4 , Wh.e (ShctrlolU emoctrctt 3Hafofl 12ft.. JT W. C. DOWD. Editor. i I - . THURSDAY, APRIL IT WILLNtVER DO. It will never do for road building in Mecklenburg to cease. The people will raise the greateet clamor ever heard if this is done, and yet this is the danger that now threatens ua. The road commission has no money, and the county treaeurer i3 advitt-d by his attorney tLat he has noTight to pay their bills out of the general fund. They can't work the roads without money. What then are they to do? There are two courses opjn to them. One is to secure the town ship fund and work certain roads in Charlotte township until that is exhausted. This would not be satis factoiy to the people, as they think about enough work has already done in this township, and that it is time a few leading roads were extended towards the county line. The other course open to them is to turn the convicts and road work ing over to the county commissioners. We think this is the patriotic and proper course for them to take. If this is done, road building will pro ceed without interruption. We urge the road commission to consider the best interests of the county in this matter, and if they do, we have no doubt they will pur sue the course suggested above. A wave of deep and grateful emo tion a wept over the State some weeks ago when it was announced that Governor Daniel L. Russell was to press the button that would start in motion all the machinery of the groat exposition at Nashville. This honor was conferred on him V use "North Carolina was the mothe. of Tennes- Now they have albO invited Presi dent McKiuley to press the button, possibly because he ia "Father of the Pie Counter." It was announced a few days ago that the Democrats of Raleigh had let down the bars and invited all parties to participate in their prima ries. In these primaries the piesent mayor of the city was renominated. Now an independent candidate is running againBt the regular nomi nee. There seems to be an epidem ic of independent candidates. We predict that all such, whether elect ed or defeated, will some day realize that they have made a mistake. It seems a little difficult for con gress or the people to secure definite and specific information regarding the condition of the Pacific railroads, the amount of their indebtedness to the government, or the steps that have been taken to force them to pay their debts. The ownei s of these railroads were large contributors to the Republican campaign fund; and the people are watching the course of the McKinley administration to ward these special interests. What's the matter with our State Legislatures? Prominent politicians ia the Kentucky Legislature are charged with bribery, the election of the new Senator Ileitfeld is said to be tainted with fraud; and the Penn sylvania Legislature is to be imesti gated for black-mailing life insur ance companies. North Carolina has had her dose of Legislature; and it was pretty bad medicine, too. Congressman" Richmond Pear Bon is busily engaged in arranging a chess game with some English you know members of Parliament This will, of course, result in giving hit farmer constituents relief. He will probably run for Congress next year oa a chess game platform. The State experiment station has jnst issued a bulletin containing the analyses of all the brands of fertili zer sold in the State. If the experi ment station will issue a correct analysis of the last Legislature and tell what it was good for, it will J confer a public service. The Missouri river is changing its channel past Omaha, and in eloii l' so threatens to destroy property to the value of several million dollars. It also bids fair to put Omaha into the State of Iowa, as the river is the State line. Tux Japanese, who are very small iS -stature, are trying to acquire height by adopting a meat diet. They have been a nation of vegetari ans. If this experiment succeeds it will make business for the butchers in this country. The management of the Phila delphia, Reading and New England railroad last fall issued a circular instructing employes to vote for McKinley." Today their wages were cut ten per cent. " t The returns from the New Jersey elections are only another indication thatthe McKinley wave of pros perity is not running on schedule time." "2 ; r-.. .r..ctx;. .. : ' Jut-e : ncer B. Adorns '' the Sup'-ri'T Court, tbt the old officers of the State- inP.ine asylums are. to hoi. I their poitiona gives cause for rejoicing. The judge ment is as follows: "North Carolina, Wake county. In the Superior Court. The