ifc BBIBMII l Ift i (BjBiB ''' "VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, M. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 3t i913. Mo. 12. ALLEN'S PAY DEATH PENALTY. 3 SOME STATE POLITICS Crime Committed At Hlllsville Court House Partly Avenged Kleventh Hoar Attempt to Commute Sent ence Was Foiled When Governor Mann Returned to Virginia, Richmond, Va., March.28. Mum bling a prayer and crying half audi bly that he was ready to go, Floyd Allen, a lawless product of the Vir ginia mountains, whose refusal to , accept a short prison term for a minor offenseled to the wholesale -court murder In Hlllsville one year ago, limped to the death chair In the State penitentiary today, eleven mln utes ahead of Claude Swanson Allen, his son. The sentence of the court, held up for six hours while desperate and .dramatic efforts were being made to :save the condemned men by eleventh hour appeals to the Lieutenant Gov ernor, was speedily ordered to pro ceed when Governor Mann hastened back to Virginia soil to take charge of a situation which was sensational and exciting to a degree. The pris on superintendent, acting entirely within the law, agreed at 2 o'clock this morning to defer the execution, giving Attorney General Williams an opportunity, meanwhile, to pass upon the constitutional right of Lieuten ant Governor Ellyson to interfere. But the young son of Governor Mann reached his father in Phila delphia by telephone less than an hour after the delay had been or dered and by 8 o'clock today the Governor was again on Virginia soil Incensed, as it afterward developed, by the unexpected effort to take ad vantage of his , temporary absence, when he had repeatedly refused clemency, the Governor boarded an early train, arriving in Richmond at 11:30 o'clock. Men prominent in official circles of the State who waited in the Cap ital for a final plea to the Governor were turned away, as his secretary handed out this statement from the Executive: "Hearing at five minutes to 3 o'clock this morning of the action taken in the Allen case after I left the city, I considered it my duty to hurry .back. . I simply desire to. re peat that after the most careful ex amination of the evidence in this case, I have not the slightest doubt of the guilt of Floyd and Claude Allen, and I will not interfere. The law must take its course." Justice is Fighting (Herman And Simmons Will Daniels Stand by His Progressire Friend? OR WILL HE FLOP AGAIN Daniels Has Trained With i Both Re actionaries and Progress! ve-The Slashing of the Tariff and Hie Threat to Holiness Canada Wait- iug for Uncle Sam to Enrichen Her People -Storm and Flood in West and Middle West Worst in History of ; This Country Government Sends Aid. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. sin, airsnci: sniis em cm TURKEY' AGREES TO PEACE. That Country Announces Unreserved Acceptance of Proposals andThanks Powers for Mediation Balkan .Al lies Not Yet Agreed. ) Constantinople, April 1, The Tur kish Government to-day announces that it has unreservedly accepted the peace terms proposed by the Euro pean Powers, bringing to an end the Balkan war. The Turkish foreign of fice hand'i the Ottoman acceptances to the dean of the diplomatic corps here, accompanying the missive with an expression of thanks to the pow ers for their mediation. The Balkan allies 'and powers are .still not agreed on peace terms, so the action does not necessarily mean the end of the war. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C., April 1, 1913. Last week the country was startled with the news from the West and Middle West of the damage to life and property caused by a terrific hur ricane, which, in part of its course amounted to a cyclone. It started out in Arizona, crossed Nebraska and took a zig-zag course through Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, and then split up and passed out at sev eral different points to the Atlantic ocean. The damage west of the Mississ ippi River was chiefly in the destruc tion of very many farm and city houses and a large resultant loss of life. The destruction in the city of Omaha was unusually severe. When the storm passed the Mississippi river, it was followed by an enor mous downpour of rain, continuing for several days and in some cases amounting to a cloudburst. This has caused the frightful floods in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia, which have exceeded any thing known in the history of this country. President Wilson was appealed to for assistance in the shape of food, clothing, tents, pontoon bridges, .etc. He ordeeri Secretary -of War Garri son, to at once fit out a special train with supplies of. every kind above mentioned, including medical sup plies, also nurses and doctors, to as sist in the work of relief, and to go with this train in person. At this writing the flood waters are reported to be receding in Dayton, Columbus, and other points north of the Ohio