IAN. VOL. XXXI, RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1913, No. 1G. CAUCAS JAPAN ISPROTESTING Sec. Bryan in California Trying to Compromise Controrerty Between That State and Japan CALIFORNIA STANDS PAT Danger of War With Japan la Iiein - Talked in Some Quarters in Wadi- ington Latent Involution in Mex- j .,v w ... ronC Foreign Investors in Mexico Are Hufferinj; Heavily A Growing Revolt Again.Ht the Democratic Tariff Protect From Kvery Part or the Country Contiuue to Pour Into Washington. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, April 29, 1 i 1 3 . The chief interest at the National Capital to-day is centered around the mission of Secretary of State Bryan to California in trying to smooth out or compromise the serioas contro versy that has arisen with Japan. The California Legislature seems to be determined in passing a law abso lutely prohibiting Japanese from owning or leasing land in that State. It is admitted that California, and indeed f very State, has the right to pass such a law, with reference to the Japanese or any other foreign ers, y( t Japan has protested so vigor- J Olislv t h ;l t aiirh a lur wnuM ha an I unfriendly act, that President Wilson has beer moved to try to induce Cali fornia to modify her positon, though other States. Washington and Ari zona, have passed similar laws. Secretary Bryan has been sent across the continent on this mission, but it seems, from the reports from California to-day, that his mission has failed. Indeed, those who are familiar with the situation predicted from the beginning that it was a use less trip for him to take and that he and President Wilson could have had as much, if not more, influence with the State of California, it. such a I radical and unprecedented step of ! sending the Secretary of State in per son had not been resorted to. There is a great deal of talk here about the unprepared condition of this country for war, and the danger of Japan attacking us through the Philippine Islands or in the Hawaiian Islands. We do not believe there is such danger, but it is noticeable that such a proposition is being seriously discussed at the capital and also around some of the Executive De partments. The Situation in Mexico. The new and last revolution in Mexico against the present govern ment seems to be gaining in force each day. If the opponents of the present government could get to gether, it would seem that they could overthrow the Huerta regime, within a few days. And even if we are to judge the future by the past, the success of the present revolution would at once mean the starting of a new revolution against whatever ! burned to death to-day in a fire that new government might be formed. j destroyed two frame barracks occu The damage that has been inflict- j Pied by non-commissioned officers of ed and that is daily being inflicted j the Sixth Infantry and their families, upon American citizens and their The victims were members of the property, in Mexico, is enormous. I familv of Sergeant Schall his wife, Similar injuries are, of course, being j suffered by English, Canadian, French, and other foreign citizens, who have large investments in that country. There is a growing demand that this Government should intervene to establish a stable government in Mexico, as we did in Cuba, but the propositions are so different that any wise administration will hesitate to take such a step. The Growing Revolt Against the Democratic Tariff. Protest fromv every part of the country continues to reach Congress against the proposed Democratic ta riff bill, which is now being rammed through the House. Not only the cotton and wool industries, but every other industry, most seriously affect ed, are sending large delegations here and pointing out the injuries and in many cases the ruin that will result if such radical reductions be come a law. In this connection, however, it is proper to suggest that as radical and dangerous as the Democratic tariff 1)111 is, yet it is not as bad as the Democrats promised or threatened to pass If they were put in power. They declare that "protection was uncon stitutional and robbery." If this po sition is sound, then there should be no tariff duties that would result in any protection to American prod ucts ,and American labor. The only excuse that the Democrats have ver given for levying any tariff du ties, was in order to raise revenue, and they have always apologized therefore and expressed regret that any "incidental protection" would result therefrom. Our Democratic friends now hare the power to pasa an income tax law. They have declared that this Is the I fairest kind of tax to everybody, j while the tariff duties have been de- ' nounced as the most unfair form of j taxation. Therefore. from their j atandpoint, they should abolish all i i tariff duties and raise all revenue j from the Income tax. ' j One thing is certain, however, and j I that is, if the people had