time djuk.it charlotte jo wiitjrjiz.. &rr the dz&x? cixAizz.OTm onsEizvjm9' cojrsozm Bally aarieueOaarrTrr, luteal lased J aaa err S3. ISO. Hail CktfltljHni, laUalbthrd aaaaat " tiAi CHARLOTTE,! N.uC.V TUESDAY, AUGUSTS 211883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DEATH OF JUDGE BLACK. Tke Departaaest of State JSoaraias;. - Draped ta Washington, August 2a The fol lowing circular, announcing the death of Jude Black, was issued from the i&aie Department to-day: UnPARTMiorT or State, Washington, Au. x The l'reskleni directs the UQderviKoed to perform the painful duty of auaoaueinff to the people of the United States that Jeremiah & Black, formerly S cretary of Bute, and dlsttn guianed by faithful seryices In various .puMie trusts, - departed. , mis as 31 arcioca on me morula ir toe 19ta Inst. As a mark of respect it Is hereby direct) that the department of State be closed on Tuesday Aug. Slat, the day of the funeral ; that the build lug b dxapi-d for thirty days and that . the fits; be pLteed at half matt until after the funeral. Signed, Frelinbuysen, .Secretary of S'alf. A similar notice waa issued from the department of Jus tice. Rial Betweea Oraa.aaaea aaa Cathe " lies. ' ' London, August 20. There was se rious rioting in the towu of Coal bridge, Iauark. county. Friday - and Saturday between rru of Orangemen and Cattua, Twenty-six of , the 1 parties who too xt la U disturbance were arrestedi'if,lve police officers were dan gerously .wounded.ia quelling the dis order. .' The rioting was resumed this morn ing when a number of Catholics aimed vmb. picks and hammers, paraded the malu street of the town lu aearh of their religious antagonists and resisted -ffrts ot the force of police sent to dis ptrae l hem. The officers who were ui successful in their attempt to break up lite mub were subsequently rein forced by a body of mounted policemen ami tLe combined forces after a sharp U4UI charged upon atd dispersed the parties, twenty of whom were arrested. Tlw town is in a state of great excite ment and fresh trouble is expected. A Pleaaare Yacht Raas Ashore. Hast Point. He, August 20. The tmm yacht Ideal with tier owoer Mr T J Ilarermjera. of the New York yaclitcJub. on board, from lied Harbor for Campbell's, ran ashore near Subre on Sunday afternoon in a thick fog. All baoda were saved. The yacht is now In a dangerous position. Mr Havermyer has telegrapbed to Call as for a dug boat and to Uaahine for a revenue cutter and -will try to fl at the yacht off at the next high tide which will be at midnight. least er hare. Norfolk. August 20. A British steamship is reported ashore on Cobb's Island. She was from Galveston for .Newport News for coal Particulars cannot be ascertained until the return of the wrecking steamer sent this morn ing US her assistance Attackiag Careya Brother. DUBLIN, August ta Two men have been put under heavy bail for threaten ing Francis Carer, brother of the late Joaapb Carey. When Francis waa at tacked be drew a revolver on bis assail ants and pursued them, and finally gave (hem into the custodyof the police. 9 p Jsjary ta the Cottoa Crap. CUARU3TON, August 20. The News and Courier todsy publishes reports showing great injury to the cotton by drought, and states that greater injury aa threatened. The upland crop is esti mated at three-fourths cf an average crop. Hoiataa Barred Oak fit. LowJa Paat-PtspatetL The New York Sun la still booming Holman for PrtsideuL Mr. lloiman blmself issaid to blush when the subject ts mentioned to him. Jio man who blusuea can ever be President of any thing bigger than a sewing Circle. m They Are Hat Serleae. Jit Trk Cvmateret J Adrtrtlarr. It is to be fesred that the American i-ees is losing its hold. Both Mrs Lang try and "Miss" Wilde say that they are perfeeUy delighted with the Americans and lova them alL liave our strongest -ff.xis to adjaontsh both of these gilded aetenders been in vain ? SseaetfJe. CalearsKaws. Mr Cox is In the very best of health and spirits. Few men ars as young at sixty. Ills hair Is atill very dark and only streaked with. gray, while be 4ias the rattle and dash of a very young man. Aa be said."! am young. younger . than any of the men in the Mouse." The I isrei Post. ieat Aleag the Coleree Iae The negro race la no longer a unit In the country, either upon political ques tion or any other. This fact is in it .aeif aa Indication that the colored peo ple hare made an appreciable progress 4n education, and consequently in lnde jKndent this king. Tke EtiI Eye. t Jamas' O. Xttm. The Russians are great believers in the evil eye; and foreigners, on 11 us Laa children being introduced to them, aUonld beware of praising their beauty. or of showing for them any of that ad miration which, nnder like c ire urn 's tance. would be ax pec ted in Western itope. To praise tha child la to be t witch it, to bring it ill luck to affect It, In abort, with "the evil eya,", Charms and