J J:.1 3 A. XJL YMiflF&NW&OV S E R V It': yWE tit E!g-iA Y 1 A u'fr USJ 15, 188 3. FOR rain. III I EUJULTISII, NturttfU, Sciatica. La avba go. mmrm, wr rasa, xakjm. nrr can i larm. ti.- vawa ha U " ' TVs CAarts A. tHr Ce. yzottzxiaj. ; . treat l. KMX TO THE PUBLIC! avaeAlgAAa l TMrMltMki r mnsmiT O ! O m i ft eaB (MiM an ta.1. IWHW ta a e saw VA ea M IWhUM BUta tt be nt Ilttw Cev. Hew uim T H w n c... SlJsedJOQ faA taw ialaaa lUiicnal , It IfMOf, tmUiM j 4AI 000 B Aiaaa.n. n 121.190 88JOO ei.430 a ur. i ""i I LCWW. pnitt ... , iTjDOV pa ha twMK rwaj baa MlOOO iMNilm.mtw 87 00 rtMMCaaMtaKt.MTHT.QwkM f IS.ISO yi areas inii swa. , ' ,MU i ejW TutH4MtteH.- IX1UUO rMliMMlaMM(ltiol)MlM , arwaB lffM kf I aaaapaag mwMi tae Caaag stsiae. i 2.827.410 TscaipeUbr aa.- itssuoeo lia Ml at lb il hU we ttJW(J tuiaaTtgiM. aaa far iwi tin ioh at in kf auy a ear . St A DaCTYXX. TVi pnbrti ihk o I aiwfny la a KT01P1T1L T21ZZ. 873.000-0 .TV la fyin 4 irtOMo orrvnTt iT t l-t A I ecu mmmn cwiut - IOCVO0O r" CaCJM Our a r3iM i 1 cirmx kh;t jpMrio rant -.ji la' TTtrm cr imt.M lixw luor j 10. r o miuor .. .. .'-. ixouo aK... 10.no . ." O xi ... 1aO00 i ji inmiia r i i 4 W i!TmiIwi - I" W ..UM S36.VJBO0 fall Onnaary tefim ky Mad at Xjsm W M- - 0CTV0t. 01 $30,Q OO FOR $2. -yorctMM waamLr mhwim c th- tUMftdH! rruri Aar14 iKS. CM I oy MX) taa ao aaawr aaruht aa ft at aad l .9ir.3aai 3 hUML fc,aaa 0.0 i p.t-3 (XiTlHi 1 a f- i, -fc X70O - ; mjO 91 1 3LlOO m ft TkaM.t tl a rmn-.m Tyafl Laoaa. a aanal rr n nil C T I" r L H T IOui7TnU0 m J Ott hur riUj fHiXiKifc. Lfraaaa a FOR SALE., a Tm 1 1 jtaakll i . ka aa . Al MMMWt hmm lai a AJaa a o aara fa f '. a n m im aw n-a. a"Ji t aa--L4- rl a. . aa4 a JV4 Ctjasi ftf eaa aa4 U. 4 "rtil b 9 tit trtjoa -IIEUSMK, Wm aaaa aa kaaU a Unr Vrt aoparto Ink la tin u anm ra f aa 4 at aaa aaa JZ. 1. 1 i ill urn m mwmr tMUka4IO Mas a j in i. mi at a tia aaa araaaa fa a o tSaa-U . . . . .1 Mil leASA rl M4 MT tea; aad hhti as iae IM era MkMAM e Li ej iJim. eaal aJaa w taa u a aoata i mi i i w a funim i. MMfft mm a.. I llll 1 1 i ta tee MMT. Oar ii wi Tiaw ia mmmb Ram UMMtUKtMa) aM h ik aAa ta li V. a Tfca aaa a a a aaoat aaa wirt fad. lull awfJ IMU4 a araaa ta lAa i t-naat. 15 fav taaaaaa a aH ra. r-rta. 3 ) ftaaaaaaa aaai rrVVfi7a"'rr:LTi M ao4 itwi. T a-i ;iw aaa tm aaa t ii- A Ji I fa aJ aajaa at i . m. aonrmiK. cia Itarml acct i ";- - Cmt. wtcnisirL A?ri t?rci Tun j mmtl i at w hMin.Mii at HiaOJU t T-vf, aj . . T"a o. wifwulm aaci4 n Axar-.-. t a :aaw Itta, fx i. T I "-- ai- a ta f t amna ( at" f la.-'.fjaK'i iTau A yiTtw ai Ui,tJWJ 4 -i4a ... - . , , ; 'I t Eavrlf tirtcn far Next 8f liar. -a- !jM')(", Tba city markets in Ika early part of agnwuttwriaT. prior, and often in a miia i pell la In tar. aoound lna!reua. ana tnere 14 no rron - wby tLt-ae sboaid not C eqaaily abundant oo Tery farm. Wbin Uie meat aerveti u to a great extent aalled. grren vrgetaLlea ara not only p table Dut neceaaary to neaiio. Catoavx Is formanjao InOiKwtJble that it cannot be eato. 44 trtMm Lota dlQcnlty does not exlat a Tarlety is al ar ay a vetco(Dv bplaacb. trie moat dell cala and paJalable of all the etretablee oaeu aa irrena. can M ralsea oo any good farm land, and with rery Uuia troubla. Tbe aoll belojc well prepared by tba qm of the plow and harrow. marKltbSia nria men onlla. and ow tbe avail raihf tbickiy. eorering it w lib about hair an inca claoiL Uiei rollar. or pat tbe aoll down firmly witb tbe boa or back of tbe spade. Some earafullr ko over the rowa and tread down tba aotl ovr tbeml Tbe fail ralaaaooa brine tip tbe plants. , They wili jrrow rapidly and De larice enoocb to catber In b-ptembr or October, for oae at tbistlme tbe plants, where they are thickest, are to be cut ool at Inter Tata, nsins; a stout knife, leaving" tbe remainder room to grow. Where the winters are severe, scatter straw leaves r other HUer bet weeo tbe rows, and slightly cover tbe plants. As p soonas tba ground thaws cutlloga may be and If this la done so as to thin the plants1' a second time, the rest will grow all tbe larger and be ready to use later. "Sprout, as It Is called In tbe market. Is a variety of kale, a cabbage that decs not bead. This Is cultivated to tbe same manner aa spinach. If a farmer Cods that be has more spinach than can be consumed at home. a few barrel of It will meet with a ready sale as ixtp nearest market. Taa Diatataaacea la Baal. , -- Tbe dlstorbaooao