Br- Ha . 11 y ,. r lz: Erl yiVj iV !.r I, I U I i I : C .t;i Si.lX rt ' '-i i S; DJltK CZSAIt g, O TTZ1 XO , i!tT 'TUJS DJiMXt X CZZJlIlIspTT& OBSEZZrEJIJ COJTaOLIIiATim JZmCZlltt 4 C- I u jfr! i'l ;.J :z f I trfn h.' i.f.-,.f vi-'i t m i : r.ii--i ., r i : !- .TH3 n , u t 10 3 ( f 1 'v. 1't r--r ally VtertMM kMrver, laf MM Juivy I TUB MtXn lit A.ntfAM u a i.f ot The Preach Attack the AaakmlteW, kre RepUe4l me4 Retreat. London, August 13. Th StandlrdI has the folio winx dispatch from Hanpif I The French were divided Into three! I r, -columns or oou men eacn as iar as beo ipe rign ceimaq ttnen aavancea aioQKDa rif er oanJE. pf pppnea 07 nve girnboali ( sftsr g9tn;QTef miles the enemy Nrire found en trenfcbtdrr. The Kan boats tired among them, and the en- - trenchmeats were carried. Tne. troops thn idvanecd tn earrv tV fnttlA4 HV? I iiliac 1 with btiioAet.'hdt the defence a 'wss aotfjroroQS that tbey hric repaiaeo. xowara ereninKiQesrreneiK- nudins their attempts fruitless, decided to renew the attack next dsjt , XheceQ mt .TTicn f ainu reatiUiy lianei. Them they await ed the movement to (m -ff-cted'ry the left column. The latter advanced alone the. iroad which the late Cbpuin Ke- Tiere took. Four hundred Chinese ad enmpanied the column, which reacUed .Veoyaod. there found the road barred I J by ascoo2.ntesxlilHt. rbe artillery then fired Into the works. The column advanced with difficulty, ejwltrf jfo 1 4 flood, iT he horses were unused to Jlarj tiess and refused to drag thi guns.'Snd . . the mea took their 4Us fa drtginur m,i,7 t.fip. theartmsrittmitentwiirita 800 yards I ij 4 I pf the eneqchifawsia.qiej pTtench open- uie. 1 ur uuio hiio .wip uu inuiu made by tbe enemy, but afthr some de- 7 Hay ifiey. opened with a tremendous &r. - .-, )twhich rtsaUed tn -checking headyatvc h oi1 me ooiumn. was now manliest that the position could not! be carried " - ' by a dlri Ct. attatk.' Stid a fl uik move ":' ment' .was Impossible., so the French column retreated The enemy, shouting. . -. ia inampa. tsmiea rrom tneir entrencn ' - mratf and' 'uegan".the; pursuit of the ''J; . French," t Th.ei greased . arond both j dMikaof the retreating coaiaro. f ThS ,xt i- French then opened-bWwUh'irtilkcyl - r"flrnK' ne11!!l0Jlt,? Fnksl) tm pursu J )!iif furoesy -Hut! tU enemy continued to follow their" retreat. The French presented-frsallent order, and carried everything ff the field, tnclading their killed and wodnd.- At 4 o'clock, in r the aCterneoo-the eaemy auddealy dreWda.' -Tn Frenctr eofnmn reached Hanoi at seven o'clock ! n the evenlnsoompletely rxliausted. Their -satire column-also. returned to Hanoi. : 1 Flannl ' - , m- I ' -- Tbe right column occupied a position . whleh the enemy vacated punog the n'gbt,; The French losses are twooffl ' eers and ten men killed and fifty four seriously hurt, , Thirty of their Chinese allies were killed. - ' - The entire Bed Rivsr delta Is flooded. , Many villages have been destroyed and . thousands of lives lost. The French plan was to strike simultaneously at ' JSontay, Hue, Iiacnint and Haidnong. So far only the latter place has been taken. ; - .., - ; 'i FAAJfCJC AND RHAflY. ' The Seaaatioa Caase by ! the North r r UerMan Gazette Arli ;- : " Londoh; August 83. Tbe Times, commenting on tlie Berlin North Ger man UazeU' article, referring to the V attacks ofsFreneb journals on Germany f t mad daclaxizigxhatt France alone threats ens the peace 6fEarope, says the irrita tion shown by the latter cannot be ex plained by the reason assigned, as the French press upon the whole has been very moderate in regard to -Germany. I .Ther article is rather ant expression of lv gent-ral impatience aC tbe conduct of the French and ought to convince them that their expenditures in various parts of the world do not add in the smajlest decree to their influence In Europe. The article of the North German Ga zette startled - Paris, alarmed Europe .