incantations most then be resorted to. and in aarlous cases the priest is called in. By ha ml 11 ty and prayer the Influence of the evil eye may be avert ad. but it is desirable that the atranrer, on seeing" for the first Urns the children or any family he may be fUllls. shall not allow himself to exclaim: tVYbat a pretty gixlP or -What a fine boy!' "Hatter Stay Oat a has tin." There was on exhibition tn front of U11S m jnmuaj fcuvi iiuuwi au.ui v . a monster rattlesnake which wss killed n urn's plantation. During religious ser- vices at one of the) houses two negroes ' who were sitting on a fbnee) heard the "singing" ol the snake, aa they termed It. snooting waa going oa at the meet- out: "You'd better stop dat shoatin' and come out bera and kill dls rattle snake. The meeUng broke up tnstanter mKt the eiaJte wae killed, lie meaaarad :rullyaix feet In 1 earth, was as large aroaod aa the ealf of a man 'a leg and bis tail was adorned with fourteen rat tles and the customary button. lie was fall of years and "piren." ' , If aaavtawa OXf vaiar ArraatW. Tbe rfcteC aC potV ta HartferS saa aitaaUd sad tMttrr'-r aoafti a etaaS aUl ISM eld cAw nape" CaBa wae Kitaaa S taa pciim" to a KTTf tlaa: la taM tbm mhtmt bad Sim laiutoU. uajapaaainamnapBelaaiaod a4 kwmnoMit Un. areara rrtptosa sad tm a Mora trvaa U rmapa eouU ataad. TSa Morv-mr , m urraoOrl sad acsjMelcdsad ALXrj ztnmzx boxt puris cm cam. STA.TJS HEffl. A locomotive tender and four freight cars of a freight train on the Kaleigh and i Gaston Baiiroad were t badly wrecaed on xnursaay nignc near Franc. lin Station. N. O. The engineer and fireman narrowly escaped being killed. Wilmington atari The ball to take place daring the Frnit Fair in Wil mington will, be held in the Opera House. The commissioner of Agri culture was invited to attend tne Jfruit Fair, but be writes a letter showing' ma inability to attend. ... : - Baleigh Visitor : It is stated as a fact that there was caught out of a mill pond in Middle Creek Township. Wake county, a few days ago. a sucker from whose intestines a half pint or oil waa extracted. Asheville Citizen : Round Knob is the name of a hotel being erected by the Western North Carolina Railroad at Bound Xuob. about one mile above Uenry Station, and literally nest ltd in the mountains, to be completed this faiL it is located immediately on the railroad, will contain SO or more rooms. ana win nave one or tne most com plete dining rooms in the State the whole to be handsomely furnished and wui contain all the. modern improve ments, including electric bells. ( It hss already been leaaei by. Capt. Sprague, the populur hotellat at Henry's, and it la hia purpose to make it attractive aa a summer j resort. A desperate ren centre took place at the depot in Aahe- viiie x riday morning between two ne groes. John Anderson, a town nerro. and Jim Lytic, which resulted in Lytle oeing aangerousiy wounded with knife by Anderson. Why Br Shaw was laapriseaetf. Loxdon. August 2a In the House of Commons to-night Mr Glads tone re plying to a question or Sir Stafford Nortbcote in the case of Mr Shew who waa imprisoned by the French in Mad agascar, stated that Mr Shaw had been accused of having relations with the I J ores and or direct acts or hostility to the French. Mr Gladstone said that Mr Shaw waa confined on board of a French man-of-war and would be tried by court martial having full facilities for defence and the right of appeal. Sir Staff old Nortbcote waa not coo tented with the statement and announc ed that he would repeat the question to morrow. . Mr Gladstone declared that he would be unable to say anything further relative to the case as the pub lie interests might thereby be injured. Replying to a question of Mr Co wen. be said there would be very grave cause for complaint if Mr Shaw waa not ac cord ed a fair trial. What the Loadoa TIsaesThisks Afeaat 1U London, August 20. This morning's Times, commenting on the language used of late in the House of Commons by a number of members for Ireland. and particularly that of Mr. Heely in his response of Saturday last to Mr. Gladstone's remarks, when the former declared that there was a state of war between. England and Ireland, aaya a s'erner aemeanor on the part or the Hons will before long be necessary in view of this revolutionary and exces sive language. The Latest traea Peasaesda Navy Yard. Washington, August sa Acting Secretary of the Navy to day received therollowingtelegramfrom Lieutenant Welch, commanding Pensacola Navy Yard, dated yesterday: "Total cases to date, six. Including Owens' child. One death on the 17th. No new cases to-day. One ease reported today in Woolsey. Will send the marines to camp to-morrow upon the recommendation of the surgeons." Freaee; EJectieas. Paris, August 20 Second ballota were held yesterday for members of the Council General in places where no re sults - were reached in the election oa the previous Sundsy. The