Tjis Paper 19 44 Years Old CHARLOTTE, N. C., THURSDAY, OCl'OBER 15, 1806. TOMJIIE XLIV NUNPF.K 2SC5 professional DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM. Office 7 West Trade St. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Apr 3, 1996 , TOMMIE SLICK: THE LIFE OF A COUNTRY LAD, itOW TOMMIE SUCK WAS BROUGHT VJP-HIS SUKROTJNDtGS ETC. A BAD BOY - TO BEGIN WITtl-HF TROUBLES HIS OLD SCHOOt TEACHER FROM THE START. S ick till next morning. The boys HE IJUUlYliU UUJNUlllUi -bad warned Tom on the way borne h !l that the teacher wat lerriDiy ma what dun co. and bradstreets j)R. E. P. KEERANP, Dentist, O)ylc07 West Tra'de St., Charlotte N. C 'ov 2, 1894 J JOG a W. HARRIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law office, Nos. 14 and 16 Law Building, July 6, lb95: CHAPTEB I. TOMMIE FLICK'S SCHOOL DAYS. In about the year 1863 there was born a monstrously peculiar lad i if in or near unarioiie. ma parents were good honest trustworthy peo ple. His father was a farmer of no man degree. Mis mother was born and raised in the country. The bov was named Tommie Slick and a slick bov he was. too. From ba SSBORNE. MAXWELL & y-hood up he was a study to those I I J I m kn to m in .-,! uft with him In nvcr h it rah deed, mat was me first time Tom bad ever thought'! the teacher knowing it. He began to think teriooslv over the matter. But be was equal to tne occasion. Bright and early next morning, bcs I HATE TO say. Better Conditions Hit Appeared as i ijihown by a Lagr Employment of Labor The Election Makes Thine Unsettled. ! New Yobk, Oct. 9. R. G. Dun & Co. will sav to-morrow in their x nr cm ana eanv utiv uiuiuiuk, .-. -n. win . Hav in-murruw while that the pupils could hardly i fore school had taken up. the leach-1 Week I v Reiew of Trade: see to study. I er was sitting on the rostrum lean- I . Distinctly better conditions have ing back in bis easy chair, .lom appeared of late and are reflected in walked in and went straight up to somewhat larger employment o! la the him, extended bis 'band and bor, in large transactions and in flair?: 'Mr. will vou have some nontinned burin? of mateiials for candy?" The teacher saw tne scheme and took the candy. Tom had scored a victory. continued next week "I 7 Vs rTEERANS. Attorneys at Law, Office 1 and 3 Law Building 0 ;t 20, 1895 H N. PHARR, Attorney at Law, Office No. 14 Law Building. C LARKSON & DULS. Attorneys at Law, Office No. 12 Law Building. D RS. M. A- & C. A. BLAND Dentists. No. 21 North Try on St. Charlotte, N. C. JJIt. W. H. WAKEFIELD Will be in his office at 609 North Tryon street, during October, except on Wednesday and Thursday of each week. His practice ia limit ed to Ev, Eir, Nose and Throat. iRS. M'COMBS & GIBBON Physicians and Surgeons, Office: No. 21 North Tryon Street. Charlotte, N C. No better preparation can be ma le for the hair tban H J GHES' QUININE HAIR TONIC. It keeps the Hair and Scalp in perfect condi'ion all the time Trial size 25 cents. appearance be was as ugly as a boy could be. His nose was large and bis lips thick. His mouth hung open continually and he wore a broad grin on his face all the time. But in body he was especially well made. He had broad shoulders and strong arms. His legs were like black-jack poets. W hen the boy of the ueigbboihood spoke ot Tommie Slick thev said he was a hardlook ing nut. Truly he was. He grinned so much that all the boys asked htm if his dog was dead. Me always an e(wered in a polite manner by cons linuing to grin and say nothing. Tommie Slick's home, when a boy, was a beautiful place. His fa" iher owned many acres of fine farm ing lands. And in the center of bis immense laim a large old-time dwelling-bouse, that bad stood for years, was surrounded by a beauti ful grove of oaks. Near the house was a well ot the best and purest water to be found in the country. A lew hundred yards away stood sn old log house that was large and roomy. When Tommie Slick was a baby the lot ot this barn was fill ad with mules and horses by day and with cows and sheep by n gbi. At night, the mules and horses were Btaddlcd while the cows and sheep had the exclutive range of the lot Tommie, from the lime he could walk, bad full sway in the barn yard. He waB ibe only boy for a few years and life to hm was royal When his legs were long enough to straddle a horse bo lesrntd londe. The proudest time ol bis life was tne day on which hia father brought him back a little saddle from Char lotte. Life to him was sweet and a mnU. Ha rode the horses and f That morning Tom went in