.-J ' --vs.. - i 1 , o THE JDLLJr CZZmCZZJZ O TTZl JO TTZUTjlI dJTZ TZZZl DJllZ I CJU.:iCr OBSHa FTEXX, COATS OJLIZJjl TZU JfTf XJCXJST, Sally Ckartau eaeerferJlataMliMd Jaaaarr is. ISO. Sally C terlwHJwmltlitilUi aed iuni U. 1 , . CHARLOTTE, N. 0.4 GA.TUHD AY?A.UGUST 18, 1883 PRICE FIVE CfinTk -: ' '' , s! . Jl. f I- i i - t a . . ?saeaew- THEEHDOFIT. 1 The Striken Ratified that Each Aaa , Bight Ieek Oat for UlnuelC . .Nnr York, August 17. The state meuti made on the beet authority that Master Workman Campbell, of the ' Brotherhood, to-day informed the mem bers of the organization to look ont for themselves and make aa; good terms with the Western Union Telegraph Company as . they could. Each man . looked ont for himself. Female operators came in a body, 80 la all: 11 were accepted and the rest re- Iected, tneir places baring; been filled, forty-fire male operators were accepted ont of 62 who appli&i. The order to the assemblies in other, cities does not ap pear "to hare reached them until this evening. It is learned from Pittsburg. Boston and Chicago that the operators are coming back on a run. A Water Faatlae a Galreitos. ' ; Gaxtzsttoh, Tec, Aug 17 This city Is oa the Term of a water famine. The cisterns are -drained, gardens are dried i op and tha effect of the drought la . . plainly to be seen la products of the vegetable markeU Por weeks past many persons have been depending up on the liberality of their neighbors for v water enough to drink, having exbanst ' ed their sspplies. Now most of those - who were well provided at the begin- - - ning of the dry season are almost com , pletely without a sapaly. An indiee : tion ex the extreme want to which some persons are driven la found In a notice posted in front of one of the best known and meat popular restaurants in the city "dosed until it rains." A slight rain has . fallen, . bat not enough to change the sit nation. Tee French Tackle the aamite. ' Londoh. Aug. 17. A dispatch to the 8taudard from laedink says Culonel . Bdens made a sortie on the 6th Inst, ' supported by gun boats.' He proceeded northward and outflanked and drove off the enemy. On . the 7th Inst, with twelve hundred men he made a move ; ment to the South and attacked the earth works of the Amtamitea. The enemy made bat silent resistance and abandoned their works in confusion. Their cannon were hauled off by ele- Ehanta. - Lines of the French was tWQ tiled and 6 wounded. The enemy's loss was heavy. ; A Kearfol Kallread CeHisaea. CtKcrraATT, August 17. A dispatch to the Times Star from Liexington, Ky, says the Mount Sterling accommoda tion train going to Lexington, ran Into the rear ear of a train on the Kentucky ' Central Railroad, at Winchester cross ing this morning, exploding four hun dred kegs of giant powder. The depot was wrecked and the engine blown to atoms. Engineer SchuTer was not found, the yard master was killed and Conductor Mitchell fatally Injured. Heveral others are supposed to be killed. A full report is not yet received. He Fever at Fenaaeela The City Fiek ; ' ' eted Savakxah, August 17. The state ment that the yellow fever had made . its appearance at Penwaools, Fla, is in correct. The navy yard at which.- the fever prevails is seven miles from that place. The fever raged at the aame yard nine years ago, but was success fully combated and kept ont of Pensa oola while the fever last year at Fenaa- - cola was kept ont st the yard. The soombia Uifles and other volunteer organizations have established a picket - aroond the eity. , ' The Strike Officially Free a eed a .. Fall are. " FittsbuboA, August 17w Thoa. H. TJoghes, secretary of the Brotherhood, telegraphs that he received the follow ing from New York this afternoon : - "Send the following to all assemblies The executive board of the Brother hood regrets to say that the strike is a failure. - All members who can may re turn to work immediately. A circular follows by mail. Signed, Johh CaacrBKLXJ Fail res. : Nkw York; August 17. The mer cantile agency of BY Dun A Co, report the business failures for the last week throughout the United States and Can ada number 170 aa compared with 188 last week. The distribution was as fol lows: New England States 22, Middle States 31, Western States 67. 