results show further Republican gains of sixteen seats. M. Gaurlaide La Mott, Bona p artist, and a member of the Chamber of Deputiea for the Department of Eurea. who was a candidate in that de partment, was defeated. : The fever at,Peasac4a Navy Yard. 1 Fkksaoola Fla. Aug. 2a The total number of cases of yellow fever at the navy yard up to noon to-day is eight, and total number of deatha three. Sur geon Owens Is better. Two attempts were made to pass the cordon last night, one party attempting force, the other offered a bribe of 8200. The guards bonds have been doubled. No alarm Is felt, In this city. ' '--SSB0 ssaw S . steasaer Ask era. ! NrJf Yo August 20. The steam ship New Orleans, which arrived to-day from New Orleans, reports that twenty miles south of Long; Braneh she saw a brig rigged British steamer ashore, with tog boats alongside. aa S ej fsW-w"IMI ' ' Taree Fallaesaea aheU : ' London. August 20. It Is rumored In the lobby of the House of Commons this evening that three policemen have been ahot during the eviction of an Orangeman from a tenancy In the county Down, Ireland. Uafoaaaed Reports. I Alexandria. August 20. The re ports In circulation Saturday, that there waa a e rials in the cabinet, and that Pi as pasha would form a new ministry, proves to have been without , founda tion. " ' A , ; j The Fieeaaeaa Jeeraal Deprecates. ' Dubun, August 2a The Freemen's Journal deprecates the violent language to which utterance has been given in the House of Commons recently by certain Irish members. It aaya it serves no good ends. A Tee Preyloas Qaeitioa, Bostoa Traveuar. In a suburban city a few days ago a widowed groom of seventy led to the matrimonial altar a blushing widow of yfty-two. At the conclusion of the cere monies some one proposed to enliven the occasion by singing. But the feel ings of the hsppy couple msy be I ca lm agin ed when toe company struck up and aung with the heartiest enthusiasm, "What shall the harvest ber j , ' : lleosas Teat Kill. ; CaleasDsSyBaws, I ' - There Is no Arthur boom any more than there was a Mrs. Harris, and the newspapers which are talking about the Daily News attempting to boom Mr. Arthur into the White House fcr the next term are talking aheer non sense. We cannot boom Mr.i Arthur. No power each boom a man Into the White 'House. General Grant was boomed - to death. Mr. Blaine was boomed to death. Mr. John Sherman was boomed to death. We think too much of Mr.' Arthur to start I a boom which would be certain to boom him to death. ; : 1 '-, -rf j- : Ilersefara'a acta Pasaaaata, ' . ...... v'v aKsesss'tr. i " '" Dr. a O. Tliea, iPortiaod. ate. sarat tOf sil G sanpfef BtbitaM aant aa aortot tbe pM IS raara, K la Uta iur on I Save ever Iand,klca ass Uieoeaa a paoawn la ay ewa aauaeaoid.' . TITH3 OIT-5T. irnTal ani Debate cf Trains. .. . RICHMOND AND DANVILLE. Leave Air Line Depot 8.80 a n. sad 4.84 p. sa. ArrtT 2.00 a aa and 1.60 p. am. .. r". " ' ; ' AIBLUrX . t' Leave 2.20 a ra. and 2 1 0 p. as ArrtT 8 20 a aa, and 4,1 Of. m. h. CHABLOTTX, OOLUsTBtA AMD AUODaTA. Lesv 2.10 p. sl, sad srrive 4,80 p. as. . a a a. a. t. o. DivtaioH. Leave 4, SO p. sa, sad arrive at 10.00 am.' CAB0LIHA CZaTBAL. . . , Leave R45 p. aa. sod 7.1 0 a oa. Arrive 7.O0 a. aa. ana 8 25 p. aa. ' C C-8HBXBT DIVISION. ; ' Leave 5.80 a. sl. and arrive 1 0.80 a. m. Index ta Hew Advertisements. 9 B Harrtasteo tea ereaaa. B m aamtta Tala la aa as of procreas i CCanptorUaieMUlaa. ' rami A Uo Champion 8afa B Wanted - laaleataoaa. South Atlantic States, fair weather reiioweo oy partly ciooay weatner and local rains, winds mostly southerly, stauonary or lower barometer and tem perature. local, ftipri.es. . , Ground was broken . yesterday for tbe new towers to the Tryon ' Street Methodist eh urcja; j J -, T f ' ( ' I I Special 'mall, -service -has been established td GleoAyre, Mitchell oour ty. rrom uurbanoxerin.f if Rev L McKlnnon.of Concord, will preach In the 1 ' Second x Presbyterian church, la thiacity next Sunday. According to Aunt Rachael's alma nac, orange blosoms will bloom in Concord and In Lin coin ton next week. Two colored women were before the mayor yesterday for a dlaturbance. and were fined respectively 3.50 and $260. Nat Gray, the city bill poster, will to-morrow' commence putting up the bills for Sell's circus, which la due here October 6:h. . It will be in Concord Oct. 16. ' . - -: What we want now la to have Con cord's minstrel troupe, the Cab arras Black Boys, to come over and give na a round. Oar opera bouse will hold 1500 people. The Inferior court brought quite a crowd of country people to the city yes terday, but after the opening only those who had business with tbe court lin gered from their farms. ; The people of Sharon township are preparing ' to give a big barbecue at Sharon church on tbe second Tuesday in September. What lta object la we were unable to learn. The cotton weigher yesterday han dled twenty two unusually