hall scared to death. ' He was rather pale and excited. Tie knew A his a, b, c's off by heart but that was all he knew in books. The whole school turned to Tom. There be stood, a little- tquattybuilt lellow with freckled face and glittering eve. His face was rather dirty and his clothes not clean. He looked as meek as a lamb. The teacher heard him recite and then gave him a seat. During the day Tom recited about three timts and in the afternoon when i be last lesson was over he got permission from the teacher to go to the rear end of the long schoolbouse. Tom walked back to the door in the end of the bouse and pltc.d a band on each side of the door facing. The scooi-house was still except the rattling of the slate pencils. Ev ery body was ciphering. That was the cub om in those days. Iu the morn ings, geography, grammar, latin and the like would come, aud in the afternoons, arithmetic occupied the minds of the pupils. This was a busy afternoon. On the outside ill seemed quiet and the sky was clear Bin &it oi attudden there came aloud peal of thunder and Tom Slick was frigbeoed nearly out ol bis wits. He. like a frightened deer, wheeled ATKINSON'S MAJORITY 36.0O0. around and dashed down ibe aisle to Ibe school teacher. lie yelled at the top of bis voice: "It you all know what you are about you'd get. . i t . J your rials ana Ducneis ana go DRS ETCOMBS& GIBBON roomy, vmni iuLiui. ..o. o heme lor it's going to rain.' mat I a baby the lot ot this barn was nil- broU Dt aown too Bchool with a. loariug laugh. The teacher spoke to Tom aud told him to be seated. Torn toil into his seat like a soared rab bit. Ere long, to reinstate himself with the teacher, he went up, book iu baud, and linger on a word and said, ''teacher, what, is thU?"' Tho teacher said "why Thomas that's a' "Well," said Tom, "it that is "a," that io all I waul to know." The school roared and the teacher fccold cd aud Tom grew pale. But before the lass coulu be quelled aud Tom couhoied. the bov was gone. He- went out the school house door and thence home. Early next, morning be came aLd began the duties of the day io good shape. Before school took up, tbe children played such games as bull pen, lool-and-a-half, shinney, base ball and marbles. Tom Slick, little tough looking tot, cared not to plajr but he was a good spectator. Ho id watch nl&v after Dlav and " r j - i " his face would remai as the rocks of Gib made him laugh and nothing made. him speak. It was a sueni paru that Tom took. School was begun and Tom's les son heard. That day, alt went well till after dinner. Tbe steru old iHRi-her kent his eve on this new lad. In ibe' boy's face be saw good mivarl with much deviltry. That. afternoon Tom's lessons were over and he asked to go out and play In asking for himself he included his little tow-headed class mate named Jim. Oat they went for a gay Iimino.1 a mam chunk Of Ik I Ler L Li IUU " i " w - O I tllUO. v 1 Ui ? wo mm .1 .1 I i . i I 1 r-J .vut mil trt t liH I :.u -. i n -vt. !-! hair KllU Or ailY tiling else yuu v?Di db reau, wuumpu.. 1 uoy wnu buuwu 1 7 .1 in fliP Wefrv line call negro cabin in the yard and hear evtry irjch ot hiBl was smart A ter v J . uncle Joe tell ghost stones lor an and see IIS. I hnnr or two. That nieht he raved, cried, and jumped ia his sleep. dream about the ifbOstS. His grand-mother would wake him TOHN PARRIOR, and start him over again. J I he would be at it again. But Tommie slick tarried not. He grew on at a rapid rate. At the age ,.r v ha a r n IO BCDOOl. X uc utu RTj Tr-nAck Mr Cr. twisted the cows' tail; he made the .2.0 Ol U.CI.LL OO V-fU. I sbeep ieap the-ftnee; be ran the cats Wim DOUUUf, ue w dogs' taHe; be made his grand moth . miserv. Tom's grand moLher was a eood old lady snd she loved Tom. At night, Tom slept with her. On Suodavs she dressed him for church, then saddled her hnHu mi t. Tommie on behind her and off she would go to tbe family Tom. bov like, was not ith this often limes. He wnntad to be free to move. At church he sat by bis grand-mother ail during the sermon, ibe sermon was not like those ol today, snort and quick, but they were long and imkd Rut no matter to Tommie, ht. hA in hear them throueh every . . . J i:l To t his dav be aiuae the old, tall, rawboned preacner that stood in tbe pulpit so long at a 1 1 m A But Tom was in it Sunday afternoons. After reading his chap ter in the isible witnoui Kuowmg Stamp Agency. Prescriptionists. Phone No- 7. 