X HE CAUCASIAN. VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, IV. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913. No. D. BRYAN ANDTHECABINET Some Think the Peerless One May Leave Cabinet Before End of Term WILSON'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS It Sounded Well Hut Contained Noth ing That Was Definite or Tangible A Hope That He 3Iay Become a Ileal IrogTesive Has at Least Shown a Disftosition to Smash Some Precedent Why Mr. Dan iels Was Made Secretary of the Navy It is Known That He Desir- ed to be Secretary of Interior or Post master General. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, Mar. 11, 1913. As stated in this letter last week, Progressives generally, without re gard to party, were disappointed in President Wilson's inaugural ad dress. It sounded well enough, but in it there was nothing definite or tangible. It couSd mean muoh or it could mean nothing. In short, those who heard or read it, were in the same position they were left at the end of the campaign. They could not state concretely, a single reform for which the President could be said to have declared. However, during the short time since the 4th of March, what Presi dent Wilson has done with reference to the various duties that have come before him, in his office, has created a hope that he may develop into a real substantial Progressive. He has, at least, shown a disposition to smash precedents, where they should seem to be foolish or useless, and to show a disposition to be, himself President, instead of being controlled by what might be termed "a click of politi cians and interests." Such a starting out is, at least, hopeful. Mr. Bryan and the Cabinet. President Wilson . declared, in a statement issued just after the elec tion, that in making up his cabinet, he would, as a rule, not attempt to place men in these positions as re wards for political service or as po litical expediency, but would look for men, especially qualified for the var ious important branches of the gov ernment. In the main, it is believed that he has tried to follow this course in making up his cabinet. There has been no little interest and curiosity however, in trying to determine which few members of the cabinet were picked out as a reward for po litical services, without making the special qualifications of the man, the chief consideration. It is generally believed that Pres ident Wilson tendered the position of Secretary of State to Mr. Bryan for the double reason that he not only owed his nomination to him, but also that he was as well qualified for the place as any one else who could be selected. Yet, there are some who believe that President Wilson, while he felt that he must tender the posi tion to Mr. Bryan, did not believe that he would accept it. It is also known that a number of Mr. Bryan's friends advised him against accepting the place, feeling that he would be a bigger man out of the cabinet than in it. There were other friends of Mr. Bryan, however, who were in favor of him accepting the position on the ground that he could resign whenever any important issue arose, on which he and the President could not agree, and there are not a few who believe that this is what Mr. Bryan will do sooner or later. Mr. Daniels and the Cabinet. The selection of Mr. Daniels for a cabinet position is generally conceded to be one purely political. No one would contend Mr. Daniels contains any special capacity or qualification for such an important position. It is known that Mr. Daniels was anxious to be either, head of the Interior De partment or Postmaster General. These are two of the greatest busi ness departments of the government, and require for their heads, men of experience, capacity and great execu tive ability. President Wilson seems to have clearly understood the kind of men needed at the heads of these depart ments, and also understood that Mr. Daniels was not qualified to be at the head of either one. The Navy Department is the one department of the government which the Democratic party is trying to starve out, if not, to practically abol ish, and it is noticeable that the Pres ident placed Mr. Dantels at the head of that department. If one can judge from the trend of sentiment express ed in Congress, about the Navy De partment, the Democratic party would be delighted if Mr. Daniels fhouid make a complete failure and wreck of the whole business. In Ehort, under this administration, the Navy Department is not expected to do anything in a Progressive way, but is simply expected to "mark time," if not to descend into a condition of "dry rot." Therefore, Mr. Daniels seems to be a fitting man for the head of that Department. Mr. Bryan's Selections. It is understood that Mr. Bryan wanted Mr. Henry, of Texas, placed in the cabinet as Attorney General, and Mr. Daniels as head of the Post office Department. The President turned down Mr. Henry, and instead took Mr. Burleson, of Texas, to go into his cabinet. ' He seems to have conceded, Daniel's appointment to Mr. Bryan, but to have shitted him to the Navy Department, for the reasons above given. While every North Carolinian