in 6paia -aovered 4 wider area tbaa tbe world 'was led to suspect from the flrsV dlspatcaea en nsung from oniciaj aourcve in uaunct Tbe nalngs la various parts of tbe le ninsulawere evidently timed according to some coooarted plan, which, thoogi defeated, shows tbe band of a shrewd organizer. Tbe object; oi. tbe revolt tlontsu la to restore the constitution of J8C3. under which Amadeus became King, and Z jril la.ts rran o aad cVagaata, were the - leadlsg: etabaamen Ills stormy relgtreededwltb bis realgaatlon la isbruarr 1STS. e A still more stormy republlo followed, which, under Caste tar's folding band, .collapaed.eajly la 1874. after being caraoteHred br a da. greeof anarchy and disorder IntelerabU even to bpantarda. From tbe establiab ment of Alfonso XII on tbe throne la 1S7S tSaiee the'rreBent -coBstltatlan, wblob; tboogn liberal enough to suit Sagasta and Castelax. do- not, of course, meet tbe ttewe ' of Zorllla and ether radicals of bis Incorrigible type. unco tne cosBptracxea ana ruwe man lfesloee of the past week., j .. r . , A Bare MiML paaagaaQaah - ' Here now is Lhelsyeut of a party that will soon be asking for rotas : Tbe Boss Shepherd ting frauds In the District of Columbia. Tbe safe burglary Iniquity. ! ' Tbe whiskey frauds, reaching to the White House, l - , j : Tbe Freed man's Bank swindle, ' Tbe Ileiknap Impeachment. ( Tbe Itobeaon naval frauds.. - mm ) The Sanborn frauds. : : Tbe Indian Bureau frauds. T ; The rcnslon liareaa frauds. . j Tbe Black Friday raacaJUy.- k Tbe theft of tbe Presidency la 1870. The Indiana bribery in lfrWX And tbe star route frauds, not to mention a long list of other offense, any one of which oofht to asd would arv artbrow any political party thai syer eziatee to uua ooeAtry. , -. i . , .Taralaa. . ; According to tbe Rural Messenger, one of tbe most Important erena la oar yatem of farming Is that of tbe turnip though It U one of tbe most neglect ed. . . . i i . f j In case July Is visited with a drought we have the advantage ef being able to defer tbe poUlag In of tbe tornlpeeed till August, ef ter tbe new crop of seed is reedy, aad cultivation Is carried on dorisg a period whea no other crops are being seeded. Considering tbe ooet of prod action, tbe turnip crop should be a special one on every farm. They keen well daring the winter and not only serve an ezoelleat purpose where" alieed and fed raw to a Leak, but can al ao be cooked and mixed with other food. Not only tbe roots are In vale able, bat tbe tope alsothere Is do part wasted. By weight they prod ace heavily, and are not deficient in bulk when compar ed with many other crops, raaleTaik. finSarpaU A panto is feared la secret by a great many, and discussed in public by a few ; but In tbe present oooditlon of prices and of trade It Is only possible If tbe banks begin a wholesale contraction of loans oo commercial paper, and this Is followed by like ooo traction in loans on bond and stock collateral. Tbe New England failures which have al ready taken place bate led to tbe first step, to bow great an extent oo one knows; but the New York Tribune ears commercial paper la being refused ""where a refusal woeld 'bsva been thought Impossible a few weeks ago." This Is likely to bsve a serious result or not. precisely as. In tbe torn over of credit Incident to the opening of tbe Fall trade, this contradiction of loans brings weak places to light. Uraaaatag Ilaramaa lar 1S&4. VaaTataaaa. Take him all In all. William 8. Hoi man. of lsdlana,ls probably tbe best equipped legislator In Congress. In ability, la experience. In doae applica tion Ur the PAibiUr Inisincss, In knowl edge of tbe lews srad tbe bperstlons ef government and In familiarity with parliamentary practice be has no supe rior, lie Is an astute lawyer, and be served with general satisfaction as a Judge of tbe Common lleas for six years wbsn quite a young man. before entering Con gT ess, nearly a quarter of a century ago. . . 1 :1 I Asa Saaaa aaCt BlaaU Cvauaa, -f-fcia W aaal rvnata rtnSrrtaa aald ahaa spaak- taa aC Mailiaiil axparvaoca aa aaa on baaxd adiai -Taa baa af aatea I T a aa- taaA aa Sa4 riMa aitacat mi a pain, f quo mm it by a lac- .u at ana be lor taa fats rajn aux)r aa tiii Uava rarrr ba-U'a Pata JUilar at aaad by ea aaS ay afM toe aara taiiaX. ,r r , A IXaaala Traced y. ljanA2tAroLia.' Ao?.j itUxMwaxd Echlsslsr, a butcher em ployed at Kox ganS pork packing establishment, fa tail etabbed sirs.