V W i mi 1 V 3 IP 1 i El 5 .,. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1896. VOLUME XL1V NUMBER 2258 Papkii w44 YkaiwOld I, A BOYS AND GIRLS CHURCH AND WOMANS V c DON'T watch you it' so want a come to good the 1) ti K A II TM K N T. I) B P A It T 11 E N T la r 1 a I . a z-: a i. U stnloK n t ovil Y c L 0 E i -V Illin & SiiKf. Tom's S r The winda vi M w'nls but winds thafi g.l l both purchaser I seli.r Si to Store, Ft rt) I , (Nxt f Gilrenth & O Shoe r any llnr i-e you wed in tli Jtwnely liu, c!l and see US. GARIBALDI IiRUXS. rLJXi Og 7" -'-' - - - Tired Feeling I I ... - . ! .. f tfcACalfcttfll! u 'ts from $5 00 up. Shirt to Iniit tho band. Hata to make ur hair Btand. Boys you misa our chance if you don't call and th Ho ' Su'uh, lists, Shirts, hi. I other buy'o supplies that are Loing lor a mere song of ..... Makes you seem " all broken up," with out lite, ambition, energy or appetite It is often the forerunner of serious ill ness, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts life and energy to every nerve, .organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla lor that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and the good it will do you is equally beyond question. Remember Sarsaparilla ellon & Shelton's. I1 S We are juet back from the Nortb- n market and our good have come. tint, A: Sboltou, next to II lUruchV Istke best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. u jj cure liver ills, easy to take, tlOOQ S PIUS easy to operate, 25ceuts. The Commonwealth. Tbe Commonwealth is tiuly u common woalth, M tho industry which makis it poeuible is unly a common industry. Every man if dependent on his leliow lowest on tuo highes Und. r Indisiou alism, no less truly than uiidtr Hwwl fin the workers constitute an indmir ul arm) ; tho organization H a real and complete under the one hyutcm ae under the other. It is true that some men are iveipiu and some underpaid, ami sometimes tbo.-u who contribute to tbe illth of tho com munity are paid most of alt. But all honest and honorable employ menu con tribute something to the gen-ral welfare, and no employment is honest or honor able which does not so contribute. Nak rnmo into the world, and wo are .fc-.M-w - " ur in tin I. MI; 31 Snipes leather M) ihe K'a'd i hoo'; A- H U"hbiin. op- ersti e at i he Gn gbuin Mil'; T. A. Sharp principle ot the Q lJboro graded i.choo'; A. B Ivfiioa.!'. n ft-fpor ot ni.i' to ma tie :it Ok K dge Iim'i u- 11- Btfiks. ol llicO'Mtir, hi d II K C Br am, ct tbt CI'Mi ;o' ti l) n.in-ihi. 'i 5 c ' j f the i 'ubth I It- the ro moticn bid ut.-iititi m tf tl' Jrvidh It-UoWrhip biigotton ot follee lif--'.' O fiiHl eigfiyint; with the Cbail.-lic Otstt rer Mr. U. E.G. Biyaiit took rooms at the borne of Mr. Marcel u L Davi-, and in tbe late summer he wa j lined by Mr E M. Snipes, ai d Mill later by Mr A. B Kimbtl. Jnd now te l umber has in creased by the addition ot Messrs. A. H. Itabbinn, John C. Coble, Thomas A.Sharp aad H. A. Banks having tutored the old members of the club while be was in ant w e-t snnvrMi r m- u r "go ii.-ei kii'i?'.'. irie !ti l f'lrbaidf : s a in!e en- ierd tlio futii'i: l.aMhj coiCi'o n and tubn qu ntiy ijijeu an a' unum e nl inoi-iure i u hi nn I. t 1 1 n itc in piunt jrrovuh ui d. v-l- ein in. Iii-a -g- irfio ilt fact i iii t i ii i w ht te ulii' :.t i. n ii;d f pi y n a !u' I'f ! n.t digi.-i !y Hll't ll.' I llh'i It'l Ottt"! Iilll'.n ui neM. l iie lnni iKufki-t iMMt lt- deMMid i I Ul - ii to ilMit im tv.'i c iHj, sk I t ! tin. i ... . " i ...... i :. I. crop-, vill l-'ir (Xf'i'i Mi-it "i 5 '-. ii u lioduuU rii u!ir at! i C in ot r.,ble quantities i bf c-mmg winter. :- th ie id tome rh riatje in Europe. Generally plentiful early ropi,, fair to brilliant outlook for Lter varieties, and tho prevalence of low prices describe the fruit situation in the Middle States. Or chards and vines suffered some in Xiew York by reason of a hard winter and sub- housed, clottiea, anu ieu . - wni;ah nt thfl TTniverMtv and sen ient drcuth. vet there is an abundant nrov des the necessaries ul. mo, ------- - -. - . uu p dustry proviaes me "i' llAwino ff,n h hoenitable welcome suoolv of fruit in tho western half of the or by the industries oi oiuers iu y f innnn' nf whih S, Mnvlnrr farther south, weather ' "fn, nn. hin ". When we ask tbe club wculd not be Complete without conditions have been unusually favorable u5BUu.0 u.Uf) .v.