PTPTT TT If H (T AT IT N A A VOL. XXXI, RALEIGH, ISJ. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 20v 1013, fVo. 10. THOUSANDS BEG RELIEF mm n j r i r r i 1 may nescraa uvii service uraers ; t so as to Throw 30,000 Jobs on the Market THE SPECIAL SESSION APRIL 7 However the Tariff is Not Bring Dis cussed Much The Question Before the IemocratH in Washington is, Ifow to Get Jobs for the Hungry Followers at Home- One Ken tucky Congressman Says the Iem ocrats Must Have Jol or His State Will c;o Republican Ex-Speaker Cannon fJives Out Statement Slew ing Democrats Will Bankrupt Na- tional Treasury. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, March 18, 1913. President Wilson has issued his proclamation calling Congress into session on April 7th. This announce ment of an extra session, however, and the great and important matters that will be taken up for considera tion, including the tariff and cur rency reform, are not being discuss ed much by the Democratic Congress men and politicians in Washington The great question before them day and night is how to get jobs for the hungry political henchmen at home, many of whom are already camping here at Washington, on their heels. The President Shutting Out Oftice Seekers. Thousands of office-seekers came to the inaugration intending to stay until they got their jobs and went home with them. The pressure from them and their Congressmen was so terrific that the President was forced to announce early that he would not see any office-seekers, but that they must present their claims before his Cabinet officers. The pressure be fore the Cabinet officers since then has been so great that already more than one of them have declared that they will not . see hereafter any office-seekers- Ottice-Seekers Attacking the Civil Service. Soon after the new Postmaster General was inaugurated he an nounced that those who were in office under the civil service, whether Dem ocrats or Republicans, would be pro tected. The pressure on the Postmaster-General, however, has become so great that to-day he has yielded and has announced that he is in favor of recinding the civil service orders of President Taft, covernig over 30, 000 postmasters, and that Demo crats shall be given a chance to se cure these places through competi tive examinations. It is said that the Postmaster-General has been told by many Demo cratic Congressmen that the Demo cratic party would go to pieces if this wasn't done. It is reported that one Democratic Congressman from Ken tucky said that at least three, if not a majority of the districts of his j State, would go Republican at the next election if the hungry Democrat ic politicians were not given full swing at the Federal pie-counter. It has been the habit of the Demo cratic newspapers in North Carolina and all the Southern States, when the Republicans were in power, to de clare that the Republican party was a party controlled by pie-hunters and pie-eaters, and that the Democratic party was a great idealistic party that voted for high principles and was not controlled by its stomach and a hunger for the "flesh-pots of Egypt." The fact is, that present situation in Washington is the greatest stomach and flesh-pot demonstration that has ever been seen in the history of this Government. Democrats Will Bankrupt the Na tional Treasury. A statement has just been issued by ex-Speaker Cannon reviewing the record of the last and several preced ing Congresses. He shows that the Democratic Congress has done noth A ing that it promised to do, and has, In fact, violated all of its campaign pledges. He charges that the last Democratic Congress was not sonly the most extravagant Congress that this country has ever seen, but that it has spent money recklessly for sel fish and for partisan purposes, while it has neglected the great and im portant functions of government, in cluding the protection of the nation itself. He showed that the last Democratic Congress spenfmore than $86,000,000 above any amount ever expended by any Republican, or any other Con gress. He pointed out that every Re publican Congress had spent a liber al amount necessary for maintaining (Continued on page 2.) BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Mrs Allen Critcher, of Rocky Mount, was knocked down by roke of lightning during a fctorm last Friday. A Washington dispatch says that! Walker W. Vick, formerly of Wil-1 mington, is slated for U. S. sub treasurer at New York. The House of Representatives of Nebraska has defeated the proposed constitutional amendment permitting women to vote in that State. A Union Pacific passenger train ran into the rear end of express train near Omaha, Neb., Friday, kill ing four persons and injuring thirty more. Herbert Smith, a young fisherman of Penny's Hill, N. C, was drowned there early today which he and his was swamped. when a boat in younger brother The nomination of John Burke, former Governor of North Dakota, to be Treasurer of the United States was sent to the Senate by President Wil