- Margaret Kaufman, who was bcbisslsr's former wife, early this mornloR, aad theo jkot pirpatlt dead. . Y h.it'H)ITC) Oa Tan I IT. laTV t OUL. Ika l8Stl taartac at Taa Laan-taaa-saaaa Uouary a Ortaina. itttj-U U T Baaar-aaja af la. and Jakal A Kartf Va (vfeaaa lni-riJ aa4 varaour ara anstaslistila) aai aa aaaai. Ua aaUta Baaoacwaact. acx aa aoooaa ar Unix awn airaaioras UM raeuU. Tlea a i 74j rra da am eapttaj prfa Uaot Jaaiaa in aaad aiaja, tt turn aa-, jm win). 4 taa U S Amy. at Fart A I tnaoln. tNak. araw arnuxylasaa.aaaoatarxodaaaaaa k ta LrttiTt hat Basic. a t faLaua A Co, aX Caira, tU loo aucCiar 1 16UXX araiinf Sll Himi waa Baoa. at taJxa, Li. aaa 1 !! Ma.atCarali:VM)M tl aajrtS.arglS.OU. Tvm ava kv.; si roa aa pm at Sxa.nno. aaa waA,a ,SX K mit l T baa atva Vatrv Aary M. Piaaina. all alt ajvatfcar aa J T kfaora, at fmrtm. S.r. (arexwa tba raraaera flat feacJunaarti., a ri aad ut in foroaaix Caaal a. ua: mm, 1 aa. aad a i arafcTa. TVxaC Pa x-iaa UOra prUi a SlO OuU, baAS ST BttCaaa D irtMM-apaca. a Sta 24 lal 14LA at. tm Tar. -t. aar aaa art laa to if A Daa paia. avaa On na, Ia. aaa aa aooot la kapiat 9-riar tl loaUtuuoa. wbuHi t X- X(" J ta U c h " ' r boar i O -a-iia a-uaa.aa4 tJ c:--..4 s,..kaa ef Ad.ra T aa a it (lia i c '. wig tuus piaos Xuaad ti;Mar 11 aff-na af whtem I aooa aalil Um hi an Laa I a.i ii I Cowdeasesl Pres Drsyatcwes. t t Marrlol Biddle and Marrinl Shawl hat mnofacturers of New York, have sued the Western Union for refusal to take messages unless "subject to delay." The Georgia1 Agricultural Society met In annual convention at Atlanta yesterday. Geo. Baldwin, a Western Union stri king lineman, was arrested -yesterday while la tbe act of cutting telegraph wires on the roof of a building. The Western Union Company has notified Mayor Ed son, of New York, that it will bold the city liable for dam ages for wires cut within the city. The latest advices from the presiden tial iunkettlng party represent tbem as having a good , time, hunting, fishing, A a. especially the&cvvt ; . ; ; - The failure of the houses .of 'Geo; William Balloa & CoV . in New .York yesterday, took business circles by sur prise. . . . r , MAEXCTfl BX TULXOBAFE. . a --! AU8U8T la.1885.'. U . t it-. h:.i t .-; DOBESTIO. , .. !J i t . x at at aroazai ' Wiunaaroa Btlriu ar Torpeatlne ateadr at 87 v. KoaiB-Srai; atralaed. SI 'JO, . rxa ' at; 81 ad. Tar ana at SI. HO. ituJa . Tar-Daaana-ataadr, aard Slft; ratio aUa and, ra tio, aj sa. . . : i ; VAai.aeToa-TnTTMitlD tfon at - 8TVi W. aVaata arras la dwiind for lxar and ataady tar saaainia atralaae aad aoaa oa. . . . ii . t -. ; 5 - 1 m! Ba TTJSoas O-U-Qta t: Bautbara xfittaOi Wtatara a-atta 40342; tatxad UnaaW; Faana-Ia-ala. l A4M PtarUkJoa - ataaaj fair daaapd; xnaas pork SieeOf -Muia tnwali shanWars aaa aiaa-ria aaJaa ttatiaa. HOSVa. Banna -aaoaloara UMi etaajnt atdaa fcygfaV: 1644010. Lara Mint. lOaa. CaBae-a-an ata aanroaa, or fltaarr ta fair. KUS wt. euaar-ateatfr: A aon 8aa. Bi.leo;st.iim aisajtms ! oaoaeo natar, ' eUat. rrgatsr. - prteae ao chanxrd; Wbaat-ajotecanS aaalar at 00 foe Aogaat, gi oaasi tm for Ooptambar; No 2 CbteafO eprlaa 8 1 -OuVa: Fa. 8 aa. 89: Ma 3 rrd auiaxSIAv. Cora aa l-a. Srai. aaybar at 81 at for aaa a. 60 far Aaguat. Koaa far tefMia bar -Oata-aaaa iliarTyi aUona aaalar: 2e for eaih. 2oiA for Aacuaa - lara amlta - bat Waaar at 81 1 OCfftlsOO far easb. 811 8THO Si8 8a for AacaaC8Ki8&aSia 87vk far 8aftaa bar Uara - eaue but loarr at 8A15 tor ease 84 OZVaOtH.08 t jt Aacast. SH OA fur eepteaiber. taaia aiaaia-ta fair aVaiand bat loaart aaonv ara aASk; aaen rtt sosa; abort dear . 87. Wauxaj ataa-y. r- "cryrroet OALtaarua-Steady ; aawnina 884: law said. aSin V4a: ansa - aralnart Maa aat raaaipta 1 .42 tl craaa 1 K&aaJaa 678; stoafe 7 91 8: expor a aoaaialaa 87traat. BrMaia j iinnaial t laoaJOLa ftaaily; aaiednniOa; aat iveelpu, 33; aroaa 23 stack, I&A08: axporta auaat aja 4M aaaasatS. eaporta t akraat ; Bflsala BAtwrraraia Naejtt ajtadUnc 1 0ia; law rata, enaai vaas; aaoa araxaarx aisae; aat raaMata 810i craaa 3i0r eaJaa ; atoafe 14.92S: aoaatanaa 1 apimara82a4 axaaw-a taMratt Soaroa Waaari auaaitn lOVk. um aa-aaTa 10a: rood eraioary '8: net raaaipta 7w; 1.2HS; aaa 1 auxe 0.4KO stof-s a . Bantam 8; la franee : eoaatanas, : 48 Mt, Wtxji laarua-iti-t; aahadTlnc f. lorn aald mac Viae, aooa ordlaarv 8 9-lea aat rsatlpia t CTaaa j aajaa - j saoak 1 344: exports aoaatataa ta Ofaaf Brttaaa j la soo raaal I ta chsnrtal . rm.iasa.ra3A- QjVC; aiidiinaa lOe; law ataattac lOes avaa erdtnar 8av not ra aattxs : rroaa s aaiaa 83 atooa 0.810; ax aorta Oreat Bruata -; ta ssaUaaat ' . aUTAaa tav eteadr ; aHawniaa 940; law rata-tTli-a Wt4i rood armaarv 8a-e; aet ta aaiaaa 296; craaa 390; aaiaa 18 stock 8.418: arparta ie aoaahatoe ; ta Oraat Brttala ; rtsw Oaxaaae FUiaen attain tae 9Sta. low awtailiraj Wa-lOe: rood ardlaary 8 18-lOe. aat raaaipta. 