m k - - I I : - - r X I I "V . B .. .Hw m r i i a a . w. is. a m s f i ii . . r : ... ur . .- i w k i a . at af . saaBaeta ' r. ).;. the DjtJLir cnjtiiLOTTi: joujlatuz., jtjro tue daily cuaizeotte onsEJifEit, consolidated jum.cn ar, 1883. Bart, rharteue earw. UiMIH Jaaeery tl. ltd. Petty CMMM JtTMi, taiaSXbvferd llM at, li4k CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1883. PKIGE FIVE GENTS. Sails 3ouruaIt0b3crxJtr IB . an. Jim-,. L Jit i.., j, . L . Wit. ,HU 11.- A TXIKJDLe BLOW UP. Aa rinnMt Ami ruled Wlta re pie Tmi ta ree y aa cTipleeiaee Sew Yobjc. Aoxuit s& Ioapactor Tnoru-e received b diepelcft thia aXler- noaej stating to el in excursion itusr lUverdaie bad blown op at Lb a foot of iviiMtoia iunl rorta mar. ana ca a foe all tn BAbulanee ta the tit. Tlxe lUvanJsie lUTUd a U UoOmo oo li 1x1 p to 11 a rvnitr w at 3 o'clock p, bv. wllo fifty p iHiaoii oo board, from LneftxHof llaxrtaoo aireeC YVbenoppo 114 ta fool Of TatXtMOlll lUWl bf UUer xpbaled. r wluis oa ihn w wbai MCDa to b tba boU " ct th tnsbSs of tbo tm1 fly latolb Blrwlih report Ilk tb dl rtirr ct B caaooo. Tb aball of Lb toil umoad otrar, but oooUooa4 up Lraaxa fmca Lb mixaaotom of Ita own ape4 notli it araat down . bow first at th root of Fiflotb ttraaC A boat of tb pMozrs. laeiudioc rcrybody la tb cablna. vara blown up la tLo ai . i-miam. Tte raaa, tas lia prat art arm, jaaapl ovar Lb rails la to tha rtvar. add wtra clckaii no bj a camber of tor Uta tbat lxnmadiatly pot oat from LbwNaw Torkaad 2f Jaraay ehoraa to tbair aaaiataoca. 11 ov mur ara aavad ao4 bow maoy drowoad aad klUad U aa yat an Ural y oakoowa. Tba cooat eoafiicUaf report a ara la clrcuia Uoo. Taa rrWaaaa Utm ! a tary T Xr4aa. ' Nev Yokx. Aaxoat 23 Tba 8oo thu HMTDtax priata copia of tweoty or vaora laltara wbtca tiatawd dortoc tba I'reaidaaUaJ eaxopla of lao blwn titUid. Oorwf, blaloa, AllUoo.FMtar, atortoo, aad otbar lUpobltcaa leaders, aad tba lupablleaa jtalioeaJ Cotnm'.t ta Ttav utun from GarfiaJd ara to V-jn-f and Oor. Jawall. aad ratata c&iadr to tba- ooodact of taaaampaJra la ladlaaa. Tba Sua aaaart flltor1i!y tat tbaaa taitara proTe tbat Uaa. Haa cock waa df aalad by tba aa of lanre aeaa of eviaay HI ally itwfiiad m ladUaa aad alaawbra with tha kaowl adra of Geo. GarCald aad tba manaara of bia eampalin. Trata Cad afa Law SalU laniAXAroxox Ixn, Aoiut sxJa eut UldaDartr aad Jacob Baab bad a law aaii tkaa BvarBlaa la aJoatloa'a cuart wblh waa deidd la favor of tba Uiur. ataatlac iiob oo tba atract aboat I a 'clock. Uideobarffer draw a ruu! aad firad. kllliaf Uoab. XaataaUy armtet ttvm iSuab ba abot baaaal Cm pbmU wbo waa paaalnf at tba tiaa. probably falallr. lla tbaa craaaad tba ( to patilec tba ULol :o bia own baadahtiC btnalf daad. ll la probable tbat law buoiaff of Caapball waa aacidMtal. aa tba Utter waa la do way c aectad wiib tba KUSad by taa rUa( af atirtad fiaaa. tliC3XVS0w Xaraat TS Spaoear Oola aaaa.o4rad. waa toataaOy kUitd bare to-day by tba baraUoc of a larra rrtad 4UMM. whU-b waa baler U lad fur tba era l tieaa. lla waa ataodtnr aboot 30 faat rrom tba etooa w Ms a piece weib le Ti poaada track hka. knock lo tba tapebJabaadoS. Oaa piara of Btona wat lb roc niaa I neb wail, taaktog m boia aJaj aa tar aa aa ordinary aVjor. aad aaotbar p4c waot tbroorb tba rowf of tba UitJdJcf taaxtof op tba Biaaka rtbt aad UfU Aaaaaa 1VUI aaa taa Tm OCrad by rt0 Vxnx. Anxoit X Tba Ecnparor of Aaaata. baa act aecapud tba traaty oo aUtad to bia by XL. Uarmma. tba rraacb aalaUUr. bat ba wUl probably atfwpttL. la addlUoa to LbeeoodiUooe .tfora aaaooacad. taa traaty rvaolrea . p-araaLara tbat a Freoca ITotactorata ,aia:1 ba raoccaliad oyer all Aaoam. Tba accrsa of tba Frecch la Aantm bA raodrrad Cblaa csora boatUa to !. ctitwaae troopa coo liana to ar rlra oa tba Aaara IrooUar. , , . , Aa Aaiartaaa lareeaeat la Klaaa Jiaaay faa Cliy Jaiyfarraiaaia. Cm of Umxtcx A at oat It la rvpertad taat aa Aaartcao ayodleata taa poremaeed tba UaaJ OalcaooU Coca paay's cataaa for $4joaaj&l Tbaaa mlnaa mrm lucatad la Paebaea. Tba lUal Dal aooata Cuaspaay baa tamed Ml a ffraat Tba CUT Coaacil baa aatborlxad ftraocta SaiTad-v if aio aad Uaaaal Al vartt to eoo tract a loan la Loodoa for xnxooa. tba aaeoay to t axopiojed la cilf taprvTaaaaata. A K i Caaiadarata ft aa laa. 6t Lorn. Aoxoit 14 A tpedal to tba INaawDcapateo froca Jeffaraoa