- and caused prices on the (Bourse of Fans, Vienna end Berlin to falL The . oress everv where expresses surprise t -s:ithe Gazette's attack on France andH , wonder as to what lis oDjeet is. ms " ' French papers repel the Intimations . contained in the article that French is better prepared now to say that Prince Bismarck is seeking? a pretext for a quarrel or for the imposition of fresh army burdens. ? . ., .The Austrian press ask if the article U means; war. -English jjuipals .think that the warning was overdone and that the cange for it was insufficient. It would not be wise, they say, to attach too mech significance to tbe article. , The Freaeh Moveateat ia Teaaaia. London, August 23 The .London correspondent at Hong Kong referring .to tije movement of the French in Ton quin.of which reports were received last night, says the enemy was mainly composed of Chinese armed j with Bem- 4 ington rifles. Gen Bouel oommanded the left column of. the French troops. It is believed that the enemy's loss-was amalL Tbe French , docters eomnlain of 1 tbe want-of medicines and stores. Tbe operations' of the French have been stoppedoAthe present, the num ber of troops' being 4nsufcient to at tack Soatag and BacnintL which are the strongest positions' In (the Delta. Tbe repulse of - the! French has disap pointed them andeneouraged tbe enemy. Four thousand native Clf iltlans are feeing armed. . - - s I - - The 4 Standard's ,'corres pendent at Hanoi in his report ofthe movement of the French adds:- It is generally ad mitted, that tbe French will require a force of lO.OX men to be able to cope -with the enemy successfully. The num ber of gunboaU is also Inadequate. Five hundred "coolies who " occupied the , . ; French column as couriers 'fled at the -. -. t , first shot. It ia stated a that the enemy : -. . -. - has entrenchments one peblnd the . other over the whole 85 toilet ifcet ween J Hanoi and &ontag, but it is thought -1 that the floods have destroyed many of them. ... . .. I ' :.r. The black , fl gs have :. been strongly ; -y-.u reinforced from Gannon. Ko Annams participated tn the flgbling. The Times aays the capture of Hardbrang is of eome tm portance as it gives the French - - - eompleia command ' of the Songchie ' eattal which Is the. most convenient ap - proach to Hanoi, ; V,-- ' 1 ,li 00 j ' A ChUiaa Chief Sarptlses sjad Pats te . ,'. Rsste 3fOOO lasUalis. X ,k . 1 : .-1 "ijjrX Aogust'83. Te-dsy'eu Iueblo . esysKeoUM bUiaa chief! at ' Hoon- '- J cayo, havinjr been inform edlthat large !"..' :;;.V body of . ludUns ln; ; the neighbor bood iatended to sack the city and castigate i i':1-",. tae-partta favor of pce Cu the occa . t .Z sion of. the evacuation of , theplaee by 1 u,-y. the Chilians, made movement on tbe T-.t-.i iKtH innfnL nrnrii!n 3.600 Indians in height of disorder and putting 400 hor da xsombot in the street and -wounding -oo others. "The CWUan loss was insig J 1 "ii Jiflcan,W There Is greap excitement and - ..t; a general feeling if insecurity prevails v t in the neighborhood, r;.. - '. - u mm . -1 J -iToiBjiteers tor'vxaty; at the Peasaesla ..:-.-lH-Yard.-:. A .: 11:1(1 WAkrakaiOH; Aagost I IssFeat , .' Assistant Surgeon D M Guiteras. now 4!rf:: ,0a' board" the. United States steamer :r 6vra ora, '.has voluntered for .duty - at ' ' ;.t3 i'CTssacola Ii svy (Y ard. 1 He will be immediately ordered to that post rf he traa fca dstsched , before the aailng ol. ; ; I the Catora fron UewiYork. TViflaiaitffa. First Bale. WiiicKaToiv Aosrust 3r-Tbe first - bale of -new ccttoti, receited at this ."pointarnveJ to-dy frcn 2?trloa,SC; It was rrj:ired to O U (7lUiains Co, trsac'-: 1 C3 'lowclidiicj aid gold at u ccsta j Jt cus& V tset. j jus JUALEiesori CTCLOME. Its Terrlffie aad Merciless Tek,ui e vajrwra Rochester. : h tt . 5 ii Chicago. Augusts 23 rMri A Peck, who passed through, the ruined city of Rochester, and has just arrived here, gives succinct account of the cyclone disaster,4 It was 7'clock Tuesday evening when Mr Peckreacbed Roches tar. i He State that the entire northern portion of the place from the Chicago 6 .Northern; railroad track was a con fused mass of debris. Scareelrm boost was standing and tbe tew wbletr were had been removed from. their founda tions and shattered as if by an earth quake. The sffrlgbUd sarrivors were at work recovering the Injured and discovering the: bodies frf j the dead. Jlefocw mUoigbt.SS aorpeee! lay in the hotel to which they had been removed. LTbey presented, a, shocking appearance .soreof bem tetbg crushed snd man S!iea out or an numan semDianee, nearly all -were tnjored -aboat" the) head, and from their begrimed faces appeared to have been - dragged in the jearth by a whirind Forty wounded persons, tarany'of them seriously injured, bad been removed to tbefHKlestojed dwel lings.. It was thought hac at least 20 bodies remained in the ruins The por tion of the? city, swept by the cyclone imposed aheet one third of! its extent. lacmding ewverai4 stores ana generally the poorer dwellings. 