THE OJlIIsY CZLAHLOTTE JO UIUTJiE, TUE DMZ.ircnjMni.OTTE O US Ell fJCJX, COJrSOZIDJLTED wfICXTST, 1SS3. i Kaablieb Jaaeary . 1SSS. CHARLOTTE, N. O., THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 5 ailg 2auruttt-lrscroct; BTATB NEWS. Rllgh New-Observer: Work on the ' Rtcbmond and fcoutbern road, wblcb runs to UJteyjtvoa rapidly. 8tei raiJa are pu being- ahtpprd. and the track will be laid within five miles or ClrkYllle by October. At Norfolk tvatartUy Wa htaittoa Emerson,colored, la a fit of jealousy shot bis wife. When arreaud be coolly said be bad a right to boot her, aha waa his wife. Emmerson and his wile went to .Norfolk from Warreo eocnty. N C Mrs Bailie B Ituflo. wlf e of Dr John K Iluffla, died . at br residence In Wilson Monday night, lira Baffin was daughter of Col Joanna Tavloe, and was born and rid In tbe town of Washington, N C l'rof J W Gore, of tbe University. after an extenelve tour In Europe. Tlsit inar the leading universities, Jtc. has safely arrived ml th home of his father near Winchester. Va. He will be on hand at the opnin of the University. Prof Gore purchased valuable apparatus for his physical laboratory while In Germany Last Thursday while two negroes were dljrglotr a well at Brum ! tfprlngm. near fllgh folnt. one of them went to the bottom and waa orer come by the carbon le acid gas which had aeeamulatrd. The other man went attar him and tied a rope around him. The first man waa then drawn op and saved. The second one died. It re quired fire hours time to get out tbe foul air. The parties going Into tbe well found the aeart man sitting beside the side of the well, which waa a very deep one. j Wilmington Star: Monday morning Jack JJtiueu,a well known colored huckster, also known by the name of Jack Davis, who lived on Uarnett, be tween Seventh aod Eighth etrveta. Rot . up and pal on his clothing wtlb the ir of awaiting to the market, bui waa ciz-d with a choking sensation and died la a few minutes. Considerable Im provements haTe been made In aod about tbe grounds of the St. Thomas CaLhoIie ometery, near this city, and tbe work la still being continued. Tbe directors ot the Wilmington Library Asaoclatlon have issued an ad dress invoking public interest In the Institution. j Lam her ton Robonian: Dr Yro pill, of Lumber too. Is perfecting a ma chine which hatches eg without the services of a hen. -Tbe excessive drouaht wblcb haa prevailed with little or do lotermUslon sloee tbe 8th day of last July, was effectually broken by a Co; lous ahowtrot rain last Saturday iiigbt. Tbe magistrates of Duplin county, upon a question of abolishing tbe Inferior Court,madeeiculatton and they found that they bad saved the county 5j0 per annum. Tbe court was not abolished. I Wilmington Review: The Wllmlng too Jfc WeUion. Wilmington. Columbia Jfc. August a.-and all tbe other railroads embraced within the same manage nr m m kin arraimmenta to have tanks a the several water stations on both sides of the track so that water and wood can be taken while psssen- 5ers are getting on aod off the train. he atmosphere baa been fully ten de grees cooler this week than It was last Friday and Saturday. t j Winston Leader: A colored man In ihls place ate a thirty poond water aelon. nnaasUted. the other day. The .operation n quired much unbuckling And unbuttoning. We were recently nowa a button found on the battle 4eldoC Guilford court bouse. Carved .on It waa the figure of a British soldier, gtfle In band, and the figures 1770. . j Oxford Torchlight: Granville farm .ers commenced cutting and curing lo Tvaco Last week. The great bulk of the .crop, however. Is late, and nothing; but 'he foroearance of a late frost can save ft. Kick and Uglr I in fhnma ' The richest man In the Cur's domain Is a little, shriveled up old fellow, with mm nrn face and hesitating , step, almost slovenly in outward ap pearance, x ei in anancui ibuuw u is to UoMla what Vanderbllt is to America. He la a Muscovite, tbe grand eon of a man who left llano ver and took op his resideoee In Russia during Xhe reign of Alestnder L This little old man has no claim to noble distinc tion. lut as the Czar one time by acci dent addressed him as -BaronT ha has since been known as Baron de bteiglitc. aad haa