river, but at the same time the threatened floods down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers are growing every hour and will probably exceed any floods for many years. About a year ago this country and the whole world was startled by the wreck in a collision with , an iceberg of the newest, largest and most mag nificent steamer afloat, the Titanic, and the frightful loss of life. That great calamity appealed tremendous ly to the imagination of the country and the whole world, but it will not compare in magnitude to the fright ful Ipss of life and property in these floods and storms. The commission form of govern ment was verwbellmngly defeated in the election in Durham Tuesday. Ex-President Taft arrived at New Haven, Connectieutt. Tuesday to take up the Kent professorship at Yale. - Geo. M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries at Washington, Tuesday sent his resignation to President Wil son. . y - Anti-prohibitionists won in Colo rado Tuesday in a majority of places where local tickets were elected and the liquor amendments voted upon. Hereafter, postmasters In the larg er offices of the country are to be held strictly accountable for the time and personal attention they give their officii! duties. FATAL WRECK NEAR HICKORY. Engineer, Conductor and Were Killed. Fireman A pispatch from Salisbury, N. C. Monday night says: Freight train No. 73 was wreck ed between Hickory and Newton this morning, and Engineer Will Eagle, of Spencer; Conductor Ed V. Boyd and Fireman A. L. Huddle, of Ashe vllle, were killed. The engine turn ed over. Huddle and Boyd were killed instantly. Eagle died shortly after his extrication, on reaching Hickory where he was taken for treatment. William D. Haywood, organlzer.for the Industrial Workers of the World, was convicted of disorderly conduct and sentenced to six months in jail at Patterson, N. J., Monday. Gustav Puppe, a bs-nker at Kuea trin, Germany, suspended payment Tuesday with estimated liabilities of seven million dollars. Puppe and his son have disappeared. Mrs. Jesse May Eaton was indict ed Friday at Plymouth, Mass., , for the murder of her husband, Rear ! Admiral Joseph C. Eaton, who died suddenly some days ago. J. P. Morgan's body was embalmed in Rome Tuesday and prepared for shipment to the United States. A simple service was held yesterday over the body of the late financier. Col. Pascual Orozco, Sr., father of the former northern revolution ary leader in Mexico,, has been ex ecuted by order of Emiliano Zapata, Rebel leader of the southern Mexico. Pennsylvania yesterday voted to have ratified the proposed amend ment to the National Constitution providing for the direct election of Senators. Only one more State is ne cessary. Dr. J. L. Moorefield, a member of the Guilford County Medical Society and proprietor of a large drug store at Guilford College, was convicted at Greensboro Tuesday on a charge of retailing liquor. An unknown man was found dead n a ditch by the Atlantic Coast Line tracks near Pembroke, Robeson County, Friday. The remains were buried by the railroad company on their right of way. President Wilson has informed the Suffragette leaders that he would not recommend a constitutional amendment for woman suffrage In his mesage to Congress. Mr. Wil son will leave this matter entirely up to Congress. Is Making Fight on Mr. Watt for Collector f Wtfttni District Wants no Reactionary Appointed A few days ago Mr. E, 4. Justice. of ! Greensboro, was la Washington presumably to confer with railroad c facials as to freight rates In North Carolina. , - : ,r White la Washington Mr. Justice called oa President Wilson and sev eral Cabinet officials to enter his pro test against the appointment of any reactionary to office in this State. Asan illustration of his attitude he let it be known that he is opposed tolf . A. D. Watts for collector of Internal revenue in the western dis trict and told the President the party ccnld never be made progressive in this State if. reactionaries are ap pointed to fill the offices. It is un derstood that Senators Overman and Simmons are supporting Mr. Watts. It appears that "Democratic har mony" in North Carolina has some ME AT INAUGURATION He Got a Slave WEkli Hid Ixbj Beat Heeded f niMii Tt;t writ! mi: own. MO. CIVIL SERVICE A FRAUD hard sledding ahead of it. MOST EXTRAVAGANT LEGISLATURE. Used Public Money to Pay Political Debts Provided for Party Pets But Could Not Properly Provide for Schools. McIU &nl nUkla t Bad Bos CVat Cotton aad For Oral To bacco Sail Frrh ia the Memory of Southern People A Minority Pres ident Tills Time So gmtifflPBt la Politic, Xr la Ilai4amw A Oa lamity Now Pending Has a Talk' With Pmddent Let Off Eay. mikinsTllle. N. C, April 1. 