- D himthereforo bv h s oermiesion it now I to plant erowth and aevciopement her lor bread, sne oius u ',,!,' ,mher Tt will Snp.,;l invtitraiinn lust made bv Amer- nnt na tne DlOlU viaiiiis mm " " r o J . .. , . - mmilha hilt, nv nui- uimniiB miiiiiti iue n - - l , . . . . , r - . 0 r loou into our up Drains tu.o f e-u Jt ua r hi ihB office of bod-.e.-, and bidding us get iuou .u. :I" "17 Ic, He puts Adam into tuo g.ar" v" . , " L r tua -.i.,t. tint; uiir OUT S den to t)RS. McCOMBS & IBHUJM, DKirlltE TO llNbUltM I HJS fVULiiyj. lmt tliey hiiv.i this day entered into a copart nersnip lor tne 1'KA.CTICK OF MEDICINE, AND SURGERY. March 1, lb95. March 15, 1895. E CHICAGO CHRONICLE THE 1" c. JOHN FABRIOR, 4 ROUT I THTON BTRKBT. CHARLOTTB, N WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sal ver and Silver Plated Ware. fir Special attention given to Pine Watch tf()iring. Ian 25, 1MJ5. DR. E. P. EEERANS, DENTIST, CUARLOTTE, N. C. GREAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of the Northwest. Will be sent postpaid to any address six days a week for one year for . FOUR DOLLARS. The Ohronlole Is the moat ooneplouous newspaper suo oese of the day the dally cir culation exceeding 7S.OO0 copies and the Sunday circu lation exbeedlnff 100,000 cop ies. It Is a flrat-otass newn paper of 12 and ie pagea (Sun day 40 to 4S pases) and la a stanch supporter of sound democratlo pYlnolples. . . j H in Keep u, anu wui . i : . l.. da on the man now oir iuhi r fidtlity wit'i which ho discharges the trust reposed in him. Tho raw material mut b.- won by Jofv; or blandishment from the reluctant iM'tb: it must De con vened from raw materiul into flniabed produce; it must be carried Irom tbe place where it has been created to the commun, ity in wbiuh it is needed, and in that community it has 10 bo bicugbt to the individuals who need it, or brought where they can come and find it. Thus agncul tuio, manufactures,' transportation os- ...nl -it I in I if. nnv.i. . m. But more than those are essentia', a ue b)dv must be kept in order anu put m Older when it becomes acraugeu, iuC.c mut bo physician, Tbo niemoers oi this commonwealth must understand anu Okkick 7 West Trade Street Nov. 2, 1894 TERMS. DR. GEORGE W. GKAUADl. OFFICE, 7 WEST TRADE ST. nu-t'wit limited to Eve. Ear. Nose and Tliroat. April ;5, 1896 'II UGH W. HARRIS, Attorn-? and Counsellor at law, 0 Office. JNoa July , 1895: Baity (except Sunday) 1 year Daily ami Sundty. 1 year Dally, 6 month (campaign edition) Daily and Sunday, 9 nienlhi Taily, 2 months Daily and Sunday, 2 months Dailv. 1 monlh Daily and Sunday, 1 month Sunday, 1 year Saturday,! year f e $4.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 , 1.00 , 1.40 . .53 . 75 . 2.00 . 1.00 tbo following officers weio elected: John II Colle. preeid.it; JI E C Bryant Secretary, and Jlow aid A BanUn. poet, ukh pre feasor E. A Aideiman, jionera ry president, The club expects to snvite IVi'sid. i.t Alderman to !cp ure hero on. Obsc vcr. A Few Woids OQ Dit Philadelpliia Record. Since the date of Dickens aud other TCrcrliKh travelers iu the United fetaies there has been an immense advance in the American cuisine. The influence of diet is now better understood; and in constqunnce, dyspepsia i far lets preva lent t nan formally. But there is still wreat room for improvement, particularly a "... the country districts. A properiy as far west as Ohio, this S.ate making a better recoid than for some tirno pa-t. Horticulturists lure m ro than ever beloro engaged in praying, anu as a con queiico uamoc thr. 