861 1 croas 906: aaiaa 800; stack C311 . oxaorta to eraat Brttata 87s la graaea t to aaaatalaa ; to aoauaaat j ta Flrta: asMdltaa SSAe: low aiwvTTTna 94ai road imiirr Saie: aat raaaipta ; aroas -- aaiaa 2ft: alocfe 4 941 1 axporta aaaatwtea lOt a rraoas 1 to aieet - Brt(ab ta ataxtra-a- Steadys aaMdUaa fXae: law iavrtlnc 9taat aood arennarx-WA: aat rroaf.tr AO; g oaa tail sptnaars , .! aeeeaTA-oXaady; saV1.Tiraa 94i; low takklltna OHas toot arm wary a; aa 14U 37i ablp- a in aaa a aStet tow an. Tltaa; tv rood ard ajoaTTIj salaa 84: Wat - raata ni .iOi; axioria tie sea ttasar I ta rraaaa 1 ta attaanai . I: sales 248 bajr-t aaKKrrw aaiaa as 10 S-laa. amlddiiaa tniiia 10 7-l0o:eoo-aptaaaiaa aat raaaipta 8 667s axeorta t 3reat Brt tala 8 1 aa Sraaaa. t ta asotloant 1. . rtrrcajra. I Raw Toaa Nat taealpta 40 r-oaa 4.883 1 17; aaiaa Btuuu Atir. .... I018O. ... 10. I a. ... 10189 ... 10 tin. ... 10 180.18 ... iakaa4 .... 1 OS41X.8A ... 1046X47 ... 10tVtaJk8 ... lotn a.e aoru.. rutAirciAi. raw tou t t 1 - 1 1 4-8281 V 8118T7I t , 8.788 - t . t Saaraaaaxv roar aaa a aall par oaaU, 1 four par aaeu. t t Tbraa aar aaa is. t 1 1.124 1 1.1MS I.08W all at . Alaaaaaa Claaa A. B ta 8. t It 1 tl 1 -H2 f I I tl-OI 88 B. 6 a, C.ra. t t t t ' I s t t t 1 t ft XW 1.0a 1.01 t 1.18 1 : ne I 29 1 18 . Mf IS f -8x4 aorl I a. tacrtaai S t Nona Careuaa'a, t 1 1 s 1 Nona Caroliaa'a. new. t s t Nona CaraUaa'a. ruadloc. 1 . t . 1 Ntb Carailaa'a. spieiil tax. 1 t foota CaroUna Btaaa Cooaota. t 1 ij ii 1 t : I f zi T-noaaaaa ea. 1 . Taooeaaaa, aaw, t t Variola OA. t t t I 88 Vtrxiaia. eoaafMVtstad. t . . "8ta Ttnrlnla. eararraa, t aaaaa Kxaraaa, t Aiaarkaa auraaa. I t , I t 1 t t 1 I . I 1 1 7 1 ,t , JA4 f28 I.I 18 I 11.8214 Caiaaca aad Alton, t t Cbkaare m fiorta t t t 1.3IIA . LS9 Catoaao. Btw Looia and Maw orvaaaa. ' : ' 781 Cwaaoltflslad Coax. t I I t 1 38 Oatairara aad lAoxawaaa, . .,: . ;: , 1.20ia it um m gum uniNB, 1 1 1 . . 01 BVta, s - t 1 1 t . t t 1 2 xuat Tarineaxas. , 11 t t irt Waytja. -n t : 1 t t Hanalaal aad St itsaptu HrVara.,t t t II I I I 1VXI Hoiatis aaS Taxaa. 1 1 - 21A IliUvaU Ceatrai. , t ' I t t 1 1.24j LaAaeiMkra.' 11 I t IjOM LroaarrUla and MaabtlUa. t 1 1 46V kf tohauaa SUaralMl. i lit 8KV Mmpbta aod Chartarton. 1 1 tj 8614 MatroooUtaa aaaatao, t : 1 1 ' " fctWTS Mkatalaaa Caatral, .. ' t t h afotatia aad Ohio. t ' 1 1 13 NaabTlUa and CTaWswooga. 1 t t1 Maw Jaraaf Caatral. t, 1 -t 1 82 Waw Ortaaaa Padfla flrat aaort-a-a boods, 79 naw xora taacrat. it 1 1, i.i rtorrou arxt witira. praiarraa. 1 narukara raotoa, aorai raaoa. - t t t ! - 4014 I! 1 78VS I ! 29 'I 1.09 i ! 80 I I 148 I ' ! . 1 I 82 1 r bibs t 1 A Koriaara Pactfla, pralarrad, 1 1 Obiaaad HtaaiaalDPi. 1 1 Oblo and Mlealaalppl, praferrad, t fOaatAU, , - . . . t . 1 t Hoaborc. I t t 1 1 1 Qutoaall ar. t l.l t I Quaokaurar, profaned. - t - t Baartlna. I t I I I I tuobaaood and Ailarbaay 1 Hicbxaood aad Deartile. - t i t t; 84 lumMuf irul VmI Pnlnl T.rmlnll J W nax iMoc. 1 I -T---f- t - I T1.I8M 6. iaia and 8aa xaoetaaa, - BC laala, prafarrad. - t t " Be Lorn a eaa rraoctaeo, 1st t aaa,- 't ' t 22va prafarrad, 7 I3C raal. i t YsJ , -1 t t ; LietA 1 i I t " 2Rva 8. Paul .p-afarraa, Taxaa PaolOd, 1 Untoa 1 aalAa, t 1-.-- I - t - 87ta Voitad xUpraaa, t 1 1 ii M a. 1 s 1 1 1 t 17ta a. pxafarfad. 1 . -i , 8O1Z I i;ii 1 ijliTtlsT L t V 1 1 i 1 .;T8ia bid. I08M. i lXx. ttr. : titomZ Wi itaifePalila. 1 7 Wabaaa FaatSa. prsfarrad. wsur xo, t Wariamtaloa. taaat taa. cmr ooxToif Ottica or Tn joessiAXi-OBeaaTxat, 1 caAKirra, J. X. Aianat 14. 188a f Tae cfty eouaa aaarkat yaataraay eieaad Sjm at taa rouiwring ajwartoat. aClddllric..... ...... . 10 Mb ham t.Kk3tne........,.f.... -.7 f Sfef rr Siataa aad rifgaa,........- - J 7 O 9 xs wind af'n.i Alaaa-aa--Ctaas llsrstas naaa Alaaaaaa -(lass wnu a aor1 I a. 1 Oaania. aatd. larrlalana Beaarpts trora 8-ptambar 1st to yestsrday, "3.7P8 Iiaaeijca yaststiHj.. - .j'v- -W 2J Total Baaarpta to data. 83.818 Baoalpta aajaadata. 