1S13. (Correspondence of The Caucasian Enterprise.) I her Jit gotten back from Wash ington, whar I went to help put ia the new administrashun. I orter a'bin back sooner but hit took a guda deal or time to git things straight ened up an' pulled together after the woman suffrage riot an' awl the cr emonies wuz over. I stayed a gude bit to help hold Josephus Daniels, fer I wuz afraid he would git the navy into trouble. The woman suffragists and Josephus air both fierce. An other reason why I didn't git back sooner wuz that I had ter stay an' After giving the Legislature credit fnr what littto rr&Ait fa 1iia it. th Progressive Farmer makes the tol- u bUl , u"1 " iw tinta mn ago my old friend Phillip McRae. ov lowing criticism on the shortcomings of that body: "Despite promises of reform at the outset and despite the fact that so good an authority as Mr. J. A. Brown declared to the writer that $10,000 Harnett County, held a mass-meetin an resolved that ho would never git another hair-cut until a Dymokrat wuz elected President. About the same time I resolved that I would Mr. I relr ShJj"fcr Ar Kwt HUONd aad lltattww CWperatfcs (muiUiMlowrt for If Pr44wiftg Mr. II. K. C lUyaat, gpci3 WV isgton rcrrespoadeat of t Ne and Obrr, at Trs4j fff the foiiowisg special John C. l"ortr, triary Greeshoro chats br of coiamtrt. aad .W. G. CrdsMoa. of the Char lotte Manufacturers aad Hcrcsattu Association, r4 tptfor the la ter lit Commerce ComtnlMion to day and protected asint las chars of tho South era Railway attorneys that North Carolina shippers and merchants are salUsed ith the prrut freight rate char. Mr, Forester said toalHt that Commissioner Clements said that h was dlgutd wtth th North Caro lina Corporation Commiatiaa for sitting through the hearings her two weeks ago Aid not prottl&c arsicBt tb claim that North Caro lina shippers were satUfied. Mr. Forester declared that be did not think the North Carolina com mlssloncrs knew that the Southern Ratiaay Is not sincere tn Us promtMi to adjuat rates. Measrs. For tcr and Creijtbion represented ether coramerrial organ ization In the State. They apok for Raleigh, Durham, Wilson, Fay ettevllle, Klnston. Aahevllte, High Point and Rocky Mount. Mr. Forester Is particularly bitter against the North Carolina commis sioners, whom he charges with neg lecting a good opportunity to hit a lick for the shippers of the State. ... . . I no hav anvmore till the country a session couia oe saved oy orainary " 77 ; , . business economy we predict that nuia moKra' 1KWWl the records will show that this Legis- 1 1 to th; InKuratlon tX.ll , 4 L IUD DUO f (U V n - man's suffragists an the other side shows. Lots ov people air sayln that five or six-cent cotton an other lature has been one of the most ex travagant on record. The members, as usual, started out by paying polit ical laVkta TirltVi nnMIc flings hv cm. ploying an unnecessary number of M in the m proportion air clexks, laborers, etc.. and the men ahead ov us an that the country wll who had quaked with terror at the again be full ov tramps. -What do I "deficit" -when public schools were pay care for that since I got my whiskers cut off! The civil service iz what iz More Officers and Rigger Salaries. Union Republican. The recent Legislature did its share towards increasing offices and sala ries in Forsyth County. It created five new offices and increased salaries to an amount of some $4,000 per an num for the tax payers to settle. In the last campaign in this county, the issue was, made by the Democrats on Register of Deeds Lentz, who propos ed to fill the office, if elected, with out any extra compensation and for his $2,500 salary per annum. But Tiis political friends and the Demo cratic Legislature gave Register of Deeds Lentz a lemon by having a bill passed increasing the salaries of Sheriff George A. Flynt and Clerk ofJ the Superior . Court R. E. Transou and left Mr. Lentz out in the cold. If Republicans had created five new offices and added $4,000 to the coun ty pay roll, Democrats would doubt less have called for; special legisla tion for impeachment proceedings or the appointment of extra - officials in the vain fear that the county was go ing to the bow-wows.- : - The Slashing of the Tariff and the Threat to Business. It is reported that the Democratic tariff bill, which has been completed by the Ways and Means Committee of the House and which is now be ing considered by President Wilson, makes slashing cuts in the protect ive duties affecting millions upon mil lions of dollars of property and thousands of laborers.