A A - - rl ttVI TlIIS Paper is 44 Years Old CHARLOTTE, N. C., THURSDAYv SEPTEMBER 3, 1896, VOLUME XL1V NUMBER 2259 M ft mmmm FrofessiODal. D R. GEO. W. GRAHAM, nffi.-u 7 V Ht Trade St. liactit- liihi'td to K) ', Ear, Ncse Arr 3, 1996 B. E. P. KEEBANP, Dentist, 7 Y. si Tr-de Si., Charlotte N. C ',;VJ. 1894 T I U G a 11 D OiE. Nos 14 at-d 10 Lw uunuir.g, vsBORNE. V KEEttAKS. July 6, 1D5: MAXWELL & A-tornevs at Law, unices 1 and 3 Law Bu'.'ding II W PHARR, Attorney at Law, Ollico No. 14 Law Building. LaRKSON & DULS, Attorneys at Law, Office No. 12 Law Building. D US. M. A. & C A. BLAJND Dentists. No. 21 North Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. RS. M'COMBS & GIBBON Desire to inform the public that they have this day entered into a co itiirtnership fur the practice cf medicine and eurgery. March 1, :95 D ,H. W. H. WAxLBr.miLi.u, Will ho in his office at 6c9 No. Tryon Si., exc pt on Wednesday and Thursday of tach week. His prretico is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. AYE HUTCHISON, Firo Insurance, ()ftics 16 East Trade St; 4 North Tryon St, up stairs. J OHS PARRIOR, Watchmaker and Jeweler, dealer in Diimonds, Watches, Clocks, Jew r.ir Silver .ind Silver Plated Ware ii i . - - - Special attention given to Fine NORRIS' TRIBUTE TO BRYAN. A District Mans Estimate ofj the Boy Orator cf the Platie. From the Tammy Times. Th- article heiewilh riioriue. d is Irom the 11 n. Jun.e.- L. Norris, of Washington, 1. C. Mr. Norm was ihe national committeeman sA the Dutiict ol Coltmhic, -who aided materially in making William Jennings Bryan the Democratic candidate for President. Mr. Norris has been fnr years a member and Treaeunr of ihe Dt iiioeratio C n grvional Ci. mini tit e. ll- is Presi dent ot tho-i.mous Juckti!!'i Demo cratic A-ociati.-n ol the District ot CjlumlMa, which, next to Tim-sany it one o! the oldest Dcmoctatio and paiiiotie oignniz ttions in the the United S.ati s. "You n quest ol mo the discharge of a pleasant duly. My only tegret is that I am not. equal t the .sub j ot. ' -;'T'-- -' "An a rehident-of tbe National Cipital, I necessaiily observe, at all limes, the distinguished member oi both Houstsof Congress. "William Jennings Bryan, early in his career, secured the approba tion ot all the members of the lower House of Congress by bis renowned maiden speech upou the tariff. It was his introduction to the National Legislature and to the country at large. This speech was pronounced by a distinguished member of the same C .ingress, and one of the se- verest as well as ablest ol parlia mentary ciiiics, the equal in force oi reasoning, in beauty oi motoric, felicity ot illustration, and" logical deduction to any speech delivered in the House ot Representatives during hi own service ot many term?. '1 have known Mr. Bryan per sotiallv for many years, lie is not only handsome in person, but has th.l invalll able nift which was r.haracieiiz-d bv Lord Chesterfield as a perpetual letter of introduction a pleasing' address. "The result at Chicago was no mere matter of chance. It was the student's victory, lor Mr Bryan is one 61 the few men In public life .who has cultivated the arts of ora tory and the graces of rhctoi ic. It was the ripe student with a ueaitb of chosen words gathered and garnered through many industrious years. I speak that which I do know when l say mat iu g.i orator of the Northwest left Con. jrrees without the slightest, staiu ot Democracy's Call For Koney. Washington Post. Wo salher from Don James K. ' Jones'. addrtKf to ihe pconie cf the eountiy thai the Denucratie Naiio- niil C-mir.T't?o is in in ed cf itindp. Ctivirms-" J;iu-h was perbiins in a hiitrv hi ho t-fi pared it. tor the ev del. eet t.-f dislocation and incob neucv are two obvious lo bo mis- taken. Still, wo think it afe to as sume that the campaign treat-ury is ot. i at present threatened with a furt'ei;. 1 1. was !o hv thul the D-tfiocrti!i MEXICO AND SILVER. been party expected would in r.;s campaign. in lre, .'. nairo p-lank ct p'utf riii, the organs- act m i.cy t in; Chicago iuun u!K.iia!ed ulniosi evry h.- ujco of supply' fr m which ii has htliit rl ierived lit maleri.il of war. Th-s unliery.'lhe capitalist, the broltefM, lh-.