Page Two THE CAUCASIAN. Thirday March 6, 1913. The Caucasian AND RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED KTKBT THURSDAY CA0CAS1AH FQBL1SHIBG COHPAHY SUBSCRIPTIOS BATES: 100 M Ova Ybab Six Mowths. . thkbb moitths. FOUR PACES, BUT FULL OP MEAT. The Caucasian appears this week o fmir-nnirft edition. It is not In- 1 i-i tT' .nnmnriiiA that we should thus mark . f oi anH omnhasize the misfortune or a i uiBrafinn lt is impossible to do such a thing. Democratic national administration, .,4ru toT tna is just what they promised which comes on top of the vorse " . . ..,, h!.vpito d. and many people voted for State government. mv- ever suffered. But this unhappy con dition makes it more necessary than ever for fearless independent papers like The Caucasian to live, grow and multiply to tell the people the facts and all the truth. We all know that machine party organs will not do this. Therefore this issue of The Caucasian should be an effective appeal to those of our scribers who are behind a year or more to send us at once what they are due, so as to put us on a cash basis and enable us to comply with the law. We believe tfcat every sub scriber intends to pay his honest debt to us just as he pays his taxes and other honest debts, but nearly one fourth of them have neglected to do so. The amount due runs into many thousands of dollars. For a year or more we have been forced each week to meet printers bills, paper bills, postage bills, etc., with cash, while a fourth of our read ers have paid nothing on these bills. Now let every one who has neglected this matter, at once send us what he owes and we will go back to eight pages. The Caucasian is determined to pay as it goes. If our State govern ment had been run on this business principle, we would not today have a bankrupt State Treasury and a Legislature looking for a way to raise taxes. The Democratic admin istration has collected enough taxes to run the government, but they have wasted the money by extravagance. The Caucasian has not been extrav agant. We can make both ends meet, without raising rates, if each, one will do his part. The Caucasian has been honest with each one of you. Now look us in tue face and be hon est with us. We are in the fight to have this Democratic administration succeeded four years from now by one that stands for progress and prosperity. Are you with us? If so, let us hear from you by next mall. While The Caucasian is only four pages this week, yet it is full of meat and will be every week, no matter what Its size may be. THE DEAD INDUSTRIES. Under the above caption the Char lotte Observer fathers the following editorial: "The Highlander, published at Shelby. Is urging the people of , the Piedmont section to write letters to Chairman Underwood of the Ways and Means Commit tee to restore the duty on mon azite. This industry had just be gun to boom and was bringing thousands of dollars into Shel by when Brazilian monazite was made practically free and the home industry was killed dead as the traditioaal door nail.. A duty of six cents would be suf ficient to restore prosperity to a large number of land-owners In Cleveland County. The tariff should be restored not only on monazite. but on corundum, ruby and abrasive minerals, so abounding in the western section of the State. There is one mine in Jackson County that would resume operations and give em ployment to 5,000 people follow ing the restoration of the duty. It is hard to Bee why this situa tion should not appeal to the framers of the tariff. The kill ing of these great home indus tries should be against the pol icy of the Democratic party. We are a little doubtful of the result, but there is cause to hope the matter will be looked at in the light of reason." It is just possible that the Obser ver is quite right in wanting the former duty on monazite restored. Certainly it is bad policy to kill a home industry and keep more than 5,000 people out of profitable employ ment. In other words, the Observer fa vors a protective tariff. If North Carolina U to have her Industrie! protected of course the representa tives from other States will demand that their Industries be protected also. Glad to see the Observer com ing out on the right side of this proposition, but wouldn't it have been better to have worked and voted for a party that believed in protec tion so you could have gotten what protection your industries really needed and saved all this worry? Democrats have entire control ofj the National Government. Wonder' how long it will take them now to! devise a plan whereby the farmers j can buy everything they want at a cheap price and sell everything they produce at a high price? Don't say them on the strength of that prom ise. The News and Observer says that monopolies should be blotted out. And still the News and Observer has one of the biggest monopolies there is in the State. Is the Observer will ing to give up its monopoly? We re fer to its contract with the Associated Press. Where was ex-Governor Glenn when the inauguration exercises were pulled off in Washington? The daily papers did not give this infor mation, neither did any of them print a half-tone cut of the ex-Governor. President