-n r n i t i ly ; : THE DtlZtl CUUItLOTTE JOWTJUTUE, JtJTD THE DILIT CHHEOTTE OIJ8EIZ PTEXX, COJTSOEIDJiTED JOAIZCIIflV, 18S3. CH ARLOTTEi-N; Oi, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 9 ' ' I i I'll I I I I I I I I 1111- TV I I r fli . ''loWeWaewW' , I i Bbasab ad U iiraat Lawyer. Upright JdX. aad OlUIMtl utiaaerv l)tiiUi Pnaaialaa. Jedr Black wee turn la th Gladea, O. ot - tk . OA... t a MMtm wioit. a a. an vo ivui x January. 11 iu. lie waa therefor lathe 1UAttv( hia axo ait be time of bla dt b. Ua wee aaniued la lb bar la UZiX eed wbUe faliawtax bia profeaaloa kA aa kUt trt la lb alormr coil I ice it Uu4 6y I. bfO In name of Jacksoo wad the rallying cry of letno CTad J1LC10, end JedX BioCX III , jeowcre Utnutwl hm wtmjlm wf hid life of Ua eleUlael J.frea and JecaftUA typ. In b wee- potato prriUinr Jre of lh court or IA district la bkca b reetded. autd la H3l wa elected, lad re ot the Saureeae cvMiflcC " fcta tle aad choeact chief Joc boloX ra oAectod to lb same bij v"" l la O-v March .is&t. th day txur Mr. uacbAa u-c bts Ml m iTiwkkal. b appriotd Jodxe Nik u4 lar Trm llr. dvriac Um trA of war civil war. b bi4 t& poet folios ot 5crCAr7 of HUla. eootloatox Is l&Al puatlioA oUl tnMl4ol Uachao aa'c Ufa ot oCLc iiml,oo Ibt 4tt of !! ! 14T1 ictl tatiaborf , ISm IVann;) mm atltalkal eoo viaUaa oa th D-i crlM Uckvl of Utrua at Urr. aa4 b towtrwS airt ta L&Al dUirxuUii4 MwabUn of fvaaaittaaia'a rtpftatUUf to. la cupn wtLa Wuodwarvi aAd llttrLa U M4 ma ef in i tump b wlfoo vwlj ptwvi lb ulit rrfbrcoa a Jd la tho Ojnmo w ami Uv. llHtrvtauaauu HfUlaUf UflUry. U 4irMiT paw of corpwraUona la uiwirM wlUk auUtlcal nr arvd kla 4ra a jcta r la bla cfcarartarUUa aaa Cvlkbull cactk l lh r rJ un of cuovii'a cooJ ia. It tk)J f opMrUn ttia fa tl ptvQtmluoxt W attouiaUtr aJk lro cUJ. caaoUoe ciaarldf oU& U tDta bara - 12m IvtUiclura fUf Lb air Urn kt aspiro. Ct bta ok;Wcq wootl bmK aj y Il lrvfaaU3tal aof atU aMByala4 tla la rai(a hij aaal tafuC Ik aaiftaUM ttaaily a)-r 7)ino ba Iva aaa ooi aM cfio bat. aatil racaoUf. aa avra er aa mcU 1 y faJ la kao radioa o bia prof afca. !! rro" tay ftorm Uia haaaao owwXlof It Uottrd btaam. whme fca a&UUy a ba!4 la vary fct twfaxa- Alxa-oor iMdkl nodar la i&a parkid of ail Utm Uf actlvaiT Im pktMa, yt. aa wr tUr oa cor ran l f4iiKl lo. e4 apclilf aa e0 fvttiiUlut. b b4 Daiarrtor. ffi tray artfJa aator llaorr WU jocarala tba jiiUXUa of Sacra aaT Jt2!tS. A4 U fi latltf with ko a appcnad. aa a mbr of Lba ca&taae. 15 joCT f lnrailal Uf aaaa, a av Baatifp!C Of mlatd arutaa aja aaaaaa II U Otbr colrTalo la atadJcatioo of tbo awawf f Ifr. Boa&anaJ a ln Ia Vrwii.aa4 raaMl aiUA at r. JSr3& 1L. arwca aakal by U aatoa tln Maa atyW aaS SiUoc-aUbl for iba a aXiUf. T to patcl of Lba fat 14 rkiaxaa tbarv laa tn faar ar a4 tactar laa. aliiwr la mrm or b a taaa da taio JmSgm Wck. oaT oow aorta; of raapact far aiordj iMMUMCf aaU oeauatoaaaw Jmir fuac waa abovt flta faat Ut laaaao la hl(bt. wllk aAacty rraf aaoawoa taal la rvpoao (a bU (miiM a a'araaaaa of apaaioo. art'lk ar-aa Urfcia a'ti4 aaiaf la tha fcaaa arwsa laiaala of bit ayaa or aa taa aalaa!i4 of atpraaaioo UifOtartU raaa. bk:b bi aavrr worn m Want lla araaof ftaiJf. baaitftf eoOBpatiloo. ttrvaf bJiir frasM aa4 mtcamica, la tkri. whlia ra U Ualf aaloo. Tx aavla auaapaav mriiaaocaaol&ar Uaryara aal Ja(k: nvayaa. la art railroad aa a wwo4 car tba baJ a!toaJ frota l&a tae oo L&a aUliax of aKaolockr r atlr4M4 aoaspMl a aloat Lha U of tbo aaaiaf . la blcd tla flfbt baa4 araa lyuioo aa e(MQ t&4jv. U art aaaraif loJar4.aa4 ailarcarafol aia al LaiaTtUawdaHaf arbleb bo aal&obacof aaoca aolKitotia aad auaotioa) froaa tbo ctUtaea, tba arm waa arS froaa aeapalatw t tbo taaaa of la ruw ra atafalbaa Wbaa ka vuWUUll bo aoall Br aw t?k4l ara bia abaraatarUU0 rplr -Tbaa U aaaar taUr lb a prtsa rtof." Yt a uava. aatar ta tbla aUaabtUlf. aa tra aid wtUb a aoloraU Ulf aarraat, batborraar lanaaUaat at tea iLx&, daaxw; ba araii4a"t b tfaaaaiaat arf oar faiia la aaaaa aaa wrtk" aa la a f araaaa. bT par'' tact r-ta atuS wt.t o war. ba Uaraad la abav bls&aalf tia bta uti baa4 aa4 U wdit m aiaa bamatlf aJ baclt i . nit i i r i i i ' Alt.UalTMaf fcaX y , Ji f br. Lota Aarsat Ataxar afa. to , ditaraa ootroa a , I Juaa tlCafaaj:i. vKaraaUaat aai 1 i I laaaartr ci Lb Vf aattru AnaCiU Cucspaaf. aad bla art fa. et oct. fvr a aart tttra. taavtaf al Loasa - IbattT i4UfUiT.tet aavaotaoa raart at.1. U l&au rauara aJjoat 9Vctxk ta taaxttar oJ4 aoi ba f oami aaU . a Ua U fear arbaraaboaU baa yt taca !fjaroar4.l lt waalaaCaaaa iUdtflf ' aJoava aJwat 1 o'clock b4 '.!