t CAUCA VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, ISJ. C. THURSDAY, IViAV 8, 1913. No. IT. SIAN I JrlJtL POU COXTEMIT OF COURT. Jadge Ferguson Orders Bladen Co tin- i Ij Commissioners to Appear in 1 Fajetteville Today to Answer j Charge. Fayetteville, May 5. As a result f a refusal to hold a prisoner whom Judge Garland S. Ferguson held for a 1200 peace bond, the county com- ' mlssioners of Bladen County, C. W. Lyon, A. A. Clark and A. L. Tatum, have been ordered to appear before Judge Ferguson here Thursday and show cause why they should not be held in contempt of court and re ceive the punishment prescribed by law. This situation grew out of the ac tion of Judge Ferguson, at the March term of Bladen criminal court, in requiring that Jeff Davis, a white man, convicted of some rime, be not released at the expira tion of his thirty-day sentence until no bed given a justified peace bond f $200 on account of threats he a ad made against Deputy Sheriff A. A. Wright. At the expiration of Davis' sentence recently he was un able to give bond and the commis sioners refused to hold him longer. The punishment for this offense is discretionary with the judge. Cumberland Commissioners Indicted Jjast Month. At the last term of Cumberland County court, Judge Ferguson had the Cumberland commissioners in dleted for disobeying a grand jury eraer to have the jail and court house repaired. TRYING TO 11LOW UP LONDON. Snffragettes Are Placing Bombs in Churches, Drug-Stores and News paper Oflices Desperate After De feat. London, May 7. An attempt to wreck the ancient St. Paul's Cathe dral by a bomb to-day is attributed to suffragettes. The vergery who conducts sight seers through the massive edifice, making his morning rounds, heard a ticking sound near the altar. Inves tigation disclosed a hidden heavy parcel wrapped in brown paper. He plaeed it in water and gave it to the police, who found a suffragette paper wrapped around the explosive. This attempt and the placing of two other bombs in other parts of the city showed that the suffragettes have entered anew on a havoc-working campaign following the decisive defeat of the woman suffrage meas ure in the House of Commons. Soon after the discovery of the hemb at the cathedral edifice, the police found a similar bomb-like package on the steps of a newspaper ffice in Fleet Street. A tin canister containing explos ives was discovered on the steps of a drug-store establishment near St. Pail's. Several buildings have been burn ed and other property destroyed. Sntfragettee seem desperate follow ing defeat of woman suffrage bill in the House of Commons Tuesday. PREDICTS WAR WITH JAPAN. fix-Senator Towne Says That Wo Will Have to Fight th Japs for Con trol of the Pacific. "Washington, D. C, May 6. "Soon er r later we'll have to fight Japan fer the control of the Pacific. It is Bimply a question of whether Japan has believed the time has come to strifce." This was declared hy form er Senator Towne at the White House t-day in discussing the situation raised hy California alien land bill. "I served as counsel to the Emper or ef Korea and I have come in con tact with most of the leading men of Japan, so I therefore feel I know what I am talking about. People whs do not understand are simply ilrasioned when they say Japan is frieadly to the United States." Semator Towne declared there was Jast one way to preserve peace and that was to have a fleet that was the equal of Japan's plus that which any ether power would he likely to send Into the Pacific to take sides with her. Why, on the face of things Japan must expand. Crowded into a region o higger than the State of Mon tana, with 50,000,000 people, a na tion intensely proud and intensely confident." Elizabeth City Citizen Foretold His Death. Elizabeth City, May 6. The dec laration that he would die before day, was the first intimation that the family of Walter Jennings had that he was seriously ill. He told his wife to send for some neighbors, that he did not want her to be alone when he died. She remonstrated against sending for any one, but he persisted, and she summoned some cf the meighbors. He went to bed and soon fell asleep. He awoke a little later very ill, and continued to grow worse, and died before 2 o'colck Sun day Morning. THE NEW TARIFF BILL Has Already Caused Cotton to Drop More Than Five Dollars a Bale I lotte, died suddenly Monday morn FARMERS DENOUNCE THE Billing from a stroke of apoplexy. Will Drive Thousand of Voters Away From Democratic Party A Major ity of the oters of the Country Aro for Protection The Position of the Progressive Congressmen Joke Discovered in the New Tariff Dill steel Trust Gets Favors Wilson and Bryan Fall Down on California and Japante Situation. Special to The Caucasian. Washington, D. C, May 6, 1913. The National Farmers' Union, through a meeting of Its executive board, just held, in New Orleans, has passed resolutions denouncing the