Page Two TELL CAUCiL51AIi Thur4. April '24, !!U The Caucasian AND UAU.K.H KXTEltritlNK, -MtLIf MKI KVhKt THLKMMAY CAJCAS1AN PUBLISHING COMPANY ver this Lime? It beca 'bowling 'or bevtral yeaxa fur wbmt It lermi. "States" but this time it ha a failed to even rai&e a mild protest. Hut what do-s States auk. still i'i;mTi;. (Continued from page 1-) tsotn(t-r, fr hit ou her taken if ami on hundred an' fifty ft lonr or bleb aid then you ould rights who laist fall toted the Imtcrattc pit ar. down its the ground probably Hi ft fe-et to set fast amount to arsons friends? This time ticket, no declare opnly that here-j ow rena!r !o rrxri .rtul tn. . II ikSC K I IT I K A T r : J. YBAR. A X HuNTHS. THKll M05TBS, 30 after thy will vote for hat they want instead of for what they don't want. "Mr. Wf-hb of uih and in.." The Youth's Comparison ha pab- ins a rot at the pie counter, by the lbd a picture of Ungriman . .., . . f ,n Webb, of the Ninth District of our grace of Mr. Wilson, and 5S afraid to bul hM JaU.lf.d Jt -Mr wbb criticise the actions of the Presidents of goQtn Carolina." The Youth' it is a Democratic Department of Jus tice who would ignore "states lj0'ritrhtR." Or in it due to the fact that the editor of the Observer is occupy- Tin: cm'NTitv "iiuackit thi: shock. FOIt departments? Companion a mislead, no doubt, in the placing of Mr. WVbb in South XHK "IlKi STICK" NOW AND TIIKN Carolina by the fact that hen the Congressman Underwood, n reply Dutches sent out from Washing- Mountain, hich WM fought to protests against the Democratic ton state that President Wilson ls by Nortb Caro!ina troop, to wve thr 'tariff bill, is reported to have said preparing to wield the "big stick" on Stale from invasion of British troops, that he cannot be frightened from the Senate. Democratic Senators iiajJ been erected, not on North Caro putting through his bill, by threat must accept the kind of tariff the lina J lh r"rc11R of damage that will result therefrom. President wants or the big stick will J J" more than a because he believed that the country be put into action. The dispatches j effort to have his name con was "braced" for the shock of the announce that the President has uected wiln the King's Mountain bat- creat reductions as well for the free glven notice that he will appeal to tie and monument, and it is natural fe .. j .i.ot ihu Vnuih's fomnanion should rf nrf now. .v.Q miintrv lr tne enaiors uu uv . nun ii prtur at an about the North t'olr Hut 1 gud at th Urn that h! ranged from two to four hundrej de- KT9 blow XfTO Hut I dids t it . az col 1 up thar az 1 did rsl!n' in that thar airnhip near the White j Hou-. We oors landed rite in front os tat ioor next o ir.ny I Avenue an I told the arrjaitor or whatever they rail Ym in Dutr h to hitch up hit machine to a t r an' -ait till I d ruth in an' he a talk 1th Pr-ld-nt Wllcor.. if he hap pened to be at home "Mr 3 there.' said the airship man. "fer they U t many here loikin' for job that he can't get away no matter what hap pens" That made me rite nick on my tttumack but I made a rush an' got in Will let you knew the result later, if they Iz any result, Az ever. ZKKK HILKINS s trade schedules. , - have fixed in its mind that the King s every one regrets that the country Dack him up and he proposes to raise unta,n baUle wa8 in Soulh Caro- has been S'ejtt)er moTnl. Ilurenu Ile- forced to "brace" itsell BUth a fire that the senators win u- in that Mr ubb muBt havt. also jir. Miiis i.. .ioore. v n.ei o me . . .. . i . v,..