heavy bales. tbe lot averaging 541 pounds per bale. They belonged to Mr. J. McLaughlin and were bought by him from J. S. Spencer & Co. A dime entertainment will be given to night by the Ladies' Aid so ciety at the Baptist Parsonage, on 7th street, in rear of the church. Icecream and cake will be furnished at reasona ble fates. Admittance 10 cents. . A german was given last night at tbe Pleasure Club's rooms, complimen tary to Miss Manly, of Baleigh, and Miss Gaston, of Montgomery, Ala. Mr Walter Taylor and Miss Manly led. Tbe Charlotte crowd all got back: from Pleasant Grove campmeeting, in Union county, yesterday. While our town was largely represent d at the meeting, not a single delegate bad a aeat on the mourners' bench. In our summary ef State newa last week, we made the Rockingham Spirit to say that Mr A M Long of that place had been declared insane by an inquisi tion of lunacy when we should have said Mr J A Long. Mrs J B Harrington and daughter! MissHattie. after a pleasant visit to Charlotte, have returned to Danville. They were so well pleased with our fair city that they determined to return and make It their permanent home. Mr P H Andrews, who left Char lotte last year and. located in Jgl Paso, Texas, where he is now doing a flour ishing business in the saddle and har ness trade, sands us oodles of the local papers. Lively sheets they are, too. t Maj Haskell went from Charlotte to Columbia in a hurry Sunday morn log. He left here in hia special carat 2U0 a. nx. and arrived in Columbia at 5 a. m. Three stops were made for wood; Tbe distance is 108 miles. Judge David Schenck and Major W J Montgomery are in the city. They will appear for the railroad in the eases against ticket agent Adams and con ductor Nisbet, charged with embezzle ment, to be tried by the Inferior court this week, i .:' . ! Parties In from Fort Mill yesterday say that when they left a Justice was trying a crowd of darkles for fighting. The court waa being held out in the open air under a big tree, and the Jus tice was downing them for $10 and posts each, right along. Mr. John Callahan, a former well known citizen of this plane, and who ran on the sky-blue Republican ticket last year against Charlie Walker and Capt Erwin, for clerk of. the Superior court, has returned to the city and says he has come to stay. ' , i Rev John T Chalmers, brilliant young divine preached two fine ser mons In the First Presbyterian church last Sunday, morning and evening, to . large congregations. ; Dr Mattoon, of Blddle Institute, preached two sermons in the Tryon ' Street Methodist church and waa listened to by . large congrega tionar : r n r-TT-'T : : -- We have been urged by several par ties to call the attention of the sanitary policeman to the condition of hog pens In various parte of the city. In some of the most thickly settled localities the Inhabitants are driven almost frantio by the offensive pens. It Is an enemy to the public health, and if it cannot be remedied . any other way, the ; pens should be abolished altogether. F1XJT3 TOOT SACHS DR0F3 sure In one bj!qx A Widow Lady BsbfceaW ; f r Mrs. Williams, a widow lady ef Pine- villa, was robbed by her cook, a colored man named Tom Alexander, last Satur day. . Mrs. Williams and family were at supper, when Alexander went to the bureau and tore off tbe top, getting out the drawer which contained her money, after which he took It ont on the porch, and - waa proceeding to gather up tbe money when he was surprised. On being detected he took to - his heels and escaped, carrying with him about 09 of Mrs. Williams' money. ; Efforts were made to overtake him, but unsuccess- f ully. It doesn't matter m ucb,ho wever. He will come along this way some time. and George Farrington will gobble him up. t , ', :- ""S8ewHBW i T 1 r X - Ooat Ssrlalde the Hew Pavesaeats. We have been aaked by' the mayor to request all, persons . who use - sidewalk sprinklers not to throw water, on the new pavements until, they are firmly settled in place. Some of the new flag ging haa already: gotten out of shape from ,belng sprinkled to soon after it was laid down, and ail of It will become rough if the aand is washed out of the joints and the water be' permitted '-to soak through. We hope the request of the mayor will be heeded by all Inter ested. If not, then the board of alder men will dojibtleaa feel , called Upon to, legislate on the subject, aa the matter la one of great importance to the whole city. r , . ,r i . A Distressing Astalr. ! l Dr T W P BuUer, a son of Senator If C Butler, of South Carolina, while out horseback riding with a young lady friend at Lancaster Court Bouse, yes terday, met with a distressing accident which may result,4 It is f feared, in his death. The horse he was riding became unmanageable and ran away with him. He was thrown off and as he struck the ground, the horse fell on him, crush ing him badly and causing concussion of the brain. He waa In an insensible condition yesterday afternoon and the doctors had but little. If any, hopes for hia recovery. Dr Butler baa been liv ing at Fort Lawn. S. C for sometime past where he is a great favorite with the people. The Military Piealc . The Polk Rifles, of Pineville. making extensive preparations for their big military picnic, to be given In the grove at Pineville next Thursday, 23rd inat. They have engaged two bands of music, one string and one brass, and there will be target practice. Drome. nadlng, courting, fluting, dancing n4 a hundred other amusements. 