C? -j A ft This Paper i8 44 Years Old CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1896. VOLUME XL1T NUMBER 22 56 so MELLON & SBELTON; Kl). 51 ELLON. TOM. 8HELTON. BOYS, BOYS, BOYS' STRAW HATS SUITS, UP TO DATE. ZEE I JEi, T UMBRELLA3, . Socks. Collar and Cuffs. BEAUTIFUL SUITS, The Best Goods and Low Prices. COME TO SEE US. NKXT DOOR TO H. BAJIUCH si iy I 9. '' - 23 DHS. McCOMBS & GIBBON, DEfclUE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC. TLat tury hav thia day entered into a copart nership for the ; ' ' PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, AND SURGERY. March 1, 1895 March 15. 1895. JOHN FARRIOR, 4 SODT I TRYON STREET, CHA.BLOTT. H. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, DEALER IN Diamonds,- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil .... ver and Silver Plated Ware. ilT, Special.; attention given to Fine Watch Repairing, iau 5, 1885. '' PR;J. P,:.K.B E RAN S, '" DENTIST, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office 7 West Trade Street . .. Nov. 2,1894 PR. GEORGE W. GRAHAM. - OFFICE, 7 WEST TRADE 8T. .1 cacpce uraitea to Jiye, xuar, iuse . . and ThVoat. " April g; 1896" " iHUOH W. H-ARRIS, 4 .3 ?t.w.'.Al1Ai. 0 I ow I i uui uT. -1 'Tmce."TflP.l4 r.d"l(JTW;Buildirg, IIARLOT1E, N.O. 1 r V. I OSBottNK," WC.'MAXWKLli, J. W. KEKBANS. OSBORNE, MAXWfcLL'& KEERANS, Attorneys at Law. i a rt, ott E. N. c. '.Offices 1 ktld 8 taw "Buildinjt. A ill practice in the State and Federal Courts. Oct 2Q, 1895. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD, Will be in hia office at 609 NorthTryon Street, except on Wednesday and Thursday of each week. His p'actice is limitea 10 EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. DBS. m- A.& C. A. BLAND, . Dentists. CHARLOTTE. N. C. No. 21 Tbtoh Btbkbt. Jan. 3. 1896. - ISRIOT CIJSKSOK. CLARKSON CHAt. E. DtJLS & DULS. Attorneys at Law. Chablottk, N. C. Prompt attention given irusted. Will practice in tate. . tn Ail business in- n Courts of the jy-Offlce No. 12 Law Building. Oct. 7, 1896 E. NYE HUTCHISON. FIRE INSURANCE. Offices 16 East Trade Street; Street, up stairs. 4 North Tyon c orn is a vigorous feeder and re sponds, weto liberal fertiliza- tion. On corn lands the yiel vv increases and the soil improve?. u properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under 7 actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but iittle and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Our pamphlets are not advrtisinir i;nu! irs hoom V ipecial fertilizers, but are practical works, contaia inc latest researches on the subj-rt of fertilization, and art really helpful to farmers. They are vent free tot the asking. GEKMAN KAU WORKS. U3 Nassau St.. New York. - H0H6E DO NT watch you want a it 30 come to good the eto etocrln torf, (Ntxt t Gilreath & Co Shoe Store) or any thing elt-e yoa need in the Jewerely liu, cH and see Us GARIBALDI fc B BUR'S Made and Merit Maintains the confidence . of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f a medicine cares yoa when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit. That la just the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because It coxes, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of caoes. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier u j, rkit wrenausei MOOd'S FlllS biliousness are nausea, Indigestion, 25 cents. Mortgagee's Said. Under and bv virtue of a deed of Mor'gaee executed to me by R. E. McQuay and V. B Mc Quay, and registered in Book 55 page 172. tc. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Meck lenburg county, North Carolina, I will sell at Public Auction at the County Court House Door in the. city of Charlotte. North Carolina on Mon day the 10th day of August, A D , 1896. at 12 'tfclcck M.. the following described tracts or par cels of land in said County anu State, to-wit: "Known and designed as Joseph McQuay's land bought of H. C. Severs. Administrator of Joseph McQuay: Beginning at a stone on the hank of the Rranch mn due 'South S Doles to a stone; thence South 57 55 poles to a stone ia the field near a house; thence North 35 E, 28 poles to a Hickory stump in the field; thence N. 41 W. 78 poles to a cedar; thence S. 44 w. 18 poles to tne Deginninp; aiso one unumueu half interest in the Harriet McQuay land: Be ginning at a Cedar, Joseph P. McQuays corner and runs with two of his lines 8 41 78 poles to a hickory; thence 8. 61 E 43 poles to a stake On Young's line: thence with his line N. 44 E, 12 poles to a stake; thence N. 48 W. 119 Doles to a nine: thence 8. 44W W. 14 poles to the beginning containing Thirteen (13) acres. Terms, Cash 8. B Alexander. Trustee. Charlotte, N. C, July 10 1896- 5w. TRUSTEE'S SAIjE OP LAUD- By virture of a deed of trust executed by Jack 8treet and wife to me to secure the payment of a . . n . w-m m . a. 1 L!-U debt owing to ur. jonn a. BicaaeD.wuicu uccu of trust is dated November 23d 1894 and regis toroH in thp nfflrA nf thp Reffister of Deeds of Mecklenburg County in book 99 page 280, 1 will sell at public auction at tne court xiouse uor iu fMur:tt 1ST to thp hicrhpst bidder for cash. on Monday the 17th day of August 1896, the lot convey id by paid deed of trust and described as That narcel c i land siuwea id me nn;.l .; harlito in Ward tio TWO and square No. Seventy Bix and det-igna ed in Beer s Mn of said Citv as a Dart of lot- 571 &572 and in Biitl.-r' Map as No One in the said eq are and being ihe sunie lot, which was conveyed by J VV Miller to t-aid Jiu?k Street bv deed mus tered in the sair office ia bnk No. 25 and pge 185 P- D. WALKER, Tr iste;. July 16 1896 5W- Executor's Notice. Haviog qualified as Executors of the will of tbe late A Brtvard Davidson we herebynotify all uiuma huvim; nliima airainst h's estate to pre- s nt the same before the 20th day of July 187 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any re covery thtrton. All persons indebted to the es- tate will be nquirea to maae proiuyi rnutiu. - July 10 189, E- L. BAXTER DAVIDSON. ) , JNO E OATES. Executors. June 16 1896 6w. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of Dock uirinnv tw-ft8ed. late of Mecklenburg coun- tv North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims againsi me caiaic w i ; to exhibit them to the undersigned on r-r before thP 3td dav cf July. A. D-. W. or this notice will plead in bar of thtir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. , GEORGE J. ETHERIDGE, Adminietravor. July 3rd 1896- 6w Admistrator's Notice. ... 1 ! nl.iina airolnet the CState A.11 persons uvu --- . . . of Mrs. Jane Black deceased, are hereby notified to present tbem to me. Prpperlyattetted, on or before the 13th day of July 197. All persons indebted to said estate are notified o make pay ment to me, without delay. n. H.N PHARR, Adm'r of Mrs Jane Black This 7th day of July. 1896. 6w WE have the hftt lanndrv in NORTH ntnnT.iN .nH marantee i you strictly first class wora. VUiJ..IM WHW CHARLOTTE STEAM L AUNDRY H. N. PHARE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I Office No. 14. Law Building Sarsaoarilla " If you want to look nice, send your vSyV LINEN i0 coo d . .i..ntinn to all business inirumeu :i .tntinn irlven to claims. Practices State and Federal Courts. Jan. 6, 1895. GO TO ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE. NO. 216. NORTH TRYON STREET Keeps a well assorted stock of all articles usualy kept in a Drug House j. ALEXANDER. The Poor prescribed for free. April. 8. 