Oty aaraMoaday tJXX aolotata of tba Quo fadaraxe aad'UaVaw armtea ara la at taadaaoa at tWooaf edtxkta nnaloa wMca backs tbara tbi4 caorclaf. A fur a aaa aarvla" tbraeca tba prlnHpaJ atraafa tba Bayor diirard aa addreea mf vtJajae to wbtca ()a Joba U ar aaadolta raapnodad, lie waa followed b-r Gao GsMdai, of Taoneaaaa, orator oftbt djy. . awJiaMaar fraaa TalaaaO aad FVaaaV - a IUtavia. Acro Tba eropOoo af tba votcaao s tka lilatd of Kraka toa coaUAuea. North UarU.la Jars, ltaoyerad wai aatxo. mod and atoaea. Tbm craiw ara f aa4 aad roala aad brV3fa ara dtroyed. Tba' JCaropaao qaartar at Aajtr arsd tha Cblaaaaeanip a&aiKaJt aire krao a wept away by tba a av ad tbo rlTrra. -'A ttial war aUo a washed tba lowrr qoarUrs of .UtUtla. . . , r .. . ,. . ,-...M ; Ckaxaa4TarUa4tiraaAad ,-k "UiKmxj JLx:'Auaat fcl Ta ayt4icaHa) o tba Jaa U oa broLbmn far a e&aar f vaoa u Caddo fariab wu rrmi.fi ty JaJra Loaaaa. CotbaUea aaa4jstd tboalyaa ready f or triai. Ibaeaaa wUl bacmiled at oooa. ; i- aaraaa Will Cwrai " ' i;t IxuruoaC Aaraatr. A cU patch La a loei erv azocy froca Siartd aayi tba pt'.n nLo,-r.oAXia.wrli caday tacMUr 14 kiir Alooao bia raa.;-uaXa fron t-e eatiaet ; . ; ; , ., ' 1 1 - . Clt a lwa a J3aaeaia riSU. 'A.tzU S3 IT na)o4aaT it bas t Uiat i"Tlrna J " f 4 t3 pcti. S. C i --i 1. fuiscUent wtUi 0-t LXaCaaokaord. CLa f aaerai of . . . - Ta Itaftal la Vlaarria UxCDX Acrtut tlreir IIaUc- uday L. Ilaac ybo J: D. I. Iz'.lr twlc ta lla t aJ aVio- TTXTM TOCTffifTn XCfS i CICVTIFIC srABTAHK. rirat Baatlaia aad aertee af Diacaa laaa by tka partaabarw Sdcaufle Aeeaalatlaa. Osrrefoeaeaaee Jcaraat-Obnar. i KriRTASBCEO. 8 C Ao XT. 18S3. Fpartaabaxf if coming forward asaln. and la a new iigni. ido nrat ocieuunc CooTeotioo bald la thia ooonty, wai bald at i'aoolat on Friday aad tiator dir. Anaoat St and 2S. Tba aaaocia'lod waa organized by tha election of Capt Cbaa FaUy. editor of tha MDarLaa. aa iTaaidant. wm U Joaaa. aq. aa Sacra tary. An eiaeatlTa oommtttea eooalaUog of lion II Bo bo, Prof Oantel DaPraa. Prof A F Walker. Col W W Tbomaon. Mr John ilaard. Dr J 8 Tbomaaoa and Mr O II 11 inch ware appointed aa a commlttae oa oooatilaXion. A prorramma oooalatlng of alz tub jacta bad bca prepared and Lbxea or foor speakara bad. bean aaalgaed to each aabjact to open tba d I apnea ion. Tba Crtt subject dlacuaeed waa -Character tba reaoltof Organ 1 ration." Tbla abject waa opened by Dr 8 0 Smith. T B Tbaekalos. aad G.W Whitman. Tba diacaaaioo took: a pbxanologAeaJ torn aad bacaxaa rery interaaUog. When opened to tha booae ondar tha flra mlo nlaa rla it was participated In by J K Janatnga. Eaq. Mr T B Tbackatoa.Capt K 11 Do bo, Eaq. Wm M Joaaa. aq. aad lUrMrbcaif. Thia a abject coat u mad tha entire morning boar and prored to ba one of tha moat Interesting topics before the eon Taction. . i la tba afternoon tba first aabjact dia rnaarl was -Man's Physical Ooaali lo tion la Itelatloa to zteroal Matora." Tba speaker aealgned to this subject wera Dr O G Falls, Dr J D Orr aad Dr II It lilack. Bat It waa dleeorered that tba calls of sick patients bad a stroagrr hold on doctor than area scientific coar en Hons. All these speakers ware aheent. bat the question was not allow ed to be passed oyer onnoUoed. It was aloeidaxad by Dr Thorn ssoo1CoI Thons soa. Mr Thackatoa and Mr Whitman. Tba day waa closed with the sb Meet, "A Knowledge of Physiology Abso lutely KaaeoUal to a Correct Dlagno is." This proposition was maintained by Dr J 3 Tbomseon. He waa replied to by W M Joaaa. wbo maintained that Patbology Instead of PbysloloKy should be the chief study of the common prac titioner. The convention then adjoarned for the day. j Go Saturday morning, in the abaeaoa of the president. M J 11 liryce, q. of the bpaxtanburg bar, waa elected tarn porafy chairman and presided daring the morning session, i The first query presented was "Does the present system of panlshmeat tend to laeeen crime or reform the criminal? The a pool a ted speakers on this subject were il rears W 3 Tbocaaaon. Wm M Jtioea. J K Jennings. of tha Spartanburg bar. Col K U Bob.) and Uat u W Wblw man also eogaged la this debate. We call It a debate t It was a veritable glad laiortal coolest. It eocld hardly have beea othrrwlae with foar lawyers and a preacher as oonteatanta. The second sabject of tha day was "XedoeUtal