PAT CASIAN. Lj VOL. RALEIGH, IV. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1913. No. 3. NEW ADMINISTRATION The Reigns of Government Changes Hinds From Top to Bottom COMPARED WITH MEXICO The Weather Was God and Great est Crowd on Hand That Ever At tended an Inauguration Number fnst e-Seekers Helped Swell the Attendance President Wilson's Speech Shortest on Record Dealt Only in Generalities A Great Wo man's Buffi-age Parade Was Im pressive and Spectacular. Washington, D. C, March 4, 1913. (Special to The Caucasian.) Today at noon the government of this great country changes hands from top to bottom. In Its manner It was in striking contrast to the way that the Republic of Mexico has Just changed hands, but it remains to be seen whether or not tho results for this country will be any better. The weather is remarkably good and caused the greatest outpouring of people ever seen at an Inaugura tion. President Wilsons Inaugural Address The address of President Wilson at the east front of the capitol today at 12:30 was listened to by a vast throng, but they were not kept wait ing long. The speech was the short est ever recorded. It was, however, 'noted for another thing, and that is that he said nothing but a few glit tering generalities, such as he ex pressed many times in the last cam paign. Many were heard to remark that they did not know now where he stood on any question any more than they knew before. A Great Crowd of Democratic Office Seekers. The great crowd here from outside the city seems to be largely made up of Democratic office-seekers. They have that appearance. Nine men out of ten seen on the streets has just the look of one who wanted to be post masters in his town and who came here expecting to take the office back in his pocket. Some of them were heard to cuss out President Taft's orders putting many thousand federal office holders under the civil service; while others expressed gratification that fourteen hundred of the appoint ments sent to the Senate by President Taft had been defeated of confirma tion by the filibuster of the Democrats in the U. S. Senate. The Great Woman's Suffrage Parade. On yesterday there occurred a pa rade on Pennsylvania Avenue here that was greater in every way than the Presidential parade of today. It was the parade of the American lead ers for full woman suffrage. They got the permission of Congress to pa rade from the capitol to the white house. There were over 5,00 women of all stations of life in the parade. The crowds that thronged that fa mous avenue to see that parade were greater in number and enthusiasm than the crowds on the avenne today. Besides, it was one of the most im pressive and spectacular parades ever seen In this or any other country. Urea the Senators and members of the House of Representatives from all of the States which hare woman suffrage left Congress and marched in the parade. This shows how strong and powerful are the women in those States. There are many things that we would like to write for The Cau casian, hut time and space forbid. They will be In our next letter. Where Will the Money Come Prom? Union Republican. Democrats boast of their school record ia this State, but with all the school tax now being levied and col lected the distribution of S100,00t of State funds for school purposes in pauper eeuntles and special district taxes levied we have at present only a four months' school. It would be interesting to know how much the State will have to contribute and where the money is to come front for a six months' term. Hard on the Democrats. We are told that Mr. Wilson will shake the plum tree very slightly at first. According to the friends of the President-elect he is not special ly seeking the opportunity to bestow offices right and left. On the other hand, he is reported to be of opinion that the best thing for him to do as a Democratic President Is to exer cise animated moderation in bestow ing gifts to Democrats who fill the want column to overflow. We be-. lieve the rule of service Is going to apply largely with the new President even though it is hard on the party. Salisbury Post. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Mr. Taft, as a Yale professor, will receive 15,000 a year. The sale of cigarettes in Vldalla, Ga., has been limited by law to fif teen minutes a day. Dr. J. T. Haitt made an unsuccess ful attempt to commit suicide in Charlotte Sunday night. The Charlotte Observer says that Mrs. Mary McClure, of Davidson, who died recently, left $10,006 to David son College. Fire destroyed seven dwelling houses on the outskirts of Salisbury Friday night with a loss of $4,000. The houses belonged to W. II. Wood son. Mr. Chas. D. Hilles, former Secre tary to President Taft. will go to New York as resident manager of an in surance company at a salary of $20, 000 a year. Harrison Conner shot and killed Walker Crow near Charlotte Sunday night. Conner objected to Crow walking with his girl. All parties were colored. A site has been selected and plans outlined for