'A. large crowd from Charlotte will be there, and the Pineville folks guarantee that they shall not be disappointed in their an ticipation of a real good time. The Jocrxal Obszbvbr returns thanks for an invitation, and will try and not gat left on the occasion. . aa The Friends at High PalaU The re-union of the former students of the New Garden Friends' School, to be held at High Point on next Thurs day, 23d Inst, promises to be a notable occaaion. Gov. Thoa. J. Jarvls haa ac cepted an Invitation to be with them. ana congressman scales, besldea many other worthy men of the State, will be present. From abroad there will be In attendance Joseph Moore, president of Earlham College, at Richmond, Indi ana, and Prof. Harris, of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. A Dr. James C. Thomas and Francis T. King, of the same city. The last named. F. T. King, is one of the most ifluential men- on the Board of Managers of Johns Hopkins University: has. for many years, been ardently interested in education In North Carolina, and Is himself the largest contributor of the funds by which we have been able to make such thorough repairs in the buildings and furniture of the school at New Garden. The friends will have spent, by the opening of the school In next month, ten thousand . dollars on improvements, and : will have about twelve thousand to add to a small en dowment fund which haa been at the command of the school for many years. OaeaUgefUelaferlwCamrt. The fall term of the Inferior Court for Mecklenburg county opened yester day, with Justices It P Waring, QD Stowe and Thoa Gluyaa presiding, and Mr Calvin E Grler prosecuting for the State, The grand Jury was drawn and empanelled aa follows: J M Sims, R T Hampton, B D McGinnissJ C Baker, A SRhyne. EU Caldwell, B Milan- eon. d U Rose, W A Brown, W W Strain, G S Houaton, W A Woods, R Ydung, R C Montgomery. R M Capps. Judge Waring proceeded to charge the jury In his usually good style. Instruct ing them with the duties that would de volve upon them, and the manner in which they, should be dealt with. etc. Aiterthe Judge's charge, the court at once proceeded to business, and the fol lowing cases were disposed of: State vs J A Beatty, assault and bat tery, guilty. Judgment not yet passed. State Ts Col ambus Deweese, affray. submitted and Judgment suspended on payment of costs. - State vs Andrew Huskey, assault and battery. Submitted and Judgment sus pended on payment of physician's bill and the costs. , v vi. Nearly all the afternoon was occupied with the trial of Ell Preston, charged with assault and battery. The cue was given to the jury late In the; evening, and they returned a verdict of guilty. Preston's counsel entered :- a motion for new trial. This term of ; the court promises to be an unusually interesting one, and there U a heavy docket to handle. The ease that will excite the most Interest is that of Mr. Adams, ticket agent, and Capt; Kesblt, conduc tor, who are charged with embezzling the funds of the railroad, and which will be called some time this week. Arson, larceny, assault and battery cases, et&ompose the remainder of the docket.--'' v.''- - A contractor on a star Beats, : - - Vtm er-r id with jann'te goat, I wa stored to r-o av il, . 1 afc4.JnAouaouai intttk.it -: -4.e send a pais ti&uL up US ipoot." A Haraerer CaptareeW ' - ' Paul Means, the negro boy who killed a colored , companion in J Wadesboro last Wednesday, by : cutting his neck with a sharpened file, as noted in these columns, was captured in this city at 2 o'clock last Sunday morning by officer George Farrington. Mr. Farrington had; spotted tbe murderer during the .day and went to the Air-Line depot Saturday night, where be ; waited until the train was about to leave for; Atlan ta, when he captured Means, Who had intended going out on the engine with the fireman. The negro at first denied that his name was Means, but the officer taking him to the gaslight and raising bis hat saw that be fully answered to the description and brought 'him up town to the guard house. On the way, the boy seeing that he waa in the hands of the law, confessed that his name was Paul Means and that he bad committed the murder. - He will be escorted back to Wadesboro; and ' lodged la jail to await trial for slaying his fellowman. Hia father. Ephriam Means, was the old family servant of tbe late General Win. Means, of Cabarrus county, and carries the mall on several star routes 'in that county. :n v.