&) fral aaia o t&afaauJ? fllnyd s,Tr:Alar Oa luaaf.to botoa aiUra a4 peaaeot itl aa aau-ia-U appaara&ea. t)fiacUTt taaa wertUr.C? Tb eaaa aXuca iutBiiiaitifv afiirt baa Laaa Ck!ernaa4rtJrt alrTa faUtar aa4 rrVta!, but vot&laf fcaa baaa baa 4 of bar. t waa a 41, rrr aaa4Uoa. aWrot4 t eaaaia bb4 tirtJ !!t: rw B3t aoctatf. Ab4 oetion U Lba ooij tracer Jila4. t rrfla4' tbo Praaa aa Cartay. VVa-UiuuitOK. AATUt tlr-Oa-lfixto tbo aau4 for ctarrao-rf froa iba rwta tod WaaC. Tr anx Wfbaa baa , 1 Uli' ' f t totaiaef tuirar cmar:aa: Ufoo rrf rt t f lit Trits rt r af iba orlxlaai Mrui&aiaa taaad t j tba Aaaiacaat Tmtrr i Uaiil bUtei KiNtw - Tak ffc5 tiara ba bawa 2paaiu4 i' wiva bi f -U eota of tta ton af i,or aay n-.luia tWau4 tba pafaaatofa tttftaiontta alrrr corUdcaXaa will bo d t:a4 to ba U tT Aaaiataat " Traaaarax cf Ua U at'.vX btaiaa tbat tba 4Mm& aty tiauittU. cf carU&ealaa 'jr b rorr-il trf vr;raaa by roca AjalAtAi: Ttjj arer la ar poiai datic Bf r- by tba tiapuaitor aL iba aJtpasaa ef ort I'x-" ' rj1 r rufmiaa iU ba f ara U t-aJ U ri t fa f f ri4 eola by ef AaUJtaal Inu4ifij li L'oiUJ aj alaVj, ' -& j 1 5 ' " ' - " 'I a It aiaaoa II 1 ill Ca- E- C Aejrul ILXixklax4 if. JTtUb. c taa:j& caa&fcar of LKa hrml ftaiwaai iUnX, of TTXTa. ari raU fcarr aarly 8aa4ay eaora- J-X.. lir tea .cf tba Ua2tX ,ha aod v"..-r UVaAaf rPvr4 la , a-----r ra ai txeitarmaaW Oa rj':f yea'pr " trtaorc'.r'f Ttr raaaiss a ar-Ma c tit, t aaCe4 to rlva . J.'.--- e p lo U- p -a aiU." walkt4 law baa-4 ) nart -f t'.a CUUtct poiica la IL rroco. 2i rj at ca UUa 1 1 i CJ 1 ri 1 a iUMfiu a S l" T? .1 tir.4 cf tia axraaf. " "f mmm m . w . ' .d'CMCsjUTralMl'i'.Mi, ; , 1 Zttr - - ' - - - 51- Tt-a th!r4 ar- -1 T . 1 i" ' I tL rr L'ci: J i.f ,ULV.": a t s - i 1 a, t?n-a aX Mr. Itawi Caaa Laaala to U ra I r Dto , ' caaaoa. ''; I Lobdojc Auait 1L A Uralj dia Cttamloo waa oauaad la tba Houa of f7taaioiu IbU aficroooa In regard to tba caaa ot lira bbaw, tba Drtuah mia alioary In lladazaacar, bo la ba!4 la cuatodf by lha I'rooca. Mr Uladatona wanaly declared that ba bad 00 raaaon to baliara tbrra bad bocn aa azeeaa of lorladlctloa axarciaad by tba French. Tba arraat ot Uxa Ebaw. ba bald, waa cartaialy a acriooa maUcr and It woal4 ba tba duty of tbo OoTerotnent to cara fully waica areata In aladaai&scax. lla waa aoabla la aay wbeo or abara tha coort martial ot lira Shaw would ba brUl. Tba aupvroaaloa of tba affair ba au4 waa calculated to la pair tba food will aod amity btwon Fracca and KoaLaod ' Tbta raoxara: waa racatrad wtib ctxwra. . Ooutlnaioc. aXrv Cilad a too a aald tbara waa 00 raaaoo 'to pro ma tbat a f riandiy and ctrtlitad cot xntaant woukl lack tta clamaotary prtaeipleaof Jutlica tnwardllmpiiaooeu foraifw auM-a. Ha waa not a a are thai adm'ral bad tbrioa refuaed to allow lira Hbaw to aaa hr boaband ootwlthataodlnc tba tact tbat aba bad ba abaaot tram him for two yeara. Ha aald ba woo Id Icqalre fartbor into Uia coatttr. Notice waa glreaof mt atralquaatioca to ba aabcnltUd lo-aaorrow In tooaacUoa witb t&a caaa of VI ra fctt a w. A Diotlaatad aaa Trtaa la M ardar Ilia . PDaraMOCTTt. Aaroat 31. A faw ml aotaa rwfora tba departs ra of tba 7 a'ckick lUletf n. N C eipreaa train thla Taoiof. and ablle a tar re number of aro vrcaraiootata were ratbered at tha dpot bora, a yoaaa? baaa poabed bla way tbruofh tba crowd, fl-MUlablnf rrrolrar In an exdied man oar cried oat la tba peopit to ffet oat of ale way, tbat be would kill tba Oral man who InUrfered wtib blm.ao4 tbat bla fat bar aa 00 tba train and tbat ba saeant to kill bint. Findloc bla father atandtnj: an tba platform of a car be brraa flr lac at him. Ink I ax bla la the tblffb in two pi acre, one near tha blpandlha other Jua abuYe the knee, lie waa ar rratad and rare bla name aa A II tfydra. of fblUdelphia. and tbat ha had a worn to kill bla father. D Sydee.for aland n o c b la mother. II la father aaya lb trou tie fra a oat of tha dUalpatrd fcahtia af bla aoa. Tba wo atria are not Uy fatal. UteileaMatla O raaa Talktag Vp a Fair. El. Vjukx Txx. Aaxuat lt.-IoUnaa sciiameot raiftxa In thla town tn re Itaxd to tha action of tha county odoera in tha caaa of tha murder of IoUcecnaa Thomaa WaJe by Howard DoagbArtj aad bia acoompllcea Llorn. Hurt and iubble. Tba pciaooer waa releaacd Ore daya aro,and the dtliana maintain that aavaraloQclalf were boutbt. Farther trouble la feared and there la talk Oi lyrtcbiag. f i 3 Faao U datermlAed oa harlof aa Amailcaa liaiican aabtwtloa V be haid aocae tiCDeaaztytax. TbeclUxna are talk lox the mailer op warmly, and It procBleea lo be a great auccraa : m . : rrayarlaf aaa Cawuaerca. City ' or If txioo, Aaroat JL The alcalcaa 2farlraUo mtjaoy reeooily aant aa aaraat 10 Karlaad U boy two ready boiU ataamera for their New Or laaaa llaea. Tba exeat failed to pur- chaaa the ataamara. aad tha roveroment baa rxUotUd Iba Uiae fur commenca- maatof oparailoa until the ataamera ua be built. Tba flret eiramere an tha tra-ne-AUanlla line la expected lo arrtr at Vera Cro t