1 The storm appeared to have formed about 18 jnllee northwest of Rochester and gathering violence as it progressed, destroying several farm bouses In its course. A low. dim. rjinnei shaped cloud wsAieen appfosehjog tiie fated town and in a Tew moments slaughter had been accomplished. No time was given for any preparations, had it fceen possi ble, . The scene in the devastated dis trietQdj he place where the dead lav was indescribably sad. 1 1 slathers' wildly searched for their children. wbila little nomeJees wslla were roand ahom th tamMt.kft AHJiln, 'Hna fchlM was Uie pbij fftf jif dr ef y fattrtly 01 MTVU. 1 i The passengers of a train on which was sir Peck were not aware that the cy- clone had passed. themiuntiltheir-.I attention was directed to feather Ainer oeas and articles of wearing apparel lodged agimst the barbed wire fences. Wheat and strsw waft twisted about the rails in lance quantities where the cyclone crossed - thQ tracks shortly ; before the vain arrived at uoenester. : & a a-w . . A freight train was wrecked en the trestle at the western aDnroach to tha filace. The wind twisted the switch bar rom its place throwing ! open tbe switch. The engineer saw hi peril when dose at band and jumped off sav ing his life. The fireman was carried over the embankment with the engine and killed. The fatal black cloud swept towsrds St Paul, five miles southeast of Roches ter, cutting a i wide swath tbroucn the Umber, and farms.: doing great damage to life and property. mm r - I ! .; JReparts frasa Peasacola. . Wajuhngton. August 23. The sur geon general of - the marine hospital service has received the following tele grams rrom pensacoia under date or August 22 : . - i - , -..i- We have chartered two iboats lad sent tbe two cases at Polafax Wharf to quarantine. Tbe bouse will be fumi gated or destroyed at 00004 A great manv people will leave to-nigbt. . j. signed j J. M. TAKBLK, ! --: :i- , - - Collector. Have burned -the little house: bed clothes and all other thingsAnd sent all the ueoDle round in it to the Quarantine station. Everything has been disinfect ed and guards plsem around the prem ises. 1 uo not believe we win have an epidemic. Will do everything to pre vent it. j - Signed 'JonN B. Mtttman. .. , f 'tholft Jftjesideat Joard-of Health. i us TeaaesseersPirst Bales., r. f ? MRJtpHja; August z3v-cTwo- bales of ootton, the flist of tWsr gear's crop. raised in 'the Memphis eistncu. were received here this morning.! classed as middling, and sold at auction at 25 cents perj-ound.- Tbey were purchased by W i A Prince & Co, and were shipped free by railroad to Boston ' and Provi dence, it - -it, . ? i A Yessel labelled 1 n. r - ; Kkw.Tobx. August 23. (The Bank of Jackson rille. Florida, haaflledalibel in the United States Court against the schooner Annie A . Booth, for alleged violation of shipping contract. The damages are placed at tUKX The ves sel hss been seized by the U sited States marshal. : - m j ' "'"r .'VI i ! atapfsssd ta he the Mlssiag TStckt' ! . Kir Bedfohd, Mass, - Aogust X3. JA son ken 'yacht was discovered, jester day morning three fourths f of - a mile east northeast of Hens 'and Chickens, near the entrance to Buzzard's Bay; It is supposed ' to be the missing yacht "Mystery,- of new Haven, :. ' : ' a ' I L 7 Hew T'k Xvesaocratie -' f " " Called. Caayeeasw. Saratoga, August 2$. the t Demo- cratie committee met here te-aay ana called the convention to Buffalo Sept. 27th, r be.beldin. 1 ! ?- ' l- ; The Tahers, " A prominent gentleman I frctrr Dea-' er. Col informs a Chicago mterviewer thst society's doors at Den ver and Lead ville are firmly closed against ex-Senator Tabpr and his second wife, despite their millions. 1 hey hsvel given . up their apartments In the Windsor Hotel, and are Jiving in Is rented hense. which is overrun by the Oshkoah relatives of tbe bride. The ex-Senator and his wife ride around in an elegaxit carriage draws by four white horses.1 the driver and footmen wearing bright -red live ries. His deserted wife says she loves Tabor just as dearly as ever, -and that she will hoard up her . money for tbe support of his old sge. when bis wealth is gone : and his bride has tired - of his senility. - . ; j - A Grleyaace aa a Toathtaae -s A gravestone in - the : East Hartford Cemetery beers this inscription: "ba cred to . the .memory of Mrs Annah Smith, second wife o Deacon Moses Smith, r She departed this life May 24, 1789, in the fifty-third year pt her sge. Deacon Smith's- executors kept all. btr propertyand refused to pay any of her funeral charges, even the sfettona bill.' This monumant - was erected by the friends of thedecased.x j , ; ; ' . tv . lAlaisslaaWi , 1 ....... LofUtvJls Ifsdleal Bsrsldir:J ' 1 Eatlncxokedfrnlts.rreserveaIhoney maple syrup and, all' glucoses not pro duced In tbe natural- course of animal, digestion, cause undnerptfity of -proliferation of thelympheells,ithus briog-' Ing on that state : of engorged lymph channels with enlarged elands, long known by the nsme of the, strumous diathesis. : : -4 ' I --"x 1 -t' ;tmV a aesa ay arayae ' - 'Sjatsavnis Zase, ' a A .