a i . .i i'i' feV A .v i. . XZIJC DMILIT CUjtXlZOTTH JOUTUTUI, JtJr& THE nitZ.mtJIZIZZ.OTTE OIISEItJ-EJl, CO JTSOIsII) JlTEI JtlJi.IlCIXp.'t, r.e ! i . TataA4a-4 Ivmmmrj 11. tU iMIWl, SaHae AA II. UD. it. tut. CHARIX)STE; NTO i PRICE FIVE CENTS. SatiB 3laurxmM0bfltruer rrv TIIEbTRIKERS, a conarrrce call troi tit;.. It It ! to Treat vlb Theam, Tiff writ a Letter A a eaee That Teey WUI Ceellaae W t A. totlC. AifMt U-At oe to- ? eucacaiuew ,( air. of Lfc eutklsr avp-areSor rBfir eC3p I erred try U WeeterrA L aioa Te!,te;i. Cocspasy c'ic CeaeraX Ekirt and au-kt-4 I r aa uuni4w, waicb was trial. Tbo cDeaaMt: said tbey represented lv Morae opr alora, W boats looe op-rm-l ani Haetaea la Lb catUy 6r lbo v mUtra Lew Coccpearjtxa Ibal Ibeir . w m n Ua tm coai4ar---4 a ft wJ(- ii ca ia part of tta lirourtiooJ Tun (dfpiiMVMld Inu'raoa wbat tae & cnaa woui4 o- lakeo U-xk laU aervtaa. Ectert eail h rooJ4 rcaBcaa-S t&k thorn now oat 2aI4 cQi4 m L u urta fat raBsU4a ox Tk jU? Cvrnmitu of Lb rac lo-dAr. Acaoot i&oprcl J 4f (miqU. lor J OoU. I(o4 tUar lbu ooi.t oely nt tfstil. a4 no rwXtrrnc caa U t& futk ATuif l&rai lac l ru as mill ti4 aa laformU cuaf fAcw ia rcrd t Um tUeUoa ( tk cutaiiu of tnkr to Uo )U:krt aa4 crti!f o4oo4 bi acUoa rfrrt j L&ca la lhir 4prlaua 'j tor UfoftsUoa to Urtn etoo fcJ4 lSr wiu t UXra tmciu Tbm t J'wt&t Utit 4 trocitl la ttm AjuiauI tlw a ua axuraooo. MaaSsUAa ttci. aa4 Jri ta Auciua ITwm : Simw Ttk. Atrui 15 IX f Tboa T aV tiMi iiadrr a4 Aruef 1T1416X WMUta Ufiioo Tri. fffi CpT. Nw York Sir: Oa a t54Ao( Jul j. l icaUT Umt4 of t litL&4irtMa ox TUrar it I Tom a4 prnla (MtUiUta oo t&if ef t& cc;jir of yoar ceoa ty rtr4'ua' o4i4(Uoci wf irviTiecM &kA tfMlnd la bar flfwMi. Ta acal at ihi una f t& tnl l pJt for yoar ap4or a4-ifcay ataoa r7ily aMtw4 ux f--l44at4 tmiftkcacaiui arwij o mi aioy of jomt Co a4 Bv't (wa aay oiaitu. Aa yt war wr Bioosf ta jwif 2tr U act. aa litataymteiMiil cocaniU oX oprmV9ra a-Mi UoaQ rorciier yr am p7 la Uir &i Uta caoai UBDoxtkat almmw lla4 o f la-Cy far im pr- (iim O 5arUef a taXttU aU aaalf atutia tflSaiu. Yoar ra aUtael la rucaeoitt ra.laay lm deiU4iy Sirpctf al. mod Ur u aa ruinetoa year pJl of a iwira ta Ul tla fctUaaQ vrbo jit4oo ya. Voar actioa t2 r will ra4t!jr abow C Ut owMi L&Ai ta cotspAAy fca bo La Uo Uoo v jJ Jiiy 07 iu trUir v L& p'c. aa4 1U o fuit&r apv rul lt ia year arprW dJ bj LrvaX iia ltya lbiltUiiAllf. you lua4&iriM la lhn u brAa?ta broclirhoJ. tarty tf ottax IM rtklof okmttca to cum tia f tf bqlU pt orrtla, aaJ la f 4r U 4urrtal&t axiAt tbo wfcotn ro caay tm U rgck4 m Ui1rra a L& a3oytaaL ail out al- tjipf a to fft a rcoeituLka tar of t4 UU. 4 ltd drtirt to atata tt u it lauotloa of IW etBbtn at taa br-ithr &otl u ior toor aJU aaatan aiul carry oa t&a Chl auhtf atf'tf! a4 lcrtaiaAUo4 by -ry i;uj&t ta44 ia oar power. fly orlyOf &iatlv tM. li apw4f;iy yoart: Jaba CaaipWl. Ait&xzia lu iloeomtol caxea ta aa trrrU way. w caaractartsad by na rati apaiUec aal u wrUlaa lcreaptl La4.ourty ualikatb fr aa4 aaally baadaotaa cbtrorrmpST mmrllMt to liT&b OpafatOtX tbr U dotft tbA& 11 la albau. ft -4 !( Ht4Xmt XHtrr cl ti a Ll fa aia( luiiMt. TA4ii:uTO. A ax. IS. Tb Traa wy fvatxat ctvv ootic Lb at oa rvUUr Aeut 3. IftAJ. ar4 oa vee W4a4y foUo-inf u Uotiad iAia boI cobaMCa la Lba oae baa drmlasud tweiyfirl 1L will bar-; dm4 at iba tMjory t9xUaaat la ( t'-n lo lb axaoaat of fiwbU luy Colr wilbol rvbata lnUrU T taeuUaorlf cooaoiUUDC tha laurcal rrvaaaa dUirtcta la ALabaaa a4 VUzLaU vtat lslo aSaet to-day. i Urdara war laaaiS at tao Uaaarnry dPrtmt today for lb ooaaior f aU Uf ala ataUoaa oq tb ALtaatld 4 UIf eoMta oa Lb flrvl of bpCam bar atL .-",. i ' ; A Kiatefar j Lrujia.TuAA Aauat li. Y2ar d if Lawrvcea Uqdmq mt tba IUt It ti eawaU oa U itmt aoxl draartaf a navy r4 vr dr4 at tba aalaiatar Ivor tiaaa. taKUex wtraeda whicb la a abcrt Uat rasJMi bu dtaLA. Tba ctaaaa l2leff to tba abooUoc ara of d3oasU eatara axut caa ooly bo tobUab4 oa tao trial f tbo ca Xao tOaaaa taesaai aa4 jat 1U UrtwaU la r- x-Ui aa tbo vinica of a caoabirary aj a uruj ta bia aato-cnortta tuta taaas. tUaU oartl v b'jt'.y eooaacS- n1. xt waa a U atbodiat elrx7raaa aa4 local axct of tbo Ax&oric-aa iUUa XiXit. i Maaf lao Jawa. ! Ixrt. Afat It- A rtoi breaa cniat lalWh, Ilasiary. jralar day avfaiajl a JUb bajUx txo asata via wracftaj. Tbo raoO araa dLa aoraal by tbo puHco wbo arrvto4 fLT traaooa4 wdd41 aUtksatr. Xar war aJao aau-aaio nota at UUaabfX. 0reiaay, wbr tba eoob u cbar4 tf cat Airy a&i t.'iLlj-pLca oaraoea w rra ini Twalv Lim by Lao a Kayo. Lotr. Aernl 1 WbtU tblrtoib rao wra btax baai4 o tftaaorfac X a tala t.A tzm loa ef fUd llqtb ra4l tUaf tbo ropa auacbaU ta Lbaemr lss -wta tary war atallsr trek a aaJ taalta cf taa wara prad?. , lLid lo tba Uao ox tbo abait abd , JaataaUy tlml. - ; 1 , Caaildata r I a ftaJtrr. . , X.Yorra. Va. Anraat li A . dwcA f ro Oiai ham. 1UIat1- m! tr. V. aa y II la rport4 fcr i.