the erection of a gener al dining hall at the University, to accommodate 600 to 900 students. The cost will be about $40,000. Mrs. Henrietta Settle Reid, widow of the late Governor David S. Reid, died Sunday night at he home In Reidsville. Mrs. Reid was a sister of the late Judge Thomas Settle. Tony Costello was sentenced to eight years in Sing Sing prison, N. Y., for "stabbing" a man to death with a revolver. Costello pushed the revol ver in his opponent's eye through to the brain. An anti-trust suit filed at Detroit, Mich., Monday against the Burroughs Adding Maachine Company, was fol lowed immediately by an agreed de cree terminating alleged unfair prac tices. Secretary of State Knox a few days ago issued a formal announcement to the public that the income tax amendment is now a part of the con stitution, having been ratified by more than three-fourths of the States. A double tragedy occurred in the residence section of Roanoke, , Va., Thursday afternoon, when David E. Linkenhoker shot and killed Mrs. Warren L. Painter and then turned the revolver on himself and ended his own life. President Taft Tuesday night sum marily dismissed from office Thad deus S. Sharretts and Roy H. Cham berlain, members of the Board of United States General Appraisers at New York, "because of malfeasance in office." Carl Jennings, eleven -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jennings, of Gibsonville, Guilford county, was ac cidentally killed by a playmate ti day. Yeung Jennings and his play mates were playing "Indian" when the "unloaded" gun got In Its fatal work. Dissolution of the Corn Products Refining Company, an alleged starch, glucose and syrup "trust," is sought by the Federal Government in a civil anti-trust suit filed in New York Sat urday charging the $80,000,000 com bination with entering conspiracies and contracts to destroy competition in violation of the Serman law. The "threat trust" was attacked by the Government in a civil anti trast suit seeking dissolution of the alleged attempted monopoly by the "Coats interests" of Great Britain of the thread trade of the United States including that of the American thread company itself, a consolida tion of fourteen American compa nies. Seventeen Zapatistas, who carried their vocation of looting and murder to the edge of the federal district, eight miles from. Mexico City, were captured a few days ago and exe cuted. Juan Vargas, commander of the rurales sent a terse message to President Hueurta, in which he said: "I have the honor to report the exe cution of seventeen bandits, taken in outtlawry and rebellion." One Democrat Cooled Off Before the Inauguration. Greensboro News. Somehow since we have learned that negro women of Washington are to take a prominent part in it, our interest in the suffragette parade has cooled off considerably. REAL ANCIENT HISTORY Revolationarr Troops Defeated tht Government Troops and Displayed Great Cruelty BRIT AIMS UNDERTAKE BIG JOB Hank of England Had Hard Time Britons Hired Troops From Several Countries Meeting on Account of Lack of Wages War With France and Spain at the Same Time Russia and Germany Help the British Fight Napoleon Appears. (Correspondence of The Caucasian Enterprise.) Bilkinsville, N. C. March 4, 1913. While hit may seem strange, yet hit lz stated az a historical fact that during the seventeenth centuhry, durin' a prevalence or a civil war revolutionary troops defeated the government troops at Culloden. They displayed great cruelty, refusing to grant quarters to the wounded, the unarmed, and defenceless. In 1756 the British undertook a big job, that ov conquerin' the Amer ican colonies an' to discourage the French in any attempt to take Can ada or assist the American colonists. At the same time the British had a war going on in Germany, and' more or less flghtin' In France. But France finally gave up the idea ov Canadian territory, an the British delayed the main attempt to hold the colonists until hit wuz too late, though another effort wuz made some twenty years later when the revolutionary war wuz the outcome. France had a large population in Canada, especially at Quebec, an' about Niagara Falls. On the 23rd ov October, 1763, George II. died. He had been King thirty-three years. George III. suc ceeded him. In 1763 the charter ov the bank of England wuz renewed. This great financial institution practically ruled the finances ov Great Britain does yet, for that matcer. The promoters ov this bank gave the Government about six millions ov dollars at this time. The Government awlso began to get up plans to tax the American colonies heavily. The colonies had more than two millions ov people an' were considered good subjects for taxation. They stood it for a time. But was a few years later led to re lief from British dominion. By this time the British had made much headway in controllin' the peo ple ov India. The financiers had great plans on foot to relieve the people ov that country ov awl they could make an' soon had about awl in site. A famine wuz the