would be pleased to have the State represented in the cabinet of any President, yet, one cannot fail to re member that there were many other North Carolinians who could fill the cabinet position with so much more credit to the Stae and who would come nearer filling the seats formerly occupied by Badger and Graham. It has been suggested that Mr. Bryan wanted Mr. Daniels, and oth ers of his special friends in the cab inet, so as to. not only increase his influence in the cabinet, but also that he might have friends who would re tire from the cabinet with him, if he should desire to retire. If this is j truej then Mr. Bryan was not very fortunate in his selection of Mr. Dan iels for a cabinet position. The Crime of Ingratitude. Those who have known Mr. Dan iels from his cradle up, know that he is entirely wanting in gratitude. The first act of his life was base ingrati tude to Major Stanton, who furnish ed the Wilson, N. C, postoffice to his widowed mother. Mr. Daniel's ingratitude to Sena tor Vance is another striking illus tration of his character or want of character in this respect. Therefore, if Mr. Bryan is relying upon Mr. Dan iels to stand with him in the cabinet, and to stand with him to the extent of leaving the cabinet with him, if such an occasion should arise, he may prepare for a sore disappointment, ; for Mr. Daniels would turn his back upon Mr. Bryan as quickly as he did upon Major Stanton and Senator Vance, if it should appear to be to Mr. Daniel's advantage to do so, at any time. ANNUAL DEBATE OF HIGH SCHOOLS. Guilford County and Durham Carry Off the Prizes in Contest at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, N. C, March 10.--The first annual debate of "The High School Debating Union of North Carolina," which contest enlisted the membership of 3G0 high school pu pils and the enthusiasm of thou sands of hearty sympathizers of the State-wide movement, after a two weeks 'sweeping debating-campaign, reached its dramatic culmination in Chapel Hill Friday night in the award of the Aycock Memorial Cup to the Pleasant Garden High School, of Guilford County. The final clash between the affirmative team from Pleasant Garden and the negative team from Durham High School, over the query of "Woman Suffrage," was a remarkable intellectual battle, and the scene of the contest, Gerrard Hall, brought together over sevc hundred interested listeners. Sur rounding vicinities contributed to swell the immense audience of high school pupils, principals, and visitors from the eastern to the western bor ders of the State. Preliminary debates by way of selecting the final teams to contest for the Aycock Cup began on Thurs day night and ended with the semi finals on Friday morning. In the semi-finals on the affirmative side of the query these schools were success ful, Graham, Holly Springs, Durham, and Pleasant Garden; on the nega tive, these schools were the victors in the semi-finals, Haw Fields, Holly Springs, Morganton, and Durham. From these were chosen the schools of Durham and Pleasant Garden as champions of the champions. The two Durham debaters were Henry Greenberg and David Brady; the two orators to carry off the laurels for Pleasant Garden were S. C. Hodgin and Grady Bowman. More Debt, More Bonds, and More Taxes. Union Republican. The Legislature at Raleigh is now considering a $1,142,500 bond issue to meet the $725,000 deficit and oth er things, with no provision for ever paying the same, or past indebted ness. At this rate it will soon take all the money received by taxation to pay bond interests. The longer the Democrats continue in power the bigger the debt. REAL ANCIENT HISTORY Britian Finds a New Batch of Enemies AN ENGLISH-FRENCH DEAL Ireland Grow Itestlew Again France Comjielled to Abandon San Domingo N'a police-a Bonaparte Be gan to Pay Attention to Great Brit ain The English Defeat France and Spain at the Same Time Half of British Army Dead or on Sick List. Bilkinsville, N. C, March 10, 1913. (Correspondence of the Caucasian Enterprise.) About the beginnin ov the eigh teenth century, the British had to re sist a new batch ov enemies the Danes, and others on that side. A fleet wuz sent to Copenhagen an the Danish fleet wuz destroyed. At the same time news reached Great Brit ain that her military force had been successful in Egypt. By agreement between the French ruler an the British government, the English crown agreed to restore awl territory lately acquired except Trinidad, Cey lon an' the Cape of Good Hope. The Island ov Malta wuz to be restored to the order ov St. John of Jerusalem; Egypt wuz given back to the former ruler. The territory ov Rome and Naples wuz to be evacuated by the French. By agreement a definite agreement a treaty wuz to be formed. The fisheries ov New Foundland were to be restored to the former basis, which meant that both nations should hev certain privileges. Durin' the same year the French subdued the people qv Switzerland, though the British protested vigor ously against it. In 1S03 the people ov Ireland caused a stir in England proper by makin' a new an' powerful effort to become an independent republic. An armed