son Saturday afternoon. Richard Olney, of Massachusetts, former Secretary of State in Pres. Cleveland's Cabinet, Saturday declin ed the post of ambassador to Great Britain. Mr. Olney feels that he is too old to go abroad. Following a deadlock of many weeks the Legislature of New Hamp shire has elected Henry F. Morris, Democrat, United States Senator. Charges of fraud have been made in connection with his election. John Skelton Williams, of Rich mond, Va., former president of the Seaboard Air Line, for assistant Sec- j retary of the Treasury, was among nominations President Wilson sent to the Senate last Thursday. A large brick building occupied by Messrs. Kesler, Raney and Lomax in the dry goods district of Salisbury, was gutted by fire early Saturday morning. Loss, building and stock, amounts to over $13,000. The body of Israel Battle, an aged negro, was found by the railroads at Rocky Mount Thursday. Battle was returning home from prayer-meeting at the time of his death, which re sulted from an unknown cause. Mrs. Nancy Nash, who lived in the suburbs of Charlotte, was burned to death in her room Sunday morning. The woman, who was a paralytic, was unable to escape from the building, which caught fire from unknown cause. A million pounds of sugar at 4.2 cents a pound for the use of the men in the United States Navy during the year was the contact awarded Satur day .by Paymaster General T. J. Cowie to a New York wholesale gro cery firm. Postmaster General Burleson is working on a plan to be presented to President Wilson whereby the 35,000 third and fourth class postmaster ships placed under the civil service by President Taft may be opened to Democrats Julian Hawthorne, Dr. William J. Morton and Albert Freeman were convicted in a New York Federal court Friday of making fraudulent use of the mails in promoting mining claims. Josiah Quincy, former may or of Boston, another defendant, was acquitted. Bob Snipes, who was arrested in ;Los Angeles several months ago and brought to Morganton to be tried on a charge of the murder of John Brit tain in Burke County fifteen years ago, plead guilty to manslaughter Saturday and was sentenced to four months in the State Penitentiary at light labor. There was some doubt as to Snipes sanity. TX)X WELIaS SENTENCE I) PRISON. TO Was Once a Member of the legisla ture and a Cleveland Elector An other Good Democrat Gone Wrong. Greensboro, Marfch s 15. Lon Wells, once a member of the North Carolina General Assembly and later the Cleveland presidential elector from western North Carolina, has been sentenced to two years in the penitentiary by Judge Foushee at Bryson City, North Carolina, charg ed with the larceny of nineteen suits of clothing from the Southern Rail way Company. With Wells was sent enced his wife for the same period of time. .Wells served as a member of the North Carolina General As sembly in 1887 and 1892, was a Cleveland elector. He has been prom inent in western North Carolina af fairs for many years and at one time was an influential politician. REAL ANCIENT HISTORY v uiiuoii auu 1 auic vict iuiu War oq Account of Portugal ENGLISH GOT MUCH TERRITORY WellingtJn Ukcd the Iooks of Mad rid Waterloo Cluuiged the Map of the World and Gave longtime Peace A King and Queen Live a Warm Life for Twenty-Five Year When No Reform Wa Wanted Great llritaln Now a Cood Country. Correspondence of The Caucasian-Enterprise: Bilkinsville. N. C. Mar. 17, 1913. In 1810 Great Britain wuz drawn into a contest, or went into hit with France, on account ov Portugal. The British troops occupied the frontier ov Portugal an' the French placed 80.000 troops in the country, under Mahsena. Lord Wellington comman ed the British an' Portugese. A bomb fell in the powder magazine establish ed by the British at Almeida, causing a disastrous explosion. Wellington re- ! treated toward Lisbon, destroyin awl j food and forage supplies along the line ov march, which, wuz so dis couragin' that pursuit wuz given up. This war, while not noted for a great number ov battles, lasted for more than two years. At the end ov hit Great Britain had most ov the islands east ov the cape of Good Hope. In the meantime the Prince ov Wales had the executive duties az regent and the regency parliament wuz opened. Wellington had hiz eye upon the capitol ov Spain and finally made hiz way there in spite ov the French sol diers and what opposition Spain offer ed. Joseph, the Spanish King, re mained in the field and Wellington marched to Madrid. Theer a strange thing happened Wellington, the commander ov the British army, wuz placed in command of the Spanish soldiers. But Wellington returned to Portugal, war bein hiz trade, he didn't seem to enjoy civil life, even though he had a chance to step to the front politically. For some months there wuz heavy fitin' on the part ov the British, French and Spanish, the armies ov each country bein' divided and placed at points supposed to be to their advantage at the time. At Burgos Wellington began a seige which lasted thirty-five days