negotiated almost everr loan of the llnsatan government This man haa mill loo 4 on millions of raoney at Inls control, and annually adds to his prodigious fortune, lie U a widower aad childless, but has - an Pted daughter who will probably Inherit his ast wealth. Such Is the Rothschild of Russia.,, - r- . , j , Javsstagauag.tke ITU Jk D. R. B. Deal. : lbs New York Commercial Adver tiser says thst the latest play to be pro- - dnced on the Wall street stage will con sist of a legal Investigation into Rich mond and Danville operations In tbe winter of lol-8i when the stock was peabed up to 30 and Richmond and West Point Terminal to 803. An opin ion' Is alleged to have been rendered by W II Evar u. who decides the operations clearly Illegal. The prosecution baa been provided with transcripts from, books of stock booses tbatdid business for operators, and developments prom ise to be interesting, and to show many peculiar ways and devices by which large poolrng'morementj are created, cgyralel and dissipated. x:... Way ae Wore Red. ,'9mUVoX. . -..---.,...; Yes." said y ooig S$ monds, "I think Leo wore thst red dress oat into the Jleld on purpose to haye that cow give fear an excuse for climbing the tree and -rutin there till we fellows went to he reacoe. At any rate,- she bad a nlhty elegant set of hose on." .".,:.; TkeCireatfctalwartIa4atrr - -efsshlBgtea FeU (Xtom.) ; ' : ' ' : Despite the alleegad devotion of the -mdmlulstartlon to the principles of ei jl serrlce reform tbe. great stalwart Industry of -maklcg vacancies" to oblige friends Is still prosecuted. Tm. W. D.'Wfht. o Ctortnmatl. O . Ota mt lXna jreflol mman(i M tan r r-r 1 04 I't. W b. HiH b tor tbm I no iitricui6rttur aoS 1J 1U ooaeajaln tUcui r orpiJf rl rbrv-lM abn b4 beaa iwl in toe eoulr ui ru mrit. Taa pau-n bid tl ."1 f.KMMrfWD'naH oBMapUl--M Hi tit --(. aea. xic ewrt, H. . 4lBfl4 IMMMUMI to ft tKU'f ai4 M woo rr i cl a. el 1 ,h KMiivd ir mm. Bail IUia f lf ih -tTtomt Tiloati erpartonust fof trwuLlrf ,nSi ifessiri cowstij aod Mi Uial I " ' riX53 TO0TOiCH3 C20r3 ears ta oos asla- VOLCANIC JAVA. Towns ; Deatreyed ay Voleaaie Oat. , bremks aadTiSal WaveaJlejirIdres Leat. ' : Loxix)X, Aognst 20 A dispatch from Batavla. Java, to Lloyd saya the towns of Anjier. Tjiringine and Telok bare been destroyed by tbe rolcanlo eruption it also ssvs tnat ail tne iignt nousea in Sunda atralts have disappeared and that where the mountain of Mamar former ly stood a stream now flows. The as pect of Sunda straits is much changed and navigation oangeroua. BatavUl. August 29 A, tidal wave comDletelv destroyed Caaller. many persons there were killed. The loss of lire among both Europeans and natives at north listeria waa enormous. Since noon yesterday everything has been quiet. The sky Ls clear and com munication with Sevange has been res tored. Tbe temperature fell ten degrees Aioooay. Dut it is now as its normal height. The town ls covered with thin lsyer of ashes which was so hot when falling that it killed birds. Tele graph linemen report that while they were at work repairing the line near Anjter early Monday they saw a high column ox sea aooroacninar witn a roar lng noise. Tbey fled Immediately with out learning the fate of the Inhabitants. The Quarrlee at Merak have disappear' ed and ail the people of the place per ished. The floating dock at tne island of Onrust nesr Batavia is adrift and Is badly damaged. .... An Ei -Col lector of Hew York mm Freed. Nkw York. August 29 Suit has been begun by Edmund 8tetheneon against Thomas Murphy. ex-collector of tne port of New York, for the reooverv of the amount of an alleged fraudulent draft upon liogh llastlngs.editorof the immerciai Aaveniser. To day an ap plication for an order of arrest asralnat Mr. Murphy wn made in the Superior court npon amaant by the piainun and Mr. II as lings. The order -was granted, but has not yet been executed. Tbe Tceaty Betweem France etad Paris. Angust 29th The treaty be tween r ranee ana An nam provides tor complete recognition of French pro tectorate over ADBin ana xonquin and the annexation of Dinthnan to Cochin China, permanent military- oc cupation by the French or the forts on tbe Thouan and Vinginehua line, the Immediate call of the Annamite