- speculators, the U'. financial and iajrc!ii.:i i!e . cvr'poralians,. h; ,-e all 'if, lh i-'sL wi? their"' coiiute'naneo and arrayed themselve.H either directly on the sida of Mclvtnley or indirect ly under the banner ot a movement which has for its object tbo triumph ol Mclimley over Bryan. JN early every powerful newspaper in every large city is engaged in toe same enterprise. The Republican eos mittee has all the money it wHnls tor the'preparation and for the em ployment of professional speakers in every nook and corner of the land. Wo assume that the Demo cratic leaders anticipated this result when they set up the silver issue and chose Mr. Bryan as their stand ard bearer. They must have known that, under such circums.anees.lhey could no longer depend upon the millionaires ol the East or upon the great moneyed institutions ol any section. They have appealed, there fore, to the masses,-to the common people among whom their strength is to be found, and we suppose that they lock confidently for a prompt and satisfactory response. Unquestionably no national cam paign can be sucoWully conducted in this part of the world without i monef. We do not refer to the money for purposes of bribery and corruption, bu. to money ior per- ieclly proper and legitimate uso. Wo shall soon see, therefore, wheih er the Democratic Masses that have been so noisily clamoring for the free silver issue are sincere in lueir professions of devotion to that cause They can easily equip mr. commhteowith this necessary means of conducting a vigorous and inteli- ANEW YORK BROKER S PUNGENT EXPOSURE OF FALLAIS. The Stup dity if Cimparing Mexi can and Ameutan Prices of Ameri can Articles Mexicans Hardly Use Som9 So'id Information ; Ja8. v. Matthews' Weekly Market Letter. So much has been taid and writ ten in ignorance upon the. matter .f prscis and conditions m Mexior, that wo have gone i con- iidcrabc troub'o l present tms tv alter in its true lght to ;ir rca-1-er-. Tie wiiier bimo f bup nfc eonsid ruble li mo in ir-at ,uiiiry, and eu v uch lr Uv atoolyte f.or rccttiesn A the ltlerrt ielov Hit miu.d wl;ich ho la rcoivsd oi t l is Mil jet : "I have traveled ' u good deal in Mexico,, and uavo yet, lo 'sao the time when'Oie people "would take an American silver dollar. Ujited State notes, no matter if they are silver ones, are always at a premium, hrt thev do not want the silver dollar itself. Regatding the labor question,-it seems very strange 'that we are constantly receiving appli cations from the United States for positions at this place. We now unrro. amnnvc 'A2 Americans and they all seem to be well sati with Mexico. Hardly a week pas- sna without we have an American laborer stop over here looking for a job. Take the number of Americans emuloved on our railroads, and then ask yourself, why do-they come to Mo;o? "NTftarlv all of our white iUVillV . - -J - . men at the end of tbo month nave a credit balance, which shows con clusively that living is cheap, which enablesYhem to save. I have just o I. .ntr at. our book, and ig&cu w - finH ibnt. nn the first of the the amount we have on deposit, which represents the men's saving-, was 816,232 35. Mexican labor, it is true is cheaper ihan our labor at home, but ihe conditions here are very differ ent from the conditions at home, and I doubt very much if you could find anywhere a happier set of peo- pie than tbose we uavo uo.o. Another letter bearing upon same point is as follows: "While the Peon labor is rthftan n. Mexico, Americana usual thing find good at even better wages I month bow these people can live on pucu low waa;e. It's because lha purchas ing powir of '.1 heir money js great. In .iher wordx-, tl at lLe lujurai pieductM of the cfunliy aio cheap and very varied, lhat in the trop ical climate tf Mex eo living nd its problem urc much simpler ibicg. than here J ti oux ctmpltx civiliza tion. It must not ba tuppestd for otu instant that 6(1 cents a d. v is the pay mechanic and skilled laborer receive. We find by reference to payroll of a niacbim- company rp-eriiii.-a in Mes co City, which are bi-ioi- 'uf, tb'-list! McXn meoban led ieecivo $3.00 p r day a J the Aineik-an mecbai'ies employed ttieio $5.00 aid 00; - bior.. alwvi ie membet , - putciwo ihcio qnile as n uch ai do. the dollar ot liid o jun try ,h- to. 4"hw quo'ati.MH that hav3 recant-. Ijr toon appearing in 'the Ne York paper regarding prices in ilexico are absurd if taken . from the stand point of ho Mexican. We quote a tew figures from ono of the great New York dailies: In U. S. lo Mex. Breakfast bacon, per lb $ .1 1 J $ .32 Ham, per lb, .11 J Beans, per lb. 3 Arbuckle's coffee per lb. .20 Sugar, per sack 100 lbs. 5.50 Flour, per sack. 100 lbs. 2 25 Now fancy a Mexican using ham or breakfast bacon. Molases