1895. BOYS AND GIRLS DEPARTMENT. A GHOST EIGHT FEET T A L I, ITIIlUVrs AN INDUNI TOWNSHIP AND WILL NOT DOWN. "Cbrries an Awful Club and T ayj s With a Roar Like a Summer Thunder Storm in a Forest Heeds Neithe. BuokshJt Nor Kifle Bullets Brave Men terrifidd Cleveland Plain Dealer. Benton, Ind.July 26, Wearing a iong white beard and robe and carrying a huge club, a real ghost, eight feet high, is abroad in Benton township, E khart county. Night after night it bas been seen tor ibe last week, ana nignt al ter nicht searcbin parties of farmers have fired at the fearful object with shot guns. But that it is a real ghost is pro ved by the fact that the shot whirled harmlessly through the ghost and itdis aDDeared only to reappear in a different place, wavin 'its Ion white arms aid shaking its club at pursuers. It has been seen by hundreds, it ha been fired at by terrified searching par ties, and it has each time vanished and then flashed its fearsome presence n an ot er place. Last Tuesday night it mad its first appearance. Un that evening jonn w. French and bis good wife made a call at a neighbor's some miles away from their farm. The evening was spent in story telling and jolity, and it was well along toward midnight when Farmer French I elped his wife into his big farm wagon and climbed op beside her to start home ilea aloucr the lonely country road over which they had to tra zel is an old church, moss grown ana weatn r beaten, and besides it is graveyard well filled with the bone i of those who o ce tilled the soil 'n this locality. Ten year ago an aged man who lived alone not far irom iuh uiu i,uuiiu . graveyard almost daily to watch over the resting place of some relative, was foully . . - . . t 1J 1 . murdo ed lor tne bio re oi goiu uo wo uu.t.j - i supposed to have hidden about his her- ganised to hunt down the spectral creas mit abode. The robbers and murder rt lure with the long white beard and men escaped justice and the luckless gray- acing club. Many farmers and hired btard was buried in the graveyard where men positively refused to join the expe he spent so much time. ditiou when they had learned of the fate And just as the lumbering wagon of of Moon, but enough brave men were Farmer French drew within sight of the found to make a goodly showing, and "- r . I . L L . A .tflna ikon oaf 7hit head stones in tbe churcn yar tne horses reared back on their haunches and snorted in terror. French waa alarmed and suspecting highwajraen bad be. n bv the horses, he reached for a bot gun which lay in the bottom of the wajfon lor jiint such an emergency. Bu before h hand t u'shed it. he startled by ufcieam from bis Wile Ciutt l li g biHSimbho jo uted t aigbt atioal aid uaDed: Look John, look." Far down tin roa', jmt be .do tie gl mmeri g monuments of the olu grave yard be saw an apparition. It was that o. a man with a Hng white bear sweep-. ing over bis breast, in im Huht feet in The figure appeared neif ht. and in one hand it carried a club, sue aa tbe braids of tbe old - an had been boaten out with vvvn - ten years before. S owly raising one arm the ghost With a majestic step beckon-. . a ir.n.K inffima ahead. He was too C A j ntkinarnam trir tn rfl strain the prancing horses which were atraininir at tbe harness "in attempts to to break away and run. C ld sweat started out all over the body of thefarme as he realized that he was at last look-r at a ebost an V then the sound of his wife voice came to him beggiag him to return thewav they had come and escape the doom which seemed impending. French 11 a ..AU oAava1 anH rtvril Arl t.fi was SHU IOO oi-b.su control the horses, and as be g zed stead road it slowly began to move toward its shoulder, as a soldier carries a rine, I . I . 