troops from Tonquio, the garrison there is to be placed on a peace footing. Elected Pref Danttx.lx.Va . Angust 29. Rer. Dr U d strickier. of Atlanta. Us. unanimously elected a professor of Union Theological Seminary of this :tate by the board of trustees In sessioo bere this evening. Dr Strickler will fill the vacancy caused by the reshrnation of Rev. Dr. Peck, who will take the chair resigned by Iter. Dr. Dabney. FeaaeeoJa Reports Herself Healthy. Peksaoot-a, Pt.a . August 29. An other dsy has passed without any aick ness at Penaeola. With a population or JU.UUU tne in term en is to aste in Au goat have numbered only 0 2 still born. 2 consumptives and the balance chil dren. Paymaster Brown at the navy yard is dead. Another child of Surgeon wens is reported siex. ' , The Treaties fa Creetisw AG rax. August 29 The troubles in Croatia; continue. The municipal au thorities of A gram declare that they would rather resign their positions than replace the Hungarian arms and no tices on public buildings. The news papers ox Hungary. regard tne situation in Croatia a serious one. The Fraseiaa Reichstag. BERUff, August 29. Tbe Reichstag was opened to-day, 260 deputies being present. The president and Tloe presi dents or we previous session were re elected. The message of - the Emneror opening the session relates solely to the treaty or commerce wiu cpain. HvMBMasaasaaSAe)saSeSBBwaeBHanaaBKsMiiia f .Military Prel eaaer as Blag Sam'. ' I Washington. August 29.- Second Lieut Joseph B Batcheior, Jr, 24th In fantry, nas been detailed as professor of military, science and tactics at the Bingham school. Orange county. North Carolina, to take effect October 1, 18S3. Pied of Telle w Fever. Nsrr Oblrans, Angust 29. A special to the Picayune from Penaacola aays Paymaster T Brown, of .the United Sutes Navy, died at the nary yard last mgnt oi yeuow xerer. , esVSSWeaaaaB.B f The First Bale at Merfelk. Kortouc. Va. Aug 29. The first bale of new cotton from North Carolina ar rived bere to-day. it was classed as strict middling and sold 'at IS cents. What It Beaat. f ViKjrKA. August 29. The Journals bare say that .the summoning of the German parliament means that Spain naa Dee a aamittea into, tne alliance ox great powers. . " , ' Freethiakers Ceaveatlea ; Bocoestkr, N. Y,' August 29. The Freethinkers convention opened here to-dsy. Eight hundred , delegates were present.' ..,--,..... - . Ssleetiag Staadard laasples.! ; ' New York. Angust 29. On Monday next a number of experts who have been appointed by the several cotton exchanges throughout tbe country will assemble at tbe cotton exchange in this city for the purpase of selecting stand ard samples as guides in ciassiacauou. At a mseUDg held tnis evening Aura ham Allen, Jr. was appointed an expert for the New York cotton exchange and Thoa Turner a substitute. i A Whole Costasae of White B.d , London Cable DUpeteb ta tbs Hew York Haws, An American lady,: well known in eocisty in Paris, made a sensation by appearing at the bail or a roreign count In a costume of white kid, fitting U0 - ASvlesla Itatn. :j . . . Arm rom srttmtee at Btottt anS broken r roar rem by a atea etoud tuttmrinc aod arrtog was paia or niuinc leeur 11 mo, mooa a -ooo. aoa r a botu of lira. WlBMow'i Boothlnt Prrap tor c .U4 ia ietlilng. It vsiu U tne&icu .i&ie. il "1 rs iwr. ib poor Hum offerer lmni I -T"1 B poo U. ixxiMra, Lbr la no aiim,- r -it tun dj teniirr and dlarrbo. t- t lomaca aod bowela, ut wual e- ,1 i rum., redueaa lirf! uamtuon, auJ rve I oerry to UM tKMa -Meoi. . v rrup lor eliiiraa l .tui to t!lm tasia, aitd U tb r rerf- s . ,jj ci c ai e 'X1 M1 cjxmj y. r 1 ; BICUBIOJ(IAZID0aXITUlA Leave Air Llae Depot 8.80 a. m. aad A. 80 p. av ARire a sa. aod lo p, sa. ! Ai&LXirs. Leave 2-?0 a. m. and 2 10p. sa. Antra 8 20 a. a, aaaa.10a.av CHARLOTTX. OOLUSTBIA AMD ATJQU8TA. Leave X10 p wl and antra e80 p. aa C. C At A. A. T. a a. Dmsxoic ' - - - - - ' - CABOLXXA CXHTRAL.