Page Two I'Hfc CAUCASIAN. fTfcumUr, Mtr a, 191$. r t 1 The Caucasian AND KALKK.H ENTERPRISE. PCBLIHHKI BVKKV THCKDAT uy ! CAUCASIAN POBLISHING COMPANY "STATES RIGHTS," AGAIN. The State of California wants a law in that State that will prevent HILKI.NS IN WASHINGTON. (Continued from page I.) si HSCKIPTIO UATFJ: ) YKAIt Si i Mouths T:VUfl Momtih. HOC TUB IVFAMOUS FREIGHT RATE ABUSE. Everybody knows that for years the railroads in this State have dis criminated most outrageously against the people and the industries of this Commonwealth, from one end to an other. The freight rates which the rail roads charge in Virginia, South Car olina, Tennessee, and other adjoin ing 8tates, are certainly high enough, yet the railroads have charged high er rates in North Carolina than any of theee States, and to such an ex tent that it has been charged by hun dreds of intelligent men, from the Chief Justice down, that such dls crlmliatlon amounted to from twelve to fifteen million dollars' robbery a year. During all of these years of such outrageous discrimination there has been no serious or intelligent effort made by the State Railroad Commis sion of North Carolina, or by the Governor, to correct these abuses. The protests from merchant, man ufacturers and from the people gen erally grew so large while the last Legislature was in session that that body felt called upon to appoint a Commission to negotiate with the railroads to try to get some relief. The railroads have just spurned the appeals of the Governor and the Commission, appointed by the Leg islature, by refusing to offer any material reductions. The Governor of the State has just issued a state ment expressing his surprise and dis appointment at the action of the rail roads. A number of the Democratic newspapers of the State have ex pressed surprise and disappointment. It may be that the Governor and these newspapers have just waked up to the fact that Senator Simmons mortgaged the State, a number of years ago, to the railroads and the trusts in North Carolina. The terms of the mortgage pro vides that we shall be robbed and discriminated against to the com plete pleasure of the railroads and trusts and that as long as the Demo cratic party is in power they should not be disturbed in their robbery. In this connection it should be re membered that Governor Craig was Senator Simmons' candidate for Gov ernor, and therefore, it. would be well to look with some suspicion upon his present declaration of indignation against the railroads. WHY NOT ALL It E VENUE BY IN COME TAX? The Democrats have always de clared that the income tax is the fair est tax in the world, and on the other hand, they have always de clared that the tariff was the most vicious tax. Indeed, they have de clared that tariff protection was rob bery and unconstitutional. Now since the Democrats have an oppor tunity to pass an income tax law, to be consistent, they should raise all of the revenue from the income tax and abolish all revenue tariff taxes of every kind. As unwise as we think such a course would be, a little more un wise, indeed, than the present Dem ocratic tariff bill, yet, since the Dem ocrats have accidentally gotten the power, why should not they have the courage of their ignorant platitude? Japanese and other forUners from Kr-at evil, may b- persuaded to Tole buying up land and eventually con trolling their Htate. President Wil son doesn't want California to ex- for an work for hat appear to be a very gudc; solution or a vexed problem. But when the gTeat Creator ov the universe taid at an erci&e her prerogatives in this mat- early stage ov the hletorv ov the an b tsit taraip hit eom? at nsj 1 hen I TiU him at the Whit j ia the cit few day, a I hop to do when a fear ot the faithful ds off. Hut h il! tack! a real far mer when he giu abo't! 03 me. Al my friend should stay awake for an other week or o fvr I am go4, a to remain in Waahinirton. even if I tr tor and sent Mr. Bryan to Cali fornia last week to try to persuade the Legislature of that State to k'-ep such a law off their statute books. The News and Observer, which pa- world: ' Good an evil I set before you; choose ye," awl wuz said that will be said or that can be said Any man, any woman who