1 jou want to look nice, send your Linen to the CH ARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRlf Ta Kavn thri best laundrv in North Carolina, and guarantee you strictly first-class work. Charlotte Steam Laundsy.. KOTTOE. Wt you want a good watch. Sunday If so come to the NEW JE VVELRY STORE legislature Almost 'Solidly Iemoertle Fopallst Claims of Fraud. .- - " Atlanta, Ga., Octf 8 Advices received in Atlanta up to midnighs from combined official and unofficial sources fix tbe total Democratic ma jority at 36,129 This estimate it based upon tbe vote for Atkinson for Governor, which is in many cases less than that cast for tbe other State official?. It is not be lieved that the final returnB will ma terially change this estimate. The Legislature is almost solidly Demo cratic in both branches, insuring practically the unanimcu election of ex-Speaker Crisp to the Senate to succeed Senator Gordon. Two constitutional amendments were voted on and both were car ried overwhelmingly. One is to provide for ibe increase of the Su preme Court from three to six jus tices and to provide for their elec tion by the people. The other is to make the Stale School Commission er elective. The official returns from McDuffie county, the home of Thomas E. Watson, show that the Populists have carried it by 504 majority. Seaborn Wright, the Populist candi date tor Governor, carries his home county, Gloyd a former Democrat ic stronghold by 200 majority. Cobb connty, tbe home of Demo cratic Chairman Ciay, reported last night 800 Democratic majority, shows only 590 Democratic majori ty this afternoon. . . "1 Populist (Jaairman juunningoam received telegrams this morning from tbe four counties of Marion, Hart, Glasscock and Ta lor, all of w hich were reported to-have gone Democratic last night, claiming them fo- the Populists, with a net gain of 650 over" the estimated Democratic majority. Chairman Cunningham said at ll o'clock tbt Wright, Populist candidate lor Gov ernor, was elected, with tbe rest of the State ticket Democratic. - mannfaeture A exeat Dart of the change is due to those resistless laws of supply and demand, which take heat where it is wanted and gold where it is wanted. India is waiting fir cargoes of wheat on tbe way from the Pacific States, ju t as Australia and South Africa were not long ago. The surplus usually available from, India disappears, and the surplus trom Russia and Europ ean reduoed, according to to late estimates, io,uuu,vuu "TRILLTSn AUTHOR DEAD. 1 nd tnl WhU the On reaching home that night f set to work, and bv the next morn ing had written tbe first two num bers of "Peter lobeUon.'V Ra thought it must be poor stuff, and determined to look for omen to learn whether any success would at Lund thin naw denartnra. : So ha walked out into the warden, and the. very first thing that be saw was a largo wheelbarrow, and that com forted him and reaaaured me. tor there was a wheelbarrow in the first chapter of "Peter bbetl'on., . Some time later be was dining with Publisher Osgood, and be said be beard DuMaurier was writing stories aud asked to let bim see some of them. So ''Peter Ibbets n wa sent over to America and was accepted at once. Then "Trilby followed, and the "boom came, a "boom' wbioh surprised him im ' mensely, for he never tool himself seriously as a novelist. Much ot UuMauriers ebiidbood Ibbetson" rritten in his lartians. GEORGE DC MATCHER SUCCUMBS TO HEART AND LUNG TROUBLES. He Had Boen HoTeriag Between IAt aad Deatn for Days Sketch or the .Vrtlst Novelits Lire. London. Oct. 8 Georce DuMau rier. tbe artist and author, who has been Buffeting for some time witu heart and lung troubles, died at 2:30 o'clock this morning. His death was peaceful. The pnysioians wno aitenaea xtu Maurier announce that his heart bad been weak for years, and that a fort- niabt aero this afftotion became ag gravated by a chill, the effects if c - . ... which settled upon bis luip&. The voluminous obituaiy notices in the London DSDers make no al'u- sion to bis alleged remark to a frie d t hat ncnnlaritv had killed him. and there is every reason to b- lievejhat be never so expressed nimseit. One of DuMaurier's friends, who was Dresent at his death, said: . r .. . . . . "He died almost as tragically as i POPULI6TS CHAROS FHAUD. Populist State Coairman Canning- e iouowing alter piay auu. , in aB unchanged ham lo-day Save out tb rahar Nothiujr I statement: iraltar. coining: a Democratic estii 4 nnthinif m kHh 1 greatly lead. A feature of large importance, too is the usually heavy foreign demand for corn, wbicb is a rarely failing sign of deficient crops abroad, where