- 4 ; Leave 8.48 p. sa. aad 7.10 a. av Antra 7.00 a. as. aaa aV26 p. av ; I i j.. cLC--8SKXBTXrviaioir. Leave a80B.av. aad antra ia80 a. av Index te Hew AdTerUseaaesita. . H B Pater -TeansMH eoU. Brem a MsOoeeu Tsrra Cotta drala ptpa. , la 41 cati oa. 8outh At! an tie States, partly cloudy weatner and local rains, winds mostly northerly, stationary or rising barome ter, nearly stationary temperature. LOCAL BIPFLJES. We are requested to announce that the court will meet at 9 o'clock , this morning for the purpose of arranging a calendar for next week, and all mem bers of the bar should be present. Perseaal Fstfagraphs. Cspt W Stitt left yesterday for a rlalt to the Louisville Exposition. Mrs Alice Tate, a former resident of Charlotte but now of Jackson. Tenn. la In the city visiting friends. . II S Puryear and W 11 Smith, promi nent young attorneys of Concord, are in attendance on the Superior court. Caaage el Saperiateadeats la Third aad Fourth Drvlssoaa B. JB. S. If r W B Thompson, General Superin tendent of the Railway Mail Service, has l&saed general order No. 152 de claring that L M Terrell, Superinten dent of the Fourth Division .of the Railwsy Mail Service, will, on the first proxl mo, assu me ch arge of the Third Division of the Railway Hail Service, vice G W Vickery, who will, on that day. take charge of tbe Fourth Division of the Railwsy Mall Service. The head quarters of the respective Divisions will remain as formerly, yIz; at Atlan ta, el a. an 4 Washington, D CL New Cattaa is Cesesra. Yesterday was a big dsy for new cotton in Concord, four new bales having been brought into the town and put oa the market before ten o'clock in the morning, t Mr John H Morrison brought in the first bale which was bought by Cannons & Fetzer for lOjf cents. New bales were) brought in by Martin Ludwig, Ephraim Fisher and Francis Fisher, all model farmer of Cabarrus. Cotton Is opening rapidly in the fields, rather early and most too prematurely, it Is thought There will oe great quantities ox it on we mar ast i In the next few weeks. The cotton crop In Cabarrus will fall short of last year's crop, tome say one-third and others one-fourth. The drought haa been severe in some sections of - the county and the farmers say the crops as a general thing, will - be as bad as two years ago. A Legal Lyre's If ete, fteuaced by Rail read Re rase While on the pick ap yesterday in the court ho use, we stumbled npon a couplet naaeevu vis eat auviMV VI. jyrsLPMe r IrrsBara va es fMewflwrA s1ama e-ha rva which Inquiry aa . to its authors hid proved to be the spontaneous prod no tion of a lawyer and railroad man dor lng the. trial of 'ki case In the Inferior Court last week. CoL Bailey was mak ing a pathetic appeal to the edurt for mercy : upon Fanny Wallace,' a negro girl convicted of stealing a drees, and is In the , height of emphasizing Fanny's extreme youth and the absence of her mother, whose counsel and con trol, he said, would hare prevented her from perpetrating the' offense, when member of the bar wrote the following Tern:! .v..-v-- V: : 1 f-- "WBh no ens ts love sad none to co wmcn the poetical railroad man added: ' ' r . 'And a on to keep aer from stta!lnga A - VWBBBBBBSBSeBBBjSBH4ea4BBSjBBSaaWBM Bteaed la the Darkness. - At a late hour ' night before last a crowd of roughs taking their position in the open lot - in rear of the Buf ord House sent several showers of rocks on the wagoners who bad ' camped in Springs & Burwell's bitching lot, and came very near ; Inflicting dangerous wounds on persons exposed to the mis siles.' Mr Geo Bar by and his son Mr J CBarby, of SUmly county. : together with others from Cabarrus and Union were desperately assaulted. There was a woman with one of the camping par ties and while nursing her babe near the fire, she received a painful wound on her foot which'aroused much indig nation among the men in camp. this is. not the first time such a out rageous proceeding has taken place in the same lot, it seems the matter should be kept in mind by the police, and the ot carefully watched when, wagoners are camping therein; , The countrymen molest no one, their visits to our mar ket are the life of trade in the city, and as they come from such a distance that it ls impossible to return the same dsy. they are entitled, to protection by the city authorities during their stay here. canst2ttag TJeatal TaJaafcle la Wa to dsr feMirad - frota 3. TL I!1b A Cow. PUadttUta ma r-ronrietora et tuepouitr r-1 i , ouiiuld aaorr of j I orT' .V tsJ t i. e j v t"" i r r iJ r .t ta. -7. u 7j taa ui iii t ma- . 