-:A lo rwtitl wbita fTrta, d3iut cf Jiii Jz.aSrf'b.a-ara ray Ua c.ur r-attbruxt Qjurtb. b Iiaf Laf aM axuA LaAA,tbo &rvtrLor ar liova u4 wl ItorajlsTM ., flaTa Libbff Tm a-.rta. Lr-TnTr,"AftsUll-It'4o J- 15 J'".rj",.ar;, - tn-jriarrj. wera ttt-t u U.U cilf t? k traic r bofiar ri9rt ef l. 1 1 -ar-l a ad Lacf 4 La j;: f f ttajf attil lb tzciio- 1 1 - E4MlMa Carattra C-AJUd. , Voax. Acjrit II Iba Suta ft R.; -n .'-T--u s M tt.".ai t at a ! - - C ; 1 . 2i4 . . . r ... ... , - .- aTTATK- HEH. t 1 - ! WUmUxtoa Stan John D Lynch, ua mia oo m arreaiaa rjr auanct- log and caxrftox off yonnr -wblla irut from hamper, la LbaSiaiaof boa Lb CATnlina. and wbobaaaiaoa baeo la jail la WUmtatrtoa baa boon taken by tba proper aatbortuca to Bomptar for trial. Tif u uardoar. juao , aaa reeeiyod from U fi Ctrealt Court tba appolnt xatat af U U Commln loner forthaKaa. tara Dutrlct of 2iortb Caronaa. ! Graaaaboro Patriot: It U reported that Lb liaaatr Warabooae. to Dorbam waa bo road Monday nig bt i'ortanaLely tba book a baioagtnar to tba warabooaa wraaavrd. It la oot kaovn bow tha rir ortfloaicu It waa reportod to OrToeaboro Monday tnor&iof; that Jcdra Tbomaa IluClo U lytcf terj 111 at AUborat ia iiuuboro. jia naa oa saofioed aartrai wek a. axd bia oond- tlon baa tocn ajradaally irrowloa? worao aatU rraT f ear ar ntrrtalou boot Ma rcvTry. lia auffcrs craat pain. OtAllax rtiiaf only la h mo I actire uiutnuc VLr J w Forbia wbo waa lactod taaorr of GolLford eoaoty at ua taaauoc or tua county ootamiMiot- ra oa tbo Crat Monday la Ibla caoolb. laoaansj bia tooda aa Mooday and took tao oata af ooa Loaolr Tvrlc: II or hay baa bea aarad la Wataora coooty LbU aeaaoa tbaa arar kaowa bafora a fajaooa bay aaaaoo ia tbo mountain eooatry. Apoilaationa for eoatracta to for alabrro uw for tba CboaUr aod Le noir lUilroad ara eomlof In. Wak urrora iaat a party ox tbJrty yoaoc tollt af Ltork mad an aicuraioo to Tat. Rode aad a eorrcapoodaat talla Lbaioeo (caaUacaaa k 11 lad a dear f nr alablDf lb party wltb Tinuoo Laval iTadeaaday. eear air J A Wbita about rail from oomuayllia, ur Albert IUua k Iliad a ratUcaoak four feet aad avo lacbaa toor. aad 9 lncbaa ta elr- comfaraeea ta Lb tblekaat - part of bti body. II bad eleven rattlaa aad a bat to,. . fUleltb rinr Obttrw. IYofaaaor A f'Cvbl. a rradoau of tba UatTcraliy at Cbapol 1 1 ill aad for aotn Um a teachar ta lb urabaaa Normal acbooL baa m rptd a poaiUoa ta tha UolTeralty of loo btaia aa aonitaot prof toaor of LaUa aad UatbomaUaa Tbo protwaod buildlaf for tbo IUJ!f h Graded bebool lata bo of brick, oo a ion blxb.eoTr eu an tb auto, it will oooLaia ua acbool roorsAaacb tliXX wblcb ar arrooDOd axtxiod ka aaaombly room wblcb will accocacaodaia eoo pupila. la drealax la abapo aad caa aally bo raacbed from aay ciaoa room. Tba baiidiaf la to bo taxoa oy ataara atoodav. batweoo II aad 11 o'clock, wbllo tbo f am Ur wcra ia vooraar part or Lbo dwelliotra aoeak iAirntar4 taartaideacaof air Uaonr u Ivaauo, 2o aos Uakwood aveaaeukad a tale a Boa rator and ailk pocket hand- aerc&Jar. ua aioodav at a meeuof iac or to iiAueica uoard or Aidrma It waa mo Tad Lbal Lbo roport of tbo coco mill on a new Graded School buUdinc bo received aad adopted, aad tbat aupa bo at ooco taken to aobcall Lb qaastloQ of lb UaulOf of tba nt of booda la -a anaoDr to bo mora f Uy aet forth, to to aubaiiud to tha poplv Tbo report waa adopted noaaW ooualy. aouru CAJtOUMA MKVTS. I CLoawaaaar.1 f Af tt A PKaal.Aa.V wwwve i i o w a voy aaaaaa iwaivaj otdaat raercbaala, la dead, atd oioatj. A 14 r raock, near IlarawelL min- rnltted ealcld oo KaXorday by taklox talrty graiaa of morpbloa. Hamoal Towoaa. wbo bad bald tha e-mcoof Maior of Grawnvlll for to tarma. waa r ! led oa afooday. A whlta an an oaraed Hermann riela waa killed at No 3 Sbepberd street. CbarttMabco. oa Tolay raoralor by a fail from tba aarood Ooor ptarxa of tba booao. Charlaatoo. have plaead a tar re portion of thoir macblnary In poaltioo aodbava mad aoeccaerul ipnmeotal lllamlo- alioaa. , Tha condition of lira aad Mia Starr. ' of i ork co an. y. wbo it win bo naets brd war alruck by 1 ib Lai nc about tbraa wakj fo. baa Iraprovad ao ranch that tbej bav been removed from the booao of Ur Hour to tbelr own bom; e aaya tb York villa JZwpUrtr. - Tba Waxbaw II; bia Society will ei brata tta Boat aaalvaaary at Waxbtw irabytrtaa cborcb oa tbo third bat- I onlay la Aaxaat. lU-n lnatanr. lrof J 1 MoCala, farmrrly of tno Charlotta Graded Scboot. bat oo rrofeoaor of llrk ta Eraklo College, will dallter tbaaddri Tbraa branch bouaea. aelliaf ezcta alviv ttm rrrduet or tbo akoo factory ta lbboaih Carolina paaltanUary.bav booa eaiabllabad, aoa each ta Colombia. Charloatoa aad Anroeta. Aaothar booa will bo. eatabilahad la AUaata Lb la Fall. Tba man a factory .employs aa ararax of JQ3 btnrta. ana tarns out dally sao pair of anoea of all aorta, the oToaa yala of which amoaata to f 174.