other grains are used insieaa wnen wheat becomes scarce and dear. Tha mi t ward movement of money to the interior has been $4,000,000 for the week, and little i doing in commercial loans, with rates about on Pi. half nercent hiffher than a week Btro Failures for the week were 296 in the United States against 238 laxt year, and 46 in Canada against 52 last year. WHAT BRAD3TREET BAITS. New Yorl, Oct. 9. Bradstreets to-tnorrow wiU say: Cold weather continuing heavy rtceipts of cotton and wheat, aid other influences have stimulated the demand for staple goods at vsrious pointP, but tbe volume of trade ri maios moderate, without material rhnoe from a week ago. The ten dency at some centres is to a smaller volume ol trade, but tbe general ou -look is for au improved demaid after tbe election. Except in tbe cotton and wheat regions, mercan tile collections continue unsatfac- r-r, Trad imnrovemt-nl is re- norted from A lanta, Augusta, Charleston, Birmingham, Ala., Now Orleaop, and Texas oities. Print cloths are lower, as are cotton, sugar and-oals. The recent advai ce io wheat is firmly held, as is that in wool, iron and steel. Some varieties of pig iron have advanced 25 cents per ton. Higher quotations have been made for wheat flour, Indian corn, pork, lard, conee, petroieum and leather. Bank dlearinge, throughout the United S.ates ag rrerate SI. 059.000.000 this week, 18 oont morn haO l&8t Week, but 8 per cent, less than in the corres week one v ear ago. f . . . . .. , L .1 A further decline in excanngw uc i . J Manrier has gone the same way. At the zenith of his popularity the author has succumbed to the popu m a aV Absolutely Pare. A cream of tartar baklnc powder. Uifih- ett of all in leaveDiDg strength. Latest United 8tatet Government Food Report - W V ftew lora. Trustee's Sale of Land. By virtue of a power cf sale contained mm . . a v w n . J vaaiisv va m w v m saiv w a vs wt Yonr pains wold go. and a ruddy l 2?? I " Z"1 I - - i ana wur, io me, uateu rvpi. jiu, iou, g'ow ,. I d regUtered ia the fBc of the register . mrm rWtW " ' - - - - vim W - B ah,W -mm . mtm.m mm AKa- W- KmmW larity from which he always sutrer. - - -15! ed, bis BOtleriogs neing acoeniuaia ""k;r .t tbe court house door, fn the city of by the constant succession ot excite pJrt.ifk- a .bA Charlotte, to the highest bidder, for caab, ing incidents in which the closing jor neaitb s dear sase, on the 27th day ef October, la8, at 1 a ' ... ThA rumiuiv thit Hill rnrmi i. v . I w ..11 few months of bis lite were spent. T1.. . 'IT ?n ' d . . : ti. I such wonders irrea I deed of trust, and described as follows: Be- Ubeciss rained in upon aim m uia T . .i....,.iL..k ui.....f M,f old heart trouble increased. This, M 15 w . . lot No 8. and runs wlih the line of said complicated bv an affection of the tbat Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescript parallel with 8tcond straet 99 feet, lungs took him off." lion is tbe one thing that can and thence parallel with aaW Mint street 4 A SKETCH OF DUMAURIEB. I BVBtem. It is woman's i?rat wltn 106 lme of ,ot Pndll with said o I Pdlmalla H..oflrtn M0016 "j""111- li 18 wotDD B g"l I Hrt tMt 00 f hack m UM Mint Maurief' w as the son of a French- ".eery woma?. wbo street 48 9 fett to the bekinnln. the same Mauner was tne sou oi feril ron, diseases peculiar to her I btln? lot No. 4 and a Dart of the estate man, w bowasDorn in xngiauu, . f . wondelful cnr-tiT conveved by deed from T O. AUlson and scape tbe I .: u Stmnd Ttvlor to W. E MeKamev. in wonld h hard thrn.hnnt t ha P??7- recorded in the r lji.ter.of, deed.' where bis parents fled to escape revolution. The DuMaurier were glass blowers in Anjou. DuMau rier's mother was an English-woman, and tbechild who was destined to have such an influence on the art and literature of his time was born io Paris, March 6, 1834, at a little house in tbe Cnamps Eiynees. In 1836 DuMau ler's parents took him tn Belgium, and when he was five years old tbe family removed to London, where they lived in a houe afterward ocounied by Charles Dickens. The elder DuMaurier was evidently of a roving disposition, because he soon tired of England and moved to Boulogne. At the age ot thirteen DuMaurier went, to school to a man named Froussard, but he did not distinguish himself, being refused his baccalaureate de gree when be was seventeen yeats I of age.. H.s mother was much dis mayed at this failure, and snortiy afterwards DuMaurier's father wrote foi bim to Cv me to England, where he was then engaged in scis antifio nursuits