Page Two TAB CAUCASIAN. ThurUv. Apnl 17, V i The Uaucasiati AND RALEIGH BXTKRI'IIISKL ft'HUSlIKO EVKKV THUKhUAf dY CA iCASIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY M BS RIITlON KATFH: , Year. . tic S x Mowths, M T 'KtC MOKTBH NO FIJKK MCiAK. j A few years ago many Democratic ' politicians were claiming that abore all things sugar should be placed on the free list as it was a commodity that everybody used. On last Satur-. day the Hous Democratic caucus, by a big vote rejected the frej sugar schedule. It is understood that the sugar: trust was a large contributor to the Cheap Land and Farm Credits The Greatest Need for the Uplift of Country Ufe. (By Marlon Butler, la Charlotte 0ereM AUK YOU OXK OF TIIK fMM? ! i Nearly a fourth of our subscribers i have gotten behind with their sub scriptions. The expense of furnish ing the paper to this number of read ers who had not paid up took from us more than the profit on the paper. I read and filed the report pub- Mack go to the cities, there i rark- lished in your paper of the recent ed defeneration noticed on the cett iarmer's co-operative improvement succeeding generation. In short, it and demonstration meeting, held at has been admitted to be true that Charlotte. The various papers read "the cities mould rot if it mr. nnt Democratic campaign fund, but of and talks made on scientific farming, for the fresh blood constantly pouring course this fact maz not have had including the best methods of im- in from the country. This continu- nj anything to do with the new position . provinf; Iarra iana D juaicious use- out row or new frch country blood. or tne proper reriinzers lor ainerent or high class sturdy boys, cannot kep Roils and different crops, and also, up unless a goodly p-rcentum of this the kinds of farm machines most high-class su-k stay In the country useful and economical, etc.. was very and there continue to rafw such interegting and valuable. Hut I was dy boys. disappointed to see that there was When I offered, in the Senate of so little attention given to one of the the United States, th measure to most important questions today fac- establish rural free delivery. I point ing rural and farm life in this coun- ed to the statistics, given in our cen- ! try, that is a system or means by sus reports, to show the alarming ex- of the Democrats against free sugar. AXOTHFJt OHM, I OK T1IK OK riCKSKKKFILS. A delegation of Democrats have tried to persuade President Wilson to turn out the Republican postmas ters and other Federal officeholders Wt. dnn't tclif'vt in borrowing monev d unnin in debt in the way that ,hat lhe faitnful may be Provided ; which long time farm loans can be tent and increasing tendency of the nit: iJKuiMiaiK 13 iiii.M.iib . , . .. , , , . . land hh a basis of rrcd t. and also and en o (Hp riiic 1 ,,.-. thu iuspu 10 acceue 10 ineir uemanas anu - State government we believe in . short time loans to small tenant the cause of this was. that the farm- tnid ms Biinfirat ( friends that tho farmers, at a low rate of interest er felt that he was not making, on Republicans would be allowed toandoneasy terms. his farm, as much as his labor and serve out their terms unless some of- This most vital question to the investment should produce and that the present officeholders were shown farmers of the United States was not he was not able to give to his chil- credit system. b !hif b a sift and proSts mould be greatly Iscrra ed. by the paving of surb licea 5a. to be u4 for such purpo" It mould be in the of proSt abie inietment. la the lor. raa. for our bank, as it baa proven to be for the national commercial backs ct France Hoeter. e have, already, an enortsoua fucd of the people money deposited ta pontal sattstfi banks of this country. upoo htcb the r.oirsffit6l paja only to pr cent lrteret to the depoaitcw. and bjh ro aid be deposited in farm cretfu . under government uper ilon. and l- loaned to the farmer at a raiM s t lorn as lbrr per cent. r.d thus leae one per cent a a sink!n fund and a security to cover ttj fOf-Sble JoM We believe that the amount of money dps!td in potal savins banks mould b- doubled if the ia provided that iht nsoney should I loaned to farmer at the rate of h : o per rent. Women! 