CA VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, IV. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 10. 1913. No. 13. CASIAN TLIC NFW TAkIFP RIII aaau nun ixiiui jl lilljlj Makes a Number of Slashing Re dactions in Present Duties HARD LICK TO THE FARMER Will be Forced to Meet Prices of For eign Pauper Labor Will Take Keren ue From the Income Tax to Meet the Ieflcit Caused by Free Trade President Wilfton Breaks Another I Precedent Ills Last Spec tacular More Was to Go to Con gress and Head Ills Message in Per- (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C. April 8. 1913. On yesterday, at noon. Congress met in extra session, with both Houses In complete control of the Democratic party. This is the second time since the war that the Demo cratic party has had the Presidency and both Houses of Congress, and therefore, in complete and absolute control of the goyernment. The Democratic majority in the Senate is six, while the majority in the House is so big that nobody cares to remember what it is. The number of new members in the House of Rep resentatives breaks all records. It amounts to 156 absolutely raw re cruits. The Democratic Tariff Hill. Soon after the opening of Congress the new Democratic tariff bill was in troduced. That bill makes a large number of slashing reductions in present duties. Many of the reduc tions on manufactured products are so great that it is almost certain that j the manufacturing enterprises affect ed by them will be forced to close down, and this means not only thous ands of silent smoke stacks and tens upon tens of thousands of idle work men marching the streets looking for work and begging for bread, as we saw under the Cleveland administra tion, but it means that our people will be forced to buy a large part of such manufactured articles from for eign countries. Such a bill will be a Godsend to the pauper laborers and manufactur ers of foreign countries. The foreign manufacturers will have a great field open to them in America, for the sale of their products, providing the Americans are able to buy them, but how are idle laborers going to be able to buy such products or even the necessaries of life. A Hard Lick to the Farmer and Wealth Producer. The bill not only gives a hard lick to the manufacturing interests and the laborers in their factories, but it gives a still harder lick to the farmer and wealth producer. In their case, duties are not only reduced, but as to a number of important industries and products they are absolutely wiped out. For instance, lumber, wool, meats, fish, breadstuffs, flour, lard, hogs, dairy products, potatoes, vege tables, citrus fruits, poultry, grain, hay, cattle, and all of the fruits are placed on the free list. Thus the farmer is forced to face the cheap pauper labor of the world. Under this condition, while the things that we buy will be some cheaper, the all important question now is, will we he able to buy them, no matter at what price they are offered. There never was a time In the history of this country, since the war, when things were cheaper than under the Cleve land administration, but it is well known that under that administra tion our people were not able to buy anything, no matter how cheap it was. In this connection it is interest ing to note that the committee, in its report in support of this bill, uses the following significant statement "the future growth of our great industries lies beyond the seas." This seems to be a wonderfully frank and cruel con fession. It seems clear that one thing is certain and that is that our pros perity -will be transferred to lands be yond the seas. If such a bill is pass ed, all doubt about the next President and the next Congress will be re moved. The Income Tax Provision. One of the significant provisions of this bill is an income tax, which it is figured will raise revenue amounting to one hundred and fifty million dol lars and it Is admitted that It will be necessary to raise this much revenue from the Income tax, to meet the de ficit caused by throwing the country practically on a free trade foreign The Democratic position was, as far as any one has been able to under stand it, for reducing the tariff to simply a revenue basis, now they pro pose to cut it to a point one hundred and fifty