fails into the convenient habit ov adoptln" earth-made rules an' regulation az a crop an I'll tell ho hit hapjw-rud if I kin End any loos- thread in th loom. Az ever, 7.EKK iilLKINS. THE NEW TARIFF 1J1IJ.. Certain Democratic Senators are now busy investigating the civil ser yice. Presumably the object of the investigation is to see if the civil service rules have been properly en forced. But wait and see if the real object of the investigation isn't to throw every Republican out of office that can possibly be removed on any pretext in order that their places may be filled from the great army of Democratic office-seekers. per has been hollerinir for stat. toni oral an "Piritual law. contrary piu, , to the laws laid down by the Creator. (Continued from page 1.) Mights for many y-arn. now cornea . , , . , : . v lz extremely ignorant or credulous of the of the rountrv ouicht out with the following editorial: an- neVer amount to a hill ov beans to ha the couras- to bow to the "Roosevelt declared that Hiram here or elsewhere, unless he or the will of the majority as exprtsed at Johnson, Governor of California, takes up the real issues ov life an': the polls, and not put through a; would be a fine article as President aec'Pts the precepts laid down in the' practical free trade tariff bill, against ; of the United States. The alien land Iiible. foundation, the beginnin which a majority of tbe people vot- bill trouble in California, however, an lhe en(1 ov everythin in this llfejed." He concluded his speech, how- confirms the idea of the people that an' the Iife to corne- "Good an' evil j ever, w ith the observation that prob- ; Hiram is a fire brand." 1 Bet before you; choose ye." Like; ably it was best for the country to nearly every precept laid down in What a change! The News and the great an' holy book, a vast deal . .v.. " i" luamcicuu iu ic tfjpitbheu aere in a xew woras, an it this time. Governor Johnson i3 in such plain language that, no man, "a Are brand" because he wants no woman to err if they be able his State to exercise her rights. The Simmons mortage of the State to the trusts and monopolies is still in full working force. to understand, to reason out the most simple words ever inspired by our Creator. In every sentence in the Bible will be found the plainest, the most pointed, the most truthful words ever reduced to printed lan- guage. Only the most extremely ig- "Blow-Your-Horn-Josephus" is still norant or the most deceptive hypo on his job, and is still out-doing crlt8 nfeei to err therein. Hit iz "Blow-Your-Horn-Bllly" of Johnston Wr0Dg to indulKe in stronK drink to an excessive degree. The Bible of- y fers no foundation for an excuse that . , ' will hold in the last great day. But. We do not see why Mr. A. D. Watts nevertheless, holy writ plainly says. should be made the scape-goat. If "Good an' evil I set before you; Simmons is good enough to be in the choose ye." Az well attempt to blot Senate, and Daniels who bargained out the crime. the sin ov murder by tth cimm . . . destroyin the lives ov awl mankind witn Simmons is good enough to be . ti . 4 4. , az to attempt to thwart the great in the Cabinet, then Watts is good Creator by passing cranky laws, de enough to behead "red-legged grass- ceptive laws, fool laws, which are hoper" for the Western District. not called for an' which man cannot . give any excuse for enacting into Our Washington letter this week law through legislation, even on the tiie nf n ib-.. n Plea ov improvin the morals ov the , t4 , . community. ine manuiacture or have attempted to hide in their ta- 1 w i- 1 uC men sale QV vmous or majt hquors iz not -!M 1 III 9 .... 