mob raised a good deal ov cane in Dublin, killin' Lord Kilwar den and hiz nephew. The riot didn't last long. Robert Emmet an' other leaders were arrested, tried an' put to death. The next step ov the British wuz to compel the French to abandon the island ov St. Domingo. The natives then declared their independence. Early after the beginnin ov the eighteenth century Napoleon Bone parte began to cast hiz eyes toward Great Britain. He needed naval help, however. After a time a deal wuz made with Spain an' her naval force agreed to act with that ov France. But Lord Nelson, the British admiral, defeated both navies off Trafalgar. This battle resulted in a great loss to the British, Nelson bein' killed, he bein' the flower ov her naval officers. But the French an Spanish fleets were practically put out ov business an' hit took a long time for the two nations to restore their navies if they ever hev done so. But the na val loss to the French wuz only a part ov her strength for Napoleon proved himself great az a commander ov the land force an' soon conquered Aus tria's army, which, at the time wuz allied with the Russian army. He folowed up hiz advantage by driving out the Russian army which had joined the Austrians against France. The next row between Great Brit ain an France came near resultin badly for the English arms. Sir John Moore wuz in charge ov the forces ov Britain an' had a force ov Spanish troops to look after, for Spain an' Britain had combined to whip Na poleon. The French commander knew that the British had gotten into a dangerous position, bein' divided. Napoleon felt so certain that he held the winnin' card that he announced to hiz army that the hour was at last arrived when the English leopard should fly before the French eagles." Soult an' Junot were marching to in tercept the British in one direction, while Napoleon wuz on the road to Madrid with the corps ov Ney an' Bessieres. One ov the French gen erals wuz not cautious an' soon found hiz force practically surround ed by a strong British force. But Sir John Moore wuz retreatin' toward Villa France. The weather an roads were iearruiiy Daa. uag gage, ammunition an guns were thrown away or destroyed, even horses bein' shot to keep them from fallin' into the hands ov the French. But there wuz no rest for the sol dier in that day. Napoleon hastened to Paris to prepare to fight the Ger mans, who were apparently gettin ready to fight France. But the first attention had to be given to Spain, for hiz late friends had made war against him. The French force first attacked the Spanish city Saragossa an' before its capture twenty thous and ov its defenders were killed. The war continued until the French cap- ; tared the principle clti in the cea ! tral part ov Spain, j In 1S09 about 4o.mh mm com manded by the Karl of Chatham, as j sifted by a strong natal fore-, cap ! tared the islands commanding the mouth or the river Scheltdt an' the, port ov Flushing. The bombardment ) j lasted for two days. resultin in its surrender. The city ov Antwerp. j nearby, wux not attacked ax there; wuz a fleet ov warships nearby. But the results gained did not last long tor it wuz round that Antwerp wuz a j very sickly place an' the British bad I to move out when half the soldiers ! were either sick or had died. j j Durin the same year Lord Colling- j wood, who had succeeded Lord Nel-; son as commander of the British fleet j in the Mediterranean, knowin' that the French were busy in Naples, cap tured the islands ov Zante an' others In the same portion or that sea, the islands surrenderin', as they could not resist a strong fleet ov warships. Az ever, ZEKE BILKINS. EXPLOSIONKILLS FIFTY Nearly Three Hundred and Fifty Tons of Dynamite Explodes in Baltimore Harbor The F.vplosives were being stored in the Vessels Hold from Scow When Both Were Destroyed A .New Ve- ! m?1 is Also Wrecked Baltimore Shaken. Baltimore. March -With nearly 350 tons of dynamite which had been loaded into the hold of the British steamer Alum hine at anchor in the Patapsco River, near Hawkins Point, exploded this morning and fifty lives were lost and one hundred were in jured. Besides a heavy loss of life the damage will amount to fully $500,000. The explosive had been loaded into the vessel to be taken to Panama to be used in the construction of the ca nal. A fire of unknown origin broke with lightning rapidity to the dyna mite and when the exnlosion oc curred the vessel was blown into bits and sent hurling in all directions through the air. Bits of steel sides of the Alum Chine were blown with such force that they tore their way through the armored sides of the collier Jason, nearly a mile away. The tug Atlan tic, of the Atlantic Transport Com pany, caught fire while rescuing some of those on the ill-fated ship and was sunk. Other damage was caused by the breaking of glass and wood work in dwellings as far as several miles from the scene. The greatest damage aside from the absolute loss of the Alum Chine was to the collier Jason. This giant of its type had just been completed at the Maryland Steel Works and was at anchor ready to start tomor row morning on its trial