State df North Craolina on relation of liufus Hani and others against J. K. fSoutherland and other?: "Thi3 cause coming on to be heard upon an agreed statement-of the facts and the complaint against the right of the relators or any of them to record, and so holding, it is , considered and adjudged thac this I action bo dismissed and that de-! femlants go without day and recover their costs. The case has gone on appeal to the Supreme Court. Our informa tion is that ludge Adams' decision is in accord with the law, and will probably be affirmed by the higher court. N It will be a blessing to the unfor tunate inmates of these institutions that the Imnds of greedy spoilsmen shall not b- permitted to undo a work that has required twenty years of arduous labor to bring to its present state if perfection. It is well for the State, as well m these unfortunates that there is to be no change. The McKinley administration seems toie determined to relieve the financial distress anion j the South ern farmers by supplying them plentifully with beet seed to make sugar from. Aud all the beet sugar that has come from the South in the last twenty years wouldn't sweeten the coffee of om ten thousand "h part of them for breakfast, oue single morning. Thk Dicky Birds sav in the Raleigh Frees Visitor: "That the decision of Judge Adams against the new asylum boards does not necessarily mean that the new boards will not Vet in' for the chances are the new oourds vill crazy." THE SITUATION IN CUBA. 0 The London Times 5ays Spain Has Not Shaken the Firm Resolve of the Patriots. The London Times publishes i letter from a Cuban correspondent summarizing the position in the is land as it appears to him at what . virtually the close of the season'i campaign. He dwells upon the indecisive'na ture of the season's operations, aud siys that no success has been achiev ed that is calculated to jilfect the duration of the rebellion The Spaniards do not hold a tin gle province effective')', and are no where undisputed masters extent in some of the coast tow ns. Even if reforms are granted as far reaching as is said they must be, it is feared that they will be too late The Times, in an editorial, refers to the definition of the policy of the United States toward Cuba given by Mr. Cleveland in December. Never the less, it remarks, Spanish states men must be aware that American intervention is more than possible. The paper refers to the sympathy of the Americans for the Cubans and says that the situation must be extremelv irksome to them. The Foreign New in l'arat;r,tii. Turkey has declared that war with Greece has begun, ordered her army to take the aggressive, recalled her Minister from Athens, dismissed the Greek Minister at Constantino pie anil issued a circular note to the powers laying the blame for the war on Greece. Premier IX-iyanni3 in the Greek Bottle asserted tht the Turks were the aggressors. Japanese soldiers of the war with China have been pouring into Haw aii in disguise as immigrants. Cecil Rhodes is expected back in South Af' ica this week. A fornrd ab!e British Ibet is gathering at Natal. The new High Commissioner to 'ape Colony hastened his depart ure in iew ol the threatening situa tion. Englishmen are impatient for war with the Transvaal. Emperor William has bought sonle American etchiugs, remarking: 'Great fellows, those Americans Thev are the coming great artists of the world." ItfHid In Ottifr ii uc turns. Suicide is justiliable, according to Col. Iagersoll and some others, and the managers of the Republican par ty teem to hold the same belief. They .a. re drivii g their par?y?traigbt i!v;-r the pn.oipi.e witn the lash f prorecti. n," an! with the enact ment of the new McKinley bill its fate will be sealed Boston Post. The administration will perceive that New England still ha8 its nerve and its appetite. Washington Post. At tunes Mr. Hanna has a faint suspicion that Mr. McKinley may have gone into the President busi ness for himself. Detroit News. William McKinley Osborne is consul general to- Loudon. Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some are the Presi dent's cousins. Rock Island Argus. Hilarious Atlanta Atlanta, Ga., ia a hilarious old town, where conviviality reigns the year round. In 1S96 the police of that city made over 12,000 arrests, one in every five being drunk. More arrests were made of boys and girls between the ages of 15 and 20 than there were of men and women be tween 30 and 40. -Exchange. E. J. ("Lucky") Baldwin mortgaged all bis property. has Brief Glimpses of the General News. TIip iK-tt Democratic convention of ViigiiiKt wiil be far smaller than the one which nominated the pres ent Governor. The Baltimore Snn Ravs it is re ported that Gen. Wi.iU Hampton wiil be retained as railroad commis sioner Captain II. W Reed, of Georgia, who was Tom Wateon's right hand man during the late Presidential campaign, is now an advocate of gold, and has goi e extensively into the mining of that metal in Mexico. Governor Taylor, of Tennessee, who has been quite sick, is improv ing Rev. Father B J. Kelly, of Sa vannah, vicar general of the diocese of Georgia, is confined to his room as the result of a painful accident sustained while superintending the dreeing of the middle altar of the cathedral. He fell from the steps at the buck of the altar. Miss Julia Penough, a deaf mute, was struck by a train near Athens, Ga : she was knocked from the track but was not seriously injured. The region arouad Harnbarg, Arkansas, was swept by ac.vclone. The Southern bicycle circuit is conducting a series ef rtces at Atlanta. t the Washington camp, a negro convict was whipped to death bv a guard. Atlanta brick-layers - are out on a strike. The Mississippi river is higher at Yickoburg, Miss , than has ever be fore been known All flood records are broken. Old planters say the overflow is the worst on record. Teresa Carreno,the greatest woman pianist of the time, gave a recital at Atlanta last night. m . The losses of insurance companies at Knoxville fuot up $550250. In the superior court at JVIacon, Ga, Roland Iked, the noted actor, is suing the Southern railway, for dam ages rece iv..d in a railroad accident. The legislative commission to re vise the constitution of West Vir ginia is in session at Charlestown, W. Va. Indications of oil aud coal have been discovered at Harper's Ferry, Va. In the university town of Athens, Tenn., Perry Wigg'ey, sou of the local commander of the G. A. R., was married Mnoday to Gid Helms, a negress of low repute. The cere mony took place in the street, and the knot was tied by a Justice of the Peace while the pair stood mounted on a" coeds box. A large crowd had gathered in Athens from theoouutry to see a travelling cirens The ex-citc-ment became intense as the storv of th marriage spread, and threats of violence were heaid on every side, He will certainly be tarred if caught. At Clinton, S. C, yesterday engine No. 532 on the southbound freight train on the Seaboard Air Line went down an embankment, tnrnii g hot torn side up. No one was hurt, but the engine is considerably dam aged. The accident was dua to" rot ten ties. A drunken man tried to burn the Payne, Ga., jail by setting fire to his cell. James Fletcher, said to be a sur vivor of the charge of the Light Brigitde at Balaklava.'died at Har risburg, Pa. He was over sixty years old. jietcner was atterwarus. 1 -T-il 41 1 with Gordon in the Soudan. Fire greatly damaged the dwell ing iu Clinton, 'Ohio, occupied by James Jackson, a relative of Presi dent Andrew Jackson, auel destroyeel many relics of the deceased Presi dent. Among them was Gen. Jack son's carriage, the wheels of which were made from timber taken from the old war frigate Constitution. The Assembly passed the Greater New York charier over Mayor Strong's eto by a vote of 10.0 to 32. Senaior Chaudler proposes two bills din eting the Government to take possession of the Carnegie and Bethlehem aimor -plate factories un der the right of eminent domain, and to turn out the armor plate uecessaiy feu' the three new battle ships. The invader of Macedonia cap tured Krania, an important strategic point, and dn ;inied Turkish posts Pbonika and IVrlangia. They are trying to cut ( If the communications of the Turkish foices. The raiders' ways of fighting puzzle and worry the Moslem commanders. Charles W. Pickett, of New Ha ven, drank mix vomica by mistike. He mounted his bicvele and rede like mad and reached a dc'or in time to receive treatment that saved his life. Rev, John Hall Mcllvaine, for merly of the Brick Church, has withdrawn from the New York Presbytery and will enter the-Epis-copal ministry. Mayor Strong issues a proclama tion calling upon all citizens to dis play flags on Grant Day, April 27, and all vefels to do the same-. M:rny Imcki-t sh'p keepers have closed up pending the outcome of the war on them inaugurated last week. It is learned that ex-Postmaster General William L Wilson, Presi-dt-nt electbf Washington and Lee University; has eugaged to writa biography of President James Madi son. Many documents bearing the handwriting of George