1 ........ ....... 88.721 BisaUiis aaaia Aaha. laAW-.. 88Jfi8 t'. 1 i il" I HTj'a.I I crrr fhodtjce h ArtKirr. rapertad by T. B. aUssx. ; AnQU8T-14.18a3j- 'ji''-0 - ax; ma nucst, . ' D3Bjr.pertQXB"l,.i.v...v J"?") I I . i f:h-Ah -vfV3 , BXAars. White. Bar hiuhal I 9AI M fAAa, Clar, per UiaiL. 60a66 a . aaa aaatsiiiita la0aal'IO ft. - . Sa7K 5uaTJTa, perbaaliel,.....;.... .. tag family......... ...... 3.40&2.BO Xxtra... 2.80a2.4O 8a par 2.252 SO Oats, sballad. ......... .............. 8aaSft OaXKD Vmctt - . . J .. .. Apptaa, par Du ... 8a4 f aaeboa, paeiod.. ......w jr f Wab 65a7ft CAXBA0X. D-T POODd, 2&2V OxToaa, per buanal, 40afin rinwu......... VV1 11...... ........ r r 18a20 .......... AOaia .... . ,- -1 8a28 'y- lOalg rwjixcx ' r CbleAoaa.:f..... , Sprtiuf ..... ........ ": TurkevaTrw B.. .......................... NOV ;i . j7- loall &WKT. ear nv Ml . - " 7aJl Mtrrroa, per fc., net..... , ' ; ' 7a8 poaa. -... i BelO .Woaa, waAbad.;. .. ,k j i :.: Sa nnauhal . ...... ........ ,i 26 ruTun.new,. 45a50 lie eXUVKt PBICaS-WHOtTOlTB. - 8Ti ataAW ' .; - 1 Laap. par poood. .. I.Mfeaij fnaaa Ba.. lOalOU .evsaio SOaSf 88a45 tMiarlft 40a42 80a8S ttood. f bV;::::::::;::::-;;: vDotoa now onanaa Uverpool Sna... 7fta80 Tm.Mr.Mf fenrviiV ! .- t fTxlii Trxa. tplloed. , 1.80a 1.50 : -FOR RKNT, j 4. ,'r.4. I it--,l .;v... i . . .. STealrsWe dweliiBs raooae. apply ta J. C, 14828 ;:;WANTED. - A laay araa Is s cradoala af a trantfac ardtoat, and a bo aaa had eoaatderable exierlrnee In taarhlnc. wi bra a poattlon aa pRratav ee a piaea La a prtvaxa or publio aebooL Addraaa TaTlsaaL. ' att- Ballsbary, M. C. sJMOTICfi: I v- I Tba eopaia!Tb?Pberatoforr, existtnr aadar the um or ii, a. ataxaraaaa at cat, aaa Uua day : v . ' O. BL KiXIBBWTja. ; P. H. f HXLAJi. . Tba nndcrilroad socoeaaors to o K Waxarenos A Cav artU eonUaoa aaid hiialnaas of f ano grocer and -eakers -wodat taa a partaenhip oaaae of Ptietaa and Boaa. aad ain pay ali debu aad enlVrct aildaasof tba lata araa at .-. raaaaranua A Co. ' P. EL PHBLAN. Jambs t. rdar. 1 l.ABSS. ' S,-4 Swlfrs Bpaalfle baa beera tbe roeans of bflnairig baatth aad aa;plnta,lotbens aadaarba wars proaeanced. mearabla f aad SALa Diaeasea. j. y BKaB THE W 111" ESS 8. aUavaal Praaa m BXatraJhlw peaiau ; Cp ta Stay Uat I bad spaat at least Sre baadtad dollars far trssirasnt by asaay of tba boat aaadleal xaaa. wUAoat any baontr I aoSared axaratlatlncty. aad ail ray beat hrlaaaaaa'tbat taa fcry aaad of 1 fast aoeloaeblaa 'leaoabtat A & & UXa a drowning; sdao- at a straw Aftar taklac two bottiaa I could feel a rbaara fax tba bettor. Tba aoea beaaa . . to dlacaaraa freely and tba rbaamaU-m to abata. Wbaa 1 bad taaaa ara bauiai aaary aara bad baalad aad say aftia becaa to aa sotaa a aataral apfMannca. I peraiawd aoUl I bad taaaa twelve boaiea. larre atxa , . aad tbare la aot a ryaiptoBi o( tba dlaraae j taaaalmlas, aad I fact aa wad aa I overdid. 1 baas rajaed latmijna pooada tn flab. ' eandiuaa. 1 aava raeoaxaaaadad tt to - aaaay. aadtoattajraAtAnoa wttbeoaxp eta , aaceeaa. -1 taat aV O. a. baa saved sae treaa a borrtble aeatb. C B. PbTTLBT. (jolncy. ID. J . m I an sura that Swirfs SpeerBe saved any Ufa. I waa terrlbiy potooned with aaaiarla, and waa aea op ta die. Swift's apaetne . , rrLeaed sae pre aptly aad entirely. Itbiak It ta tba Siaaiaat raaaady of tbe aaa. -C e. 8PENC8B. Fupt Baa Worts, Borne, tie. wrtte for a eopy f tba tttOa book free. 81.000 BKWABO will be paid to any cbesnlit wbo will Sad. oa tba analyaia of 100 bottles a a 8 , one partloie of afar- eTar. xaaioa awsaauta, or any xoiaerai ; THg 8W1TT 8P3XXF1C ca. Drawer 8. atxaxta. Ga. J. II. OF8XBS TO THX ' 1 ! . mid . Retail i TRADE; s ' Ji $ s -Ia1 A Large Stodk of 'tr haw at. l'l T efcllf ituJijl m sfitt. LEADS. '.i'.v-'-t -. i . f ' l-.o r.s' S j v.-ix;:-i.a r-All-1' va. 1 j utii y ytyA ays a ; '. (r . ; ? i tft.53.;' -.titi..- -f-flw"! ji ii.:n - . IJ i'j -'Ml . i to i::.-.!i ' . I. 1 VARNISHES, &C. : C ! .i-f .'X. r.Ti i ?j .eift.tf $i.-.ai!t p-.i.i w 11 tn m USB" --S . i i ;' . i'i.'l -TJ i.M-el f :'S A VnJf Ji ' jPrid rP.?' T9ft; LOADS ,i'i .Mvii 5 U.' C " w.Jll-.iAii .'