- lasproveaaents I at Wirtkewaky 4e 11a- raeka. w .tj ' ; -i.y ! ' Decidedly one ' of the handsomest storehouses in the whole Seutb,and one that would do credit to New York's Broadway, is the newly renovated estab lishment of WIttkowsky& Baruch. Carpenters and " painters have been at work in the house for two months past and have now completed '. their task. leaving Messrs Wittkowsky & Baruch In possession of an elegantly arranged and handsome store room. The front of the house has t been remodeled and Instead of the long line of tall doors, a finely finished concave glass front has been put in. The interior of the store hss been changed about, the shelves lowered and balconies built along the ralla. The millinery department haa been' assigned to a place specially ar ranged for It In the open second floor to the rear. Over all the painters brush has done bright, tasteful workvand one hardly knows which to admire most. the handsome arrangement of the store or the arrangement handsome goods. This is an in the retail department, covering two-thirds of their big store- bouse. The wholesale department la equally as well arranged, ft' Hew a Farsaer waa Baaabeosl ed. - : Esquire Blackwelder, from Harris- burg, Cabarrus county, was In! to pay up his subscription yesterday and as be folded up the xrcipt and put it In hia pocketbook, our agricultural editor en quired of him the state of the cropa in his section. The crops are tollable fair," said Mr Blackwelder, "corn and cotton are doing finely and I expected to bring in a load of fine watermlllena this morning, but blast my eyes. If a lot of boys didn't play the biggest fool trick on me ; you ever heard of," and seeing that we were all attention he continued with his narrative. Tvegot a fine patch near my house and as there was some powerful fine millens in it that I wanted to save up and bring to town, wife and I continually staid in the patch, one relieving the other every two hours or so. Well sir, a crowd of boys wanted them millens and couldn't get at them them because we Were always in the patch, but they set their heads together and what von reckon they did. While I was in the patch two of them went down in my corn 1 field and commenced ringing a cow belL and I of course, thinking a cow was in the corn went down to drive her out. and while I waa hunting through the corn for aigna of the cow, the balance of the boys slipped into my patch and stole all my fine millens. That's why I didnt bring a watermillen wagon to town to-day. Locala are right scare 1th you these times, but when them boys try to play another game on me, you just look out youU get a first- class item. I fletel Arrivals. Cbotkal HoTKiu L D Handy. Bal timore, , Md : Jno A Henderson. Hen- i derson, NC; H ' Kellogg, Ohio ; 8 W Valentine, Boston, Mass; J K EngeL New York; Wilie Jones, Columbia. 8 V; W E Jackson, Augusta, Ga; J T Jonas, Forestvllle, NCiWH James. WUmlngton, N C; Jno A Jordon, Bal timore, Md; C H Thompson, AiayenAr i 13ennam, New York: J W Allen. Ben- nettaviue, SC; HD Stowe, North Car olina; WmMack, Columbia, S C; SS Klrklsnd, HlUsboro, N C; Mrs Wood cock and child, V Q Johnson. North Carolina; R F Hoke. Baleigh, N C; Mike and Van, Raleigh, N C: L W Steele, Rockingham, N C; J H Trim- bell, laurenburg, N C; Geo W Hen-: drlck, wife ' and 2 children ; Miss Q 21 Cardell. Mrs Mills, Miaa Burnas, Capt J T Bradley, Wadesboro, N C; L WKar mler, South Carolina: J T llehoffey. Newton, N C; C S Morrison, States- j vUle,N C; JHFinch.Llncolnton.NC; X J PhilUps, Lancaster, SC; 8 JLowe, Lowes yule, N C ; Miss Dora Gatewood, North; Carolina; W B Younts, Plne- vtile. NC; KT. Cansler, North Caro-1 line; Isaac Harris, Mooreavllle N C; y H Rahm, Raleigh, NC;SB Perry and wife, Durham, NC; WE Camp; Philadelphia, Pa; J J HslL Bock Hill. S C ; Mrs T E Barboo and two daugh ters, South Carolina; Thomas Gluyas North Carolina. ? , t , f I !) Faldi la Pfeieiaa. Whj to It thst so man eeraona rum nrorvriatar saadtotaea, ,i patent aaeaietnea, aa taey are eosa- j tsonlyeaUedr Iattbeeaaaa seoDle loae fattb la Umu pbTsicia&arWsU, tnla la, aa eoobt. tre- qtasaur uw oaae. xaeir are mnuaersDie mataa ees where eurea bare been eaeoated by Bossdalls, tba Oreat Boothern Bemedy, for all diaesaei ef the Dteeo, woaa uray naa oeea civen ever Df umu Bhralehuia. Itlaertaof Uw Emmt MauiiM mv eaered to tsa publio. aad It ia prepared with tbe graateat eare, as s speclrio for eartaln dlaeaaea, a j ia no weoavr uuh u uwia ne more eaeetasi usa bsstUr written sad esrelesslr Die Dared Breaerla. Uona Tsks Boasdaiis for au alaordara art; tax uara impsra uiuuu. it is enooraee oy aamn. Drofaaeioaal men sa wall sa br amiwamt iawm... MrtrsS la War. rtras ta Peaee, FUrst i ia us ueawsa ax sar a-aaraaa.' ' Ot each is tbe Commonwesltb. D!jttrnmUon Co . who for tbe peat