trip. Its sides were battered by flying steel and it appeared to have been in a bat tle. Its interior was demolished. Ot the crew of thirty-two men on the Alum Chine, fifteen are believed to have been killed. A scow was al so destroyed by the explosion. Of the thirty-two stevedores who went with the scow this morning only fif teen were rescued. Four men were killed on the United States collier Jason and ten injured. Some of the crew of the At lantic are missing. There were ten car loads of dyna mite on the scow and quick work had reduced it to one and one-half car loads. They wanted to get the work done quicker. He jammed his bale hook into a box of dynamite to lift it into place. The death that hides in dynamite spit at him and blew him to pieces. There were about fifteen negroes working with him. As the explosion shook the ship they raced, tearing at each other's clothes, up out of the hold. Lying alongside of the Alum Chine were the barge from which the dy namite was being taken and the tug Atlantic. The negroes, screaming out a warning to the crew of the tax on mercantile agencies was re steamer, scrambled over the side and! dud from $350 to $250. The tax 'jumped aboard the Atlantic. Part of I the dynamite seemed to explode in i midair. j The city of Baltimore and the coun- trv for manv miles around was shaken by the terrific explosion Militant suffragettes of London f have started another campaign of ar son. They set afire Saudeurton cas tle of the Great" Western Railway, burning it to the ground. Saunder ton is thirty miles from London. Two placards found In the vicinity bore these words: "Burning to get the vote," and Votes for women." Another sta tion, Craxley Green, on the London and Northwestern, three miles from here, was burned down early to-day. The cause of this blaze is undeter mined. Both were new stations. WITH THE LAW-MAKERS ReTesse and Machinery Bill Causes Some Hot Debates in the Senate ADJOURNMENT YESTERDAY IU1U Were on the Scaate l al- j Many rrnlar Final Day But Nearly AH Were Sent to the Junk limp . ... . , , . Took Scleral Mure IJcks at the State Treasury Another Xem Office Created A BUI for the 1U- lief of the Thirty Was Amende! nl Hnllf Thlet Notwithstanding Governor Craig j returning It to the House, which sent a special message to the Legls-? riled Representative Stewart, and he lature Thursday urging the passage wanted the Senate dtnounced for of the reassessment bill, the House. taking such action. Senator Coan after practically two hours debate on j cil had charged that lobbjlit work the subject, killed the bill on second lug tn the House was the cause of the reading. request for the return of the Mil At a meeting of the Finance Com-, It . seems that the opponents of the mittee the evening before a com- bill were fatorlrig a corporation who promise measure was agreed upon by wanted to condemn the waterpor all members of the committee except j company that is furnishing Header by Chairman Williams of Buncombe. sonvllJe with water, which would He refused to agree to the compro mise bill and brought up the original j measure and talked long in its favor, j Many of the Democrats saw that this measure meant an early death of the Democratic party, while a bond issue to raise the money would prolong the; fatal day Another special message from Gov ernor Craig made a strong plea to the General Assembly for State rep- j resentation at the Panama Exposition 1 at San Francisco in 1915. The Senate killed the State road bond bill which had passed the! House several days previously. bill provided for a semi-annual bond issue by the State of $300,000, the! proceeds of which to be loaned to the I counties on their bonds for road i building purposes. j Representative S. J. Bennettt, of' Forsyth, added another to the list of j proposed amendments to the Consti- j tution of the State. He introduced ' a bill to provide for an amendment g,utlon looking to North Caro le the Constitution to change the j na representation at -the Panama- time of holding elections noiaing elections. The amendment, if adopted, would elimi nate biennial elections in this State, except of Congressmen. It provides that all elective officers from town ship constable up, shall be elected for terms of four years. This, like other amendments proposed, can only be adopted by a vote of the people or by a Constitutional Convention. The Senate passed the Hobgood vital statistics bill, carrying an ap propriation of $10,000, and sent it to the House. The bill provides for the registration of all births and deaths in the State. The State banking bill, which passed the House several days ago, was passed by the Senate and re turned to the House for concurrence in some Senate amendments. Senator Council, for committee, introduced the solicitors salary bill providing for a minimum salary of $1,800 and a maximum of $2,200 per annum. The Senate passed the child labor bill from the House with an amend ment that allows women to work at night. The Koonce bill for $1,000,000 in stead of the present $500,000 appro priation for Confederate pensions, came from the Appropriation Com mittee to the House