-? An old ladv in DahSonega? wrnci us that the has in her - rorr.- vt the manuscript cf John Ilawsri i'jn?: That ha boarded with her ii tJit town la 121 z. End ciaed for noid.1 liiUcsn ocrMha lzyr roetlcal yerr j.- rrr:- 13 J :jj JiifJVii'-iJ ' sic Um Depot S.30 a n. sad 4.8 pTsC airlvs 2.00 a s sad 10 P. as. : , .' ill i r"-r 4 A f t f f - - . 1 1 n t S l i j ti I ..1. "al LOX i um t.90 a m. aae 1 top. av umiiwha. anaa-ioa. CHAaXOTTX. OOLOKBIA AH0 AOTSTA, Lsave X10 a. sa, aod arrtvs 4.80 a av i(0 a tmu ana artis at laoo a am. Airlrs 7. WO aatai 35 p. av 'dc-BBfajrrDfV&drf r Lsavs aM p. sl. aad arrtrs lOtSOa av Index te H ew Advert) eats whlta bo wanted." ' ' a J ems u a T eaUth -Kefles Jorps bllsr -wuMintil palaiaa v Iseieatieas " ' South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather and local rains, f alllncfoUowed. by rising barometer, stationary or lower ummratiim. lnfli mntuw aatrltf ' ' , , LOCAL BIPPI.a. f fj-i ll J ii Part of the firem'mumsst hss been hauled to fm wood cemetery, and mounted on the rjase.7 O iC ZM' -At Umsypr-s. conrt -yesterday " . morning the fWIowlng flass were made. reramsas. all for disorderly cbadeef ; ft Oi Uir- mc : tr''-c .V 's-in a. a " ,IaiiWlimbefcIair) i-nMt Butg Jieiawded tha afternoon train veaterdav for Vu them purchase one of W-laxgeaAgTyri M .rurniture evex oU f ered tor sale here. The'flrsrbale of new cotton was' rT''- ;7Tt.T'rf " r A- u tw Pwau. WM wojm by Jonea-At Robertson for 12f cents perponnd. It was middling grade. A newjpostpaee called JanMnska,' has been established in' Jackson county, with Samuel .W. Cooper ' poetmkster James A. Blaleck has been commis sioned postmaster at Forks of Pigeon, . Cspt. T. I. Seigle.of the firm ot T. I Seigle Jb Coleft yesterday afternoon for the northern markets to bay fall goods ror bis noose, lie was accompa nied by Mr. IL It, He Use, who Is bound for an es tended pleasure trip to Sarato ga and other resorts. : . i Mr F M Caldwell, .who is visiting In Memphis, represents the Hornets Nest Riflemen r or this city in the big excursion of the -Porter Guards from Memphis to Chicago and Dubaqua, Frank is wearing the H N R s uniform and Is haying a big time. , -t ; put to work at ' grading and level log Church I street from the court house corpex; to SeJvtnth street. The big de pression in tfie' street. between these points is tope sued np.i . Old itlma raemories were revived yesterday when the etrcue pictures were put on the boards and crowds of darkles and ama)l boys stood about looking at them In blissful anticipation. With the circus pictures to look at loafing by the day is madq easy tq the' average darkey. Capt J T Anthony has been drill ing tbe Hornets' 27 est Riflemen in their armory every, few nights for, several weeks past , and the company is now thoroughly efflcient in the various evo lutions.:: They are expecting their gans to arrive from the State arsenal in a few day a. ! y- ; A band of ' colored men in black; coats and white pantsjieaded by a brass band and a banner on which was in scribed in French a name indicating that they were tbe "LAborers Union Society, paraded the' streets yesterday afternoon and; themselves and their j musie brought everybody to the doors. They : had spent thev day plcnlcing at Belmont Springs.' v;;:: I :;: I, f . . 1 ,mm 1 1 1 1 i r Military Picate at PiaevUle. ' -. iJ.:- it jfronv paruea , woo eamet inea toe trsia yesterday afternoon we learn that the picnic of the PollrBJfles, at Ptne- Tllle. was . a. success . Ioevery sense of the word t At the time the train passed I town ' was f aft of people, and the shooting . matches and - musia . by the Sharoil brasr band and Plnevllle strtng' band msdagn enllrenlng effect. There was reauy a large erowa tn attenaance and the refreshment tables which; were bountifully supplied were liberally pat rotolzVfa t Umeand the mnes real aso. a ana awmc. mum sum from their enterprise. j :- ; V 1 .v. .vr.nA m ".' ' ii-"- The austrelscesslag. , i A a The eperatio season is to open la Char lotte next Friday night with a perform ance by ArmstbngTlrbthers j Minstrels, with riew7 feature 'and new -effects. Nat Grai has run up their ghoir bills. The troape played Lynchburg Wednes day pjht and. the News says: "It rwaa a jolly crowd ahi 1 a ' jolly ' performance last evening at the Opera Hqosei There was a numerous audience : and (every body was