Washington, William Pcnn, and King George have been nnearthed by workmen employed in remodelling the West moreland county Court House, Pa. In Arizona the grand festival of Yuma wound up with wild west 3jorts and Spanish bull fight. Charles O. Scull, general passen ger agent of the B. and O. R. R., tendered his resignation, to take ef fect Thursday. The inauguratio.i of a new line of steamers from Jamaica to Baltic more is expected to canse a cut-rate war in the sale of bar anas Drs. J. W. Pendergrast and O. V. Limerick, health officers of Cincin nati, Ohio, have been arrested on charges of blackmail. Over 600 convicts were . safely tran-ferred between the prisons at at Michigan City and Jefferson vi lie, Ind. Sophie Traubmann, the singer, was married to Charles Patzowsky, in New York February 15. The marriage ha3 just been announced. Governor Ramsdell, of New Hamp shire, -has appointed April 22 as a. day of fasting and prayer. The Eew cave- at Castalia, O , is believed to connect with Perry's cave, at Put in Bay, and also with Flat Rock cave, which would make it extend over an area greater than the Mammoth cave. A reception will be given April 19 by the members of the section of geology and mineralogy of the New York Academy of Sciences for Sir ! Archibald Geikie, director general of her Majesty's Geological Survey of Great Britain. President John R rLocdon has been appointed receiver of the Globe cotton mill at Rock Hill. The as sets are $188,000; liabilities, $119, 000. The municipal elections in New Jersey yesterday and the day before show Democratic gains. Arthur Sewall, late Democratic candidate for Vies President, said in an interview that the recent Demo cratic successes in city elections were due to local causes. Governor Bloxham, of Florida, ha3 called a national fisheries con gress to meet at Tampa, January 19, 1898. Southern women in New York have organized a chapter of Daugh ters of the Confederacy with Mrs. Jefferson Davis as honorary-president. Mrs. George L. Harrison represents North Carolina on the advisory board. Sunday was the seventy fifth birth day of the Rev. Dr. Edward Everett ilaie. Three hundred persons greeted him in tbe parlors of his cfiurcn ana presented mm witn a ackage containing seventy-five gold dollars, commemorative of his seventy-five years Forty-seven women graduated in one class from a New York law school thi3 week.. Mme. Calva has been restored to health, ana tomgnt will sing "Carmen" in the Metropolitan Opeia House, New lork. Saturday aftei- noon, for the farewell matinee, she will repeat her famous Marguerite, in Gounod's "Faust," with Jean and Edouard de Reszke in the cast. Sever al Charlotte people will be present at this farewell performance The Greco-Turkish crisis has produced a rupture in the Turkish legation at Washington. Norighian Effeiidi, Fiist Secretary of Legation, is going home and will probably leave the Turkish diplomatic service. The battle ship Oregon wa3 dam aged by running ashore in Puget Sound. Andrew de Glodia, Vice Consn for the Italian government in St Paul, Minn, committed suicide by taking a dose of sulphuric actd. Mrs. U. S. Grant has written book. The Journal says: "It is not so much the chronicle of the wife of a great American soldier and states man as it is that of. a tender, wo manlv heart telling its story of the life led With the man she loved al the year3 of her life. It is the home story of General and Mrs. Grant as it has never been told before. It is claimed that Mgr. Satolli former Papal Ablegate in this coun try, ia planning to succeea Leo as Pope The New York Journal says there will probably be no grand opera at the Metropolitan opera house next yaar, as Abbey, Schoeffel and Grau do not see their way clear to produce a series of performances next season. Quiutin Bandera, the well known insurgent leader, has passed the military line across the N Province of Puerto Principe, Cuba, from Jucare o 3ioron ana tee island otiurigu- ano, known a3 "the Trocha." The insurgents succeededin passing through the swamp lands between the islands and Moron. President Dwighr, of Yale, says he will not resign. At the Jefferson day banquet in Washingtou"William J. Bryan de clared that Mr. Cleveland was more than any other man responsible for the creation of the monetary isssue. and said the poiition taken by the Democratic party in 1896 would not be surrendered. Vice President Hobart's homo town of Paterson, which gave him 3,500 majority in November, elected a Democratic mayor by 1,500 mi jority. Democrats carried Jersey City and made gains