- . . Wtathpr Mitrpan at Washington, has against such attacks upon the inuus- cnarged with tne dW. b JZez I ot the lighting heen removed from office ly Presi tries of the country. platform pledges. , ' Wilson. The charge against Mr. In this connection it will be re- When President Roosevelt used the j between etriot P joun. Moore is that he used his office force membered that President Wilson has. ..big stlck" the News and Observer ; Carolina goU but to try to boost himself for Secretary ,tired that he was and other Democratic papers called ; North Carolina of Agriculture. Mr. Moore was dis- ' kiii . u u ...rant hut not . Ti... ,.rrtsal th State lin appointed when the President did not, in favor of arranging the tariff bill him a monarch and a tyrant, but not, . roopg jhe eroded th e be a,nt hlm of Agriculture! so as "to hurt the industries of the a word naB the News and O se , o Z -t his resignation to President! country aa little as possible." mere 8ay against Mr. w uson duu iB Ig of Nonh Carolina. This is ex- Wilson to become effective July 1. are tens of thousands of Democrats. stick that he proposes to wield. butiactly what the patriotic Green Moun- The President had accepted this re- out wuuuiew it iicu inh ere preferred and then re- oore at once. today wondering why they ever vot- probably the editor of the News and j tan boys of- Vermont did when the signation. bu ed to'put in power a party that was observer is afraid he might have English To mov'S MS determined on hurting the industries disc0nnect with the pie counter j started to invade the btate . V. : mratnet Vl 1 ' fflOIlt. ...... of the country, at all. should he say anything against his The Green Mountain boys organiz-;Kligh-s Primary For V,,nmissmn- Only a few days ago, the Charlotte boss Observer, in an editorial, warned the Democratic Congressmen should not cut the tariff duties on cotton, so low as to reduce the price ed at Bennington, in Vermont, and I marched over the line into the State u.r HOW THE RKADKKS Or A i ai r,i , . and met the Briti8h I I I X I I lir I -mm A wa-K V I v ' CAN LKK 11 MAii -a. ers A primary was held in Raleigh Monday to nominate the three com- soldiers at a point seven miles dis-! missioners to be voted on in the May ThA Western Carolina Enterprise, ; tant from Bennington, and there de- election who will control the city un 1 ne n0 nonnlo nf Vermont 1 der the commission Dlan. Mayor Jas. . . cnunrtirt weekly newspaper, puo-; tu. " . "..J i , . twelve to eight cents . . ..iHid not Dut the monument aL uie.i. juunsuu ieu iui uu,u x. Ol CUttui .jiit'iTi ncvi 1 1 o V I . . . naS naui . . . :iIt- i.n : .u .1 lisnea at 4j"""v-1 - I sight of this battlenela, on me son j r rausnn jiwen umi in imr i a aau . .u nr. many friendly chats wun us eu- f New ycrk, but they erected a mag- tnese two men win now De in me race taken as a conression iroiu scribers in its editorial columns, with nifiCent monument to the memory of ; for this position. The other four who lotte Obserrer that it regrets having rM1,i That paper i these Vermont boys, at Bennington. J were nominated and will be voted on supported a party that would thus at- much pleasant results. Jon'the soil of Vermont. at the same time are Messrs. O. G. ma.e the ereatest indus- in its last issue closed one of these, monument to the North Caro-! King. Willard L, Dowell, Jno. T. lilCft. auu v- p.- c, , A fllc- ' . ... , . , m T': i T nA T Tl Co-o.11 lina heroes at tne Dane oi niugs juuco, uu iv. u. - "u. Mountain, should have been built on! Mr. W. C. Harris was the leading the North Carolina soil, and located 'candidate for police justice. in the town of King's Mountain, of a pound. This, of course, must be try of the Sonth. The cotton mill men from the South, who were here last week pro testing against the Democratic tariff bill, and declaring that it would close up their mills are, no doubt, in the game frame of mind along with the Charlotte Observer. In this connection it is not very pleasing or comforting to note that the English and Canadian press are delighted with the Democratic tariff bill. sub- ANOTHKIl CASE OF INTENSE RACE HATRED. ! There seems to be an intense race feeling aroused in California against the Japanese. A bill is pending be fore the Legislature of that State to prohibit the Japanese from owning or leasing