at $1 .60 per gallon, when they have it to give away on the big hactdenas, nd the sugar crop is so great that it does not pay for transportation; beans at 17 cents per lb., when they use their frijoles, which are much raoro palatable, and cost mem nexi to nothing, imagine a ju.e&iuu ueeb to the delicious Oaxaca coffee using Arbucies'! But to throw the lighTon cold facts upon these fig ures, we auote the following from . . . .i the official figures issued oy tne United States treasury: Imported Exported, from Mexico to Mexico. RrAakfast bacon 5 8.6Zb.OO ,32 .17 .40 1075 8.50 the very as a employment than at home. Watch Repairing. Jan 25 1895 NOTICE. Don't you want a good watcli. If so come to the NEW JEWELRY STORE or anything else you YPH-i in the jewelry line call anl Mkxi us. GARIBALDI & BRUNS (Next U Gilreath & Co.'s Shoe Store) tl nlihv UPon niS ii"' memo. man ol the noblest impulses, he ad vocated a:;d assisted .10 mutter of legislation his conscience, a pure one. did not approve. His place If you want to look nice, send your Linen to the Ul AULOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY We have the best laundry in "North Carolina, and guarantee you slrictly first-class woik. Charlotte Steam Laundsy. jrent contest, and thare is n.) greit " . . . . r u HiHinnit. in exiracunsr iroui iuo rhetorical mazes ot air. joces au- dress the fact that these means are sadlv needed. The events ot the . Ml i .11 next two or tbree wecKS win ecu upon the mcst important committee u, whether the advocates of silver thomselvea or in lueir Ul M. Ill t.ht. of rha Wavs snd Means, naa he been mercenary would nave t-t,to-t bim to have left Congress rich not poor a be did. "It has been eaid 'old men r,naHl pftimf men for action,' .M-i0r.;nlir,cd vouth oevoieu io ,,;.n 'nmiJovintr studious hours uilii r i as the cise oi mt. niy, - -coun'ry will find and the world Will &UUW, " - for which he has been . . in;iod hn wisaom Ol a2e with the vigor of youtn. Vl i!llm JCDDlUUo JJ"" " that is a silt ot nature, au (vui.vuvul. p v i had scarcely entered proiessio.ia. r.frt and come in contact .,hlin when he realtzea tnai h - for but lh A CYCLONE lias Btruck Mellon & Suelton's Clothing Store. The winds wero t t-'il winds but winds that blow good to both purcba-er and seller. Tbey have just re ceived a large lot ol beautiful Suits from S5 00 up. Shirts to .;r.nn crusbea me uuiuu. . -i n!if.rt ihnRtronEr. made Wlllloliuuj oaoiivu . . , i ,.r- nnorr and the rich richer, i i . V,nt has not. a nu salion oi ui u.- i i ;.u Kq ir. symptauy wnu .uU Not a word has ever fallen from his lips inai of cheer to toe uisu- star wntcn nas beat m pressed. words TTia oolar i . i ., guided his course, tar ne uas u:. followed any of the wandering planets of error, bas been the strengthening and elevation of the owlv without encroaching upon rights of the wealthy, the protection of the producer against plutocracy Woman's Rights. In a recently published medica work, the author asserts that nine., tenths of the women of America are subject to uterine and kindred diseases and in constquenco, ma ternity becomes to them a dreaded burden. How very small is the proportion ol ladies who reach mid dle age wearing the bright glow of health which waa' their maidenly attraction and of which they have beeu robbed by functional disorders and nervous weakness! We take pleasure in recommending io an thus afil cted the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tried remedy, safe and sure ia all oases. Its dis coverei merits the gratitude of the nex for the blessing he has conferred upon loeiii. r oi iiuiom tuvuw., and all deiltta'ee. -run aowu womou U the most certain restorative. To those about to become mrnnoiB tis a priceless boon. It lessens tno i t V!11 hirll ngius auu pe-rna ui wnuf- horUM labor, promotes tho secre tion of an abundance ot nourishment or the child and t-hortens tbo perioo. of confinement. t et.i .caf that there is no dim ctilty at all ia getting men to go from this ccuatry to Mexico, and iKav nortRinlv would not do so un less tbey were bettering themselvtB. You have been in Mexico and you can testify as to the n..mhr of Americans employed with all the railroads. All the con i have met in that ,nntrp are Americans. Nearly all the station agents are tho-ame, and you will find nothing but Amen cans or Englishmen iu the general fl3a r,e h nnmnanies. In tbe Vfl r- City of Mexico there is quite an American colony and besides there are a great many Germans