f "IT TTir r W saf W wwr ii mm f VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, lSl. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 27t 1913. No. 11 (H A T A A a UNCERTAINASTO BRYAN Modi Speculation as the Real Rela tion Existing Between Him and1 the President The Xebr&ftk&n May Not Stay in the Cabinet Long Claimed That Neither Wilson Nor Chairman Mo Comb Really Wanted Him in Ca binets Troubles and Rumors of Trouble in the Democratic Camp President Wilson Commended for His Stand on the Chinese Loan Democrat and the Tariff BUI. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. Q March 25. 1913. President Wilson's action In an nouncing that he would not stand for this Government being a party to the theme of a combination of the most influential bankers in this country and England and the other leading countries In Europe, in coercing China into accepting a large loan of i money, on very hard terms has met - the approval of not only the Chinese people but the people generally of this country. It seems that the scheme of the in ternational banking syndicate was to force China to make a big loan un der hard terms but also to have this Government and the leading Euro pean Governments to become a par ty to the transaction, not only to guarantee to the bankers that China should pay the Interest and principal on the loan, but also it seems .that there was some kind of an under standing that the Governments should co-operate to exercise the su pervising control over China that might lead later to the partition of that country between the respective governments. This is what has been called dollar diplomacy. President Wilson squarely repudiates and re verses that policy. President Wilson has in this matter unquestionably scored quite a triumph before the people of his own country and the people of the world. Domestic Troubles Brewing. While President Wilson has start ed off so successfully in his foreign policies yet there are many indica tions of trouble brewing at home in his own political camp. The two rocks upon which this administration is liable to wreck its political ship of State are tariff and finance. President Wilson has openly tak en a hand in the Senatorial contest in Maryland, against Senator Smith and in favor of some Progressive, and is supposed to be taking a hand in other States in order to make sure of a Progressive majority in the Sen ate. Let this be as it may, yet it is known that he lost a big point when he did not exercise his Presidential influence to prevent Senator Sim mons from becoming Chairman of the Finance Committee The tariff will be the first question on which the party must stand and make good or split. While Senator Simmons has been shorn of over half of his power by the creation of a Committee on Banking and Currency, which will have charge of all finan cial legislation, and also by having a majority of the committee made up of strong Progressives, and by having! the power of appointing conferees taken from him, "yet as Chairman he will still have enough power to give the administration trouble. If Senator Simmons has any con victions of auy kind on the tariff, they are not in harmony with the present administration. Is may be, however, that Senator Simmons is willing to stand for any kind of a tariff bill that the present adminis tration wants under present condi tions, and it seems certain that he must have made such promises and overtures or he would not have been permitted to have retained this place. However, it Is known that there is great division of sentiment among the Democratic Congressmen of both Houses, on the tariff question, and it is certain that there will be much dif ficulty in harmonizing many radical divergent views and interests. Another Rumor of Trouble. It is also rumored that differences have already grown up between the President and his Democratic Na tional Chairman. It is reported that the National Chairman refused to aci cept an Ambassadorship to France because he did not want to be. sent out of the country, but wanted to stay here and see if the promises which were made in the last cam paign were fulfilled It Is thought that the President . might like ,to get rid of making good some of these promises. No . doubt fche, President thinks that he should not be required to make good any foolish os unwise promises inasmuch BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Chief of Police J. Caudle Tucker, of Loulsburg, ghot and killed -Freddie Green, a negro, Sunday night. The coroner' Jury exonerated the chief. After April 7, all women In Mas sachusetts who do not cap their hat- plis with a device that will protect others from injury will be liable to a fine of $100. The plant of the Wilmington, N. C. Handle Works was destroyed Fri day night by fire originating in the dry kiln. The less is estimated at 135,000 to $40,000. At Elm City Sunday afternoon Grover Cobb, a demented young man of about