In October, r ire mora ataamara will bap ctoa tha lla early axt year. Tee marchaata iwre bope Ue Alexandre Uaa will oorUaua topir botwvao Viax lean porta. New Orleaaa aad New York. it The Create ua Tc aaa. - - . O A L faero jr. A o rut 1 !. aecial d ia- tuatrboa lo tha Gaitaatoo hewa from larta aemher of polnta throng hoafi tha licaxe enow tbat eioept lo a iter tocaii- U farther ralna coald ba prod act! re of 00 marked baaed to tha cotton crop. 1 la a malottty of caaea It woo hi reaalt , la lajary. Tba exeaaalra droog bt wbtch baa baao tha moat Important fa-dor In lajary to the cropa baa baao raUared la eoese locaUUaa tj raiaa. but aa a reoecai thla it aaa too fata to do much rood. It la plaia that lha re will ba ocakl ara ble daaraaaa from Laat raara tlald. Tha rreia erooav ho waver, hare peaa one oraarcu la U4 l&n hi ui we wora. - a.i. rm ' Fraaew A boat a ye, baa glilailia. LorrO Aaroat I LV-A dirpatch to te tvtvaviaxi from ilaipbaag aara XI Harmord,iba a'raachalrU eamtalaalon rr lb Tbaaaaa. who la oa board ot tha rrrbch . AdavlfaTf hpi wUl be lb baaar of tba oiueaataxa to Ann am. nrrt tbat It tha oJUaoatam- ba raaeUd a biockade will be probiaiixwd araiaat laaaaa by tha Foanca. ; Tha liner Koog am irapoadaat ef the Tinaea aaya nurariaJary meant to bcca&aro toare onlaaa Anaara aooaasta loithabtrma travawd byFrbooa. v ,t ...uoytaw r0l k ; f . - it roar! tL-t-The Bar a IX art 6 a hoapUal b!e4tram lata laat - WaaitnaToy. Acraxt reuA CaceraJ of the Hi berrice) reoaired a b!erraxa lata fttaria treao harxoa tVLita af looeaoo ta f arbVeh tha tVUawlax U b ecryp ' N a near caaea at the nary yard for, tha laat 43 toarar iht caaoa a44S daaiba reported La data. . .Tba ttixxeai of Warrlartoo and Hoolaet are per faotly tajaiihy. tha fa ear la conflead to the yard and boa pi Lai. .Jcjreoa Qarea ta ta aeciUaai eoodlUoa. . w tmi a 'Hacwtatleaa Saapeadad fOatareaa'l ''Ijc rraaeaaad Cblaa. , ... . Lajuiox. Aoroat Jlv Tha Standard a liar lla correepoodent aeaicta that lha Cb laaaa Go re rn mast ta neroUaUnff. wiihCiarmaaT with a Haw to tha i por- cnaaeef loo.ooo riaea. The Paria ocrr- raepoadeot of tba Tlmee aaya the etate meat that 11. Tan Icon wo old ehortly laare China for Japan la mx$ adalatioa ot tha aajpcnalon tt brrotlaUona be- tweea Franca aad Cbiaai I 1 --' Uaaraiag the faed 14etaaaat lyraLXX. Acamat lL!Eari'EoDCr. Lord Untenant, arrived at Cork laat alxht. JIa waa recorud throwgatha principal atreaca of lha citf by a am all cjoonlfil raard. lie waa reapoctf oily race! red by tha people. IVUoerrea lo a ig b t of aca ntharguardad the train of tha Lord LI Q tenant aOocg the; en lira roaia roa pabUa to Oork f .r-.. l-reearUr tec Ua Frail Falr V'" WiiJiiOT0Jf. Aoraat . Hj rrepara llooa 00 an extaazaira ecaJe aralbtnr made for tha eeonnd annoal fair of the North Carolina Froit Orowera Aaao ctatioa wblch ia to open beratotaor row. A ltrre atteadanoa aod uaoaoaJlj Una diaplay are rxpectad. t f 11:; ' , Dlaaalaaad fa ladairuig ta Xeab Zf . : - mtta-'v j U-" ..;-'.: Nnr foir. Atsmal XL-Two opera- iora(rtaraed atrixaraj at Albany and 00a at 2i aw York ware dlarottaM from tba reatara Uatoq aerrlca to-lay tot aaUl na eparaXora ,w bo did not atrlka aod wila wbotn thy wrre warklor with pTr Ua wUva 'inli.' , 1 Fmtxft Peatka Yeaterday. ' "a'ijcxjisdbja. Ac;ast Hat Forty- thr-e 2 atha frota eboiere boeorrrd here tbot orry. ArriT2l ciiftrsrtirB cf ua-. BtCH atuXO aJID DaJtTlLLK. laaaa Atr Una Dapot A. 90 a ta. aod i-tl B. aa. amia X.OU a aa aad IJ0 p, aa . :" ! ' : A1BLWX. taavaiyOaaa.aaa9 10p.aa. J ima a A Ja. aa. aaa 4. 10 m aa, , CBLtaXOTTS. O0U7KBCA. AJIO AXJQVSTA. Laaa A-tO p. aau. aad arrire A 80 p. aa. j C C a A-A. T. As X DITiaiQaW - , Laaaa t&Q p- aa . aad arrtra at UXOO a. aa. " CAJtOUSA CXATBAh. Laava H ISplH- and 7.10 a aa - : arrive T.00 a. aa. aa a Sa p. aa. , , . C C- BHILBT D1TL3X01L Leave A. SO p. aa.. and arrtae IAL83 a. am. Index ta Hew Advertteeaaeata. Tnw.aaca- Uaabita teat Baadieartata foe J u mat acaaate Cooeao. ladleattaaa. South AU an tie Siataa. fair weather In tha northern portion followed by partly cloudy weal bar and local raiaa In aoothera portion, yarlabla wlnda, nearly etauuaary temparatara. . local bipples. , , lllaa Anna Baker, of, Ooldihcirp, ta TUiUnjr In tha city and la tha roaat of lira J II Baker. , ! Tha oauai Wedaeeday 1 nixht xr ylcea at tha Secamd rreabterian chorch will ba omitted to-nixht. , A abort 11 red, bat Tefreahior aba w ex rltited tha " city yeaterday 'ahdlo ap pearance extended well to - tba sooth and eaat of aa. j j r . , Tha adrtrtiiemaatof Roanoke Col lerel one of ' tlTe" "beat Inatltulloaa of learning In Ylrglhia, appears la thla mornlnc'a paper, and the attention ut pare a la haying aoa a to educate la called to It. Ur. Crook Graham's pood hear tha city yealerday