pending Democratic tariff bill. The radical cuts made in the tariff, by this bill, are denounced generally as being in the interests of foreign manufacturers and foreign laborers. Special mention, however, is made of the fact that the attack made on the cotton schedule will not only close up many cotton mills but has already had the effect of reducing the price, on cotton, to the farmers of more than five dollars a bale. The action of the Farmers' Union in passing these resolutions is most significant inasmuch as the whole membership of this great organiza tion is made up of farmers and inas much as at least nine-tenths of the membership of this organization is composed of men who were born and raised as Democrats. Marked Uneasiness Among Demo cratic Congressmen. This action on the part of the Na tional Farmers' Union, together with protests coming up from manufac turers, farmers and laborers, all over the country, has produced a marked uneasiness, to say the least, among a large part of the Democratic Con gressmen and has rattled some of the leaders. They all know and admit that the Democratic party did not secure a majority of the votes at the last elec tion. They know and admit that their party must gain votes instead of losing votes, to have any show of victory two years and four years from now. They all know and some of them admit that the pending Dem ocratic tariff bill will not bring a sin gle vote to the Democratic party but will drive tens of thousands from it in every quarter of the country. Therefore, the state of mind of these Congressmen and politicians is some thiag really distressing. As one Democrat expressed it to-day: "We are between the devil and the deep blue sea, and that we will be damned if we do, and be damned if we doat." A Progressive member, from the West, who was standing by remarked that he was "Not concerned whether the Democratic party was damned from the right or from the left, but that he clearly saw that the country was going to be damned any way as a result of their ignorance and folly." The Position of the Progressive Con gressmen. Congressman Murdock, of Kansas, the leader of the Progressives in the House has been making a splendid fight against the Democratic tariff bill and also against the position of the standpat Republicans. He has shown the folly and the hypocrisy of the Democratic bill and the evils that will result from its passage. He has, at the same time shown that it was the blind selfishness of the standpat Republicans in forcing through the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, in the interests of certain monopo lies and trusts, that has brought up on the country the greater calamity of a Democratic tariff. He has pointed out that a major ity of the voters of the country are for protection and so voted, by a big majority at the last election. He has pointed out that the millions of vot ers who repudiated Taft, and voted for Roosevelt, did it, not as an en dorsement of the Democratic posi tion, but did it in the interests of protection, because they considered the extreme reactionary position of Payne and Aldrich, while not so bad as the extreme action of the Demo cratic party, yet one that would dis credit protection as a great American principle. He has declared that if the voters who favored protection had supposed that there was any dan ger of a Democratic victory, that they would have gotten together on some basis to save the country from this calamity. In a recent speech he stated that "the Democratic party, knowing that they did not have the endorsement (Continued on page 2.) i . i BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Dr. John H. Moss, of Henderson, died suddenly Sunday night of neu ralgia of the heart. Ex-Mayor P. M. Brown, of Char- Twenty thousand suffragettes pa j raded the streets of New York Sat urday and were loud In their de mands for the suffrage. Great Britain Saturday recognized the Mexican government of Huerta; much suffering is reported from gulf ports as a result of the revolution. Reports from Mexico City indi cate that from 1,200 to 1,500 lives have been lost in engagements out side of Senora during the past week. A dispatch to a London news agency says that the Montenegrin cabinet has resigned as a protest against the policy of evacuation of Scutari. The eleventh annual meeting of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs convened in New hern Tuesday.' The meeting will last four days. Albert Highsmith shot and killed Julius Sumpter in Wilmington Sat urday. The police captured High smith Sunday about three miles from Wilmington. London suffragettes set fire to the residence of the editor of the Light at Finchley Saturday night. The fire was extinguished before serious damage was done. Dr. Lyman H. Abbott was deposed as a vice-president of the Peace So ciety at St. Louis Saturday because he signed the Navy League's petition for increased armament. La