co-operUoo. the principle wbicb ealtea the latereats of both pro ducer and coasomer." Prof H V Walker, superintendent of the State deaf and dumb asy I omj Mr C II Utrscb,of Germany; Hon E II B4dy aad Col W W Tbomaon, editor of the Oaf aey Carolinian, were expected to deliver addreaaaa. Qrcamstancee prevented Prof Walker and Mr Ulraca f roe meeting this ezpaetatkm. but the abject waa fully enUlated by Captain Bo bo and Col Tbomaon. the former showing tha danger and evils to the people of vast aggregations of capital; the lattar showing the great benedta of tod as trial cooperation In the produc tion of Ttlar. Ia the af lernoon the last sabject was disco seed; "The tawa governing plant life aad. the teo sate aecaaaary to Its development" . . On this sabject Prof DADatoa,of WoSjrd Colleare. read a very enteruin lag and Instructive essay. This closed the dlacosalons of the first Sdeotlfia coaventlon ever held In Spar taa burg county, or w beilevs,la this SUU. t . The committee oa constitution made their report, and a const ttolioa waa adopted. plating j tha -Spartaabarg Cosnty ; be i sot til AssoctsUon" oa a wextssnant footing. The f olio w tug oCJ- oare were elected for the enialnjr year: President Jaa II CarllsJ, A M. lL. D. praaident of Wofford OoUega. let V ioe. I'Twdao t Capt Chaa Petty, Editor at the Carolina Spartan. Sad Viee-Prraident lrof D A Da Pree, A M. Irof of natural science at Wofford College. Secretary ; and r TYaeeurer Dr J 8 Thoauaon. . ,- t . 1 ' Tha rasotts of thia first convention were very flattering. Oa both days the s! tend nee was large and attentive, all eaemed pleased, and far aa we could leera the universal expression of opin ion waa that tha Idea and place were good aad tha convention a decided too- taa. it is ho pea taat otaer oounue easy roiJow the example ana was im outgrowth of this arjranlxatlon may be a State gcleauoa convention wnicn will be an honor to Booth Carolina, 1 1 iHiga CJlssalag. ! H.i . The shot tour in Baltimore Is 117 feet bis a. Oa the top of tit la a slender stall 13 feet high, Monday last a lightalnc rod man wast op the tour and" climbed op to tha top of tba sun, creating no Hula exoitemeet among tNe crowd of toe kera oa aodarneatb. While la this perUeaa rneltloo Che staff raeemwbUe swaying lUa a wlHow ts adjattrxlcer. Lain lightaalag rod gUsaea and ranew- ad the Cse haillardsv- The ell mbersUt ed that the air was so fall of electric earreats that be waa compelled at one time to slipqulckly down the poiesotne six feet, and la doing so lacerated bis bands, la oompieung cia wora ne wuj be com palled to go down the tllgbtnlng rod oaUida of the tower end repair any defects which rosy appear. ',4 ' : tlas-eate Aasd -' CorassHad. Nklt tlesaaoai ra.acyst rteawfciea , , ,. . -. Crete ia Baasla 9 1 -w- .1 Ft rrrrksktntb. Aogntt 23 OScUI astiBaaLeeef the wheat aad other crops in Ucsslashow that the yield will be gtatrally aiiiiradorj. XZta rtaa Day sm f rfji e-u s Wtoa ta hiau It was m 1 T tonliii.i (U pna t!Vi tak ar. nl t i. 1 fe.rt w t.2jm I tuff gfi uo i t.vv v iIUi..i ( brf b t .! ta. t t 4 1 k e fN t f.4Af laciJa tim. i?ri" . I MMU t 1-4 ' Li WT. SS t " l-Vi. Ik I m it i ! lie w-if- r f i, J f r f . r.. t a r c it - - f -rj t i t t . c 1 ff i ' "T i .. UilU4l;. i i 1 4 -w t S4 N3ia tor Ct. Jacota mtxm I Be a aarma ta yeor r- GIT M . ? irmal aj DeratnrB tf.Wa UCXTMOXD altD DtHTTLXJL La ktr Uaa Deoca 8.80 a. n. aad 4.80 a. as. antva Z.00 a ss saa LAO a, am. arJtUJTX J70S.H.S&4 3 10B.BS. SO a. am, aaa 4.10 a. as. axme CatkLOTTX. OOUTatBLt kRO kDaUSTk. leasea.iOB.maaadsnea.as. ; ": J: caa jl-juT. a umsioii.' "- 4tO sv. ea. ea4 irdw at taOO a. am. . CikOtJUA I r - t Laava 8.41 a. ss. aad 7.1 0 s. am. arrive 7.00 a. ss. aaa ftAk a. av CC-I Leave 130 a, bv. i rXXTXSZOH. arrtre iakOa.sm. la 4 ex ta Haw Ad v Mrs ItQ H sweets -asnnaaeesism. T L Seg;te a ce -hw aeoaa. B H ieraaa Oa-Teis Kpeaes Spttag wstse. mnme a Trooee roatura aaa wtaaawaky e BargraveA antrlas. ladloataeaa. South AUanUa States, fair, followed by partly clouded weather and local rains, north to east winds, becoxalng variable, falling barometer, stationary temperature. A young man named Cea Adams while grin ding a' tool oa tha Emory wheel In Llddell & Oos shops yeeterday; allowed the tool to twist from bia band and strike the aide of tha wheel, canals g tha