1 n, j r-i u ta arross t.twJ STJPJERIOB COURT. . Ifansber ol Cases Uispeeed f and ; Thee. L. 8aiela Arraigaed. The grand jury of the Superior court. according to the appointment of their efficient foreman, Mr WW Ward, met yesterday morning at 9:80 o'clock and while the air was cool and refreshing came down to business. A number of bills have already been found and every indication ls that the jury will do tbor ough work. xne court met at 10 o ctoca and pro ceeded to hear a motion to quash in tbe case of the State Tt WE Cochrane for retailing. The motion waa overruled. In the case of the State vs Joe Kelly for same offense, defendant was found guilty. . Judgment was suspended and on taking the insolvent oath tbe defen dant waa discharged. j - ,,-;, In state vs S S Carter, assault and bat tery. Case continued and defendant recognized with surety... , , iv , ' f Ten whiskey cases against various re tailers were continued, -v ; , . State vs Wiley Suggs, retailing Capias tnatonter. . r ; .V -z...?:. ifXi Sute vs A Uiller, retailing in four isea. : Not pros entered in two cases and defendant submitted in the other two." :..:;, ' . State vs Frank Tyson; colored, for entering a dwelling with intent to com mit a felony. Guilty. Sentence, six months in the county jsiL. State vs Edgar Miller and Jas White, murder. Order for a special venire of fifty men to try the case on Thursday. Stale vs R S Keesler continued. State Ys J Walker Klrkpatrick. Ap peal from Inferior court. Judgment below a firmed, u ' SUXm vs Jack Brawley, colored. As sault with intent to ravish. Guilty. Sentence, five years in the peniten tiary. - . '-.!.,. . State vs Thos L Shields, the slayer of Joseph G Sitton, wss then called np aad the defendant was formally ar raigned by Solicitor Osborne's reading the bill .of iadietment to. him while standing and then inquiring of him how he would be tried. To bear , his accusation, smeids arose with more than ordinary composure and manifest ed little excitement while the terrible charge was being made against him. He Is still stout in general appearance but the months of confinement he has endured in Mecklenburg jail tell on his face which on yesterday wore a cadav erous cast in the eyes of those who had seen mm before imprisonment. He was remanded to jaiL but will be brought out this morning when it is understood his ease will be called and a motion , made ' by his count el to re move the case to another county for trial. The publlo is deeply Interested in the case and much anxiety Is mani fested as to whether the removal will be allowed. ; Arrestee! ia a Bex Car. a. section of the freight train coming south on the Richmond & Danville Railroad yesterday -, brought into the city two men, one white and the other black, locked in one of the' cars. At Tbomasville it was found that two men were in an unlocked car of . tobacco. and the conductor ordered that the car be locked until its arrival in Charlotte. When the train ran In at the depot officers who had been notified by tele graph were waiting to receive the almost suffocated excursionists. As they stepped into the fresh air the white man gave his name as George Gable of New York, and the negro said his name was Ruf us Roan of Danville, Ta. They told acting- chief Hill that they had got into the car at Danville with an Innocent purpose. But fearing they had tampered with the contents of the car. the railroad authorities insisted they should be locked up until the car could be examinsd. The matter will be investigated to day. The Kadle suid Axe ia CaBerraa. A serious and probably' fatal cutting affrsy occurred in the publlo rosf near ML Pleasant, Cabarrus county, ; last Thursdsy morning, between Mr? John D. Barrier, a school teacher, and Mr. George Boat, in which "the latter was badly wounded. : One of Mr. Boat's sons went to school to Barrier, and Barrier had whipped the boy, according to some reports, severely, but to other reports, not. any worse than he had-whipped other boys. Be:this as it may; Mr. Boat armed himself with a stick, Thursday morning, and went to the school house, but Barrier not being there, he started oat to hunt him, and met him in the road. He at once opened an attack on Barrier with the stick. Barrier held off as long as he could, when he.pulled out his knife and fell upon Bost, cutting him In the breast and face.