employ ed t here. On my last trip through Ham Coffee Sugar Flour 29.487.00 3 794,540 86,458.00 29,456,00 " 166,953.00 $3,880,998 00 $284,522 00 Our export ot beans to all the world, Mexico not being specifically motioned! was $632.073 00, and our import was $658,320 00. vTho staple article of food in Mexico is ih tiiiole. a eon ot beau, and it is safe to tay that on this article the hnlftnnft ia jrreatlv asrainst the Uni- Qtofou no crreit O'jantltlCS of f-;;-ja ta naftd in Texas and tbe horder States. Onr total exports of coffee and ccoa ground or pre ,i ohnnnlata amounted to $107,740.00, praciicatly none o which wont to Mexioo. Pmhab'r the email amounts o ham and bacon exported to Mexico , e0,i hxr iha Amenoaa rest- it nnt a an tha Mexicans themselves like it: A refers U J 1 V W v " ' . nnfiA t., the fiTures on sugar w-1 oKr iho hhnrfl badlv against this nonntrv. The only " reason they . Youth and Greatness A great dttl has been said about the yciithfulnefs of W. J. Bryan One ol ihe titles b. ; which ho is designated is "The b v, orator of ihe Plan." While he is young, compared wi.h ethers who have been nominated for the same high iffictv yt thirty-fix years is not such a youthful age. It is three j-ears peyonu wnai is eiyieu ine average life of man. Ilistiuo we look to ago tor staietmanship, yet : 1 .1 t men wn- uave mown mtv nave masu-rc.d ihe crafi of '.he statesmen, nolle ?t ill joung'n yi fir?, " tre not i ia"i'y by any meii s A-oxa dr limilioit ii, po-sibly. the mot-l int able in.itanco f this iu ur country. I i was only m vfiiU en y cs is it tg. hen he rr.ade an add ess in n-tci-. c.ce to tbe election of d l-.'gato to he (Jjttineittal CngiCFS which at ta.-ted atleiition. lie was but lit lo older than thU when ha publish ed anonymoudy a repiy to an at tack made upon Congress by Skrn uei Seabary, which displayed such ability lhat it was credited to John Jay. At twenty five ho was a member ot Congress, and before be was thirty he was engaged upon the work that led to tbo formation of tbo constitution. William Pitt, the second, and Charles James Fox are the two nglisbmen who stand, forth the most prominently as tilling great positions while young in years. Mr. Put at twenty -onewas a member ot Parliament. Twc "rears after, be cause of his ability and eloquence, he was made Chanoellcr of the Ex chequer, and one year later, when Ministry resigned, he was urged by the K-ing to accept the pnraership. Ho declined, but acoepted it two years later, and at twebty-five was the most popular and powerful Min ister of the age. Mr. Fox was elected to Parlia ment before he bad attained bis majority, and was just of ago when he was made Junior Lord ot tbe Admiralty. The youngest Cabinet officer in the United States was Samuel L. Southard, of New Jersey. Ho was only twenty-nine years of age when be was called to succeod amitb Thompson as Secretary of the Navy in the Cabinet ot President Monroe. He is an instance of how brief a thing is fame, or rather how near one can come to being made famous and . yet not attain it. Half of the present generation, possibly never heard of Mr. Southard, yot bo was Mexico ono of the conductors on import any ot our sugar is ao adoldmelhat he had met a they have no means as yet of clan Partya few days before who had 0 COlOl, OM twenty-five when ho wrote it. Ur 'sinius was five years older when he p nned tin Heidelberg catechism. Ia ger.rr:;l literature youtl.ful writers ar so common us 10 scarce. 1y causo comment. Cha.rles Dick ens wroto the 'Pickwick Papers' before he was thcnly-tive. Bryant penned " 1 banatopsis when ho was eighter. Byron was only twenly one wh 11 "Cbilde Harold" was giv en to the world. Bulwcr Lytton, Baya.d Taj br, und tho poei Keats were ail msg ztno " cojjuihulors by the tim ilu y were eglit-n.-'' Fpz Gre. h HiMvik, lb u Kiilto White, Th ma ni'iori , S. l.i or, S tr.l ey, CiialCM, L'Mgh l!u i, i:!l were th"r.btf re t lny loychd tlsetr mijirill." Cainpbe I wroto the ' PfvaMires . f- II pu" hen h wjf twenty two, and Will t'.rloton' wa two yeais older when he pu'olhed -Betsy and I Aro Out" -not a great poem by any means, yot by its homeliness and pathos it captured the American heart, and has com manded him a hearing ever since. Poet. Pi 1(5)5 W V 7 ) )P ml Absolutely. Puro. ' A cream of tartar baking powder, nigh et of all In leavening strength. Latest United States. Government Food Report Royal Bakiko Powper Company, New York. - Washington Cursing and Swearing. Did you