without success, he finally giving up the idea ov the capture ov that place. But Wellington mite hev fared worse at this time if Napoleon Bonaparte had not been on hiz disastrous campaign in Russia. France wuz actually fitin' Great Britain, Russia and a part ov Spain awl at the same time. Durin' the followin' year Welling ton made another trip to Madrid with hiz British army. But he found the new King out ov town and there wuz not much goin' on in the way of war. But on hiz return he found a large division ov the French army. A battle took place and one hundred and fif teen cannon and four hundred and fifteen wagons loaded with ammuni tion fell into the hands ov the vic torious British. The battle ov Waterloo wuz a great event in the history ov Britain. Hit decided the fate ov Napolen Bon aparte and ' gave peace for a long time to the whole ov Europe. To gether with several other less im portant battles Wellington obtained a firm foothold on certain French ter ritory which he held for quite awhile. George the Fourth had married the Princess ov Wales. The King decid ed to get rid ov hiz. wife. Royalty had been in trouble more or less since time began. But a real divorce, a somewhat modern institution, wuz rather new. The Queen had been away from home. When she return ed a royal salute wuz fired in her honor. The trouble between the king and hiz wife had been going on for some time an' there wug no let up. For twenty-five years they wrangled. The King became very fat before hiz death. He had a disease known az ossification ov the heart. He died practically friendless, havin' no gift in the art ov makin friends. Only a servant wuz present when the King died-' Ov him hit wuz said that he early in life selected the very worst characters az his boon com panions. . After he reached the throne he contracted debts to an enormous amount, which, however, were finally paid by the British Government. He wuz ruler over the people ov three great countries, though classed az one, and yet he didn't hev even one friend who cared enough for him to be present when death came. Hit hez been said that "kings have no friends." Some or them have proven the truth ov this. William the 4th became King ov Great Britain in 1830. In hiz first (Coritinued on page 2.) THE MOST UKCKLKS.H AMI KX TltAVAIiAXT tXlSCiltKNS. Former Spemker Cannon lur a - statement a t the Record of Uw Democratic Congrr Ha fro; priafetl Over $G,CMMMoO More Than Any Republican Vnjcre in ? the History of the untry Many . New Office Created for Iruocrat j at the Expense of the People. j Mr. Cannon, the former Speaker, ! in his statement, said in part: ? "All performances of Republican j Houses pale into utter insignificance) when placed in contrast with what j the Democratic House of Represents- j tives of the Sixty-Second Congress j Was a r.. m 1 (ok a4 9. a m Tttvffto t K a i FL, ! Treasury and piling up obligations. t . , . . . I against revenues to be derived by; -f . . , s . direct taxation and from revenue of i . , . . . . . . free-trade tariff laws, for which the, ...... , ,, new auujiuieiiauuu eioiius iuiuiuii- ted and solemnly pledged. "The present Congress, with its large Democratic majority in the House, has increased direct appro priations over those made by the pre vious Congress, controlled by a Republican majority in " both branches, by the immense sum of $63,476,100.22. and the contract i liabilities and obligations in the na- j ture of authorized public works, ad- j ditional to specific appropriations, for the session now closing exceed those of the last session of the last Repub lican Congress by more than $23, 383, SS9 or a total excess of combin ed direct appropriations and author ized expenditures by this Congress over its Republican predecessor of $8G, 860, 049. 22. "Nor sUould it be overlooked that of the $43,454,145 of contracts au thorized at the last session of the last Republican House $30,352,500 was for battleships and other vessels for the American navy, in which all pa triotic citizens are equally interested. Comparison With Receipts. "The total revenues of the govern ment, according to the estimates for the next fiscal year, under existing Federal tax laws will amount to only $991,791,508, or $106,856,452.21 'ess than the direct appropriations made this session, and if we add to the latter the sum of contracts and! bligatiens authorized in addition that will have to be appropriated for the deficit will reach $183,S12,626.21. "And so we have this situation: "The Democratic party solemnly promised, if intrusted with the reins of government, to reduce expendi tures. With its customary failure to perform according to its pledges, it has enormously increased expendi tures. "It has promised, with even great er solemnity, to reduce the burdens of taxation. It has, by legislation for which it is responsible, made it prac tically impossible to avoid an increase in taxation. ManyXevv Offices Created. "During the last session of this Congress a total increase of 7,049 places were added