- The cut In the face severed the, internal maxillary artery, and is an exceedingly dangerous one. ; Doctors Moose, Barrier and Rose, of ML. Pleasant, attended the case, and in the evening called in Dr. Archey for consultation. .The flow of blood was not checked until late in the afternoon. Mr. Bost was reported to be in a criti cal condition yesterday.':; , . A shockln; affray; occurred, a few days since, between- two nejpro men of CoL John llorehead's farm in Cabarrus county. One cf the parties named John Henderson, the same who won the foot race at the ropiar Tent if air, was wounded in a terrible manner with an axe, that- was sunk up to the helve in hisshoulderlmost severing that mem ber from the body. TLa nc jro who did the cutting hss been jailed In Concord. Henderson, it Is tbocht, will die. XTr. XT. ri"r. or Tor-:3. tta?m, atatea tbst 1. 1 miGiiua CJ. la turn moat -l. A Bniiiaat Meteor. About seven o'clock yesterday even I lng a brilliant meteor passed over this city moving from southwest to north east and illuminated the heavens bright ly fur some distance on each side of its path. -It was visible for a minute or more, when it burst, tbe fragments fly ing in d iff n rant directions, resembling somewhat tbe bursting of a large sky rocket. . The First Play of the Season. Tbe play season will be opened at the opera bouse to-morrow " night with an excellent performance by Arm strongs Minstrels- forty-one strong. and m a - full - bouse ; is expected. This company has already a reputation on Its new version of minstrelsy. ':; The Washington Post of tbe 21st Inst, speak ing of their recent visit to the National capital, says: It was the first visit of these minstrels to Washington, and the performance throughout was exceed ingly novel and entertaining. The old stereotyped style of raising the curtain and displaying a semi-circle of burnt cork artists is discarded. The opening burst of music, with the performers, male and femsle seated amidst flowers, shrubbery and the musicians in the rear in pyramidal form wss a refresh ing innovation. The ballad singing In tbe first part of the performance was exceedingly well rendered, all the ar tists receiving ; encores 'When the Robins Meet Again,'! by Banks Winter, was the gem of the evening. Tbe me lange, or second part performance kept the house in a roar of laughter until its close. The : four , planets, - Kennedy, 8beeban, Foster and Hughes are first class commedians, and their acts are something above the hum drum variety style. Fields and Hanson are wonder- g 111 WW TlTt Iflsv! I as Mm yjyn lyTj gvSeaw 4la The dancing, singing, contortion busl- ness ana in tact the whole entertain- ment Is of a high order of merit, and the smoothness of the performance re flects : credit upon its gentlemanly manager, Mr George Hammond. - Geaw Jaekseas War Derse A Piece of I ': BlMory. In a recent issue of the Jotjbhaiv- Obszsyeb we spoke of Stonewall Jack soa's old war horse which had on the day previous been ahipped from this place to Lexington. Va, as a present to Gen. Smith, of the Virginia Military Institute, by Rev. Dr. R. H. Morrison. Referring to the old charger's presence in, Lynchburg, the News says: This famous old war horse was the object ef much Interest while here. He was vis ited by a great many persons, who were surprised to see him looking so welL A circumstance that may not be generally known, : and one ; possessing peculiar local interest, is that this horse was cap- j tared by a Lynchburg company after ! his renowned rider had been ahot from him. i He fell Into the hands of the Beauregard or j Moorman ; battery which was on the ground, and was kept by them until turned over to General Jeb Stuart. The writer was a member of that heroic company, and feels just pride in all its performances. Another circumstance of Interest is that Major Moorman, its then Captain, afterwards promoted, was the last person who ever held a conversation of any extent with the immortal Stonewall, just before he went into the death-trap. His last words sddressed to the Captain were, "IfS