1111 uiu wnicn win mean millions of a misdemeanor unless hit violates j planation will fall flat when it is dis dollars to the steel trust. Our Wash- some man-made law, which, so far azj covered that all of the steel manu- take its medicine and to see exactly what a Democratic administraiion I would do if it carried out its prom- ises and thus cure the country from ? listening to such Democratic imprac- I ticable platitudes forever in the fu- ; ture. ! A Nigger in the Wood-Pile Ih-- coTered The Democratic tariff bill places steel on the free list, but it has just ; been discovered that there is a joker ; in the bill in favor of the steel trust. ' It seems that the steel trust controls j the domestic output and manufacture j of ferro-manganese, an important and essential element in the manu facture of steel. The duty on this ' product in the present Republican j law is $2.50 a ton, but the Demo- ' cratic tariff bill, instead of putting j this product on the free list along j with steel, changed that duty to ff- I teen per cent ad valorem, which means, at least, a duty of eight or , nine dollars a ton; nearly four times j as much protection as given by the Republican tariff law. The Democrats will, no doubt, claim that this Increase of duty is i made to raise revenue, but that ex- j inton letter this week is exceedingly interesting, and should be read by every one of our subscribers and then saved lor future reference. facturers in this country are forced i to buy their ferro-manganese from I know, iz totally unauthorized. Why should hit be a misdemeanor to take the delicious grape, the rosy poach ! the steel trust and this duty of or the splendid apple, the innocent, ; eight or nine dollars a ton is big' useful corn or rye, and convert hit; enough to break up the independent! into a beverage? Don't we road in steel manufacturers and give the: Those well-meaning gentlemen the Bible, that Noah an' dozens ov ' steel trust a complete monopoly of! who are reminding us that they voted other great an' good men, the chosen ! the business. ' r he Democratic ticket last fall should ov God's people, made wine, d-alt: So it seemg that our Democratic : remember when they ask for "pro- in hit, etc? Why did Christ select ' friemls while stripping every par-1 tection that. the Democrats promis- wine for the last great supper with;ticle of protection from American 3d no such thing to them. News His disciples just previous to the day ; labor and from most American in-! and Observer. he wuz nailed to the cross? Hosh ; dustries and hitting the farmers a1 Judging from the sulphurous lan- for the laws made by Pliticlan ov,hard lick at every opportunity, has- Ruace manv of them -,rp now ,,,inr the Present day- out ov awl har,nony 1 been careful to give a rich plum to,! guafet iiiaiiy 01 mem are now using o0f i, i : J -s with those of the greatest o lawgiv-,at least one of the greatest trusts! to express their opposition to the ers. Away with such absurd propo-in the country. ! Democratic free trade bill, it is pre- sitions. Such laws so-called are, az 1 I said, out OV harmony with, con- j 'J"" vamoraia, an.i me .japane. . trary to awl reason, an' the passing j When the Legislature of Califor-; ov them ignorantly or with the in-!nia was about to pass a bill prohib tention to deceive, in the pros- , iting any Japanese from owning or ent time is probably the crime ov thej leasing land in California, President ; age. Perhaps the object lessons ; Wilson rushed Mr. Bryan, his Sec-I sumed they will no. forget how to vote the next time they have any opportunity to vote for their interests. Says the Durham Herald: "But if we had a tariff board com posed of Republicans it would be lieve in protection and if it was com posed of Democrats it might be lieve the same way." retary of State, across the continent ; to appeal to the Legislature of that j State not to pass such a law which j would violate treaty relations be tween Japan and this country. Mr. Bryan's mission has been a given by the enthusiastic but dishon est advocates, in many cases, may serve some gude purpose. But what would you think of a profes sional gambler who would act az an! expert an' teach other men how to cheat in a game ov cards? Prohibi- ; failure. California has passed a law- Guess the Herald is right about it, tion hez no more real force az an ! against which the President and Mr. and that is probably why the Demo- implement for good that may pos- j Brvan protested. The next day af- crats do not want any tariff board. silly come out ov ievil . than lUer California's action, Arizona pass- , , .. . , gambler Who ShOWS the triCKS OV ni7.i i cimilnr Inw nnrl nthpr QtatPR It is possible that even a Democratic QH nnekPt the ill cotten -tins similar law. and other btates trade and pockets tne 111-gomn