- ccoayaar. The iTrtot and CourUr glvaa some atartile facU aad Cxora aa to tba com par all vo mortality of convicta laad aad sot laaaed. The following e Late a eat shows tha averaga nambcr of ooevlcta am ployed at each place, and tbo mortality aUnba table to eaeh.alneo Novamber 1, litx: raalUaUary. 600 band, t detthj ; UeortvLown aad Haas's Hailroad.7 ban da, deaths j Cab 111 WlAwayjvl baa da, a deaths; Ila xtacamp. Iii banda, a deaxha; beeff- ra farm. 21 aaada. 1 deata. This la as t to 30 axmlast the iaaae system aad tba New and Courier oo ad odea that saeb a system most ca. . '; - r - $ el Strata Weak tbe Taatb. The French medical Jearnals haTe recwatly boaa dlacuaanng the ralatioa of Lbataata to tbe brain, and tbelr ooncla- loa are of coaaldanLble lSBportanoo to all train workers. It eeema to hare been ! early eoLablLahad that cjcoeaalra aad yrolocged men Lai Labor caoacs the teeth to decay by oo ma to Leg the phoa- p&aua waico ooia ouaria aouxiea Lao.Ca&tai true tare: aad Dt Cham piacnlar tberafore recommends that parte la aad gaardlans ahoold pay dose aiianuoa to mi ooaojuoa - ot tae tea in cf tbfl aodet tbelr care, and ahoold, ! wbeoaay eigna ei rremataraoecay are nouceo, give Lbeir cnargea a coiiday. .... , TTM OttUM4lh DMUktlUMI I . WJ3 a ntt east aoyalar aaaolktv rtwtt mmrmm'.si Si 11 43a CmgOal arana.S3U.OUU. TV4 ir SJ caca. Tyetolasiaey r lik tni mtAnm numi aa a j ti DrAeca Cr fUOj AA iMUM to A Ailr a JL AA. i h.t SaocTare JBaau -. ". OtAkxxsTox, W Ta, Acgutt li Oa Uoeday algbt. at Fayetta cUatloD, on t?e Chaaapaake r tbio Railroad. Loo ILtctm. a raclattxwbo tad praTlovraty amtuiud Llarooil Kaltfl. rsnswed the attack aad shorNolaa. JaoIIoddlestoa and anotbar maa. wbo- name La an keewn. ?o3aa and Iladdlaaton cant live, the other maa may recover, lloavee eoeapod. - - - . : , . I , - " . ; ... I I - ' tla aoaVa-xaMliaoJLawi Tt ta ta me aT oa trTJ acfVe fiaaa mtv a-m fcriM mi tta --ar tmi fraaa a 1.0. .a ItUl KMnrMCiAf IrrlJ, (-- a( m UM, !a V..j t fc----4 fu m e - xj-w-J, tjT'. 'X'H HJ (JIT Y ; AITIT21 Hi .IOTEK Cf MIX aUCHMqiro AJTP PajrrrxtJL " Lm A Ua Depot 3.3 aa. aad 4-3 3 s. am. imw X.OO a aa aad IAO as ia. 1 j,ra IXML XaMrOa.aa.aa4 3 10B.aa. . . ? arm a 20 a. am, aaAl0aav . CBAALOTTS, OOLtTaTBU aJIO AOOC3TA Ioav HO P aa aad ante 430 pw aa. ' ' c. c. a a-a. c a a Dmaiox. . . 4,30 . aa aad aertra at laOO a. aa. ' ' ; CaAOLULL CXJTTaUL. 8. 4 S a. am. aad 7.10 a. aa.- Axrtra 7.U) a. ta. aaa aift at aa. 1 : C O- BB3XBT DITUI0X taava CbO ua rrtea 1 080 a. am. ' l lad ax to Hew Advarti at. raataa a Utm O K ,. ladieataoaa. Booth Atl an tie Suttoa, partly cloody. weather and local ralna followed by el earl a g weather, variable winds sta tionary barometer, stationary or lowsr temperatare.' iocajl hi rr Ln. Mr H Barach, of Wlttkowsky A Barach. left y eater Jay for the Northam markets. I t ' Capt A U Brenfier an4:Xr G77 Q Datt left yesLerday evening? fur Sarato ga aad the lake. t t j - , ' Mr. and Mrs. IL C. iJoclei left Ula mornlBa for a (tin ta tha lYnlla Moon- tAinA8Aiak-gi.tlakaaaCUiaJL'. Travel oa XaaiimUroavda heavier this weak; ihsa at aay prevloos time this year.' Every tralaiseroardad. Dertity tSbertlf tJrtfllthTww haa M priaooers ta Jail awaiting trial by tha Inferior court neit weak. A germ ah U to be given at the Flaaaore .Clajb'a rooms next Friday night complimentary to two vial Ling -ma . -m a .a yoong ladie M.im xicuia jaatuy, ot Haleistt. and Miss Mary Gat6a of MMt4-ocBery,4 Ala. Capt W T Wblaaaot, eootractor, yea tarday commenced le axing down the roadway at the eottoa platform, pre parmtory to buikiirMC the new three acre addltloo. Tb new platform will be completed by the lime tbe eottoa eoa- aoaopaaa. I There were acAtiarlng rains about tha county yeaterday. bat abont Char loUa tbo fall was light, North aad eoutb of this Cty the rata was heavy. enough so to I do great benefit to tha aa - ' a a& lia .A cropa. lat riigot a apieooaa aaower vtaltad th eiiy and apparaatly extend ed all over the eoaoLry. Wo were ia error la aLatlng that John Maaxa was floored for tbe costs la Lbo trial before Jaatlce Waring. The aeere fact ot a eoraplalaant ioalag a case Is not alvayi ro-j J for - bis hav ing to pay the coat Ja this tostanee, the maalatrate dismissed tha case without requiring coats to be paid by aay one. ... . . .. The board of commissioners for Cabarrus county have decided to con tinue tha work of macadamizing Depot street la Coocordjaad bare ordered that the gap extending from the depot to the town corpoxaUop Haa batfledla with rock. The street Is s tafia ldngA&4 was macadamitad by a prastlcal road work er from Q arm any. It is said to be tha at piece of maradaralifag la ? the Stale. ' . " : ' '. .. Ia talking with, a nam bar of .oat people yesterday, we foaad that they were dlspoaed to complain taat tea preacbera failed to pray for