a chance to j j vote again to-day, there would be no danger of a Democratic admlnistra- ; tion getting in power, even by acci- : d(,nt Tnfs condItlon nas created such a feeling in the country that there is every evidence of the Repub- lican elements getting together for j common defence of the industries ; and prosperity of the country'- And if they do, their forces will be large ly augmented by tens of thousands of disgusted Democrats. It is clear that the next President of the United States will not be a Democrat. To Place Free Sanitary Drinking Cups on tfie Southern. ! Washington, D. C, April 26. Ar- ; rangements have been made by the j Southern Hallway to furnish sanitary I individual drinkltig cups to passen- gers on all trains and a large supply j of cups of the collapsible paper type has been ordered. As soon as the i ! cups have been received each con- ! ductor will be furnished with a sup- ! ply and any passenger desiring a cup will receive one free of charge on ap j plication to the conductor. Furnishing drinking cups to pas- j sengers on the large number of trains ! j operated by the Southern Railway j j will involve a substantial expendi- i j ture which is being undertaken to j ; provide for the convenience of pa- j ' trons of the railway. All common j drinking cups have been removed from trains in compliance with Unit- I ed States Government regulations j and the statutes and ordinances of j many States and municipalities. President Gets 9200,000 a Year. The statement that the total sal ary and allowances made to the President come to. $260,000 a year naf caused people al over the coun- try to throw up their hands and ex claim: "That can't be right." But it is rightj The actual amount ap propriated each year depends on Congress and the figures vary some what from year to year. For the coming year the authorized expenses as provided for in legislative, execu tive and judicial bill are in round i numbers as fellows: President's salary, $75,000; clerk hire, $70,000; ; contingent fund, $25,000; Presi dent's traveling expenses, $25,000; household expenses, including horses, automobiles, etc., $25,000; fuel, $6, 000; care and repair of green houses, $12,000; printing invita tions, etc., $3,000; lighting White House and grounds, etc., $9,000. Total, $260,000. Union Republi can. Family of Army Officer Death. Hurned to San Francisco, Cal., April 27. Two women and three children were her mother, and his three young children. Schall made a frantic ef fort to save his family and when at length he was dragged from the burning building, he lost control of himself and was taken to the hos pital under guard. Epidemic of Measles in Randolph County Death of Prof. Garner. There is an epidemic of measles at Asheboro and Why Not in Randolph County. Mr. G. F. Garner, superin tendent of the Why Not Academy and Business Institute, died Sunday afternoon after a three weeks ill ness from measles and pneumonia. Several deaths have occurred at Asheboro. Woman's Suffrage Amendment. (Thomasville Davidsonian.) Hon. R. L. Haymore, one of the commissioners appointed by the Leg islature to offer certain amendments to the Constitution, on his way to a meeting of that body, let it slip that a woman's suffrage amendment would be offered and intimated that Hon. E. J. Justice was to be the champion for women's rights. Mr. Justice is a candidate. Street Car Service Tied Up. The street car service in Asheville is tied up on account of a strike by the conductors and motormen which took place Monday morning, when every car was turned in at the barns. The company is now trying to oper ate with strike breakers, but under difficulties. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. When the Montenegrin army en- i tered Scutari last week they found j the Turkish troops and population 5 starving. j j Representative Bartlett, of Geor- f gia, introduced in Congress Satur-) day a bill to reduce letter postage to one cent. " ! Memorial service of the Confeder- j ate soldiers of the Civil War were j held in many cities throughout the J South Saturday. American recognition of the new Chinese Republic will be delayed be cause of the disorganization of the Chinese Parliament. Rev. K. D. Holmes, pastor of the Steele Street Methodist Episcopal Church, at Sanford, died suddenly early Thursday morning. Dr. W. D. Bigelow, Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry at Washington, resigned from the Government service Saturday. One hundred and twenty persons perished in a mine explosion at Fin leyville, Pa., Thursday. Some of the bodies were horribly burned. Simon Hicks, a negro of Lenoir County, was killed a few days ago by Jacob Dove, another negro. The killing was without provocation. j President Wilson will speak in ' New Jersey to-day and to-morrow in i behalf of jury reform and a propo- sition to call a constitutional amend- j rnent. A bill was introduced in Congress Saturday to create a