'Southern States 23, Pacific States 18, New -York City C, Canada 29. . j , i Served Oat Hu Ti , , . Nxw Yobjc, August 17 Jno De voy, editor of the Irish Nation, 'who was , eateneed to CO days imprisonment In the penitentiary for libeling August Belmont, completed his term this morn lng and was released from prison. - He came at once to this eity and proceeded to the ofioe of his paper, where he re ceived the cengratulauont of a cumber of friends. ,: v ? - --..,- - - ' e i i 7 ',- . The Last efthe Trie Insehed. 8XYAXHXH. Aug, 17. Beaben Rob inson, the last of the trio engaged in the Fulf ord tragedy in Millar county, has been lynched. - The woman under arrest has been discharged for lack ef . evickAee to convict her. Eight men have been arrested and held in bail for trial in connection with recent aUead outrages in Banks eoun- ty i - - v-.; i-.v. v-u,-. f ti' . . Jadge Lynch eft . SaTJUmAH,'. Ga, August 17- The story of the lynching of Joseph Fulf ord and Harry Bradley for the murder of the farmer's wife at ' Bain bridge last week is true in all its horrible details, notwithstanding the denial thereof con tained in dispatches from, New Or leans. . z : . ,; , , t Yellew Fever and aaaaapexW - Wa&HZHOToarrAogust 17-The sur geon general of the marine hospital service has been informed that there are several cases of yellow fever in Clenf ueos, and a number of cases of that disease and of small- pox in IlaUaaas, Caba. -j - rt. ( - -.fAn Idet Bade ef Solid Gel'evI . IwaSeptibnsa . ' z ' A cold idol wsishlog tMrty-two and one-half pounds wss recently excavat ed in Calistlahuaca, State of Msxlco, by some Indians. The idal was compcaed of a group of Chores, lut it was broken op by tha Indiana arL! divided equally. "The CeayesrWssalaa. r . -beuvasM Sspkssw V" i --. -r': :2 -, The rhearcrt asl aTTlest trrmnatl' cnia the wcxll one t at wilTexercise crrrv rinsels asd bone In the bodv ia a l! : s pises cf ttssl, note. 3d on one aide ttt: Jl ti-itly ia woodo - frxc-s, and aiur t i-r-i cjzzzzA on Lata alias with ' a tz -iriX ret; bed irto a stick of wood U-ilj-jwUs la &vv cuci BTATTJ hbwi. : Newborn Journal i Layina the cor ner stone of the new jail in Jones coun ty will be made a public occasion. , Salem Pre: Col A II Belo, of the Galveston, (Texas) News, is in Salem -vial tine hla father E Belo. Esq. who is yet quite UL Bobert Belo, of Baleigh, was also there a few days last weak. Chatham Record: The drought was ended in Chatham county Wednesday by a rain which fremT all . indications seems to have been general Two now and powerful engines hare been bought and put on the Cape Fear and Yaknln Valley railroad and the track la beinglaidat therateof aznile aday. : ' ' Roanoke Patron : ' Mr B If Dukes, while fishing in JLivermon's Mill Pond, near Potecaaie, on Friday last, had a fit and fell out of the boat and was dro wn ed. Ho has been subject to spasms from childhood aad fears of some such results as the above, have long been ap prehended. He lived with his mother, wss about 45 years of age and never married. . - Hlahlanda JTntervrUe : A. pondaat from Clay county says that there are many good lands scattered all over that section of country that are lying almost Idle for the want of enter prising men, and men of capital; and such the people cordially invite, and will give a hearty welcome, and even assistance in securing them homes in that county, i Durham Plant: A plan is on foot to make good roads leading from the main tobacco growing regions to Dur ham On Monday Parrish 4b Black wall sold to the Blackwell Tobacco Company one million and eighty-one thousands pounds of leaf tobacco. This is the biggest transaction that baa ever taken place in Durham in one day. Toianot Bunny Horn: Wilson has not only a female barber, but a black smith and postmistress, and living one mile from town is a female shoe maker Mr Hardy F Barnes, of Gardner's township this county, informed us a few days ago that he had been married 67 years, had lived on the place which he now resided for 54 years, has raised 14 children the youngest of which is now M years old, be paid his first doe tor's bill lsst fall ; and baa never bought botone barrel of corn and 50 pounds of meat in his life; never bought a pound of lard; is now 80 years of age, and thinks nothing of walking eight or ten miles any day. Baleigh Neto and Observr: The three hours heavy rain Tnesdsy night and the rains Wednesday afternoon have wrought quite a change in crop prospects. Mr Edward L Pemberton one of the beet known citizens of Fay. ette rille died there Wednesday, aged