rain t Uat Sunday, aad In conaeqaenca, the clooda parted over . Charlotte yeaterday, and while It rained all around na,eotnougn fell her to lay the dual. They firmly be lieve that If our preachers had prayed for rain last 80 ad ay, wa would have bad It yeaterday. - : There waa a pleasant . moonlight plc&ld Toeadsy night at' tha residence of Mr James Waft la Steel Creek town ship which waa attended by several yoong -people from this place. About twenty tveoooplee were , present . and ererythi or went ef nicely with the ex ception, of aa aocldan t la .which a young maa drove bis bogry over a barbed wire faooa aToetting tha Tahicle and aarioaaly lajarlag bis boxaa. ' " . ' Fsaaangera wbo arrived ia tba city yesterday from AahevUle report tbat a rerular mS an tain rainstorm prevauea aloog the Western North Carolina road Tuesday night, extending from Henry 'a to Newton. Tba rainfall was exceed ingly heavy but tbe trackr of the road was only damaged In two or three pUoea, and the paaaengex traia was de layed tm! for a abort while.- There were 260 paaaeogars oa board. At a point Dear Newton m culvert became dammed up and the waters caused tha track to sink conalderably detaining a freight train on one side and the pass- anger train en the other. , . : -r- - t Dreagkt Dowa With a 3k4 Gaa. Aa floar from FlnevLUe .came id to the city yesterday bringing a negro man named Morris Baxnett for com mitment to tbe Jail, in .this dtyon charge of sheep stealing Morris waa In a a bad fix. j His ' legs ' wera filled with squirrel shot all the way from thlgh-to beels, and the shots wera pat there by Mr Barrls Taylor, tha owner of, the sheep the aegro tried to steal. Baxnett waa la Mr . Taylors barn yard aad had picked up a sheep ta bij sxma. Mr Tsy r6r let him get a little d la Lance off when be took aim at the thief's' leg and fired bringing him dojrnC : Bamett ,waa ax-rtlj-aed before JosUch F 0 Harris, wbo pot bl" under a bond of 6200 for his appearsnca for trial at, the Inferior Court and as ha could cot give it, ' ha was broajht to towa and, J tiled, i His wounds sre painful. tot not serious. C , rrtgTat ta tJao BTaxrwA IXawaal 1 rmAm&T an take eta at e!rtX CasetstJ errsp Imu. Oaaraad l-t pa'au' j. Wbat e"xul U bef Mtk4 Uf niaT m U f"'.. n is opt wu r?-'ir la t a aw- r f u ruH-uw La tie T i oa c t t,.e j - a t - kal A been .. -l l.-t m K.- l. d. bad l-"l c ""."' 1 T T .rf t ; i c i fl lt-r Uflle-Tl.fXll 1 i . - -J--- . ai toccata;;., tt- , J' TMJ5 COTTOft MEED Oil. ttlLXJ frepariaa loCoaaameaee'OperatioaB aad tiettlag .Healy. to teeeive Seed- Waal the UUlie to do.aad .What the Seed are Good For. - . v t Charlotte's new enterprise, the cotton seed, 11 trill I, located on tbelineof the Bichmond & Danville Kailroada abont ready to. commence ope rati ona, most of the machinery hsriag am red and been put In place. As soon: as It is all in, the reporter-will go Lhroafth the .mill -and tell oar readers what it looks like. .The object of this article Is merely to call jtbecatterawr of our farmers to the estaousnment oz to is enterprise in our city, and to point out to them the bene fits that they may derive 'from it. ! The cotton seed oil mill is becoming almost as Important an epterprt! a rtje ebrn mill In the South, and wherever eslab - tiaoa mew uavtj prvraucvwkvwnu. to all the.farmars ;in' rJf muii con ven wom mm usiuuit wul-cul- ton s : trx f ekiB and meal aa a feed and fartllizer..JKir1wh'Ar WaaWnn .u' .vfr-JVia-il" tlllzers .the same distasTca jrom jaomr. win be labia to Aaa a.uarAetxot t&eit seed at bigbeat market ralos and witbk a few 1 miles of homvaJ! an-ovporU- -Blty dt birinr a sxtiltetr.ettual to.ktfv 'orTered In' the market,Aai a price far .bin- Id theff epat, Tjealdosjqring or frejgit several dollars tr ton. Tha relaliTe value of eottoa seed iamU'Wrn feed arid f ertilixer baa been dewarartrsUsd by the State chemists of this and other States to be sap tier to anythlng4s:lha mar kab.ThawralaaoX tha, meal sa feed and f ertilixer being over fire Limes is great as; toe raw aeaa.rA xarmer oy aelllns bis seed and retilieiair1 with meal III oot be obliged to eJtpetid tooe-balf a t m a a. a. m 4a mm ' ma retai na trom nis cotton nam to oqy add phosphate and patent fertilizers, but on tha contrary caa keep all the re torna from the sale of cotton and least one-half the money valae ef seed sold and sun nave a rerun zar nnsur- paaaed by any ia the market. Tbey will also have aa opportunity to buy the oil for cooking purposes aad at a cost of not over cmo-ftiTTwf thee called "prime leaf lard manufactured at Cincinnati, Chicago and other West ern dues from cotton aeed oil, grouad bone aad other la gradients, the cotton seed .oil beaasiLbe only,, article, of .real value in the mixture 'of the so-called -prime leaf lard, ;,""SV: " The cake and meal of the cotton seed are the very things we need at this time. Oar agrioalturia too onesided, and among other things we need more stock raising. With proper care North Carolina farmers caamake plenty of rough food for stock. 