in many p-acep. In receivership proceeelings con nected with the failed Globe Savings Bank of Chicago charges were made involving former Gov. Altgeld. President Spalding was accused of hypothecating the securities of the bauk and cf the University of Illi nois, and using the proceeds. His typewriter returned stocks worth (U.C'0o to t tie receiver. .. t i ;ts of t lie ti us; are in Albany, and there are rumors that desperate and disreputable means will be used to defeat the Lexow anti trust bills. The question of the constitution ality of Senator Wolcott's appoint ment to the Monetary Commission has been raised by Washington law yers and politicians. In New York -seven alleged mock auction swindlers were arrested and warrantTare out for -many more. There are said to be 200 in the city and a school for the instruction of fraudulent bidders. Pugilist Fitzsimmons arrived in New York and was greeted by a crowd that packed the downtown streets and blockaded traffic. He said he wili fight no one for a vear. Sixteen Cuban women from" the to wn of San Francisco de Paula, in Havana province, Cuba, have been thrust into the Recojidasor House of Detention for disreputable women KIIll lf&ttan if n in Havana. They all belong to families of the highest respectabili ty. On their way to the prison they were insulted by " the soldiers, &nd one of them, Aurora VelezV who at tempted to protest, was knocked down by a blow with a" rifle. Advices from Epirus says. the Turks are laying the country with fire and sword. The reported offer of the United OliltCS KUVCiUUJCUU 1.V I Vli I C4... . frt inU.ronal amicably in Cuba is favorably com mented upon at Havana. Secretary Sherman has sent a note to the government of Great Britain urging that the indiscriminate butchery of seals in Alaska waters be stopped immediately. The Honduras syndicate, compos ed of capitalists who live in the United States, has received sweeping concessions. A dispatch from Trikhala, Greece, last night says the insurgent- bands have returned to Greek territory. Captain-General Weyler, on ar- riving at oancti epmtua, uudb, earned that the insurgents haa crossed the trocha. He ordered pursuit. . American and French fishing-yes- sels have been refused bait at St. John's for the Newfoundland Banks fisheries. It is reported from Canea that the Cretans recently imported a Turkish non commissioned officer whom they had captured. United States Minister Aiclvenzie has left Lima, Peru, for the United States Yellow fever has broken out at Panama. The London Daily Telegraph has a despatch from Vienna saying that the Austrian Government has been informed that the United States de clines to recognizs the blockade of Crete. The Salisbury World says: "The Southern will shortly have a new wrecking train of an improved paf- tern. The car will be provided with bunks and other modern para pheruelia aud will in every way be much better fitted for wrecking work than the car used at present. The car will be stationed at Salis bury." A nine year-old negro boy who is mute and insane, claws, tears things, roots and grunts like a hog was car ried yesterday from Concord to the Goldsboro asylnm. A Virginia colored preacher nam ed Nelson has been convicted of murder A discharged negro farm hand criminally assaulted Mrs. Ida Riedel, of Fairfax countv. Va.. ves- terday. George W. Kyle, a prominent cit lzen of Buckingham county, Va., fell from his horse and broke his neck. Richmond and Danville are to play a match game in Richmond Monday. A bust of Eigar Allen Poe is to be placed in the new library of the University of Virginia. Mr. Joseph U Sands has resigned the office of general manager of the 11UUUIA ikUU f CC LCI LI. Wm. W. Wysm-, of Lynchbarg, consul to uaaiz, is aeaa. There i renewed talk pf ei-Sec retary Carlisle as a compromise can didate for United States Senator to Kentucky. "The giant lobster '-Fitzsimmons," said to have been 100 years old, died in the Castle Garden Aquarium, JNew lork. f i . . i i , -i enormous uocks . oi wna geese Hew so low in passing over Beloit. Kan., that many were knocked down by poles by the villagers. Senator Mason has proposed $750,000 appropriation for the Paris Exposition of 1900. Camiile D Arville is alarmingly in at the Auditorium Hotel, Chi 1 1 .1 a -m . . - f cago. bir Archibald weikie, director general of the geological surveys of ureal Britain ana Ireland, is ex. pected to arrive in Baltimore Tues day to deliver a course of lectures on "The Founders of Geology" at the T .1 IT 1 -r-r - . . OJ uUuiis nopKins university. J ust after