'h lnsec'Rand tungi was resirivteu. Prices have ruled low, with consumption t i I .1 ....... enormr n-. and pronaniy mmp B'Cii'f ma-loin the way of cooperative handling f i y . . 1. .-.-.j'.r.t t m 1-v.t.l O ,l I Ol HUrS. VJIIO Ol IUU l4i"i- hhj;iv'" and still unsettled questions is that ol transportation. Rates in many instances remain very high compared with prices received and the margin between the pro ducer and consumer is altogether too bur densomo for both classes. Tbkv tl at s mv, a d where an w ? (.VmiiM i-i.i- mrny tS12or$l& per faj.'-la and i h rtuli wi u d bo mieb Hh i n ii c ul.i hMiie. Talking ol fre wiin, nir nui ii- ii u u 1'i.t uirn u over SCO 001) 000 . . t-.rU i ha n SI in ev r lotinb fhT.i. W ul I that flVd the rtMiiifi ? 1; imj'.I e-tr prifi? ! fi e o rnn : o tiVu That's - l 1 tiiji k, v?iii f . .-i'v r wi.ll l'i tor ii -t 'I'll'- i-i ioti is t nr l" ' 'u p-- :! twid 1 1 . - ;iV .!i-.-icsi,iir ii Wo wai.t H'f.Hi I riiu:n'lvM ti.Ht K itopi-.m t Un ( i i arc at 1 to uktftt.ru of I h-tioo!vc." VV. J BRYAN S ROMANCE. A NOTABLE ACCESSION. in their right reiations to eacu oiu, reflated diet, with a proportionate quan these must be stuaiea, unuerbi-oou a.u , - me&t &nd ye etable8 properly taintd: there nm3t be awyejs. -uo " cooked, gives tone to both body and iiUfinfil and estbet.c lire ol man asserts . . nntinn tat oni,:Ara nPf,i v... - ,, , L . I IUIUU. X UD UIW WHVU "Hit" itself and its needs; there must be author, fQr flghUng teachers, muBiciane. "011" , . " , or marching hae given way to tho proved must be cultivated, love - developed, ana - extract -s far more eerTice. One of Cbioago's Greatest Merobants ue dares for Silver. fnliimhlft State. Pnl H. f! inner, of tho bia nrm ol SAiAafll fiooner & C J. of Chicago and IM e w P ' . r , r 1," W Vnrlr has luBt returnca irom amwF- . r . i j j i. is -alive to tbe isauea oi ine aay uu u evidently kept well posted wnne away from Chicago. Mr i-nnflr went across the ocean to where be make his annual visit to his aged f. ther, spiritual broinernouuo exnerla insist that a Email quantity of 7,"V,im Tj-r.Und in Holland. men oxprewed in sets both w Uaaid8 tftken mea,9 has a ...d .u u:- iif.. u.. o. wnrshiD: tnere musiuuF1Ml i---r- ffnt. in tho reiie-rro.1 of .uuSCie. in eta of the religious life, And theee latter rnnenee of tbe 8DUr it gives to the rne ... j .J 18CI IDM UiatMlutUJ ii iuu.Ur,Mvv m,kn the moral principle oi eiuciuru uu Ug effe(Jt .g more la9ting. But reeistered burghers of i j a . k cmri n irm neruuuu ui . .... i. . . r i " .. . , appiicu. uu i t-- --- - Met H s Wife as a School Girl and C Lam pooned Her Cause. There is a romance connected with the early acquaintance af William Jennings Bryan with Miss Mary Baird, now Mrs. Bryan; which has never been published, says the Kansas State Journal. Only a few personB know the story. One of this number is a Topeha man who relates it. At the same time that Mi Baird wai a student m the Jacksonville Fetnle col lege at Jacksonville, ill., young Bryan was attending tbe Illinoii college at tbe same place. After a certain hour in the afternoon the young ladies of tho college were free lo promenade about the college gn ud-i. at:d whilo ei j ) ing this roe:ca lion took the opp T'UMiiy to & rj' with the b ya from the II in ia col'ege, who were 1 ivariably on hand. Ii was during these, piomenades that Mis Baird attraoted the attention oi young oryan, and a nirtation was com menced, This led to an acquaintance, and a meeting was arranged at the home of a relative oftho young lady, in the suburbs of Jacksonville. The first meet ing was but the forerunner of a series ot. weekly visits by both parlies to the same place. But the enjoyment of the youngcouple was not allowed to proceed without inter mption. The matter came