.l ... i ... .ts,m is. esasV ,il fiV- w, t'-J 14 . al.:' s-,y tea ;iT. eifesiO. H'W 'I i.iui-'rr x j.. tl li -h:s iiJ -M WfeHE tniiyip . ... . jy I Wholesale I inni Af? 1 Ail ' -Pnlniirf; iMiiAr.ru 1111 1 jumii.x ...... ....fa. ..... . t ..... m . Tba obIt kaowa speeiflS f or EpOeptle Pita. TB ' Also for Spasms and Pants Sickness. ; TSTervoaa :, Weakneis tt iwstsnfty reUerea and eorea. : Clesnsee : Mood and quickens slQcxiali - cfreolatlon.' Keotra. Uses germs of all can aad saves stekaaaa; Carea rosaamovQAiDj' aSiy Mafcbss aad stobbora Mood sorea. inintiati-a ' Bofla, Carboaelea aad SeaMa. 10 l'eiiuaaeatly aad promptly eons paralysis.' Yes, It Is a charming and belUilApriit. S6crcuUaad8ai Ihrfl. i.xvia teotbartb Changea bad brtatbta good, remov '.--H-"?a. . - w;i,4 ' tug tbe cause. Boats Mlloaa teadeades aad 1 dear complexion. ZnaBed by none la tbe deUrtma of ferar. A charming reaolreat and a matchless taxaUre. It.drtrea Sick Hradache Mke Um wind. gw-coatalnsaadrsstlorafbarUewoplates. BeUerea 1 --r-v. .... ijn!ac::;r.;o;c;gn!o:nii 1 bota of aiorbld fiaitlaa. Promptly , aaatfaby roattaglt. Peal ores Bfeafrlna proper. t ties to taa blood. Is goaraateed to ear aU aerrooa 'disorders. gv-Bellable wbea an opiatea fan. Ba ftaaaas tba adad aad tarigoratsa tba bodr. Carol dyspeptfaorBKiaeyrefBBdad. i : -i ' Iwiii istbe blood ottacoainwor.Borap' la WTtilaa by over afty tlioiiaaii il -"a etusei cii g l" aad ybyalctam In P. B. and Europe. i j MT-r sale by aU leading drasglste. .UO , TbdXrr.S.A.BclimoadWedIoalCoProraL f i,:--S.JosePli.Mo.;4.)j, ,TS Tor testtmdaWa aad drealanasad stamp. 4 j CbarieaV. Crtttentoa. Agent, KawTork City. ; RICHLIOND & DANVILLE R. R. j N.Drvisioiav ,. 1 1 ' : - -if - OOirOICfSBD ICHEBVL8. . v : : 1 TBA1M8 aow e hobxh. ,i 1 4 Kaaa Jnly g. 1888. Pally, j DaUyTi Leave Cbartotta........... 880 an -4 80 pa Leave geiiaboy... .......... 624aax 6 10 p ta bsava High Points.;.-...... A48 a m ' 7 28 p 1a Arrive tireeasboco.. 7-25 a xn 7A8pia Leave Craeasboca.. ... 10. OS a at airtva IS n.aboffo.. .......... 12.14 pat ........... Airlis burbaa. ,v .. 124 pm Airlva Eiei-b., L...... 2.M aa .. . Z Leave baleii....... ....... 2.25 pm ...... ; Arrtra ttoAUaoro. 6.00 p mi.... t, : - Re. 15 CaQy exeapt Sunday, : Leave Oivamabate 8.8O a aa xrrtva at Baielga 3-48 p aa - Arrive Goldabore 7 25 p m No. 61-Conaeeta at eiaaasborawab B A 0 BB for all polnu Horta. Kaat aad Waet of DanvBlav Ateaiiabury vdUt W M Cat A for all poinuia Western H C, AX Goldaboro wUb W4WIIB OHOf. Koa 81 and 88 con neat at wraanabora wttb HA O B Bu1 for ail polnu an Saleas Branca. , . s tbaiks eoura SOUTH. bae,J,ly3,1883. I guff afiavST! l.teJ ixipS JtEEl Leave Baialgb .JI 40 p ra I Arrtve Darbam- 44 pra .....I Arrive HUlshoro a 84 pra ..........I Arrive Ureeriabofd.,.. .... 7A pm Leave Oreetuboro e.fifipm laiOam ArrlvaHigh Potm.4-i...... 1041 pm ia8axe ATilrebaiUbury ...... 12u0n'gt 12 l6pm. Arrive tbartoua. liOiml 1.50 pat Xo. iB-PaUyrxoept Sunday. Leave Goldaboro 6 00 a aa Arrtre Baleigb 9.C0 a aa Leave Raieiak 9 46 a am Arrire tireenaboro 6 OO p at ti -Ka. M-Cam:ets at Salisbury for all potnta oa "NCBB, and at Cnarlotta with ituilr Llna for ail points in tba eoatb and aoatawesL . . t No. 62 -Connects at Charlotte wtUt CCA AB B far all points sotSJt aad SootbeaAt, and wltb A A C Air Ltoa for ail potats Sooth. WIUI r is. o. saairuXAoax). eoise eocmt. : ' KO. SOrDsfly- - OraanabarQ..u. . -. . . . nit Arrtva Kjinwmvlllft, ........ . n.jto Arrtre Salem .. 12.00 put P ra Bgt an SJKO. caPaJOy, except Snnday. Siesnsbore.................... in 91 An Ire KerwrsvlUa...... ......... , liai Arrtre 1204pi eoxae aoarrm. HCX. 61 Dally, exeapt Snaday. : iSSHSSST 6.20pm arnva ureanaooro-.... ........ ......... 7.30 p m KO. 63 DaOy. Leave rHlexa. 5.80 a aa Arrtre KernerxTllle aoSam Arrtva etaeaattoro 7.10 am TATE Xm I VEXXS 1TV RtlLBOAD. a-l. Daily ex Sunday. aorae HOKTH. Leave Chapel Hlli, Arrtre Dnlrarslty,.... ...... 111.15 1 -12.18 1 No. 2. Dally ooraa south. (ex. Sarxtay. Lr-ava PaliatsHj... ......... Arrtre Chapel H111, 12.45 pi l.4 p Mm sieepi Car. WitM j .On TtAlna 60 ard 61. between Hew York aad XoDtgoroerr, and between Baleigb and Old Port On r rains 63 and 53, between Waablngton and Angaata, and Danville and Richmond, and Cnar loneand Montgomery. tVThroagh UekeisonsAle at ereenaboro. Ral eigh. Ookiaboro. Mailsbory and Charlotte, for all pouua omnu, eoatoweet, wesc Horta aaa X or Xatig-ant l atea ta Louisiana. Taxaa. Arkan. aaa aaa tbe eoathweat, addiata TSf & TALOOTT. . M8LAUHTXR, Gen. Manager, Gen. Paaa Agent, 1 . BlebjiMOd, Ta. I CABOOHA : CENTRAL IMiRQAl CO. "" Omnof 8Tjmurtajinx3rr. 'l" aiinini. ar r t. .. i . nKx r . fcaiiiT tooth Wand after Jane 18. 