eighteen, drank a large quantity of box lye from the effects of which he died a most horrible death a few hours later. Feny Murray, a young man of Burlington, was arrested Friday and bound over to court on the charge of assault upon Miss May Walton of that town. His guilt was not fully established. The jury Saturday acquitted Mur den Stokley, for killing J. Felton Towe at Elizabeth City a few weeks ago. Stokely claims that Towe ruined his sister and then refused to make amends. Bulgarian besiegers Tuesday cap tured the Turkish advanced positions to the east of the fortress of Adrian ople, after a heavy bombardment; a large number of prisoners and siege guns were captured. Rev. R. G. Pearson died Saturday in Columbia, where he occupied a professorship in the Presbyterian Seminary- For several years Dr. Pearson did evangelistic work in this State, and was one of the most effec tive evangelists of his day. Because Elliott Moore stepped on the toe of Fannie Bitting at a negro dance near the Spencer, N. C, cattle pens Friday morning, William Clark cut a hole In Moore's side with a knife. Moore lived only a short time after being stabbed. Clark escaped. The whipping post for white slave traffickers and seducers of women was among measures advocated for the solution of the social problem at a conference held in Washington Sat urday through efforts of the Illinois vice commission. After killing his wife and inflict ing a strious wound on his son, I. W. Williams, an aged farmer, of Rome, Ga., attempted suicide by drinking laudanum. He probably will recov er. Williams and his wife quarreled over the possession of their three children. Willis L. Moore, chief of the Weather Bureau at Washington, re signed his position Saturday. Mr. Moore was a candidate for Secretary of Agriculture, and was disappointed when he did not receive the appoint ment. His resignation becomes ef fective July 1. The Porto Rican Legislature held its final session Friday. The hills passed include measures regulating child and woman labor, establish- ing an employers' liability law, pro viding for the construction of roads and bridges and increasing the reve nue by the , imposition of taxes on liquors, cigars and cigarettes. Mrs. Jennie May Eaton was locked up In the county jail at Plymouth, Mass., Friday, pending a hearing on the charge that she murdered her husband, Rear Admiral Joseph Giles Eaton, by poisoning him. Admiral Eaton, - who was one of the heroes of the Spanish-American War, died suddenly a few days ago under pecu lier circumstances. The home life of the Eatons had not been pleasant. A revised tariff will be submitted by the New Zealand Government at the next session of Parliament, un der which, apparently, the prefer ence to British goods will be extend ed. The New Zealand Government also proposes to insist on all imports being accompanied by certificates of origin, in order to prevent the ad mission at the preferential rates of goods of foreign manufacture rel-ex- ported from the United Kingdom Aliens Will Be Electrocuted Tomor row. Claud Swanson Allen and his father. Floyd Allen, will be electro cuted in the penitentiary at Rich mond. Va., tomorrow, for the part they played in shooting up the court at Hillsville some months ago. The attorneys have made a desperate ef forts to save the younger Allen bn the members of the Supreme Court REAL MCJENT HISTORY The Greeks were Fighters. Frca Start to Finish THEIR PROBABLE ORIGIN Once Lived In Caves and Other Holes in the Ground Many Races Com blned In OneOne Greek War Lasted for Ten YearsAt First Writing and Reading Poetry Was the Chief Amusement of the Greeks -The Persians Tried to Whip the Greeks Bat Got Left A Word About Thermopylae. (Correspondence of The Caucasian Enterprise.) Bilkinsville. N. C, March 24. 19l3i The history or Greece, like that ov most countries, iz a bit uncertain. Yet Greece iz, or ought to be, well known on account ov the part hit hex awlwavs Dlaved in history. Its orig inal inhabitants are believed to hev! been the discendants ov Java, who wuz a son ov Japthat, who made some reputation when the world wuz young. These people were hardly more than savages, makin' their homes in caves and feedin upon acorns an' such. They clothed them-- selves, when any clothes were worn, with the skins ov animals and con gregated in large or small camps in order to be safe from wild bests. The early settlers were a mixture ov many different races or tribes. Sav ages at first, they slowly developed an' grew until they became noted for great mental and physical qual ities, and at this time they are not far behind the world's best people in some respects. At some time, no one can tell just when, the Greeks tried to establish slave-holding, natives being the slaves. Like most countries, Greece had her heroes, such az Bacchus and Hercules. The first noted politician iz said to hev been Ogyges, who got to the front somehow, probably bein' elect ed by a minority