Wilson announced yes terday that no office-seeker would be allowed to see him in person, unless especially invited. The next revolu tion of note will probably be among the Democratic office-seekers. The Democrats have already fig ured out that Mr. Wilson will have just 141 Presidential postmasters to appoint in this State. Honestly, have you ever before seen such a wild scramble for office? Mr. Bryan spoke in Raleigh Sun day for peace which was very apro pos, considering the fact that the Democrats were to take over all the offices within two days. Mr. Bryan talks for peace, but how can there be any peace until there is an office created for every Democrat? A million dollar bond issue may sound very small to the Democratic office-holder, but it sounds very big to the tax-payers back home. WITH THE EDITORS. Those London suffragettes have even dispositions they're mad all the time. Detroit Free Press. If they ever get the laws so that liquor will actually be hard to get then is when you will hear a real howl. Durham Herald. If a member introduces a bill in the Legislature that would accom plish the purposes for which it was intended, some one has to tack on an amendment robbing it of its eower. Durham Herald. The order of the Gideons will place 5,000 Bibles in the hotels of Washintgon for use of Democrats during the inauguration. The Idea is good so far as it goes but those wick ed Democrats will need more Bibles than that. Union Republican. But then the Democrats are col lecting more than double the amount of taxes that the Republicans col lected out of the people and the Re publicans paid all of their debts and left more than $185,000 in the treas ury. The Democrats spent all of this money and are now in debt all over, after more than doubling our taxes. Clinton News-Dispatch. Robeson County Girl Eats Match Heads Which Prove Fatal. Lumberton, N. C, March 1. As the result of eating match heads yes terday afternoon, Dorothy Britt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vester Britt, residing near McDanields, in this county, died this morning. The little girl was in her fifth year. Ex-President Taft in Augusta. Ex-President Taft and family went to Augusta, Ga., Tuesday night, where they will spend three weeks. Guilford Doctor Indicted. A sensation was created in pro fessional circles in Greensboro Tues day when Dr. J. L. Mooresfield was indicted for retailing liquor. He is a practicing physician and operates a drug-store at Pomona. WHISKEY BOTTLKS IN THE CAPITOL. Building Ha I!ee m Aba and Defaced a to IWtiw a IHsgrare to the State. Recognized by connaUseurs of ar chitecture and art the country over aa one of the most beautiful public buildings In the United State, the Capitol of North Carolina is without doubt one of the worst kept public buildings In the world. Its corridors are filled with trash, tools and imple ments of all sorts, empty boxes, dis carded furniture and other articles that ought to be relegated to the trash heap. Its closets and toilet rooms are filthy and indecent. In one of them a bucketful of empty whiskey bottles, the accumulation of a single night, was seen. In one of the corridors while the snow was melting Saturday, It was necessary to set buckets to catch the water that literally Sowed through leaks in the roof. The walls, ugly enough at best with dingy brown paint, the door facings, the, window frames, and oth er parts of the interior have been so abused, marked up and cut up as to have become disgraceful to the State. Raleigh Times. The above from the Raleigh Times shows a pretty bad condition of af fairs, and that the Democrats do not make good custodians of the State's property and other affairs. Wonder if those wfcrtskey bottles were found under the "search and seizure act?" It would seem that they have suffici ent labor around the Legislature to keep the building clean. Really it appears that it is time to turn out the Democrats, clean up and white wash the State House and put the machinery of the State into new hands. Muskrat Attacks Young White Man at Kins ton. A Kinston, N. C, dispatch Tuesday says: Just after dark last night, J. M. Littleton, a young man of Jack sonville, N. C, was attacked by a muskrat in front of the Norfolk Southern depot, on Queen street, and had a lively time in beating off the vicious rodent. Littleton's queer as sailant probably came from a sewer somewhere in the vicinity. When the young man sauntered up the pave ment toward the depot the muskrat leaped upon him from a dark spot on the street, and sunk its teeth into his trousers. His pants were badly torn before he could choke the ani mal off, and it was not until he had kicked it to death that all the fight was out of the rat, which was of ab normal size. Littleton sold the skin for enough to pay his passage to Jacksonville. The affair was witness ed by a number of people. Several years ago a negro man was attacked by one of the rodents in the same neighborhood, under similar circum stances. The home of the animals, which is very near the centre of the city, cannot be located. A North Carolina Freak Visits Ten nessee. (From the Johnson City Staff.) Nunny Tipton, of Relief, N. C, was a visitor in the city Wednesday. Nun