Bureau of Pub lic Highways, carrying an appropri ation of $24,000,000 for use in the States. Posmaster-General Burleson says that all postmasters must work eight hours a day. They will not be al lowed to leave their duties for oth ers to perform. The Chief Inspector of the Inter state Commerce Commission reports that 10,000 persons had been killed in wrecks in the United States dur ing the past year. Miss Annie King, a trained nurse, was run down and fatally injured by an automobile in Charlotte a few days ago. Miss King went to Char lotte from Statesville. Nebraska has notified the State Department at Washington of its ra tification of the seventeenth amend ment to the Constitution providing for the direct election of Senators. Secretary of State W J. Bryan went to California Thursday to try to persuade the California Legisla ture to reconsider the proposed alien land law, which is obnoxious to Ja pan. By direction of Secretary of War Garrison, the Panama Canal Zone will be without saloons during the coming fiscal year. At the present j time there are thirty-five saloons in j zone towns. Three million six hundred and ten thousand dollars was what floods in the Middle West cost the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, according to a statement issued by the com pany Saturday. Joe Sutton, a seventeen-year-old I boy, of Waynesville, N. C, is in jail I awaiting trial on the charge of at tempting criminal assault on his eight-year-old niece, who lives in a remote section of Haywood County. The one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Stephen A. Douglas, Democratic candidate for President against Lincoln, was observed all over Vermont last Wednesday. He was the father of Judge R. M. Doug las, of Greensboro. James Bryce, for six years Ambas sador to the United States from Great Britain, said his farewell to the American people in New York Friday night and has returned to England. Mr. Bryce made a fine rec ord as ambassador. Suffragists, for the second time in a week, again stormed the Capitol Saturday to argue why women should have the ballot and be ad mitted to suffrage on the same plane as men, through the adoption of a Constitutional amendment. The Seaboard Air Line Railway has awarded a contract for fifty lo comotives of the "Pacific" type at a total cost of about $1,000,000. Con tracts for 1,000 box cars; 250 coal hoppers, and 250 flat cars hare been made. BILKINS IN WASHINGTON - . o-il r . it SU)or "ini KetDTOS Home AjalO rf L J J BILKINS STIRS 'EM UP WUmki Merely StumMl Into a hm1 job IWum He Had Palled to i Keep Hb AcciWnt Policy in Good fclaie Something About the Fed eral Gunboats and Daniel AmttuI dency in Politic -Some Ileal Mod ern History. (Correspondence of The Caucasian- 1 Enterprise.) j Bilkinsville. N. C. April 22. 1913. I her jist got back from Washing ton City an' will rayport the fruits ov'my visit, hit bein' the second of fense erlong that line since Col. Billy Wlllson stumbled Into the Presidency because he had failed to renew hiz axident policy, or because he carries the left hind foot ov a graveyard rab biti I don't know which. When I rode up to the White House on Bob, they wuz sort ov a commotion ermong the government police an' de tectives who act az body guards ter the President an' fambly, an' I wuz afraid that Jodeseevus Daniels mite ferget the record that hiz parental ancestor, a native ov North Carolina. Wijson County, made when he guid-1 ed the Yankees up the Neuse River j an'- pinted out how the Yankee gun-1 boats could an did practically de-; stroy the town ov New Bern, proceed to Kinston, landed soldiers there an ' killed somethin' over twenty ov the Citizens there, mostly men too old tc be in the army an who had taken up arms to try to protect their women J folks an' children from awl sorts ov ; outrageous conduct on the part ov i the sailors an' soldiers aboard the! Yankee fleet. The fleet then proceed- j ed up the Neuse River az far az hitj could an' landed a large detachment! ov soldiers an' they proceeded az far az Raleigh, whar they wuz another fite with home citizens, some bein' k!fc.d on both sides.. Those killed aM New Bern were mostly buried there. The home people killed at Kinston sleep in that town an a beautiful monument wuz erected and unveiled there only a few years ago to keep green the memory ov the citizens who fell there. Just Souti ov the city ov Raleigh, hardly a mile from the State! capitol buildin', stands an old breast- j works ov earth which had been hast-; ily built in an effort to repel the Yan-j kee invaders. But they proved too j strong for the people ov Raleigh, an' the Yankees captured the whole town an' held hit for some months. The Yankees killed there lie in the Fed eral cemetery just outside ov the eastern limits ov the city. Most ov the defenders ov Raleigh (home cit izens) lie in that beautiful spot. Oak- wood cemetery, just outside ov Ral-j eigh, dead, dead, dead. No