wheel to break In pieces. Ona piece made a ' close call for the bead of . Mr Adams, which If It bad struck the temple would In all probability have proved fatal. Parseaal. W.C. fienet of the Abbeville (S. C) bar is at the Central IIotaL Mr.Beoet ta here aa proeecating counsel In the Shields-&Uoa ease at tha Instance) of the family of Joseph G. SlUon. whose slayer will be arraigaed for trial at thia term of court. Rev. A. D. Ilepbaro, D. D , ptaaldent of Davidson College, was in tha city yesterday on bis return from along vacation visit tc tha Narth and North west. Oraage Bl see seas la The wedding bells chimed oat merrily In Concord Last night, and a spirit of joyous festivity seemed to pervade the hole town; Lb scent of orange blos som filled the air, aad tha towns people were all agog In discussing the happy event, and La expressing their happiest wishes In advance. The occasion waa the wedding of Mr. Marshal Key Wil liamson, of Winston, to Mis Sallle WllfswB PbLTer. of Concord. The cere mony was performed at the bride's resi dence, at t o'clock p. mi, by Key. Joeeph Y. Allison, formerly of Concord, bat now of Vermilion t Parish. Louisiana. It was ona of thai moat brilliant wed dings that baa ever excited CoocordAnd the high aooal stand I nit and general popularity of tha bride made it an arent of more than ordiaary interest. In place of the usual circle of attendant at the ceremony, ah umber of' lit Ue fills, all co atlas to tLj bride, were rangtd aroand la pairs, making' an oniqae efTecL Their name ware Misses Emily GIbeoo. Mary Moore Yoenjc. Sadie Yeang. Elizabeth Oibaon, Grace White, ; Fannie , Young and Addis Young. . At the proper moment In the ceremony , atla miiy Ulbeost etepped forward and presented, tha maxrlage nns to the bride. .. . ; -f 'f;.-.; V4 After the ceremony was , through with, and tba bsppy couple had re- eel ved - the eongratalatlona of their friends, the. airinged; Ldttramanta icava oat their soanda, tad, the gay young eon pie tripped off into the mazy figures of the german, . In . which . Mx. Sam. Pritchard and tha bride led. 1 The ger taan was eontlaaed - until time) for the departure of tha 3v inston .bound Lrsln, upon which the newly wedded, accompanied by a large party of friends, left for .Winston, their fatax borne. where Another germaa and reception wUl be giten them, In all of our ex perience we have never known a couple more happily mated. The bride la the qnly survlriag daagher of .oaa of the Sealthlest and moat prominent ftznilies (barraa, aad la noted f or her many winning charms of bead end beart, her modest, retiring disToalUon, her, quiet grace and beauty.'. 5 f watt tha queen of fee town, and Ln yielding her to the fortunate wlaaerof her heart and band. the people af CoanrdvBtaocg whom aha waa reared aod rlred, do -to with per bspa a UtUa feeling of .' envy, bat with the hope that be will appreciate the prize be haa eaptured, and that tha life so cruhuy begun wiu run it course throc-b .unclouded dkja,. with, happi ness and peace around them, and end as peacefully and aa happily aa It was begun.; Twa First UaiaaPrartdeaee has the About 7 5 o'clock last night' we re- celTtd from the oCce of Oatea Bros, la this city, tha following information: The first bale of aaw crop cotton raised tn Mecklenburg eonnty. was sold this dsy by W Ir 11 art Is, ef Providence township. Ths bsls el&ssed fully did' dlln.r. wslfhed tSO poands, and was purcaased t?y Oites Uroe at 10740 per pounds . . , ;.-;;r.,.. . -. . About fifteen minutes later we re- celted the follovrtag rpecitl dipttchto the JorBAt. OasxitTzat fnna r,- Cact II U rrts.cf ProviJtact to ship,, acid V iL-:U7 bsJeof cof . to-dty to a Yoasta, Loa a Co, at ic;;a per pound. Tts wt' -tt wri tzi It . TBLE BlCQklOIf D FORGER. C T Claverlas alias Charles B Starke Delivered late the Meads . el the Xtiehaaead AatkeriUea. It was announced on Baturday that a young white man calling himself Chas B Starke and claiming to be from Bich- mondVVahad been arrested on Friday in front of the Western Union Telegraph offlse in this place on a charge of for gery made known, by, telegraph to the chief of the dry police. The rascal bad just then forged the name of 'Chas B Starke to .a .telegram directed to the First National Bank of Richmond and requesting the cashier to send him one hundred