11 weik, jroa nctd CinSul, the wosun's tonic Cirdul Is nude from senUt herbs, tcts In a ruftiral euaner, and his no bad results, is scene of the strong drugs sometimes used. As a med icinea tonic for weak, tired, worn-out .women, Cirdul his been a populxr LI success for over 50 years. paying as you go. So we reduced the size of the paper to four pages so we could pay as we go, and appealed to those behind to at once send in the amount due. Some have responded, but over nine hundred are still be hind. Are you one of that number? If so. please send at once the amount you are due so we can go back to eight pages. to be inefficient. It begins to appear that thousands of Democratic office- covered by a single speech or pa- dren the educational advantages per and was only incidentally re- which he felt that he owed '".em. ferred to in the closing remarks made and that the I i f -r: of the housewife seekers who have been in Washing- Dy Prof. Bradford Knapp of the Uni- o ;Le farm, devoid of so many con- ton since the inauguration could save the expense of hotel bills by return ing home. This paper costs you only two cents ;OYKItOlt FOSS Ol'T 0' II AK a week, (.'an you afford to miss it? The Washington letter alone in this issue is certainly worth t'.ce aft ill'. V r a n k V a fm v MOW in we 11 ats ihu ceuiH. y CIIKAI MOXKY AIA(ISII OU V)A ic party. A few days ago he sent to SIS FOR FAttMKKS. The fannersf this country are forced to do business by paying from ten to thirty -per cent interest. This rate wouIuVbankrupt any other busi- They should be able-to bor- ness. row moliev land Und farm products at a low rate on their Nearly ev- ery Country in Europe has farm loan banks from which the farmers can borrow money at from three to six per cent. France has one of the best systems of this kind, and hence her farmers are the most prosperous in the world. The Charlotte Observer has just Whn t itik s rrnr!il-r of the '.rlh provided for the farmers, using their high-class stock to desert the farm , ...,,, ,i.i I. msth others, led a desperate fikht to get the legal rate of interest reduced to six per cent That mas a Kret step forward, but there are tui.n mays in which th' farmer it robb d of the benefit of that rate of : ner ;eit and. as me have M-en. are forc- d to pay a ninrh higher rate. The average rate of interest mhich fir mers are forced to pay, either direct ly or indiret!y. is probably over 1 per cent. If the railroads, factories and oth er industrial enterprises were forced to pay the same rate of interest for money which all of them need and must have, from time to time, for tne improvement and development if their business, as the farmers ure now required to pay. they mould all soon be bankrupted. Why should the farmer be forced to pay more than any other citizen, wealth pro ducer or busin' is man of any kind? Farm land is indeed better security than a factory or a railroad. If every deserving farmer land owner, and tenant farmer in this country could today be put on a cash basis, and was only required to pay three or four per cent interest and mas able to secure all of the capital that he needed for scientific and eco nomical farming, the resultant bene fits would be incalculable. Our far- E 57 ISM i ted States Department of Agncui- veniences. became a distasteful ture. ' drudge, and that generally the Isola- There has oeen a wonderful awak- tion, loneliness, unprofitableness and eiing and progress in agricultural discomfort of farm life was such as to methods made in this country within cause this increasing exodus, the last few years. Our farmers are I pointed out that rural free de learning fast, how to improve their livery was one of the many remedies Governor Foss, of Massachusetts, soils and how to produce Increased that would help to cheek this condi is about to break with the Democrat- : crops on less land and w ith less la- tion. I also pointed to the fact that bor, but the farmer is still terribly postal savings banks, parcel post, handicapped by our financial system good roads, and. better and more Tho Womatfs Tonic Mrs. Lu!a Walden, of Gnmiin, S. G, followed this advice. Read her let- I ter: MI was eo weak, when I first began to take Cirdui, that it tired me to walk just a Utile, Now, I can do all tho general housework, for a family of a" Try Cirdul for your troubles. It may be the very remedy you need. ITHMCATIOX OF SUMMONS. the Legislature a message urging the J wnicn denies him the equal op- economical farm methods mere abso- sending of a favoring the adoption or reciprocity rather than the tariff bill, which is now being considered by Congress. Some of the regulation brand of Dem ocrats are very angry with their Gov ernor and will fight his policy. Gov ernor Foss is not at all in harmony with the new tariff bill before Con gress, and it is believed by many that he will break with his party, and that ! farm operations except at I memorial to Congress s portunity to borrow money on favor- lutely essential remedies. able terms while it is a patent, The rural free delivery proposition and undeniable fact that the land- j m as