of the fact that when history comes to record the story of this Congress, it will pronounce this the moat Incom petent and useless Congress that ever sat under the dome of the eapltol." It was only a few days ago that Mann, the Republican minority lead er in the House, declared that it was clear that the business of the Govern ment was in the hands of "an unor ganized mob." The Fright! IVnOoa Li a. In this connection it should be no ticed that the pension bill prepared and passed by this Democratic House carries an appropriation of over $110,000,000. ThU U by far the larg est pension bill ever passed. Outside of the small amount of these pen sions that go to soldiers and sailors In the late Spanish War, all of it goes to supposed sailors and soldiers In tie War Between the States, which ended nearly fifty years ago. A boy who was twenty years old. as a soldier in that war, would to-day be nearly seventy years of age. A soldier who was thirty years of age, would to-day he eighty, and there are not living to-day but a handful of soldiers in that war, who are eighty years of age. and whose health was so Impaired by the war that they should be entitled to a pension. The average age of the soldiers in that war was certainly not far from forty years of age, and to-day every man who was forty years of age then is dead, and yet the pension roll grows, and the greatest Increase in It has been made by this Democratic Con gress. What President Garfield Said About Pensions. In 1872 the late President Garfield, then one of the leaders on the floor of Congress, himself a soldier in that war, protested against the size of the Pension Appropritalon Bill of that year because it had reached the sum of $34,000,000. Mr. Garfield at that which was over forty years ago, said, in a speech on the floor of the House, that there was no excuse for a pen sion bill reaching such an enormous figure as $34,000,000. He said that it was not possible for there to be enough men living at that time who were entitled to a pension to run the appropriation to tha figure. w He-said In that speech that it was the duty of Congress to see to it that the pension roll was never increased, and that then the natural death-rate of those who were on the pension roll would rapidly reduce the amount of the ap propriation so that within twenty years the sum would not amount to more than fifteen or twenty million dollars, and that at the end of forty years it would practically be wiped out. It is now forty-one years since that speech was made, and instead of the pension roll dwindling to al most nothing, it has to-day grown until it is almost five times bigger than it was when Garfield made that speech; and the shame of It all is that this last great increase in pensions was made by a Democratic House just before the last campaign open ed, which was a bold theft of money In the public treasury, to be used in trying to buy the old soldiers' vote. Mr. Bryan Xot a Candidate Word has just reached Washington; that Mr. Bryan has declared that he! would not be a Democratic candidate, for the Democratic nomination' four years from now, and that he was In favor of Mr. Wilson being renomi nated. This decision on the part of Mr. Bryan must have been brought about by his study of the awful rec ord which the Democratic Congress is making. He, no doubt, sees clearly that a Democratic nomination four years from now will be an empty and burdensome honor and he Is willing to throw that to Wilson. Three Children Burned to Death While Mother Was From Home. ' Elkins, W. Va.. Feb. 24. Three small children were cremated and their mother probably Xatally burned in a fire to-day which destroyed the home of Hubert Slough, a railroad man, at Oxley, thirty-seven miles from here. The mother was visiting a neighbor when the fire occurred. A fourth child, who escaped, sound ed an alarm and when rescuers reached the house they found the charred bodies of the three children under a large cook stove, where ap parently they had taken refuge. Mrs. Slough arrived during the height of the flames. She forced her way Into the house in a vain effort to save her little ones. Took 040 Ont of the Bank; Ixst It. Mr. A. J. Jones, a farmer-living near Speed, N. C, lost or was robbed of $540 In currency In Tarboro Fri day morning. Mr. Jones received a check on the First National Bank for $640, the proceeds of his crop. He presented It at the bank and de manded the currency. While going into a store to pay his account he discovered that the roll had disap peared. Tarboro Southerner. I . " - I -m I - REAL ANCIENT HISTORY FtsuJ Work b Uakbg tkc Khrd el Great LViiiia DEATH OF A GREAT MAN Cttaage ia World Map Tows asm! ' i Cooatrj IV$4 at tkkl Ttx ; i "South Sem HwIsmS1" -4ref UrtU aJa ajmI Kpl at War Kerrrsi Ad ! ttti&itrtlta CKaag'e UUtot Much tiaJ. Correspondence of The CauraaUn Enterprtse. Bilklnsvile. N. C, Feb. 24. IMS. Although several murwpim naa been made to unite England an Srot - land, hit u not finally cloeed up n - til M.rrh 5S t?o? ki- . ..... - " ov the ratification ov the meatare passed by Parliament, though the final touches were put on until Msy 1 ov that year? In 1711 Great Britain suffered a loss ov the services ov the Duke ov Marlborough. This great fighter had never failed to take any city he at tacked an' hit iz claimed that no for tifications had ever stood in hit way. But he finally fell before a great temptation in the form ov a bribe which iz said to hev been offered i him in connection with a contract to supply bred to the British army, the! sum he iz said to her riv amounting to about $30,000. The Queen dismissed him from all em - Pioyment soon thereafter. What pity! Ov the Duke ov Marborough , i ,k. .v.. hit wuz said that durin the nine-year j war with France, which had been closed, the Duke had never beseiged a city which he did not take an no fortifications had ever stood when he led an attack. But he could not re sist when the "easy money" wuz in sight. The Duke of Ormond succeeded az commander-in-chief ov the army ov Great Britain. The end ov the British-French War caused changes in the map ov the! world. , - . u v.. ,u.uu vr France. The fortifications ov Dun kirk were demolished. Spain gave up Gilbralter and the island ov Min orca, an then the great fortress fell to the British, an they still hold hit. France awlso gave up her claims az to Hudson's Bay an Nova Scotia an j New Foundland, and this later be- came interesting to Americans. The death ov the Queen wuz the next event to stir Great Britain. It iz claimed that she wuz a good wo man, more fitted to govern a home than a great country, but that wuz a good record anyway. . George the first became ruler. He wuz more than fifty years ov age an that ought to hev added to hlz fitness. The new King wuz soon busy for civil war wuz on again, in Scotland az well az in that portion ov the coun try formerly known az England. Several prominent citizens were placed In prison on account ov re bellious tactics. But the seeds had been sown an 'the people or Great Britain were not likely to witness a long period ov peace. When the Eng lish, Scotch, an Irish got mixed up' In those days there wuz bound to be I some exsitement. No matter In whati section they lived there were a gude many people who were "agin the gov ernment." The rebellion didn't pan out much an some ov the ring-lead ers were executed. George I. ruled for fourteen years as- died or paralysis. George II. succeeded him. This caused a di vision among the people, the parties being known as "town" people an "country" people, the "town" people beln those who stood by the adminis tration while the country people, the real farmers, failed to enthuse, though the reason lx not given. In 1721 the "South Sea Company" wuz formed in Great Britain. Hit wuz close akin to the "Mississippi Company" which had ruined most or tne wealthy citizens or France five years previous. The South Sea Com pany proposed to buy up the claims held by smaller companies ar&intt the government an reduce govern ment expense. Bnt how they pro posed to do awl thia wuz never fully explained. At any rate the thousands ov men who were induced to put their savings Into the scheme. In a fern- months the whole thing went to piece an nearly awl ov the stock holders lost the millions or dollars they had put Into hit. No one could explain why hit proved such a fail ure, so far az I know. For some years the finances or Great Britain had been getting In a bad way, the debts amounting to