to the salaried roll of the government, making a perma nent annual charge on the Treasury of $7,696,662.50." DRMOCRATS EMPTYING THE TREASURY. Cannon Declares $87,000,000 More Was Appropriated Hy Last Con gress Than Ever Before. A Washington, D. C, dispatch of last Friday says: Appropriations of the last session of Congress, including the sundry civil and the Indian appropriation bills which failed at the last mo ment, but which are to be put through at the coming extra session, aggregated $1,09S,647,960. The annual statements given out today by Chairman Fitzgerald, of the appropriations committee, and by former Speaker Cannon for the Re publicans, agree on that total . Mr. Cannon adds, however, that in addition to that amount, contracts authorized for public works involve further expenditures of $76,956,174. Mr. Cannon, analyzing the figures, declared that the appropriations made and obligations created during the entfre Sixty-Second Congress ag gregated $2,238,470,990, an excess of almost $87,000,000 over the previous Republican Congress, and that the probable deficit in the revenues for 1914 will be $183,821,626. "AH performances of Republican houses," added the former Speaker, "fall into utter insignificance In con trast with what the Democratic House of the Sixty-Second Congress has accomplished, in emptying: the treasury and piling obligations." Mr. Jas. B. Duke Resigns From Im perial Company. Mr. J. B. Duke has resigned as a director of Imperial Tobacco Com pany. Mr. Duke is chairman of the board of trustees of the British American Tobacco Company, recent ly organized, it is claimed, to war on the American Tobacco Company. COL ROOSEVELT SPEAKS . ft t D I Addrtuts Lcnjcreuce ot reansyl- Tuua Pro jTt wires on the Duties of Party l'rg" .Need of Ttxtrottgh rj;anl - lion for studjinj mml Srurinj ; IdU on Which Platform U llel i Iut Hae (lemaer PotltW . Speaker Grrcei by a Ijrxe Audi ence. Former President Roosevelt ad- . , , , ..... d rested a Urge audience In Phiia- delphla a few nights ago and urge4 , . . ... the need of a thorough organization , . . , , . , . for studying and securing the ideals on which the platform of the Pro gressive party was based. The occa sion was the first annual Progressive i (conference of the State of Pennsyl-' vanja In introducing Colonel Roosevelt-! Dean Lewis said: 1 "We have met here to-night to lis-5 ten to the man who is the 1-adeH in the most wonderful awakening of the individual and group conscience' i " V Tl i. " u: uuuui luui lie naa uone more man ; . any one man to arouse the oonscM p,an to niMenty-nfth of one pr ence of the people He is a great !nl on lh r,,,al t("k. Increasing personal force makinu for better i lncon" a inheritance tae and rn- i things." i i Colonel Itosopvelt raM In nart- i - - " ' " "The Progressive party has been founded primarily to render social and industrial service. This means.) of course, that there must be clean) politics. Rotten politics in the t-nd means rotten business and rotten conditions generally. The first requi site in any movement for any species of betterment in this country must be honest- "The Progressive service branch of our party activities is devoted to social research. Ir onrnnlroil offirl ent shape, and is endeavoring'to cor-1 relate it with the art of lv.mir,,! bodies and the needs of the public. "Our party is not in power; it is not in office; hut It is our duty to formulate public opinion and prepare " -tnat.lL shall insist on atlo along tne lines we indicate. We rec - ognize the urgent need of strengthen- t ing our party by means of organiza-i 1. ' ;'""0 l,t',t"1 a,eB against tion; extension of the machinerv; j N"rfh i aroHna to"' and U -m-ci-but we recognize with equal empha- ed U! c'""i living to a sis that machinery, while imperative-! r0nf.dPrab,e "xt"nt thU '"-vexing ly necessary, is of use only if treated! ,,r?.irm' as a practical means of securing ap-i 1 ! i,U'8l,on aH !o a!m,!(l'K the plied realism. The Progressive ser- onst,t,on ". ' a resoly vice is organized because our party 1" Zr e,ra "ion ot for the first time in the history of 'B B,ture and l"' appointment any great party-in this country, rec-i Gov"rnor f Pcial fommls- oenizes that tho nartv or,.,o.f ! 6ion to consider all proposed amend- can hp. hi " rrr:::v..Min report to the , ".uBi.ui.ih.u UJ lUllllll- uous, organized party work for defi nite aims and ideals. "I wish to congratulate you men in Pennsylvania upon the fight the Progressive party is making in the Legislature to achieve its purpose and thereby justify its existence. All your proposed lavs are good; the primary law for instance, and the corrupt practices act. But peculiar importance attaches, to the three acts proposed for regulating child labor, for regulating the employment of women, anc? for creating a minimum wage for both women and children. The underpayment of wage-earners is one of the worst evils of our pres ent industrial system, and it is not only an evil in itself, but it is at the bottom of the sweatshop problem. "The