million dollars below that basis. If our people are to be thrown !8u3denl lnt0 competition with the rree pauper labor or tne world, then how will we be able to pay any in come tax which cornea as a burden upon peopie who have been placed In a position where they are not able to pay. In short, it seems to be another case "of killing the goose that lays the golden egg." President Wilson Breaks Another Precedent. Today the President of the United States, instead of sending his message to both Houses of Congress, as usual, has performed the spectacular in go ing to Congress in person and reading his message. It is a mild statement to say that Congress was shocked when they learned that the President intended to take this course. It Is true that there Is some precedent for this course. President Washington went to Con gress and read his message in person. His successor, John Adams did the same, but when Thomas Jefferson be came President he decided to reverse this policy and to send his message to Congress in writing on the ground that the executive and legislative de partments were separate and distinct and there should be no apparent ef fort on the part of the executive to exert an undue Influence on Congress by going in person. Resides, it was pointed out that going to Congress in person to deliver a message was cop ied from the custom in England, when the king goes to the opening of Parliament to deliver his message from the throne. The father of the Democratic par ty wanted to get rid of this monarch ical custom, copied from England. It is strange that a Demoeratis Presf dent should want to reinaugurate a policy followed by two Federalist Presidents, which was repudiated by Jefferson and which has not been fol lowed by any President since. If there was any good purpose to be served by the President going to Con gress in person, then the country would applaud this breaking of prec edent or this establishing of a new precedent, but no one will claim any good purpose can be accomplished thereby. Therefore, the surprise ex pressed by people of all parties that President Wilson should take such an unusual and unnecessary course, which is simply spectacular, and of no practical purpose. Eugene Smith, the New York Tam many leader, was shot and killed Fri day on Park Row by four gangsters. The police learned that Smith recent ly became involved in a gang feud and had received threats on his life. The passenger depot and freight warehouse of the Norfolk Southern railroad at Dover and locomotive shed belonging to the Goldsboro Com pany, were destroyed by fire Sunday morning. The reign of the Socialists in Cali fornia has terminated, for a time at least, as the result of primary elec tions held in that State recently. Only one Socialist candidate was success ful at the polls, and that was a wo man. An executive order was issued at Richmond, Va., Saturday by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway tempor arily closing all shops on the system until traffic conditions which have been hampered by floods in the Mid dle West are restored to normal. William K. Sharp, of Asheville, has brought suit against the Biltmore Box Factory for the sum of $10,000 for alleged personal injuries claimed to have been sustained while the plain tiff was employed by the defendant. Sharp lost two fingers while at work in the shop. Hundreds of corporations will be relieved from paying the Federal cor poration tax by a decision Monday of the Supreme Court to the effect that corporations leasing all their proper ty and having no income except that yielded by the lease, are not "doing business" and therefore are not sub jected to the tax. More than 150,000,000 parcel post packages were mailed during the three months the system has been in operation, according to computations announced Saturday by postal ex perts and based upon reports from rthe fifty largest post-offices. Ap proximately 55 per cent more busi ness was handled in March than in January. W. G. Baldwin, a prominent mer chant and sawmill man, and a man of considerable means, of Castle Haynes, near Wilmington, was sen tenced to three years in the peniten tiary by Judge Justice. Baldwin, who was at the time drunk, shot a negro woman, following an altercation with her husband, causing amputation of the leg and loss of child. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. BILKINS MAKES GARDEN Tries to Persuade Mrs. Bilkins That Wilson Would Fix Things BELETVES IN FREE TRADE Democrat Will Use Wicked Lan- guage Against the Trust as Usual,! But That I. All Everybody to be!JIn' nd everal othr stIonB of North Carolina are as dry as a bone. , Iut on the Pension Boll This Time Whether intentional or not. the Webb j Democrat Trying to Give Many anti-liquor shipment bill has cut sev- i eral sections of the State away from Millions for Pensions, Though Mo fan sources of supply, except by wa- of the Soldiers are Dead Good 8. buggy, automobile or leg power. Roads and Promises. Correspondence of The Caucasian Enterprise. Bilklnsville. N. C, April 7, 1913. Me an' Betsy hev bin havin a great time "makin' gardin " an slch like. I tole the old woman that owin' to . i i .. . u j . i Billv Jennines rresment Wilson an Bryan air runnin' things. But Betsy allers wuz sort ov a Populist-Uepubli-kin an haint much faith In Dyma krat "politicks since Cle'veland ( broke into politicks an' purty nigh broke the country. plant corn, beans, cabbage, parsnips j an' inguns?" axed Betsy, "an' will! IUC CUilUt: IU IUC ItUUilUiBliailUU wt: v.... need not be very particular about , D!s,rict Superintendent, to the effect givin' any special attention to garden ithat 'the Southern Express Company truck durln" the next four years az j Proposes to comply strictly and im - they send sich things around free?"!CIear wn' some sections are exempt "I reckon not." sez I "though ! from the working of the Webb law. ' ... .......... some ov uz ueieeve in j.ipv in fr traHp (When the Republikins air in the saddle.) No, they iz not goin' to be anything free," sez I. "We air goin' to reduce the tariff horizonally an' perpendicular, too, an' we air go in' to use wicked language against the trusts with one hand an' pat 'em on the back with the other hand. The way we air goin' to give releef an' make everybody feel gude iz by put - tin' everybody on the pension roll.iinac ine &ouinern express company Ov course. I know that we Dvmakrats ! has issud ironclad orders with re raised a lot ov fuss about the Fed - : i.i. i ... xie" fusion usi uem o iar0 mat paid to the Union soldiers. We call ed hit a big steal an' said hit wuz powerfully onreasonable an' told the voters in the South that we would fix awl ov that. Didn't we fix hit? Whar the Republicans had been payin' mil lions in pensions we through the last Congress, a Dymakrat outfit, made the list several times az large az hit ; ure and Mr- Webb has himself de ever had been an who iz kickin' j clared that the express companies against hit? Certainly not the Fed-i have gone much furtfaer than the bill eral soldiers, for eight out ov ten ov ! PrPsed- The layman had come to them are dead, for the war hez been be,ieve tnat tne Webb bill would over nearly fifty years, an most 0viamount to nothin& jn so far as the them air dead an can't kick. Butactual shiPment of liquor went, and we Dymakrats air still eivin thPm ! the belief now is that the express pensions an speeches pensions that most ov 'em canjt collect an speeches they can't hear. Ov course hit looks like we promised to do one thing an did somethin' else. But that iz awl rite; we Dymakrats are consistent in that." But I wuz talkin about makin' gardin'. Betsy hez bin lookin' around to get her beans, peas, an' mustard seed tergether fer the last two months. She sez she saved plenty ov seeds ov awl kinds. But she can't find 'em. She saved ennuff tomato seed to plant two acres, she says, but not one ov them kin be found. Betsy axed me to help her hunt things an intimated that I orter sorter bend my back an' help to dig an' plant. But I just can't do hit. We Dymakrats hev got a big job ov makin' gude roads on our hands rite now. An the last Legislature promised to give the dear people six months free scnoois an" reduced taxation. Wo added about $25,000 to the general ! of tDe medical dispensary, school fund, which, when the votes! "In Burke County no deliveries air counted, will add about six hours 'shall be made save to a bona fide to the leigth ov the school term an maybe the six honors will be con sumed in holding' farmers' institutes or somethin' foreign to education. But what air you