more man $100,000,000. The peo ple who had to dig op the cash natu rally became alarmed. In 1739 war was declared against Spain. There wz some fitin but hit did not last long. In 1745 Prince Charles, grandson Jam II. took, a (mm at Kiag ot Crest Britain He was tatoited ia a ar waka ei a good deal v trouble vttbost proat. llt he ess to 0t W worklag In the alter! ov sis father. Bat for a few years tlttl ar or ros ov one aiad as' another toe ep t time ot the people, bt mm mwm was I aro p! At ever. ZKKE fllLKt.Yft. Tin: i:w hevkxvk ait. Srm IUjU erf .wptiwrt asvd m Tax rulMiM My fe-. aS Talk f a Complete 5trw AwMNuamemt ef Property lWliM. !trrt Are I j A special from Hal-lgh to Ut a ! days Charlotte Observer says: Th. jit k-. , f n " L Zt' r i p ZZS J ! lLtf 3'?'COOt "4 cnaire. i n a Mmiiiei i. Jk . m has completed Its draft of the new revenue and machinery bills that are to be Inlrodaced In both braacbe of the Legislature early neit week, hiving placed the bills la the hands of the State Printers for Introduction in printed form. In the meantime members of the committee will make no statement of definite provisions of the bills. "An lncreas of at least $3(0.000 In the State's revenue is aimed at in the bills without raising tax levies on t""' lJ on means somethlne Ilk. tl AAA AAi ... . . o. . . ,nB,eaa or I w"w 'ir f"M present. He ai4iliatr4 alt... a m . , . ' ! " ,nr "mnery Act Is 1 1!!? C,p'i on to b I IWlslly effective in co.lectln rete- ! ZCi 'JT 7' , Iaa9rnnc jcnlses and kindred sources. Thm rm. ! fills tfll-l liiAaMa. f I . - .-I-I I m... . m. m - iiuu.uuq, instead of $40,000 from Incomes; $100,000 from inheritances, instead of $$0 -000; $150,000 from franchises, in stead of $51,000. "Only fourteen more days remain for this session and two of these will be Sundays, and the adjustment of the Revenue and Machinery bills will be the absorbing work for the re- mainder of the session. "It Is conceded that there will b a special session next fall and Indlca- i r create a State Tax Commission, have a complete new property assessment; in the meantime with the pledge that no more taxes shall be raised under the new assessment this year than last except as required to provide the six months' school terms. "It is learned that the new revenue bill provides for a franchise tax on corporations of one-tenth of on per cent of the capital stock, a very de cided increase over the present rate, meaning that a number of the larger cotton mills in the State, for instance will pay as much as $1,500 addition al franchise taxes. Also, the bill car ries changes in the income tax that fix the minimum untaxed item at $1, 700. with a graduated scale on addi tional incomes that reaches three per cent for incomes of $5,000, with ma chinery to assure listing not accom plished in the past. "The inheritance tax scales and en forcement are being similarly ban died in the bill. The committee is understood to be making no prepan tion for any bond issue for the pres ent heavy indebtedness, and business interests seem apprehensive that the plan Is one to take alt permanent Im provement Indebtedness out of cur rent taxes Instead of Issuing bonds," HAYH RATES WILL BE REMEDIED Governor Craig Care Out HtaUcnent Lat Night After Con terrace With lUilroad Men. After Governor Craig and the spe cial legislative committe had held their conference with the represen tatives of the railroads yesterday, the Governor gave out a statement last night stating that the railroads had agreed to change the North Car olina freight rate and put this State on an equal footing with Virginia. Jnst when this is to be done, or the exact text of the agreement; has not been made public. He'd Got Religioau "Parsons," exclaimed Eparalm, "I'se got 'liglon, I tell you!" That'a fine. brother! Too are go ing to lay aside all sin!" "Yes. sab." "You're going to church!" "Yea, sah-ree." "You are going to care for the widows?" "Ah, yes sah." "You are going to pay all your debts?" "Sah? Dat ain't Hgtoa; dat's bus iness." Judge. The Latest Ont. The young man was disconsolate. She said: "I asked her if I could see her home." "Why. certainly," she answered; "I will send you a pic ture of it." Ladies' Home JaarnaL

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