ever think for a. mo ment why people curse and swear? If you have I am sure you have quit it yourself. Now let us consider tha professional curscrs. Men who have become experts at the business. Tho most ready and most expert and most willing man to curse and swear that tbe writer has had te misfortune to come in contact with is a negro man. He is a good band on the farm. He never went to school a day in his life and cannot read or write. In fact ho is a gros ly ignorant man. His stock of words is small except in slang and oaths. His mind, body and soul are full of those. I never have seen but one person that conld touch him and that was a white woman of low do greo. Tho main trouble with her was tho lack of pura and decent words to give yent to her wrath. Naturally tho woman wag shrp. She had good horse sense and by nature she was a great talk er. She had acquired the habit of cursing while young and that was the ontv language in which he could express her joy or relieve her belated temper. Now take these two examples and compare them to some pure, good, moral, man or wo man of any color. Tbo good man or woman has at bia or her com mand a full supply of pure, decent, pleasant words. He can tell any Rtorv an d tell it well with the words within one of becoming president of Lat he brought from his mother's -:0:-SPRING H A R D W A R E-:o:- We are selling the only RIVETED COTTON HOE on the market, and it would Pat , , you to examine our stock ; THE GENUINE DOWLAN COTTON PLAN- TER always gives satisfaction and is tho one for all fat mors to buy. TURN P LOWS OP ALL DKSCBlPnONS, Plow Shapes, Sweeps, Single-Trees, Bck . - Bands Trace Chains :o:- anda complete stock -:o:-of HARDWARE. Call in and seo us. , J. H. WEDDINGTON & Co., Old Stand, 29 E. Trade St. March 13, 1896. t ha labor I ilarlr hrown been to aie.-o ;7? - e Amerioan question, auu . ta of that country and. by a KriTomf 'Hfew 'WeaUb MeSiTe- WhWr Dad come iu nf nnr.M nre.' who compared tbo reooe ot masing wuipi.u v - r- Oiler- I trailinar MBX1CO LUUSb uo v."- - . in whatever wl Po-esidenCi strengtheiiing finlio-htenmeai the only sure, ibo the boat the band. Hats to make your hair stand Boys you miss your chancoif youdoo't call and ,soe the Boys Suits, Hats, Shirts, rand other boys' supplies that are going lor a mere song of .... Mellon & Shelton's P. S. We are just back from the lie is the 'Boy his shoul- him in tbe Ex 1 .. .. not by violent form ptutocrasy up- . 1 ..-.. c..rwt;,.nio truat.or otnci- iio. I can well say that u,.l.. ;f,.n nnr ChOUlUUiu wi ha been oevoicu t f tbe nation by iue of labor, which is fiafd. and lasting f H.iinn fifeo trovi-rnmeni -The awakening of the giant .1,..!, 1 ha earth. the Giant of the vVnai tin a aroused himself. If wow . 1 striding eastward . with -f - f thn Platte' on ders, and will place tcutive Mansion, not by force, but. By that weapon surer sot, than the bavonet, in, r.ha unnwflikcs on t o e lDov w..-.- SOd, , ... the Fremin s win, As listening does the willol God. The Freeman's Ballot. 'Tho ensuing campaign, in favor of the candidates nominated at Cat cao by tbe late uemocia ventio. will prove to. ihe iwpmng t nnrreut ibe heinou,. ongofl87VuentheIiepublican party in aenauco w What Builer Sajs. Washington Post. - S uutor Butler, chairman 01 me Populist Commute, pays tbat be aas been receiving some very lavorable report from difftrnt b atts wtscrt there have been disagreement-i be- iweeu the Populists and Dernocrftis as to fnshion on tLc'.ors. It is now hMifv.l that the offer of the Popu n ot toe nnvone ir in Amprican laborers IllOAlVU vv ered an an insult to the latter In a private letter written from Mexico Cay on July 25th, 1895, we find thetollowmg : "'You know I am not a partisan of either metal, but down here I must ay that gold cu s a pretty n fi,T.irP ai.d the people certain- sua" r ' . 