CAUCA IAN. VOL. XXXI. RALEIGH, IV. C. THURSDAY, MAY 1G. 1U13. No. 1H THE SOUTH t'P IX AIIMS. Protest From AH Over the South , Pouring in on Democratic Con- s Kratsnira Against I'rw Trade Tar- j iff IUIL 1 Washington Post. "A day or two ago I read in The Post that the Republicans have i about abandoned hope of defeating , the Underwood tariff bill in the Sen- ate or even of securing any sub-,,. stantial amendments to the bill. said If. A. Chadwick, a banker of Jackson, Miss., at the Raleigh. "Hut I think the developments of the last few days may change the situation within a short time, and I base my belief on the fact that on Saturday afternoon I was in the office of a prominent Southern Senator and saw upon his desk an enormous number of letters that had not been opened. Upon remarking to the Senator's sec retary that he was careless in not looking after his correspondence, I was informed that he had exactly 1,27 2 letters which he had been un- able even to ouen up to that time. and that he had in the preceding day or two opened and briefed more than 500, and in many cases answered them. The secretary further told me that practically every one of the 1,272 represented the protest of some constituent of the Senator against this or that item of the tariff bill. I learned, too, that this was . . not an isolated case, but that fully 7." per cent of the members of the Senate are receiving protests liter- ally by the bushel every day. "With such a storm of protest, I do not believe that it is possible for the finance committee to resist the demand for hearings, nor do I be- lieve it will be possible to pass the Underwood bill in the Senate with- out very material and very radical amendments in nearly all sched- tiles." COTTON MA X II FA CTl' 1 1 K I IS PIlO - TFST. The North Carolina Association Se riously Objects to Tariff Hill. At a meeting of the North Caro lina Association of Cotton Manufac turers, held in Charlotte a few days ago, a resolution was adopted voic- lilt, Oil Til UUUO U .J IkAVVl. ton schedule of the Underwood tariff;: . , , , .. ... , i QOri .. . , . , that probably it would be well fongeance. bill now before the Senate and the' . . ; t. T i x . , .. . . . ,tr . the country to suffer the damage in Farm Loan Ikinks. text of the resolution wired to Wash- J . o.- . . .t. order to redeem the South from such: This government has iust annoint ington. Sixtv-five mills, with more , , , , , 111,3 uas jusi appoint.- .... ... i political heresy and serfdom. ed a commission made tin of men of than a million spindles, were repre-i ..... . . , . tunumssiuu, maue up 01 men, 01 gented j Indeed, the protests against the more or less prominence, from difTer- j pending bill are so strong from Dem- ent parts of the country, to go to Jule Carter Sign Judgment in the!ocriCf TT'Jl , EurP and stud agricultural con- Million IK.llar Tucker Estate. Predicted that the Senate will be ditions and methods there, and es- Judge Carter, in Wake County Su- perior Court, has just signed a juag- Cal reductions in the House bill. ; European countries, ment in the Tucker estate case in- Republicans May Cot Together? j Every farmer, as well as every pa volving the validity of the will of the; i' triotic American citizen, will hone late Mrs. R. S. Tucker, and in which it is sought to break this will and , establish as a fact in law that at the1 death of Mrs. Tucker, under the will of her husband, R. S. Tucker, the property passed immediately to thej heirs instead of into the trust estate ; that Mrs. Tucker's will created and which has been in force up to this time with Carev K. Durfev as sur- ..:..: ' viving executor and trustee. More than a million dollars of property is Invnlvon in tho cuit ttnlf thp Vipirs have taken an appeal from the nil- Re bllcan j mg and judgment of Judge Carter, overthrow its standpat; and the case will be fought out m g mugt reo ize its Na. I the Supreme Court. Llonal Committee so that it would ' Judge Carters judgment directs instead be - lucil iiuu. r laiiRiiii lutein ic a,. referee in the case to review all the transactions of executor and Trustee . , , . i. , I Durfey make a complete inventory of - the estate. I Gen. Carr and Maj. Hamilton En gage in a Scrap. Durham, N. C, May 10. A sensa- tional incident featured Memorial . Day exercises here when