goin' to do about hit, dear people? These farmers' in stitutes air great institutions. The men who run them, If separated from the Natienal and State pay-roll would awl starve to death in six weeks, so Betsy sez, I don't know anythin about hit myself. Her argy ment Iz that a man who don't know anythln about farmln' can't tell oth ers how to do hit. Why, North Caro lina spent thousands ov dollars a few years ago to cure ordinary toe itch an' made so much fuss over hit an the danger ov Iettln hit go on with out careful treatment that a gude many folks went crazy over hit. The thing wuz worse than a mad dog scare. The whole thing, after hit boiled down, ended in a prohibition campaign an' sand clay public roads which air worth about 30 cents a mile or nothin'. But we separated the dear people from their money an' raised taxes 30 to 50 per cent, an so everybody iz happy once more. We built a sand clay road from Bilklns ville to Pine Hill an several people (Continued on page 3.) IJQl'OH HF.RF. AXD THKIUL ' Some OberrsvlJoa Ouncerolaj: I J- quor Shipments in General, aad Certain Shipmenu In ParUrtalar Working of the Webb IU11 A Wall lYora Certain Section. j Some few section of the country jare temporarily without drink, and 1 are asking the court to rellefe the ' situation A reporter of the Greens- boro News gives the folowing turn- i mrv f tfc it.i.tfnn " Aleoholically speaking. High Local Manager W. W. Allen, of the. Southern Express Company, stated I yesterday that instructions had been: sent out to all agents that no dellv-j erieB of whiskey should be made in , Anson, Burke. Cabarrus, Cherokee.' Macon and Rutherford Counties ami High Point township, Guilford Coun - ty. Accompanying these Instructions . . . . as a siatpmPTiT rrnm 11 i HQior plIcitly with the ,aw ln regard to ! shipments of intoxicating liquors into certain sections of North Carolina and otner States in which it does bus- iness.'. The whole of South Caro-! lina is included in the territory in! which no deliveries of whiskey are : to be made. "To the laymen it is not exactly Jt is explained tnat local bills, on the books for years, have the effect under ; aid in keeping the pledges of their -uu m)m Mltn arh 0enby. daugh the Webb law of makintr it unlawful party. ter of the nlor Owenby. which sum for the express companies to deliver whiskey, whether interstate business or not. in me case or liign I'omt, ed aside all Imaginary boundaries be the charter provides that no whisky tween Congress and the executive of may be sold. The High Point char-; five and rescued himself, as he ex ter also prohibits the establishment ! pressed it. from that "isolated island cf pool or bowling rooms. It is with; of jealous authority" which the rresi- !a PurPse of being on the safe sidejdenoy had come to be regarded. I gard t0 deliveries in certain States,; ' counties and townshiDS whfr rathpr I , ,j . . ' . . . uncertain ana untested laws have been passed. The policy of the ex- press company is to deliver no whis - key where there is the least ground for doubt about the law. "Liquor houses at Richmond have alreadv Ktartpd lpp-ai nrnpoaHin n . - - o - - f vv- ; test the legality of the Webb meas- companies have taken an extreme precaution. The Webb bill made it unlawful to carry whiskey Into pro hibition territory for purposes of sale, but does not prohibit its transporta tion for private purpose. In other words, it is unlawful to order It if you want to sell it, but permission to order for private consumption. "The order as affecting High Point went into effect Friday, and it is said Jamestown, five miles distant and on a fine macadam, has already become a very popular point for High Point ers. A resident from Jamestown here yesterday said Saturday's ex press brought at least two wagon loads of liquor to that place for High Point parties. The instructions sent out by Su perintendent Sadler are as follows: "In North Carolina no shipments of intoxicating liquors shall be deliv ered in Anson County to any save bona fide druggists and the manager druggist, the State Hospital, the North Carolian School for the Deaf and Dumb, Broad Oaks Sanitorium and Grace Hospital. "In Cabarrus, Cherokee, Macon and Rutherford Counties no deliver ies of intoxicating liquors shall be made to any save bona fide