in splendid langbini : hnmdr, as is invariably the case -whn - Barlow Wilson 4 Go's' famous, minstrel eoaat pan y: holds the bosrds.. The stage, with its incumbents, 'was aa generator f jnkth, andthe :adecefa)connoint loir of-iauihttr? save wli fiw of snafktlrxg.iwlt and hnme was varied with pathetic. and- edetite. songs, or astonishing feat of -an- acrdbatia-ehar acter.t jAhere is jxo. neea , w exaoorate nor to treat Lthe,! prosr&mme in detail. Tba whole tends to make bp an enter talsmaat; which Ji 'JiiihIj; enytble, and of a enarater-ealeixlated to be ac ceptable to the most facetious of amnse mefesoerAv. jrha .can lach-to,1 their, rhelrfs contest; ana reaHze pi,to Colnj that the penenrrca u irce irom ue taint tt ri-rity. Srerybody present was pl2-2ed,and everybody who wit- nes34t!:3 p-srforcircs Joins d in aa invlttt!:"! ta tie trc-r ito' ,.Ccr29 aln," tl tUi f : : tiUj. WJtozi bx-;cci":3,1- trf t3 tntzti ctinstrel per. f rmrce ever sitta i3" Lynchbors." . -i 1 ; ': Vi. r .' - ? r i-ert -T r ry I --', w i 1 "v at. 1 -..ji-jci : . . . - i 'A'CAllPHisETlJf'ti ItOMT.-: i -ninth '' ''j.JGaagJaaf aer'-Twe j Preachers : Caste a Diytsloa la the Coa rreca tie aa aa Vaexpect e Break Up, , Thefannnal camp meeting at r cnirrch,t3arjarus county, which, was ia i I sepsipi tbe early .p art of this week, I lm,lapjn fow-lsst Tuesday. Bethel is locauju lu m curaci vl vjurrus, nw the Union and Mecklenburgt lines and. tbesnuaycapjrstinj i . a great affair, drawing crowds "Trm the sur rounding country for Of teed miles in year was conducted by Keys 'id wards 'and Jso as. the feat being the rejrularly located preacher and the other, a circuit rider and, . actopjr teacbu jAccording to our mrormauon aoout toe.nair; fupqsbedby! oaBwhpss there and w'itnessedJW Ihere bid for, a! long 4ime pein) Ani unpleasantdessr betweto; the t woreacbers, wbJcextended to the edngregatlodi paH of whom took up for Ma Xd wards -anl pajt fbf Mr J Ones. I Te7actlone were Tabou erenlr divided fl ' thal,hrttnMhU mn Av- i v ri-l I 9 mmt mtmjmm ".uti i j www M waw eeedingly. bitter, and , smoe the present j meetiogf was opeeeiit1 the' two factions fchd oeen tnsJupg it vopteasant luraaca other Xast Tuesday in some way not jBaerty-kppwn. the ofinag. was reaehed I M as a.m a, tm. a I t?mi.u?r??? -rT' 1 - I V) W MoelweeaTHf Kewe and 1 ahotlierf pmUmin wnn cfiacamcmiMi rahtoclifirewaiV opposed, and a fUticufX ensuejd -between the two. This threw the .'whole meet-1 ing into a state.of excitement and a L? serious row seemed to be impending; hich. however, was fortunately avert i led bV the friends off the two parties etttsg them separated from each other. I fXheti were a number of ladles in the i nvrMtin .ni twM .rrittmMi' tsW high. What wIU bq the result of, this trouble is not known, bat tnostllkaly the'' young preacher fwiU tetlre from Bethel with his supporters7 and estab lish another camp meeting. The trouble first sprang up, our informant says. about two years ago, when the Edwards faction began showing their dislike for Mr Jones,' who they seemed to look npon as an Interloper," by making un charitable remarks npon bis conduct and making charges against' him," one of which . was that he had been guilty of the Impropriety of kissing the girls who went to school under him. I This charge, Mr Jones' supporters indignant ly denied. From that tine On, the dis satisfaction gradually grew j so strong among the congregation that it culmi nated In hthe fussy break up of , last Tuesday. i '' Tha Ab4acteTs Captors itewarasd. . Mr Eli MeLeod, father of , the young girl who wee abducted f rem - Moore county by a negro named Frank HaU- man, yesterday paid the captors of nallman, SlOO. : nail man. It will be re membered, was captured at the bouse of Mr C H Wolfe, five miles from Char lotto, by a party from 'Matthews Sta tion, at which place he got oft the cars. with the 3 girl. A; party, from Moore county came np and sectored Hsllmsn and took him back to that county. ' Wa learned yesterday afternoon that HaU 1 man was beins; held in custody by the party at Keiser, in Moore county, and that tbey were still deliberating what to do with him. ' s , , : .. !. m' ' mi ('i a Jaixe Black. 