ny is nineteen years of age and is per haps one of the greatest freaks of na ture in the human family. He was born without any arms. From the right shoulder Is a small projection which represents two toes, says phy sicians, while from the left shoulder is a'slmilar projection representing two fingers. Outside of these defi ciencies young Tipton is a normal man in features and has remarkable intelligence. With his toes and feet he has learned to write and can throw rocks with apparently perfect ease. Mob Breaks Up Meeting of London Suffragette. London, March 2. The public tem per is rising against the suffragettes. Wild scenes were witnessed in Hyde Park this afternoon when a mob of several thousand broke up a suffrs gette meeting held under the leader ship of "General" Mrs. Flora Drum mond. Severa free fights occurred and masses of turf torn from the ground were hurled at the speakers. It re quired a strong body of police to pro tect the suffragettes and escort them to a place of safety. Similar scenes marked a meeting at Wlmbledom Common. In both cases women were knocked down and bruised. Atlanta, Ga., March 1. How the average farmer, using ordinary farm tools, at an expense of only $65, can construct a silo with a capacity of fifty-five tons enough silage to feed twenty cows forty pounds per day for feur months is told in a book let just gotten out by the Live Stock Department of the Southern Railway, a copy of which will be mailed free to any farmer addressing request for same to Mr. F. L. Word, Live Stock Agent. Southern Railway Building. Atlanta, Ga. BEST KNOWN COUGH REMEDY. For forty-three years Dr. .King's New Discovery has been known throughout the world as the most reliable csugh remedy. Over three million bottles were used last year. Isn't this proof? It will get rid of your cough, or we will refund your money. J. J. Owens, of Allendale. S. G. writes the way hundreds of others have done: "After twenty years. I find Jhat Dr. King's New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds that I have ever' used." For coughs or colds and all throat and lung troubles, it has no equal. 50c. and $1.00 at your druggist. WITH THE JfGISLATORS Ceapclsory Sdbocl Law ta Force Only Wfcere Cotsties Vote to Adopt li MILLION DOLLAR BONO ISSUE IU11 Introduced by Senator Ijoog to Meet Deficit and Other Expeo -The Revenue md Machinery Act Committee Oppose Working Con victs on New Railroads In Payment for Stock Woold Place ConrtrU on the Public Roads -The Search and Seizure Act. THURSDAY'S PROCEED! N GH. The Senate and House were busy considering the machinery act and what other methods would be neces sary in order to raise enough revenue to meet the demands of this admin istration. Some even in favor of a reassesment, while others were favor ing a million dollar bond Issue. The House passed on final reading by roll-call the six-months' school term bill as amended by the Senate and it is ordered enrolled for ratifica tion. The bill to amend and consolidate the military laws of the State and carrying $50,000 appropriation $15,000 increase passed second reading. Torrens land title bill, similar to the one that has already passed the House, went through the Senate and sent to House for concurrence in sev eral amendments. It leaves the adop tion of the Torrens system of titles optional and puts the machinery in the Superior Courts in the counties, instead of in a State Torrens System Court. Search and Seizure Act. The House search and seizure bill passed the Senate Friday afternoon J by a vote of 38 to 9, with an amend ment making it operative April 1, 1913, after a spirited debate that re sulted In the adoption of the commit tee amendments proposed. The House spent most of the day in committee of the whole, passing on sections of the revenue bill in preparation for final passage, making a number of changes. Especially not able is a new section 72 imposing a $500 license tax on every automo bile manufacturer, with $5 duplicate licenses to agents. The tax on express companies was fixed at $3 a mile, municipalities to impose a local tax act. The House concurred in the Senate amendments to the House anti-trust bill, and it was ordered enrolled for ratification. S ATURI A Y'S PROCEE II XGS. Among the new bills introduced in the House was one by Porter, of For syth, to amend the constitution by fixing the compensation of members of the General Assembly at $600 for members and $1,000 for officers for the term providing that there shall be no allowance for special sessions. Also that the ten-cent mileage be con tinued. The House spent an hour or longer in committee of the whole on final consideration of the revenue bill. An agreement was reached for the fran chise tax on corporations to be re duced from one-tenth of one per cent on capital stock paid in to one-fifteenth of the per cent the minimum tax to be $7.50. An amendment to reduce the li cense tax on real estate dealers from $50 fixed in the bill, to $20 and $25 according to population of towns, was gotten through by Representative Roberts. The House voted down a motion to double the tax on professional men. The tax on sewing machines was cut from $500 to $250. As amended the revenue bill