druggists. "In High Point township no deliv eries of Intoxicating liquors shall be made to any one." Child Murdered Near Waynesrille by Starring it to Death. A press dispatch from Waynesville Saturday night says: Mrs. Nancy Kerlee, an aged woman of the Jonathan Creek section of Haywood, is in jail here charged with the murder of her three-year-old granddaughter, held as the result of the verdict of the coroner's jury that the child came to its death by its grandmother through exposure and privation. The body of the child was found in the mountains near the home of the accused; and it was in evidence that it had been penned in amon the rock cliffs. The child was the daughter of the old woman's daughter, Lizzie, who was married a short time ago to Will Putnam, who is held as a witness. PRESIDENTS MESSAGE e J t i c in Una DeioTe htniit and House and Delirers His Own Message TARIFF, BANKING, CURRENCY Preidel Aked for a THoruh lie. ilon of the Tariff and Said There Wa Xfwd fur an F-arly Ueforro In the Hanking and Cttrnwjr Uh. But Seated Thai Tariff HevUJoa Oome Flrt Meage- Heferred to Xo Particular Schedule -111 1WJ- nlte View. Will be Contained In the Tariff IU11 Which He U Now Om- iddering. Washington. I) C. April s Pre. 1 idnt Wilson today abridged the gap i that for over a century has pparated . .... . r j ecutive and legislative branches of j the government. ! Not as a cog in a machine, not as , me duoim or nunnr mi ih r. i an impersonal Dolltical entitv. nor as a mere department of government. but as the human President, he went to Congress to speak about the tariff Standing before the Senate and House in joint session as no other President had done for more than a hundred years. President Wilson stat- ' ed imply and tersely what he i mougnt snouhl be done for the wel- fare of the country and asked his leg- ..... .. isiative coiieairues. man to man. o j With a sweep of decision that shat : tered precedent, the President brush - President Wilson's Messjige. Washington. I. C. April S. Pres-i idont Wnndrnw Vi!nr. rw1;iv ilMlrnr. i I ... - ed his nrst message to the sixty-third t j Congress, convened in extraordinary' j session. It was an unusually brief; ! message, dealing exclusively with the; I need for a thorough, moderate and i j well-considered revision of the tariff, i 1 The President drew attention to the! necessity ior an eany reiorm in tnej banking and currency laws but re- frained, he said, from urging, for the j present, any other legislation that j might divert the energies of Congress j "from its clearly defined duty" to- j ward the tariff question. ; . M M T a i The message referred to no partic - ular schedule, mentioned no rates, and included no statistics. It was an enunciation of the President's prin ciples on tariff revision. His specific views and ideas as to rates and dut ies, it has been generally accepted, will be contained in the tariff bill It self which he is now considering in detail. The President's decision to put the weight of the administration's influence behind the bill with Its var ious schedules as drawn by the House Ways and Means Committee caused him to omit specific reference to tariff rates until the measure was finally agreed upon ln the opening days of the present session. The message urged that special privilege and exemptions from com petition be cut out of the nation's tar iff system and that the revision be made "to square with the facta as they are." At the outset, the Presi dent called attention to the party's pledge for tariff reduction. Ik-mocratK Now Favoring Ship Sub - aidy. j tk t i , T,M i The Lincoln Times. i By gum! The Democratic spell-j binders have always handed out vol-! umes of hot air against the dangers of a "ship subsidy." When S. 8. Mc Ninch ran for Congress and advocat ed a ship subsidy Yates Webb got red in the face and said it meant building up the shipbuilders' trust and a tax on the people. It was a horrible thing to contemplate. Yet last week Mr. Wilson and Mr. Underwood de cided to Incorporate a ship subsidy provision In the new tariff law. Boys, just watch 'em. If you are fair minded you are going to soon learn that they have been preaching one thing for your votes but are going to try to practice just the opposite thing because they know it means pros perity for