1 ' :H Tha death of Judge Jeremiah A. lllack recalls an aaeodotc. told by the Judge himself, which we hare never published, It Illustrates the quick it and repartee for which he was noted Daring the early part of the war la 1861 a company of soldiers was formed near York, Penn, and named the "Cameron Gaatds,M in - compliment to j Governor Cameron, who gave 500 to equip, the company. Shortly after wards another company was formed and tha captain. called ' upon Judge Black for aid in equipping his; company.; The Judge listened very quietly to the statements of the captain!, and when be', finished said-- "If yon "will pay .ma the same honor paid Gov: Cameron : In-' naming yohr company I win give the same Sum Gov. Cameron bas -for equif ping, ypur, compaiiy.".; The,' captain, was about to accept ladly, but'tht name to be Ap plied ' to his ' compaay "IThe ., ; Black Guards flashed Ihxough'hlsi mind, and he replied; -Uo. Ill e d d if I do" and lefL. JadTSlicVaqiiica: wit bad placed the captain la ah awkward posl Uon'aad himself t ia'iho'an viable place of liberal ofTerihg to tbe govern nserrti I t t -' - - :r 1 -- ---- 1 t J -Tie north Assert ean ftevlew. Lik ; !. ' For Septexcbet U"an admirably con- stitated number, whether we regard ine ameunesa ana iinpoxLance- ox jjam subjects presented," or tha eminent competence of tbe 'authors. chosen for their, discussion. - First comes ."State Regulation' of - Corporate -Profita. by Chief Justice T M Coolsy. of Michigan; showing how far. by wise ! legislation and by applying In the spirit of enlight- ened jurisprudence the principles of the onmmon law, the harrowing exactions of corporate companies and monopolies In general may be restrained and the Interest of the peoplteffectaslly coa serVed. -ShooUng at Slgbt"ls the sub ject of some pertinent rtflections by James Jackson, Chlet,, Justice of ' the State of .Georgia, f Ia Facts! About the Caucus and the Primary,' George Wal ton Green ua veils the tricks practiced, by political,, managers, ia large cities T&6 BeV.Dr ITS PhelsiJ contributes an article iparxung with epigrams, on ine -IJmlUtions of FreetUoklxig.', Finally Grant Allen, the moet .charming of al living writers on - natural history dis courses en "An American UVUd Flow er., Published at 0 Lafayette 'Place, 27ewjy and lor. .tale by laeilersv- generauy. . . , - . tv tmm I mm l .V fCrant Cwtsaejat Xr C C. ''ccttrrHi U' tno eixt tottio i r?f?r this bet t 'J f - 1 . nr-ioo X tbe tlJ 1 -J n4 tor.J tif 1 1 1 ivcr p-. - T ti ef trots nnE3o t l. Trhiee r t. U U i?, n U lit- a po 4 senc1 . A Uveiy Day for the Clothaag Ken 1 A "Series of . ditScoltles '' commenced vesterdar morninz 2etweeq Mr C 0 Horton and Messrs Barwaa ger BroUv era.' the clothiers: .-which - were finally brought to an, end by Mr . Horton being arrested and pat under, a peace bond, j The trouble commenced t early In the morning and originated out 6f a trifling purchase which Mr Horton had made ait their stQireVi'aJBdi. claiming that they had insolted him he aonadly, abased them. r For this he was arrested and ar- ' raimea neiore xhe msror and fined 85 I arter i uus,- uoo went to the store to I have redress and the three Berwaneer I (Brothers fll r! jipon 'him.'j i Policeman I Wn McKeaziei w quickly opon the i sceae- ana :iaterrerea berote anybody I igot nnrti1" Policemen : took their 1 stations at convenient, distancea. and I prevehted a renewal ci , thf didculty I during the balance of the forenoon, but 1 tn the afternoon Loc. walked up to I Louis Berwanger and attempted . to gtrfk him with i cane; bp.t wse pre-. . ventea oy bystrnaers. ur; JUortoO wss) then arrested and carried before Mayor Maxwell, who pat him under a bond of 8900 to keep the peace. Mr J D Palmer j signing the bond,- Us Horton was re leased and "peace now? relgh; 4a W- i aaw. All the parties are suhimoned to appear. beXore the mayor Uxjs morning. "" ' . ' f -i;;..o.U' t) hmvr m'finn, fAtof M , - w. m, nmj m mw. wm m wmmt mt planet an asteroid of tha ninth magnJr tudo by Processor CL H-lPeters, of aiatoo, 'JT.T." "WbenxUseovered its position was as folio ws: ; i$ hotcrt, t9 minutes and 27 rrrrrmds. CUaton mean time. -Sight' ascension 21 hours, 23 ! minutes and 4117 Seconds; flfdlnstlon south, .11 degrees, minutes , and &s seconds. . The dally - asoUonlia minus 0 seconds fd right ascension and la decli nation SO minotes and so seconds south. The asteroids are a number of vary small ' planets r svolving in the space between the orbits of tha planets Mars and Jopiter. They are called asteroids because their size Is such as to' present merely a star-like point of light even ia the largest telescopes. Most of them are of the eleventh magnitude. The largest one is a little more than 200 miles in diameter, .and many of them are esti mated to be only fifty inlles Tha first one wss discovered In the year 1801 by Piazti. of Sicily, another in 1S02, one in 1804 and one in 1807. No mora were seen until 1844, since when there hare been put on record more thaa 200.' Only two arp ever seen by the naked eye. and many are only seen ; through; tha larger instruments. : - I 5 Work of Uie taJerlst CmiL' I J 'C , Oa the opening of 1 the Inferior Court yeeterdsy morning, CoL JnoJ.BrdwnV attorney for Wo. Kerns, colored, who wss found guilty . the previous day of tbe charge of burning tha mill and gin ot Mr. W. B. Parks. entered amotion for .a new trial for the prisoner. ; The following cases were dJsposed of dazing the day: u. iy:t;ifii -u State vs. Stephen Mclese, "colored. larceny," Guilty.; V-;.. 