'What tbey are eapaclally wanting In ia L&f concentra ted food. Soch Is the cotton seed, wbf n they are properly manufactured into cake or meaL Tbe cotton aeed famishes an excellent cooking oU. wktaa kanid take the place or the lard of the North west, and tha batter of Pennsylvania and Ohicwbieh we consume so largely. It supplies meat and milk indirectly, though the .neatest gala. b'this one that. In supplying tha place of grain for animal food, it leaves a aurptus of bread for man. - If one-tenth of tbe cotton seed mads In North Carolina the pre vlons year bad been 'used in 1882 for stock, we would not have bad to import from tbe West a single sack of corn aa wedld4 Aad If one-third of it bad aSekn converted into meat, as might ,haVe been dona, we would not have had to buy a peund of meat in Clndnnatl ior Chicago. Cotton aeed is used in ma nuring ffer the sake of Its nitrogen ; or the ammonia which this Is capable of prodncing. The amount of phosphoric add 'Is Inconsiderable, and does not affect tbe -value to any degree. The am monla In feoitOA seedf Is worth ! sit most twentyeentt per pound. Thli is a very ravorabit ' vaiaauon,. one that makes the cotton seed worth eighteen cents Aboshal for f extlilzing pnrposes. The company win " payv the ' highest market cash prioa for the seed, and will sell the mealf at double the price they pay for seed, or they will exchange one too of meal for two tons of seed, Tbey have agents at every railroad station, j who will pay market price for aeed. Farrners living at a distance top far to haul Jby wagon,' and having car load of aeed, can ship by railroad, receiving the same prioa paid for wagon seedless railroad fxalaht. ' -Tr ? ' ' " i ..y . - - Feel Office rolata. . -. . . . ? From the DallrJVetal , Bulletin,; we leans that this following - poatoffices In; this couaty ' have ' been ' discontinued : Flats. Macon county, mall new goes to Aguone Maple prinss, WCiea coun ty, mail to Sutton ; Ship x axd, oamdsn county; mail to.Camden. The following postmasters bare beea'j.ctnirnlssloned: Phebe B Dsvla, Bliss, N C, David O Edwards.Elk Creek, N CU and Calvin J Fariier, Goehes, N a , Tb e Fralt Fair at WUmtattia J . i 1 - I Bis; preparations ara bein -made by the people of -Wilmington for thi ap proaching fmlt fair,, to.be held In that dty on the txnd and 23rd Inst, and it will undoubtedly be tbe most success ful one ever held ,by , the North. Caro lina Pruit Growers AsaociAUdni jWilw mlneton has made every necessary or- xangement for holding theFair. land for tbe entertainment of visitora there - M. 1 J. a wn 1 ia- a-w wwa uauit- aomely fitted up : the opera Louse, under the same roof with the exhibition halls, has been placed' in order ; foil a grand; ban on eacn evening or tne exniDition; ample refreshments will be accessible at all hours ; the .several, railroads will transport au articles zox exiUDitaonrxae of cost: and nasfeT:?er''fare3have been secured at crtatly reduced .rates. I j - - I .; " -Those "desiring - U purchase grave stones should read the advertisement c wn Ti v rrr r--- wm m fi vr-JLicii juijA ui auwMO w- : aa reposes a rsxe bsri-alnV eod-d-2w rt :1 lar uonw i j-'-T.ia Tin trf 'T.I (. ji t f ... : it ...jL f -Li ui ti (.one l. - ! J-T .IT .-) i i 1 t ! 1 nktiil to t,eJ.,wl Xheatewiofflce ta handsomai, fltteaI L T Priace, South Carolina.' George F ping their WWrlof She to Undamon the 'cleacai.verof, B6Boll.6i contra aeea oil Anuia. ami' cravinaT iwi t-tm ma nrmiKf nA7aT.is wnu ia rena-ii rti, -t -si!, t".., - i , 7 ! flrat Heaaage froaa Charlotte to Jlew : ' York Oyer the Mew 14ae la trod ac tion of tbe Call Bell Syatem. h j . The. wires of the t oew Sootbero tele graph company that have been expect-. ed to reach Charlotte .for .several days past, were run Into the office of v the company in the Central Hotel building yeaterday afternoon at seven oclock.- The 1 wire 1 were attached to the instru menU'ahd ojraior Dodga pulled open the key -and bammexed off the folio w- inir mpHsnirA aimed ' bv f Brown.' Wed- dinigtoo & Cp,? to the New f Tork'lTer- -Tfo congTasmaw uw '.ouamoaa? m of :yoaf cityvonthe completlOnof -tbe1 Southern telegraphlllne t JtoCharlottp. I We are now independent of -the great i monaDOllea.".' -uas .f -rs H 1 - TiQW.X OTK receivea vo rneMsroAuu then the offices, all along ;tbe d THE SOUTHERN OPES ED. nn . bb mwuiir mnveratOAn wiinrnL . .. m w -.