dollars by wire. It was for a forgery of the same name on a check in Richmond some weeks ago that he waa wanted by the Virginia aalhoritieeAs soon as the information' of - hU arrest here waa telegraphed to Richmond, a requisition for 'Starke waa obtained from the Governor of Virginia and car ried at once to Governor jam at Raleigh by special officer Wallac e Wash ington, wbo arrived here yeeterday with the order of rendition. ' riir t From officer Washington , it was learned that the real name of the forger is C T Quverius and that be " has two aliases, H Grayson and Chas B Starke. Very little la known or bia antecedent, bat it is supposed that he came to Rich mond from the neighborhood of West Point, a town. i tasted on York river, about 40 milee distant. It is also sup posed be most bare had . In the past some business relations with Chaa. B Starke, a prominent merchant of West PolnCwho keeps a bank accoant with the Frst National Bank of Richmond. More than two weeks ago, Claverias forged the name of Starke on a check for 91Z& and aucceeafully passed It to Mr Scbwarzehlld; a Jewish merchant of Richmond, from whom he purchased about 20 in clothing and obtained the remainder . in cash. Schwarzchild endorsed the check and put It Into the bank. Tha forgery was not discovered until a few.days ago. CluYeriva bad come to this place and pot op at the Charlotte Hotel where It was found after the arrest that ba was In debt for two weeks board and his baggage was held for the debt. On Friday evening last be undertook to forge the name) of Chas B Starke to a telegram for money, but as oon as the telegram was re ceived tba cashier of the Richmond Bank telegraphed to West Point to as certain whether Chas B Starke was at borne and found that he was. It waa evident that the money-order telegram was a forgery and the cashier at ones aent a telegram to our chief of police which brought about the arrest aa already mentioned. . When Capt Washington -visited the jail yesterday .and. told. Claverius his mission the clever rascal' expressed the greatest willingness to go back to Rich mond and be tried for the offense, This was regarded by the officer as an at tempt 00 the youag man's Pt to take an advantage on the way to Richmond. bat it only served : to keep the officer's eye on him more closely. ' daTerlas Is about X3 or 17 'years of 'isa and appa rently a nice young man, , surxxioit COTKT. Drawing eflhe Graad Jary aad aa Ez eellaat CTsarge Delrvered te Tkeaa. J ndge pllaer .arrived by . tha aouth bound train, daa hare at 10 pnt, yes terday, and according to the adjoorn ment of the court by the aheriff oxt the day previous, proclamation was made at 8 o'clock that the court was open for business. The clerk and officers pro ceeded to draw ft grand Jary and the following were drawn and a worn grand jurors tor the termTTW W Ward, fore man, H O Hohbaro, J.Mc Hunter, Wm Sample, E U lIktU.ir, 'J J Bansoo; B 0 Bearer, J T !T7Ul3; D W Uorris, R O Cathey, W O iLtCcle,T F Walker. J H .Walker W M GanowayR M Wal ker, E W Qaery, J,C XI nunler and J 0 Beard. '"; 't -t'-1'- J1'1, '--"-ii.i,0 J odga tlllmer In his 'address to the Jurors for the State, began, by apologiz ing for his absence on Monday, and by expressing his feeling of 'feebleness la undertaking tha hekvy work of clearing the Mecklenburg docket, r fHla defini tion of the duties of the grand Jury was clear and concise and so plain that no one could fall unersUnd.j -He fold themtb'ey were thenJy actmlng body kaiown to the la w.'and sought 'to im press them with a sense' of . their res ponsibility for good order in the corn m unity, nil general deSrtlHon of erime the wilfal denial of the rights and P4r llegee of - the eitixeri, waa used to aid tbeTory In qulcily arrivinsTat 'some concl usion is tp whelefta ofT8&$s iss been committed. - lie then touched up on the rindpal and i more ,'coramon offenses againat the Law In . a tceneral way, bat put ipeclal emphasis on the fifCansa of carrying concealed weapons. He regretted thi offense waa o com mon among" the highly ' respectable citizens of the community and appealed to tha jorors if thsre had been a time when ft citizen could not go from Cher okee te Curritnck without arms, i His JasUy severe rebuke to per Jarers Was but the Vmdlrnant ""'repetition'"'' of what ' Is to-dty administered from every court of JotUce. This crime is alarmingly on the' increase; the gates had been thrown open and 'there; was no limit to .witness-bearing and we are now leaping the haiveet cf perjaryA He next d welt r on the -cuty .cf the court officers, calling .