pass ed final reading and was ordered en grosed and sent to the Senate. The House adjourned to 8 o'clock tonight. An unfavorable report came from the committee on the liquor traffic for the Kellum bill to permit Wilming ton and New Hanover County to li cense beer saloons under rigid re strictions prescribed. House bill amending and consoli dating laws as to National Guard. Carries additional appropriation of $15,000 in order to conform to United States laws governing the Na tional Guard. MONDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. After spending an hour in spirited discussion of the measure, the House passed on the second reeding Monday afternoon the committee substitute bill for compulsory school attend ance, but with an amendment by Speaker Conaor providing that it shall apply to counties only through adoption by the County Boards of Education, making Its operation op tional with the counties. Another amendment adopted was by Gaither and provides that the fees of the truant officer must be derived from the payment of costs In the cases in which there are convictions for violation of the law. T!ie Se&s! pM4 the bill frtS3 the House sulhorlzJag the State le pjirtciect of Agriculture to take step to protlie for faro lib Jsc lime to far mers for ajtricaltarsJ par? at cost, and to ew convicts la coaaeo tloa therewith. The )!o5M at the dual ioa p4 ou final redieg the compul sory s-rbool attendance bill by a prac tical unanimous vote 5ta slixht amendment from the atstate of th bill as it came through xoad read leg at the afternoon r$oa Oa further amendment adopted a by Grier. of IrtsJell. tiil further lattice down the bars as to application to counties after adoption by the Coun ty Boards of Education, as amended by Connor. The Crier amendment would allow the County Boards of Education to change provisions of the act nbeneTer deemed necessary. An amendment by Boilck makes it apply to children eight to fifteen years of age In his county; also to Mitchell County. An amendment by Deltinger proposers to limit the pay of truant officers to $100 a? year. An other by Williams, of Cabarrus, pro posed that the State furnish needy children with books and clothing. Both of these were voted down. The bill was then sent to the Senate. For More Than a IiUion IklUr lk! Irue. Senator Long Introduced In the eSnate tonight bills providing for a bond issue of $1,142,500 to meet the existing deficit, to provide for perma nent Improvements at the State In stitutions, equipping, furnishing and painting the new State building, re arranging and refurnishing the pres ent Supreme Court building and es tablishing a central heating plant for the capltol and other State buildings. The apportionment is as follows: Deficit, $600,000; equipping new State building. $75,000; central heating plant, $40,000; rearranging old Supreme Court building. $40,000; Morganton Hospital, $50,000; Golds boro Hospital. $25,000; A. & M. Col lege, $25,000; University. $100,000; State Normal. $50,000; A. & M. at Greensboro. $17,500; Appalachian Training School. $15,000; Cullowhee Institute, $15,000; East Carolina Training School, $40,000; Tuberculo sis Hospital, $20,000; new site for School for Blind, $30,000. The Senate passed the committee bill assigning quarters to the various State departments in the new State building and old Supreme Court building, in accordance with the re port of the special committee, with an amendment giving to the Depart ment of Agriculture, In addition to its present quarters, the rooms now used by. the Corporation Commission. Tl'ESI A Y'S PROCEEDINGS. The special House committee ap pointed to investigate and report the extent to which convicts are being worked on the various railroads of the State, submitted its report to the House, with the recommendation that after the outstanding obligations and contracts are complied with no more contracts be entered into with rail roads to furnish convicts for grading purposes. Declaring that they believe it should be the policy of the State to place penitentiary convicts on the public roads, the committee submit ted the following recommendations: "We, therefore, recommend that the House declare, the Senate concur ring, that it is the policy of the State of North Carolina to furnish the con victs sentenced to the penitentiary to the various counties under such terms as is just to the counties to be used by said counties in working the public roads; and that as soon as the State has fulfilled all moral obliga tions under the law and under the contracts now existing, that the State enter into no more contracts with railroad companies to furnish con victs to be worked on said railroads, to be paid for in stock. The Committee on Appropriations reported unfavorably bills to estab lish a southeastern and a western teachers' training school. The Committee on Penal Institu tions reported favorably bill to estab lish a Juvenile School of Correction in Asheviile. Mr. Gordon introduced a bill pro hibiting smoking of cigarettes in Guilford County. The following bills passed final reading: Allowing children living out of high school districts to attend snch high school without paying tuition. To prohibit and punish