-.'w .k -riV- 'S7ZrlTr:ZltVmoi AJViaxK,aauoro; ed the call betT 'sysUixi.' ' The office 4f every. commercial smd .business man fa tbe eity is eobnected with the telegranit J office by Bmall wife, and when tbey want to send a message, all tbey have to dole to i. tarn : in their chairs and toocb a batton; 1 This touch rinas a bell In the telegraph office, reTrMvea-a papr wheel and stamps the number of: tbe caller an the paper, i. A messenger bdy Is forthwith dispatched from the telM graph office to the business man'3 offlas, I receivea bis message and brio gs it bacX j to the telegraph office L whenit ia aw patched on the) wires. : It is oertaiory a most exceUent Lrrangement and mdlt I cates that tha new company lnteadsr 1 m . . ; i ia . exiena io our Duainees : msa and its patrons every convenience iob' sible, and make itself a strictly first class line.', Mr Allen, the manager, yl be ready to move business on and ; to-day? - Although opened at 7odt last evening, the books " in the office i were filled with messages last night, and the operators In the Western Union. office no doubt felt that- there Waa an unusual slacking up in business for thernlsit night. -: Sacces to the new company. . ; .; Coacord JStaatrel Coaapaay. A party of younff Inen of Concord. "composing the best talent of ther town. nave formed a minstrel company called the Cabarrus Black Boys, - and last Tuesday night gave their first show" In Concord. They are said to be equal to Armstrong Brothers Minstrels, and bid a large crowd, the net receipts amount- w o v -w. ' ar J ing. to 60. Tbey - are said to be good and no rxuiake. The .boyi are to take the road on ev. saonntalii trin.and will play In Salisbury on the I7tn Ashevi4le 18th and SLatesrille 20th, ' and we coail- dentlv tmarantpo that a rare treat is in store tor iaW w-tain 'peiir4ei2Tl are gooa nunstreis, nave spienoia voices . -a m m e m m a and music and ; what's better than ill their "gagT ve fresh. ; It tfiiU ,aiBjreaaa-?a4..1 viTL HI I The Designolle reduction - works, lo cated about 4 miles from the city, after a run of 8 months, have ceased opera-' tions for the present to alio w of some necessary repairing to the furnaces be ing done. The suspension is only tern poxary and the works will shortly re sume. ! Its brief run ao far has evidenc ed the fact that it is a decided sneeesa, and instead of; a scarcity of ore upon which to work as waa feared there has been a larger supply ef ore than the ca pacity, of the works was able to handle. At the time the order to suspend work : was given, they bad . a ; large contract from the Kudlslll mine, which aldne f drnlsbes ore enough to keep the works bu8y;-,V3.. 'i::i!f-vv:"'-w '-iii ; .' Prawiag Aaalataaee trom Cbarlette' Ool Ham O Jones left yeaterday for Dsllss, 'Gsstori county; ; to ssslst Mx. George Bason, 'attorney 'for Mr Daven port In the big suit now being tried by tbe"c)omml8BiOnera of Gaston couaty. between ex-sheriff McKeeand treasur er pa venportj Uie pu-tlculars of which have been given to our readers. J; he trial was commenced about one montti ago, and it lsrstated!for aictual fact that the end of the first chapter has not vet been reached. Ito is avaatlv com- plicated afrair and requires skill to un- - . 3 xdvel IfcTha trial an far haa baaii eoo- ducted privately, and the , people have ' - l - T t been unable toget at any of the deyel - enmanti ''Tt. hi avitlfiil A' onnt 4m1 af feeling in Gaston among the friends of I habiatt- cotr the parties Involved 9;r; l , l - IfaaooAtPAirra i iuc. m f Tll:o. aJajBAt 12th. 1883. Ldat ef Abetters ' li-ts:.-y.r t - l: :. xerBainingv iu uie puBWiuco, Miliar lotto for the week, ending: August ' , t ' a. ; lo. .l. y Charles A Allison, Carrie .Alexander, Berry Mil, Louis A iBro so, J C Black JohnrargeeB,6arah -Coplamf ; B Champs, Slollle ; Cobb;. Cald wel George E Cooper. S M- Davidson, Lucy Davis, Miss'M 3 Dodd,' -Annte7 Evans, Mrs Fsnnie Gaiuiey'GUvary,; J ;k! Gill, Wf J Germany, Edward Hooved, Mrs Fannie Hawshaw) : G W Harkey, Amanda Henderson, L Horns,-Mrs EI4 laJobason. Thomas; Tones, Vllll iJay, Mr Emily Lee, lrtmch: McQueen, iMxs U';IJ MsxBhall,0 0' Ne3blt,ifEank O'rponnell.'skrabpabb 1 Mrs JAIerrj Urkite iCi. juiTUn1 X -Ja J unii, a. i-a inua-a I Julius Tdrrence,;!! i L"WheeWf,-! A.? D NortbVTVyle-.Greeni LItlWalker! Isabella Welch, LiilajWalkupvi. , When "calllbfl?;f or he above ?pleae 4i"J OH IMUI Otl a,.;W3i AT.-Cdy, 1 .---ar rta a VvinfnrSte: tha; Anutdirnt: remarked. -tbat la saaklPt two ot bia beat appototsaeats b . unriinc tor a tk-ket. in th Co"efjwefuiJ L,i- .iif 1 .a C.'a aext erawt-"?, Acs. 1, ia Loa ltvie, Kr.,'c .1 a pn-a. l.feui n moimangtoilia.Oa Capital prize. t3d.GuQi . leaeta eal J. dtreAA mU order to B. At ;oaxdrsao,IenUat.xxaa-t-x tuaii ' t tzr'd EWf-3 OaP pnrlflea tbe skm. - i a e i w i i i . in ? ZZZ E-Cr3 core m one raln- Hotel Arr.Tals.fi.S;vfr;(;V!6 1 CfiNTkatr BoTEb-Jamea Vasa, Va : John- J Doprey, Dandron College; LI ; Stowe, S II Hilton, North : Carolina, O Hinton, Baltimore; A M Diffea, Get iiiM jl' mil! v, MA-Lm i -A v auguoiui child and niece Winston ; Sam ael Kra mer, Durham ; O J Carroll, Baltimore, Mrs John D Shaw,- Miss Sallie Shaw, Miss Esdale Sliaw, Clifton ; Shaw, Le Sftaw,1 Buckingham; D W Starke Ral eigh, NC;BW Sanders, Chester; Wal ter Jones Statesrllle ; 'Samuel Wilaon- Bock Hll!,G I P-Miller. 