uns ; are threatening to follow suit. In tariff board might delve into the at the some time, to warn hiz fel-thU mattpr 1P nrPSpt administ- tariff question and find out that this low-man ov the evil, the danger ov j tion hag shown want of capacity to country needs protection. . It seems gamblin'. Give us honesty, give us;handle this deiiCate situation in the morauty an souneiv, ...u m l n j Wt!St. when Roosevelt was Presi- i come in the regular, the only honest i dentf the same itUation arose, but! way. There iz no short-cut to fame; ; , n convinced the State author- . there iz no easy, short road to so-j,ties that the treaties of our coun-1 Senator Randsall, Democrat of briety. Satan, that prince amongst , try were the supreme jaw of the ! Louisiana, has come out in open op- tricksters, helps "to finesse" wnenJiand and would be enforced. ! position to free sugar, and warns ever there iz danger that hiz king-; n H be admiUed that : , . . . ., , . . . , dom in the lower world iz about to . . ' ; his associates that such a schedule , . . i there is intense racial hatred against be underminea. Satan furnishes j ...... in the tnriff bill will riffpit thp, Dpm- the Japanese in Caluornia. The : m ine lariu dhi win aeieat tne uem- m0st ov the arguments in favor ov , - A. , ! ! ntinii o of t no smith u-now anmethinc ' ocratic party. so-called prohibition: it pays him to i . . .... ... that they prefer going at the ques tion blind-folded. II II III ImSSM f f0 II II V oiit Acs 111 lllllllli IHI imIii F -trr VWm 2 U l Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture All ktodi of men isaoke I)ukc' fiitare to all Umd f pipr at well in cigrrUf nd they all tell tbc m ttur. They like the genuine, natural tobacco UUe oi Choic bright leaf afd ta mellow tnildnea. rarrfully ttrmncd and Lhea (rvauUted erery grtui pure, bipb grade tobce -that's what you get in lb Ltrgeti f Myeri Duke's Mistur uck. Yao fat aae mmd m hmif ouarri of thu pure. mild. dHifcbtfU tobacco, ansarpatfted ia quality, for Ac aud itb each sack yua gvt a book of paper frmm. Now About the Free Pipe In every jack of L-rtt & Myers Duke'a Mtature f now pock aeoupoo. V-ou ran exchaofre these roupoas for pipr or for auaj other valuable and uvful artu Irs. The.e prrcrt rot not ooe penny. There is soinrtbinjc for every rnerntw-r f li-e family kate, catcher's gluves, tennis rackets, carnrmn, lotirt article, aaitcasea, caaes, umbrellas, and doiens of other tt.inv Jut send us your name and addre9 oa a ptai and as a ipmcial offer ux will mmmj you omr new Uluttrated cattdogum of pretentt FREE of any chargm. This offer expires December 31, 1913. Open un a sack of LiffUi f II yen Duke's Mixture today. 117 WftnteK'l 10 Ctmfioms from Ihtkt't fif'ttirf f mailed with tart fem HORSE SHOE, J.T.. TTJNSLEY'S MATURAL IXAF. GRANGER TWIST. mj cfint fr- FCJUR ROSES iAltm tfH' tnnt. PICK TLUG CUT. PIEDMONT CIGA RETTES. CUX CIGARETTES, mmd ifihrr loft or lopun tutd f u. Premium Dept. . m mm St. Louis, Mo, -2Q Mm 'A Li "Distinctively Individual ' ' MEN'S WEAR We carry the lines of Me n's Wear that have "made good," not those that are trying to make good. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Manhattan Shirts, Schloss Bros. Clothes, Dunlap Hats, Edwin Clcpp Shoes, Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear. It has just been announced that our State Treasury Is again In a bankrupt condition. We would like to inquire what has become of the money collected from the people un der increased taxation, and what has become of the more than a million dollar bond issue, by the last Legislature? The Democrats are for free trade do so. He iz not a deity. But he e u . ii i, -ii iz so far ahead ov ordinary men and for the other fellow but j'ou will . , . , . . ,;ki hiz baneful influence iz so plausible find that the Democratic Senators thftt even good men may be an- often are always ready to ask for protec- are misled for a time. Satan iz in tion on articles produced in their close touch with awl humanity. We State. Louisiana furnishes the . defeat niz sopnistries, Dy getiin wherewith to make sugar, therefore cloge tQ the great GJver Qf all gQod Senator Randsall wants protection He aione having power to overthrow on sugar. Florida has fruits and the individual or collective power ov wants protection on citrus fruits, the managers, so to speak, ov the , lov:r region. Prohibition az per and so on with nearly every State. " . 