-attention to the ".'.tzry condition of the j til which was :t?d ti4',IIi3 Ji-a of. ft Jallor,wts .. j wLh htiaznity and fiae ssntlmest . .zzzzzlzz C3cd thtre of thai fisIUt of buoxa kindness. ." ' .; K: Tha cenditica cf tha public rosii vzs a matter of Importance, and he called upon the clerk of the court to produce the reports of superyisors of the roads. Very few bad reported and he directed the jury to ascertain- by any means in their power the condition of the roads. and if proper to indict the supervisors for neglect of duty. ; 11 ?; The order in the jcourt room was re markably good during the delivery of the charge ; in fact the Judge would not proceed until spectators standing in the aisles bad been shown' to seats. After an officer to attend the grand jary had been sworn? and the jury. Lad retired the following were drawn as jorors for the first week: J Watt Kirk pat rick. R M Ross, D G Maxwell, Wm Ochler, T J Walker. John Xnck, W I Barringer, J M Cook. Z W 8 Taylor, F M Ballard, R F Auten; A H Hartsell, T Sammohd. . The court spent a short while before adjournment in running over the dock et. The case of r the State . rs James White and - Edgar Miller for murder, will., be taken up this . morning and a special renire sabposnaed to try the case on Thursday. ' Hotel Arrival ' Ckntkaz. Hotxx. F A Ste wai t, Bal timore; A R Banks and wife,' South Carolina; J B Pegram. W M Glenn, South Carolina; W Washington, Rich mond; B Greenwood, Wilson, NC; J P Bosser, Danville; J T Bradley and wife, Wadeeboro, N C ; Master Hudson, Washington. D C; H P Jones, Rock Hill; Geo P Cotehett, Wilmington, N C; Rer Fred W Eason. Newborn; LB White, Greensboro; Ii McCaudless, Camden; CE Jones, Warren ton ; OH MeDaniel, Colombia; W H Bethla, 8 Carolina; Chas McRae and wife, AI fordsville ; Mrs N-A McLane, Lumber ton ; Mr T A Norman t, Willie Kor ment, Lumberton ; W J Montgomery, B A McTan, Chas Tale, T D Win chester, Wm Wagner, M C Freeman, E R Little, Jno Lee Sloan, Jno Lee Sloan, Jr. Jno F Caldwell and son. A P Bhyne, Jno C Paett, 37 FCsnnqn, B K Daren- port, u H wuuams, ifrj stough, u x McAden. Jno A Dodson. W E Younts, A D Hepburn, Charles A FIte, North Carolina; Wm T Rives and wife, St Matthews, S C; Mrs OB? Baker, Sam ter; J B Williams, Fayette vUle ; M L Dolby, wife and daughter, Miss H Bav enel, Miss J RareneL Charleston; Geo Bedfern, Fred nargrave, A Gilchrist, Wadesboro; Miss Ramsey, Shelby ; C G Crews Atlanta ; Edward M Young. N Y; John A Gilmer, Greensboro; W C Benet, Abbeville ; S R Williamson and wife, N C; JL Wortham, Wortham, Texas; Dr J B Anderson, J M Bigger- staff, NC; J A Hall, S C; McA Me- Manua, Texahaw, S C. . . - STATE HEWI. Greensboro Patriot: Two nrominent and respected dUzena of Ureenaboro. Col Jamee W Dick, a brother of Hon. Bobt p JLMcx. : and Mr Isaac xnacker died on Saturday last.' -There are now sevenry-nine Doaruers at : tne ureens- Doro jremaie College. Wilmington Review: Mr J - J IMd- ren. ox caintucx township, Pender county, one day last week killed ft rat uesnaxe which was just aix xeet long. A new flra company comneeed of colored men haa been organized in Wil mington on tne north i aide of the rail- tad. . It is named "Rescue, No. 1." and the members hare supplied themselves wiu new tumonns. ; Rale! ffh Visitor: The many friends of Mr P F Peecud, Sr, in Raleigh and throughout the State, will regret to hear of his serious illness at the Warm 8 prin g&vr The open air meeting at the old Governor's palace waa rery well attended Sunday afternoon, t A similar service will be held at the same place at a o'clock on Sunday afternoon next. Goldsbbro Messenger: ; Burins? the thunder storm of Friday night the light ning played rather an unusual prank in the course or. its wandering -aroand seeking for something to devour. Mr 8 H Denmark . has over, a . dozen hay stacks standing In his barn-yard, and the lightning struck and burned down one of them. In the midst of the cluster. wiinout injuring any 01 tne otnera. , - Butherford Eaterprise: The Bather- ford College has opened Tery . prosper ously. Airaany largely over 100 stu dent have entered, and every day brings Ih new ones.