1883. tbe foliowlnr O acbednie win ba operated on tbla railroad; ; Paaaanaer, Man and Xxpreaa Train: Daily. T f 1 Lea Wllminaraa at 7 in p. at H0.lV . . ... - - I I Arrtva at Charlotte , t..i I Leave Cbarlotta a .... 7.00 A. MJ ..... 8.48 P.M. K0.2V ArTrve at Wilmington at.... 8 25 A at. TvaTns Woa. 1 and 2 stop at leejolar stations' only, and points deaignsted in tbe Company'! -lmeTabia.--' - --. - - , v-Train No. 1 Dally exeapt Sunday. H-i-Da.- Mo. a do do. - eoT - Local Prelght wttb Paaaenger Car attached. ' LeaTe Lanrtnbarg ai;,1.w.V..j-i. ,t K-OOA. M. Aatve atcnartoite ...........v...... 8 28 P. M. Leave Charlotte at, ..t 7.10 A. af Ajitve at lAurinl)qra., 5.15P.M. ; Sbeloy pntalon. Paaaenger. Mail Szpresa and Pralsbt--DaUy exeapt aandaya twiv- LMva Cbarlotta........ H80 P.M. Arrive at Bbelby.... ....... 9.OOP. M. Leave bbelby....u...i..i..i 7-00 A, M. - Arrive at Cbarlotta i... ...1O80 A. af. Trains No. 1 aad a make dose connection at Hamlet wttb B. at A. trains to aad rrora Baleigb. Tbroogb Sleeping Cars .between Wilmington and Charlotte and Haelrh and Cnarlotte. - "... -, Take Train Ho. 1 for StataavUle, atauons Wsat .ern N.U&H, AsbevWe and points West. .Also, for Spartanburg, ereenvUle, Athens. At lanta and ail points bouthweet. ; L. C. JOM8S, Sapertnteadent, P. W. rXAKK, General Paasenger Agent. Cliarlolte, Cclnmiia ani Aumsta Railroad - ? t,3,!Tt-.t ' PAsaawexa DaPAamonrr. r sttrix . . i- Colombia, 8. C. Ja'y 11, '83. f - On and after the 18th tnst tbe following will be tbe scbedole on the &AL.N. O. DlrUlon: Leave Newton, Leave Ltneolnton.. . asaaa aaawaaaa lH .'. 7-OOtm 8.85 aaa Leave Dallas .t j..,. ........, 9 a a m Leave Gaston la ............10 02 am Leave Cri..i...u...-.W1... ....H03 a m Leave YorkvIlle..1.i1....i..i .......1 1.85 am Arrive Chester.. j.. , , 1.20 p m Laere Cheater. .;.t ..sv. ....... 2.60pm Lee-a-TortarUia.-.T.i.-w r nm Leave caover.......Mi..,.. p m 6.10 pm Leave Dauaa .. ...'. ..'1 ...... Leave Lir.eointon....,.i. 7 85 p at Arrive Mvwton... ;.vrt.sr..?s:-s':;v;-: 00 pra B " ; , . . c c piTisiox. - " Leave Chester.'.:. -....i.. u.. .... 5.0A p m ro tticnoujg.. ...... .... .. a.no a m a.o x t, ubh it,... ..... . . tt.at p m Lancaster..' 7.25 pm LancaAtar.::.!'.. - o no a m a Fort Lawn............ . o.49ara rjeaaurg ... -.-.,..111 f 5 aat Arrtva Cbwfr JL1 ' .1 l.zqam ;!alyl5ittij.-i r: Ast- Gen. Paaa. Agt. v UnOLHS "LEGnOOEIlFA ; -CoUega Street, CaarlotteX ' Poll ttocYalWBytln fral "H'ast priees paid i for e idau.al V btNU ana Oatr. ' Jail.4i . ; -,i AJTlTe Leave IS .; .... : j. -i 1 ' - 3, : NOTICE. , : The aopartnerablp Heretofore existing between tba tmdetatgned, under tba asaae and arle ot Hargrasia t Wllbelm, baa beea dlaaolved by mif ; tualeotis.nt. f,-. , J. C. HIRGRATK. 4""'- -'"I. i -J ? UD ntBdHAVt, wTf',.ivJ). ; ' J. M. WH.UKUM. -1 "Harlnr bouabt J M. Wllbelia'a InUtraat In ta 1 above Sroa we aa tame all ItaMUtlea. aad all ao ounU and notes doe the arm will be collected and receipted f or by oa Wa aak every one Indebted to , tu ta pay oa Boon, aa we aisb to get tba firm busi ness w,. und op at an early data. j J. C. H BOB AT Angle. f. L. BFMANGER & BROTHER. ' ' ,....'-, The interior of our establishment is novr renovated, and our Btock so that we can now resume BeUing goods again, and if ysu are thinking of buying think of us. ' : -i: ' .66 . J ..'I - I '5 JTVfjHT.Vf! a 15 ' t : wi. i -.,11 in S ; ye yrill'toite undersold by any clothing house, either large or aunall, and that we wiit sus tain our reputation of Bell ing bnljr'superibr clothing at extremely low prices. Respectfully, V; 7 - ? ;,f I..7-i t't -AH.aVv-'.-t..'.-! h'- " " : ; ;iV' v.-- .-;,-.-:( ..:r;iiv?. .;- , OT AGENTS FOB THE PEABL BARGAINS Grand Clearing Oat Sale. TO MAKE ROOM WArerooms and lofts abock-a-block: with Pianos taken In from rent and from agents. Must e'o rnem oo. Haven't roam ta store tbem. New stock eomiag In. Many of taeee Plauoa bave bera uaad aely a few months, aad are practloaUy new tnatrumenia. AH In splendid condition, and win ba drrn eva-aaalatxyejaracnxrantae noTeaalonaia and others deelrlnir to obtain abolea lastruiaeuia at exceptionally '(ow prices, wlU sad this a rare ebanes. aaa tbeaa easy tarxaa. til CAltl AMD 818 MOiVrHLT UlfTlI. PAID rOB. i . OROKB (iuiCr AND BXrORX THE BZST STTLU AUX GOHX. i - :- ' ' L' " 5 , AU Piaooa deaerlned below are fully goaxantaad for six years. Prom two to Bra of many stiles ara kranlcr! Bach, atjlo J , aqoare. 