4 . State vav Charles .Fiitcharfl, larceny. 1 State vs. Charles Spencer, alias Lewis Broomfield. coloredj sreeny. Not guilty. . SUte vs. Milton Forney, colored, cut. UagMr. A. Cruse's bstness, (malicious mischietV-.GuIItT.' : - ' : SUUvs.Kobert Alexsjndercolored, assault and battery with deadly weapon. Guilty; t f ' j:.r"rf -.J. State vs. Cul. Grlffln snd George Grif fin, colored, assaults and battery. CuL Griffln guilty, George Grlfin foot guilty. State vs. Austin Hayes and Philander Hayes, assault and battery. Submitted, and judgment suspended on payment ol Hosts, ; .i , "ys-'j?- -. " The court continued its session lata Into the night in bearing the ease of State vs. J. a Wallace fori an affray with Sam. Alexander, Sam. ZTeweHand Geo. Smith. At a lata hoar the Jury re txirnedwlth ja.Terdict of not guilty as to Wallace and guilty as to AlfTsnder, ; ...... '. . ,. ' 1 1 nn v. . -' netet Arrivals..; h:t: .'tn; I 4- ; vuixiLiuu xtoxKw-r xx. M cpencer. Baltimoror H Covington Mf S May.' J - Jc ewau,' xocx xxcj ; ,x Ar ft Tabh W Kew YorkvW,TT.C2ifcholn jSavannah' Ga;, W TllAtiiett.ils, ! bQ ttarrelC K C ; J;H Moore and . wifcu Burgiw, K C ; W W Ifntt etatearllla. KD:'A1I upzo, xan coma,; jyot J ones, uoiam bla, S C; , J Honaexv vXadkinl county k it CrOHTbctapson, New Tbrkr Alex Beahaia; ITeir Torkf TTeisJdttle, Jr. psltlaore ; A S Carey. GaTney Oty, S C; I Carroll and. wife,: Miss Csrroh and nurse, Shelby NC;OS Houston, N C; 2T F Cannon, Mt Holly! ll C: Fred Kims,-Fort Mill, 8 C; B 8 Quoin.', Lla- a -r . -a a wm ww m ! a j; fAxrs as-w ttassin u; W. E Davidson, N CfOP Heath, 8 C s Vohn A Dodson, ; Greensboro, K C ; Uoer Martin, Danville, Ya: John B HalL Phila; ZiH Tlndal and' wife, dar endon, N C; Chasll Westerdald, Barren county, Ky; C Wilson, H 0; Thos M Chatard, Baltimore j . 2 Mayer;: Cincin nati, O; 11 23 Downs, Baltimore;: John Ultche fB&tesinrs Js C;"A. J Kona,'Bennett3vIllv 8 Cj p II 7alk Baltimore;; JE-Cteelev Powelton, N C; H Daviv Statesrine, N Q; J J Do- prey, N C; J U.FAlil2j,Mo4roe, N CX :77"Tw Whom It May, CoafcersU t:t If the gestlsin&a -who f wrote 4 anonymous communication to a men berof , the Board of , Aldermen, calling attention to certain allesd bilscondact of a police ofScial, will coafsr in person with, the Alderman to whom the letter was directed, ba will do the . public a great service, and ail communications will be treated as strictly confidential. ? t f ,r AV it rXi&.tJaraylrtans, VV - r W by la It thst pi rnar rnoos mm rrortstaiy' , it, r pc t jctaa, aa tfir a. ua f lUh- jr-"!ltkitf la xi t 'v "Ar ' k, i,frs r t - ' - -. - l "' -1 H- u tlfi -I. , t i. ir- i 1 .Mai" t t ttoo , m -r aJ tr it -ji vor ty bMr ( -J t9 ta pu. 1 M li li ? w - wiiJl luS lo'Mt(w,im,v' 9 I of ti-ri-ii t:-,lt U . -'' -r tai ii t rtf - ' 1 1.,. a t-m- 'J "'I 1 1 y r ;"-av I 1 - t . a, I j 1 , t i 1 1 1. t I I i. It U tr 4 1 i j aaatt-a. Vrru. - - .. . . r .. , outii c. HEWS." ' Mr John: Miller, of Bdgefleld, was se verely bitten by a horse last week, which has . since) died; of i everv evmctom of hydrophobia. v . . r. - . t .- -rAwhita woman named EUza Scneggs pleaded guilty to ret&ulO g -w hiskey without having paid the special tax, in the U S Court at Greenville Wednesday, The condition of the crops along the Charlotte, Colombia and Augusta and narrow uanm railroads u said to be deplorable fhmiau U.r The Marion Pee Dee Index ears: Tha drought continues with unabated sever- j tty, except a streak on Busks swamp, running east and ' west; jThis is the ehrhth . week in some ' sections of this county and the fifth In others. . .The prospect is truly alarming. -- , - . TheSnrnter Watchman aST: There were good raina laet7 week in several parts of the county, but not; enough to supply ua seeas or sucn crops as suu want rain. Tha cotton is now openip j very faswbot it is light and the bolls small, i la a rood ' many (olaces ' the Dtants are xaaiy asectea wiin rnss. r. - i At a protracted ineetlxLs; at Provi- deaee. Sumter county, last Snnday, a number of disorderly men greauy dis turbed tha ccmgresatlotfc' The names of tne young man wiwcraasea thetustarD ance are rnowa. and , a eommittea has been apDointed by tha church, to proee- cuetnem. - . . . . i . Alexander McGregor, who has been postmaster at Jonesville. in - Union county, on Wednesday: in ' tha United States Court at Greenville, pleaded gautytothe charges of embezzling val- I nahlelsttia.steaAiMtha valoable con- I sition of rjQsts Ktsmna. i 177.