1 lv seem prosperous and well to do. A question looks very different when viewed from tbe staudpomt at the other end of the Hue. .T hv hacome preliy wen fitd from what I have seen here that the true prosperity of a country docs not depend upou the amount ot mony " u. burro abroad, but ra her upon the amouut of money tbe hands a.d ownea ny i"t'- ms of the country. Here a ,ln kr buvs a uonar b the United States. When Geo. William Henry Harrison was nom inated for tbe Presidency, tbe sec ond place on the ticket was offered to Mr. Southard but he declined it. The position was subsequently giv en to Mr. Tyler, who, on the death of Gen. Harrison, succeeded him in the White House. War is attractive to the spirit and-dariner of yOutb, and it is not surprising to find some of tho brav est soldiers young in years. The Virginia Colonel, George Washing-, ton, was only twenty-three when he covered the retreat of the reck" less Braddock, and displayed those trait9 of oharaoter that made him the first American when the colo nies sought to achieve their inde pendence. Napoleon Bonaparte at Baumgarten's ' Studio knee He maybe a man that talks continuously but that makes no dif ference he does not have to employ others to do it with. Some boys begin to swear at the age when it seems a great acooms pllshment. But in later years when he looks around him and sees that the man or woman who can swear most bitterly and who can wind him up in a minute are of a low class in life then he feels ashamed of the dirty habit. He sees and feels the effect of it. He looks and sees m r m a. Yrxr ns nan fnllr t.n ft t.hnn and men and never utter an oatb hpUjOOljS-:0 In this boy he sees tno elements 01 a true man, then his aspirations to ward an expert swearer turns back on him and ho is bitterly ashamed. luoodio price. Men and wemen love to be first at I convinced. anything they undertake. So when the PHOTOS and life size CRAYONS on exhibit" are simply wonderful and- Ufa like Erv-ANDTEE PRICES-" are most reasonable, be also ' carries a nice line of I all of which are- greatly See them red and bo twenty-fivo was a brigadier general a 0f ahieh-tone, christian fam of artillery. In the late cival war jjy b0gjn8 to cnise becauso he thinks we find young men prominently at it ;8 8mart 6ees bow for he is ex- ?"a. u .;nM in MfiXifio for their lQO irou.u ' " uou 7"' .r celled by some tow, grovnng, iei- louuu fcUf-F"7 --7 low Ueorge A. uuster was not, more man low Lo ropCDt8 Bnd ceases to curse twenty-tour years 01 in its entirety and the United States must be considered in its entirety. Tf ;a t will always be 11 1. 1 1 1 3 tO - 7 West Trade St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ..ni,.rt;..ipa nffnol are very tow DUllJlO l VtVWM V- . The staples are oiHereni stables and 0 Imateand tastes of the two people-are different. Unless a person actually lives among the Mexicans, tho difference can hardly be understood. It is usohes for tho Now xor papers to try to show that prices are hih in Mexico and wages low, for if Drices were high and wages r ,. . 1 1 ; .. knnr (inn (1 ltlftS9 DOODIO uun w w. . 'I won the stars ot a fliaior iienerat. Gen. Judson Kiipatrick, the dash ing cavalryman, who alter tho war closed was in tbo diplomatic service MORTGAGE SALE. t .i,in. nf (utwer Tested in me bv a There is nothing in swearing -TeCuted bv J.J.Ron and tha makes a man large. Far from I wifCf u. l. Bone, on the 25th day of Msy it; it makes him smaller than tte 1891, 1 will sell at public auction, at the anrrv mn who naes as a orofew Court House door in the City of Charlotte, . rT r l NU.on Saturday tne ara aay oi vciour sional. Some men curso beotuM f L-Q- hB ' rt conveyed by said of the government, wa only twen- tDey think it gives emphasis to deed' wh'ca la registered io Book 73 pags ty-.fiye when he received his Gener- ulter0Cce: fr from it. It disgmatt 1 847 i'n the office of the Register of Deedi nnmmiacinn fiftn JftSfinh .1 - L I- ,1 nf I f ekUnhnrir CoUntV. described ft fol- low, contended as in z-j .,.h uvnrv thiiii? cjnsioerea. iuc things iht have to be bought and pa.d lor at a premium are certainly F 1 .... n Hnno WllhOUt. Idiuries m - 7 , : C...: Uarnfihammev. nd hew. tbe masses stmp.y go -mm.- tne puruu. uB ow-f and be as happy and they are. . Tho same labor gots quite as good pay ia Mexico as it does here, the pay bepends entirely upon the skill 01 ibe laoorer, s ii""" where else. It must be remembered that after all, wages a"e a oompara tive thing and depend iarget upon al'a commission. tjren. josepn yYhooler, who was at the head of the Confederate cavelry service in tbe Army of the Tennessee, had on ly reached twenty-seven years when he was made a. Lieutenent General in the Confederate Army. course it effects the man who doe. lows, to-wg W" . not curse even more than it dees j rung witb nJ8 lire 15 23 poles and IS. the"swearer. Who does it please? j KnfcB to a Black Jack near the Scnoot tirLn - W.lrannt ltmiaa thpnro With MM. llOUSlOn IIHO be Te No one. Mrs. witn tns nr oam u od . Swrreornef. thenc with her lias comes anbamed ana iooks arouuu w go ooles and 10-lir.ks to the be- to see if anybody is looking at him. I eiDnlne. containing two and a half acres.. ... . J I P . 