a passenger train left the village limits of Johnsburg, N, Y, a trainman saw the body of a ! ! , ? uiau lying on a piieor burning ties near the railroad tracks. The train was stopped, and trainmen ran back to the spot and rescued him. His clothing was in flames, and his entire body was burned. The men he was tramping with determined to murder him, and bound him and threw him on the pile of burning ties. The Franklin Institute scheme o a textile exposition at Philadelphia nas oeen aDanaonta. One-half of the city of Argentine Khs., changed hands in a real estate deal a few days ago. Important discoveries of gold have been made at White Plains, N. Y, Kansas bribery inquisitors have found a law to compel witnesses to testify. A Birmingham (Ala ) boy of 17 anu a gin or id years ran away and were married. Sanguilly savs that he came South on account of his health A sofa, a revolutionary relic, upon wnicn jjaiayette rested, was destroy ed in the Post Koad Tavern firm. Experiments in the Pasteurizing ui uuner ior ine ioreign trcaa are being carried on by the Agricultural uepartment. Banker Spalding of Chicago fail ed to appear lo acquit himself before the Board of Trustees f the Uni versity of Illinois. The threatened Canadian expor duty on saw logs is driving Ameri can lumbermen to establish plants in uanaaa. Governor Culberson, of Texas, has vetoed a bill to pay $25,000 for the San Jacinto battleground, near H oue ton. Several thousand razor back hogs imported" into Iowa from Texas dur ing the past year have died frem a kidney worm. South Dakota's State Treasurer, W. W. Taylor, (who stole $350,000) has been released from the peniten- I tiary after 18 months imprisonment. pion, has an attack muscular rheumatism. Tlio T.oaoriiP base- ball season be- gins this week with a few scattering nnaninir cramPS. Milwaukee brewers' troubles have bren adjusted. As a result of exposure many flood refugees have fallen victims to malaria. Legislative committees, represent inn Minncsnlst Mimical!. ise-un lug -a a . a , c ' j sin ana Illinois, win wwi, uniform game laws. Mills in which Secretary Bliss are ka'ro Keen pomoelledx to Thev couldn t stanu McKinly's "prosperity " Japan's navy, according to the St. James Gazette, will be a tough prop ha TTnitpd States to UCt IIVLA A VX tux. w combat in case of a rupture between rVio turn rrmnt.riPH. Richard Roever, four years old, of TTnknVon wna rorinrted dving of a XJLV kvnt-J-t) vv Jl fractured skull. He said he was d bv nlavmates and thrown j x j nvpr a fftnee. The firm of O. H. Sampson & Co.; drv croods commission merchants of which handled the prod- nr. nf manv mills, has dissolved nartnershin. iTndr th will of Mrs. Maria L. Vanderbilt. St. Bartholomew's Prot- pst.inf; "Eniseonal Church. Of New York, receives S250.UUU. r , John II. Jordan, twenty-one years old, of Hoboken, N. J., went crazy rom smoking cigarettes, lie smok ed so tn mo .-if the cofhn . tacks a dav. In Boston it is proposed to make Faneuil Hall, the famous old bistor- cal structure, fire proof, the interior being practically made new. Frank Baker, a camp cook ior a gang of workmen on the Pittsburg, Bessemer and .Lake -hne itanroaa, died of delirium tremens super induced by overindulgence in lemon extract Baker sent his assistant to the storehouse Wednesday to get one dozen bottle3 of lemon extract He drank the contents of eleven bottles and died the next morning. Carter Harrison, the new mayor of Chicago, has taken his seat, and en tered upon his administration. The damage by the Moresque tire in New Orleans amounts to $750,- 000. After four years search, Million aire Mohler of Minneapolis located his divorced wife, who had lied with their young son in defiance of the law. The bov will be taken by the father. It was recently found that Repre sentative Bricker, of Michigan, is in very much the same predicament as Gov. Pingree was. Bricker is mayor of Belding and at the same tima represents his district in the Legis lature. Ninetv-one Chinamen have reach ed Montreal en route to Cuba to work on the sugar plantations. Jesse Evans, colored, who at tempted to misuse little white girls at Edwards, Miss., was shot to death by a po38e. I heod ore Roosevelt says he had declined to speak at the Nashville Exposition before those Tennessee women kicked. Thomas M. Bram, convicted of the murder of Captain Nash ami sentenced to die on June 18, will be temporarily respited. rresoytenan ministers in session at Chicago, 111., are discussing methods for a closer union of all branches of that religious body. Wells Finch, a