about 55. He was for many years a prominent business man of that place but some years since an attack of pa ralysis caused his retirement from bus iness. We are pleased to learn that the stockholders of Peace Institute have decided to Increase their capital stock, in order to better accommodate the increasing patronage of the school, which is so ably conducted by Messrs Burwell aad Son. Steps have been taken to enlarge the building and to afford increased sanitary and Infirmary accommodation., Monroe Enquirer Expr$i W S Tur ner, ef PlnevUla, a druggist of conaidVir. able experience, has been employed by Messrs Grifin. -Welsh A Stevens, and Wednesday took his place behind their counters. A gentleman who recent ly visited Albemarle tells us that it is much dryer in Stanley than with us he never saw anything to equal it. We learn from the Observer that the farm ers do not expect to gather more than half a crop of corn and cotton. We hope this is not true of the entire coun ty Mr. John Shute. probably aa good a judge as there is In the county, estimates that with plenty of rain from now on, an average of one-half' a crop of eorn and cotton will be produced in this county. 8ome farmers place the estimate still lower. Our own belief la that under fair conditions the average will be greater than one half. One thing Is certain the prospect was very gloomy before the rain. Wilmington RetUw: The: port ;- of Wilmington la slowly filling up with vessels from abroad and there are Quite a number on their way here to take ad- van tags or the cotton season, wnien will soon be upon us. During the latter part of July and the first week of the present moou uw naroor naa a oesert ed appearance, there being at that time only one square rigged- easel in . the port. A very large wild cat was klll- ea tne otner aay oy air jam as uarr, on Aeorn Branch a coat tnree mues xrom Wilmington. Whenkilled the eat was on a hog's back gnawing, of the flesh while that animal was ooisg . some pretty tall squeailngv A : young ne gro man committed suicide at Council's Station on the O O Bailroad on Tuesday bv shooting himself in the breast- Mr Wm Easdsle. for some rears vast Superintendent's clerk in the Carolina central itauroaa oaee in tmn eity, naa been tendered and has accepted a posi tion in the ofilce of Major Winder, the General Manager at Baleigh Mr George B Everett is safely domiciled in his far off United States Xand office at Mitchell. DakotabrThere Uresin Sur ry county a woman by the ; name of Elizabeth Stewart,' who is. certainly ery old. She has no correct' record of her age, but claims to have a clear rec ollection of the close of the Berolutlon ry war. She la hale and hearty and can Visit about the neighborhood unatten ded and with ease. -. i - . gn 1S84 XewTerk Take him all in all, William 8. Hot man, of Indiana, ia probably the best equipped legislator in Congress. In ability, in experience, in close applica tion to the public business, in knowl edge of the laws and the operations ef government aad in familiarity with parliamentary practice he has no supe rior. He is an astute lawyer, and he served with general satisfaction as a Judge of the Common Pleas for six years when quite a young man, before entering Cnn grass, nearly a quarter of a century ago. . , - FmtUag a Stylish Zdlte em the Staad. cava ana MmmmOm. - - $ - i W1H some stylish gratleaaa connect- ea wun tne ueorgia press Association eav Mr Waterman or Mr Randall tell us why It Is that a man cant wet s nau wun a small indents epen IS, wiuoat attracting atxenun esd cxot3- ing adverts criticism, wfcil can rrede the street gildy with a hat csn tht an l-hwl vr" rt r rsoraEiia-slessif fcssifrtcnit awes if Do net say th&t a worsen c-j do cj ta pieases we've tcra izz& nczcra. , , Getag Cack t te SeTS 1 Itbivt' V IT ""--- - the 1 Western Uc.3ttriixraiJrer-tr:s !r t' t-rs t-Qorrow rxcrl--. X i r? ct tz 1 1 ca ca durlrj ti,: itr. j trLlfcsrtci - i " a. ;J ,1. ..u geaher twaii xrmrm ayrotw lataUinle, UihilMi, ril a, eataanter tec AriiTEl el Ertis cf inzi : - ' SZCEXOa&airnLUB. iMveAtrLlMDesotS-Fla. Ea.aaa4JS3s.av axflTea-OQa saaaatXJsav ; j . n Zare 120 a. sa, aad 9 10e.ak arm 8 30 a av aaa 4.10 a. at. tf caiKLorn, oounaik uro arauaTa taveX10a.av.aadacrtTe4J(0.av' ' C.C Av a-Xv (X CfTCOX Xaav4SOn.ataBKatiaooa.av- CAhoLraiA enmm. , S.4S n. am. aad T.l O a. aa. Adn 7.00 a. sa ana iA a. av ; a c-bhxlbt