waa drained for tba first time aad tha crowd thai want oat to nee It, returned with a barrel of floe flab. It waa tha beat catch of fish made In tha ooanty this year. Tha only original S. Laodecker left yeaterday afternoon at Are o'clock, on a special roll man palace car, attached to tha way freight trala, to attend - the m arris of bla oooalo la Cheater, 8. C to-day. lie ija that be will be one of the Moroomamao,' - a Tha ' peat c0oa aatborltiee hare changed tha name of tthooQy. la Panv lioo eoaoty. to Maribel, sod John. La Fentreaa baa been eommiaalooed poat maater. A new poatofSee called Ever- grreo hat been eatabllabed la Columbua county, with Aahley VL Bcntoa poat- maater. ,- K , . ' Tha dlTrent eoamltteas are still hard at work arranging for tha.oiiTeU Log of tha flremena raonameat. The exact day for the celebration baa not yet been decided upon, but wUl bean- aouoced In ample Lime. 7 Jt'a going to bebbfr day for Charlotte. The ladles of Sharon tawnahlp gate a plcnlo at Capt Isaac AlexaadaFi mill laat Saturday and seyeral yoang men bare coma la to tall ua Chat tt was Just a splendid affair. Mrs Isaac Alex aadar. Mies Usxle Alexander and Miss Loala Kirk patrick were lha managers. ; Mr Willi regracs, who aaa himself so popular with the public the clever aod accommodating clerk of tha AU Healing Springs Hotel, waa In tha city yesterday.," He reports Lb elAlI Heaileg booming, with l gneals,and aaw arrivals aeary day... Thla reaort is hereafter to b kept open all winter. ' Senalor M. a Bailer with bis' wife' spent yesterday f 010000 la the city ha log on their way from "Alherille to jLAaeaaiar. to attend Abe bedside of their aoa, who was; ao seriously hurt by being thrown from a runaway horse, aa mentioned by u yeaterday. While la this oily, they received a telegram annonnclog that the condition of their a little improved. 1 Ji rreaber : t Iter I4 K Olaarow. priadpal ot Beth el Academy, located three mllee from Davidson College, baa been tUIted with the aad aflicUaof a dethroned rea Bxaa, aad hie fneods are now trying to gala bdmittaaoeforhim Into tha Zxxaane Asy 1 am at Morgan ton. . , Mr Glasgow left hia home ta a atrange manner one day last wre for Boctti Carolina, and arrired at Oolembia a raving rasriao, Ilia ftlaads IA thla bounty were eommo- ta lea ted with) aad the nafortonats raaa was breoght hack heme. ! He went crazy 00 relixioua exdtemcat. ,71,1? C '"'a.t' '. eree Bsaaway Aeeldeau' ; ' J Mr Boh Xhoiapaon. xa oU:dUxea Bring near town, waa thrown from bis wagon by a runaway team yeaterday avenlnsi as he wax leaving the city-, and yery badly injured, t Uia driver, waa thrown, out also , and "cut jnp severely about tha bead.. ..The aeotdent ace erred ca the road to Blddie iBitltuta; and the driver came back to ; the ' dty and it ported that he left Mr Tbonpaoa lying tr lha raaAatda aoianinUf Uaad." Tr JmpeoabaFeTettoon revived and It was foand that though no bones wrre broken he1"HraxJyery seriously hark. Jr Wilder -gave, him the necea- sary treawnenw: ; 1 I ) I ..... 1 . . - A' CLrealar Sa w at TTerkea a xfaaa Mr. TTia rope, a cltlita 'of AJexan ddana jaet with a painf al accident in "tTkawtnm at thai laeeday before yee- Lrrdsy. ty which he loat a biz lamp of fUih from tlx lcz He wax sltU&saide j wAjs ca tlx tAxrUa tiit rolls the log cs to the saw and dldsot - notice that the cirrUie rax drawlry, hlct' toirardx tha roTo!iir- taw uutU the tetth cf the xaw ware la hia leg. Being a fleshy man hl lej bulged oat oyer the carrtaffe In a bis lamp and thla the aawcuteff and acilUrei kbout the VhooAa in' an' Inatxnt :Dr.'T7aIier of HuntersylUe. who atUhdad the . case, aays 4 that at . lexst fire round cf Crzh were cct out cf Mr. Topex ZL Ir Jrry ia very pala tal but not aerioas. ' s - . 5 ABDUCTS D Br A KEGBO. i A Yoaar White Girl ftaaa A war froaa ''Heratbef'a Heaao with. a Aegro Uaa aad la Captared at JHatthewa btafiea A Case That Stirred Uf the If elgkborhoo The ifegr Cap tared After a Ckase Ile HJeer-Fer. eaaated Her. . , f, i . .The people of Matthew 'a Station were ejosiderably exercised yeaterday over the arrival In that town of a well dress- el, coal black negro man, accompanied by a young and handsome, white . glii. The two got off the train on Us arrival at Matthew's from Hamlet, and made their way to a negro cabin near by. Such an occurrence aa this naturally excited the suspicions of the citizens of. the town, and when, a short while after wards, the negro appeared, In the stores making; purchases 'and .'exhibiting unusual amount of money bey decided to investigate the case, as they felt aaua fled the girl bad run a fray from "her home, wherever tha might be, with the negro.1 While they eiwmalsvasslng the advisability of arresting (hi parties, the negro went to the noose where he bad