flour broker,-acci dentally shot and killed himself in his New York office while cleaning a revolver. ITT I 1 .1 vvnne inree men were repairing the tower or a church at Salome, Quebec, the ecaffoling broke, and Trepanier St. Benoit was killed and the others were fatally hurt. mi . i , ine continental tire insurance Co , of New York has withdrawn from "all combinations with other companies to regulate rates.3 1 wo professors of Amherst Col 1 X . - n i m ... lege, mass , were nnea ior naing a bicycle on the sfde-walk. . There died Thursday at Clark Bros.' ranch at Chateau, Setoncoun ty, northern Montana, Baron -Max von Grotthus, a Russian nobleman and a former Lieutenant in the Czar's Guard, who left Russia in 1875 on account of haying lived at too last a pace. J? rank Johnson, a Kansas City cnir, nas a iaa tor stealing edge toclj, and nearly enough to stock a hardware store were foand in his lodgings Ernst Ridgeway, one of the four young men who on Thanksgiving nignc last neia up and attempted to rob a car fall of people on the Inde pendence electric line, in Kansas City, Mo., was sentenced to one year . i i -i - J m me county jail. Representatives of the Republican league have called oh the President to urge a modification of Mr. Cleve land s civil service extensions that would throw about 40,000 offices open to political appointment They oim mey received great encourage ujerii irom Mr. AlciMniey, In a vote completed Thursday the n-uiguia or . Labor adepted a free silver amendment to their declara tion of priciples by a practically unanimous vote. The new $6,000 Presbyterian church at Gaffuey, S. C, is nearing completion. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness to the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi- nn n LqJOOCQJ gestion, bad taste, coated Pills tongue, sick headache, in somnia, etc Hood's Pins cure constipation and an its results, easily and thoroughly. 25c An druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co, Lowen, Mass. The only Pius to take with Hood's Sarsaparnift, DR. FELIX LE 5SUN'S Steele Pennyrojal Pills pf original and onl9 FKENCH. safe and reliable Touri on the market. PHc 2,1.00; sent or naiL . Genuine sold only by - 1 t 1 A7cgctablcPrcparatioRforAs similutiaS UtcFoodandReguta- tind the Siaaaclis cnai3cv,-eib ci n Promotes DigcsUon,Chcerful nc'ss andRest.Contains neiOtor OpiunU'Iorpnine r.cx Kxerai. Not Hab.c otic. Jlx.Scnna gMU SalU -ytnitt Sttit . Jippemant - ' Ji Carione&5eCG JVarm Ste-d - niriitv- i.ui j - - . r tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrlioea, Worms ,Convulsions,revensu ness and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEFf. $3,950 GOLD BRICK. Sent From Georgia to the Charlotte Mint. The Atlanta Constitution says: "The Royal mine, near Tallapoosa, Haralson county, snipped yesteruay to the United States mint, at (Jhar lotte, a gold brick worth $9,350. "Mr. -Frank Hams, treasurer' of the company, brought tbe bullion to Atlanta for shipment and lefc it for a while in the window of Mr. Charles Crankshaw, where it at tracted great attention. During the forenoon Mr. Harris brbught the brick to the Constitution office, where it was weighed, and the office boy bit it to see if it was genuine. It was the clean-up for Marco, Mr. Harris stated,- and was the hrst wash up made since the new plant was put in operation. The Itoyal mine ha3 now forty stamps, and a Huntington mill The equipment is the most complete in the South. The Uoyal is now down 105 feet." President McKinlev'a Ne v Office Honrs A new "White House rule goes into efftct today. The strain of receiv ing clhce serkers has become too great, and hereafter - the President will deny himself to all general callers after 1 p. jn. each dav. savs the Sun. During 1he afternoon he will see only those with whom he has special appointments, and thus endeavor to get a little time for the transaction of important public busi ness. 