0 mny. ona modern politicians, iz a more sophis- So it would seem that it is only tTy az dangerous az hit appears to selfishness that keeps the Demo- De innocent, I hev made somethin' cratic party from a general protec- ov a digreesion. But there never tive tariff bill. They want protec- z a time when honest men should . . . . be more alert to expose and pull the tion for themselves and their house- protruding fangs ov BOcalled moral hold but don't want the other fellow politics, they bein' so dangerous just to have it. now, az I see hit. I am a dymakrat an' would be willin to move to a WITH THE EDITORS. town ov that name if they iz one, an' I hope to be buried in a dymakrat There has never been a time in this graveyard, in a dymakrat coffin. But State when there were as much kill- I'll be jumped up if Simmons, Dan- ing and other crimes being commit- iels an' President Wilson hain't got ted as now. This is rather a sad me twisted an befuddled till I don't commentary on our laws and religi- know sometimes whether I am goin ous claims. Hickory Mercury- forward or comin' back. ( t Wrell, I am still stlckin to Presi- Neither protest nor reason will be dent Wilson. I hear that the offls likely to effect much against the ov Commissioner ov Agriculture or Wilson tariff bill in the House. The Secretary or somethin', iz vacant. I Democrats are pretty well sot in am goin' to send the President the their ways and while they may not biggest pumpkin in the country if I know so much about the tariff busi- kin buy hit an' see if he knows ness it is their opinion that every- pumpkins he don't know bea?is No power on earth, nor under the body else knows less. Union Re- that iz certain. But hit iz too eWly ! earth, can make a man do wrong publican. now to cabbage a real live pumpkin j without his own consent. Sharpless. about race hatred toward the negro race, but nobody in the South has ever objected to the negro owning or leasing land, indeed, it has been the policy of the Southern people to ' encourage them to buy and lease I land in the hope that it would make them better citizens. j Therefore, it is hard for the peo- I pie of the South, even to understand the cause for the depth and extent , of the race feeling against the Jap anese in the West. It may be the fear of industrial supremacy of the Japanese, an element of danger which the South has never had to fear from the negro. Whatever the real cause of the race hatred may be, yet the fact that it has opened such a field for cheap politicians and the demagogue to play on race hatred, in order to di vert attention from economic ques tions, will, no doubt, appeal strong ly to Secretary Daniels to, at once, use the navy to import the Japs Into North Carolina and the South. This would give a new cause for appeal ing to race hatred in that section where the negro question has al ready played out. Just think how useful it would be to stir up race hatred against the j Japs to call attention from high taxes, big bond Issues, poor public schools, high freight rates and all broken Democratic promises? CROSS & LINEHAN CO The Better Clothes Shop Dodging Pain and High Prices Invariably when a persoa La raf tering with bad teeth one aeara: !"If it were not for the cost and the pain I would have my teeth filled or extracted for a plate. To sufTerers with bad teeth we wish to make It emphatic thai wv NOT OXLY FILL OR EXTRACT TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BUT WI1 DO THE WORK RIGHT AXD FOR MUCH LE&S. The saving la com ing here is very noticeable. Wth such reasonable prices a person can come here and have all the needed work done at the same time. When on the other hand going to an expensive dentist it very oftea has to be done a little at a time, or just when the money it available to pay for the work. Several expert specialists to serve you well. MODERN DENTAL PARLORS, Ine 105 1-2 Fayettevllle Street (Over Powell & Powell.) When writing advertisers, please men tion this paper.

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