result an' the Government wuz forced to return part ov the funds taken from the people ov India. A little later the American colon ists began to protest against the in justice ov English rule an later sent a strong petition to the ruler ov that country. The high tax placed upon tea wuz probably the main cause ov complaint, though there were many things considered unsatisfactory ,all ov which added together caused the Revolutionary War which lasted nearly eight years. Ov course, your readers are familiar with that stormy period. Near the end ov the seventeenth century the. long drawn-out war be tween the British an' French practi cally came to an end. Great Britain had p faced a large number ov Ger man soldiers on her pay rolls to help carry on the war. Some Spanish soldiers were hired, too, for there wuz no internatloaal law against such practices at the time. The Duke of York had im addition to Spanish troops, Austrians an' Hollanders. The French were quite successful in many battles, especially along the river Rhine. In 1794 Howe gained a victory over the French fleet which wuz conveyin' a fleet ov sail ships carryin grain from America. The British gained a victory, but the French got most ov their ships through, This wuz one ov the great est naval battles over fought up to that time, though the ships were the old-fashioned kind using sails. A short time later the British navy mutined. The men claimed they did not get pay enough and that the pro visions were short. This threatened to prove serious, but wuz finally set tled in a satisfactory way. The King granted a general pardon to awl the sailors who would return to their posts an' most ov the officers were reinstated. But this peace wuz ov short duration, the clamor for more pay an prompt pay continued. The warships soon blocked up the river Thames an refused the right ov or dinary ships to go up or down the river. An ordinary seaman. Rich ard Parker, wuz chosen az comman der ov the fleet. The red flags were displayed from the masts ov the ships for several weeks. Parker an others were tried an' a number or them were convicted an executed. The fear ov an invasion by foreign armies nearly wrecked the Bank cf Kagland. Much silver an gold taoa ey wuz removed to regions far from the coast an this caused a shortage ov funds in the bank an tbreateael the stability ov the whole country, though matters were finally settled. The British navy had a good deal ov work for a time. Spain wuz per suaded to declare war against Great Britain by France. A joint fleet ov Spanish an' French ships attacked a portion ov the British nary, the Brit ish winning the battle. The same year the French navy landed a large force in Egypt. Admiral Nelson, commanding one wing ov the British navpr followed an hit wuz not long till i the British formed a coalition Witt Russia an' Germany against the French. Austria wuz drawn into the row an' among them awl France could not do much. By this time Na poleon Bonaparte appeared az a mak er av world history. He then had a high position in the French army in Egypt. He addressed a letter to the King ov Great Britain on the subject ov general peace. But the English ruler had an Idea that the French could give no guarantee. Napoleon went ahead with hiz program an de feated the Austrians. The Danes, Sweeds, an' Prussians were admirers ov Napoleon an' were ready to join France against Great Britain. Ia the years 1799 an 1800 crops were almost a failure in Great Brit ain an this caused the rulers an army officers to hev a new object to hold their close attention. The ship ment ov foodstuffs were prohibited for a time, an' this saved the Brit ishers, though hit muBt hev caused much want in India an' elsewhere. Az ever, ZEKE BILKINS. THE 118TH COMMENCEMENT. The Debating Union Will Have Their Final Contest To-morrow Night at Chapel Hill. (Special to The Caucasian.) Chapel Hill, N. C, March 3. A program of the exercises of the 118 th anral commencement of the Uni versity, of North Carolina has been arranged. Contrary to the custom of previous years, the exercises will begin on Sunday and conclude with commencement day on Wednesday. Sunday, June 1, markB the opening day of commencement with the bac calaureate sermon, delivered by Dr. E. Y. Mullins, President of the Louisville, Ky., Baptist Theological Seminary. Monday, June 2, will be observed as class day exercises. On Monday afternoon, the Confederate monument, erected to those students who left college to take up arms, will be unveiled. Governor Locke Craig will be the speaker of this occasion. Tuesday, June 3, will be Alumni Day. Right Rev. Robert Strange, of Wil mington, is the alumni speaker. The commencement day proper will be Wednesday, June 4. Vice-President Thomas R. Marshall will be present and deliver an address. Sixteen of the ninety school en listed in the first preliminary contest instituted by the "Debating Union of North Carolina" were victorious in the triangular debates, thus entitling them to compete in the final contest for the