time to move He did move- but, to glory and the grave. As Others See TJs';. - ' , ' U there Is any one factor in the busl-1 ness of our little city which makes her 1 attractive to the' traveler and Inviting ' to all the world it ls her : hotel accom-1 modation. Our leading hotels have j already drawn many to the place for a short stay, that made them acquainted with our delightful- climate, pleasant peopie ana ouiex attractions ' waicn induce the home seeker to settle. A Petersburgher from the Old Dominion in a letter ? to the . Petersburg - Mail, speaking of Charlotte, says : The city is about half : way between Richmond and Atlanta, - and is the ' resting place of many weary travelers on account of its very excellent hotel accommodations. It Is well supplied witn -aoteia. -xne unariocce Arouse eaten .especially for; country people, and j in external appearance does not compare with either of the others. The Buf ord is a very handsome new build' inz. containing something over fifty rooms; it is modern in allot its appoint ments sou is oeauuiuiiy paperea, and furnished as handsomely as any hotel you can find and is run by the Messrs i . 111 . WB ..... i ecovme isroa. - . -. - - - The . Central la the largest of the three, and though an older building, is quite Imposing in its appearance, and I furnished handsomely: and welL It i contains more than -a hundred rooms. d Its daily arrivals average fifty. A finer set of gentlemen you would not ' meet in a week's journey than Mr H O Ecclea, the- proprietor, and his very efficient corps of clerks. - All of these hotels: are located on the . principal street, a ry on. namea in nonor or a former Governor, now long since dead. xne city contains about ten thousand people, is beautifully located. Its streets are very wide and well laid off. Man v of the buildings would do credit to a city ten times its size. The resident portion of the place is very attractive. The grounds surrounding private resi dences are particularly attractive, and i snow as once to a stranger that the taste displayed in adorning their places of business is very far excelled In the adornment of their hemes. . "Charlotte, for a city of its size, has a most excellent Danaing capital, about uu,uuu. xiavrog occasion to use a bank, we found its cashier. Mr M P Fegram, a near connection of our Pe- gracas, a very owuinj oScer. There is one daily newepaper here, and we judze, from its columns of advertisements, that in point of prosperity, it is equal to ' nuj ia tae estate. ; V ": wnBshaCoraa,n As rr T7e:rs T, a Cbrns." 15a ' Cntck Botel Arrivals. Central HoTsn-Geo A Preston, Detroit,' Mich ; M :E 'Lope, Isaac Holmes, Charleston; T H Bethea and wife, Laurinburg, N C; Mrs Thomas Tate and son, Jackson. Tenn ; W C Mount, B F McDonald. Gainesville, Ga; 8 Wilson, Spartanburg; R L Thomas, Z B Davis. J N Johnson. New York: WE Coxr GJ Henry, Lilesville, N C J R Latta, WUmington ; G G Nisbet, North Carolina; B J Lilly, LilesvUle, NC;TL McNair, Laurinburg, NC W H Towbsend, Lumberton, N C; SF LenoIr.Sumter, S C; N H Gwyn, North Carolina ; L B Rogers, South Carolina Miss F Bennett,. Carmells, Ga; AC MUler, Shelby, N C; Mrs Vaughan. child and nurse, Winston, N C; F Pel lundy, wife, child anl servant, Denver Harry D Smith, New York ; R L Ry. burn, Shelby ; Miss Florence C Finch. Lincoln ton, N C; R D Whitley, North Carolina; Luther Nims, Mount Holly, N C ; Horace Kellogg, Yorwalk, Ohio B H Crawford, Chicago, 111; M A An gler and wife. Miss Mary Q Angler. Durham. N C;JD Moore, J W Bean, GsstonIa,N C; G M Overton, Augusta. us ; cnas JEllas, Dr J Isaacs, Philadel phla; Jno B Welsh, Lancaster; H S Puryear, W M Smith, Concord, N GL UDeQOana4. n tales Horatord e a eld PapnatalaBotaaaaled m hi mynun m. paaapaoraa. Coal I aveer -Wm ' " sa UCvIi 8 Ccal CftfL UillfS. -:o so: P1BTTJB3 wlatdnc to . LCKP COAL foe V nisersBina Goal, aui Bad U ta tiMtr advanta k serMflnctaeir orders te the adne or ta KrTu. & FSTXiiA. at fiiwniiws. ar. C W " ! mnr prairaia wo ute will eoBtsaet taaeUrer br aar laaa l eeeable ratae aaeood Oaal aaa be eaUvetad at aw pom la Nana oceoata Carolina. mtma wS3SrCoireuoudenae aolleited, etUker to Hack's tmutem, vuat vivea, i ma, or to - ansSOdJas eonctaog Axent, eraennora, it C Terra Cotta Drain Pipe. of TXB&A COTTA xetArjtnra Kcm Sitae to ban hesfftirata BBXMaXoDOWKLt CnarioUa, M. a ANNOUNCEMENT. andPatrons: We have arxtvrd the Borta ruh a paction of HEV7 FALL GOODS and to room Cor we aaan aaUat COST the satBAindar of ear i sogssdiw MBaaaaKkwccmB. We are Agents for TBS TATG BPSOH SPUING Water. WIUi FtTHSIBH XT HI BAR&XLS OB T.Mft ' " JorAirnTT AT. SPREIGS PBICBS. A Fresh Stock CONSTANTLY ON DAND. R. L JORDAN i CO., DRUGGISTS. a lot or socQurro facts asb CAsopixa. ' BeaoUful LACS CUBTAIX3. ' OIL CUftTAlKa sad flztnrea ; iuom WHTTX GOODS. 