1 17 and it seemed to move iowara witnoav . ,.unn th irround like a winged thing tuuKuiug . . e Then the farmer recovereu um iuiu and. whirling his team around, he lashed the horses into a run ana Degan me trip to the house of the friend he had just left . . j:j .a.it rarincr n use ag . i? j ii .ul IT ; : JU aAAanali thundernueu tnein?nwuu - over the rof" -nVnl7A uo,se Thon.h fainting CZ ,r;ur; French could not resist the temptation to look behind and see wbetu- tbe Spook was following. She saw it about ten feet behind the wagon and as .he screamed it vanished. . . . w i vu ' a .a A few minutes later rencn arov? nt hi friend and told his tale to tbe frightened people. No ghost could then be seen, and some of those in the house were inolined to doubt tht glory ahd laid it to imagination. Be Mrs French could not ba induced to pass the graveyard again that night, and the couple stayoa ior ,ue uigu. friends ine nexmay iu j . 9 The old church and graveyard were friers fhenextdavthe story was re- their adventure.- tra caution was u- ltndying the States mti r 1. a w a v a m mm w - w 1 naatedover the country side, ana oy dered and all torougu .u U,K -7""'". Mn end of his finger of Kentucky, jvansas, unio, Anaiana, in the darkness near tbe ae- oi me worm .u fcU- . Tnnft Illinoia and Nebraska. o.gbt every ---;- "hnat 7' "A Thnr;hvard watchin. for the ghost than the country lad A as in n.s neau "7,. ", thl sl.Or HoteL He is in I but no oi the ghost could be found organired andndcr the same directions ParUes of boys and young men boldly witched one. more and once he- w?to llJitolLYto to graveyard all awful apparition was seen. It was fur- among our ""T.ep"c ;?S? i?d wacU the apparition but a. away than on the first night, and as J0" n.!Sbla5: Wl:.vt ownn,r,(llh0fhad. it. annrnached the thuuderouj roar which raers are uuali3 tenanr ana u requ me snauo tn u-s"- . l i .l. (...j.m.. harran in . ni7Luui i nnn inn r rtuuu ui f.. . j.. ..;. .,,, A I Uo UlaUO uuuoi . . .v - culiar, creepy feeling, common :oont.d Xoi". To', .o - --" -' I Q-nWifiC N irhi cirae on wi-h the great wall t f blackne-M which goes dtwn over every, thing in tbo.c uritry-at night. Tbe mt on at tiiut-H KiruggUd thiougn the cloud wliii b overspread the htavtiu and sbf a faint radia c on the miiibstoi.t m in the lonely uiavejard &t,d lb I. ng rank gran vhcli fl unbi in the city ol the 1. a i Abvi u e Alienee reigned n In n JJ 1 .. Moot., u lurm. r i Benton '.iih m- rth, Miiodu sturdily along the bighwa whu-b ouHed the graveyard and over which Farmer French's tvuin went flying the nigbl b.tuie. Moon bud - not beurd o! the ghost, or il boh&d it d-d not scare hnu. Ho wat perttc y iarmliar with the lonely road, lor be bad travelled il for yeartj. lie knew just where iho old c.burcb was, (r be bad spent many hours in its shadow, and be lelt no qualms about pasaing llo deserted grave yard which be bad ho often passed after dark Moon walked boldly ahead, his thoughts on a business venture which he contemplated, when suddeuly he heard a wild roar and rumble like 10,000 bjlts ot tbcoder. Sotting in amazsment he look ed up and the sight which met bis eyes turned him t-ick and iddy. All the blood in his body seemed turned to ice and bis brain reeled. . Fifty feei before him he saw a ghost, a figure 8 feet tall, with a flowering white robes and a patriarchial beard which reached its waist. As bo gazed, stupefied and almost insane. Moon observed that C, 1U.UU11 UWOSI C tUBII I the figure was transparent, and through it he could still see tbe dim outline ot tbe old church looming up in tbe darkness. In its right band tbe awful apparition crabbed a club, murderous fearful. And as it sweDt toward Moon, as though borne on tbe wings of tbe wind, and the thun derous roar continued, he sank to tbe earth and knew no more until he awoke in the farmers bouse surrounded