1 Spartanburg F Sims, Columbia; 'J E Adjer &,' Sop ChsxIeaton-CIMacoy, Chester; E p 1 n-dtimnrT 7TTKf!n. Cedar FallaJ 1 fe xtl Cook? T CrrM' trastofa: T Monrae; N C ; Charles McRae and Vita' t J r I rfKM Tti. T - f C; j A Bwdles iiUie Gki Carioffttes of the Pateat OQeeV mAn English 'Journal pays a flatterUg tribute to American Intelligence whan it remarks that a good percentage; ef. tne lnvsnuons are 01 American; ongii in that country ot geniuses e1 invents.-' Yet mere ta a nmenumi nitii to the oaestlon. Some of the applicants for patents create a laUgn. t. thfeir Bt- nanad if thev do not feet the nrotectktn of the government for their inventions. One man clairna protection 'for. the ap- Elicatlon of tbe Lord'a Frayer, repeated x a loud voice, to cure stammering. Another asks protection In behalf of a new and useful attachment of a-weight to a cow 'stall to prevent her switching, it during' the milkioperatjcni-' A. lady; patented , a hair enmpicg pin, which she specified might also be tfsea as a paper, cutter, a skirt supporter a chiliTs pin, a bouquet holder, a shawl fastener, or a , book mark. ; A -horse reirefcfier- a a nouo w :prt peiroraud with holes, and connected with a flexi ble tube, with a water xBservoir In the Tehlde. so that the driver can give the animal a drink without stopping. - The ."snorert friend" Is a luxurious eoirtti vance to be attached to church-pefw' backs, ao that one may sleep thrrmghi af dull sermon in peace ana comiort wii- VHJ rilihl i n 1. ..in-si.i www, ty-"rwil anaa-wainuBJsanaawBwna r ' C m - - - ,Kmm mmm ft. u..Ih t ' v In adaaecOBldepwak, "u a Aadabeaaaa: taaeak; r,-r,'- , -.j at. rfaeee ua ear y .OuaiacDeaeTar. FbUadelpbls Kewa, It is bard toget anybody to dance the Saratoga Hotels In the evening Ml it is to get a camel to ge through . the eye of a needle., Tbere ."is; fine music and plenty of floor but no dancera. Lav dies won't dance because , the, motien aieavam -sVeTaf B . aKMaf-YaBOS 4 W A OA V 4 'AaaJLta I Bfw-w ssmaria.a ! wuacy . a cw-axa MJ I and, the dudes cant dance, because fall-J I oa siorgot . i auowor. oenqwg; xne, aneea. j -.- i ,,. .. ., it itm-i 7 .r ! . ..a . i, ij ajsjia, Mr WlAwhavd AVlt i .-i -Tar SSlemra.' lMMrawoadeatvBeay A-W. SA lk. Se-a-a.--, e-atf dark, ol Xatrfleid. miMmmivw tArajao aTtraa. auy wa. v bad cu, xaey iainiiiiiC . v UH We bat eeenrad tbe aerrlwi ef a arat ac.tremlfw York, and wa ateeeat to ta If tblactty a novel and aalVioae ..y.t-ir Loaf of Bread, ..ii Bonelblccezttlrel7new8neTrberDre ottered la tbla. ctty. It U tba lemdlns atyle aad ktod; now bavins; aoeb. a ran at Baratoca and Zoas Brmheb. atbv TryUandroavmbeconTlaocd cHrtta'aa- perJorJy. t In order that yon may knew ow bread oar yet brand O. X, wttl be on each loaf. . WamoetreapecttaUraak every lady lf can a sendaodttyUUs vjnro? yrfS l-ie'd a i -TI CI t- W keepea Band aalaixeet and nleaat aesort- Li. T be foaadm tba State, and caa farolah on the borteat Mooe aaxqoantur.for paroafl or U'j ni I -'vt XTV fV 1 riVCrT3l13'TT?Ci ..4fVf :XWyXWi& T A---' ? l. " V OiA t - t T.- T . t I I a pmrnrpa stad and always fraab.' , r aaaiiee np- I P"4 fdttevarylbja: tbey wj.,. X ahare of tba KftM.ka. ml allaA - Tt a ertaai ad fhaTTaa ! TrTuM!1 I;;, :.v"J. rllCLHll; w liuoae I Sn10tr . : . -i AUGUST4 SO tltwmrda 6t1 l;."ti rim ....... -tl I tr Anon.. an-- i Ji trroir-tt-AS list Xl.r "Mi: Si Xv. Cbartotte. I. 2.10 dje. S21 &8S 6.2S 8.00 a 8 20 m 6; A81 a .Woodward a. (- innaboro,'- ar.Coiiiiram. i2.es U.OO 60 a. at 4.10 AjV. MMOmDia, J 991 6.16 .Vila 7.1 6 8.08 OX 2 8.45 . Babxbura;, i Trenton, vtoiii 1 8 8 Gt-Mdhjvllla, d j x 10.07 dr-Sngasta. 10.47 10.26 Hi'.. Xvi Angofsts, 1 at urmnuevuie, - Ar. Colambta, this j liW. OolambbVf h i V, VUin8borel',-e .Woodwarasv ita At, ,rbester0 - ; -a ; .Mr. totwri i i,l'C 1 inerLie, sa a t1 T sCbarleUahtrr.-.r'T a. r. a o. r:ivisin.w-' T nayjyTAaTAvwgL ; . tv.'etateevuie-froani Hooreevllle i 8.21 am j Jvidaon t'ol, 8.A-1 era liUPteraruie " "V.10 en Ar.CbaxloU 10 00 a l - -Paiiyt 1 . ' ' tv Oarto ,4.fJ rra n.'e t a.1 J pra i cu e. i t-a lp"t- f i-ra 'Aa a-ea4s ' 4-J Ipa ,.. t89 no' Uxael f. Vn Ul"z ) iic, atonj , T. it :r. ta I roxTi Cfla'l tlanaxer. G. r.. T4LCOTrr.-4vwii-tfUt j.i f . i i.l ' fj-. i irijj e.i Jiin'i ' AlfordSTillevN C; Mra C . E MyXOck, deception pracUoad wpoo ber, baa eon , ",,7 - Li 1 anoed to use tbe 8rraMtnd eunertna: erjlnx txtbie MiSS Mattie Col tOSV: Julian nMyrOCk, I andreetleaa nlgbU bav dlmppaanKLT auiirie w - ..ipiiiHim. H. 1. ... i nijimj I i SlJ.'4ri,a:ar;;.i: -u it-a-r 1 z af a 3 k mm b ii-A . Y SB ' B . MM BV BU mm mm mw 41 &5PC.OO a6ar: 8.16 8.88 oiUt . IP pi - ji ::' 10.08 '&o f yT iaS9 6.83 hii 1.14 4 i-' 1 &16 iU 5 EiiO; Ihcui -20 iK O'sr. j liiv. 19-25 Ni b fa-? . -; .. rira Ira Wavr rirat Ira Piaet, rirat ' aki IIarta ol mmr Patrona.' - Of anCh la Um CoTamonawaUh P'tnr,utl on Co , Wbo for the aaat aix romra bn i , ..