-7 L- rW w , t r.t --j.-r A reccst ressral ia; iC3toCca' Department ha called attention te tbe operations of Mr Frank Hat ton. -. Just before the operation of the civil service rules, Mr Cation put in and. cremoted a "writer oa his paper. This was at tlr 400. . Than ha promoted his barber, who cant write a deeest hand, from C300 to a SU200 plsea. . The newspaper .writer got a month's leaTB ' im mediately, with Ry. -juaoon ucn reaneea the pay or o clerks from SlOO to SLC0O snd put the pay on his own uncle by pro motion from 8 tXV to trgGCO. The fa vorite of tha llatton family bad been there but .a few. months.. He then raised the pay of .bis wife's ande from -t- IJf ixcaoaiAjx, rasa, la 8.C ea fits 25th Say f aarnc I8&l.sf eoagsgtwosf to hms. g Aaats a.tunaawauMsSMUiaai. IZU4 r Ra Two puis a sa anair ass, , ,: sat Dr. T. O. . a? taa Hoituj. LX. l v. se-st mmfmmrmmm 1 u-f9a a mmm tot SMSaiaea ssy, asta 27XCtailsWs,BI CL NOTICE, f 1 5 f Pm aQief taa aUr aa pstsoas aav- k Um aasM is as astarc ta ant ear et eee- , 1884, taw aeUos aria hspiawmta rata Aoxnst 23,1 tC3. - ... a . . ... ... fPAPTILUfQITOAarrCIALTT. MISS IT. MOORE V lVLjr"lii---ii V7: 1 - i? - . .cii. n i SI ft V ' ITT- ;. - t mi i - -:'- i '-i l fv '.: O-- - . ; ' . - ' I 1 If . Cdurrht at Lcct! ; ; T tSKrcTTra WtUSCS Is ear CTLT nttflf- Sf 1 fOOC-.l 1 1 r I 1 1 M IJliL iL.u.i tY-j tea t::.ttea t ! , 4 sTsw ea thsa ate- afs si'fl ffJsa, t ' - . Ba la mm ae4 hm ever hmm, r-'4i '. A waa?ssSspaSa vSm jlJii i ' 1 "Tp,Sa"Sa I . A trBMs her sot atsm. tmmt coeds, tfatk MMlf sisawJly aaefia.- Tals is a 1 for a rM. taislTteear syau, A waata . nml taattMc AiaAarr.,;i I Xxaatanot Vat. e-rula. I ' V. I eag24-ew f Win evsa bar ssbmI ea Koasar. the 41h sf ass tmmmbor, latsS. Ivtrr MuaMMOt bu asaa smUfartastssBtow sC hsr aapoa. Tfesrssats BiiTmtewanit ataU sapea aCpssessosaas. f SSSjITIShllia r. . iff " . ; n pa PRICE FIVE CENTS. ,rftDinniiiti, Coitlraaeit, Sl4dt TT daehe, c ax i ma. Imparity ol thm 7-As-ne, J JMwlan try X- sasa T XAvar, Beh and KJOmji. rrnpTOMs or A'dxskasxo uvbl Bmd Bnath; Pmi im the SiAc. .n... ts, tm Um far tt Vrwiiirr hutie. utitita far of- sjppsi litre ; fiovdi i-wuh cammuimmt to of VitS m VmimitA IcmtiM otma wmm ScuLrat cm cu karcir wuutoa p fcrbotd to mrr m n net, ctobbj mrf ifijf. m tht hoT, ijiipirwi wiml iIm tYmm am. km cuiwJ. wbea hot fern of (Wa ex mf .bees ,easi vey 4exsSBd. TX ihMU Waythy aTJ psrissa. of Soirita. mms. - I, of wte,Vatiaaeta- tj".!"1 '.'aW'saaaTa..! it- sfcasili ijiawathti majmt aw i twtmm Am mmm J V ud with s sHr it a ' lm -A 1 1U1 mmd tctMoCT. mmr-imm: tm 1 unit aw ta -,-lor has. t tot ntrif ail miml I . il utMdkbtailwniaKinMiBvka rn It a trial aa it 'btloiriien. mum mmm at I aava ISM r . h. a go. PaP:limm.SiIfc:' flgawlllav adtmnti lajM fWfl mihi AB haiaa, wtafaifi 1 .ia l.?,u0a erM. Thla U aM awhoiB bMWJ aa-s t eattoa. aU atodaet rTaia. ciovvc. feo, se Is somsp- masattSa aJ-biatlanwatwfa. V tqaokloa tjoiafc terns or txeftap t f oc eta pteprQr. laiasfcrtwr aavr Xf s Btrhog't piaes. JaeatT -ssf f 94 O s,ta xsealen tr acwr X ti, act o- 3 C. iwaiiln 'lW-.. I sU- tbaas pUn-t- la . t r . m f -a ntT. Sp4kaltMuu'- ill b4t( loaaae -it a. ....-- t u f .. tM9 as a La , a,f f 1m4 k'a.-if (arJr louai1 1 i a- r - ,iaiH. aa ' ttrtsktiKf otatmaat. - Aar rsEOat hifnrwsflna tOs r tf' K. Ii. HAi. ..V . CL.; aasass i ir J X. fs-rii'y- tcie 'sftJl'Joxtwar. t 1 1- 4 I" -1 i r. 5i ; : 'I 1i 'i.-' .ri if i 2."- -r- - 't TRADE, '1 ; Kir:; 7"i;li .( A f Lamof Stock :6f t ':. .'V i li i fa-iCJa c'ailti- s ' " tuoBOTrfG tntzz, IsllOlHI .'. V . i V .Ti ' -MVS i,., :1 VARNISHES, izC 7- ;:; .:'Vi 'A-iitiiti P'-A t-i.- - -.77 J ftx :7C.'-- TWO CAR LOADS 7j:j.; 1 1 'J -trf V4 Tr' 1 1 to aa oil. - . ' -'i : rt 4 Vi 1! 1 s - a J4 at agta W imss l A r r t t - - f-t-f. t ii M ... ' itiimd. S dSsBsVf VasS mm9&kmmtn SXasf WaO aWO mmWWWA -T' TT Triii lag. Til TTiirslstM ' -j Tr. ' -.--it la taw Tlewl . ' ssVsssssT'sSssHiSsss TaTBTBJfaBBsT m tmn MCMStMH :.' . 4 " T r l-MiapuTii in i:uojd4t vdt. l.--Gii , c 7; -. r iu dijitrv. c ei&ii? . ' - ReMI Si ool, id .-:r:ry cl te death cXL.rci.a 4 - . - - i i - 1 V CT - .... j cr:

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