orvnixoa. Xaave SJM a. av. aad antra 1 Ota a. Index te Mew Ad alpha- Waa-ed. ; laaleanoaa. - South Atlantlo 8tatea, fair weather, winds meetly easterly, rising followed by falling barcgattrrjttartonary crttzlzj temperatnrL. locax. KirriEa. Sell Brothers circus , wijl be here on the 6th of October. - - - ' ' Mr W H Miller. -editor of Shelby's brilliant Aurora, was in the city yes terday and gave na a calL , . " ' .. Mrs John A McDonald, of BaWgn is visiting la toe city and la the gnest of Esquire Wm Maxwell, Our' register of deeds. V :' " - v John Paul, colored, was arraigned before the mayor yesterday morning on. charge of aaaaaltlng Chas Dickson alao colored. He was fined Ssxai The liinonln eonnty teachers Insti tute opens in Lincoln ton on the SOth, and will continue two weeks. D.Mstt. Thompson is supexintendenL Mr. John McC Porter died at Core- ton's Store, Ijsncaster county, 8. Con Wednesday, August 25th, of typhoid fever, aged 23 years. ' The german complimentary to Miss Nellie Manly, of Balelgn and Miss Mary Gaston, of Montgomery. Ala, has been postponed on til Monday night next. r.., . : - :. - During the thnnder storm Wednes day night, the barn of .Mr. Jerocne.at Eeonewvet !, was struck by light. sing and destroyed, together with tts contents of forage. Loss CS9QL We return thanks to the managers for s eatalogne of the third annnal fair of the Bxeky Mount Agricultural and Mfchyffl Association, to be held at Bocky Mount on October XSrd to 28th Be venue sa&t Whits yesterday received s telegram calling him to Spar tanburg, where s gang of revenners had just just captured twenty barrels of blockade ardent. White took the first aXh to Spertaaburxtse Shoot tu-.'. - The Methodist 8unday School of Lanrinburg gave sa excellent ooncsrt in that town night before last, under the direction of Prof. Vain and Mrs. Parker. : A large crowd attended, cad all pronounced the concert a success. The ; regular summer communion of the Second Presbyterian church will bo administered after the sermon to morrow maraing, services beginning at 11 o'clock. In ttia afternoon at o'clock the pastor will preach to the children and baptise any infants that may be presented. '. - - The Highland! ' Banner says that Ber. Dr. A. ,W. Miner, of Charlotte, has prssented to the Highlands Literary Sodsty four richly bound boeks, con slsting of two Boys Own Ananals and two Girls' Annuals. The presentation was made through Est. J. EJPccsrUe. A vote of thaaka was tendered by the Society- y- .V :"i v. Aa the Charlotte bound paasensrr train on the Carolina Central Bailroad stopped aaBoaindale yesterday,' an oU negro woman got cm 'board exhibiUsg signs of deep grief. questioned ss to the cause and said that her son had been murdered la Whltevilla Co lumbus county, and aba was just re turning from the funeral. The murder as committed t Tuesday and . that's about all that eouM be gotten out of her.; :'!' .--'rt ..---"- l mm - Murder in Wades Chief of Police Harrison yesterday received a dispatch from .WsdssberO asking him to bo on the lookout for a young colored boy named Paul Heaps, who last Tuesday murdxred another colored boy, named Ctmaa Iindsay, in Wadesboro. ; The twonerroeS had a quarrel that day in town, and areel to go beyond thecorpcxxla Halts to tiht it oc3 - - 7t'.t.rr wtra csfex-Uttrs, Means drew an old Cle that had been sharpened and drove it four or five inches into Lindsay's sack. The - stab severed the jugular Tain sd Lindsay died almost instantly. Mns escaped and has not since been heard of. lie is a sen of Epriam Means, of Concord, is about seventeen years old, small of stature, weighs 123 lbs, and Is of a ginger bread color. . i .- -. - A Folieeaan and aCew Thief Take a About sna-cp yesterday mornl&s policemaa Joe Boyts flashed a cow thief oa the streets and civs Lisa chiso gstUng himsslf into a Uszzvr run than he anticipated. The nerro Cad through tta ctrsea trUh the cr.csr doss behind tin, esd rsa o fsr ea tla dl rs2nctlan werts vrtcn hs crt to tLa lcTt into ths ttccj Es.i r -r :n tla f :1.1a, The pelles- rasn tsA zzzl x.lz.1 lzI Lr;t hot cn tlia tis r-rra l.li tzzJLzl7 la znincrity ai Le tzmid baelz to tls city. It rti & tT7t cilarcru ' Tsfcra tts tzz9 . c:zzzzil pcllct::a El cow tlrcr "1 til ctrstta, end ca nzl ttr crzLz z La tta ctrisir r:-r tl3 til Tzzztjtzzix tsts yard. TLey A J)IS1STE0UJIMRIYAL. Ceatlxg fa at rail lyeed, Ue Trala , JBuas ea a SUe Track