and inventions, and lemocratic estimate given out by tbe morning papers was evi dently well padded for the purpot-e of 'cooking' the returns under the . C n C n MA A OAI m U 1 tin t V Claim Oi u nitiTOOBu . . , . , .1 kWH.mnnmri.IKd hv I oOld ImDOrLatlOD OOlUt UBO iwuiwu semi-official reports received oy me in renewed engagements of gold I in ... . mem t 1 T 1 ,r omnnnlmrr t.n ahotlt 84 DUO nihpni rnntftininir 243 seres. Reirtnnin :. H n.,a an1 -. a 1Z entino pureuim uu t a postoak runs south 2H e 18 DuMaurier was put as a pupil at tbe jchaiD8 to a blackjack on north side l:u..l. .Knminnl laknralnro tf t.hA I iha nuil ttin north f!."5 psat fht D1IUCUS buciuivai w. w j v. University College, where he stud ied chemistry under Dr. Williamson. office io book 4, page 2 J3- This 17th day . .3 . . . una bkjcvaku K i AO jn, Trustee Trustee's Sale of City Real jtssiaie. Br virtue of the newer conf. rred unon . r - - - - me in a aeea oi trust execuieu oy i v. pains snd penis of Herring ard wife, on the 8rd day of Oc- pari u ri iiuub, oioer, iovo, auu uu;t mvn cu id ue icjj Wier sr-mce ior mrcaieouurj vuuoi; ia DOOK y at page io, i win srii wr casu . . . . . . . . . touemguesi nioaer at toe court non e door in the city of Charlotte, at 1? o'clock m , On Monday, tbe 2nd day of November, .aam .... f . ... i J i ..a l i IOVO, an inai iov ui tanu ijriug iuu uciug In (Tharlntta tnwnahin. Meckletiburff county, and particularly described as fol lows: Arjoining the loU of W. J. Hmith, J. U. VI Sf.U-S OJ'V! va vtwvaw cated In Ward Number one, square 221. of tbe city of harlotte, and fronting 25 feet on North Btevsrd street (between llthaodl2h) and extending back wltn that wirtth 1W ftet. to J. W. Milltfr'a line. and being a part of lot number 1787, ac cording to Beers map or said c iv, and . - A It . - DftlDg lomumoer o accoraiog io duucti map nf said city. . . . . . . M . . M. rata saie is mae oeausa oi me aeiaun in tbe payment of tbe iadebt daess se cured by said deed of trust ' This the 1st day or u nooer, iao. jfi. t. UAwauitn, i ruaiee. e - - length and breadth of the land, sina O y , B ing its praises. For nursing mothes aa-S.. .m . m a and ueDiiuateo "run oown women generally, it is the greatest restore tive tonic and soothing nervine known. For those abnat to become mothers it is indeed a priceless boon. it lessens tne paini childbirth, shortens pre motes tbe secretion of an abun dance of nourishment for the child and shortens the period of confine ment. MOBTGaGE SALE. By virtue of a power contain d la a Aai.i nf t, irnutfl tn ma hv K. f. Thorn burg and wife on the 13th day of March. - a as 1 a . . lit wbicn aeea is regi-ttrea in oook w, n.iru Rwft tn th nfflM nf thn rcoiatar of deeda for Mecklenburg county. I will sell at public aotion at tbe court bouse door In tha itv nf f hailittta. H. C . an Mon day, the 9th day of November, 1890. all . - . . . . . tne property couveyea oy ma aeea, ae scribed as follows: Adjoining the lands of VV. P Cochrane, w. a. Uocbrane ana GARIBALDI & BRUNS (Next to Qilreath & Co.'s Shoe Store) OHN PARRIOR, vv.tnkmiiiinr and Jeweler, dealer in 111; mnnntf Watches. Clock-, Jew elry, S.lver and Silver Plated Ware Siecial attention given to Fine Watch Uepairin. Jan 25, 1895 staying a lew moments tue twv found that they were bnngry. play was pleasant on an empty stomaoh. So they began to schemo to secure their buckets. Now here is where th Teal life of Tommie Slick began, to creeo out. He was brooming naturalized to the school. His tioitd nature began to take a hart aeat and his real and true self ii r to thia hour, at 12 o'clock noon. My instructions were that only of ficial and complete returns tuomu be wired me. Hence, we will not receive any returns until this after noon and night. Nine counties have reported, showing a Demo cratic loss of 1,150 trom figures given out by Democratic morning papers. At this ratio, Atkiuson's minntv onld not be over 20,000: but as the Populistio counties have . w .annrimt oTw f.nn fidentl w ex UOl J Ol IVJU.1.V-, J pect that the majority will ba wiped out unless" the Democratic boards illegally throw out Populist pre fMnotn. as has been doue heretofore. Don't you tliink You have been promising vour wife lone enuph to 1 uy her A NEW bTOVE ? There school-bouse the boy remembers to began to assert itself. In a Bcbeme this day It was made of logs and he was a power. He aid to bis new the seats were planks with peg leas friend: "I will tell 5ou cotton-top, m tbem. The teacher was a little (note the nick-name be gave