by his friends with a doctor bending over him In broken word Moon told tbe awful story of bis fright and of the ghost which . r j bad almost Dereit mm 01 reason, swooneu at the memory of the fearful object. Ever since he has been under the constant care of a physician, and bis condition is trravfl ITT I . I " . - 1 . n n ,1 A i)a. o. throughout the neighborhood the conn- -j 1 j a. :.k - .w :.D an..Ma nA ' - , . . LIZIUU LUO 111 VOICI V ftiV tfcO -wtxw mmu I J ' . . . . . . I cover the cause oi tne apparitions wnicn had so terrified-French and Moon. Meet- : V. .1 1 TT kalt O T H TQ BttAA CiV armeu wuu euoiguuo uu nuoo out Friday night to hunt down tbe ghost. A leader was chosen, and he divided the men into equads of three to four, posting tbem at various places along the riil near the old chu chy ird. Rxch squad wan ordered to cbaMeuge th ghoS' sbuu d it uppoar.and oi, its tai ure to tal , to fire directly at it. With ibeMO instruction well understood the men separated and waited for developemt-nts, which' they felt sure would come. When the main pirly was thus divide ed some ol the watchers were not so bold OJ thnv had hren at the outset. The lit- tie groups kept close together and w&iiea awav the anxious nours leuiug guoov stones and wiiea tales 01 appanuuue ui bygone years. The history of the luck less old man, whose ghost they thought iIiav wra Hwaitin?. was recounted by those who had known him, and the hor I ri Kl a Atorv of his murder b v robbers was retold. That he had come to haunt the neighborhood where once he toiled and suffered all were agreed, and the fact that the tall ghost carried a club was taken to indicate that he was to be ang- ed upon the coustryside for bis suddsn taking off. While these stones were causing shudders to chase up and down the spines of tbe more timorous in the norftr TrVkn Martin, a lur n: band, start- fvjt - - - , uTKorA led one of the groups with a cry, lhere Lobs than twenty feet away stood the f ekviantv looking directly at tne mtiv lookinsr aireciiv tUD . m " . Ti loner arms huntr motion- watchers. less and in one hand was grasped the Tk Tt did not attemptto approach , one band was grasped the th .rroun of men huddled there in the .Urifness with hands tightly clutched : . , ,. rA i i:..n loudly they could almost be heard Mar I IIMIT HIIIH lUIIO. mM KJ M Mjeww r OI Mn was tne nrSL lO reuovor uiuhsii. tr, t hi shoulder he called - "7" TZJ, L7Whnatand. there?soeak. - ---- from the 'hot nstead one of tbe long arms JnmW 'raised and the figure began an almost imperceptible advance. This was I - mar . - j l:. r-ietia h nil enougb tor Martin , anu " .hotgon. - rang out at once and fo-r toad. of buckshot passed "eJ, figure and rattled oK!fliS DeDinu . - ;7" , peared ana canines, more ,u. - b6TTe nolVTtt guns aroused the oth- .rwVt." their lanterns could be seen flashing among he trees as they approached where the ghost had teen seen. A meeting , was held and Martin ana n.a ir.ouu thai. .itvAntiira. - u.iia wu . i.1 . AA..t,n aril vis - which did not come i . i . . .. .i.rlu-A oe, fi,,nih the .oectre wbeo it cme witbm bia usual y I.rg. . i e . . ., . that Vl CHURCH AND WOMANS DEPARTMENT. created intent e excit ment. Women r-liu-e.l to go ont of dooif at nigbl aidht.lt the couutry je.ple are itti'!g up all night to watcb lor ibe rrrnii g cf tl.e tall gboM wi'h t lie bg clnb. It ajj eartd in rii ouk pLceo, lul Uhual'y m mewbeie. near the trave ard or the- o'd ( huri h when the iniirderi d man liei burii d. E !. night nic l.n ir paines go. u to run down the hpittie aid aih tifiht tlny r. tuiti" with the fume tale. Tnv ghot c-1 Benton is talked ol ut night in tiuinr hoiiasaiid way hide villages at.d btiil it .alkg abroad, Kpri udii g terriT and dismay in i't wake. A Feathered