aad Crashes lata or Ttx X rzlae A Terrible Death Aa Cea Switch the Cause. Yesterday pcrclcj at a little after S o'clock; the union d tmt in this city was thronged with trrricrt,hackmen and railroad men waling1 the arrival of the morning express tnd mall from At laata. As ths hoar lor the arrival of the train drew nana the headlight of the engine was seen oming around ths curve about a quarts: of a zaUe below the depot and parCar who wars watch ing it coming" in, say it tarn abruptly off xrom tns mzia lino atttnseoai chute, about two hiadred yards from ths depot' and dil la on a side track on which stood a-Targe freight engine. and at the alia which was the car shed. The ,ccaf .itste stood at the head of the aids track, just in front of the freight engfnavJt. seamed but a second from the Urns, the) incoming paaaengartrsiakftthoaialatraUiat the shock came Tleyo wasaj deafen ing sound of tratajt timbers and es caping steam and ;nv reat vol ope of dense black smoke eovared , the scene of the wreak ea,wUh a pall. .The freight engine Lll been driven off the track wnichextsndd to within ten fast of the coal chutsw aad was I knocked straight forward for a distance of forty feet, tearing up tb ground and knock ing the beams and pillars of the big chute right and I&ft. The engine of ths inawiiiiiii train almost buxiad itself In the tender of ths freight engine and followed it off ths track aad under ths chute, while the forward end- of the mall car was driven bodily la shoot six faet. Under the engines, tracks and wheels aad rods- srero mixed up in a confused roans. At ths time of ths crash, there was no onson the freight engine. Oa the passenger angina ware engineer J J Jenaisgs, fireman TT 8 Farris and aa aristant fireman who was a colored man. Xagineer Jennings and thoeoioradfircasn escaped anhnrt. Firexuaa rsrris sri crushed to death, ' ' - ah Ezaoa surrasxa. : - Cant O W IX srst zi wasopttdactor of ths train and wxs among the' first to reach ths englnct Ths smoks sad steam at first obsesred everything from view but as tt wsZed away ho saw ths body of Mr Parrla tne unfortunate fire man, weded betssea the tender and engine, which west jammed close to gether. Hi Farrii was allre,andgare dlrsetioas about what was to be dons la a remarkably cool aad collected man-' nex. His left leg had allpped down be tween ths engine aid tender, through the open Tngjaagi by the rcSound, when the engine aad tender lagaln.came to gethex, catching his leg dose to the Lip and crushing tt Into a space one inch wide. Aa effort was made to insert a crow bar into the crack, hot tt was act wide enough, and it was found faposst- bis to extricate Jhe fireman until ths ahlfUng engine eould be sent for, to draw the cars back and pull the tender from the enginev Ths wounded flre- theaeirxied to the passenger depot and phyalciana were sent for. In the meantime ho talked rationally to around hist sad made the ra- markthat "I wold T2zm to know how I came to get down between that en gine and tender." ; Ha did not seem to realize that his' iijaries were fatal and taming to aa oSLar ho dictated a tele gram to be sent to his wife, Mrs Jose phine Fsrria, 115 Jones Avenue, Atlan ta, Iaa her.-rneald, that my leg is brokaaandlwUprobablyhavetohavs it antjutatad,"-. gdor fallow I - Ere that Wt3 en its way another aanonnelnz his death. Drs. IlcCombs and . Cyers sxrirsd la the meantime and at anos proceeded to putafo tho'le2.'Xt was cat . off Inches below thstl!n and, tin injured pat ia a car and carried to the residence of Mt Frank Snider, where every sttsoa was paid to him, baths never rallied fmsaths ahock and died about. 8 o'cloek. At S. o'clock In ths afternoon, bis Cy, neatly boxed, was watTdng . on tha: platform at the depot for the Air Line" tain to go oat; when it was seat taCCsms to Atlanta for brriiL llrFanHIsfta wife and one etili This wxlhls Cut trlptoChar- lotte and ha car;i along to instruct the ccicred fireman how to "coal up," as ths Aiz Line road las decided to convert jm paasenger sCJaes Iato coal burners and this was' Us ; first run of a coal burning sntfas 4a that railroad, . '-' ? Ksaxtmsm want, xaxsm. -v , Boats egenbiiradlsoa and Crews were In thtmadcarandputersTTthlng la trim for tlalxavills agents to take ths car oa to slalnston,- - Both wars thrown from tiilr fact . by the shock andllrCrewsedosvoredts jump ont ths door. Hs arta prsrent&S howrver by Mr Madlsoi, who