6 .. . l- I ... I I Vino Olj, s But Step by step be eeis more auu aigo oae ower irc. u mora bald and soon hb has aco aired Township, cmtsiniog 17 acre. ana owa- ... v - m. I . m 4 AKam I- I O (t a iit in Texas' to take seven or me . am nr rar.,urie9 aro built bore .inotfird will lie Kccepttd. In I . . BinU-- jibaui where I a silver dollar nr... r thu pammithes have I an. : j o .m nairioticl W do not wish those Cbt 1 iiginia iui . I it SbuUHl Blauu. i. v" - f--- I . . . , ,ia 1 . nnn a Hicinion. irivintr I , - t .a TTni! d Slates I ho nartiean. we uO wisn tne vuuun"s: :d tho' pou: t T";;;.;; f om uons which Preva at the pr ...nt :. . . . -i ii .u UHttd wuu . .. . 11 ..- nnior..iiapii I ttmft n,l have a beannz npon lisi.wo tiejiu.o. - rone, and mai u ou -r ".u;Q r. ' . J .... nan ID AAlrrraif lSSIlAflnOW U IUIO WLlltJ M-f- liais - - - 1 rone, auu i.u -'- , 1 , r. . 1, ; o that the chances of fusion in North K d end upon local capital as great issues now b fore this 1 I u . . 1 r I u .n4aati-nrl then a n.rnlina hve improved. It was stated at Popu'ist head qaarttrs that thev believed the Idaho fusion would be arranged so in triv. thfi Sliver lVSUUUiiua share ot the offices and an equal interest in tho campaign, the elect ors to be divided among the three parties. The Nalioual ropuiisw Committee, it was stated, will i stst upon this and will be joined in u oy the Democratic National Com mittee. - 0 . ihr are. and van cooue LU W UHUWiovv y history, Northern mar kets and our destroyed goods have come. Mellon &Shelton, next to II. Baruch ro.M.nH Kna.nciai pouj), .1 .i.- .oitinif reiaiiuua "in .,M and silver, tbo tio. metals ot & ; k nnnAntive lei?- the uonsuuuion, "y"X, Ao iij iBUtion.-"JAMES L NORlUb. Goose Grease. , Goose Gresse Liniment will cure you of Rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, head ach?. pii-fl ii ride or hvk. nd in fret ovrv "'n von hove If it does rot o thi takr the bottlr back t. v n drnsyaist anrt eet your money. So'd t v a'l rog--gists Apr 10-ly gth. suffered Lost His Political Stre 'Ponr tram 1 ! Hv"9 yoi mi miionf - T 1 . r. ..m.J T l.nro in US S kt T was not tbo wretched wrecb am now. Bi-v ' r a liii p'niii.-'" ' 1 FllCi .fve on' two, I W:i ,i tn v ic I nl r Oi50a' we shall sp continue to present them and we are always ready to back our statements by proof Some ot our irieudi nave runuo iuo ....w that out letters should not mue A Little Short on Mem n.ifl dav tho Proffessor w - j pUcing a larg ry. noticed bequot on be ask- bis wife his desk. "What docs that mean 'Why'" she exclaimed, "don't you know that this i the anniver sary of your mariiagf?' "Ah, indeed, it if? said the Pro lessor, politely. "Kindly let me know when yours eornea around and I will endeavor to reciprocate tho favoi! 'Youth's Companion. rn a local management. Certains ly had not the United State- been so heavy a borrower at the time of the recent fiuancUl panic she would have bteu much better off now. OaODO point the first two letters . 1 1 1 it a 1 1 fnn a2ree periecuy, -'"-":.Y . " " riMt munt wo consid nh nh COOtrOl l&OOT io o uiuo a fc" . Sit that any lair er that every-man who LM.moD7 ?omna fson is impos?ible. It would to invest shoald be a close student reXuraVfairPto compare one of of the .condition, which .ow tnttliCTPnt. laborers to a couou rouna us. ai. " - - - neld neJro as aer L.diao. Any we must keep to tbe gold Mandard one araTactuaintcd with the con- The question is. How arc we going 5 Uo'sthl'n have prevailed in the to do Our sol ution would Routh'fur many years and prevail to open our very abundant goiu till, icdav knows that many of fields with American capita!, t?er,e, -I'.Z .WJL .lL .0 make that the irold would stay here. An :U".Vn : cTnts other safJ place to invent money Tha npfrroc8 who work in ibe pnos- Eii Murry, who when tiovenor of Utah Territory hold Mormonism with a srip of iron, was a Brigadier tne filthy habit General in the Union Army when quit. How unbecoming it l to h wan twentv-two years of ace. nnntinu. How deep it iroes to We are accustomed to regard Ken- your paaents' hearts! They would lucky as one of the States that gave rather cee ycu drink. aid and assistance only to the re- T av then that it ii neither smart, 1 . . . I Knii'n.. v At noma nf the bravest ofB I Hp.int. nnr doea it rive emphasis to I .nrn 'r YontU.ud others to T. B leners w . . tt. . L? I V. "7, nv 1 rr X1S nni cers in the union Army were xveu-1 gwejir. Doys, mins wnai. I Jieacnwu, rcSws ".rx- r 0 j-vv. , . . I . . . ., - tuckians. William uoyie, at nine-1 there in it. it soon spoil your puiw the teen, was xiieutenant uoionei 01 uuu 1 aoo: sweet ngii8Q iearneu v ol the infantry regiments. J. xvo- 1 devoted mother knee, oj quit it for her saxe. "Bad Bot". Darticularlv de scried in a deed from II K.