land. President Wilson has written the Governor of that State urging that such a law should not be passed as it would create a very strained re lation between this country and the government of Japan. But it seems that California is so inflamed on this race question that the objectionable bill will pass. The fact that it has been possible to stir up such a race feeling over the Japanese question in California will, no doubt, cause the editor of the News and Observer to wish that a large number of the Japanese could be imported into North Carolina so as to enable him to use that race is sue, (since the negro question has been played out), to stir up race feel ing in our State. He and Senator Simmons would be able, no doubt, to use in this State such an intense race feeling as now exists in California tt distract atten tion from the miserable misgovern nient of the State by the Democratic State machine, and especially from friendly chats as follows: "Wo are sending our scription statements this week. It costs money to send these. Please don't throw them aside. Pay up without making this item cost more. By being prompt, you are put to no more expense and you help us make a better paper for you. "Come right along, neighbors, with the "balance due" and let's keep up the good fight. Don't" put it off until you come to town (next summer), but let Uncle Sam bring it to us this week that's when the paper bills and the pay. rolls fall due." The Caucasian wants its readers. ! this State, also just seven miles from j Why Editor Uws Gave Up the Post j the battlefield. j 0ce- j If Mr. WTebb cannot have the mon-j Mr. R. Don Laws, the Yellow iument removed and placed in King's; Jacket man, has resigned as postmas Mountain, then he should take steps 'ter at Moravian Falls. Mr. Laws has to have another monument erected in j been employing a lady to manage the this town, to the great valor of ou office but he says all of them get ! patriotic heroes. BILK INS AT WASHINGTON. (Continued from page 1.) a revenue offiser an a magistrate an' hev bin a married man long er nuff to hev a silver weddin', if I cared to fool the publick in sich i married and for this reason he has! I decided to give up the office. Ex. scriptions up to date we hope the readers of the Enter who have neglected to keep their sub- things. Sidle your airship up here. to respond as put plenty av oil on nu an lei net flicker, or flop or do whatver air ehins aid made fer. an' above awl prise will respond. A little less than , fee quicli erDOUt nit fer they iz goin' 1 00 responded to our reminder of last . ter De a panick among these offis- week Why can not everv one of the j seekers in less "than two hours. S0' till behind respond during the . "Climb in. there." sed he "an' git M SHU oeiiiuu v & d(?ath jp on hlt fer hlt goes up present week? W e have oeen squaie with you, now be square with us. : Fattier Shoots Son and Then Commits I Suicide. A dispatch from Hendersonville. N. C. Tuesday night says: "R. H. Liverett, seventy-seven years Of age, and John Liverett, his son. forty-eight years old, became in volved in a dispute while at work in a field near here this afternoon, which resulted in death to both men." The father shot his son's had off and then committed suicide. grip like greased lightnin'." I wuz scared worse than I wuz at the battle ov Seven Pines near Richmond, bat I SIMMON'S AND GODWIN JOLT. Turkey and Balkan Allies Sign Arm istice. Constantinople, April 20. Dele- GET A wouldn't let' on. They say that lib- i gates representing Turkey and all the erty iz sweet; so iz a gude perlitical 1 Balkan Allies, with the exception of job, especially a Dymakrat job, I im- ! Montenegro, signed an armistice on agine, bekase you know that they iz j Saturday at Bulair. at least five million, nine hundred j . ov the six million voters in the party who will be envyin' you with tearful eyes an' awl their mouths a-waterii'. The