braver, j no better citizens ever lived. Dan-! iels fajled to reach Raleigh, I believe, but he did not fail to come! far enough to lead the Yankee army! well on their way toward Raleigh, j Men branded as traitors in secular j an Biblical history could hev shown j better excuses for their treachery j than could Daniels, whose belov-j ed son, located at Raleigh some years! ago to conduct an' alleged newspaper! an' who, assisted by political hood-' lums, red shirts ballot-box thieves,1 registration tricksters, a crooked, de-, ceitful eleckshun law which iz known; awl over the country az a law, if hitj even deserves the name ov a law, I man political trickery, though hit wuz gotten up to bear (in appear ance only) some ov the earmarks ov fairness an' justice between man an man an' between political parties. The hands ov many ov the legislators who passed the law were at the mo ment stained with the crimson ov hu-j man injustice instead ov the clear waters from the fountain ov justice. A few more or less good men were caught in the vile net an' remain in hit yet because they happen to be lieve a certain way politically an hev not the sense nor the courage to cut loose from the net which wuz placed so carefully for the sole purpose ov entrappin' credulous mankind, which) iz often easily done because many) men are az silly, politically, az young; birds in a nest, who know no 'better j tnan to swallow each an every worm offered by the mother bird. But mother birds air generally regarded az both sensible an honest an' so the But you can't say az much for many so-called men, many of whom are so dishonest that they hope the bosses will receive them, an then hit be comes an easy matter, ov course. The great sin ov the present age iz a desire to be humbugged in some way an the political bosses are proud to do the job. President Billy Wilson iz now hid in' under a haystack in rear or the White House bum .' I ts't c-t ties to roroc out an' far esc 1 may be to ch- hit ai up about thst t At eer. 7.KKK IUUKIN.- T.1UH Ult N.I.K i nit: IIOI'M: General Debate on the New lull Hmlr-1 Moada). General debat- on the Iraocratlc tarl.T bill In the Houw wound up Monday night in a final outburst of oratory. Iv-raocrats spent the da) landing the measure, while alter nately Republican and IroRreive attacked its provision. The Senate committee are get t lax in shape to consider the measure. Plowing by Moonlight in Meckleo burg County. Mr. G. V. Kellar. a Mecklenburg farmer, says the Charlotte Observer, operates on his farm a 60-horse pow er tractor, dragging twelve 2S-inch disk uows and cutting a swath 12 feet wide and 12 inches deep. Dur ing the moonlight nights Mr. Kellar operated his plow at night as well as day. The tractor cuts two acres an hour, 4 8 acres in a day and night. Mr. Kellar figures that It costs him about 60 cents an hour, to operate tho outfit. Only two men are re quired to look after it. It does the work of about forty horses. After go ing over the land once Mr. Kellar goes over It a second time, using two eight-inch disk harrows, with forty 20-lnch disks, thus cutting up the soil so that it will retain Its moisture all summer. Two egTes Attack Conductor Sin gleton on Norfolk Southern. Conductor Singleton on the Nor folk Southern was assaulted by two negro passengers, John Moyle and his father, Jim Moyle, who boarded the train at Farmville Saturday af ternoon. The negroes were boisterous and when told to be quiet, the elder negro drew a knife and slashed the conductor across the back. John Moyle then drew a revolver and fired point blank at the conductor. The bullet struck a belt buckle and glanced off. The conductor was tak en to a hospital when the train reached Wilson. and the two negroes were placed in jail. Rocky Mount Girl Hah Miraculous Escape. While at work in a cotton mill at Rocky Mount, Eva Womble, thirteen years old, was caught in the belting and was carried over the shafting and fell from the ceiling to the floor, sustaining what were at first thought to be serious injuries. The girl's dress was hung in the belting and when the power was turned on sud denly she was carried up with the belt, whirled over the shafting and from there she fell to the floor. No bones were broken and it is believed she was not seriously injured. Senate Votes for Additional Circuit Judge for This District. The United States Senate Monday passed the bill authorizing an addi tional Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit with an amendment abolish ing the judgeship made vacant by the removal of Robert W. Archbald, who had been assigned to the Com merce Court. The fourth circuit in cludes the districts of Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Car olina, and South Carolina. Prominent Tarboro Man Sentenced to Iload for Retailing. 