Progressive party was found ed primarily to meet the great awak- ivum.icuie wuicn we nave present political or our present ia- dustrial conditions shall continue un-l changed if the Republic itself is to! live and prosper. Self-government is I incompatible with dishonest govern-! meat; and a political democracy and I a business oligarchy cannot perma- nentiy exist in the same countrv tirip hv ciiio " Biue. UNIVERSITY If AZERS FOC.Wl CiL'ILTY. Thre Boys Were Sentenced for Fo ur Months With Privilege to Hire Oat Fathers Hire the Boys. Ralph W. Oldham, William L. Mer rlam, and Aubrey C. Hatch, Univer sity of North Carolina students, were tried at Hillsboro Friday and Satur day and were convicted of man slaughter in connection with the death of Isaac Rand, of Smithfield. a f el low-atu dent Judge Peebles sentenced the three boys to jail for four months, giving the commissioners power to hire the boys out The fathers paid the com missioners $75. which it is claimed would have been the amount of four months' work, and the boys were re leased. The Governor has been ask ed for a pardon for the three boys so as to remove some of the stigma. seen in the American people during! ,7 "'M-4UU the last few years. Thoughtful men . .1 J f W1' and women have grown to TrlaS I deflcIt nd Immanent that it is impossible that eUher ouriP rVemnt" al Stat 'n.Ututlons." nit; yt itiox or i;n;i: Th Matter of tlswtstrv lUxjrM Thitk IWfte tbe !vttt- A Ux tkHlrit- .Tat, lUle o V41 lritTt) Ittcf fAnV- tkt l9t Ttie Xml tfnlAtorv dij ft0StMttC, j whether It Is what tbe jt-ojl for not Tb y i&cr4 tb tat rat t on property a&4 on tb poll a&J rslrl the t on stout ery ta- du,tf 0? IwreaseJ sm saUrtes j and created otn n oSm, and &r- J ter a few other prrltmlnsrie. ad- I jourmed A sprclal correspondent of (h j Charlotte Observer nt bis psper h following resume of the deHls and j misdeeds of tfce recent s-.sion of the legislature: j "Tbe General A nimbly Jest ad journed paired and raU84 arts and 0 resolutions, compare with 1.4Q acts and 1$ resolutions lmo 'r Ka "0rhdo Ing all other our. "1 nuptiriancr, mis so-ssion was he mnr of fiDa,ir-' llurc h,MK to fc e -nc in the trei.. ur of PprolmateIy fsvuvoo. Thlt a m"' b an crease in the tat Wxy frum 11 29 lo 11 45 wn ,h" M"d. from 4" 10 47 r3 rrnu on lh Jluo property by raising tin tat oti coloration, from the old rr-.t.,.., attxl'i tnore stringent machinery for their collection ' am! putting on an- foIml'Jl manufacturers a llcenso tat ! of $500. "The recommendation of the (ov emor and the finance Committee for a reassessment of property and a sw cial State Tax Commission was dis regarded A rather stringent meas ure enacted in this connctlon was one directing sheriffs to collect un paid privilege and license taxes for four years back. "Among the more progressive acts was one providing for a xix months' ,'ub,ic 801,001 tirm ,n aU a rompulRor' Bcho"1 attendance law. optional, however, with the various counties; an act allowing women to serve on school commit fees, boards of trustees of educational Institu " " , tions and text-book commissions. i . ' .. " mission is confer ring with railroad officials as to dls- Ira ses sion. "The number of Superior Court judges and judicial districts was In creased from 16 to 20, and the State redistrlcted. A new automobile law imposes on owners a graduated an nual license tax from $5 to $15 in place of the fiat tax of $5S with SI renewal fee. "Among notable bills kilted were the measure for legalized State-wide primaries, a bill calling for a series of State bond issues In aid of the counties in road construction, which would have meant the Issuance of $24,600,000 in State bonds in forty one years, with a provision for coun ty bonds to be taken as security at a higher rate of Interest, a bill fixing the salaries of solicitlrs and a bill providing for a uniform plan of ex amination and certification of public school teachers. 11 Kv- J- w- ! TUOfliLK. Ua Arretted in Atlanta for Hal anc Iu on IHamond Ring, Saturday's Atlanta Journal state Rev. J. W. Ham. former J.f.,. .w r. "... . . .' ui iue uapusi laDernacie. in I . mui, ma temporarily unaer ar- cat. iui luuouaj lor qis xaiiure to pay balance due on a $325 diamond ring, which he had purchased on tb installment plan from a Macon. Ga.. jeweler more than a year ago. Mr. Ham explained to tbe Journal that be had been receiving only about $40 a month and found IHmpossible to fin ish paying for the ring. It was fur ther stated that friends of Mr. Ham were trying to make up the balance due on the ring. Tfce Journal also states that Mr. Ham has done evan gelistic work in North Carolina. If this reporter, is not mistaken Mr. Ham created some little excitement down at Newbern sometime ago when he walked in there to reform that town. Death of Mr. Daniel I. KossWl. Mrs. Sarah Amanda Russell, widow of former Governor Daniel L. Russell, died Tuesday evening at her home la Brunswick County, after an illness of several months.

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