six years have i..out poatpone-B-t bad tnetr ponoiw monthly ti-w!n?t la Lea-1-rie, Ky. lext t air and bon ' t c Ui", Ae"t frt.lhLJL Caii.1 rrL - i 1. in.i., L I -i 'x in' v tiva:-ia; U2.4C 6 Sale of a Valaable City Leu f Mr. Walter Brem yesterday alosed the sale of his fine city lot and house to Mr, W. Jv JV LlddelU The price paid for the property was $9,000. The lot covers nearly a square, but only a part of it, amounting to about two-thirds, fronting 280 feet on Trade street, was sold, Mr. Brem retaining the remainder. On the lot purchased by Mr. Liddell is tbe handsome residence and outhouses. and for this, with all the improvements, 89.000 Is considered no very fancy price. It ia one of the most elegant homes in Charlotte. The grounds are perfectly magnificent and the city has more than once ' cast a covetous eye upon them when the thought would come of tbe beautiful; park into which they could be conTerted. . r mouth canoi.fNA Hgwa. " A hunting 5Tk2i In Geonretown county last wee ea six aeer. The ladles of Bethlehem, Chester county, are raising money to build a new ennren. , .-r - t The first bale of cotton from Hamp ton county was received in urunson, Barnwell county, on the loth lust. The poisoned patients In ; Camden, wno aurrerea so severely xrom poison taken In lee cream some time ago, are ! on the convalescent list. ... , Oscar Simmons was stabbed by Wm Caaon at Hodges, , Abbeville county. last wees, oat was not seriously in jured. . . ., ,.; . f- - The Piedmont Mannfacturiag Com pany have just turned off two pieces of Herringbone drill" aa samples.- They hope to build up quite an extensive i traae on is ior aucn purposes as oea ucsung, rancy aniranga, bc. , Hew ta Isapreve lee Cr gentleman who has an office In -new street waa up the river On busi ness a few days ago. and while waiting j m ucpob zor nia tram, axeppeu across the street and sat down to a dish of ice cream. Three tastes and a nibble satis fied him. and as ha rtsid for the stnfr ha aaid to the old lady behind the counter: 1 V . W -VJM. d.. H - - A 1 A. J v uurauva bust ice cream nrty per cent at a alight cost." "Why." how?" ?-' r--. t--. "Add a quart of soft soap td each gal lon of cream, and stir in a little vinegar as you serve it." - -; "My stars ! but you dont say sol IU ny tnat recipe rn tne very next batch I And she probably did. " work of Haaa Oseratars. We publish the following telefiTam which was received at the Easton office over the Western Union wires. It is a sample or tbe work of the "competent" operators that company is now work ing: . , Dated, 8 8-83. Baltimore, Md. To Root. N Smith, care H Matthewa, Eas ton. Root send comje and harness with mair. William RmitK. f ltahouldbe-Robert, send carriage ana nam ess wita mare. - ; " - Chil area's tet Saakea. A traveller states that South Ameri can children nave as a favorite nlsv- thinga snake. Itiaa tiny Uttle earth snake rarelv found over three inches long; and with a glossy jet black akin, long pointed head and tail. It Is petted ana piayea wun oy cnuaren. wno ue its body up in knots, to have the pleasure of seeing it unwind itself. It Is per- iecuy narmiesa. xnis species or snaae seems to be in about aa hard luck as the pug dog is in this country. - ; Stiles ef Jtailraaal ia 1883. ' Mr. Henry Poor's Baiiroad Manual for 1888 states that the mileage of the umtea states ac tne close or 1832 was U&229 miles, 1U81 inUes having been constructed within the year. The in crease of share capital and of funded and floating Indebtedness during the year waa S780JI1S,T70. The total of all liabilities at the close of 1882 , was ,- sua,oo4v, or ei,342 per mile. Gross earnings for 1882. STIOA50.7 lfi: net earnings, gS105823T7; increase gross, 9oijuoojui net, vavnafAom. Evea-Tlaaded Jastiee. , SiaanaasTrafalsr. - Becently a special justice of the peace. upon uia occasion ox Easing ma seas, said: "Dara been a mighty heap ob disobeying de law in dls community ob late, an fur de better un'eratanbv ob dese premises ni jesr state dat any white man what mishaves ' shall be tried ier de same aa if he waa a niggc an any nigger what mlshaves ahaUbe tried jes de same as if he was a white man ; an in de meantime IS ia expected dat de law abidln citizens will fotch watermuiions ter uis oourt. - Epllepey at IYIsm T ' nraank tlw ftaer ef sU roed afta." wfttoa Jt. W. afarahall. el Oraaby, Nowtoa aormtr Me., 2 teavaacsas Saiwamas Kervlaa. Saeshtefs apUaeOa ata, eC Oacat draazlata. 