CAUCA VOL. XXXI, RALEIGH, 1J. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913. No. in. SIAN ARE STILL PROTESTING Mill Men Declare New Tarriff Schedule Will Close Mills and Throw Labor out of Work A CONGRESSMAN ATTACKED 'Congressman Kim Attacked Wash ington Hanker in a SjK-ecIi Th Hanker Jjater Attacked Mr. Sims Personally m thei Street 'orniJs sion Form of Government in the Hooded Town In Practical and Kconomicnl "Mr. Webb of South Carolina" Should Have King Mountain Monument Moved or m New Ono Mrex-ted in the State. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, I). C. April 'JL 19U. A few days ago a dinner was got ten up at the Willard Hotel for the Secretary oi purpose oi bringing State Hryan and Speaker Champ!' "ne, " named early Monday Clark togetlier, to make friends and morning. The loss amounted to bury the hatchet. They met at the $2,000. dinner and shook hands and each handed to the newspapers a state-! merit which had been prepared for the peace meeting. . The statements, however, were of such a cold and stilted nature as would seem to give a new cause of offense to each side. A Congressman Attacked. Congressman Sims, of Tennessee, some months ago, during the last Congress, attacked Mr. (Hover, the President of the Riggs National Hank, in a speech on the floor of th Hous", charging that Mr. Glover had been instrumental in unloading a lot of real estate on the government at a good profit to himself and for a selfish purpose. Mr. Glover, who, by the way was born in Macon County, N. C, met Mr. Sims on the street a few days ago and made a personal assault upon him for the statement contained in his speech in the House. The Constitution makes every member of Congress immune from at tack tor any remarks used in debate in Congress. The House has appoint ed a committee to investigate this at tack with a view to having Mr. Glover arrested and brought before the bar of the House and tried on a charge of contempt. There are a number of precedents for such action on the part of the House, where a member has been at tacked in a similar way. The Commission Form of Govern ment. Tlmw who favor or onnose the commission form of government for hfe insurance policies paid upon the cities should take note of the fact death of the Person insured shall not that every one of the cities in Ohio be included as incomes." and other western States, that have; been devastated by the recent floods The democratic tariff bill was re and storms have been forced to ig-; Ported to the House Monday and re nore their present aldermanic forms ' lerred to tne Wa s and Means Com of city government and resort to the' mittee and th(Jn reported back by appointment of a commission of three i committee: the Senate will give some or five of the leading citizens of each "earing on the various schedules, town to take charge of the welfare of persons and property of each city: Tnree stores at China Grove Ilow" that has suffered so terribly. ! an County, were burned Sunday af- MnfUno. pni.U lllncfroto mnro f nr. i 1 Vl" Wlf, cibly the economy, efficiency and ef fectiveness of a commission form of government than what these western towns have been forced to do in their dire need. In short, the old form of city gov ernment, with ten, twenty or thirty "aldermen representing so many dis tricts completely broke down in use fulness under the appalling condi tions which these towns recently faced. Therefore, they at once turn ed to the appointment of a commis-j sion of their leading citizens to take! The dead bodies of Mrs- Sleep and charge of the entire affairs of eachlher two ounS children were found town. If such a method is necessary!111 a cistern at the Sleep home, near and so effective in a crisis, how much!E,Sin. m- a few da's ae- Herman ,Ar0 nrv tr hvp this effective I Coppers, 16 years old, a boy of un- form of government at all times. Raleigh has just adopted the com mission form of government, and Charlotte, the largest city in the State, has, unfortunately, just voted down the commission form of govern ment. Therefore, these suggestions are now especially commended to the citizens of Charlotte, who have tem porarily delayed this great and wholesome reform. The Cotton Mill Men Still Protesting. The cotton mill men of the South are still protesting by telegram, hy letter and by coming here in person against the reduction of the protect ive duties on cotton by 50 per cent. They declare that such a reduction will close most of the mills and throw their laborers out of employment. They further declare that it will re duce materially the price of cotton to the farmer and are appealing loudly to the Democratic Congress to leave the duties as they are. There is but little . prospect that their appeals will be heeded. There (Continued on page 2.) BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. 