Aycock Memorial Cup. The f nal contest is to be staged at Chapel Hill on the night of March 7. The following schools will clash in foren sic fray on that date over the Ques tion of "Woman Suffrage": Durham, Stoneville, Philadelphus, Haw Fields, Concord, Morganton, Liberty, Har mony, Mt. Pleasant, Lumberton, Hen dersonville, Oxford, Cooleemee, Holly Springs, Stem, and Pleasant Garden. To the credit of only two counties In the State can be attached the dis tinct honor of sending two schools for the final debate; namely, Gran ville and Cabarrus. A site was selected and general plans outlined for the erection of a $40,000.00 dining hall for the State University during the past week. The contract for the construction will be let in a few days and work on the structure will start at once, in order to complete the hall ready for occupancy at the opening of the next college year. Believe Madero's Resignation a Forgery. A dispatch from San Antonia, Tex., Saturday says: "The purported resignation of the late President Madero was to-day de clared by R. V. Pasqulera, a member of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, to be a forgery by those who killed him to give color of legality to the Huerta administration. Mr. Pes qulera is now a refugee in San An tonio. He asserted that Madero Vice-President Suarez were killed be cause they refused to resign so they could not deny their their resigna tion. Senor Pesquirra has wired this statement of his convictions to Washington." WILSON AND MARSHALL President and Vice-President Took Oitn of Office b WasHagtca Toetdajr Noon BIG PARADE FEATURE OF DAY lie? meiitAti r of Foreign .Nation j Take Part in the CVnirvooJew -Mr. i i Taft am! Mr. Wllnon I tide ia Same ' t CWrUg to Capitol Mr. Taft Waa Occupied Until Noon Signing Mr- ; arm Iaed in the Closing Hoars of (Vuvxtw Inaugural iTogrson Covered a Period of Five Hours. Woodrow Wilson and Thos. S. Marshall Tuesday took the oath of office as President and Vice-President respectively. An immense crowd waa in Washington to attend the ceremon ies Incident to the inauguration and j things passed off more smoothly than i on the day previous when tho suffra-i gettes attempted their parade down j Pennsylvania Avenue. j The Cabinet. j The following list is given as Pres-j (dent Wtlatri'a iaklnat- I Secretary of State William Jen nings Bryan, of Nebraska. Secretary of the Treasury Wil liam G. McAdoo, of New York. Secretary of War Lindley M. Gar rison, of New Jersey. Attorney General James McRoy nolds, of Tennessee. Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson, of Texas. Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, of North Carolina. Secretary of the Interior Frank lin K. Lane, of California. Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston, of Missouri. Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfleld, of New York. Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson, of Pennsylvania. The position of Secretary, of Labor was note created until Tuesday morn ing, when President Taft signed the measure which had been passed by Congress. The Inaugural Ceremonies. Washington, March 4. Woodrow Wilson was today inaugurated as President of the United States, with Thomas R. Marshall as Vice-President amid scenes of stirring anima tion and with Impressive ceremonies, marked in the main by simplicity, and yet retaining that degree of dig nity, with some of the pomp and spectacular display which Inevitably attaches to the induction of a new chief executive of the nation. The elaborate ceremonies of the day followed a fixed program cover ing practically five hours. It began in the morning with the drive of the President, President-elect and Vice-President-elect from the white house to the capitol, where until noon Mr. Taft was occupied with the measures passed in the closing hours of the sixty-second Congress. The inauguration of Vice-President Marshall was fixed to occur shortly after noon, along with the as sembling of the new Senate and the swearing In of new Senators. Fol lowing this, toward 1 p. m., the chief ceremony of the day, the inaugura tion of President Wilson, occurred at the east front of the capitol. Then came the return of the Presidential party to the white house and the re view of the inaugural parade, lasting well along Into the afternoon. Wilson's Inaugural Address. Mr. Wilson first spoke of the Dem ocratic victory in the House two years ago and of the complete change made by the returns of the last election. He admonished his friends that It meant more than the mere success of a party. That it is now up to their party to make good to the people. Following are some of the more lra partant things to be dene as summar ized by Mr. Wilson: "We have itemized with some de gree of particularity the things that ought to be altered and here are some of the chief ltem: A tariff which cuts us off from our proper part in the commerce of the world, violates the Just principles of taxa tion, and makes the government a facile Instrument In the hands