'Tarboro, N. C, April 29. R. H. Denton, one of Tarboro's most prom inent business men, was Monday sentenced by Recorder Pender to twelve months on the roads for sell ing liquor, the sentence following the biggest raid ever made In the State, it is declared. Thirty-nine barrels of liquor were found at Den ton's livery stable, the stuff being valued at $2,000. Denton appealed to the Superior Court and his ap pearance bond was fixed at $2,000. Politics the Curee of Pensions an Well as Public Schools. Lincoln Times. There are Confederate veterans in Lincoln County worth $10,000 who draw pensions. Others have been turned down because they were worth over $500. Why? Wherever the fault lies it is a piece of injus tice that is aggravated and gross. We believe every soldier should have a pension, or none of them. A Monopoly Hidden State. Lincoln Times. The railroads have robbed our peo ple of $6,000,000 a year for a num ber of years in excessive rates, to say nothing of the vast capital that has been kept out because ' of high freight rates, and the Democratic party is chargeable as accessory af ter the fact, in this crime upon the people of the State. MARCHED UP THE HILL And Tbea Marched Down Afiia, Wu tfe Rets oi ih Rate Ccafereoce NO AGREEMENT WAS REACHED tlailriMMl Turn lw Hi! prf Un and nSrt That Vie4ti IVHtsht lUte t VwbtnlUed Ia ! terM4r CutnffirnK t Vxn ml lUUrod llm lUfr .ked fur Would Kuln Their lUttlsmi Mr. Trail Claim IVrrrttce of Prflt of IUmmU ia Tlsi Sou tifwrirr Titan An where Kle 'rTrm-r Akrd to i all IUm Nrki of !riLature. The to das conference j r-preentative of the railroads oper fttinjc In this State and the sprial j lepUlatite committer and lioternor I Craig In regard to cbeaper fr!thi j rate In North Carolina raine to a close itri!a) afternoon without having accomp!ihetj anfth!n Tht ; railroads refuted th propositi of i the special committer and augKfttrnl that the question be submitted to the Interstate Commerce Commission Governor Craig asked ty some of the shippers prent at the confer ence to call a special session of the , I-Ki!ature within thirty days to consider the question of freight rates, but the Governor did not Indi cate his position as to a spcial ses sion. IjArge Number lrenl. j Quite a number of shipper from ; all over the State were on hand Tues day morning when th reprenta itives of the railroads, the special committee appointed by the last I-r-.ielature, and Governor CralR. met in 'the Senate chamber to discus the 'matter of freight rates to point in this State. The railroads rejected the proposition which had been ub- mitted to them at the last confer j ence on April 19. After being in con i ference for several hours the rail- roads asked until noon yesterday for I a final conference. At the meeting (yesterday the railroads stated they could not accede to the wishe of the 'committee and suggested that the matter be referred to the Interstate I Commerce Commission, saying this tribunal would have to pass upon it anyway. Mr. Travis, Chairman of the Corporation Commission, said this had been done before and at that time the representative of tho railroads showed a wllllnitneaa to treat with the State. Mr. Travis fur ther stated that the net earnings, per ton mile, of the railroads in this State was greater than anywhere else. Mr. Norman Johnson, editor of the Merchants Journal, speaking for the Merchants' Association, said the fail ure of the railroads to concede to the committee's proposition was nothing short of damnable. (Governor Craljc suggested this language was not ex actly parliamentary.) Mr. Preston, speaking for the Charlotte shippers, said they were ready to keep up the fight for better freight rates. The committee stated that they didn't want to bankrupt the railroads, but simply wanted to be put on an equal footing with Virginia in the matter of freight rates. Governor Craig, in adjourning the rate conference yesterday afternoon, told the representatives of the rail roads the people of North Carolina would get Justice by lawful means and pledged himself to appeal to the people. Just what kind of an appeal ho will make to the people the Governor did not say. He did not say he thought of calling an extra session of tb Legislature, though some of the ship pers asked him to do so. Sunday Funeral Abolished. The Catholic priest in Bridgeport. Conn., has denounced that there will not be acy raore Sunday funerals among the Catholic in that city ex cept In emergency cases. He thinks the grave-diggers should rest on the Sabbath day. Green County Hatband KilU His Gnet. Claud Goff. of Snow Hill. Greece County, was shot and fatally wound ed by his cousin. Joseph Goff, Sun day night. Joseph Goff claims the deceased made Improper proposal! to his wife. i 3.0O0 Persons Rendered Hotnies J by Break in Levee at Kt. John. Eight hundred acres of the finest farming land In Mississippi were flooded and 5,000 persons are ren dered homeless by a break in the levees at St, Johns Monday. The break will relieve the pressure at New Orleans.

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