airship shot up into the air same az Some days ago Senator Simmons and Congressman Godwin recom mended a man named Furloig for postmaster at Wilmington and asked President Wilson to send his name to the Senate for confirmation. Some of the citizens of Wilmington pro- j an the man who wuz runnin' hit a tested and claimed that Furlong was! hangin' on fer dear life. Cold chills x., u ni, onH the wuz chasin' up an' down my back not suitable for the place, ana me r not sunauie v bQne .q Jegs thaQ tea seconds j people didn't want him. The Presi-, cagt Qne anxious eye down acroct dent held up the appointment and; the pertomick River to see if I con 1 told Messrs. Simmons and Godwin! see Mrs. Bilkins who I knowed wou- 1 l AaMAaA to annoint a Mr.i be a feedin her chickens or maybe LlictL. U KZ Uau .-- r' FOR BURNS, BRTIsES, AND SORES. The quickest and surest cure f"r burns, bruises, boils, sores. Inflammation ani aii skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salve. In four riavs ir nireri I.. H. Hafiln of Xrt-c'.f'A a sparrow-hawk with me J Texas, of a sore on his ankle which pained him so he could hardiy walk. Should be In every house. Only Za cents. Ktcommen j-d by all druiseiMs. Green postmaster, bat would give ; them a chance to endorse Mr. Green j if they so desired. They took their spanking and endorsed the inevitable. This was a complete turn down for Simmons and Godwin and shows that their recommendations to the Presi- cieanin' the dead leaves off the yard, but couldn't see half way thar, I don't reckon. If any ov my readers ever ride on a airship be sure an take on a ten cent overcoat before you start up, or, maybe, two or three, fer you -will get powerful cold be fore you git two hundred feet high. My teeth wuz chattern tergether playin' a chune and my knees wuz hittin' tergether so fast that I ex- A DAKE LADY'S LV?zhL. Tc j.: 'rr.iv-z f ufTen"" cf rheuc.aNi: .- stb cr tDuscui&r or of tLe joints, sciatic., ibuiros, fcackatfi?. pains in the kidneys cr r-uriU"- rains. f Trite to her for a bctre irtzaect wbic!i has repeatedly curtd all ot tic v tortures. Ehe t eeii. it ir duty to send it to e.: r.f!erers FREE. Yt3 cure yourself at home cst-ousanda will testify ne chariire of ciia:a:o t-e:r: neces sary Tnis simple discovery banifbos uric acid from the blood, loosens the stifft r.ed Joists, pur ifies tne blood, and brighter toe er. srivte elasticity and tone to the whole srtei- it a bore interests you. for prof address trs. M. Summers, lioX , Notre Dame, JsA. POPULAR FICTION dent are not worth much, and some- the infamous mortgage on the State which the Simmons machine deliver- ' . i pect the sparks wug playin from j YOU will find at OUI Store ed to the corporations and trusts with1 Since Congressman Godwin has j them, though I didn't hev time j aJJ e new and TXipular books . , , ' . , oof j look fer sparks nor nothin else. Is 1 1 the consent of the said Josephus lost out on his man for postmaster j aIr Qf flctj0Ih Daniels. ,at Wilmington ne nas asKea iue ust-! responsible fer so many people hav- j master General to let him name thejjn nervous transportation. Airship! STATE HATES AND "STATES j fourth class postmaster in his dis-lair az dangerous az cotton gins or j RIGHTS." trict feut Mr Godwin mav even lose j apendiceetus to cripple an' kill peo-j A. . . pie. win say mai i maae a trips le o criir, ac tha fourth class nostmasterS' , away up north ov Greenland a year or so ago to discover the North Pole, j -a u av it . v j r i nsm 9 i u is My Choice of Duke's Mixture Presents" Amonf the many yalcablc prrrnt now given with .jrCrJiDukr'Mtitoretberf t otnrthtn to alt yrry tate anj In tbu all-p4tn aUfatkm the preenU re etactly like the tobacco Ittelf. For all cUe f zarn hke the selected Vtrjtnia mod North Carolina bright leaf that 70a get in I p a ii m w w m m m. mm mm Now thU famous old tobacco will le tnorr rtpuUr than ever for it i now a Liifett & Ayets lrairr, and U equal in quality to any granulated tobacco you can boy. If joo haven't amoked Dukr's Mutuc with the Liggett 3 Myers name on the hag try it now. You will like it, for there is no better value anywhere. For c yea get mmd m kmtf ounces of choice irraRulatrd tobacco, nnsarpaasad by aaf lo quality, tod with ecb aark jtm get a book of cigarette papers KRF.E. Now About the Free Present The coupaos new packed with I.tgzett f Myft Daka'a Mixture are good for all torts of valuable preaeota. The prea eots coat 70a not ooe penny. The ht iociudea not only taekers' artwJee bet nmaej dratrablepreaests for weraea and cbiWreo fiok feuataio pens, umbrellas, cameras, todet articlee, . tenaia racqnets, catcher's glovea and masks, etc. At a special offer saw sm9 mmndym ewr iUmmtrmtd emtmlmgwm mi pfmnt FREE. This offer expires December 31. lllS. Jut send name aa4 address on a postal. mttUd trtS imgt trm HORSE. SHOE. J. T- TiNS4ErS NATURAL LEAF. CRANCCR TWIST. twm FOUR ROSES 'Uk t.m dmH ). MCX KAJG. CUT, rTtDMONT ClCARETTF-S, OJX OCAJtCTTU, Pretniam Dept. "Distinctively Individual9 9 MEN'S WEAR We carry the lines of Men's Wear that have "made good," not those that are trying to make good. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Manhattan Shirts, Schloss Bros. Clothes, Dunlap Hats, Edwin Clapp Shoes, Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear. CROSS & LINEHAN CO. Trie Better Clothes Shop An unexpected development in th"e'agajn as the fourth class postmasters State rate cases, which have been'are stm under the civil service. pending before the United States Su preme Court, occurred Monday when the Department of Justice obtained the permission of the court to file a brief as a "friend of the court." The contention of the government in the brief was that the Inter-State Commerce Commissiop is supreme over State ratemaking bodies, and may annul State regulations in the disguise of State rates, when Inter- State Commerce is affected substan tially thereby. And where is the News and Obser- WITH THE EDITORS. Democrats are great for reducing the tariff, but they always want to reduce it on the other fellow's stuff. Clinton News-Dispatch. May be that cotton mill men voted with the Democrats without having the least idea that they would be elected. Durham Herald. "Are you the same man who ate any mince pie last week?" "No, mum, I'll never be the same New York Mail. man again !"- which lets ov men had lost their lives a-huntin' fer and had failed. I found the temperature to run very low up thar. I didn't hev any ther- Come to our Store and make your selections. However, if you cannot come to Ral- pains in the stomach. j eigti, write us lor a catalog If you continually complain of pains In j , DnfllC ' i "DDIOITC? the stomach, your liver or your kidneys are Ot lfte UUlVO alia X IX.IL'E.O. out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy.! 11 1 e J 1 kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright s disease. ! QU Will aJSO IinCt 3. nlCC line Thousands recommend Electric Bitters as Sn'e mTde.H. ?.S.ton."? iSSS Bibles at our store, which s:!l"-MypieyShwudi we are selling popular prices. and my liver did not work risht. I suffer- V 1 . IT" ! T)i. ... I mended and I Improved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will im prove you. too. Only 50 cents and 11.09. Recommended by all druggist. I BOUGHT AND I KaSei ITBiatrlble SPorEts Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. MONUMENTS 1 COOPER BROS.. Proprs RALEIGH N. C SENO wO UATALOQUK Wtkes rtti w Advertiaers atecuoa via Caaeataa.'a Baptist Book Store Co. RALEIGH, N. C. Ik5JL5 BULL DOG GasclinoEnmno A , Per Ererr Fana Nesjd-1 to 12 H. P. 9 V rer Tkresklaa; M Cmm a etrea etc TaeBa JSSa7 fT S9ea tor leas. WvRaseaar far ii? ea4 lew lOijmm THX FAIRBANKS CC, BALTCOSZ. MO. VH JAlTelVaSCaL atSlJJCllll XLTUt i

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