'According to the amended rules, therefore, the hours from 10 to 12 will hereafter, except on Cabi net days, be devoted ..to receiving Senators and Representatives, and general callers from 12 to 1. The usual reception to the general pub lic on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be continued. The Two Old Twins. Messrs. Hector and Hub Mn- Lfin, the two celebrated Harnett. county twins, drove into Fayette- vine a lew days ago. The Observer says it has not oeen but a few years since they would walk the distance, nearly thirty miles, and with ease. They will be eighty seven years old next month. Eich ba3 his coffin already procured and Wednesday mey were negotiating with Mr. Remsburg for a monument to be erected over their graves. The Latest From Cuba. A biff battle has been fnnorhf of Mai Fimpo, Santa Clara province, vuua, oetween tne uubans, com manded by Aleman. and a at Spanish column of 1,500 men. The Spnish were defeated, retreating in disorder after leaving on the field w men Kmea ana wounded. Gen. Gomez is at the estate Re forma, in Santa Clara province. He has not been disturbed bv tbe Sn.n ish. " - -w- , Good Prospects In the Broihies. Thev tell ng that, th .o,. for fruits, peaches and all were u5'" wiiuf in me urusnies. Wilkesboro Chronicle. - . Used in Gel-many. UonwOfHse bas t. er, u, Gnnr.y f." tii- u-fti,.s, of , , , f.,r Khi.mitiMn, JStui-H g.a-, sprains, brakes, etc . .iud fouad to be uf mcs le ible n inedv knowB. Al ways sol i under gurun tee If it does you' no g,H,d Uk-u back to vonr rim;... get your inon.y. Made only by Goose Grease Liniment Co., Greemboro, i,. (J. ' Apr10-ly Headqi BREEDERS OF THE Ducks and T, . wwt ErBlaX pLD9nibrr ut Sn?&rSL MhfT. OASTOIIIA. ALSO VOU GET PEDIGREED STOCK EVERYTHING GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. if you buy of us. Address OCCONEECHEE FARM, Durham, N.G Family Sued co Y,Roa4 extract, witib oneechee GOtW -4 3 ri-ivv-cuirfiii-.i:, SiC-NVrURE OF s? IS OIT THE CF EVEBY BOTTLE OF Castoria ia put cp In OH0-siio tcttlci only. It ia net eold in bulk. Don't allow asyect to mQ yon anything else on the plea or promise tint it ia " innt as pood" and "will answAi- var ft J O --"'J U. i 3 pose." 5- Bee that yon get C-A-S-T-O-B-U l 718140- 7 LLa&&4&uai '7 PEARSON'S MICA FIGURES. They Were Wide of the Mark-A Trust is Benefitted. If a robber protective policy is to prevail in this government we can't help but feel glad that the produc ers of mica are to get some of the benefits of it But is Mr. Pearson aware of the fact that the mica trade of his own Congressional district is cornered by the "Mica Trust" and that the poor man who might be able to mine and oner a small quan tity on the market is and will be just as well off as a cat in Bhoel without claws, unless he can have the" fav'rof the gentlemen who con trol the mica trust? Vitn the fos tering care the policy of high pro tection gives trusts ana comqinej we can have but little encourage ment that any very great benefit will accrue to the producers of mica in Western North Carolina, except those who are inside the trust Mr. Pearson's claim that more than 100,000 people in his district are in any way interested in or de pendent on the mica industry for living is simply too absurd to repeat. In tue county of Jackson, one of the largest mica producing counties in his district, there are not and never have been, either directly or indi rectly, one thousand men, women and children interested in the pro duction of mica, From the Silva Sentinel. EnfillshiEen Itching for a Flfbt Londojt, April 17. The drift towards war with the Transvaal heartily welcomed by moat classesof Liberals." West and Eastenders are anxious for the outbreak of hostili ties in South Africa. Life's often lost from little ills Which might be saved by little pilk That ia to say, if you suffer from i biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia, 1 or torpid liver use Dr Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. Buffalo Bill's Wild West, that wai here last year, has opened the season at Madison Square GardeD, Kef York, which place Barnum and Bai ley's circus has just vacated forth tour through the South and West im ... ' PinerHle Crreuit Appotuttmaan, Harrison 1st and 3rd SuDdi. 11 m.. f-utiday school at 10 a. in-, W. E- C nineham, supt Pineviile-2nd and b Sundays 11 m "Sunday school at 10 ia 3 p. A. Youi.ts, superintendent Marvin 1st and 3rd Sundays 3 p Fundsy school at 10 a m aDd 1-30 P Geo W. Sutton, supt. HebroD 2nd and 4th Suudavs. 3 p. i Sunday school 10 a. m. and l 30 p. Chas. Al. Campbell, eupt , Thos W. Fmitb. P. t. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save riiany dollars in doctors' bills They willsurjely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS uarters for the Best, Only OF PRIZE WINMFPS FRIZES VON (THE PAST3 'YEARS. FOLLOWING VA1ETTES. 51 j tST uronze and WW Holland Turkeys, d---and Wlute Plymouth Rocks, Brown and White Legh Light Brahma; Indian and Pit Games, Buff Cochins. Sil Laced Wyandotte. White Ptr!n Ducks. .WuscOH Pea Fowls. hOR SALE AT ALL 1 of Ported Ewe. by Imported Bucks, g ..Strain Jersey C-

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