Gen. Julian S. Carr, millionaire tobacconist, and j Division Commander of the United Confederate Veterans, and Major Hamilton, commander of the Webb Camp of Confederate Veterans in Durham County, engaged in a fist fight in the court house.; It seems that trouble between Gen. Carr and Maj. Hamilton grew out of differ ences of opinion concerning the line of march for the veterans. Bladen Commissioners Fined $10.00 ; Each and Given Severe Lecture. The Commissioners of Bladen County, who turned a man out of jail without requiring him to give a peace bond, as ordered by Judge Ferguson, and who were cited to appear in Fayetteville for contempt In consequence, admitted their guilt and threw themselves on the mercy of the court. Judge Ferguson gave them a severe lecture and fined them $10 each and cost. Charge Officer With Malfeasance. Sacramento, Cal., May 10. Frank Jordan, Secretary of State of Califor nia, is charged with malfeasance in office by a joint legislative committee. REPUBLICANS CONFER!: ci ... rfOgTCfSIVe Element Want to Rc- organize and Save Country From Ruin DEMOCRATIC CURRENCY BILL surpriM.l Tluit President Wilson Should Strongly Insist on the Currency Kill Desired by the Hanker Democrats Planning to lKstroy the Civil Service How rr, .. ... .,. r," -mm t)e ke(m,st jnteregu kiRdofcur.;met County. Maryland. Monday, nients in the Future Cheap rencv bill that the Democratic ad- Vegetation in that State was se Fnn Iui lUnks Could ltilie ministration puts forward. The peo- piously damaged by the recent cold pie, generally, are well enough in-'spen-Funds From Postal I tanks or Gov- formed about the currency question! nt Could I.,an I ron, Ila.fks et'iiinei Direct. (Special to The Caucasian ) Washington, I). C, May 13, l!M3. Never in the history of this gov- eminent have there been so many vigorous protests against any piece of legislation as are now coming up to Washington, from every part of the country, against tho proposed Democratic tarii'f bill. These pro- tests are not coming simply t-'um ... . . manutacturers and irom northern and Republican States. Strange to say, they are coming in greater vol- ume from the Southern States and from Democrats. We learn from a number of sources that these protests that the proposed Democratic tariff bill will not only close most of the manufae- turing enterprises in the South, and throw laborers out of employment, but that the value of farm products ; have been and will be most serious- j ly affected. We understand that !most of these letters contain threats that if the present tariff bill is en- Democrat should squeeze over the acted that the South will not vote 'dead line and get a grade of 70 or the Democratic ticket any longer. j71 per cent, that then the two Re A prominent Western Progressive ; publicans who receive the high Congressman today observed, that if grades, showing greater efficiency, the adoption of the present Demo- cratic tariff bill, as bad as it was, would have the effect of curing the people of the South of voting for the , ... ., , . . iorceu 10 mane, at least., some mou- ifications to some of the most radi- Republicans was held, a few days ago, in Chicago. Leaders of this conference, including Senator Cum - mins, of Iowa, and Borah, of Idaho, and Governor Hadley, of Missouri, ripnbrpH tht tha nnn-titinn faeinth ' patriotic duty er ait T?nnhi;nc fn rt tnthor v, Qa or, QO ... . ..' . possmie, ot Democratic rule ana ruin. These leaders and the conference l nese leaders, ana me conierence 'in -' h i r h thov woro fVin rt nm inont fitr ing made up of machine men, , . , . . Duncan, of North Carolina, and be- sides must regulate the representa- ion q gtates gQ th&t the number; , , , . , , . .. oi delegates would De in proportion - . . to the number of Republican vot-! tud these quef ?n. because the erg j kind of systems of cheap farm cred- Th.v nftint.H r that it wnS thJits in Europe are well known to all frauds resulting from these evils that split the Republican party open atlum . pi"uieu' ;uai any European Chicago, last summer, and that with ;untr has had to face, in making these evils removed there was every reason to believe that it would cause the Republican party to come to gether and make the organization truly Progressive, as it wras under Abraham Lincoln. Also, it was pointed out that