( povtpona Bient bad tbelr DerwW aaontbiv ar- in im. IsTllle, Kr. Next fair and hm t Aup-nt Slat, 1683. CapttsJ prlzea t ij.r ; ). ilO.iini. tfS.OOO- J.anowlnnlDe Uckwui; i 13.400 dis tributed. " Ttcketa onlyM eacb. add rata ft. At BoammAn. XVouurUle, X. . - vwb iawa acmaai. BaTltur oasaed aeveral aleeDleaa nlrbta. dlnturb d by tbe axtmiea and rtea of a auiierin-; chllj, and beeomlna eoDTlnaed Uimt lira. UiiuWa fiootblncSrrup waa Juat tbe, arttcia Deeded, pro- iur uie cmia - un teacxiinir Dome bia wife wltb fvJiat, be bud done. iave It admlnUtered to the eh I id. aa abewaa lrofijf! In laror of Homoeopathy. Tbat nicbt tbe eblid parted bt -Mifermc aitd tit parent without sleep. Re limine; botne tbe day bUlowtnic, tbe fatber found tha Ualr UU woraet and while eonlemuLaUnz another aleenlemi nlo-ht. tbe motber etepped froui tbe room to muend to om dotnenUo dutiea, and left tbe f Miner wiLb tbe child. Dorlns ber abaeooe be atixntiiistered a por tlon ef tbe Hoolhlaj: rrnp te tbe brnbr, and anid aotblne. - Tbat nJcht all banda eleiit well, and th bttle feuow awoke In tbe momitj bright and hnp- pr. tne tnotner waa aeurbted witb the endden and wonderful ebance, and although at Cunt oQend- i mi tn uw iiuh oiiwr yea muea i retiero i.ae osot. ana oreroome ue pre eold W aU DrattAa7 2& o )ui'neaof the motber. ewuai y, WeXyapela, w a w a Ooituaaaia, Kick Tf dache, Caaf XMao. rekOBy, ejaadlea. jt a ii . Zairltr ef lb Itlod. rarer aad " ?C- . lAiru,. Malaria. Ilirf Jlya.d AUlUa- t, j; aaaiajBtaaal XXAvaa-, Bowete aad aUdae-ra. J a eta1 ixmmta n a nm 1 e-trr " rmra. ls ' Bad Braatbt . Paia ia Aha fcvK '" tbm a icn waoar ma nouMr-MUM. natw Rtr or aoroAMi I STLTI ZrZr?tZ'lJZ.' I ?-kh m-il ..!,!. leaa rIM-keryc aentll Wttb a paiaful araiarl na ofUayiaa wto4 aoatlu thing oooga I X- which oatbt anion oaxnt aaei a be iomi a abgbr, dry aad Suabad bee ia ' eoaeaaa-Joa; tha paMat a aad cWbiloy- Mr,? ,rrrid; feet cold or banuac iwailiin' J af aba kai aadata; cpwasarakra prickll iUlMaa! aad. ilfhongb tpofd that miciw aroutd actat, yat oea caa maray vary n aaddA bia: few aft) xaraiaatiaa after daatb baa abowa tba tivea to ally M tb IJvw hi bK.ir. m xa. riil avoid A.S Ala lea I a. B&tie-a atAaaaa, Uioaaaaa. Maa t wol, Pioaaian. Dapraaaioai of Spirita. acc It th-i-iiitoifaarfWlaat f-rr Te h-sTetoetaai -fyttilay Srae-l ed OiceBtAea. m kry after ami? 'ar leefk f leas aramhr, aab a daaaaedj wiUaatatwrad. t-Wtait- ilUt. Vy wtilTe AwWd Bill taay Va. a Bhm&lr BTV aad tawta cam Tba 1 i It hi 1 1 e I a v-iTwr-T.W' YVi'i a-r a are Aad baa all IW mw aad atfaoacy of C.la-ad of Qiaaame, rahoat aay of aa iayiarieaB aAar eaacAs. 't &aaaoaa Lra RruUr7hu bZlI'mtm la -ay AaatOy far aaae -tirae aad I eat aatiaaed b ia a J- Cft4. Snoarraa, Coventor of Ala.' aa ! m em. Uaa darrad Mat haii (roam the aaaof Uvta- KepiUtor, aad wiak la gtra it m m.t! J:,U ' Ik .j . I . I eeitw niaa IV.fc - - una m. StaAtvTaa- oaad a tiauidic fa Ir. IpaaJaUt-K Aaaoaoa aad flaAiiirr. bat aar . P? fo-Bd aaythmc Co bewfit aa te tha avtaet T '"I Xlr Kesolafar haa. I aaa ha bile, i aaanaciii IT aan an il. aai nU Mad hinhmr tar - aoch a mOicme, and would adrlaa ail who ara !t iboiy afiacxad ta rre it a trtalaa it aacou tAa oeiy . tnioe; that never UiU to tcliave. . . .... vp.M..jAwWkT; Jdl-4a-tfB. Wna. U'Cf X. T. W. hXaeeta amyat 'aVqra aeMal as. rrrirtin ia the km of Siauaons Iirrx Kaavlator ta - tay praotica I- have beea aad am aarwtxd ta tie . " r1 T ' I ii lili 1 1 aitilii iat . t ttrTbi only the Oearatae, which ahtwra haa oa the Wrapper the red Z Traxte-btartc aadSalp-Atar r 3. n. IXXr a CO. :iv'W)k salb rrr all' rjatrctnsTs: ' ' TRADE' it' :J ,l jr.--; L atr.'J Ji lJ lv 5. '- Ui'xhr yjii: aril .J.Mil A Largo ;Stbcc ;'of pBnR-.WniTG 12AT3, ft I i .... ir .;.-' . 1 1 1 H -ra UU" Ulls VU1V1U 5 -"art a i.ti .ri.MU i-eJh.vfa . liH J. .Ijfi; fj!) J: i-r;Y i I I-';Jwi'i'i-i ,'i:f!i reps .1 ;p i:c.iJ.Jr5'Hi cj:.-m: ..1:1 ":lAi4a. .f':v. 5i i,H-fiii'.i U'iii ; ;'.: tat ' ii-'ji' TWO CAR. LOADS iSis I'&fitOisew: t.'l.i'yrj, ; ' " - '-.. ,t t..!J . tlS: 'lo : YiiiiJu.sl ?t;sj;7 ti r.q if; ui (lifli Wf 'j. I'Mlb-V.', V,!?J f 1 .. . . V . I . V v.T J;:H.-:f.1cADEN. Oil) lary tri la s r .i ef a ITi? - ' i..'a rfija tA r-f ...-a, r a ua..i . 1,4, t teaete'",, . i a r I iuve La a r i i'"Jt-S'i-i-'.v tit V 5 !.';'' v,;;".';-f tf aataaMa) p miiim m naady. oa ratal haaBM.bacaaaa latmaaiM-d. eat XA ahowM be weed by an poeaona, eld mad " yaea whomever aay oaTUm abov -v.3 U ,-'BBjleaae aesearw. i -yaeaa Tra-aU-; or XA--- la' TJm- .. t- " j i;F..M '.TV -r1'.--'- OTjrttaTOTEi. ";. ifrt-srzr.i-m-aiu oa 3'- . ; ft J4 t:;:i ...?;.ti. vie. r ;i I.MP,P.fl"lll V l . .i 1 4J 1.1 V-'iH-i'-'1 '

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