- To-day. Capt. Ar drey's son from Mecklenburg, Mr Por ter's sons from Union, and Dr Grissoms son from Raleigh, have entered school here. A large number is expected next week. Dr Abernethy is getting bet ter of his rheumatism. The mineral spring at Rutherford College has attain ed some prominence as a r watering place. f-, ,,jN?srjws.? -, . Tarbcro Gukfe: Col John E LindseT. of Rocky Ilount, f ell dead on the streets Of that town at aa early hour last Tues day, of heart disease, i He was prepar ing to tree in nis bassr ror the Duroose of attending the Superior court now in session at xasnvuiew wnen tne -sad ac cident befell himself, his family and the community; col Lmcsay.w&s in tus sixty-fifth year and waa one of the best known men in the community.- ' His was a kind heart, ; and bo had lived without an-enemy, - In Nash county where he was born and lived, he had been a Colonel of Militia, justice of the peace, county commissioner and mem ber of the legislature. In all the walks of life he did hi duty to the best of his ability. Who could do more? Baleigh News Observer: Last Friday while the family of Mr Pace, living half a mile from Samaria church,' a few milee east of this city, were at church, leaving at the house only an aged lady, a mulatto man-came to the house and attempted! to force the door open. The plucky old lady at once took a shot gun and going to a window fired at the man; who then ran off. "She saw his face and may ba able to identify him. Aa he sprang oat of the lot another man jump ed out of the bushes near the house, wnere ne oaa neen concealed. - lie waa no doubt - watching while his accom plies , made 1 toe attempt: to enter the Ctatnrh at 2ia Clavdder - -fitlBKlr r hTltatlon, lnCatasttoT, aT Kidney and Priaaiy ComplalntB. cured by fcacha-paUa. tl Ttta DMlei'f CtadaraeneBti Dr. W. D. Wrifht. af Ctoetonaa. O.. aenda the a.bjolned profeaatonal endoraeasentt "I have preiteribed in. Wm. Hall'a Balsam for the Lunca la a gTpat number of eases and aJwars with auo eass. Oae ease to pardeuUr was gl-n up by aer eral pbyielaiia abo had bean called la for eons ul tutlon with myaetf. Tba paUent had all tbe ytnptoine of eonflrmed eooMimpdon eold night wata. JteeOe rerer. harMlBC cough, eta. He commenced immediately to get better and waa soon restored to his onoal beatth. I have a ao foaod Dr. Wm. Haifa Balsam for tbe Lungs tba mow vaioaote expectorant ror Dressing uf, ai- nnoi magna ana oojae wm 1 nave aver aaea ANNOUNCEMENT. To Onr Friends and Patrons: We hare airtrrd homarona tbe North with a portion of SEW FALL GOODS and to-make room for them we shall sell si COST the remainder of our summer stock. aog28dlw , . MBSLaaO.HXTOOsIB. A FULL USX or A ItTLL USX 01 BLACK GASIIIIO&ES, Bought arlow prleeaand Sold at Close Profits, ax wars - - nzhumB nun stock a ' - .4. .'. ....... a .- - tr ! . i- - 7.. ". 0s, ; .-: v BLACK GOODS Before baying elseabere. BesoUtal Una of Neck RoocliiDg, Collaretts, Etc, ...... . .... .... .. ....... :.irF ........... .,, JUST OPENED. sw-Girx ua a cxtt. - ":-"-. T. L. Seterle 6 Co. We are Agents for THX 1 1. TATE gpsoii spnmG Water, WILL FURBISH R Cff Ba&XXLS OB LXS3 ' QUAKxrrY, at speiitgs pnicns. -A Fresh Stock - . , . . i ! i. fs. . , - :. '"T::i::su;U- - ;: CONSTANTLY ON HAND. If Hi M JORDAN-(6 CO., 1 5i4nniinnicTc 1 44 f.T 1p apt j w v i; f -1 A LOT OCT KOSQUnOKXTSANB CAK0P1X3. - orLcrmTArKS aianztmsa, t JMiwlt.- I - in '4.' BUI.a ilnntta 'aafTSMa' Ann iv Btkj; TaSUCTAKS. FLaCT JLno CEXCkOCQ j'lj L"'.ri"'J'-'Ul.'S5''l f A 'J''f-'U: i---': JACKONXTS, , eta. ; -r&X-'M - ,v r'kfew X.mXN3 and Bummer SEX3S GOODS Call sad sat bargains la all ktoda a Dry eoods, lor Uey mast and sbaU ba sold at 80HX pries. " unoLnsnLn c-nocnnnn ' i i vuuego cuvoi, uiauoue, h. u . - ; Fall stock slway ta atop. T2skast prides paid rJTji'""' " wntwanauaut, ;. j . juijtouu ,.,,.. ....... - .. ... . vMIhSHOOREv Will opea ner aebeol on Iron da v. -tha'al'it af r.tv. tetaber, 183. ' Every arraomeat baa beea mude for tba comfort of her t.irn . Th.M.n. welt vetuiisted and a fail Bufply of pate at aeeks. ' V X.Vat". " a a vi; iiuug all sU'utep 1 royt W. Y. llaaycuet tiv"Msnpi chool i N 3L - ..1 ...ir rns i ; . -m,m a,.Ai .t..i. nw.wi . OAt r 'jat iptt may. Sif-t.vsraT 