grasped him by ths collar and Tctld him back by force. Had be made Vtxi leap, Mr Crews would ha ve been enshtd to death between ths csr and ear tanas. ' All the forward end cf ths est vrra driven inside abont six toet, ths ttm trss hcxlsd from its place and ' th tra racxs for ths raaU bags, vers trs? and' twitted out of shape. Had ry been' near the front of their csr thry would bars been kill ad. v'j-.t.V:,''. .. K:fyY;- V'. CBJLKa 0" T3 tOX)2tOTTVX3. A 'i -, ; -Xncineer : Jeatilss is a Tatsran on ths Air Line tcJLtsa bsta ia a nnntsr cf C-t plxacLr. Tirl tzzzzl trlA Uj LTa tlvlr l UC1 cvlr2 .ttLa fcit tlrt tar: -.liaLIjtt. T7hen LIj trains tcr: . I ca tlia; tllatracx, LarsTcrzcd m Izrsx, tlxew ca tla tlx tniss azl locLid tl whaala,bct tla frcf;-S tzLz rrzj not two ear ItrJLa tltrl ci Liza tr I tla cctzcztzza cf Ciatrrla ilrrc:! lis err a fcrrrtri wiCi tcnila forts. iTLit tr.3 rr:j net Xti-i i3 t2:3 czlj trcr" day by crowds. Between ths tender endesns cf the passenger car were blood stslns where the unfortunate fire man was crushed. The freight engine stood under the dsrsclizhed coal chute. lbs 'pilot and head L's-t. covered with the debris ' of the heavy beams and sleepers of the structure. Its tender was jammed against the, cab and the pilot of the passenger engine was crash ed and mashed against the rear of the tender, making the whole an intricate wreck. The ground was torn c? all around while timbers, broken pieces of machinery and bent rods were strewn in all directions. It will be several days before the wreck can bo cleared. The baggage and. passenger ears were pulled off and a new train was made up, going out north one hour, behind schedule tlmev- .-" , !'. .'-- " . v ; " ttho opsaos) TuaswiTtaiT ' The accident was ths result or an open switch, throwing the engine from the straight line on to the side track upon which the ' freJgbt ' engine was afMiwjr, aad the only question to de termine is whether the switch wai Eft open through carelessness or f by some designing scoundreL . Ths ofidalsssy that the Latter waa the case. . One hour before too accident occurred, and after the freight engine had been run onto the aide track, two freight trains passed out over the switch and it was then all right. Ho cars or engines had pssssd by after that until the passenger bain came along and the switch bad not been to ached. Policeman Joe Boyte. who was standing on a hill near by st ths time cf ths acrldent and who witnessed ths crash, says that lust ss the collision occurred, ho saw a man run out of the train yard sad disappear across a field In the dsrkness. . Bat' by whatever cause, upon the shoulders of the rail road company reals the greatest weight of the blame. In u-important yard Ilka this, where engines are constantly rooming to and fro, the main switch is an ordinary wayside station switch aad is never kept locked. Ths Danvffle yard Is provided with ths signal light switch sad by its guidance aa engineer ever goes wrong. Had thla been a sig nal light switch no such a wrack of property would have occurred yester day morning, aad poor Will Farris would not have been sent back to his wife aad child a mangled corpse. Com ing in to the depot from Atlanta, the track is up grade, and engineers are re quired te corns' by the switches; at a lively rate to get over the grade, and with this fact known to them an the time, the railroad anthoriUes, have ut terly disregarded the aafety alike of their employes and of their passengers by guarding the track with primitive. loosely kept, unlocked switches. If Mrs Farris, i aa the .railroad boys say aho will, sacs the company far big dam ages, tc will prove a . wnoiesorae to gram walcto is emsa Flrealljaaiaertaew . . Lumberton had a first class tarpea- tins blaxe night before last, caused through ths carelessness of some one employed about the burned stSL Ths still belonged to Mr. MQsap, sad there were stored ia tt at the time of ths firs S00 barrels of rosin, besides a quantity of turpentine, all of which; of course, was destroyed. Ths loss Is CXS3X ' Ths stm was located right by the line of the Carolina Central Bailroadjbut the track fortunately not damaged. A irowl bat Ijuereettag Smaject. . .' It has often beoa remarked that Charlotte ia the largest chicken market ia the Stats, sad nobody will bo dis posed to doubt thla when they look at the figures. Oas of the principal deal ers made a