1 Vance County voted for a $2')j,00u .bond issue Tuesday for good roads. Wayne County will build a new (Court houw to cost not over $100,- :ooo. i Robert C. Ogden was re-elected i President of the Conference for Fdu ! cation in the South in Richmond Friday. j A report from Whiteville, N. C , ! states that Roy Carter shot and kill ed Lowell Carter at Chadbourn Sat- , urday night. The plant of the Bertie Cotton Oil Company at Aulander was burned early Monday morning. The loss is estimated at $75,000. Three were killed and twenty-three wounded by the premature explosion of dynamite on the Panama Canal construction a few days ago. The barns and stock of Hadger How den, at Dudley, near the Wayne Ccnm- A negro named Simpson was shot by another negro named Harris at Granite Falls Saturday afternoon. Simpson bled to death about an hour after t he shoot ing. Charlotte defeated the commission form of government last Friday. It seems there were some objectionable features to the plan submitted to the Charlotte voters. ! The plant of the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company at Georgetown, S. I C, was practically destroyed by fire : Monday. The damage , amounts to about a half-million dollars. j Four Mississipi counties are flood I ed and half a million dollars damage is the result from a serious break in the main levee near Vicksburg; so' far as known, there was no loss of life. The town of Warsaw was visited by fire Saturday night. Three stores were burned and much damage was done to stock in near-by stores. The total loss was probably fifteen thou sand dollars. The home of the Lynchburg Xews, also the home of The Advance at Lynchburg, Va., were destroyed by fire Monday. The loss was eighty thousand dolars, with insurance for only seventy thousand. . .The income tax feature of the tar iff revision bill has been amended so aS to Provide that the proceeds of lxrl "uu"' 1 "c 111 c OI lIIl a I fu. III me drug-store of D. C. Swarengin and quickly spread to the other build ings. The loss amounts to about $12,000. News of the determination of Call- fornia to pass an anti-alien law di rectly discriminating against the Japanese was received with much concern at Washington; in Japan the feeling is more quiet than a few days ago. sound mind who lived in the family, has confessed the crime. Mrs. Story, of New York, head of the conservative faction, was Friday elected President-General of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion at Washington. There was a spirited fight over the chairmanship and. it required two days' balloting to decide the matter. Governor Mann, ef Virginia, was operated on Monday in a Richmond hospital for appendicitis. He rallied after the operation and is expected to recover. Some think the Governor's condition was brought on from worry over the case of the Aliens, who were electrocuted three weeks ago. Former President Taft has accept ed an invitation to read a paper on a subject to be announced later, at the annual meeting of the American Bar Association at Montreal in September. Viscount Haldane, the Lord High Chancellor of England, will make the annual address. ' BILKINS IN WASHINGTON The CrnA Rnth In W.MrA Continues and is Growing Worse Daily DEMOCRATIC FAMINE PROBABLE1 v. . , . .New .Name for the Old-Time Demo- tratic "Panic" Xo Love f-'eoM j Nor Picnic in Sight YetOHlce- Se-ker -Now l'ing Airkhio to Get Into Die White House The Major Hunts For a Variety of Potatoes Timely Advice-The "litres Signal" or Sign is Another Xor Wrinkle in Democratic Politic ' Major Hire an Airship. Correspondence of the Caucasian-Ku-terprise. (Continued From Last Week.) Washington, D. C, April 21. 1113. Well, 1 am still here with both eyes open a-iookin" fer a job. Every train an boat that euros in iz loaded down with dymakrats, most ov 'em bein' ollis seeners or "leggers" fer the fellers who think they kin git in the swim. Most ov the trains an' boats what cum in awlso carry pertaiers, Hour, meat an' other things to eat, fer they iz so many o.'iis-seekers here that a bread famine liez bin expected. Joseefus Daniels an' most ov the oiher Dymakrat papers hev bin preaehin' that the Uaypublikins had got awl ov the oliis seekers in their camp long ago an' that they wouldn't be nothin' goin' on if we carried the country exsept love leasts, picknicks an' oyster sup pers. Rut I find that most ov the ; party, white and black, iz here or on the road here. They air cumin' j in awl sorts ov vehickles, by train, boats an' automobiles. This mornin' ! 