left the girl and packing pp two raliaea started oat on the dirt road in the direc tion of Charlotte. The girl waa seen to go oat on the railroad. A party of cltl sens at once followed the girl, and aaw the negro join hex on the) railroad some distance ahead. Seeing the citizens coming, the negro picked up hid taliaes and fled, leaving the girl on the track. She waa noon overtaken and given into the ehArge of Mr. Joe Duncan, the town marshal. The girl was weeping bitterly. and for some time would not answer question, bat finally ahe told them that ahe had been orsr-persaaded, and had ran away from her fathera boose In Moore county the night '- previous with the negro. Her father's name, ahe said. raa F.11 MrTdwd. !A. Lalegram wax sent to him, and an answer wss shortly re ceived requesting them to hold the girl, who waa really his daughter and who bad run away . with the' negro. Mr. McLeod had been hunting for her, and telegraphed that be would reach Mat thaw's on the first train. Capt. D. K. F. Erenti, conductor of the Carolina Central trala, aaya that the couple boarded hia train at-Uamlet,' and he noticed their Queer actions and sur mised that something wss wrong. The girl Is only sixteen years old, aad ia aald to be fine looking. When ahe arrired at Hamlet ahe wore a ahabby dress, but shortly afterwards came out in fine 8onday elotbea, wearing, among other jewelry, a gold necklace, and was other wise stylishly dressed. Though ererv mesas of persuasion were used, she stubbornly refused to relate any ot the details of her abduction, only repeating that ahe had been rerpersuaded. and had run away the previous night with tha nesrrow rrrom an envelope icuna tn the girl s poeaeesion it waa dlacorered that the negro's name la Frank Uallman. He is Yery black, low, thick set, wears a fine salt of clothes,' Derby hat and cold watch chain. In displaying hia money In the atorss It waa noticed that he bad two 920 and several $10 gold pieces,' 1 Sides two thick rolls fit aeenbaeka, and It la evident that either the negro or the girl - got the money from- Mr, McLeod, though that gentleman said nothing In bis telegram about haying been rohbed. As soon as the fact that Lb near had escaped became xaQowh,le citizens formed small searching parties, and put out on, the hunt or hjnw One-' party amvea in unariotte about three o'clock ia the afternoon, and at about four o'clock a messenger arrired la town and Informed them that the negre had been captured at Mr, CL H. Wdf e'atxmt fire. muss ixsta the city, where he bad been caught taking m nap. The party imme diately, on learning thla, left Charlotte for Mr. Wolf ea bouse to join the cap tors and the. captlra. in conversing with one of the men we found that the laoigaaiaoa of the people af Maltha wa gly strong; against . the negro, andrthe intimation was thrown oat that If be wax csptxir4 he would nerer get to JaiL .Slaoav the party left yeaterday for aha' scene at the capture; nothing has been beard front them and ol what their proceedings haTe been we rr utterly in the dark. It ix moat probable, howavarfthat they took him to Maitheara SUUon, and will bring him to jail In this dty to await the arrival ox oocers rrom Moora county. u t. , mm 1 1 ' I, . rtawdr aoa ratio weat ta Jail hrllia deal of trouble yeaterdxy in arresUng a turhniant young taaa by j the name of Bea Hall, a son ef ths renowned CTarka. The oOoarArraatad him in front of the court boose on ; a eaplax for some un- paid court costs and wax met ty ttrong realaUereTBen'icIInched with the depu ty. eeri3 as d they were bating : a tight atrurxie for the mastery when ' Cheriff Alexander catse hp and toek a hand in the fray, subdalnr the rounar man nrat- ty quickly.: , After thla tuaale the depu ty aheriS started oa - to- - J all with bis prisoner and on they way, another fight ensued. la, which the; cf&ccrjrnocked the prisoner Mown.' Just before reach ing the Jail, Hall had another "violent outbreak; and, the r officer fought with him ail orer the atreet, aad it . ; wax not until aereral men came to the deputy aheriffs aid . that Hall , was subdued: They finally carried- him kicking and struggling into the JaiL -. A few minutes after this Clarke Hall was brooght to Jail under escort of sn officer and was locked up sn a cell near the one In which hlx son wax confined. A young man named Newt Harris had sworn outt a j peace (warrant against Clarke before Justice Darldaoowwho required Clarke to give a peace bond of f Mu ' Thla Clarke could not do and was accordingly rant to JxlLT tYaUtXt 1st xntralcAawa. ' VT ta ft tbat aa aaan reraona um prrrtetary ! aaci.t. ib, pe"t a-ioBa, aa V -1 fta aom mo-i. . 