7 1-8 oct-irea. rich raaewaod caaa. earvsd lea.awMl 8 nonlki, tetOO A AfAnlCj A; Bcteb, atyla . square grand, 7 t -U votavea. rl :n rosewood caaa, extra large also, Uiree mooArtnga. aaad l month. 885a r 8 Kran'h & Bach, same as shore, but used three months, 8'i23. 4 Kraadeb dc Baeb, atyla I, upright, 7 1-8 octaves, neb rosewood asaa, need tbraa months, 8300. o Ktanleb dc Baeb. style 3, eaMnat grand, upright, 7 1-8 octavea. migaiaoent roaswoed caaa, superbty arnamented. nsed three months. 8400. ft James a Holatrom. qprlgbA, 7 1-8 octavea, rosewood ease, cured ti usm. aaad about on year, 8225 7 C. D. Pease, aquva, 7 a oatavaa, rosewood eaaa, entirely new, not used a month. 8275. 8 Sroveateen, square grand, 7 1-8 octaves, rich rosewood case, tbraa mould nga, serpentine plinth, not used a month, 830O. . ,9 Dtile. square. 7 1-8 octavea, rosewood eaaa, serpentine plfnth, earrad legs, aaad about 2 yean, 2200 10 Dixie. upright, 7 1-8 octave, rosewood ease, used about three years, 8150. 11 Guild, upright, 7 octaves, rose wood aae, used aboat two years, SI 75- 13 Chlekerlng, style IO. aarigaa. 7 octavea, rosewood eae. nsed about two years. 888li -18 Sontnem Gam, atyla 16, uprtsbt, Tactarea, rosewood eoae, used only one saooto. S2 S8. 14 Southern Gem. style 5, square, 7 octavea, rosewood ease, used about tbraa yra. 8175. 15 Matboabek. style U. sauare. 7 at -taxes, rosewood ease, used about two rears. X2.vv 18 atatbuabek, style 15. aprigbt. 7 octavea, rosewood ease, used one month only, 8350. 1 7 SUM. nand atv nirnitk. suu. 18 Arion. atyla 1, square, 7 octavea. a a axroo, aiyia a, grana, 7 1-tt used a month. S275. a v.. square, i ocwiTaa. bow iuouwwow aaw, nana ooa year, inn, 4 Art on, style 8. squara. 71-8 ostarea. One rosewood eaaa, not used a mouth, 8275. 25 Same, need about six months, 8250- ' Includla g a new stool, cover ana beak contakilna 84 1 6 worth of music. We pay all freigtit over 810.' Sent on 16 days trial if dealrad, and we say all trelght U tbe Instrument la not sauaf aowry. ' -.'J j - 1-" 1 '..'( ' ,- . Xaxt cant aledaictlasi far caik, ar 't elx REMEMBER. 4t eaav tecsM given. Only 826 easb and . iue tea per fjent. discount tor eaaa. - . . The fire dt MnL riitonint tnr full D&rment The six yeai a' guarantee and irrtvllege of trial. , . ium ami ar tneee are atnetty nm oma, msu aiww wn iuiu pnoaa A-ianos, ranking In Quality, nalab aa tone avltb taa vary baat lnsxramenta made. . . , , That nanr'jr all are new. or nearly so. and ara practlcaJty Jovt aa good as saw. ' . -i .r. That oaly-Piaaas named on this abaet are ettered oa such unususiJy easy paremanta. That del its are dangerous, and to .veture any of tbeaa bargains yon meat speak quick. ' . That we win also aeil any of these pfaaog for 125 easb and balance br Octooar lat, at evs per eent. elf Um tons Oaie prtees. . i : ,f ,. " t j : ... , , , ,j ' V W81T8 178 ii OJIOE, ,:;'' ., V--. juaidtr THE CHEAPEST Aadrews Foldlas; W - Tr3.f j. : ii i '. - i. . " . ' ..- 7 ..-- ..-j....- -- - ..)-,. a--. i; V J-i.:- " sa a - "v-.--vwiwa.- K -WS. - I 1 Handseeie aad . jMuntMahla. . Cf5 Htylaax. 1 . v'" -fife L . '1 ' (" , . . . . rV liAMtiiiiB;j'tor3 i Hi . . rc 1- i I. . t IN NORTH ' . 1 "O 1 . ;v HKiAVY TUMBLE. T kv p p'foe SJlth Ihe eeavy decline In elotb 8 Pot thS prices on family work to regular .weekl feflstomepa at 10 cena and upward, t d.-xei t pieas. The prtoes viu be la p'oportioa to tae,,, of wont to atwie. - ' fj tr fcjirt. eoJlwrs n-d eutTs dane In tbe l'at AacuaEuvtfcr Liat 3 Ittlsn. acitft't f"-t 14. ; v,:-. : .. . H. K. t ..iif. - (' !2iif ".' C...3 La-iiu.y. t Ciothinjg for Men. Youths or Boys 'i . r 9 (!(' 1 , V. :. . . ; " " ' ' ' Cox cSx Xlxro.a . .... : . " fiHIRT. Laaalsg Ootblara and Tailors Iff V. ,j. FOR NEW STOCK. rTxmn HMDS. ease, not used a montb. 8225. roaewool eaaa, finished an back, tbraa taookxlnan, aot 1 iMaesrooa case, not nseo a monta. 8?so. nek rosewood eaaa. uvtd three montha. 8278. firs per cextt. far fall payattat xvltbla xxtaatlfta. 810 monthfy until tbe Instrument is paid foe. , . r , , ... , tn six months. r - ' V . . j H. vMcSMITH :,, ;,r CMAii fJTT r, rr. c. AND LARGEST Beds. pVVeWwM CAROLINA. E. M. ANDREWS. BOOE BE" " Wa bare In conner"'i v"i r ffabment a c"i wne 1 1 ttcn-l t '" -r, 1 I l Vl.l d --! t St-"d f f I v as l , atwa f niuy Luit,iuf I VrA f , ii4rt,...'"Tr '.1

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