hazing in high schools and colleges of this State. Hazing as defined in this bill Is humiliating and heaping indigni ties upon students for the purpose of sport. The hazer shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The following bills passed final reading in the Senate: House bill authorizing Raleigh to sell market house building and lot. House bill authorizing Wake Coun ty Commissioners to sell present site of court house and jail and county home site. Senator Hobgood mored adjourn ment in honor of President Woodrow Wilson and Senator Council amend ed to Include Vice-President Mar shall, and so it was. This was a rather strange proceed- I a rnn n it Adjournments of this kt4 ar vssailv la boeor. or ta memory of ta dead, Hoftr, It may b thtt the Det3ccrmi considered WUn t&4 Marshall dead politically when thty a-4e4 the responsibility of ruaalac this futeratsent KtU CAtam Tare lUU. In the Snt some tlrae was era turned la debate oa the MeUryd cot ton tare Mil. which pAe4 the Hoqjnp ftevrra! days ago. the mj jre killed. A the bill paje4 tii Hons, it carried a thirty-pound allowance to the jcrower. Senator Mcleao. cha?r man of the Senate Commute on Ag riculture, offered a substitute approv ed by the committee, w ith a tcty. ii-pound rate, the present rate beisc aproitmately twe&ty-two pound After long discussion. In which neith er the House bill fcer the Senate coa mlttee substitute had many support ers, both were defeated by big ns Joritle. the o position being forceful and fierce. After much arcumenirr?Va passed the State Hankers Associa tion bill to amend, codify and cooaol ICate the laws relating to banil&j: and currency. WEDNIDAYH PROCEEDING. (rn motion of Senator Daniel, the Stat road bond bill, which propo- to make the State the borrower for the- various counties, as set as a ipe clal order In the Senate for today (Thursday) at noon. The bill pjutd on aecond reading. The vote on - ond reading was very cIom and a f changes in the vote would result Iq defeating the measure. The Senate pasand many minor bills, the measures being ruahe through their readings without much consideration. The revenue bills, ma chinery bills and other important measures are yet to be acted upon Senator Mclxan Introduced a bin to reduce tonnage tax on fertiliser to fifteen cents a ton. Long. Joint resolution dfnvtlnr State's prison directors to pay In rail road stock $150,000 to the State's fund. The Legislature is making slow progress with the more Important measures and it will probably be the middle of next week before the law makers wind up their work and ad journ. TIIK CAl'HK or UHRl'MATItM. Stornch trouble, laty rr an0l .!nr.a. kidneys re the cause of rheumatism j ur stomnch. liver, kidneys n! lKr;. f iallhy condition by tskln Kier'rlr M. um. and you rot be truwtlrd ith tt.e pal&s ot rheumatism CharUs II All.n s school prlnclpul. of Sylvan!. i . .,, 'uf fered Indescribable torture fr. m rbeurn Hum. liver and stomach trouble nd j;, easd kldnee. wrltee: "All rtnr.U fi!..1 until I Ei.cirlo Illttrr. byt four t.i tie of this ot,.,rful r-m-,Jy curd me .mt.iet.l." M! r rh.-uniar,, fome etomat U. hv.r nd kldn'? troubl. . Kl. r'rlo Hltt.-rs itlve r,. prompt rrll.-f ;oc and 1 00 nria rul.-d by ..iir druKKUf. North Carolina Wake Countq. In the Superior Court. January Term. 1913. Viola Self Lewis Self. To Lewis Self: This is to notify you that your wife, Viola Self, has brought suit against you to the January Term. 1913, of Wake Superior Court, for divorce from the bonds of matri mony, and the summons Issued for you has been returned by the sher iffs of Durhsm and Pasquotank Coun ties, with this endorsement thereon: "After exsreising due diligence, ths defendant. Lewis Self, is not to bs found in this county." You ars, therefore, further notified to appear at the March Term, 191$. of Waks Superior Court, which convenes os the 4th of that month, and an swer, demur or plead to the com plaint which has been filed in this court; otherwise ths plaintiff will de mand to be allowed to prove the alle gations of her complaint and have Judgment accordingly. This February Cth. 1913. MILLARD MIAL. Clerk Wake Superior Court. J. C. L. HARRIS. Attorney for the Plaintiff. KALE OP VALU AliLK CITY PROP ERTY. By virtue of the power and author ity of a mortgage deed frosa James Horton and wife. Bsttle. to J. C. Da vis, duly recorded in Book 261, at Page 278, Register of Deeds office. Wake County. I will offer for sale at the Court-House door. Wake County, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock m.. on Monday. February 34, 1913, the fol lowing described tract and lot of land situated In ths city of Raleigh. Waks County, North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at an Iron stake at ths S. W. corner of Mark Street and Bled soe Avenue, runs thence south with the west tide of Mark Street 51 feet to W. IL Pact's lot; the&cs west with W. H. PacVs north line leo fset to a stake; thence north 62 feet U Bledsoe Avenue; theses east witk the south line of Bledsoe Avenue 100 feet to the beginning. This January 22. II H. Terms of sale. cash. J. C. DAVIS, Mortgage. C M. BERNARD. Attorney. Esi-1885 V

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