the people. What care they for consistency? They already have your votes. Suffragette in England and Scotland Still on a Rampage. The suffragettes in London have been very active the past few days destroying property as a protest against the imprisonment of some of their number. Buildings have been burned and many mail boxes destroy ed, and the end Is not ln sight. m iniK.irrri-H hwk hkmimx liafrd at Opxmiac cf rr Aa- lag f ir ffraa-e Mar Maa ale Huum ilrttrarU Wfc.bltctoa. D . xt r 7 -Tie Houm nd Senate tvatcted at coca to Jay ia th ftrtt o a f tfc Sit l y -1 h i r xi i'csjrr Tfc rt fcut ; of tte o. tfce tttridstton of the tariff till PoruUf ictof' si. tar feed to ttse dmootrs!k& bjr - ; Brtl '. demanded early "ioo tj octrr upon a cctua tlonal aaeBdneet gtttag otnrr, tfce r!l to ,ot I'urlng the earij part of tk pr reelings :c tr.e iioum a man giitag the uazae of George CleCJtsef. of Monroe, N. C . created or.Httt.kUn tj loud criea of "Mr. Chairman When he was Jed ul f the galleries mnd lDt th Ws ha aid h mas ft "herald of the Prlata of peace and desired to d!lr a m. fr'ci Christ." SnKU SI IT AT AMIKVU.UI. .. " . Italian Nne for Heroieev - mrot Fund. A1m for IlWng Shot. WaU lxne Ahellle. April 5 The sequel to lh "booting of Pletro Fiwralattl. to Italiari !horer. by K. A Oaenty and , Xa k" -IiDy. father and son. at the i noniM r ,nf nr, nt-r Murphy iat ' Janury. as rltten today, whi-n the ' Itallan fll'J Jts which reral an ; UIlusual chain of circumstances, ,n ono su,t icalattl eks to re- ,coer i".4,y carnages for personal m mv ntnm oi me defendant father and son, ad In a li.-nr-. (1 aiiit ... 1 . - "v"" " l" " vw ' r 1 . 'the Pallan alleges he deposited lth 1 ;Ml!f ? t"by 88 7,d'nc of hu faith in his promise to marry her. The plaintiff alleges that h n he came back to this country sit months ago, the young lady's love had grown cold, that fhe refused to marry him or give him back his $1,200, and that on January 10. of this car. ho was shot and severely injured by the girl's father and brother, when he (Fiscallatti) refused to leave the a nrum xv(tht utm ,lA,i FH CTTOV INIH'STltV. ' -No,ih anl Souili Carolina Mill Men sr Tariff Law Will Huin In- dustry. Several cotton mill men from this state and from South Carolina who were In Washington first few days of this week entered their protests against the cotton schedule in the proposed new tariff bill. They claim it wi ruln tne colton lnju.try ln !the South. That some of the mills will either have to close down or make a cheaper grade of goods. Some of these mill men declare they ar not as strong Demcx-ats now as they were before the election IlepubliraAA Hold Oauras. The first Republican caucus of the Sixty-third Congress was held in Washington Saturday night in the hall of the House of Representatives. Its purpose was to nominate Repre sentative James R. Mann, of Illinois, as Republican candidate for Epeaker, and to talk over the political situa tion. There was a good deal of speech-making. Ciokisboro Has $200,000 Fire, A press dispatch sent out from Goldsboro Monday says: "Fire starting from an unknown origin, destroyed early to-day th store and warehouse of W. H. Win stead here and spread to two adjoln- Ing cotton warehouses before It was brought under control. The store ani warehouse were entirely destrov- . .... ed. Damage to baled cotton stored In the warehouses was estimated to- day at $200,000." Tar Heel Boy and Girl Abandon Baby in ItUhmotMl. Richmond. Va.. April 7. Leaving a ten-days-old baby cooing on a bed In the Gilbert Hotel. F. T. Fergus. 21 years old, of Wilmington. S. C. and Miss Mary Bowden. IS years old. of Goldsboro. S. C. acknowledged par ents of the baby, were taken In charge today just as they were boarding a train for the South, charged with tie child's abandonment. The young man was sent to jail pending a hearing to morrow, and the girl was sent to the Maternity home. A Turkish Army Surrender With 15,000 Men. Cettlnje. March 24 DJavld Pasha, with a Turkish army numbering 15. 000 men, has surrendered to the Ser vians on the Sknmbl River In Al bania. Havana Is going to open a couple of municipal restaurants next month and serve plain meals socp, meat, rice, coffee and milk at 10 cents a meal, Spanish silver. 4 t

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