8WT33S3, ORQAR- DIZ3, . TABLXTAK3, PLACt - AKD CHXCXXO JACKOKXTa,eto,et.- ; s A tow X.ISZNS and Bummer SBX3S GOODS VERY CHEAP. CoU and get Daxsalns In aU Haas ef Dry Goods, for tber masA and tbaH te told at prloe. ', - - - BAcairara a TSOTTxa, ':. aoggft.-U.-j..'.. Central Cotel Comer. W. J. Bbd G Soa, '. Coness Ceet. Charlotte, K. CT Fan stock alwra ta pora. C-mt crloes raid Tennessee OnrFriends Positive Sale ! for Tyappal. CoitlTtatii, Sick Ileadacha, Chroal XHmt- rbona, Jaoadlea, Imparity ot tb Blood, rarer aad 1? tl ' 'i,r?!i;7 and all TMmm x " mrn eaoaod. by Xa r Urar, Bowala ud KJdneya. snrpTOBrs os a diskaskd tmm. Bad Breata; Iaia ia tha Side, loactiM tha ala la felt ander th Shoaldar-blade, auatakea for KJanaaatisai : gaaatal loaa of appetiia ; Bowala RaaaraUr aoadva. nwfita aheraariBc with Us j tba aaad ia troubled with pain, ia auU aad heary, with aaaaiderabla kaa f wary. aosoatpanUd with a painful aeaaaooa of Imtiaf twdoM rahinf which ooftht to hn been dao; a siifat, dry cougil aad flushed faca ia anmiiimia aa attrtant, often Btiatakea for canaonrpciaa; the paticat compUiaa nrannmua oeotuty: aer m la.caaHy earned; a ut.iua eaaata; apintaai : and, alihonah aahafiod that aaardaa would I Bctal, yet ana can hardly amnmoa up iortitoda to try B n foct, diMruua mvr remedy- kcml . at lha ilun aipuaa attend tha rtinan. hut raaaa Bare occurred when but few of them exinted, yet examination after death haa ahowa (he AArar to XtahwmldVa T all any oT tht thm ymptoma appaar. TrBvallBaT aw XJrtna? In VTnw Xaaaimaa-br taking a doae arraaioa ally ta tae Lrw in healthy nation, will avoid aca. Dnnann. I will Inrigointa hhe a on of Soirwa. etn. 1. Ehwa of wine, fcmt la m tm- dlvaUoa. ar fod heary after aveaM, or alaop. aaa ar Hhr, take a data aad roe wul be nUered. r Van Dootora BDu rffl Bo aavwd T Blvaya aaaplB tlta ffaailatov . la ika Rau.1 Tor. whaterer the ailment at be. A n&aatwW9nTTlvSl PrBiro, alters tiro and tealt eaa 'he out af place. The remedy ie Knmmlema aaa Bmt latertera witia lrnalnoae or ..IT IS PCXrXT TEOrXTATlZA And has all the power aad efficacy of Calaeial ot Qauuaa, WKhoatany af the injunooa after afiocta. Ooraiaura Taatlaaoar. Lirar BemHatnr baa bean ia am ia my nuniUMfar valnahta m I am mmahed tt m a J- Ctu Snoarrsm. Governor of Am. Herman en H. Btenliee.. .r x . Have duirad tnma benet f m. k. J SiuoaaLivar Kxgulator, aad wmU to (ir it a oaly TBI tfcaft Borwr fnfla to Mama, XJrar Aaactioa and rjehuat rtminliiia for Dya. "f ." b-aeat aaa to the catena lirar Kryj later hat. 1 rent from Mia- S-Xa ior it, aad would aend further for Barfy i and would adyiee all who are tiny. aire it a trial aa it aanma tha only ' aula wj relieve. ' P. at. lajnonr. hGaaeaBoBa. Ifmm. J0rI. W. Waaam aaysi Vrom actual as. Bnrience ia the aaa of Simawoa IJrer aleculntor in btt practice I hare been aad am nfird to naa aad nraaoriba ht aa a aaraatire mediciae. " which alwar ef, el ar.ii.nt m co. - KK SALK BY ALL DRTjpCIST3. FOR SALE. ' A 10 Hone Ileraraiad Snrlna. artth IK hnren e- torn Tabalajr Boiler. In OMlect order and aa rood as navr, wiui au neaeaev rdpmc aad emReeuooa Alao a 204nh Pooy JKaner. a wood bendlne; mit ehlne. with baaruac. fmiart. .. ana a 2-Mocn Gtimsiaroaaraadtaula. ail ol wbioa. U1 be aotd raaui mPpty to , a'niw ( vppaauo won uob Wanted. To btry ar rnat a booee of from 6 to 8 rooaia: Oat b. In KOd lOoaiUT. and In mrf act rnneJr J.H. orrrsa to xlla Wholesale and Retail TRADE A Largo Stock of PUBD WniTC LCAC3, VARNISHES, &C. -Alao TVO CAR LOADS - J mm 3L J.-Haicxz; MeAden Linseed Oil, Colors Uaod t lemalo t . so ' ' i.i C. t -OM.i4l 1 t- t? l J LuwMtoooi tat worU. - irx a tx- tm.:.'3iui3x:,J HZ713