the legislation that the Democratic party is threatening to put upon the coun try, is enough to make Republicans sink minor differences and get to gether to redeem the nation, as a pa- triotic duty. The Democratic Currency Bill. Many Democratic leaders, as well the country generally,, ha ve been I prised that President Wilson ! as surprised that President Wilson should strongly insist that the cur rency bill, desired by the bankers, should be rushed through the pres- jent session of Congress. Attention is also called to the fact that the Democratic party did not point out to" tha country, in the last com paign, any specific measure of cur rency reform for which they stood. Everybody is now wondering what kind of currency legislation Presi dent Wilson means to force through. One prominent Western Congress man observed today, that all he knew about the present currency i e s was that he warned to endorse the Aldrich currency bill In a speech. I ; in the last campaign, and that re cently the President had been quot ed as saying that It .ras important to set up a currency bill that would meet the approval of the banker. Within the last few days there has been much general discussion about this proposed currency bill, and in connection with the discus sion there has arisen a susirestlon hat the fact that the President is t-o strongly In favor of a currency hi miht ,hrntt. BAm .ui,. about where the large Dernocr itic ramnaitrn fnnic p9m frrw luut ci:m. niotm mer. One thing is certain, and that is- that the country will watch, with U today, to understand the difference; between the currency laws that Wall Street wants and the kind of lw that the people want. A Big Pie Counter Scheme. It has just announced by the Postmaster General thru the Presi- dent will revoke the orders issued by President Tafr. placing all of the fourth class postmasters tinder the civil service, and that a civil ser- vice examination will be held to se- left these postmasters. It hvs just . . - developed, however, rhar the plan is not to appoint the postmasters that receive the best grades in this exam- ination, but that the Postmaster General, after holding the examina- tion, shall be allowed to select any- one of the three highest that pass; the examination. That will mean that if a Hepubli-1 can should pass the examination and should secure a grade of 19 per cent of a possible 10 per cent, and if another Republican should pass the examination and secure, say a grade of S3 per cent, and that if one could be turned down and the Dem ocratic mediocre politician, securing the grade of only 70 could be ap pointed. This is merit, under the i . , ... pecially to study the system of cheap farm loan banks, which exist inmost ; that the tnP of this commission will result in manv reforms that will jmake farminS more Profitable and country life more attractive, ' For half a century there has been an alarming drift of high class far- mers to the cities. leavinS negroes or low class tenants, mostly foreign ers, to conduct the farms. This has!nounced its purpose to appoint wo- .meant nnt nnlv n fniiinp- nfr nf thai - " . . . T . i production oi tne iarm. wnich has . . . .... ' aaaea to tne nin cost of living, but , I T- '1 Tl 1 1 1 HA17A 1 . rtnc ..1 n..t V n V V-W-- CA1IU aUJ 1 U It IICIO lllCdliL lliat L II e farms would ceas.- to furnish high class new blood from the country, which is all that prevents the cities frm rttlnf This is a question that calls for the highest statesmanship ucuttuse ii Luis leiiueucy is not cnecK- - . .. ed it will threaten the foundation of the republic. TI . However, it was really not neces- sary to send a commission to Pnrone ! reading a"d formed people. The; these farm banks a success, has been the securing of a sufficient quantity of cheap capital to be loaned to the farmers at from three to four per cent interest. This country is in a position today to solve this question, by using the enormous deposits in the Postal Sav ings Bank, on which the government pays only 2 1-4 per cent interest, for that purpose. This money could be loaned to the farmers at three or ; four per cent and then leave a profit large enough to cover all costs of 'the transaction, and besides leave a' sinking fund. This country has been lending enormous sums of money To the na- enormous sums or money tional banks without interest, and has only recently began to charge i the banks two per cent interest on government money. If the postal savings banks should not furnish sufficient money to finance these farm loan banks, then this money that is being loaned to national banks at two per cent interest could be loaned to the farm banks at even a greater rate of interest, to supple ment the funds from postal savings banks. Here is a great field for a little statesmanship and common sense. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. The Grand Udse of Odd Fellow or .North Carolina u! hold it "nth annua.1 meeting In Greensboro. May 20. 21 and 22. Reports frori Mexico Tuesday indi cate that the federal forces have been completely routed and are fil ing toward the gulf. W. C. Griffin, who killed Clevt-- land Campbell in Chatham County j so m e months ago. as acquitted in Chatham Superior Court last week. There was a fall of snow in Som- Diue ana minor aoc umenis nae u'n bltm' ironi Ult? navy department at Washington. De- tectives are trying to apprehend the Dersons iruiltv of the theft. The dead body of an unknown .white man was iountl in a river in the vicinity of Norwood, Stanly County, Wednesday night. The cir cumstances indicated foul play, - The International Peace delegate's, no are planning lor tne celebration - ... 1. .. . 1 ot trie UMitn annnersarj 01 me ngn- of the treaty of Ghent, visited Washington Saturday, and were en- tert;.intd by the government ollicials. Martin, of I'lizabeth City, a member of the Sophomore Class at the University at Chapel Hill, was arrested Friday charged with taking from the automobile of F. W. Hooker. Former Judge Armistead Rurwell, for a number of years one of the as - sociate justices of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, died at his home in Charlotte Tuesday morning. He was about 65 years of age. The County Commissioners of Cumberland County have decided to 'year or more. Ov course I took des have their meetings opened wlthperate chances ov glttin' killed. An prayer. Probably a good idea, espe-jl did git arrested. I had thought I'd dally since the judge had them up keep that part ov hit sorter quiet. for disobeying his orders. Dr. Charles P. Neill, United States Commissioner of Labor since 1905, and recently made Commissioner of Labor Statistics in the new Depart-1 ment of Labor, resigned Tuesday tt' take a position outside the govern- ment service. j i B- B- Evans, and attorney of Co - lumbia, S. C, has been debarred from practice in that State. He isitime he bites off a chaw ov gude "au ( OM a!"ut yv dollar rifii charged with misappropriating mon- j home-made twist terbacker. an' will;'1" wuz fir,it 5uK an' walled up. The ey and defaming character. Evansihev ter make affydavit that he hez ,oun mmiHHionerH claimed that is from a very prominent family injnever chewed the same chaw before. nit OHt tn tow fiur hundred an' Columbia. A day's perseedins ov the North Car- flK,lty 'iollars ' well olina legislature iz ennuf ter give a! up Nww " a,r (arrln' water from The Henderson County school i man the delirous tremens. distant fprlngs down on the branch board, at its last meeing appointed! Az I sed. President Wilson wuz,wfef of ,n' ,own ,Sl,llt tr Kit up two ladies as members of school com- ! powerful glad ter shake hands with ''rn,,rr -"timent in favor ov dlKgin mittees to fill vacancies and an - men to at least half the vacancies atlsuueezed hiz hand real irude. Hut u ' uie ueil meeiius. i u'.m t tt : . t Vi 1 I. 1 .1 I I I 1 Pi I " I I 1 I .1 VI III . . ..... v fc . - - - - - - I' . Charleston, S. C, died on a steam-j was on his way there to consult a ship of the CIvde Line, en route! from Charleston to New York. He ! specialist. He had been postmaster at Charleston for twelve years. ;nary trespass. The man what took "'1 ' rau lr Iurn,Bil aM-'r Iyr A bill to make it unlawful for any J me ter in front ov the White House ;our Eltlzens employer to in any way attempt to j door picked me up in Pennsylvania! ' wuz orter mad at Jodeieevui influence the political activities of his employees, was introduced in Congress Monday by Representative Papper, of Iowa. The measure would impose a penalty of $1,000 for vio- ! lations. Many of the militant suffragettes of England are now being tried on