141 J e aAla rak- 'f! m al teft erraa. UlAal t..r I r i m... . . ; aw. wuw a, a m.. J Wt t UlCMr PUSlfettfDBI also eur&a ciT aWi? iir. r reaM4ffl. ei. wt ne , aVAIaaV aa . '. Vu. iBHjOIV.. New Goods lilitiiifi! .W.J;BIalflSi Tot Dyapvpalak. OoiUmimi, Slekc UMMlmcha. Cbroalt Dlax. -rfMaa, Jaoadlca, Imparity of tba Blood, Fever aad '"JT 1 '' " ;i ill and aU Dleeaeos m csnaed by Da range memt of Urr, Bowels aad Kidney. SYMPTOMS Of A TJISKAJTED UTTA , Bad Breath i Pais ia th Side, woutim tha pate ia fdt aodsr tha ShoStdar bUd. aafattakea far B heiiaiatitm j general loaa of appetite; Bowda geaeraUy coetive, asatiatea alternating with Ux the head fa troubled with oala. fa dull aad burr. with cneairlcvMa loaa of aietaory. accoaBpanied ' wtthapaniUienaatiaaofleavingttndoaeiaaiethinf which eaeht ta have aeea done: a alicht. drv couch cthing couch aad Suahed nioa fa sometimes aa attandaat. ofiea ' Ifatakaai far aoaaoaiptioai tha paoaat corapl.ina a waanaaw aad debility; aara aa, aaaUy atarticd j set cold or burniag. inntiia.i J prickly of tha akia aaiata; piritB ara lew aad dcapoaMtea, . aad. although aatiaoad that aaercfae would aa ln ' acial. yet one can, hardly aaauaoa up fartitu - to try it ia fact, diatrusta every revBady. Several of the above ryarptonM attend tha diataia. bufcana have occuiiad whea but few of thcaa existed, yet examtnaboa afier death haa ahowa the Liter to have eeaa exteoaivery dcraaevd. . B alkoaM Va aaacl try an poneae, aid aad -. yoang, waMaavear aay af tha abova : t.. syaaptotaa Paraaaa TrawoUaw aw livfag la TJav , t n""vr.T tvl"C a rtn.a orrasina . ally a keep the Livar in haakhy aetioa, will avoid . afl Maleela. BUlowe attach a, IMzaiacaa, Naa. - sea, DrowmiBjrai. Depression of Spirits, etc U , wUl urvigoratahkaagUaaaf wine, aatUaabf tTl rating bovorago. .' W Tea haw. aataai aaytKlsg aard at ; jtlgaatlaa. ar feat heavy after asaaia, aa alawav. laae or Tight, take doae aad yoe wul be reueved. Tbai pad Doctor B1XU win ba aavad by alwmye fcaepJaaj Uaa BogoJaior , - .,v - la Uva Haaaet - ror, whatever the ailmeat asay be. a flieraagUy parfaurs, alteraUvo aad toado can be out of place. The remedy te hai ailijaa deea nvoi latarbra wUJ. mm pleaeoxo. Aad haa all the power aad eoVcacy of Cahx t Qtunina, without any of the Uqwotm alter i A OoToraoi. TaatJaaaay. , SiBSaaaa. Liver Regulasor haa been In aba ia Sry faauly far some time, and I ant sathhed B h) a, valuable addition to the aiadlcal acienea. t - J. Cut. Snosxsa. fio.ni am af kin. . K. flfmntiaaa aa? tfla . aaya: Have derived aecae bencht frpea the ana el Siauaaaa Liver JUgaauar, aad wish te give it a aWtBa?eT eVaaaaU BeOlovey I have aaad axanv i aa a ilijia tor Ive ; epata, Uver Aftactiea aad Debility, hut tne ava faand aaythiag te benefit ate te the nM ' Kegulaaor haa. I aeat iroaa hita. ia for it. end miU &rth far laaMdidnaw aad sU . ilnli. .11 .k. - Harry aSactad to giva it a trial aa it secant tbe only thing that never Uda to relieve. f'M. JmMmmw, MTnatapoEs, Mlaa. paraaaoahtuut """fii m 'luTttJS-T ' mmy nuuMje a nave I aad praacriba k aa a I L XTak only die Oeaoiaa. which aJwey aaa oa the Wrapper the rod S Trado-Markt aad 81gaatn-a or J. If. ZKUXIi M CO. rOR SALE BY ALL DRtlpClSTS. FOR SALE. A lfl Home Dntarhed Tnaina. erttti IK hrm, m. torn Tubular Bollor. In perfect erdar and aa good a. new. wua au neeeeaary ptptog and eoneaetiooe Ala. b 20 -Inch Pony JPlaoer. a wood bendlna nxa- uuk-. W1U1 i.ni.1 uu4 fuufc o.v mu9 m , -iij cu Cirealar Saw aod taWa. aU ef wnloa wUlbeeetd asap. Apply ta .. . 1 -. . . , uu, uuua AT CUL, aagZSdlw ' . Oppoalle Ceort House.' WANTED. - j . To bur ar rent a faooaa of rmra a to ft nuni' mat be tat good locality, and tn perfect repair. j. : aauran ....... taox is. cnacoua, M. u. - BOsa6dtt ; .. ...........: J.H. - OVXBS TO THX - Wholesale and Retail TRADE t ! i i V'.i 1 ' n A Largo Stock : of fill. . I . 1 J i fYABNISHES, :,'v'j- It . !:.T ? -'. '.ji.f j'I '5 . ?:. .-!-.,. .. J' ... v!--;-i- j.,;,'-..-.- , , .."A ' ; 1 4 Ih.jiu v .: . .. - .rt var.'-i.i-iTae I -.v - . 1,, j j;i . ! ;. I-J ;,,l r',, .:,U I ,f TWO CAR LOADS liiiEi nl 1;J .n; 'j.jr" . J. H. r.lcADEiM. Melon i r , n .1 : a n i iincmnn 1 .la at OU,iaae ty laewia aaa. -a. V. I e - ? I CTLL'S HiI3 LKD EISZZ3 CTS, C3 cents, fczjliJl

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