to ine eara u tho president of tfio Female college, and he at onoe called JVliss liaira to mm ana questioned her concerning it. bhe ac . . . i J t 2 sWa knowlodged mat ene naa oeeu iu iu habit of meeting young uryan, ana s such conduct was strictly against me rules of the college, her sontenco was ex pulsion. She was ordered to be in readi ness to leave the college at a certain dato. . Tbe news of Misb Batrd'a expulsion on w n Absolutely Pure. A cream of ta: tar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latt Rt United States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powdkb Co-, New York. Hi When Baby wu sick, we gavo her Cstorla. When ahe was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When ha became Miss, th clung to Cantoria. When she had Cbi'dren, he gave them Castoria. k hi- f , tbe ministry to M sd .pint-are rlAH lnil7inillllin LllUll I " .. . I l " ... . r r more necessary uuu .- - advocates ot total aosiinence, nowevoi, lrin abroad said air. ujoper nrfr war llprl nnnn bv a rerjorter tor tbe utiicago Dispatch. u'rur ia nnt much that 1 can say o under Socialism, becauso the fraternity djs ute thia point; and it may ba con- wJ3 a Vip of pleasure and duty and in voluntary not compulsory, and too Digner jf & ra&n ukeg bo we,, . ft81fre it 8erved me well." 14 and 16 Law Building. t I OSHOUNK, W.C MAXWELL, J.W. KEEBANS OSBORNE, MAXWELL & KEERANS, Attorneys at Law, CHARLOTTE, N. C. tir" Offices 1 and 3 Law Building. practice in the State and Federal CouKe. Oct 20, 1895 lmT'wTlI. WAKEFIELD, Will be in his office at 609 North Tryon Sample ceplee free on appli cation. Address THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 104-1 60 Washington St., Chicago. Street, except on Wedne.day and Thursday euc!i week. His p actice W limit, d to EYB. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. of IfyoiTwant to look j nice, send yoj Xo 'fvX WE have tbe ltt lonnrv in NORTH PAunt TNA and ffuaramee you Strictly firtt c'as Work. . CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY .jMimhina are left dependent on the ttood will of man to bis fellowmen They !re a part of tho apirit, not of the ma cbinery,ot life. Finally, there rouat bo bomes, where workers will bo rented and ref.esbed for tomorrow's labor, and cMi dren will bo reared to continue m miun ueneratici.8 tbe tusks began o iu. r i . I. . . ....II !.. rii l ii i-1 Uera wives anu mptu! nn- -- . - i-r. It whit, kitMirt1. tind tountain. ma to i.io ui " and preparing ior mo v.0 themselves bavo gone to their rebt. laus recaided, Society is seen to u u t.u., an organism under Democracy as under Monarchy, ender a tree oroiue.uooo nder State Socialism. Every man is the servant of hia fellowmen, and ho is great i ... V n. corvOrt mOSt. t ti,a human hivo are seme drones I. . I -I .k whn idle, useless, gooa-ior-nauguic tramps the roaa in soiuiupb k i onach and t. ur, are WOO IIUOB . . .. .1 . . oualiv vagubonds.it the spirit anu unci .? n ;.iu r.loaHiircseekiiig n tne bunio f v thoi'Th one is called a tramp and the other a - I but . . f.nnkfld and In nronortlonato quantity nnnnn. u much imoroved in ueaitn that is, a duo a ' mixture cf meat and veg- , b;8 ooeun voyage and tays that tne etables -the omission ft a Biimuiani, ,ol;,i,.ai 8itualiOn m Ihifl country nucr would not, perhaps, much matter, ixev- usU lho poope abroad 1 l . i I . I ... hnnH to l7Ah I ' ertheloBf, wnue a nine wmc ui uici at a meat may not be a source of forco, it id insisied by those h hae devoted study to ihe sulject ti at, besides a piK to th- digestion, it arrests tho wear oi the not vout system. But or. a question of this charact r let the doctots decide. "To preservo the bod's bealih and hurrlnnus n rt-ntler htrhtsomo. clear anu i w not lumpisb oneaienoe to aKonlrl he the, numose of diet. a a Who aaa thlak of hqu lmpa UHBgWPtMOII YJanted-fln Idea t-i..i rt mm Mm! thav Tn&v brlu vott waaltk. Wrtt JOHN WXUDKRBURN CO., PM Attor ara Waahlactoa. D. C. t x tbalr $1,800 pria off aa4Ut of two buaOnd lstTantiona waufotl. Health is Wealth. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE OhKIHAL. ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS. Iaaoldnndar poaitiva Written uarale, br snthorised acenta only, to care Weak Memory, Duaineaa. Wakefulness, Fit. Ilysteria, Ouick mn, Kiaht Ijosaea, Eril Dreams, Ick vf ContU danoa, NarrooaneM, Lasaitnde, all Drains, Yoath- tal Eirora, or excessive um oi iot!rr. jpium. or Liquor, which jeada lo aiisery. t "iisnmpunn, Iaaaon.7 and Death. At store oi mail, SI a box; six for 95; with written aruaramec eare r refnaa nnry. Hample pack. mind," And as Thrtw do not aDnrovo of McKinley ev. .Kr hrn.iiae of his protective th.ories aajwa-'av.- - l . ' ... . I I . . tf t ilti hut thoy rcaurd l.un as mo io?0ei . evi'a, as Hryan represoi.l.s tree c t ago ot silver, lam not strong f..r Melvmley, said bo, though 1 favor protection. v e can make ovotythiug over hero that is made abroad, but with McKinley as Pres ident our currency may become even more nnr.irnnted than it ia today, as fringlo gold standard, if adopted, would work ruin to we have said, this purpose has been country and make times harder than 18 You eee, they favor MeK'nley they believe no win due tner in a toumt the? are over there because r.nl .,nnmr OUT 1 ... 11 f . nml ll fell gold. Too dooiB can 101 tum, ver U our coin those debts can bo paid in that metal if it is bo chosen. GOOD IN PXLVEK. "I am yet somewhat on the fence, tut I can't ee anything but good to result sliver, iiuu, DRS. M. A. & C. A. BT AND, Dentists. CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 21 Tbvon Street. H. N. PHARR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office No. 14 Law Building Jhu 3. 19G. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some Bifuf aKKIOT CI.ARK60H. CBAB H. DOLB CLARKSON & DULS, Attorneys at Law, CllAELOTTK, N. C. i.-.r.! ttpntinn ptven to all businegs in- irusted. Will practice in all Courts of the Stite. -f Office No. 12 Law Building. Oct 7. 1896 E. NYE HUTCHISON. FIRE INSURANCE. Offices 16 East Trade Street; 4 North Tyon Street, up stairs. " Cot'ton. With careful rotation of crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 to 4 Actual Potash. Kainit is a complete specific against "Rust." Our ptmpWet are not advertising circulars boom ni peaal Fertilizer, but are practical Work, contain. iog the result of latest experiments in Every cotton fanner hould have a copy. I ny are tot free for utc asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS 03 Nassau St.. New Yora pie thins to patent? .nm M.i- ther may bring you wealth. nevs. Washington, u. e;.. ior mou r .1 2? iut of Ptwo bundrea Inventions wanted. irrpatlv advanced in ibis country during the last quarter of a century, In our cities ibo dinner fas becomo tho moal of tho dav, and a Savarin wcu'd find at a dinner fit "to bcinvited to': in Philadel phis, for example no bing omitted which his genius for gastronomy ci u'd desire. But it is not these gastronomic feasts that concern tho mass ot our peo- , Tramping and traveling re . pimD,e mea lhat affords nutrition ,nm (rfi6 C0DSiSe ol r ,vee i, ton nil-"'!" . . i i t w t-u v - ir . . 1 1 I equally legitimate t r a m umi.. fae muMl8g aflu vuo nerves is tno ue- bentfit the mine-owners, it win aieo equally UlegHimave iu . - - r -j-- -- 8;ueratnm , benefit the minere give toem wo. m . x.