a new one, and but little under owner has the best security in the stood at that time, even by the old world to offer for needed loans. est and most intelligent members of Our farmers are fast learning Congress, but these arguments and which are the most valuable fertiliz- facts were so convincing and unan ers for different soils and different swerable that I finally succeeded, af crops and which are the most effec- ter two years fight, in getting the tive farm implements to be used, yet system permanently established. The they are not able to secure the capi- only active assistance mhich I had in tal necessary for such successful this effort was from Senator Chand- the next time he runs for office it rates of interest. ruinous ler, of New Hampshire. Great progress has been made will be as a Progressive or as an in- niers would become nrnsnerritis as , As an illustration, I know of many since that time towards supplying fhey deserve to beeome. and thus ef i intelligent and industrious farmers many of these remedies, but one of tett.ivtAlv rhf,. thi mratinn frtnx fVl dependent. Massachusetts, and, inbound my farm at Elliott, X. C, who the most important has not been farms to the cities, and a new era of fact, all the New England States, be-' are today buying fertilizer on time given adequate attention, and that pr0gp(erjty, undreamed of in this lieve more or less in a protective ta- and as mu(h as 23-s0 a ton- 5s- cheaP and easier cash for tne faf- country. Would begin. It would be a riff, and from the nresent outlook ! for a Certain grad! 1 am abIe a"veaUh producer prosperity in which every railroad. published a comprehensive article on T, r , , ,. to buy for cash at $ a ton. inis ioaaj mere are something over bank . , imlustrJa, ontPrpriso this subject written bv former Sen 1 Democrats wlH lose their sround is at a rate of about 10 per cent inter- six million farms in the United States ,vould share with the farnlor lino BUUjeil, willieu uy 1UI IIlt.1 sell- : Cttuc Imfnrn H q ,-v , . if r,nnt ctnnH a n ft ftvpr Q tlitrfl nf tlioca n rn -f.,l -. . atnr Inrirn TtnUer whirh im ?inli. ' . . . .. i i i n. e ... v, ; A v.. ,m n f r.r, 1 u...' , Kl4 .tlOIl. In fact, it is doubtful if a free I Ior a wnoie year, uul uie lanun vvuu Lt:iaiiL la.mcis, aim s .nail, MARIOV ItUTI.KIt t i- . . - . . . . i- t l A e r it t .i ; i . lish in this issue. STATU POLITICIANS WORKIED. None of the important Federal of fices in this State have yet been fill- ! trade Democrat can be elected to i Congress from this State any more. buys his fertilier the first of April half of the farm land is improved in i and contracts to pay for it on the first any material way. It is absolutely I of November, that Is within seven necessary, if high class men, who' ! months, is Davinsc at the rate ot about omn tneir rarms, are to De Kept on Washington, April 4. North Carolina Wake County In the Superior Court, Before Millard Mial. Clrrk. J. i Glover and Hosa C.lovpr. His Wife, vs. D W. Glover and Othi rs To Martha Pope and E. L. Pope. h r Husband. You are notified that a special proceeding has been brought in thi court against yourself as herein n tltled, as helrs-at-lam of J. G. Glov-r. for the partition of land of said J. H. Glover, and the summons issued for yourself has been returned by th sheriff of Wake County with this in dorsement thereon After exercising due diligence, Martha Pope and E I. Pope, her htband. are not to b found in this county." You both ar therefore, notified to appear bfur the Clerk of Wake Superior Court at his office In the city of Katelgh on Saturday, the 12th day of April. 11 13, j at 12 o'clock, M., and then and thr Senators and Congressmen, to say nothing of thousands of office-seekers, are getting very anxious over the situation. Simmons and Overman have been to see the President, but it is the impression that they did not get the promises they desired. If the President decides to ignore the reac tionaries in North Carolina in the matter of appointments, as he has done in some other States, then Sim mons et al will have very few juicy plums to hand to their supporters. Congressman Godwin and Senator Simmons have recommended a party horn Have you appointed an agent to'angW(.r demur or plead to the parti- n o rnl,n.Kil.An fH 4l. n . .21 f.. t I.. - . . . . ' s k v 1 j r i ii n.i i i 1 1 ' i iiii lilt- a i i n ii r l i ii'jii' . . m m ine busiest man in President wil- - . -. : fo- .i,m r v,--... tion OI tne niaintms mnicn is now on i i uj i i'pii i iiiiw i m i iim ii ii i r i nr ifiiiii. iiini t - nnwii in rim mr- ur - . - : i : -r .) xi Hv -ww 41 ' v v - j , U1 your Auxiiiarv ; lanoowners to improve tneir iarms