Criminal. "I huppose' said a man wk had hpent much of bis life in tbe woods, "that if we knew more of wild animals we should find iu them most of tbe qualities that characterize human beings. I went up to ArooBtook county, Me., early last year to get the first of the sprmg fishing. When the birds began to return I was glad to see that eight or ten pairs of barn swrllows, which had built under the eaves of my cabin tbe year before, were going to repair the old nests. "They went at once to a little spring about a mile away, where there was some very sticky and tenacious mud. They would fill their mouths at tbe spring fly back to tbe. cabin, and plaster the lit- tie wad ot mad on tne neit. i.ney woraea . . 1 ry industriously, nying oacKwara ana Iruiu u7" "Hut nv ana ov 1 nonceu iuai one 01 the swallows did not go . with the rest to - the spring. He sat on bis nest, Dung nis head and acted as if sick. The others o.n.in him lif tlfl rwhilB find I T UUVIVV4 MkVMUU mm w- w ,w - - then flew away. 4The moment they were out of sight be' raised bis head, flew to one of the oth er nests, and began to pull off the fresh mud which the owner bad just left. When ha had a good moutbfu.II he west back to his own nest and plastered it on. "By tbe time tbe other birds came back with more clay ha was drooping in hie nest again, looking as if be were in the last staerea ol consumption. Now and then, when thereat of the birds were near, he would 'peep' a little as if to say 0 how sick I am If vou only knew ho bad I feell and tbe other birds fluttered . , A U I m A a ;r Uawr nrnrn ri7 1 n f t rt ST7 ITI. nUUUk U11U kO la .V WI V waj wv BJ pathize with him, or advising mm wnai to take. But the minute they were gone I , sj 1 he was out, pulling mud off tbeir nests to 1 Th5lRRted nearlv all the afternoon, onrt th tK5f van a crflttini' on finelv. He I AUU VWW w O mf I O a had his nest almost done; for he did notcountry tfn be sure to prosper .' have to go a distance tor materials ana C0U ?XuZr "USS r ti u. . ;ntaii;onA tn atAni all I hia mnd from one nest, so tbe hoes was I not noticed for sometime. -Rnt his sins found bira out at last. One of the other swallows got bck be fore he ws.8 expected, and found the rob bjr p'undering his bouso. lie pitch, d upon the thief at onco and they fell lo nhling. Then the ret of the flock be .mi tn return. I euDUOxe the first one screamed, in swallow language: C me here! Come hen! This lazy rascal bas been stealing our mud!" v In an inBtant there was a tremendous shattering. . The whole flock began to nanlr At the'ihief and to boat him with thftir win?. Tbev droo him out of b.i- nest and away across the stream. Then they all fell to and pulled from his nest all the mud that was fresh enough to use rn their own. HT Ann' tkintr-tliA thivf Puma back at x va v u w uv - nil T noticed that his nest was not fin ished that summer. What became of his mat? T don't know. One of tbe sad things in life is the fact that a man's wife has to share the consequences of his wrongdoing. Youth's Companion. -n. Why the Country Boy is Needed- It has Ions since became an established fact that the ablest and most succession men in our great commonwealth are tne i DU" . . OUliO Mt iCbl LLXVI 9 Sua wuw J " A 1 vC rAvAa and tha mairhriftr ni ineni have grown to manhoods estate in tne country. Go into any; ot our large cues country, tio into any ; oi jarge .wBa and converse, a few minutes with the most successful business men mere ,anu you are not long in i nnaing out tnat ine HMnUr nnmher ot tbem came irom iue greater number of them came from the country to the town comparatively poor young men. Look at them now, in man, iUAn ihn man wnA run t h lawn. I f .j 0 - - cases they are tne men wno run tne wwd, so to speak. Why is this constant