Grange, in Lenoir County, had a severe fire Friday night. A num ber of stores in the business section of the town were burned. The loss is estimated at $60,000. Fire Monday destroyed the big plant of the American Fertilizer Company at Buffalo, N. Y. The loss will reach almost a million dollars. Twenty buildings were burned. In a fit of mental depression, Mrs. Newt Leatherwood, wife of a promi nent farmer living near Waynesville, Haywood County, committed suicide Tuesday morning by drowning. Edward B. Slater, a lawyer of Warrenton, Va., died in Washington, D. C, Monday from infection of the brain due to an ulcerated tooth. The case has baffled the Washington doc tors. The Mocksville Record says that within two weeks 40,000 empty tin cans were unloaded at Mocksville and hauled out to points in Tadkin County, where they will be filled with various fruits. A large copper still of ninety gal lons capacity was captured in Sum ner Township, Guilford County, Monday morning. Charles Rayle, al leged owner of the still, is in Guil ford's jail in default of bond. The North Carolina Press Asso ciation will, hold its next session at Asheville, July 23-24. Mr. James H. Caine, editor of the Asheville Citizen, is President and Mr. J. B. Sherrill, of Concord, is Secretary. Lawrence Yerger, clerk of the board of prison trustees at Jackson, Miss., was arrested Sunday charged with being a defaulter in the sum of $14,627. Yerger is said to have acknowledged to Governor Brewer that he was short in his accounts. The English suffragettes 'are still getting in their work. The freight depot of the Midland Railroad at Bradford, England, was totally de stroyed by fire Monday, entailing a loss of five hundred thousand dol lars. Suffragettes literature was scattered about the premises. Haitien Congress Saturday elected Michel Oreste President of the Re public to succeed Gen. Tancrede Au guste, who died Friday night. Oreste was a senator. Both before and af ter election serious disorders occur red. Many women and children were trampled and seriously injured. The Eastern railroads have decid ed to ask permission of the Inter state Commerce Commission to make a horizontal increase of about 5 per cent in freight rates throughout the territory east of the Mississippi as a result of the decisions of the arbi tration committees granting increas ed wages to their engineers and firemen. I1UVA.VS MISSION t'AILS. California IWUturv Pm Anil Alien I -an d I.ji -fioteroor John son Withholding signature a Few Day at President's Keqartt. Sacramento. Cal.. May 5. The California anti-alien land holding act, which passed both bouse of the Legislature within two hour after bringing about one of the most un usual situations in the history of the nation, wiii lie on Governor John son's desk without his signature un til Secretary of State Bryan can con fer with President Wilson In Wash ington. This will mean a delay of nearly a week, as Secretary Bryan left here last evening and will not reach the National Capital until Wednesday night or Thursday morn ing. Governor Johnson will wait, he says, "a reasonable time" for what ever protests the government may make, after which he will sign the bill. He is required by law to sign or veto all acts passed up to him hy the Legislature within ten days of final passage, provided the en acting body remains In session for that length of time; otherwise he has thirty days. Don't Want Wliat They Voted For. Lincoln Times. In a letter written by W. A. Roys ter, Secretary of the Carolina Mon azite Miners' Association, Mr. Roys ter appeals to us to write an editorial and "get your people worked up on this subject" of more tariff on mona zite. He i3 evidently a Democrat and is one of those who want high tariff but is so hide-bound and preju diced that he will not come out hon estly for what he wants and needs, namely, a protectivetariff. He says "If adequate revenue duties are placed on monazite" that will save the monazite industry. "Revenue duties," indeed. Now, pray what does Mr. Royster and the other mon azite owners of this section care about the little revenue that a tariff on monazite would bring the gov ernment? Is it the little revenue to the government that they are after? A fool knows better. What do these people want? They want and must iiave, a tariff- on monazite that will protect them against the cheap Bra zilian product. And we have been all our lives trying to "get the peo ple worked up" on this question of protection to our people. And the people would soon see It that way were it not for men like Mr. Royster who really want protection but who think more of a party name than of the welfare of the people. When the people once realize that they are being fooled by a lot of one-sided, one-ideaded, prejudice laden politicians who have but one aim in view, namely, to keep the Democratic party in power, no mat ter at what cost to the people's in- terest, this