9lJtX SALE NOTICE. ataa.SatBTdsy.'aisBit 28. attedoea.a, as., we will let eat by pottus ssotton to tbe best bidder s eontrset to baud a frame chareh. Sneol- OcsUona sad terma made known on day of sale. J CCAMFBILi Wat MoCALL. C H WOLIC ansaidanrir aouainc ' llis Banige of Prepress. Tba laimdn the eld wash-board, tub sad sa artless i called soap, belns tbe means m common use for eieaaitnsand pnrlfrlng purposes. CUienurta nave brooaot out what Is tarmad "The Mewareneh Prat utm,m which we are aatns. rleawea and part Sea weaitna atHjaiaL naea, ata., of all awntasiona tmparfoeUooa. eto.. wlthoot any lnjorr to tha tab- neerweazsad toarmciouuiia.. I : &N.S10TH, 1 llta, J. B. BaJtnnrOTOir Is'suH raralsUns las - - .. . cresa paeasa ana oauveraa lo say part or tne euy. .v euszius WANTED. A. fear or fir roors dweDlnc. eonvenlent to the rahueeanare, 'address, wub loeaUoo. pnea, Ac. V LM Inn 9M. aqgaid2t - Caarsetta, M. O. ROE HERRING Ob eonstrnmen. 25 Kits K. C Boe Herring. asrv uvio oraaa eeee j"-t rwiveo. ' liM2t . - - J. O. aaJlnOnOT3Sa; AOT. BAKERY FOR RENT. any one dettrms to pot np a 'good - bakery, aH Sttad ep far iwiia.tate oae, eaa ea so by comma nloatm wua aa. we bar Bething bare af tae aiuu, hm a mww uauvuwr' r-T. address' J. k A&D .aON CO, analgdSt. v; . fcecfcBUl.aa r QOW;t WANTED. IcSor f 13 for ny yowv sow, (wl'Jx first ft sew'd e&ui tbst wm (Ire fauee g- lo" ef mlLc Pe e-. It- ljaIW, Ice Cream For Dyapepaia, Caatlveaeaa, Sick Headache, Cbreale XMar- rhoae JTaandlee, Imparity of tfaa Bload, Fever aad Asie, Walarla; sq WkXl Pfaeaaea eaaaea it xa-- ef liver, Bowels ami BMny. OF A ntSKASJSD XXVER. Bad Breath; Pals ia th Side, wnaetunea tha akR nmOer tba Sltouldcr-btede, mtetakea fcr aeaerally ceaar, .ottimt, akeraiui with luj ; an ami loaa of apocuta ; iMvta wi.k r .it.. .11. Lu. nm mm m iiuiiumu wttn pata, a ouu ua , wua a pamiul KiHDoa ot Icanns undone Maactninc which aught fa have been done; a alight, dry conga aad Svahcd (mem ia smart! a aa attend at, oftea athtakea fcr roaiuaptlca: tha eatieat coatplaiaa m wiiriw mad debility; na m m, Hy WartUtd; ,iet cold or imrmuac in.ilimlj prickiy .carina of the alda axiota; spirits ar low aad ift,nnrl.t, and, ,lthnMjtl aatiafcad that ttii'rii would k btai Scial, yat oa caa hantty anitna op ford tad. to try a ia SMt, dkaruata avary remady. Seraral of tha above crapcon attaod the diMase, but eases have occtaied worn bat tew of them existed, yet examiaatioai after death has showa tha Alver td have beta i.HeaieMjf Sesapged. . aaeaU Va msad fcjr an ; ;i rovaav w-waevev aay ef taeasove M t iraytami ov. . : Faeas Travwllaa a xivtaa ta Oa fcaa ltajy 1. eelit.es"Ty takla, , dSe ooeaioa aUy as kasp the Uver im aaalthy aotioa, wiU to44 aa at alalia. BUtoaa attache. TtXtnmn: Nam. saa. Iftn Ian. Deprssaioa of Spirit, etc It wiS iaviforste tavlesftag l tauaa glass of wtaa, hat Uasla. ' aevaTage. K Tea bave eataa aaytMsg aard mt a' as tie ay or fcel heavy after aseaJe. or alaap. asaaat-shaiMaaaesadyoamURticTe BtTls win be saved by always baaytaa; taa Begalstar lathS'HsassI For, ' h aaasssa saay be, a tfcaroaghly r?a wraine aad loal. f.. Tae fCSaedy is -:aiam?? MWHaaXT C6aABV Aad haa ail the power aad eawaoy of Catoolel or withsat aay of aha tajarioMi after saocta. I Liver BondatM kM ti... -.- I. A' TilT,fcJ"fT D1V mmd.1 aa sattsaed ai at d niaaai aaainoa to roe ssoniral scseaos. aaya: Have dcrfred soasa beaeXfroeathVt-Mf IlTwTiat! ynlltBr wak to give it s aay xaias; that aevee fana ta iver AS d aavthi -. ocaeat ate to raa esteat a Mver Begalatos haa. I ssatfrosa hfia. o Geotril Sam it. aad would atd LnU w , aaa woeM adviss aa who ars slav ems it arrialas at aoessa tha oaly - " j rnaatspnni. htjul 'i!g?r-r aayat SVqea actaal prirWaca hi aae of Subjboos Liver Regulator ia ' my fractiea I have hecm aad aaa "rfrrd ta aaa aad prescribe it a a purgatirc r-rfiriiw. , tTmlmlr tha Gaamlae. which shrayi Wsapper the swat TraaeJaarat aaagastsreef . B. EXT1JH CO. SR SALE BT AM. DRUGGISTS. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. tav aala a null .1 taadbt afssklesjmrs eetmtr, three miles weat of FmevUie. Sattotntac lands of W a af scaaiiand amt AS BJewtaliiltie 13ghty-One acres. Tola la a lie 1 tWO hcraa Cans ami I adantsxl to wtftnn all mtmtm n snui. uuin. saa. uea emu aaa is i tibia of i l UW enC hlgbaat lmproeaaaent. Will be sold an reasonaDfa iersos or rxettansed for city property. aiaeeiier for am oa Laasa my borne place, maw ea tha waters af Maalai rmk In U.rL.n. berg county K. CU and Tors: eeonty, 8 C. eoatala taaoeer8O0sarea, 1 blala one of the beat plan tations In ooa of tha beat eeettoasof tba country, aad haa is 1i wlta rainarr tarsnlna- eo balaa of a aad grata ao&keat tor boraooao. On the as a larva rwo aan ,nm ami t) enrttalBinc ehxht tn nma. wab aodgn borMsa. aoaaea saa etaer lsaprovanwita. Tba i eaa be divided aa mla aaaaU farms if da. stred. wm be rented ea reasonable terms to tba tWttktBdeCe -. sat far fart her tat ormanon eaa oneraddreaa . B.a Hi HABBJd, Jf . CL. er nsawule, K. C. odtwSt ornasTOTSi Wholesale and Retail TRADE Large Stock of PUnG VOITGlGADS, VARNISHES, &C. TWO CAR LOADS KEROSENE OIL J. H. IYIcADEN. maris WANTED. A lstfv wire ta s p-fluf ts cf a tnfnfr aehat 1. and uO l t Lu4 a lura.. i ottce lu teaching, ' a oa as creiueas, or a p lacs ta a rnviu er &u..o tc , ' auw, -a a, n.. Linseed Oil, Colors,

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