drain upon tbe country to supply tne wonu with statesmen, orators, preachers, mer. chants and men eminently n tea .or every eminently nttea ior every Why is it, we are asked station inlitef wny is , we are . r I nrnnn if l w il uuvb nuu tiiiio " .7 adVantavte over country youths towards Ll Sd menu? Attainments, you must look to the country for men to fill JEK Zlt imoortaut noJition? Pick out nf MV cilv or'to-n fifty yonng men --v - - n mber of tbe same age from, among the sons and we will n"nte?. ;ifhh6 f2 ,af?J knowledge ' ::"-"lh Yr hatha boast ftm 1.111. Lull. L uuun u aw mm . w I - . . - - .g no .n tbe WQ wan iicetst-ant toil ana consiau- i-- . . . e .ot..Ug.no. I I than our buoinei-p men in tbe cities con duct their eetabli-bments. and as tbe far raer knows he can never leave a fortune in mf.nfy or real estate to his cl ildr n. endeavor .o give them that gieater for lunn. an rducaWd mind lbus be ivec bi son atid danuhttis t verv i duration al advar.thge p-hfible aid tbej", ki.owirg how i c-( meo, take advantage of feij tiiiOi tunit v iripenttd and ink- the bir-i f it. - ; Second viid the ' h ct reason is in lur ciiy there are ho maiy things dai y oe currini to divert and detract the mind of thex-ity child and while o. long win ter evening the t-ountrv lad and laps . a--- - i hav no other amusements than careful ly reading and re-reading literature that stores tbeir minds with useful knowledge. In summer they are taught from natures open book while tbeir city cousins waete tbeir time in all kinds of fashionable fol lies and forma of amusements where the highest intellectual achievement is to be well op in small talk and slang phrases. Minnie Abirnethy. , , T AL MAGE ON SILVER- HE SEES RENEWED PROS PERITY IN ITS VICTORY. C OTTT H A IV I 1 W KST AA --- ' SOLID. THE CELEBRATED PRE10HER GIVES HIS VIEWS FREELY. BUT SAYS HE IS NOT A PARTISAN' Rftnorts the South as Almost to a man ia Favor of tha Ianmdlate Raoaaaltizatioa of tne White Metal. "Iff hAnilvnr riflrtn la win. 1 believe ... - r r hapa n. ba aa.h a revival in business. fc boompg n indu8tries, whkh are n ow inactive, and such a general shak intr no of commercial ;ntrests that - the These words were spoken by the Rer, Dr. T. Do Witt Talmage, at Easthamtom L. I., aftera lone tour of tbe bcutbern States. The reverend crentleman is a keen od- - c anrver &nd can see which wav tbe wind hlnvN aa nuickiv and with aB much cer taifilv as tbe shrewdest oi poiilicuns. . Hj doen not only pretc'j lo the people, but he mingles with tbem, leeling the popular pulse and searching the hearts of bis oountry-men. Dr. Talmase arrived at Eisthamton on Fridav lat from Chautauqua, where he had attended an educational conven tion. Kot onlv in tbe bier cities did tb e Doctor mingle with tbe resident, but in minor townships and villages- ALMOST ALL FOR SILVER. "Diirintr mv entire IriD." be ' said. "I D j , did not find more than one or two men who were not silverites. Tbe unanimity was astounding. The sentiment down South is universally for the white metal. Bryan and Sewall will get a very large vote from that section of the country Dr. Talmaire is too little or two much of a Dolitician to come out fiat-footed for free silver, bat his utterances are perhaps anmniRHLiv hiituiiiui&ul lli guun tug wvu- " j o denoies of his personal feeling?. "Mr associates and training and my politicial afSliations of the past place mA nn tha ftsdd oi ft ainie BiaDaara. no . . . then as a twinkle . - .. . added: "But I cer !... .7 . itainiv oeiteve inat 1 taioly believe that instead of disaster and ril!nlollow:nff in the wake 0f the siler moyement fa opp( movement, the opposite will . be tbe re- Mj ftm nQt adv0CltInK that side of the nticirJ Qae8tion." said the diplomatic i . ... .tj 5iwne bti do