of pri vate Interests; a banking and curren cy system based upon the necessity of the government to sell its bonds fifty years ago and perfectly adapted to concentrating cash and restricting credits; and industrial system which, take it on all its sides, financial as well as administrative, holds capital In leading strings, restricts the liber ties and limits the opportunities of labor, and exploits without renewing or conserving the natural resources of the country; a body of agricultural activities never yet given the efficien cy of great business undertakings or served as It should be through the Instrumentality of science taken dl- : rectly to the fares, or a5ar44 U ?a cllltle of ctdn beet suit! !o IU rractscal ei; waUrcor sad' !ofe4. vast (laree carcia4sd, fere: ssstusded. fast dtaafjwNkrtsf 'about plan or prosp-ect of real. usrrrarded wast feeape at ery ei&e. We bat atst4 as prhap no other Ratios baa lb cost elective isea&s of prodactioa. bet have cot studied cost or eooaoay as we should either as orcaaitem of l&das try. as stateasen. or a ladttldiiat. WANT MOIIK LIGHT. Ift the Hit Month.' rax4 1U11 a Square IMsJ? Whrr Is Ut Eatra Moor; ?o Vjn From? We are Informed that lb six months' school bill baa th eador meat of the Teachers Assembly, the Farmers' Union, and so oa. We pay Btate taxes for State pur pose, and e respectfully submit that no State purpos la of more im portance than the public school. This new six months' school bill ealy Increases the appropriation from the. State Treasury o the schools of all the people to the extent of tb UttU sum of twenty-five thousand dollars and the rest of the money for the sit months school. If we have them, will have to be raised by the people them selves. In other words, this six months' school bill that baa such high endorsement gives the people of North Carolina the glorious priv ilege of taxing themselves for a six months' school. Our people ought to have four hundred thousand dollars to coma direct to them from the treasury out of the State taxes they now pay and would havo if the public money of North Carolina was spent as It should be and the children of this Stato giv en a square deal. The new bill appropriates $250,000 to be apportioned to all the counties on a per capita basis of school popu lation. We now have $225.00 one hundred thousand of which has been used to bring up to four months the schools In the smaller counties. So the real help we are to receive direct from the State Treasury will be less than It now Is, as all the counties will share per capita in the $250,000. Then we are to have a uniform levy of five cents on all property In the State to bring the schools on to wards the six months, but bear in mind, before Catawba County and more than half of the counties in the State that have received aid to run a four months' school, can share In the five cents tax, they will have to ialso money enough at home for the four months' school. Under this new bill more than half of the countiea will be In a worse condition than they now are. If we are rightly Informed. If we are not we want light on the subject. We have stood for a six months school, but under this bill the children of this State's greatest Interest are not given a square deal, as we see it. Catawba County News. Mr. McIUe, of Harnett, Give Up Ills Whisker. "Mh. Philip McRae, who lives near Broadway,- in Harnett County, and who made a vow when William Jen nings Bryan was a candidate for the Presidency In 1896, that he would not cut his hair or ahave again until a Democrat was elected President, has kept that vow. He went to a barber shop at Lllllngton last week and had the hair and whiskers of nearly seventeen years' growth re moved." The above item has been going the rounds of the press for the past week or more. If the writer has been correctly informed, Mr. McRae visit ed the barber Just a little too soon. The, writer has been informed on several different occasions, by citi zens of Harnett County, that Mr. Mc Rae was to stay away from the bir ber shop nntll Bryan was sleeted President. Of course. It may be that Mr. McRae has decided that Mr. Bry an will really run the Wilson ad minlstratlen, and on the strength of that, thought he could afford to have his hair cut. Error In Judge Oonors Ilulin la North Carolina Admiralty Caae, Richmond. Va., March I. Judge Connor erred in entering a decree In the District Court at New Bern, S. C, giving North Carolina claimants priority over the claimants from Pennsylvania In the admlrality case involving the steam dredge A. which was libeled for repairs, supplies and other necessaries while engaged in the work of deepening the harbor at Beaufort, N. C, in August, 1911. So decided the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals In an opinion to-diy when the matter was remanded for an other hearing. Father a Mere Fraction. (Cincinnati Enquirer.) The average size of the American family is 4 1-3. The fraction repre sents Father.

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