careful estimate yesterday. ana amvea as too ooncinsion max no lass than Bojooo chickens -. are annually acid in Chsrlotts, or sometlifng over 4J0O9 per month.' One retail firm claims that its average sales of chickens per day Is seTsntyflva. The prices range from 15 to 25 cents. Most of the chlckena are brought to the city via the Carolina Central Bailroad, Shelby Di- Tlslon, while large numbers come from AsheriUe and' intermedlsts points. Charlotte is also not a poor market for One firm in this city ; yesterday ahipped thirty barrels of eggs to New York City. These figures are rather startling, aad may surprise, outsiders but to our horns people they will sound ordinary enough. Everybody hero In Chsrlotts not only knows of our prestige ss a chicken market, but glories in it. Watch Harry- Johnston's chicken train when it somes in from Shelby this inorning. i I 5 : 1wm ' i '- '. -: TaelAdUea'rrlaaa. Wilson and MeFsriand, of LaG range, Ga are In the city exhibit ing a patent churn ' which Is attracting considerable attention from the citizens of Charlotte. They have made several successful churning for' prominent families in the place, an of whom are well pleased. These gentlemen are selling rights 'for the patent in the States of - Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina aad Georgia, and they propose to put down the, old da7ier on two principles : mat and cUdnlintss, It takes sll ths butter ont ef the cream : it is durahla, aa&t and attractive; easy to clean, easy to operate, will not spring leaks, baa no cranks.ccg wheels or gear ing to get out of repair. - ThsLfclisfFrUnd, thaWoxn, ssnds greeting to the churn' family all over the land, and gives notice that aha steps to ths frent to claim superiority on ths fcHawirs pcists: Hics cf cperxtSca, c!:sllaa4s, mechanical nsatnasa, gath ering the butter, ease with , which the butter is reaored from the chnxn. Ws all His ales butter,. and tia cheapest way to have this is to buy of these gen tlznsn, who csn ts ' found at the CLir, lctts IIctcL adt. : T t - t t I I lift i 1 1 - 4- THE G ALLOWS Iff GHEEn YIIAC ilea Perry alias Perry, Cely : tke Crime ef Harder. Special te tbm JoaHMU-OOawiat. ". JCxyiates QBzmnxs, August I7w Ben Ferry alias Perry Cely, colored, was hanged to-day for ths murder of Perry Ander son. Ths murder for which he was executed was committed , on the out skirts of the city on Sunday night, April 221. Cely, after committing the murder, came to the gusrd house aad surrendered himself to the sheriff. He Wss tried and convicted at the , Jane term of the court of - General Sessions and sentenced to be hanged to-day, Efforta were mads to have him re prieved, petitions to that effect having oeen sent to tne uovernor within t&e last few dars. The rriaoner had riven up all hope of a reprieve and mads pre parations xor nis xate. xass night was almost entirely spent in prayer- This morning he ate alight breakfast and passed toe morning in mcwiisnon saa prayer. fiDirltual consolations given him by Ber J B Midri leton of ta colored ennren. xne aoomea man was composed and spoke cheerfully and enenars'ringly to his fallow priaonsrs. anescaofci wasintneiau. Taro. ana at 13 o'clock the prisoner was cocdcrtsl to It. At the scaffold ha stated that he had killed Anderson bscsczs Anderson first struck him with. a. stick.' .The re mainder of bis talk was about his re ligions feelings, expressive of his being prepared for death. At 12 25 the drop sprung oy tsneng unreal n. xne r hnng SS minates,: when life waa ared extinct, but his neck waa not broken and he died from strangulation without struggles. Ths body wss given to his wife for interment. - . - south, c a cot.i n a xjsws. The 'cotton eaternillar bjuspoeared near Columbia. Mr C H Brenneeke. operator In the Western Union office at , Chester, has aali tffvT Ttirff 1ft bis m gn On Thursday afternoon, a atx-rear old son of Mr. W. B. Meetze, of . Colum- caa. was oaiaruiiy in i area try accui en- tally pulling upon himself the iron bars of aa awning. - - - -"?- rr.-: ; t At the shootinx tournament in Col-' omnia oa Thursday, Mr J F Jordan of AahSTille, N C was awarded ths hand- some fishing rod, which the prize ox the best lndixidnai In the Etata XorntaT Institute,- at Cnlnmhla, two hundred nsmee hare wiroitfxi by too aecretary, sad there is every Indication that ths at tendance, before the etoae, will equal if not creeefl that of last year.