condition will be reliev ed, and not before. Take the medi cine, gentlemen. That's what you voted for. REHEARING IN CONTEMPT CASE. District Court of Appeals Upholds Judgment Against Labor Leaders, But Sentences Are Reduced. Washington, May 5. Contempt of court judgments against Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, for their violation of a court's injunction in the noted Bock Stove & Range case, 'were affrmed today by the District Court of Ap peals, but the jail sentences impos ed were held to have been too se vere, so the court reduced Gompers' sentence from one year to thirty days, and declared that Mitchell and Morrison should merely be fined $500 each. The lower court sent enced Mitchell to nine months and Morrison to six. The Supreme Court of the United States undoubtedly will be asked to again review the decision. Two Guilford County Ladies Bitten By Mad Cat. Miss Ruth Stanley, who lives just beyond Guilford College, has a gen uine case of hydrophobia, according to reports received here yesterday from the officials of the Pasteur In stitute at Raleigh. Miss Stanley was bitten by a rabid cat some time ago; she took treatment at Kernersville, and then went to Raleigh, where her case was diagnosed as hydrophobia. At least one other person, Mrs. Lizzie McFarland, mother of Officer McFarland, of the Greensboro police force, will take the Pasteur treat ment. Mrs. McFarland's cat bit her on the hand last Sunday. Greens boro News. Nobody Knows How Simmons Will Vote. Durham Herald. We know where Mr. Simmons stands on the tariff proposition but wa do not know how he is going to vote. BILKLNS IN WASHINGTON He Find the White House Still and Occnppjlnj the Sitae Location Regardless SOME ELECTION SECRETS Tar Heel PollboUW Adoptr! Clerical Garb in Days Past and (ion i InHcrml Threatened to Imprison ro Voters If Tbej lailrtl or Refused to Voir ltul Had a Scheme on Hand, of tuurv Pat Kjfctions Appeared lo be (reused Moral txiieme So called. i (Correspondence of The Caucasian Enterprise.) j Washington. D. C, May 5. 1913. i When I last writ you I bad Juit reached the front door ov the White House at Washington, D. C, U. S. A I am partickular ter specify what the White House iz located now fei j a whole lot ov peeple who hev bin1 readin' the Raleigh News an Dss- turber fer years an' had bin seein' awl about how mean the Itapubllkini party iz had done concluded that if we dymakrats ever should meet with i a mishap an' carry the country ; again that we'd each put on a red ! shirt, tank up on painted corn licker an' wipe Washington City off the, map an' move the capitol to Weldon, N. C. Weldon iz the capitol ov Hal-1 lfax County an' Senator Matt Ran-j som useter live in that county.; Them wuz the days when North Car- j olina wuz jist az apt to go Itaypub-j likin az hit wuz ter go Dymakrat. i Halifax County had a purty big ne-j gro population, the negro voterB ! numberin' about twenty or more to! each white voter. While the mosti ov the niggers sorter hung to the Raypublikin faith an' thought theyj wuz votln' for "Massa" Grant and' "Massa" McKinley, the pollholders, Dymakrats, of course, would wear! long-tailed black coats with a hymn I book or Bible stickln out ov their side pockets conspickuously, an with solemn countenances an' chewin' a clove would proceed to hold the elec ion az per the law, keepin the polls open from early the nite before elec tion day till two or three days there after, maybe, (if they thought hit necessary). The niggers would vote the publikin ticket, or thought they did. The dymakrats not only allowed them to vote az much as they could or wished, but would in sist on their votln' early an often. In some cases they actually told the niggers that they'd be imprisoned in the pen for years if they didn't at tend the elecion an' vote, a rite that the constitution gives to practically awl citizens regardless ov race or color. Most ov the darkies would vote an would throw awl the force they could into the act. The 'lec tion would go on same az If hit wuz greased. If any ov the darkiee showed signs ov hangin' back, the dymakrats would pull them up to the polls an' maybe give them a bracer ov "red llghtnin' " to cheer them up a bit (the same policy wuz pursued In the various cam panes in the interest ov prohibition In some sections durin' the several campaigns in lata years) the only difference bein' that the nigger thought they were votin' the wet ticket when in reality they were votln hot an strong for prohibition, not because most ov the dymakrats were bitterly opposed to prohibition, which wut a fact, but for the reason that the bosses Simmons, Daniels & Co., had decided that they had fooled the voters in North Carolina about az often az they could afford to on or- uiuai ; issues au luuoi kaj y i m u7 game or lose out, probably forever.! Hit worked. In that way they got I the support ov thousands ov men! who had not drawn a sober breath In) many