not beiiev9 with a good m of my christian friends, that in the . JM ot hat m0Vement the country . fcuffe. i.Tulai-.tron nation he added. We . . - eeat Doliticiai cam - - . mQ lQ fae me to be a . rti8ian 00 ilh9r 8ide. Tber0 s f Datriotic men on ,re Cb igtai pat iotic both sid6t. and tbe life of the country I and welfare of its interest will be a great iniwntifa tn la.ii mn in the Ticht direC ive to lead men in tne rtgnt oirec I have groat faith in the people 1st Southern and Western tract are . r 1 tt tion. of a vast or r'T'.TJT "7 J" , it J - - DR. GUNSAULUS'S VIEWS. The Rev. Dr. Frank W. Gun.aulus, pft.tor of the Pilgrim Congregational Jfurcb. of Chicago, and president cf the Armour Institute of Techholog r. that of city, has recently arnvea in orooaiyn, ... v w iL aab wj ,d deep,y impreas.d with tb. widaspraad -I firmly believe," he said yesterday, "that if ml were to hav. an election to- morrow, Bryan would sUnd an excellent chance to w?n. He muH not be laughed re - . here. , , L. ..i : .4 tnn nr ina lures oi ms uiauiii uu Th. , -k0 , i (t0r oi fre illrer Absolutely Puro. A cream of taitar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Lakst United States Government Food Report Royal Baking Powder Co-, New York. ANNOUNCEMENTS o FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tbe office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subjec ' to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. Z. T. SMITH. Mayl4-h. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a cannidate for the office of Register of Deeds, of Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the Democratic nominating convention. J. W. COBB. May 21, 1896. FOR REQISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds, of Mecklenburg j county, subject to the action of the Democratic nominating convention. A. M. McDONALD. June 25th. FCR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds ol Mecklenburg county, subject to the action of the Democratic voteis in their primaries and county convention J. ARTHUR HENDERSON. June 25th. TRE ASURER FOR MECKLENBURG. I hereby announce myself a candidate for of fice of Treasurer for Mecklenburg county sub ect to the action of the Democratic county con vention - EDO AU H. WALKER. , JulylCxh- - SPECIAL COLUMN. Notices insetted at 5c per line for each insertion When wishing to know what, space your notice . wlU make, allow 8 words for a line. Wanted-An Idea Protect jonr tdeui: thor may bring you WMltfe. Deyi, WMblngton, D. C, tor their Sl.tUO piia odw , and list o two hundred lnrcaUooa wuiwL WANTED A correspondent in every negh borhood ia Mecklenburg county. We wan the Chnrch. the Social and the School news News letters must reach the office by Wednes day noon. The DEMOCRAT. Wanted-An Idea Protect todf fdeu; ther mT bl Who ea tklnk of hm atmpl uiing to ptmir Bay. Washington, D. C. for their S1.8U) pria OlUv and Ust of two hundred InTanUoM wanted. "TTTANTED A correspondent at evenr post omcein mecKienourg, urasioo, union, T w e . a . r a tiincoin, ireaeii. otaniev, uaoarras, xoraana Lancaster Counties- Write to the Democrat. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When site became Mit, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. -of those eleerent Tan Oxfords 1 reduced to SlOO Nothing in the city to equal . VJ 1 . V .ewv tnem at less tnan $i.ou. i 5 T-,--r,r, nTTrvn 1 1 MiiJN O WIDJbi J I u rv -r -r t I' TS with elastic side, price $1.50, these are regular $200 shoes and you need to come quick if you want THE M THE FINEST 9 KID LACE Shoe ever brought tO UIIAKLOTTE tor $1UU, We can give you betur shoes at 1pm price than any other SHOE nOUSE in north Caro lina. GILRKATH & Co, One Price to ALL. r ' "1 -"- " " 8 smn 1 I as k-fM 7"" a"T" OJSTOXlXaV. 73 w X A