- . k n n i ii r ia v I'M n . til a m iii nwru iih mi inri ine art oi couKei y uuo ui iv j.r Denent tne west. " trom time to lime, been taught in our money. lt will mako better prices lor pities And tho lectures that have been farm pr0uqctF; it will make tho farmer a irivHn. with oractical instructions, have hnpor in our markets. served an cxeellaut purpose, Nothing "Times can be no worse than they are i could bo more useful to the health ol our ftt ppe8ent. Our currency is not expau- sivo enough for the demands ol our peo ple Franco has $40 per capita in circu lation, and iu people are prosperous and hippv. We have but $20 per capita. Wo need more in mey, and free bilver coinage will put an ond lo busies stagnation. ' Our factories ars closed and our arti--,.a iwl mechanics are out of work. r- u j a . . La Mor money will make higher prices, bet llrjrp- J-J-. nrt without Wait ing to map out any plans oi proceaure no hastened to tbo president's office. Young Rnran iaaflvpn then the prize orator of tbe Illinois college, and he started in to convince the president that he had taken the wroDg course, and that the explusion was unmerited. A tew days prior to this event Btyan bad written tbo parents ot Mis? Baird asking their consent to visit th young Alihon.rh he had not received a i only be presumed 0:1 an affirmative an- - ' . . . . j . . I . .. .' L .. I. A swir, ani told tho pres-ioeni tuai uu l. e content of tbo young lady's pareuts, and that his intentioi s were entirely honorable. Ha albO presumt d upon the affections of the youujr lady and stated that their formal engagement was only a matter of a few weeks. " At tho tnd of an hour young Biyan had the president of the college looking at tbe matter in an entirely diffdie.it light Ntt on ly was tho sentence of explusion repealed, but Bryan obtained consent lo visit Mis lUird at the college weekly. Although it waa not until after the young ccuplo bad left their rcfpectiv colleges lhat their engagement was an nounced, it was while at school that they became fast friends. Both graduated at the same tim?, and a few years later they wro married. Atlanta Journal. aaje, containing fire daysr treatment, with tuU instructions, n cents, on earn me oniy bowi w laeh persoj fir w 1. At store or by mail. Or Kea lsdci special Extra strength. For Imootency. Loss of Power. Ist Manhood. Uir-i lif njirrfnnMM ,tl a box; six for $5, with wrtttcss ajuaranlcfJ tn mintin Man.H. At Btoltj" CpCRtor bvrusil. B. L. ALEXANDER & CO DRUGGISTS AND SOLE AGENTS, Charlotte. N. C SrXPTtB Vianted-An Idea Who eaa thlak of some simple tning to peteatf 9wt mt tdaas: ther mar brtag yon weaua. Write JOHN WICDDERBGRN CO., Pa u.. Wuki.ma. D. c for their Sl.aJO LtUt of two httBdred lnveaUotu warn stent Altor- pjrlsa oSer TU fat ! t equally iihk-"'-- . r t ..,,n nnu mav we I ba'O puV lor idle poor, but can only have contempt for ... '. . m. 11.. man h M 4 hafl the id!o rich, tno iu.o puu. . a hard time in lit' j be has peruup, lead to think that tne onu.u- ha ha seen bis fellows about him ii. ..g, ......... i;.,l... htt has. i . ; rw. turn ftnii iruLin;ti n,v., - i WlUtlug uw.'- o " WIRE TIES fQ CASTORIA For Infants and Children. i ono sinKt. :b excuse He baa Tbt tie limilt tlfutart of ! 09 every vrftpptc Baumgartens' Studio tbe PHOTOS and life sixo phayOnb on exniDii- are rimply wonderful and lifo like AND THE PRICES hr! most reasonable, he a's t arries a nico lino of FRAMES-:o:- ull of which are greatly red in price see them a nd be convinced. 7 West Trade St. CHARLOTTE, N- C. he . .. . n m .v r. L rl Oil m( I' X IIU1 1LI1VV s-niJ ll M I I ii u lj La 1 1 1 w 1 ... .. . i:t.u ,rwlr hn liMd .bad been taken irom i, m, v,-....- i .. . im (tisfouraiiefi: ue or wi.y no uo vy'- ; ,,:;. thinks ueba'Pr-'V-d bat ufui . - try dots not pay; -o beg ,aMr than to work, and lb, wo. k Chut he can do is hot. ored by society c.rcely more and reward j ,.Vv tfA than beggary. We may nalliato tho oflVnce when bucd into idleness; but there is no sue .. ;Aa ami .,f the rich rosn. been born in surroundings which declare K;m .no nrontabloncaa of labor; ho ha had the advantages of a good education; lth which is itself a power The indu.t.ial world; if he does not ...jti.,winftrdi!r to earn hi daily bread, Society has great need of hi labor in industries whicn no iwi vw if cr,h a man is idle--and many iuct idlers there arc -for him there ib no exs r ,.k ;,tunpa there is no paltia- cuse: ior uuu ,v...