the old dried up chap with a mighty class-mate that he had o lately large head. His head was bald, his met) what I am going to do My . i nnt K i a avra hnt. But thunicet is ui there next to toat oia oearu eoa. r yit. T an iret it. AS. l-V T C W 7 III f.MIlN rV -1 IIImII II ISV IIIU lilllBU OU mmm. -vwv-w n WaS nO BUlb BUUU, mJJ u; ' I F -C , , - v.c . h pK o MVnn ope that these long benches nrt na nam iiii' r u buv w - .a. v - - - he IA w vv aw leaching business. There was ootn mg in books that he bad not mas tered. He knew Greek, Latin French, German and Portugune; ne knew Geology, Astronomy, Cacu lu and the like. He not only knew them, but be cou d tell bis pu pils about tbem. Tne school-bouse was large auu ample rostrum London, amounting to about 84,000, 000. Sime further amounts may also have been-taken in Paris. Silver has declined on decreased Indian demand. September gross rail way earnings make a better showing than those for last August, although both show smaller totals tban in the corresponding periods a year ago. Tbe best showings made are in tbe South and Sunhwes-, the oal road, one Canadian line and tne trunk lines. Decreases are found in returns from the Granger, Central Western and. Pacific roads. There are 291 business i'ai lures reported in iko TTnWod States this week. 8 df- bUV W a w- - A partisan registration law has cline of 34 as compared with lat -. . . . i i I Kut an innreaae of 17 as Com- uo KAn iidrl as a treaiecdoUS in uao mjmjvm M - - strument of traud. C pie ot tbe lists ws re refused Populists in near ly every county, and bogus and 'doctored' lists sent to Populists prt- cmcti, thereby distrancnismg in some instances 20 or 30 per cent, of m .h Iptral PoDulist voters, xne re ports show tne negroes voted solid ly against us in nearly every coun ty neik. but an increase of 17 as com pared with the first week in Octo ber, 1895. m m MR. HOFFMANN ENDORSED. His Management of the CaroUna Central Complimented. Wilmington, Oct. 8 The annual meeting of the b ockholders of tbe O . i a. Kail road, wnicn is a pan. oi FT took no interest in bis work here, however, and spent almost all of his time drawing caricature; utij. izitig his evenings practicing bis voice, having been enthusiastic in bis belief in bis own musical pow ers: ADOPTS ART AS A PB JFB88ION. DuMaurier's father died in 1856, and the young man returned to Paris to live with his mother. Tbey were very poor, and the future looked anything but propitious, when tbe son determined to follow art as a profession. Accordingly, be entered Gleyre's studio, which he has described in 'Trilby." His companions in bis tjuartter Liaiin day were Whistler, Poynter, La- mont, Armstrong, and others. - In 1857 he went to Antwerp Academy, under Van Lorious and De Keyser. It was in tbe studio of the tormer that DuMaurier sudden Iv lost the sitr bt ot bis left eve. He was drawing from a model when he found his vision was affected. The fear of total blindness beset bim cot stantly but in lb59 a specialist in Dosseldorf said he bad no reason to fear losing tbe sight of the other In 1850 LmALaarier went to uon- iha tniit thn north Alt aat 01 chains to a whiteoak, tbence north 60, east 20.20 chains to a bkkory, tbence north 89 west 84W chains to be beginoiog. Terms cash. Tnis tbe 5ih dav of October. 1895 LEANDER QUfiuY, Tiuatee. octB td mm mm iv t x? ofillsl't Steele Pennyroyal Pills mmT V are the orislnal and only FRENCH, safe and reliabts oars on the market. Price. $1.0Ot sent bv mail. Genmn i only of Administratrix Notice. Ha vine this day aualhisd as admfnUtrs tiix of the estate of James It Rea, notice is bereby given to all persona holding claims against said estate to present ineru . t- . . l IA.V - m fm. . . to me on r otioie uv ivvu vay in w--I ber, 1897, or this notice will be plesded In I har nf tha recover thereon. Thit the 6th day of October, 199. Oct h . AdmtDlatratrlx. md.1 us in oearly every coud- C, U. Knroa " " d OD, .Wing his mother, who .ga.e I, Mi. Wrijte i th. Se.board A.r L.M system , . I U WAIT FOR NOTHING! COMING TO ' CHARLOTTE! On its Own Great Trains. Drawn by its Own Powerful Locomotives. The BiggcBt, Greatest, Grandest, Mightiest Circus of tbem all. WALTER L. 1IMFS 3 Ring Circus, 5 Continent Mentgeri, Real Roman Hippodrome and jri(inai XaUrOpeWU irWUSU If IIU UOM WUVW IU mm wvvw mmmmmmimm I PnmUrAnl f!aoril.-' ! Only great rival of Barnum & Bailey in size and fealure.