- eia ana wife to T. B Meacham, regUtered ia Book 36 page 344 in the office of tbe Register ? of Deeds for .aid county. Also a half lo- t.i in mnnlhcr lot in PiOCVille. aOjOiO- - ihe nrr.nirtv of J. W. Morrow and others, pari icnl ally deecribed in deed In At! i Term. cash. This tbe 28th day of Aug. Q9. -. W. O.MaxweU, Trustee. became Colonel ot the Twenty eighth Infantry when bo was but twenty-one years of age. OnA nt the bravest soldiers that md with Sheridan on his raid was First New i ar.l(;ol Jane wav. 01 tne oir ieu.r - r...v cavelrv. He was wounded h with pontic, bui.uuu I-:--- vet w ot. much ncr iwcntv when be met bis death. " - j - Men aro not much accustomed to associate theological distinction with youth. It ii something they think belongs to affe. when one bas retired from the activities of life and thought is retrospective, yet some of the most prominent , tbeologicat works are from those whose year were not many. John Calvia has, exercised more innuence EXECUTORS NOTICE- Br Tirtne of an Execution dirtcted to me by tbe clerk of the Superior Court of 1 Mecklenburg Couoty, North Carolina in cauw entitled W. D. Gill. v.. vt- JJ. Rone I will Mil on wonaay, me oiu uj of October 1896, at 12 o'clock m-. to the OASTOB1A. j Ti fee- yy I imil8 j It ca Wtf rh,tAfiW ol Carolina are about canPeon. The P. on doeB not un derstnd making more lhan 50 cents a day; were to make 50 C3nts from fi n',.iAPk 11 mil 12 he wo.ild immedi ately top work. If r.ffrrfd an ad d!t'o al 50 cents for the balance of thJ dav, ho would refuse to won Tl N 19 . m - 1I7 wn.rTW9 nilVn UriUlV ni'HHIIIIV. us several enlerprists of decided OD Protestant, theology than any .:Z Tn.atmntfl made in Mexi other ono man, except Ar- co Remade on tho basis of the fminius, yet be was only twenly-Btx bkin Eruptions and poslively cores UftTim dol'ar and the interest oT twenty-sevtn years old when be . piWfi or DO pay required. It is .;A in 1 hn aimo waV. ery iai s I wruw u iuinvUw. i j-mi-i.ivu vvB..v profits are to be made by invest- . . ' : ' was the Loci Communes" of Mel- & D ,f:8 wholesale and retail ... - TT'ij wtmc ancthon.lhe colle.gu- o Luther, I'lantDfl fin IflPrl of om rtmpi. a (.yt t?m which wa p well receiv- OHM WEODKBBURN O- P 1 - ... ;ti'r UV hr Wa, but .gnr. afl I'.S 1 "' :H lit hi I " he au car A dirt IC ' iindtM S No matter what your trade may be An h rbtlist or hatter Or something else, I eay lo thee ht the matter. - J O . . .'. I . . . . . ' t -11 ,u ll.Ua Don't take tbe old stylo gripping P'1'3 tereat and estate of Dr. 3. 3. Rone in that That rather causa than cure your Jan(J iQ PineTiiie Township, Meck- ills; lenbnrg County, North Carolina, oJoio- buttake Dr Pierce's Pleasant PeU log the lands ot Mrs- Abernatby. W. E. lets, for tbey are very small and 1 pUnsant to take and are prompt Sathv'. oner In an latterly direc- ar.4 effective, in their operation. tjOQ to the Yonnts line near a cedar; Tncy cure-indigestion, siclt bead-1 thence N. with .aid line to w . iu. x ount ache, bilioosness, disordered liver hot; then i with SliS and habitual constipation. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Tha hest salve in tbe world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Tetter. Cbapp. ed Hands. Chilblains. Corns and all J w wt to Coin btreet: thence witn eaia tFt tn the beeinnioz containing about ni rre-. known a. Tbe Home Plaoe" of Dr. 3. 3. Rone. Also one piano. This Anz Z7 1SU0. Z NWmxa Sheriff. Aug 27 1895. i. w. Price 25 linn -EUlij?1on." The fir;t iystem of or money refunded. Evangelical Protectant ihsology I reuU er box. For sale by Bur well Write JOHN WEDDIS L "j! iTSSw ixruhlnrton. D. Cm for tfceir vi.bm prjw lo-t rue, 3 e: ti w 9ntf Vii;a UedHn Germany. (loose GreaseJbas been od !n Germany for thousands of year, for Kneumaiisin, Neuralgia, spriin.. brutees, etc., and found to be the mosf reliable remedy known. Al ways .old uifler guarantee. If it doesyoa no good takf it back to your droggist and Set your mlney. Made on.y by, Goomi reav; Linirfient Co., Gmn.boro. i. n. - Apr iu-y

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