- . , tion. He richly deserves tbe contempt of all honorable men . Tn tho common wealth every roan is do pendent upon bis fellow men; every vo nirilmtes to the common canon WUH.U V.V..-V. , -. . i,i.. Prv lite which weliare is uouo.-, t .j .K;t,,r from the v itniDon stot If ura .. . ... , ,.,ai.. .inlhmir to 1T. n uimiuu..v il.ii Into standard ol life, In .. .i..c.wl,.iii nrticlet. based on . o m rm.ii ion . m wu.p.-u- :"v!ih .'his standard to different profe- r1 i ,..,aMf.r what is the hub mean ?ln VB"". , : ::red bv iu relation to the Outlook W people than an CKtenslon of tbtsa lectures. i"L In tbe country tovvns and villages tbey and ad Jj Service i series of Goose Grease. Goose crease Liniment will cure you cf RLeu JiiZ neuralgia, toothache, headache, pains in md "oYback and in fact every pain you havr, if f dies nofdo thta take the Untie back to yi.ur dSis? and get vonr drUg" would attract the'housewives, as well as . tw..uu i.bolT. in liMma housewives, ai d llll'DO linsi.l ' ' udd an important element '.o the educa tion of ihe com H' U"'iy. B. side, i the ci u-itry townss and village indigestion, thatoeto health and tiappui'-s, is no atrancrflr. AflU inUlPesiluil w iuo now. f.f ionorance. w bich a f jw elementary . j ror 2,)du3 arJd a rcyiYftl oj essonsasto what conetitutea a proper dietary regimen would put to flight. "Goods and produoo are too cheap be- I.i advance ot tbose lessons we vcmu.v cau8e people have no money 10 ouy luv.. in rrivp. from Tbe Westminster ileview Th Herreciation in prices on some lines of lor August, for the benetit ot tnose wno. by attention to tbe laws ot diet, tne 101- lowing simple remeay: Milk disagrees witn same, uuvumj when taken in conjunction with otner foods: taken solely for one montu ine stomach will resume its pristine vigor, and trive new life and happiness to per- Tnterestintr In'erview in the New York Journal of Commerce. In the New Ytjrk Journal f.f Cm mcrcial Bulletin recently was pii i-d an interview with J. L Bullard, of Bullard X-: Whpclcr. lie and bairn'mir dv.'crs, of New York, When questioned ab-ut ire ties Mr. Bullard said: 'Tho wire tits Lave been i".-d on ac count ol the increafed prices r 4 baiid'.ties thisvear. When tne Btcci : ool was or I ganiaed last spring the pr'.to of billets was sdvanced about 50 per cerii- As a result i he manufaclurers of batid ties raised Tutt's Pills Cure All ; Liver Ills. A CLEAR" HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt's Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute"cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Ttrtt's Liver Pills The denreciation in prices . . .. . i . goods has been more man ou per cent, m tbo past six months. Cn merchants and manufacturers stand thai? "Tbe Wilson bill that reduced the tar iff on goods about 10 per cent., except on wool, which is mado free, is not tbe cause of all tho hard times." Do vou think that putting baok tho sons afflicted with ills which no one, save oId Ur;ff Would cause a return of prosper- those who bare experimented on tne buo- i it ?i. t: .;.aj r.nm T!L nnu i K nirirA lut l...J !, Ainn t!s said venl.'liJ v I ' I lltt year, to about $1.20 per bnndle (thirty raanufaeturers of cotton lies bad b d ties). 1 think that thov raised their fog baitness at loss for. sou,.' vtarn, prices a little too much, but at tbe same owing to the fact that the good f Eng- timo the price of 75 cent was a loosing Hsh houses were admitted fu eoldnty, one. A few planters, mainly members When they advanced prices thi yar, a of tbe Farmers Alliance, objected to tbe they were forced to do on acc uM oi iu increase and tried the experiment of us- increase in the price of stfel lille-.i., .m ingwire. of tbt planters thought that the increae 'The wire ties, in my opinion, will not was unreasonable, and used irf