ov the voters, stili-j popular in some countries. A fel low by the name ov Cercrops led a colony ov people from Egypt and settled in Greece. He an hiz band started the city ov Athens and intro duced the worship ov the goddess Athena, or Minerva. He established the court ov Areopagus. . The dis trict which he settled wuz hard to get at, consequently the early pirates who roved the seas never found hiz settlement. Az outsiders could not pronounce the names ov the early Greek rulers they were afraid ov them anyway. But Cecrops wuz a man who did things and he lost hiz popularity and finally died in exile. In many cases the politician who Iz worth hiz salt stands but little show on this earth. Nearly everybody gave George Washington a great name both az a soldier and az a citizen. But he had a terrible time to keep out ov the hands ov mere politicians who wanted to pull him down an kick him out. Menestheus succeeded. Ogyges az ruler ov hiz district, though the various districts ov the country continued separate for a long time. They were contin ually at war amongst themselves. On account ov an outrage which only affected a few people, an army ov about 100,000 wuz made up from the different Greek provinces. One city wuz beseiged for ten years. They finally captured the oity. But when the rulers returned to their homes they found that new rulers had taken their places and had things so well m hand that they could not get them out. In some cases the valiant soldiers were compelled to leave their country, provided they were not killed, which happened in some cases. According to Homer and Here- dotus, two famous historians, ine early Greeks worshipped invisible, imaginary gods instead or idols. The earliest Greeks were natural poets, or thought they were. Every thing wuz . reduced to poetry and much ov hit wuz publicly read to great crowds at stated times. Cattle instead of coin were used az a meas ure ov the medium of exchange. Merchants were looked upon with suspicion and scorn. Pirates stood much higher in the social scale than storekeepers. The early Greek doc tors were surgeons and wounds were dressed by them. But internal diseases were supposed to be caus ed by the gods and that no remedies could give any aid. War wuz con sidered about the only respectable employment. They had more sys tem at out fighting than most savage nation', and learned the art ov drill ing away back yonder. If an enemy wuz captured or -wounded quarter wuz rarely given, death by the quick est route wug hiz portion. In politics the rulers were ex pected to consult the wishes ov the TRACK AND FIELD MEET. High School Invited to fiend Teams! to Chapel Hill APrU 11. Special to The Caucasian.) j Hilt M.V Pnriri the attention of the high school pa pils or the State and of particular interest to budding young athletes in all the schools for the next three weeks is the first annual State Championship Interscholastlc Track aad Field Meet at Chapel Hill on April 11. Definite plans have been outlined by the Greater Council of the University, the Athletic Associa tion and the alumni of the institu tion for the gathering together of the young athletes from all sections of the State on the above mentioned date. Entry blanks and letters of in formation bearing on the meet have been mailed the principals of the! high schools of the State Inviting their enlistment in this the first ath letic contest of State-wide signifi cance and scope to high school lads. The purport of the meet Is to add stimulus to the training of young athletes in North Carolina and give additional stress to the Importance the development of the physique of the future citizens of the State. Bride's Brother Shoots Husband at Wedding Sapper. A shooting affair which may prove fatal occurred at a bridal supper near Ayden, Pitt County, Sunday night, when Chas. McLawhorn shot WTill D. Smith. Mr. Smith and the daughter of Mr. McLawhorn were married Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the marriage, though displeasing to the father of the bride, was performed at his home at his own request, many friends and relatives witnessing the ceremony. It was at the home of the groom, while all were enjoying the supper given in honor of the marriage, that the shooting occurred. McLawhorn made his escape. Josephus and the "Nigger' Pie Hunt ers. The Lincoln Times. Who would have thought it? Last week Josephus Daniels, Secrtary of the Navy, was closeted In his office with a North Carolina "nigger" pie hunter, while a number of prominent white men were patiently waiting on the outside for an interview with the secretarv on matters of State, The negro slobbered all over Jo- sephus with congratulations. He said he was not "an office seeker" but if there happened to be an unclalm- ed job In the Secretary's department it would come handy. And JoseDhus promised to try to find one. Jerusa lemoke and poke-berry Juice! , Democrats in Congress Have Made a Deficit. Lincoln