charges of conspiracy under the ma licious damage to property act. Sev eral more bombs have been found in public places. It is rumored that the suffffragettes are planning to blow up Parliament. Governor Tener, of Pennsylvania, has signed a bill prohibiting the sale or gift of cigarettes or cigarette pa- norc tn ncrsnnc cs than 1 vi r of ? age. Such sale is made punishable by a fine of from $100 to $300. A I minor in possession of cigarettes is ! required to tell where they were ob- tained. Refusal to do so is made a misdemeanor. "There are a few fairly intelligent and capable men in the Philippine Assembly," writes a New York Her ald correspondent from Manila, "but there are also many others who lit erally do not know the use of a check book. As a consequence that body Has done some remarkable things, por example, within the last forty &ght hours it has solemnly passed a bill forbidding the police officers of tVe country to make arrests at night oi- on legal holidays." ;l BILKINS IN WASHINGTON The Mfjf U Read? to Take AflJ Job Wkkn Oa i Out Ron Him WASHINGTON A PARADISE - Itiikins i Arrrtfs! tr lUdini; in An AIrhl He Amur the titan to a standstill a In ?s, called I sn , t;UM r.HHW ing Trra.sUm: on lhe UlUtr llt.u-e Grounds The Major Haa An U)e I Hiit the Jt4 of Natal Stump luller Ma (Iran Out ChevtMMke "rafter ami tirufting. (Continued from laM -k t Washington. D. C . Mav 12. 1M3 Correspondence uf Th CauiaMan Knterprisf. Well. D. C. Mill hrr a-huMllu' f.r a gude job an like iinist o uh dytna- krats. 1 am read) tr ta- whatrt-r gits in site i:i the wax u a j(jh. videl hit can t outrun me Hut llit inust nol (ijmu tuo hjh. gude ni;tny ov us dytuakrats hex a faitit nope ov gom' up party high o:ur- time. Hut a, long a, this dymakrat adniinistrashun lasts an' asl ov us alr expectin' ter be put on the pen- sion list an' g.t about $ i per memth. though many ov us newr smelt gun- powder durin' the whole ov the civil Var, we air teetotally oppose d ter , oin' upward or forward. When I writ you last I had just j gotten back to my boardin' house after a visit to the White House, fcav- in' bin forced to go up in an airship; j which 1 had hired for that special 'purpose, they bein' so many ofilct- seekers in Washington a-tryin ter ! git into the private ottis ov the Presi- j dent that 1 could study out no way to i four different lanuaea for their j reach the President face to face on-! ruf' gleck H allow In a dl to less I should hev waited at least aiK,t a uddy an' endangerin' the But the policeman who pulled me Bed that under the civil servis, whatever that iz, I'd hev ter rayport everythin' to awl the people in my home county, j natl kv11 the mayor the "red uhlrt That iz az onconstitutional az the ; listr, hK signal." or. at leant, they search an' seizure law or the law nH(1 tak' a drink or two tRther. that sez you must not hev more than f'r tn Inaor ' onie ov th boy a quart ov licker in your house at;w,'r' awlwaH buyin cloven at the one time. If they keep this prohibi-! drilK h,tm' an' th,'f na1 a Ku1 tion business nn much lnnppr an 1 : "liin ei.presn packagec a-floatin' in jdon't think they will, a man will hev ter take out a special license every ; me, fer I gave him one ov these real j old-fashioned handshakes an' .. auout gmiu airemeu. me airsnip , . ' .cost not 1-hk than IHOO tn fllir th naun t. more man sirucK tne ground ...i T i .m H H I 111111 11(1 TJL fl III! "1 T 1 ' 1 I f O TTl in " " fJ k I V. V.. liiUll trotted up an' told me ter consider1'0 l''n earB a' ,f , 1 wu not myself under arrest. "What for," a 8,nal1 taPav'r I'd l-t Vrn rip. Ax sez I. "For tresspassin' on the bit ,z 1 may ht'v r ',f',, m' town White House grounds," sez he "Let l01' lnc,udIn m horn. f"r I j her flicker," sez I, fer I kin prove be ! yond doubt that I haint frpnatwl Avenue. They ain't no law real nor IJaniel8 whtn 1 writ last. He hez imaginary erginst ridin' or walkin' i takn m out fer nupper at a re on Pennsylvania Avenue nor no oth- taurant sence that an' for a ride on er street in Washington City. Me an' the switchback in one ov the parks, the avyator sailed up a thousand which et him back rbout 30 centi. feet or so an' then cum down rite ! An he awIto nz toJd 1 erbout at the White House door, an' nijBonie ov tne hiK battleship In the bet you a glass ov root beer, the j