be generally used. The presses are cot The new method adopted wiilnwiU suited for them. Then again there is a adopted to any great extent, houtwr. a loss to tbe planter. At present a bale ol the planter is a loser. For intan mi cotton is tied with six steel straps, which cotton band tie which weigh i mc pound weieh nine pounds. These are sold with &re worth at present j.ritt - 3 cci.t a ihfl hale, and therefore are worth as much I nonnd. or 27 cents. In sellirg l. v ri p- as nine pounds of cdton to the planter. I resect nine pounds of cotton, Vn ii wires wool 1 not weigh over I cresent prices is worth 63 cm four pounds, and as ihecotper pound I A profit to the planter of 36 c for tbo wire and bands i about the same,9iz wlrt tiea will weigh tut tl " l tbe planter who uses ihe wire loses the I aod therefore in selling ieti... iuii value of about five pounds of cotton, less, I ctnts. They cost 3 cenU a y u d, leav of course, the cost of the band, which is I fog a profit of but 12 cen's, 'hn ihe about 3 cents per pound. I planter in usiog wire uee man r-i "It has been argued that the wire i really loses Z4 cents on escrj i a " would rust the eotton, bo'. I d" not think I too. ' . . - that this objection has much weight, as I Tht ootton merchant, on u.- omir the wire could be diped ax well as ina i nana, WOUia msae a prout. bands. I think, however, that i he wire I coming to this and otner n.M v. i inuv ties would eventually iijure Hi4 cotton be bound in tbe ordinary dim n by cutting in the bale. The ultimate merchant in tbe Soatb w hf 1 1 " purchaser of the cotton would p.-fer tbe wire-bound bales of tbe plant, i ill ..un hand tits, a ibey can be liveted io?eth ply atrip on the ircs, and aft r .rtni te 1 i!ft the wirl iVa fcal will tie them will, l ui.d tue a- U fj VI UeVU OV.VsJva kiiiV i sjssa w , , .,,,. Ithstebv making the profit which might Another New York man, who is inter- ject, would neueve couiu ''uui simple a cause as a uiauruviuu onjmavu. . rtsBfe Tbe Ftuit Crop cf 1899 American Agriculturist. Taking the country Ibis A CHAPEL HILL CROWN A Number of University Bays in Charlotte Form a Good fellowship Oran zauoa. A lew days ago tke following boys cr-can;r-d ihe Davis Chapel 11.11 Club: John H. Coble, of Lauriburg, now profess af a whol", the fruit crop of 1896 may be put down as a full one. While there hive been some shortages in tbo Southern States, and al moin territories Webt of the K ,cky Mcu . tain, th".s fact has not ut much of a fig ure in the North a..d Eist. where yields of the early varieties bate been abundant and prospects for later ine and tree fruits good to exceliant. Social investi gation prose.-utcd by ib'H j mr. al and a Miramary of the exhaustive returns fro.ii correspondents everywhere show that tbo older Middle and En-ten. Srat.s have far.d better than e r-iioi s lu-il er wtBt Thi U no doubt due in some d -gice tc better attention on toe u"1 : nd W IV I (st.- rists. While isolated MANY VtBWS TO TAKE. "Thorn arn manV- WftVs tO View matter. Tbe poor and the middle classes pay all the taxes. I believe the multi millionaires should pay their proportion. I believe in a graded income tax as a partial panacea for tho ills we bavo fal len into. VVitb free silver the price of wheat and corn would enhance in value at once. Dollar wheat for the farmer makes him look at bis clothes. When they are frayed be. buys new. Ha furnishes his house, if it is needed, and so helps to start tbe furnituro factories going again. It is so in all liues More money, tbe greater ihn demand for eroods. "A jingle gold standard mould bring prices still lower and mire failure and more disaster or the people, lt is hard . ..r nh.i d pr&eilv ritrht. We arn l" . . .... i partially vnai 1 1 - - v noon a Di-matauo ossis uuw, is in a measure our saltation vt I i I. at B, N kVilik! UW ! Will w " - thereby making the profit which htvto gone to tbe planter." r. i