Times. It turns out that obligations con tracted by the last Congress (Demo- cratic) exceed two billion dollars, which, with the present revenue, will mean a deficit next year of $130,000,- 000. That's going some. And yet they say they are going to lower the tariff and reduce our revenue. Just as well manufacture the plates now of high tension, which at times al for a new bond issue or call a halt most became a panic. Soldiers, State to extravagant appropriations. and National troops, poured Into the Floods Follow in Wake of Tornado in Indiana. Indianapolis, . Ind., March 24. The worst rainstorm in years last night and today followed in the wake of the tornado that carried death and destruction into southern In- dlana. Four nersons were drowned today In swollen streams and tonight practically every creek and river In Indiana is out of its banks. 20O Population and 18 Preachers. There is a little town on the at- lantic Coast Line a few miles north of Fayetteville. Falcon by name, that is ownea oy ine tiouness peoie. ine lng already definitely placed at twen charter of the town prohibits the sale tyIghtf wlth additional fatalities of tobacco, coca-cola and other bev- rpnortfld. bnt not confirmed. Two erages. They have a church, a high scnooi, a newspaper, a popuiauou ui 200 and eighteen preachers. Char ity and Children. Suicide By Throwing Himself on a Saw. Mr. B. F. Wicker, of Albright township, committed suicide some days ago by throwing himself in front" of a circular saw at a saw- mill, being instantly killed. Some time ago he had been discharged from the State Hospital where he had been under treatment for Insan- Ity. Chatham Record. But What Are Protection Democrats Doing in Congress or Anywhere Else? Durham Herald. Do you not want to think that nrAtnn TlPmnrratu in lUCIO W V rvvn, 4st hPranse thev nretend ia0o attitd of the vu av ivvvu - - i president. - ' DESTRUCTIVE STORLIS Hssdrtd PtTSCSS . . KlUtd DY Iht I OTTUiO NEB'iL AND ALA. HIT HARDEST Thotnaville aad Lower Tearbtr Alabama, Practically Swept Off Che Map in Friday' ftormXebra : and Indiana Struck by Tornado Sunday Night When More Than Two Handred Persons Were Kill ed Many lajared aad lleadml Are Homete lroperty Lom Will Ran Into the Million. Another fearful tornado .truck the Central West Sunday night and Mon day which cost hundreds of lives and millions of dollars damage to prop erty. At least two hundred people were killed In Nebraska, four hun dred Injured, and hundreds more made homeless. In Indiana eighteen were killed and two hundred and fifty injured and many made home less. It appears that Omaha. Nebraska, and the nearby towns caught the brunt of the tornado. A press dis patch sent out from Omaha Monday night says: "More than two hundred persons were killed, and four hundred were injured in a wind-storm that demol ished four hundred and fifty homes, damaged hundreds of other build ings and caused a monetary loss of $5,000,000.00, according to reports available up to a late hour to-night from the main path of the tornado In and near Omaha. "Most of tbe casualties were in Omaha. Nearby towns in Nebraska and acrogg the Mi8gourl Rlver in Iowa also suffered severely. Wires were snapped off in all directions and it took many hours to gather and circulate news of the disaster. "Fire broke out In the debris of many wrecked buildings in the Ne braska metropolis and these were a menace for some time as the fire companies were hindered ' by falling walls and blockaded streets. A heavy raIn followed the wind, however, and drenched the hundreds of homeless persons but also put out the names "Ot the two hundred and two known dead within the area covered hy the storm, one hundred and fifty two were residents of Omaha. The remaining dead are scattered over a considerable range of territory, with Council Bluffs reporting twelve; Yutan, Neb., sixteen; Berlin. Neb.. seven; Glenwood, Iowa, five; Neola, Iowa, two, and Bartlett, Iowa, three. The same cities and towns report an aggregate of four hundred and fifty homes demolished. "Perhaps 1,500 persons are home less. Aside from this, 3,000 build ings were more or less damaged, some of these being churches and school buildings. Eight of Omaha's public schools were wrecked. All forms of communication were almost annihilated by the wind and only two or three wires were In working con dition when daylight relieved a night city during the day to aid in bring ing order of what for twenty hours had been chaos." Friday's Storm Played Havoc in Central and Southern States. More than sixty persons are re- ported killed and hundreds were in jured, some mortally. In a storm of tornado Intensity wnlch raged over Central Western, Southern and parts of Eastern 8tates Friday. Property damage will run well Into the mil lions. Reports from Alabama show the loss of life was heaviest in that sut0f numbT of de&d be- towns, Thomasville and Lower Peach t ft nTACtleSLiv w!d ont. Two are dead