1- ir ia a reuua ceobia wt f '"tla in Lbu ritaaar Va,t'a 1. ro . t. f-a- rluMM. Taere a laB---" -ra 11, y- r a r ttKut tPn-Mk i t tk , l at rat k Ur ic -af'i a I Li 1 1 1 i-i (' If 1 -.f ia. iiUP'cr t t.t 1 t r t l t 1 t f -a. j tt ia 1 ' 1 ua r:&...e tt sa a 1 r e. . c . - a, ta I it f uiiu :.; : a ta En""a e c ll 'n I J "1 "4 - f Vf Mel ir- , aifl Ciir- v Seaaethiar About Stoaewall Jackaoa'a 3 Old wax Uetse - T-. t-r2f iUUk f -A t CoL 'John . Brown yesterday, had stonewall Jackson's, historical war hone, 'Old Fancy," in bia atablee in this city, and to-day the old horse is on hia way to the Virginia Military Insti tute at Lexington. Old Fancy has been In tha keeninsf of Dr. Iforriaon Uen. Jackson s father-in-law, on the Doctor's farm In Lincoln county,' erer since the war., Mrs. Gen. Jackson. har log presented the horse to Gen. Smith, of the Virginia Military Institute, Dr. Morrison sent, him to CoL. Brown last Monday, and -x the, Colonel .forwarded him to Lexington toxlay, orer the Rich mond and Danville BailrbadV "Old Fancy" is now about 30 years old, and has lost a great deal of hia former beau ty, - He is a fine sorrel, and : though his eyesight is still Rood, his joints are be coming stiffened and hia gait is broken. Dr. Morrison , has - taken - remarkably good care of the famous old animal and would only drive or ride him enough to give him the necessary exercise' ;Up to a short time ago. Dr. Morrison would ride "Old Fancy" aboat ' the country regularly, but as the Doctor is now in his Kth year and too old to ride hcrae- bsek at all, he retired "Old; Fancy" ss well aa himself from this exercise. Gen. Jackson .was at one time a pro fessor in the Institute and it wax on this account that Mrs. Jackaon present ed the horse to Gen. Smith. . It is the purpose of Gen. Smith to care for 01d Fancy" as long as the animal Urea, and when the old war horse finally yieldx up hia burden of life; to turn him orer to a taxidermixt; who will stuff his skin and mount it for preserratlori In the museum of the institute, f . i . - - - - The clactie aagazlae. The September Eclectic offers a table of contents to lta readers worthy of its reputation. . " The opening ; paper, by Prof JwhnTyndall, U on the dlatln- gulshed American aYznons, Count Sum ford, who prefigured eome of the most remarkable diacoreriex of the present age. lieT.Dr Augustus Jessopptis the author of a moat noticable article, enti tled The Coming of the Friars," which shows forth the uprising ot . a new im pulse In European eiytuzationv In "South Kensington Helleniam,f by HD Traill, we hare a dramatle and iater- estlng. presentation of the Influences which lie underneath the new art- reriraL Cardinal Manning's article. "Without God, No Commonwealth' will excite an lntereat not bounded by denominational lines. Mr Phil Bo bin son. wno nas maoe a reputation as a humorous essayist. Is well reprfaeatad In the article on f Asses and Apes rand in the paper, on "Robert JSrowalag. Dramatist," by W L Courtney, the ad mirers of one of the greatest of modern English poets will t had a sympathetic and subtile study of Browning's genius. The conclusion of the story, "The Little Wotld." is reached In the present nam her. and short articles of a taking char acter will be foand under the titles of SDonUneo.buxtlon" and "The Bourbons." irtabllahed jby -'G B Felton, 25 Bond atreeVNe w York. 1 Terms, f5 per year; einglb copy, 45 cents. For sale by all newadealers; The Iafertea- Camrt. , The Inferior 'Court had a busy day yesterday, and, sjr interesting on to- ardx the last, when the trial of Wm. Kerna.eolored charged ' with burning the mm and ginhoaaea of Mr. W. B. Parka, In Hopewell to wnahlpwwaa taken up. The testimony or aeveraivntneases was taken, and at eeren o'clock in the afternoon the court adjonrnerlthe case until thla xnorninj When th4 trial will raUTrncQ Among the with Mr.Thos.Shldda, the slayer of Mr. Jo- aeph U.BUton, who was brought from Jail to be placed, on tha witness atand. and . who. appeared to be the centre of attraction for all in the court house. His testimony will be taken this morn- ' The following caxex were disposed of daring the day-. Morris Barrett, the negro who was shot while trying to lift a sheep from, thar barnyard ef Mr. Bar ns Taylor, ia - Finermv was found guilty of larceny, and aentehced to two years in the penitentiary." n-rttA. State rs, Flak Johnston, colored, lar ceny and forcible trespaaav'submltx aa toforclwa trespass and, Indstoeat sua- axMiuaaa 919 vajiwsi o. GHAja -H i 4 iti it 1 ouw rev ar an. xtcown, 0011 and tottery, submitted aid la t Dtaie rs. Xium uart. coioko aeiiins' liquor on Sunday. Guilty, j w. State TS.'Chsx. Johns, assault and hat- ti ; Btata :ra' 'Anthony fiirers. . CirecL keenlnfi' a bawdr hons. . flnntrl' OTate ra. j im iy ui tarns. ewe ra. Jim wuiiama, colored,' sault and battery.: Oullty. State ts. Boot. Owens, c