with unfavorable report. Friday's Proceedings. Among the new bills introduced in the Senate was one from the Appro priations Committee aDDroDriatinjr : $1,500 for expense of Governor and I party to go to San Francisco to se - lect the site for the North Carolina building, in connection with the Panama-Pacific Expositon, and a bill by Thorne for uniform examination and certification of public school teach ers. The tax on second-class clothiers was advanced from $25 to $40. The on wing machines dealers was re- stored to $o00, and the additional tax of 40 cents on each $100 of sales was eliminated. Resort hotel tax "a cut, in nail The report of the special commit tee of the Legislature to investigate ana report as to failure of counties to return inheritance taxes reported, recommending severe penalties for failure on the part of officers to re port and collect inheritance Uses, estimating that the State has lost $100,000 a year the past two years through failure to collect the in heritance taxes. The House voted down the Senate bill to create a Democratic road com mission in the Progressive County of Cabarrus, the Progressive member, Mr. Williams, winning out against Democratic members who appealed for a Se of "political t4il. t through passin thf till A tl4 Tls A till la r-feect trr-ter companies ffoa coadetaaing water powers of other cots jt&ir enjer rr tain condition stirred strife t- t tfm Senator and fUrrentatlr rly In to etcning. but fc&aJly re 'suited In th foaurrer of tt j lloUMf lo ' ammdseiii d i enrollment of the bill for ratlSc. lioa Tfce bill bad passed in ouh I after sral cmratttr barlcg s. had I bn considered and approved by a . , , Senate committee t Ice and was a the calendar for enactment when P'ttlw Stew.n tn the Hous : got through a motion to have the Mil j recalled from the Senate for further j committee consideration The Senate passed the bill before have confiscated the property of th water company. A bill for permitting women to vote in municipal elections was ta bled. Williams, of Hertford, Intro duced a bill "for the euulDtnent of North Carolina's first suffragette. Representative Clark of Pitt, by pro viding him with a calico dress, each member of the House to be taxed one cent to defray the cot." Saturday' Proceeding. The House concurred In the Sen- ate amendment to the appropriations I bill restoring the University's rnaln- tenance to $$5,000. The bond Issue bill from the Senate passed the House and was enrolled for ratifica tion. The vital statistics 1,111 has passed both Houses. The Houses presented a chest of silver to Speaker Connor, following the usual custom. The Senate voted down nnri!n Pacific Knnifnn hn.h ,k .m i - - - -h mm - m-w -m a a ma a M a a a a a a expenses of the Governor and party to visit San Francisco to select a site of the State's building and a substi tute for $40,000 appropriation for representation of resources without reference to any State building. The Senate passed the solicitors' salary bill with minimum of $1,500 and maximum $2,000. The Senate amended the State tax rate feature of the revenue bill, so as to make the poll tax $1.43 and the ad valorem tax 47 2-3 cents. A bill was passed to have the State Department of Agriculture pay $25. 000 toward a $50,000 building at the A. & M. College. The bill for engineering aid to the counties in road building passed with an amendments making $10,000, In stead of $20,000, available for the purpose. Monday's lYoceedlng. The House killed the solicitors' salary bill from the Senate by a ref erence to the Propositions and Griev ances Committee, which will have no further meetings or reports. The House also defeated the Senate reso lution for a special committee to in vestigate and report to the special session as to advisability of a State representation at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. The Senate killed the House bill for uniform bllls-of-ladlng. The Senate passed a substitute bill to al low women to serve on school com- mltte('8 an1 trustees of education a' ln8t,tuon. with an amendment that no elective office be included. The bill was sent to the House, where two similar bills have already been killed. The Senate at the afternoon ses sion passed the resolution for the investigation by the Corporation Commission with the Attorney-General of the dismemberment of the Cape Fear and Vadkln Valley Bali road, after defeating an amendment that the State be indemnified by bond against the expense Incurred. A committee substitute for the an-ti-hazing bill of Senator I vie was passed, after an explanation from Senator Council to the effect that the bill was a very mild one. It makes it indictable for the faculty of any college to fail to expel a student who has been convicted of hazing. Senator Nimocks' legislative refer ence library bill went down in de feat. The Senate passed the House bill allowing the Inmates of the Soldiers' Home $1.00 a month pocket money Instead of 50 cents. A Joint resolution offered by Sen ator McLean was adopted calling up on the North Carolina Representa ( Continued on pact 4.)

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