--Lowell (Mais.) Son, May 28. is no excuse for further promise wnue we arc selling uatm LOW. WE HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES r.n oil th wav to mv dinner so .Kr f thia rtonr and craWl Will JIIBUDlip 1 .r tkA hpnch to my bucket. UUUVi tj,o loria nra Htandinsr near tbe Hnnr nlannin?. Some longold fashioned benches reached from one a f h AchnoUbouse to me UUU v. iMw other alons beeidd the wal u..t crawl that distance wan no """"'""r" .mall ?..h However. a quicK a io one end was tne leacner a .... t hft ;llHn. be i . i r ST-a, nuia s-is .iiiriU uu s- s - On it were two oiao . Ha drew off boards. In one corner of this end, 'od slipped noiseless in the tbe teacher kept h.s dinner buck- hdJ Pthe beuche. He et and in the other he had about oo;aonUand not a ,oad breath tour hickories. There is where the wa A c'at atier a mouse trouble came in. Tbose hickories djfd be draw, a c were not there for show. To looR y.-;; wa8 at the blackboard at the points, worn to trazz es , lhe JWMr a class in would prove that, lathe morning r--s-r early the teacher could be seen ; thA distance cominff like tLe IF CALL IN AND SEE THEM. EVEN YOU Don't want to nuv now 1 A FULL LINE OF RANGES- Hfating Stoves, and Kitchen Utenat & Slate and Tin Roofing. Ven tilatora and ornicea J. N. McCAUSLAND & CO., 209 and 211, South Tryon St, Charlotte, N. C. tST" Mail orders receive prompt attec- tiou May 10, 1895. E NYE HUTCHISON, Fire Insurance, . Offices 16 Et Trade St;4 North Tron St, up stairs woods were on fire behind bim. Ibe nearer be came the less noise the pupils would make. All had to be bard at work when the boss came r those hickories . would be used freely. In the school-house ike tnac.her would shoot, and rin? ine m O hll Sometimes he came hot.1 Something had gone wrong at borne - . . a . 1 1 and the bovs and gins migm hkk m . a a out tbat day. ibe largest rxy 1 or tbe largest girl was in as moon aan-0-er of a pood licking as the smaller boys and girls, lhe little teaeoer had aand in his a;ZXa"d. He would hav fought a circle saw. But the morning on which lom mie Slick entered school this fcriglit teacher saw trouble ahead. Siange to say, but it is true, that morning there settled a daik cloud over the community. It was so dark for a il.i .hila th rest oi iu school - was hard at work. Tom on-1. ...Ahh a h&atcet. iJ. S neart OKVE lOHKUTO m. . j fcat. with iov. But m this excited oanod he fore-ot about crawling back k . ..;kla nniM was heard and a wffl madft and Tom. with bis bas- 'OUUXUW . i i!o m- wan from? out at a :. ik. h..b- door, lie . b . i. u naval . A lnlr A1 nUPkf III A AL U UW w- - never iwsi u v . oiie time thought of the teacher and tbe school, but Jim, tne rauoe aiactnrl nn & fair count of the votes as cast, in spite ot the tremendous frauds. John M. Cunningham. Chairman Populist Executive Com mittee of Georgia. CHAIRMAN CLAY'S CLAIM. The following is from A. S. day, chairman of the Democratic Execu tive committ : "Georgia has gone Democratic by 40,000 majority, liov. Atkinson re elected by at least 40,000 majority over the combined opposition -The rent of tbe Slate ticket is elected by over 45,000 majority.. "The li. nerai ASBemniy is con.- nna.a of 175 members of tbe nouee and 44 Senators. Tbe Populists have elected 22 members of tbe House and 4Srnators, and tbe Kepublicans have elected 2 members of tbe House ond 1 S-nator. Tbe .Demo crats elected 33 senators anc 101 Representatives. This is approxi mately corresu J . ... . T I Georgia win give xryan auu Sewall a majority over the combined opposition, and will elect all the Democratic nominees ior vougrons. A. o. VUI. Chairman Democratic Executive hld here tosdav. President UoH- mann and Vice President St. John and Treasurer Sharp were among those present. The aid board of directors were re-elected witb tbe exception of Geo. H. Moale, Balti more, who was chosen in place ol Gen. John Gill resigned. The fol io wintr resolution by 'Augustus Johnson, of New York, and eecoud ed by G. J.Boney, of Wilmington, was unanimously adopted: YVhorofta Alarmist reports have recently appeared in the daily press indicating great losses, a grievous mismanagement in the past of tbe officers of tbe Seaboard Air Line, atud whereas, the official report pre sented by tbe management of tbe Carolina Central Railroad Company nort nf aaid svstem. shows a large increase in net earnings over last year, and a large surplus over op erating and fixed charges together " a a . a with m. ny valuable improvement and betterments to roauwnjr, i.u,- fore, be it . Resolved, That the stockholders f iha Carolina Central Railrcad Company hereby express tbeir