years. The nigger iz a great! institution in our modern dymakratj politics, provided we hev the elec-j tion machinery well in hand an' git; to count the votes. Of course they) iooiea a.gooa many wnue Biuzena ai the same time, tellin' them, when awl other yarns failed, that prohibi tion, via the dymakrat plan would result in more an better licker, the necessity for better licker bein' very urgent at awl times in late years. Not less than a thousand ingenious; lies were placed In circulation an lots ov gude people were deceived. Az a matter ov course, there Iz noj such a thing az prohibition an' never j will be until the millenlum comes. No sensible, thinkin person will be caught with such ribald nonsense only such az those are too busy or careless to think out such matters, az plausible az the idea looks, will ever fall into such a scheme, though there doubtless are thousands ov gude men an' women who hev suf fered from what appears to be a (Continned on page 2.) liu;ir nut: m;h Mtx. rvt ll lire SlMt rtao f reije.ttftrt U tiree tVtav cer. A 4U;tr h fron Ki&!t. H C . VIoavIy tStSst Nearly a tboswai mi tw4 !a&4. lucJudicr Kts taisaeU tlo-N-r. nrfe itjvt t 4ltro4 for! f.re hkb re4 for r. jr taaa twenty-four hour ia the c;ioa ur rouUvSScs the Sut Sii4xl for th Keeble-Mlti ic-vJ. to EilU ri of here The Sre t Row u&4er foatrul. The datsace will amount ( eral tbouaaod dollar Tir the buiidincs at th KCat institution er ie4 o&l? by tee trenuou eSort of a totx of n headed by 8upT loteadeat Hardy. They worked all nlcbt. HaaJreda of cords of fuel wood were 4mltoy- Mr. Taft Saj I-t the Patf Tkaa Fat or Free Trade Vote For tc. New Haven. Conn.. May- "If are to have free trade, let's site 11." said former President WilUata II. Taft, Kent Professor at 1.4 w at Yal, in a lecture on questions of a ode re government at the university this al lernoon. "Let the party that favom it vote for it. Iet' try it." Ixturr llouv of Arixma P Anti-Allen Iand law, Phoenii. Ariz.. May f. Ts take the place of the enforced taeasurw enacted a year ago, the lower Housw of the State legislature iAd an anti-alifii land ownership btU to-day that is far more drastic tkaa tha California legislation on the umi subject. The act prohibits aty atiea who has not declared Intention to ue cotne a citizen from acquiring title to real property. Iefeutd Woman Suff rage Iremler AMjuith Threatened to IlA4gn. The Knglish Houhe of Commons re jected the bill providing the right of the ballot for women Tuesday by a vote of 220 to 219. Premier Asqulth threatened to resign from the Cabi net if his colleagues ever suggested they would not follow the policy of the Government. IVogrewnlves Fleet City Ticket la Anon County. Polkton, N. C, May 6. In wlntar quarters since November, Anion's original "Bull Moose" came into his own to-day by hla election to Polk ton's mayoralty by a heavy majority over J. C. Goodman, an old-line Dem ocrat. A "Progressive" Board ol Aldermen, consisting of Republicans and Democrats, was also elected, making a clean sweep of the old ad ministration. Everything passed ol quietly, and all will pull together for a bigger and better Polkton. The Progrewaive Meet City Ticket at Graham. Graham. N. C, May 6. The Bull Moose Republicans were victorious in the municipal election here to-day, electing their entire ticket by major ities ranging from 42 to 80. William I. Ward, the Bull Moose easel data, defeated J. Dolph Long for mayor by sixty-four majority. For commission ers the following Bull Mooaers wera elected by majorities ranglsg from forty-two to eighty: W. H. Holt, T. C. Montgomery, Sam P. Jackaoa. T. S. Dickson, and T. J. Reavta. Hoy Kwallowa Eight-Peony Mmil ajsd HUU Lives. Spartanburg. S. C, May f . Boyoe Stewart, the two-year-old aoa of Ur. and Mrs. T. P. Stewart, who Uvs near Gowensvllle, swallowed aa t penny nail with which he was slaying Saturday night. He seems to be suf fering no Inconvenience, but hla pay rents have been greatly alarmed. HoaiMS .May Adjourn While Heaaai Coofelders Tariff. Washington. D. C, May 7. To ad journ the House permanently when the tariff bill is finished, in order that the Representatives may have vaca tions until the Senate acta on the measure, is a plan advocated by many Democrats. If a sufficient majority favors the plan it will be put through. Wilmington May Ue the Recall. Wilmington. N. C. May 7. The new council took action In appoint ing city officials to-day that caused an uproar. A movement for a mass meeting of protestation and Invoking the recall arealready under way. Confederate Veterans Ileanioau The Confederate Veterans' Re union will be held at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 27-29, this year. That city is making extensive preparations for their entertainment. The South ern Railway has issued at attractive little booklet showing map of the veterans' camp and points of Interest around Chattanooga. This is for free distribution.