1 noticed several objects sailin' in the t air over the city. Can't say wheth i er hit wuz airships or buzzards, but think hit wuz airships or balloons 1 awl loaded with fellers that helped ; to save the country in November last. ' Feller sitizens, don't come onless I you kin bring grub ernuff to last you through the seige, fer the faithful air awlready growin' thin an' pale arounu tne gins, an even tne saloons which we hev fout so long air charg- j in' fancy prices an' new ones air j bein' opened daily. Ov course I do not go inside ov the vile places less 1 make a mistake an' go n- in thinkin' hit might be a grocery store whar I may find some new kind ov pertaters, fer I am anxious to git a new kind called "Wilson's favorite" or somethin' like that which will grow without much laber, fer we dymakrats jest hain't got no time to be killm' weeds an' grass endurin" ov this critical life, an' death strug gle. Will say that I stood up. under the terrible strain fer about three days an' didn't git airy whack at the President or Joseefus Daniels fer a little private talk fer I knowed that the President had fallen a vic tim ov a bad case ov nervous trans portation or somethin', so I conclud ed, after slippin' down to the Union depot an' lookin' at the thousands of offis-seekers who got off each train ' inai 1U I,mKt? """"lei upexaie ei- a . - a. T i i .i j . r fort to see the President or perish ; in the attempt. Some ov the fellers I on the same business that I am give I me the "distress sign" an' we got to talkin' on our fiRgers like them deaf an dumb children at tne scnooi ier deaf and dumb which iz located at Morganton, we havin' become too hoarse to talk in the old way. I found that most ov them were havin' jist sich experiences az I wuz havin'. Finally, az I wuz walkin' along "C" street I seed a man who owned an' airship. I got to talkin' with him an' he lowed that he could fix things up fer me. Sed he: "I hev an air ship here an' fer ten dollars I'll take you up in the air several hundred feet an' then we will sail along until ! we git rite over the WThite House, ! inside ov the crowd collected around j hit an' then I'll land the airship an' let you git out an you kin make a quick rush fer the front door ov the. White House. Fite your way thro' the regiment ov police on duty an' i maybe you kin git inside safely." Will you gurrantee that I git in" sez I. "If you hev the proper creden tials, I will," sed he. "What air the proper credentials?" sed I. "A willin' mind fer one thing," sed he. "That machine won't bust nor jump the track?" sed I. He sed hit wuz wurranted not to rip, rave nor ravel out, so I concluded to blow in one $10 bill anyhow without takin' much time to think hit over. I had been through the Civil War, the last two years ov hit when they wuz some thin doin' in the way ov fitin', an' on short rations; I had awlso bin through more than a dozen political campanes since the war, includin' the "red shirt" campane. I hev bin (Continued on page 2.) iutk om:iu;xck fails. 'ttaJlroad KhctaU axtd Lt;iUt.e ' otnmJtter Fail to Ajrree n K urr Conference April 2S. ' Official of the various railroad and the members of the pelal legia ! lathe commission" held a teis!o& In Raleigh Saturday to discus freight rate, for this state A proposal on the part of the o3- ,ial of the railroads to give to North . , . . , . Carolina shippers a schedule of freight rate reductions on account of Virginia city rate discrlroina- ;tions that is estimated to mean about jflve per cent reduction; the refusal of j the Legislative Freight Rate Com- j mission to accept this proposition a . uot Jn accord wlth thelr former un- , derstanding; the submission of a i counter proposal by the legislative i Commission stipulating a basis of ad justment making about 2 5 per cent j reduction and the granting of the ! railroad officials, at their request, un til April 29th to make formal answer ; to this was the sum and substance of the conference. One of the railroad officials inform ed the legislative Committee that if the railroads were required to give i an answer at that time they should refuse the proposition. 'COMMISSION PF.HFLCTS ORGANI ZATION. Commit tev on Constitutional Amend ment ApMints Committees and Ad journs to Meet Again June 1. The commission on constitutional amendments met in Raleigh Monday and perfected its organization Tues day by the appointment of fourteen committees and adjourned to Wed nesday, June 4. at 12 m., in the Sen ate chamber. Mr. A. M. Scales is chairman and Mr. J. P. Cheshire is clerk to the commission. The following committees were ap pointed: On Article 1 Declaration of Rights: Ward, Bailey, Wallace. ! Article 2 Legislative Depart ment: Houghton, Cooper, Stubbs, j Connor. , Article 4 Judicial Departments: Vailey, Connor, Doughton, Ward, Wooten. Article 5 Revenue and Taxation: Justice, Page, Ward, Rouse, Williams, Grant. Article 6 jt0 Office: Suffrage and Eligibility Stubbs, Washington, : House. ' Article 7- Municipal Corporations: Cooper, Wallace, lvie. Article S Corporations Other Than Municipal: Rouse, Cooper, Page. Article U Education; Alexander, Haymore. Williams. Article lo Homestead and Ex emptions: Wooten, Grant, Washing ton. Article 11 Punishment. Penal In stitutions and Public Charities: lvie, Wood, Haymore. Article 12 Militia: Washington, Devin, Stubbs. Article 13 Amendments: Wal lace, Bailey, Wooten. Article 1 4 Miscellaneous: Wil liams, Page, Grant. Prize Awarded for