jet us act quiiy in every possible way, and besides that we should, as rapidly as pos- son's Cabinet is "blow-your-horn-! ruinous to anv other business. ed by Democrats, and the Democratic Josephus" that at blowing his own j I know of a tenant farmer who has, Time is short- this snriner. boueht a horse on time. for which he was required to pay sibIe- enable the tenant farmers to FOR IIIKNS, IIRIISKS, AND SORKS. When will the. Simmons mortgage of the State to the trusts and mon opolies ever be paid. The "Old Re liable Pokeberry Juice" seems to have sold out to Simmons and the trusts. $175. He was offered the same horse at $150 for cash. He gave his note for $175 to be paid within seven months, which makes the rate of in- they are now buy the farms that working as tenants. The experience of foreign coun tries has shown that this evil condi terest which he is required to pay tion is most effectively corrected by Dy a" qruggist about 16 1-2 per cent, if the money cheaper farm credits. As far back as was to be paid within a year, but as 1850, there was established in Aus- it is to be paid within seven months, tria, co-operative agricultural credit it makes the rate of interest about institutions, known as the Raiffesien 29 per cent. Here are two sample banks. This system of rural banks illustrations which shows the condi- comprising, really, two systems; one. The qulcktst ami eurpst cure for burnx. t.ri.i.8. bolls, nores. Inflammation and til fkln iliscasps Is Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. In four days It cured t. II. Haflin. of Iredell. Texas, of a sore on his ankle which pained! him so he could hardly walk. Should be in J every house. Only 25 cents. IW-comrnenrt, ,1 AnrnAi- f rlolr,lff file in my office, otherwise, the plain tiffs mill have judgment according to their partition and as they may b ad vised. This March 12'.h. 1913 MILLARD MIAL. Clerk of the Superior Court. C. L. HARRIS, Don't fail to read "Zeke Bilkins ' letter in The Caucasian this week The Major is in Washington viewing tions under which our farmers, our under which land is used as the basis for postmaster for Wilmington, but' it is understood that Mr. Wilson is seriously considering the the political situation and the possi bilities. If you don't enjoy reading his letter, then you need treatment , for what ails you. The United States Senate Judiciary appoint- Committee has agreed to report fo ment of a Progressive Democrat for vorably a bill creating an additional that fat office. In fact all the fat of- circuit judgeship in the Fourth Cir fices in this State are still hanging cuit, which includes this State. This fire, and the politicians are spending will be another fat job for one of the sleepless nights wondering what will faithful. It appears that the Demo become of them when they come up crats have forgotten their economy for re-election. nroexam KT - -J 1 MLLL MEN DISTURBED. Notwithstanding that the Demo- Members of the American Cotton crats were elected on practically a Manufacturers' Association in Wash- free trade platform the protection ington last week with one accord de-J Democrats have made life so miser cried the cotton schedule in the new able for Chairman Underwood that tariff bill, claiming that it would se- he suffered a breakdown as a result riously cripple the textile industry in of worrying over the tariff bill. And the South, as well as the cotton far- this is only the beginning of the fight over the tariff bill. WITH THE EDITORS. mers. Nearly all these manufactur ers had voted the Democratic ticket, but nearly all of them are now of the opinion that they will not do so any more if the new cotton schedule is incorporated in the tariff bill when it finally passes Congress. I The Democratic platform declared It seems to be safer in some towns for these reductions, but the mill ' to kin a man than to Bel1 li(luor and . j , i j a. i. i- 'Greensboro may be one of them. men evidently had reason to believe If people would live according to their income the outcome would be more happy. Union Republican. the platform was only a myth, as it had always been in the past. Durham Herald. Senator Overman wants the civil service system investigated. He thinks that by this means many Re publicans can be turned out in the cold and that many Democrats can be given food and shelter. It is growing more in evidence every day that the civil service is not as popu lar with the Democratic politicians as it was when the Republicans con trolled the reigns of the government. great wealth-producers, are forced to for loans, and another, under which operate. These rates of interest are small, short loans are made to ten