w.' "Sub-' milted, and judgment , suspended on payment of ooatav;a?oi j -i- t .is xspnapar- ar wiata y. 1 Oaank-t&a rlvay af an aoad aKtta. arrHmi X- if R. aUrabail. of eranbn J awtoa awmty Ua f ar alTtnc aaa eataanaut -KarrlM. it anrad hi aaxajcbter's epuept a X' ot O yaara ataauinx." at tuuegiata. at.n ,- 1 " The First Bal e af A a w Cattoa. ' : ;;j 11 w uaiB uwu iwiii, 4m aa .jf aero- ral days and it came ; yesterday Lani renburg; Is J entitled ; to the- -glory ' of having shipped the first' pale of. new cotton this year as the following special dispatch - to the JotJbmaI Obskrvxb, indicates: - lV ' '' Spatial la the a'aatzaaVObaawae. it"-,., ( l LATJBXSBT7BO, ADS- Si, 1SS3. s The first bale of new cotton in the: State waa ahipped to day from this place to Chaa E Smith, : New , York, by M U McKlnnon, who gathered it from, hix plantation four rmiea south of Xau- 1' . aw . it ui. -sj. ; Vimrnvo, Ccaa The rbarataetata. Fadxa Cespadaa y Pona, a&aoanea tba bla . oaxe ; al Eaaor . D . JToso naatrst TarauiM, Plantar, who suffered from aluonls xfee&otansnv and who waa acred by X f&i CUla tieedarai Earatf srd'a! Acid rzsrZxtLtm,' : mu.. roe everworaaa rroraasijsu rian. , .v- . 1 i w a a. igment A Breeay Ereains oa the Streeta. A considerable excitement was raised on the streets yesterday afternoon over te exciting arrest of two unduly de monstrative citizens , by the police and their incarceration in the guard house. The trouble commenced about four o'clock in , the Central Hotel saloon, when the two citizens got into a fight with two young men, in which the IVUiiJJ , UaVU TffVaVO tfVMaaUOU sVJ UJ axaa glass. After this fracss the two citizens mt into their bnffirv and Idrora abont WAMaa ; - aviaM awaaa aWAntiiflajf S-t eteafnaw 1 ma toe streets-, at a rapia, rate, auravcuag a blgfcTowd in the square. When they were finally arrested the excitement in creased, and an Immense crowd tumbled along after them to the guard; house. Mayor Maxwell heard their case and put them under a bond of 8100 each for their appearance for trial this morning. They gave bond, but immediately on being released, commenced behaving in such a manner as to cause , their re- j arrest. Both resisted and strugzled with the omears on the way to tha guardhouse and the exdtement grew red hot.; . The two men . .were finally lodged in the guard house without fur ther violence than was required to res train them and no blood was shed, but policeman Healy had his ear badly bit ten. This 'being their second' arrest they were refused , bond, and wCl be arraigned before the mayor thla morn ing. It has been a long time slnee any local event has happened to wake vp the town so, and the trial this morning wUl be aa Interesting one. The facts will be fuUy trought put.: i : - ,,f 1 . 1 , , , 11 " , .1. , j .fi. i. Ilatel Arrtrala. "''rj'r;'? fl s- CxNTBAi, BoTaX. J Catri Bal- Umore, AAarylaad; W F Harrla, W C Heath. Lancaster, S Cj S A Gregg. Harp Bluff, S 0; J W Cobb, Richmond. Ta; J A Fisher, G 11 Bernhardt; Salis bury, NC; Master Cbas Parker, t7aah ington ; J D MeCullough, : 8parUnburg, S C; J B Billingar. Greenville, B C; It I Harper, Gaatonla, K C; T A Dillaa, UUle Bock, Ark; L, Isaacs, New Vork ; John A Jarboav: Baltimore ; G J Bed ferae, Wadeaboro, f2T C ; - Mrs Cro w, s children and nurse, Hlxx Polk" Niece and nurae, DKF Everett, Wilmington. N C; Tilman B Gaines, S C J Har grave, Jr, Laurel Hill, 8 C; Jf M Irej, Boek mil. H C ; Samuel E White, Fort M01,S Ct LD Handy. Baltimore; JD Horna, E Simons, Wadeabozoi N C; J C Sullivan. Saiesville.HC;: XT James Wbsley, Charleston, S C; L K Breed en and wife, BennettsriHevS C; B I Dick' J H Ferrer. Bandleman, N C; 'B F Lit tle, Blchmond county, N C; B W San- difer, Geo W McKee, Dallas, If C; & L Goodman, Mooresville, N C j Mr and Mrs MC Butler. S CWJ Martin,, Da vidson College, NC; E P Davis.' Ahbei ville, SC; B C Davta, Seneca City. 8 C; John HarriaTancasteg.8 C; AB Klm- breU,S C; -J H Hall. Charleston, S C: L A Potta. N Cr BD Whitley. N C; J M Grier. NC; J McCarathy, Louiarule. NC; HP Helper and wife, Nj C; Prof JCHorton. New York; Geo E Cole ridge, Klnsfa Mountain. 11 C; W S Pnr year, M B Moorman HxxhTiile, Tehn ; Geo Hendarsoni 'Newbern. N Ci 'M P JenesVBBatterree. Bock Hill, J a. lobeon, Baltimore ; F J wood. Bock nill.SC. , ' ;?- ,. lit Taw X&m.mniZ.1 Urih ff ! iv cr OJm null. Drvvmtble JLtiiK - . ,-vr aL'n': 'a- t !7 1, trv'; :W-rV : a.- a- ': r . J " , 'HI!. & UU. 8 c. Gorcet j la.tixraTi&e c. full asgortiaeiit o aizes kept t all slid get ono. lr t " - : iTe laBrfsiw A CP. : UMBRELLA LOST. : A EUk rTmbralls, wltb analxbtbaadle, waalsfl at soma place ankaowa to earner, oa Thursday im last. - raaa wut ptaaaa. leave as uaiea raoa.. t R0.1;0:iE COLLEGE, H .:a.s-.