- This country- will be lucky If it survives such a tar iff bill without a disastrous panic. A Canadian paper, The Montreal Star, has a cartoon picturing Uncle Sam tearing down the tariff wall be tween this country and Canada. Can ada is represented as standing off looking on with pleasure and gratifi cation and saying, "Uncle Sam is working for .us . and asking nothing in return. We voted down the Taft reciprocity treaty, because that tore down only a part of the protection wall and made .us pay dear for the conditions we got. Now, uncle Sam gives us everything for nothing." The New Income Tax Law. It is understood that the Demo- Hr tariff 'hill, as Drenared,, con tains a provision placing an income tax of one per cent on all incomes above $4,000, with a percentage In crease by steps until a tax of four per cent Is levied upon incomes of $100, 000. It isestimated that this in come tax will raise $150,000,000 rev enue and that it will take this much to make up the deficit in the reve nue, caused by the Democratic tariff reduction. It will be remembered that the Democrats have always claimed that they are in favor of a tariff high enough "to produce sufficient reve nue," but it now seems that they have slashed the tariff so low, that it vlll take $150,000,000 of income : - (Continued on - page 2.) MAX CRAZED II V lUtlNK. mantinnoH froolv vrt(1 Pltm and extra' mileage to almost every- botherin' me an' thousands ov others. hc6 in sisht around them before ad- An' just to think, the civil service Iz . t a uymonrat rerorm sranea wnen "It is also to the discredit of the Cleveland wuz President. Hit hex a honorable body that almost before It few eude Pints- Dut after awl, Iz a was allowed to do any other public S 'raua' BO" ovt poui cf 1 t1 tcina nH Whiift thft "deficit tho benefit ov the ins an to keep the a v.a. fnnn I ouis at a. saie uibiance. iu uiai rv- nhn,,. imnt AVPrv other annronria- sPct hit ir. un-American an should tinn thft lawver members rushed nev bin thrown on the trash pile through a plan providing four -new year8 as- A ne orainary uusines judges and four new solicitors and tru8t kin be kePl in cneck DV aw- lf nut thA "nltneher" on it So that it lue iawB are V could not even be reconsidered to al- 1Itical tru8t knows no ,aw 8UCh w nnA nf th four to serve as ane- az hit passes to add to hits own Hi id of the Torrena Land Court strength. The longer hit goes on i a nt the stronger hit gets, no matter Attempted to Publkly Whip Hi Wife Wliile Waiting for Urn Crp of His Mother. A special from Kluston, N. C. Sat urday says: Alonto Price, a Greene County man, crared by drink and grief, at tempted to publicly whip his wife while waiting at the depot in Know Hill for the remain of his mother, who had died In this city. Byttand ers prevented his mlttreatment of the woman. When Sheriff Williams went to arrest Price the enraged man attacked him with a knife. In flicting Blight injuries on the hand. He was taken before a magistrate and fined. Price cursed the court and was imprisoned for contempt, but released after an hour, lie had to be remanded because of violence. Incalculable benefit." WORSE THAN WORTHLESS. Stephen Humphrey, 14-year-old son of Mr. -James Humphrey, who lives near Lumberton, Robeson County, accidentally shot and it is believed fatally injured himself a few days ago while hunting. In arguing against a reduction in their ratea before the Inter-State Commerce Commission Monday, rep resentatives of the principal express companies declared their business had been reduced 25 per cent by the operation of the parcel post. Jlovernor Sulzer, of New York, has demanded the resignation of State Senator Stephen Stilwell, of New York City. The Governor received a complaint from President Kendall, of the New York Bank Note Company, alleging that Stilwell had demanded money of him to pass certain stock exchange reform legislation. James E. Hussey and James F. Thompson, police inspectors, and Captain John J, Murtha, formerly acting inspector, of New York City, have been indicted on charges w of bribery as a result of the district at torney's crusade against graft in the police department. Two patrolmen and a civilian alleged to be a graft collector also were Indicted. Nine teen indictments were handed down and bench warrants issued for the six men involved. ' The body of John Sillmon; who was killed in Houston, Texas, last week, arrived here this morning and was shipped to Guilford College for interment Monday afternoon.' Sill mon was a Greensboro man and sev eral years ago went to Texas to en gage in the contracting business. He was caught beneath a falling wau last Thursday; and his life ""crushed out. - He leaves a wife and two children, who Were visiting at -Ran-dleman, N. C, at the time of his which party iz in. I said I went ter Washington ter help put the new President in hlz seat an' ter make the seat comfort- The Democratic Legislature the "Rig- able- ike more than a hundred gest Lemon That the People of the uiousana or omer painom, wenv State Have Ever Rought. nP1Q j i I JI7 i shave. My old friend. Phillip McRae. Waynesville Enterprise. ov Harnett County, an myself wuz In The weight of opinion of the State the same boat. He made a vow sev- press, regardless of political persuaa- enteen years ago that he d never git ion. Is to the effect that the Leglsla- niz nair cut unui anomer uymaarai ture just adjourned was something President wuz elected. While hit of a lu-lu. The term "worthless" Is didn't git Into the newspapers at the too dignified for descriptive