the Rest Lumberton Robesonian. Mr. Fred Brown tells of Prayer. a recent meeting at a negfo church in Lee County, in which two of Ham's sons, ministers, contested for a prize, the prize being offered to the negro who could make the best prayer. This contest was decided by judges and one of course was awarded second place. largest Ship Kver Built in fireat Hritain is Launched. Glasgow, Scotland, April 21. The lagest steamship ever built in Britain, the Cunarder Aquitania, was successfully launched on the Clyde to-day. The vessel is double shelled and carries boats sufficient to accom modate 4,250 persons, the entire complement of passengers and crew. The vessel has forty-seven thousand tons gross displacement. Fourteen Barrels of Whiskey and Several Men Seized at Salisbury. Sheriff J. H McKinzIe, of Rowan County, and two of his deputies Mon day night seized fourteen barrels of liquor near Salisbury alleged to be i the property of P. H. Thraah, of I Asheville. The latter was held un- der a bond of $50, and Jim Luck, Lem Walker and Lee Springs, colored employes of Thrash, were jailed in default of bond. Upon his return from Raleigh Monday Sheriff McKinzie was inform ed that a liquor plant was in opera tion on a large scale near the city and at once made for the scene and captured the men, the whiskey and a full supply of equipments. It is said the plant was started Sat urday, while the sheriff was out of the county, and that the owners were planning big things. SCORE THE TARIFF BILL Republicans Declare Ad Valor en Daties "i Delusion And a Snare" PEOPLE HAVE NOT ASKED IT Tar-ifl Hill Kubmittrd bj D-mirrat InrtruvaMr am) t'nrallrd for, uid it Snmon Will !w II Hd IUi fdlde Som Articles PLml on tlx Frtr MM Whl!i a PnKertJte Tariff i luUd on tlfcc Material I 1 In Their Manuf&rlurr ikr Hmttli on the HuiKt Importer. Wat.hir.gton. April 2 That ad valorem duties suco a are propoM-d in the iK-mocratlc tarifT bill ar- "a delusion and a Miar." that the radi cal tariff revision submitted by the Democrats is inexcusable and un-ull-ed for and that an accounuiu: iil come for its enactment into are contentions of the Republican of the Ways and Means Commute. n a Iul. nority report presented to the House Monday. "There is HO excuse for the radi cal change iti our revenue sMeni proposed by this Democratic bill." says the report "The p-op!- h,v not asked it. The party propin: it is in power, not by the grace of a majority on other questions than that of protection. The administration has the power to enact this legisla tion. The accounting of abuse of that power will tome later." The report contends that the bill has caused "intense and widespread alarm in business circles" and quotes the message of Democratic C(oernor Fos to the Massachusetts Legisla ture describing the proposed act as "a non-protective tariff for revenue only, nnreciprocal. destructive, downward, revision." Asserting that the Democratic bill "seems to meet with universal ap proval on the other side of the At lantic." the report declares that the protective feature has been entirely eliminated in the. framing of the bill. "Xo one will accuse the Democratic Committee," It adds, "of seeking to ! make up the difference in rot here and abroad, or even of trying to put the industries here on a competitive basis with the industries, abroad. '"It 5s easily apparent that many of the duties have been placed on articles used by our manufacturers and imported wholly from abroad as a 'tax on manufacturers' that many duties have been lowered so they are much less than the difference In the cost of labor at home and abroad; that many articles now paylnc very low rates of duty have been put on the free list while the comparative cost of production here and abroad is such that it will be Impossible for business to continue without bringing down our scale of wages to the level of the rates paid abroad. "In many cases articles are put on the free list while a protective duty is laid down upon the material used in their manufacture." Attacking the ad valorem system the report says it imposes a greater tax when prices are high and compe tition not so keen and a leesr tax when prices are low and competition is keener and much more injurious to the American producer and "that it bears more heavily on the honest im porter and favors the man who by perjury and fraud undervalue his , goods and escapes his fair share of taxation." Gov. Hooier Vetoe Hills by the Wholesale. Governor Hooper, of Tennessee, : Monday returned forty bills to the Legislature without his approval. In the case of a majority of them the Governor held they were Illegally passed as they were not acted upon I by a quorum of the Legislature. By this action he refused to recognize the "presence" of a band of legislators : who left the State, but who were re corded as "present and not voting" on many ballots. It is reported the Governor will send back 100 more bills vetoed on the same