in Indiana, two In Tennes see, two In Ohio, two In New York, one in Michigan, and one in Louisi ana. Accompanying the death list are estimates of the injured totaling more than two hundred. Coming up out of the southwest early Friday morning, just as spring was ushered in, the storm swept with startling suddeness diagonally across the country, Northern Texas to Wes- tern Pennsylvania and New York, bisecting the Mississippi Valley and moving: northeastward across the Qhio into the Great Lake region. Shifting winds of great violence, accompanied In various sections by snow, sleet and hail, characterised th storm. Buildings toppled before I 111 nearly a aoxen awes, I . J At. 1 I I I. uu ' 418 wa The property loss was heavy all itxmunuea on page a. j shot win: TiiRoran ntuu. S4 Traced at lUidwvfUK 2t. a. Monday. ' A dip.uh frota ReldsviUe Met day algM sars: Walter Sheltea. a e4i-k&ova yoaec man of this star, a&ot aad killed his vlfe fcr toatftt st 7 o'clock. bUoa at to the boo of Mr. filar k la the soaihm ptt of the city, where his wifa had goes to call on the Blacks. Catering the room. &hito& drew his revolver aad fired lie, o&e buliel peeeiraUag the woman's heart. Death iu il sost Instant. Just what was the motive is not known at this time. Sheltoa aad his wife had bn separated for a num ber of months. Mrs, She4toa before her marriage was Miss Lacy Treat. Shelton made his eecapex Trouble In the Iemorratic Raaka. Speaktr Champ Clsrk ms.de hU first visit to President Wilson a few days ago and It Is reported thst he was not at Ml pleased with his in terview and there may be a serious break between the Speaker and the President. A Washington dispatch says: Trained obaerters of doing la national politic solemnly declare clare that there is trouble brewing among the beaux of Miss Democracy and that the worst rupture is likety to occur between lreldel Wilson and Speaker Chump Clsrk. Wild ru mors are being circulated to the ef fect that the Speaker Is not at all satisfied with his recent conference with the President regarding the dis tribution of patronage among mem bers of the House and that the Mis sou rian is not at all likely to work In perfect accord with the roan who beat him to the presidential chair. Senator Tillman Compares the Demo cratic Office-seekers to Wild lleasU. Senator Tillman, of South Caro lina, is disgusted with the wild scramble for office that Is now going on in Washington. A Washington dispatch giving an account of Till man's displeasure at the perslstac.ee of the hundreds of office-seekers that have been flocking to Washington, says: He said the situation reminded him of a Bible text: "I have forgot ten just whero In holy writ I read it." he said, "but It fits the case ex actly and runs something as follows: 'The wild asses of the desert are athirst and hungry. They have broken into the green corn " The Senator recalled thst the text contained a reference to the "wild asses" trampling down the corn but said he would leave that oat. He added that he had full faith In Presi dent Wilson as a "herdsman, who would keep the wild beasts from do ing any damage." A Milking Machine in Catawba. A Newton, N, C. dispatch says: The only thing of Its kind In west ern North Carolina, a milking-ma chine driven by a three-horsepower gasoline erglne has been Installed oa the farm of R. L. Shu ford. It has proved a wonderful success. This same engine runs an electric battery which furnishes lights for dwelling, house and cattle barn and dairy house, runs a compressed air pump that furnishes water from a well 500 feet away from the barn for water to the dwelling on first and second floors. The pump will throw water 200 feet high, affording protection in case of fire for all the buildings on the place. Makes Up Beds at Age of 100. Mrs. John 8trlckland, who Uvea with her daughter, Mrs. James Bob bitt, at Forestville, was able at the age of 100 years and one month to make up two beds and clean up the room before breakfast. This is what she did last Monday when she helped her son-in-law, Mr. J. IL Watklns, of New Light Township, to celebrate his 78th anniversary. Mr. W. A. Watklns. of Raleigh, a son of Mr. Watklns, was there and vouches for the fact Mrs. Strickland was born la Feb ruary, 1813, and has been vigorous all her life- She Is able to climb steps with ease and gets about bet ter than most women of 5. Mrs. Strickland does not wear glasses. She Is the mother of ten living chil dren, the oldest being 70 years and the youngest 50 years old. Everybody at White House to be Vaccinated. A Washington dispatch Tuesday says: "Everybody at the White House, including President Wilson, members of bis family, aides, clerks, servants and domestics, about 150 In all, are to be vaccinated as a precaution against small-pox." t There are several cases in Wash ington. (Continued on, page 2.) refused to interfere. V (Continued on page 2.)

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