-1 - c - i nicniB was held on Wednesday at Purity - church, near aester u tu crsecaes on tne roaa quesuon were c&uvered by lion u J Pattezaon, of Chester, and Hon James li Jtrseomb,' Secretary.' of State and Master ef the State Orange. -; to g&fUMOr toUeea te the Msn ta their hurry mistook a are alarm box that had eax&Iszsrr bean i left un locked far a corner letter box: -Thar opened the doer and laying the letter inside read the noUee: "Poll down the hook once to rive an alarm.' and taxin? it for instructions to siznal to the next o&ee authorities to come and get the letter proceeded to carry . out the tn stractloaa by pulling down on the hoek. The consequence was they were in stantly surrounded, by firemen with nozzles. laagers ana , thinrs and were glad to spcicgizssndrstreat. - Tsls a wast Cacoaa catf-isa atM rtB i ! aa aeleaet exseraee taJ tt Leant abtp,a4 Mtiartaa. -1 e mf "Xae kaS Mi(tsk I mm feat" iMaaaweBftea aay nua a ad tew saft. tuUoaei ay a ter ra UMk at ityeaMii n. lHaae Ka eraba taaaeatief H-tjrtaeraat axried aii a -f en beaia am tiatm Parrf Iaria's Pa aIar at aaaa by AUCTION SALE. LaBoy Pavtaaoo I Yd i WANTED. AsBasttqafcyateiiBW ef eteM yean expert iaa AanSaaoatiieilina, Acenaenwni tta- aaoa,waereaseo4ifa eiaafteal eeae! aa be aa aa. pcetanea. Tae veuaiJeettataooi s manatTTunae ALPBa." iztetta7& FOB SAIiE. ' TbeoWerr-iiea Wit rrtvats. ft 0e ext POaftya,ta (vofertyet Gewmon aOalasCa., oka VaGy. kataeifu eoaiity, K. OL, eunUt tam ol 244 ie tai-a anl m!Tfa iMtd. S aeueee.' bara Ucr f J.t nca. tJ m mod ior term!) wUte o bawrr. lo erje S--'bo l-.aery. eC0 Ux m pe m. ttr i St L-toweu'a t6t, aoa lo r eraa-r, eoe tevenatta pan. eO-iaca a4 ia-ai6 r Irn'Mj. teeiM. Aa. Ateo S aareti. warja aad "a, UKoiie uuu Wuooz ea ua taamuee aaal7dlw ev,Jv-.:. One eat load at flae and naah Tent Stver- -, hi OS7AlCaF3 3St tOZZZl txt at gssziruesa.4; . sr-17 FOU BALEi eaapgsa 'IhssswaNaaTLetesasI awflasf SwraBBaw coat Bxm Caoasnea, AA, Karri. tWta RH VmrACw ut-ln Im t aaiaile i diiwi a aweaa tfae ye fw. Bate aney ana UfwCaMbaaeatjlaau.r. L-; . , ...... tt . . . arf yrmu. a.-. ;--v- i-1?: Ts'snxtsss tbataa aiawa t atawetdatsadee later .--BV CaaaeS Goees, '"' ' V. neklaieCevevvaM' j ' r :' CaBJaOaa.Pieawria, J -; . Pettrateats.fftaaTeaa, . . . Oaffaw, Molasesj Tobaoeo, Said sals wm eeoanas aMralnsaa4 evsatac nam me enafeatoesvwaaeas iiarn. ai eloa ess, AaaeoppaeBm&ytocnwehantsandnnats mnngiaawmsMlstamats aala. ; A. latal Case efay ever at Peasaeela - ' ifavy Tard. . "WASXBXQTOXti Ac jtcrt 17, Tie Act ing Secretary of ta 2Tavy to-day re ceived a telegram announcing the de&th of the marine who was taken wi!x yel low f erer at the nary yard tt I'c . cola, and stating that the civil asticri-" ties there have established a strict quarantine. .... "Stat In TTsw, rtm la gestae. Tt la tae ZXMWia ef en raneaj.' '- Of ansa la OieCoaaaooweaxn rtatrfbeOeB Col. lor tbe aaat stz yean tee wLaogl pot rrm aad unfit pom fK-a&iy eraair ? la I -X00. l.0 wtp1' Wikftu; $Hl4vJ a tnbaMd. IlwoM - j ; 2 Tirh n. U. neaany tiuica met mUrrtal fer 3, ear-- r"oa. wri-f7 ei sae Uft aad . i, r- -""fa. it r " ' i, t-iT' -t tit 4 L . Z . - He, V. laoC, X aver aad 'Ajee, r-aTarta, ' avad anxtlsa&sea t ef IAver, BeweU aaaZHaex Oy A 2)XTAd XAV1L1 Faia ia tfa bie. imi'Iiwii toa . .'tt rs PtraxxT TEssxArxa WaaamradiaefClM r a- b. rxTT.nt a oo. roa sauc bt all PROccms. n osTxasTo Wtdteals-acd Retail TRADE A Largo Steel: of :Puni5 ynzrn EHAED, Oil, Colors, iVARNISHES, &C. TVVO CAR LOADS .1' i : ffllSElfltt, T Uy can, i in.f' n akMWvkkku U nli eel i ie aaed ay an p areaaa. eld sad ! a awaawejBBBBBBBBB aypaaaawaw - . ffaiaaae Titvriits ' Ihay In Vrn .-. fceaUfey tld faa Jr kmm (b tmm fas hmMay mmHom. via mwad liilai ii riilmae iliiim. Tina .If aim imi CW fliJ'JSiy'la, e eWnaeUy Taw aaUr T2.tar - - - - - an. ia lo daTpa 4oc it. md wmii md aatkar tag eack a M, mj j mMmm a who t . gj' eaiajaara r"w? iaJaa- H. Mc r-iir'- if. . --- r. !r:r-"r r- r t.Ti c::';:3r:n ; r r "ir-'e, Fe'Mt. I v t I ' ; ' I t f 1 l - i f , 1 f k H . 11 ti I ii f if t .:-.l x." i - ' r i ihu w j t r t J I. l.t ' , r. Vn. T. evuciui TtcrsC-'ri-T ta tt.c3tL:-:':.:-:f wr f -v"1 m t r- - - f V ji . - - - - - - - - - - - rrrri s r::i t '.i , . i. w a tara At Tt -' , . . . L ; f ..... A V . - ... , ci a - "-sTV, , ' - 3 ... . k,.i -i 4 J t. i. tr j. . it . -, ii t r, ir!ttl - f j . a. l t a .. . . - m ii'- 4 t 4 ti i