above the average, but they are act- ants, his spread over Germany and ual cases. Austria and a number of other conti- But our State and National De-'nental countries, until today, practi-1 partments of Agriculture have done cally every farmer or "cropper,", wonderful things for the farmers in who is worthy and industrious, is teaching them how to do things, and ahle to secure a reasonable loan at while there has been wonderful prog- , from three to four per cent interest ress made by the farmers in utiliz- Per annum. ing this information, yet there has' A consular report from Austria, been nothing done to enable them to which I have before me, shoms that get cheaper and easier money so as in the year 1900, there were $25, to use this information most effec- 500,000 loaned through these banks, tively. and that last year the loans amount- Every country in Europe has long ed to nearly $90,000,000. The rate since considered and solved to a of interest was at from 3.85 to 4.1 greater or less degree, the problem Pr cent. of easy and cheap rural credits; but. The most successful of the cheap our farmers who have had a rich farm-loan systems established in the and virgin country in which to op- world, however, is in France, and in erate have been denied the means of this connection it should be noted getting money on their farm capital, that nowhere in the world are the and left in the mesh of the money farmers more prosperous than in that sharks; and so the farmers of country. The French system is call France, England, Germany. Austria ed the "Credit Fonder." The far and of all the Continent, have been mers are large stockholders in this able to measure arms with our farm- banking system, but besides, the gov ers, and this is because they have ernment of France loans a very large been able to get cheaper money, sum of the national funds so as to whether land owners or tenants. The meet all of the demands for cheap time is rapidly approaching, if not farm credits. France requires the already here, when our farmers can- national banks of that country, to not keep up the contest unless they pay a license tax for doing business too, can get money on reasonable and the money received from this terms and on the only security which source, by the government, is all de- they have. posited in the "Credit Foncier," for The number of farmers who are the benefit of farm tenants. The li- leaving the farms and going to the cense tax is more than 2,000,000 towns and cities is constantly in- francs annually, and besides, the creasing. In 1840 over 80 per-cent banks are required to keep deposited of our people mere living on the farm with the government, without inter- and producing wealth. Today, only est, 40,000,000 francs, which sums. "Distinctively Individual" MEN'S WEAR We carry the lines of Men's Wear that have "made good," notthose that are trying to make good. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Manhattan Shirts, Schloss Bros. Clothes, Dunlsp Hats, Edwin Clapp Shoes, Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear. CROSS & UNEM CO. Xlie Better domes SIiop Several Democratic Senators have made it known that they will oppose free sugar, free wool or free lumber, j about half of the people of the coun- are in turn, deposited with these To be logical they must admit that! try are on the farms. This condi- farm credit banks. Over $500,000. they are protectionists and are in the , tion calls for the earnest attention 000 is now loaned the French far wrong political pew. Union Republi-of the highest statesmanship. If our mers in this manner. j can i solid substantial farmers continue to ! Our government could easily raise desert the farms and go to the cities, an enormous fund in the same way, the decadence of our . civilization is and use it most beneficiently for this' inevitable. It is well known hat a purpose, but instead we have been very large per cent of the high-class chartering national banks, and giving ' men in every profession and industry them monopoly, privileges without! in this country have been born and any charge whatever. But we believe raised on farms. But when men and that the bankers of this country women of even this high class country would readily agree to the French 1 Guaymas Sonora, Mexico, April 11. Two sailors of the cruiser Califor nia were killed and three wounded to-day in a street fight at Mazatlan. Several Mexican policemen were wounded in attempting to arrest the American sailors. Meigfo Dlfiarblt U3orU Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. MOIUMEITS COOPER BROS.. Proprs Aiuan n. c KNO TOP UATAL O O II Wbea writing to Advertisers BMottoa tb CmcmIu.'