bim ten pounds to pay bis expenses there, tbat be should never ask her for another penny, a promise he faithfully kept. He lodged io New. mau street with Whistler and after wards moved, to Earleis Terrace, tie began contributing to Once a Week and Punch, his firsi drawing io June, 1860, and represented Whistler and himself going out of a photographer's studio. His success as a caricaturist was instantaneous from the outset. Ha was married in 1863. and re cently said tbat be had uever known unbappiness since save on account of his eyes. Tbe jokes in Punch were mostly his own, but a good many were sent to bim, which be twisted and turned into form. Poe tlAthwaite. Buntborne. Mrs. Poson- by, Tomkynf, Sir Georgeons Mida nd the other characters associated ' 1 i ii with his drawings were, however, nm.- r wy ' infnl Tr.n Tt. m.t f;htfnl ntiM.iith. horrible. X DO WCttU 9 -mm. vm. m UV mMMfmmm ..-, , horn-bearing, clovso-boofed denison of tbe trackless and treacherous deep. inn ntohttv Renowned, asumnd! Circus Attlsta fn a 160 Astoslabloc Acts. . . . j ;n konria nut: l " m' be cleared ine uoui-sm - a nrl rtetore ino j tvsa J1UI. X ti WW - - O m .1 1 mmm mArir nMllfi tift tWlCe XOm HU nl I"" V 1 S W u. mjvmmy m.,A ;n t ho aand behind an ncio Dcaiim io v " , oak tree eatiDg a square meal. Ibe tAar.hftr and b.s SCftOOl wero . . ..1, - U nraa in a COn UIBIUUM. JL UO - 4 a, anH K Brhnlara were iaugu : l.w ol IMrAn. School was tt ttA retrnlar time and lAtO UJlOOV as a.aaw - f3 , the te-chtr -aw i o more of lomm e Backlen s Arnica Salve. Thn best sa4ve in tbe world for n.,ta Bruises. Sores. Tetter, Cbapp- ' - . j -ii ed Hands, Ubilbiains, uorns ana an kin Eruptions and postively cures Piles or no pay required, n guaranteed to give perfect sa'islac- & r. ij 0:. OR tion or money reiuuueu. mva cents per box. For sale by Burwetl & Dunn wholesale ana retail. grateim .. . . - j - m. far anoh increase of earn I Hio-h street io Barwater. Jsmes apruicus w - i w ings and increase of the c mpany s I Baid be had grt their conndrnct in tne The Mighty Bovalapus. all nis own crenoo. DuManrier's success as a novelis Imnlmmm. A S. A I tla. V fisWlf ftH t S him as his success as a caricaturist I i00 Rightly Benowned, aatonndL Circus AitiaUln a 160 Aatonkbing Acta. how Hi beoah hovxl WBIT1BQ. I tawlqw. Americas o'.drtt and best knowa Singer and Talk ngClown. ap- He was walking one evening I pears at each ptrformrcce - - . - - ' na -ith Henrv James op and down tbe CANANDAIQUA. tbe smallt Pony Colt la - the world, born Ag-t 5 h, 1823, with lleory J amea up anu now i weighed U poond. 11 in high, 18 In. from tfp vt nose to end of " tall. . ' , . .... - WALLACE. THE WO SDER. Tbe only? horse-rldirg lko A Grct?s Chami Ion, . m . - . . . . c .11: . . 1 . ! t . t - -J Urn, V.mA rrfaml rflft5llltV It. hnfl irS aua lncrenee ot m - miu j - . . ,.,w ortntiiinrc in inei nirnnti tor nta siorier. riuwi practical wisdom and business ca- exclaimed DuMaurier, -1 am fa. I or nacitvofits officers in coodnning I plots," and be went on lo tell him r J . IJ. r J.T'.nV i-Rni vnu the affairs oi ine c rn pan jr. line piwv j S m WW mmm. mmmml mm. . OUgbt 10 Write mat Siory, riea Tumors. Jamts. I can't write," lie said. Fibroid, Ovarian and other tn- Mj fae Df;Ter wrUlen. f you Hfce mors, cured without resort to sur- mwh y0Q may lake u gery. SendlOcenUn stsmps for ButKjarae would not Uke t; be book. Address, World i - ifl penary j iaid . fc too Medical Asscc avion, cuuu, x. a. Sureiv the only one of its kind. A beaut fai, intelligent art! tic auimal. mm mm m ja a ii l t us s t a .m i ra na Mmwa swii i a hh'ss riiium. a 1 u w w-tm aa mm ilCI'US VI V aMnaatlB. WaM V -V fr - - P ' " m. . f t- ikA.ll A m.m. 1 M Td1taii Phc mnlAns t ffV Dens of ricioos repti 150 all Star Act 100 Exalted CbfttspioDS, 1,000 Men, Women Bone, Surprises, Wonder, Features, Grand Free for all Street Parade. ; ' 20 dens of wild beasts I 5 bands of musi.I Silver Catheural bimet, otesm Calliope, . : . .... o.. - . m t. aa K.I XUmAa.- Rr Oold ana Dover oar mj.b sdu iaau n(uua, muc pu.uuui . mornine at 10 o'clock sharp, twice daily, free to all! High drive 10.30 a. m and 0 SO p m. Obeapeat Excursion on all lines of travel. One Ticket Admits to AIL J'oors t mm mmm. P.nrm.xva t 9 ar1 It n m rain or ahlns. Ticketa on aale atJordan's Drag Store. Will also exhibit at Eikio, Oct. 2. Oieensboro,Oct.22, Elh k im - t jnman'i urniDion. n ui aw ubwii si uuu, wv. uiwumw. vw.!ub!e a present , I p0tnt, Oct. 23. baliitmry, Oct S4, Bock BUI. Oct. 27, Gaatonia, Oct. 23.