purposes, time, I resolved that l d not git a Says the Asheville Citizen: shave till the same tnmg nappenea. "The Legislature which expires to- So two ov us Dymakrals bev now got- ..I m. t - lit. a. a l day or tomorrow, it doesn't matter ien reuei. vn wun me oance, iev when, will go down In history as one joy he unconnneai But nit cost me of the biggest lemons that North fifty cents to git the shave In Wash- leader of Ixndon Suffragettes May Serve Iong Priaon Sentence. Ixmdon, April 1. A true bill against Mrs. Emeline Pankhurst was returned to-day by the grand Jury on a charge of indictment to commit damage. Mrs. Pankhurst was arrett ed on February 21 In connection with the destruction of the country resi dence of Chancellor Lloyd George. The offence is punishable with penal servitude for a maximum term of fourteen years. Carolina ever bought." Superior Court Judges Reversed. Statesville Landmark. ington. They wuz a rite smart crowd ov people in Washington to Mr. Wil son put In, though not many from the South. Our people wuz afraid In handing down decisions In four- they'd- meet six cent cotton an four teen cases this week the State Su- cent tobacco. I reckon the greatest preme Court upset the Judgment of site at the inauguration wux Jose the lower courts in eleven of the phus Daniels, Secretary ov the Navy, fourteen cases. From which It would ex-State Printer and "ex-State sav- appear that there is some difference er." He put the polish on the whole of opinion between Superior and Su- business. . This iz the second time preme Court Judges; and It may the North Carolina folks hev shoved mean that some of the Judges on the him off on a Dymakratic admlnistra- Superlor Court bench are not as good tion. Hit gave the Cleveland crowd lawyers as the position demands. a terrible Jolt an will be hard on the Convict Kills Deputy Sheriff.' Wilson folks. I reckon they air go- Deputy Sheriff Ed Strickland, of in' to sell the great battleships the t t a - Johnston County, was stabbed - to country nez Din ouuuin aunn me death and Deputy Stanly badly cut Past thirty years. Judgin by the man a few days ago by Noell Massengill, they hev put in az head ov that de an escaned convict, whom they were partment, An I had thought that attempting to arrest nine miles from onr People air proud or their navyfi Smithfield. Massengill escaped. iena wuson goi in py acci dent, lie iz a minority tresiaeni u they ever wuz one. In round num bers seven million or more Republi cans got divided an six million Dy makrats elected a President. But a few hundred men, a few Virginia Sets Example Carolina. Durham Herald. for North rarnlim criminals nmialW . .. .1 thousand, at moat, can elect a man saimim vsfna rTn m UTOFlfiTl nr rr,n anyway. A few men get together M mm. I "Hiiuui auracua xnuca aucuuuu u hsnVIn a fa niiinf9inrrf a fa Fatal Shooting at Goldsboro. Lfg men an. the Job u done At Goldsboro Monday Joe Motzno awl but the shoutin. Fifteen mil- shot 'his father, D. Motzno, a Rus-Jlion voters wrangle an claw the air sian shoemaker, of that city.- The an 'imagne that they had much to' do senior Motzno went to his room to raise a rough house. : He began heat ing his wife when his son shot him, killing him instantly. with hit. The men behind hit awl didn't go into hit blindly last year. But they didn't want Mr. Roosevelt, (Continued oa page 3.) Ietnocrats and Free Whikey. Lincoln Times.) There Is one schedule In tariff making on which the Democrats have reversed themselves. That Is the tariff on liquor. Before the Repub lican party was born there was no tax on liquor. It was free of in ternal duty. The Republicans put a revenue tax on it. The Democrats waged several campaigns on "free raw material and free liquor." But of late years, since it has grown pop ular through the efforts of real pro hibitionists, the Democratic party, especially in dry States, dotes on pro hibition. And they would almost deny, that their party ever stood for free liquor that is, liquor free from all revenue or Federal restraint. Yet such is history. Beautiful Scheme to Pacify a Long Suffering Public! Wilkes Patriot. The six months' school Mil only provides for $25,000 additional to the present school fund of $225,000. This amount will not lengthen the school term to six months, but the bill very generously provides that any county in the State may .raise sufficient revenue within its own bor ders to stretch the school term from four to six months. It is a beautiful scheme with which to pacify a long suffering people. Body of SeJm Man Cut ia Two By 3Ioving Train. John Warren, aged 55, Southern Ralway repair foreman at Selma, was run over and instantly killed by a freight train at Greensboro Mon day morning. The body, which was turned over to a son from Wilson, was horribly mangled, a long string of cars having passed across the chest and dismembered the corpse. I The deceased leaves a wife at Sel ma. Also several children snrvivo him.