-t ; SALE1I. VAi ' 1 .Tblrty erst gassloU beetaa eaptamber ItSaJ TaxreoaroB foe 'Patata. PavuaL ' Buslaaaa; Waaaial aaa Prapernt&rr conrapa.' Fraiwa aad Oar aaaa sokew. - Liair af 18.000 vttaaa. eaod tnoThia. 1 - 1 KO"tit-a kyUaa. ) tin ezpansas for w hi i I4WL X17S. or J4. taaraa.inapatronara faoas. sutaen fetatas. Cata- toaa aaaa uaa AK"oe v ang2ortaw JTJLlUd O. PMCBXBo President, ; WANTED. i in .! . ' A faoy ar Saa loom dwaCfnv. eotrvMilard to tba PubUa Sauare, , address, a-it toaar ion. pHa, aa. ' - - - - . ' , Acb box 24, BAKERY FOlt RENT. ......... . .t j.'". - AIt aba tfasMB to not no a rood r-.xery. all Xnad aa fr lgn9MK dm, en ao tr eoramu. .i.j'ii,!ivtt Vt-a r- .:P; bare ot toe biu i, t4 tt would aodvt-uta-. 1 1 . aux i-tKjt 1-1, fc. C. -COT7"; T7AIITED. k aav. t, . -n. ... t v ' . " ' k r- . r-' M , . t -anw '.aVam eow, fv' Brst r STor Pypapala, a. gaadacba. - . Cbraala XMa y ' -x rbaaa, Jaaadla J Y ' iBapawfty a( U XMar- Jaaaitlea, wwflty or tba 7 ' Blood, FTar aad . lAxaa, Xlalarla, J ty aad aU Dtaeeaae eaaaad by Ia- Wxx- r liver, Xlowala aad BUdaaya. sntPTOMS or a pxskaxetj LIVJUL. t 71 a.l Y Wvaaa-rwaMas a aaw 1 ELmTm I ar--r Awr-I.n wkh Ujij aad Braatta; raia la tba bii. tka 1 in. ..i f lni.lil.il mii. 11.1. . .1 11 ...I fcM.. wka caaaidaraala loat of with a paiaful araaicioa of kariag undoiw tamrn 1 hi n vkich ought fa hav bea doac; m Ary oouk aa nuM mt ta loaiuaa aa aum ariMalcca far eoauuipOoa; taa aaoca a'wiilimaa n.hlliiyt mm m m.mmM 01 taa bkm eaaaat spma i aad. abaoaaja wwUkI that aoal, yaa oaa caa aardly anr a ia tmet. ectaa but few of iWa ai aaaaiiaatiaai after douk kas showa caa AAvar la bavabaa iiKailaaljr daraasad. - anew aer aay of tbo syaaptoaas BJf aar. a Yraratlaw mr tAwiaa Urn. Urn. I aaamiaa. ba iii'ifa. a rtm. irrMha ally a kaap tba Liva U kaaitby actioa, will avoid aA Malaria, Iftilaaaf ataaaba, f rr. Mao. w-rTL-rtTw-u Jf aarikJaa tii m dla-aatloa. ar fcal ..ry afW ar alaap. taaa at tafca a doaa aad vaa viU a raUcvwL Tlaaf - Wm XUna wttl ba aavad by always For, wbaaraar taa ail awy aa. a dtaraagUy lio aad a.ia caa aa aoa af a lata. Taanaii ty la I awtbata . is xtrstaxT vrcxTAirrJi, Aad baa all Ota pomm aad eflacacy af Calaatal ar ' Qaiataa, wiraaat aay af tha bdarioaa aftwaSacaa. Stauly Cm. Scma.CTnKr of Ala. XX. Saawbaaa, aa Om- r derfad aeoa. baaaat fraoi taa aa al uiai. " : r- . TV, Lfrar aaactioa aod fbUity, bat fervor ommi .aaythl m hmmt aaa aa tha rmoi Miao liw Hwlator aaa. I aaat trwa Vim. aBOta la Caorpa kmi k. aad woald aaad funaar far aacb a aMdidaa, aad would adviaa aU wao ara aia. oany iinniau a rott a trial aa a ao taa oarr taaax taaa aarar la a nam. mmy - r. M. jAjoray. Iflaaaapiina. Mlna. av w. laa.o ami a aa aaa of oiMaoiwa Lhror Ewmmo to aaoa baaa aad aai .i.aot a aaa ifcassfarxadra aOalnaalycaa C wbkh aHraya aaa mawo lavi e of ot. xx. 'tt a co. ton SALS BY ALL DKUCCISTS. VALUABLE LAliD FOU SALE. nespeaartbaraeaea for aalaa saaan traataf Hi In Haaaimoaoi. M!t.tM - - - - - llnanilau arflotnio mm or w a h. -.iimtt mm A ft Bakw oiailal rjhia n... Tht.1. a ba t twa baraa tataa 1 adarcaa ta aottoo. ail atads af aaaia. elmiir. ao. liaa ..1 ia i.n.n tmaa af tba hiahaai iwwooootc V ul ba aald an MeeaebataraaseraxBaartyod l.r ou property. I alaa after for SVaorr ttm Ljlamm m k iJm. lriaaa too watera at. tHaoMi cr- o.ln atacaioa- patsauuuiy, a. u,ao Tork aooo a C aont.La trai over boO aoma. 9 kla hi 000 tA taa boat nun. taileaa la aoa af taa boat aaetmoa of taa eouotrr. aad aaa aaarta wlLa oruaary t .ulo SO ba las at amaoa mmm s i aaa aair--i r uoana aoa. Oa tha piaea la a Uw two t o awotnoa (ooany aaar) aontaiauoc awh aaaa, t , .a boa, .taamat boaaaa owd e -mm tanr,no.iiia. taa ptaaaeaabaoJTluadaptiita aouul taraaa tf d airad. -nn fra natts aw raaamialila lanns lo Ilia rbrbt kind af a Imwat a or or fnnbar lajuMaaaUoa call oa ar addroaa XotnaaiiXBsnTaa offioe, cnarknia, N. cC. ae Waa-illa,bl.c., . 1 utj. oOtaSt in??' Line fts- I .1; .; 'tifi '( f V. -si' ut l;c.'i J 1 1 ii : . t: it- . .1 1 . . it' J r U .It lf. .i ' 1 1 i . TRADE 1 ..! "J, ;i treat :;-: f. 1 1 A', LaipStock of , ... Jt'v.i..i 1. l r. H 4 .( .l-4,'J - j- ."j Jl(f l..,l'. .f Jiivt Hhm .:.m if ,f,i-it. w 1 SABISHES, &C. . tn 1 ) 1 -( TWO CAR- LOADS IHI OIL fr 'J 'J;,::Hi1r...-ZN. WA1ITED. A'lav a 1 la a r f - -T f and i 1 1 i iaJ SOW AKba IllWallaaWaal. aWataaUawavas) tsa auCtrixaaSal SO SeTwaysajB tr aoaa. - - mmA. I .1--. i. iT? addirica ta taa i.ilir.1 aaya: Ua U : r i Jl JL f J f1 e j(!A aJL V .vll t-t-i in 4 ;r".vi .t -,i ; ril i.j.f.jii, i.,it j. :i iitV.ir....t -y.i U-,ii t rf :!-V" 0rill ,1:f;l'.r J T I 11 11 ICitWt 1 f .1.; - cr a a T XtXT J TCCTHA.CH3 ZZCT3 oar ta r a --t -1 1 x It a r- aJ r?stucsr t U-la faroa Iwf ... , . ... . -.k.l ri. ti Li-J t-AT pensea tha alt r -fc - I fc f . 1 v : v. a - i : . ; . ; r. a --tm I