grounds. Abrogation of Hay-Pauncefote Treaty Proposed. Washington, D. C. April 21. Ab rogation of the Hay-Pauncefote ; treaty and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty which preceded it, is the object of a joint resolution Senator Chamber s lain prepared for consideration of the United States Senate. Upon the ; Hay-Pauncefote treaty Great Britain j bases her protests against free pass ! age of American ships in the Pana ma canal. Abrogation involves joint action by both Houses of Con gress and the President's approval. The last treaty abrogated was the Russian treaty of commerce and nav igation, because American Jews were not treated on an equality with, other American traveling in Russia. !nYTt.M.iyi TAKI M1TIII. kA lrrd fler A we Mttefc?1 t1l TtU Trrrituri 4 uNilil t "! Cttu.. VloftttrBttro, Ap-rd 21 -v-u?AM. j rctl-!!r Ut Turtia troBicbo'td ia tte HU. fell to.;. Tbe V!oTrr.rcri& r le fall je loa of the fon After a tri raj.ifc3t efctfj Into the city The f2i fu!lorfcJ loot ii ful- tut&t!nc tth ft and KicM of 4e. peiale hafid-lo-b&4 Cchtiftft bt r-a the Mosteamria trvip of KS Nich olas n4 the Turk Thre thousand Mon!etierin and flte thouaa4 Turk are nu:x.berd amo&r the dd Thouaaad on ech Ue f ou tided "We he tJiefrdy fvtketi cut own " Aid Kir.R NlchnU "Wc hold Scutari j;a'.rit the l'ort rourateoualy an e f.uctt lh Turku " The fll of Scutari brini a Kfae international i!ua!toa. a Moiiter.t gro tun flagrant Ij dW d X Huri-peali poef. ho '.!;. trd that the !ee b ratted of Uoopa muiJ be landed from the w arhip btiw-k ading the Montet.'egriti filt siiiiii i: m.MiM itnc now. i pi a( ton ( iiiiiil.lortf r IVII rtil u.m fir lo.itj moil lrttt-r li i lertllt K."0 n vr I lie I ni- miiikiici . If turi. out that Ho- writr i !!, atoI.MJiOUO lil'.r e!lt Ut to tt.e !e w Hpap.rh from Haleigt4 durlt:g the l. g:?!at ut e. at!aki!.g the few ini bill on aowM of the it ni'ni!. nl aiiil tax o iii in i s ion feature, wa Ceo! ge P p.-ll, a member of tlf Cut potation ('ii!niii;r"i"ii 1 li! oiifu n, the Mihp ion w- had th- tir;,e The (teation of a T. i'oiuin!hii would hae i.ik n f i mil ea 1 irpo ratKin Commissioner tin- f.'iOO 5ded to his salary by the prelou Legisla ture on account of adding to fh du ties of the c-m mlssumer thai of tax commissioner. They failed grevioua 1 in performn.g the n.-w duties im posed on them, but diew the addi tional pay and too It fright ot the prospect of haing to surrender It -New ton Knterprise Democratic . The case is well stated; and it w a Bmall business in Mr. Pell, under the circumstances, to try to alarm the State about the re-assesmnent propo sition, -specially in view of the fact that be had just been provided for -Statesville Landmark (Democratic Simmons Refill-- to Help TliMe Ulio llelH- Ilim. Statesville Landmark J Quoting expressions of di?.it ihfac tion with the tariff bill frim many cotton mill men in Washington last week, the Washington orr spon dent of the Cieetijd.Oto N' WH pays "A North Carolina manufacturer said that Senator Simmons had 'obi him that he could noth elp the tua tion. He said een if Senator Sim mons was so disposed, his committee would prevent his aiding the cotton mill men." That will be startling information to a good many people While Sen ator Simmons may not have been re sponsible for creating the. impression, a good many mill men who were very enthusiastic in support of hla candi dacy last summer were largely moved by the idea that the Senator would be in a position to help them in jut such a position as is now facing them. The further statement that Senator Simmons could not control his committee if he wanted to aid the mill men. Is alo enlightening "A Heart and Head the 8iz of a Hickory-Nut." Wayneeville Knterpriae.J Secretary Joephus Daniel ihtsi to be taking a rather high hand in the matter of pie dlapenilng a pas time for which he eprei.d the moat extreme contempt when indulged in by those of an opposing party. Somehow it does not strike ua a seemingly for a Secretary of the Navy to be messing in matters of this kind. However, those who know Mr. Dan ! iels are not surprised. When it come ', to politics it is simply impossible for him to leave any part of the boauing to others of his party. It would be 1 no surprise to ua were he to roll up l his sleeve and dive vigorously Into I Wake County matters. And. too, he would feel more at home there, for ; the littleness of the man even exceeds his ability. The bitterness and the narrowness which our Naval Secre tary has displayed in the past could not by an possibility spring from a head and heart larger than a hickory-nut. The Durham County Offlcem Satur day poured out sixty gallons of corn ; liquor into the gutter in the Jail yard. 'The liquor was some that had been 'seized in a raid on a blind tiger. The 'destroying of the whiskey attracted a large crowd, some of whom stood close to get a last whiff. r 1

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