Rovernment fleet. He aez the battle same thing that Thomas Jefferson J shP8 nev uns on them that will the father ov demockracy, used ter I Bboot through a solid stone wall fifty drink, that they ain't no law, pres- fe1 thIck at a distance or forty ent nor perspective, that forbids a j mJI-8 a tkat he iz goln ter M-nd man from ridin' on any sort ov a , Mrs- Bilking ten yards ov purty cloth vehicle on Pennsylvania avenue or i ter make her a nice dress when I that will punish a sitizen fer standln' K hom- or walkin' on the gravelled walks j Az evr. ZEKE BILKINS. leadin' up to any ov the doors ov j the White House. I could see that j the policeman wuz a greeny, a new man on tne rorce wno nrobabiv USd ! j ter belong to the "red shirts" in ! North or South Carolina, an' from j the looks ov hiz eyes he didn't hev j less than a quart ov blockade moun-,nm j tain dew under hiz jacket at the moment. By this time he began to lDe president, u round guilty or sober up a bit an' seemed ter be conspiracy in connection witb the bumfuzzled. I told him I had just!faHure of the bank aw a teen years had a friendly talk with President a- and wa nteneed to serve two Wilson an' if he doubted hit we'd years in the penitentiary, wai for waltz rite in an' I'd prove hit tojmal,y sentenced today and placed in him. Why, sez I, I am here iookln 5the custody of the marshal. He will fer a nerlitieal inh an th Pr!d.nt hez promised we somethln', probably somethin' in the Navy Department, which iz overseered by Jodeeseevus Daniels from my State. I don't know what hit will be yet. But I may be appinted ter blast the stumps out ot the Caribean Sea so that Jodeeseevus lr.U! ts't fc fr4i4 to (M4 la t,et tit-it- t!jry fa oirf t trvt jc t Ik Or. if J .: ti.f. t tv : lUlilmofr : S.h a S oli "ftr! tit tt. a! h t:i t t.tvm a into it llj; Lj ti.r !ir oi Hfcilitiief lUlSiu.nrr. it dyurm! tiij as fen lut V t r tfrrf ; ftitisia' d an :.;'e. Sutid arJ - k J all j r. 4 j ;, r, i, uom th , ot ,lA:nj5-,Tr ' 5-if ot f dtirAin t-r-r ti that outo t! :r:n rt Kst nit fr.hy ti trr r du '. i.f ;! ot t!;rifr jfoyp.J t!.- ait th- air a;J to rr !..! ()fMt an that iiuki th rib r bfrak n.!t ..ft. n au the trah urn iUf vrukvti mt-l tl an Othrr lr;th ttti' .Jutap hit it. to th Iia -r-r daj it; thr )tar t rourM- '.!. la "Z uh trit h.u!d t' biirrud at tt.-j i( sn th-r cSU- Hut luitin.otr- i.-x lot o trifirr an" thr) lt jrrat t i t ps k t itj tf. ir c'Hitlir 1 hr Mir tl.otir) fur 'hf X.t f o thr t l afi tuf - - moM o h a h !i .id !Ti thrir o-au j--. k!. m ii,.- that !j it s ; ) i J S l t to ,n him t;- . . ; I 1 ;! u ti f i ti ar.Mii, t h Mump. I vciil r.t that ift :u h!is.- !iilkl! ill.-. h;d a k .il !o ..r t hi r :; jj. " that !". m ientiit or Mtm.-thur M-t.t out the State Hoard of Health Utm- '1 w u nVan,; nat.-d uith tvj.hoh ' r, annnalculei. ail- cator an' v, r.l other fata! thi!.K aulso k ! that to drink the vat-r from thl well wed a I b- 1 1 k I to 'l'' the toe n h, ii. h ui the onl direahe h- could think of at '" time, f. r he had bin afT.kte.i wHh hit hlmxelf in e.iriy )outh. At' he looked terribl) Mdrmti about hit r'r h wuz gittln" $7 per da) an' expend s to rc ue u HilklnvHlr People from the toe itch H hauled ,ht Hoard of Town CommiMioner j "P an' them ga In thre or lives ov posterity. The major ov our town told the town cotnniliiHloti ers that they ought to be Impeached fer malfeasance In offU or iom thin an Bed he'd resign on the upot if they wur not Homethln' done at i on ,s 1 P,'rf the health Inspector fro,n "Ichnjoiid. Chattanooga an ' Jacksonville. Fla. Well, the ton a n e w well on the Fame view ov I water Kornethin' like thirty feet from the old well. The town commission ers intimate that hit will n.lui,iv " " ' " ; new well, w hich, az I ned. rtist but ' " expect the new well will cost ax much az the Panama Canal before j l,,, am iHck,,, Ordrrrd .r- rtrhleil and to IViaoii. Asnevnie. May 13. Joseph - uicKerson. director in the defunct National Bank of this city, who. j company with Major W. E. Uree. o taEen TO Atlanta tomorrow. Major Breese, who had also been ordered to report for sentence today, was not in court, his attorney declar ing that it would be a physical im possibility for him to be present. His bond was forfeited and a capias issued for him.

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