the Dxr caAJtx.orrjB joxmjrjt.1.. jurx tjxe dmxljt cujiiieotte ouseizweiz, coats oeidji ted jzizcuur, lssa. Ball j :kir!Mt Observer, Estskllsket Jsaasry M, lMt. Ualli CasrlsUc Jsaraal, KsiasUsfec lipit 11, 1S1. CHARLOTTE, N. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1883, PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE WESTERN UtflOX. treslaent Urees Tells What ke Kssws - ileiore the Seaate CoeaBBtttee. York, August 31 Dr Norvin ' Green, president of the Western Union lJf graph company, continued nis tesu Uiuuy before ue senate labor commit- lee today. He said tnat iu bit opinion a telegraph system controlled ana oper ated by the government in this coon try would be more expensive and lss efil .cieut thau it controlled by a corporation Tnia was principally because partisan considerations- would govern appoint ments to the service. If this objection was removed a postal telegraph mlgnt thougn beoocue - acceptable. There were, ne sato. in we western union company about 20,000 stockholders and the largest amount held by an individu al stockholder was thirty million. The -'eighty tnttuoa dollars Worth of stock of the company, except thirty- to sixty t housand dollars, had been distributed. If the witness held stock of the Western Union and had a guarantee against any antagonistic legislation he would not sell it for one hundred million dollars. rfaj ... a w an I a. wa 4 w 9m a fK AAmriM. A asej U9t W1UUM uauaw wa msw vvraa awa- ': said, were 3.000.000. ; He was questioned at length as to the . policy of the Western Union company awards rival organizations. He said " the lines purchased by the Western Union were worth more to that compa ny than to-the selleis and instanced the case of the Mutual Union, which he said was earning ooehuudred thousand . dollars' a month and spending It. ' His company, he said, could earn it and keep moat of it. It was the policy ef the Western Union to cover the entire telegraph business of the couutry aud It controlled the business now because it hid the longest line. The company W ,4 Knnn AArntb.llilH ft. KrtV f.llJft Kf lit Ilk. 1 Uuton' becauae it was a formidable - competitor and controlled extensive railroad Unea. -The advantage of having a telegraph line on the line of railroad was equal to 75 percent. Some railroad -rmpantea had sold to the Western Union the exclusive right to build ad operate telegraph lines. Oth- , ts had granted the privilege with the reservation that It should only go as far as thej bad agSt to grant such privileges. There-Was no substantial " consolidation, combination or .anion of railroad and telegraph companies. The Western Union bad always had compe tition but-did not buy op the lines to prevent such competition. The profits in such purchase arose from the abili ty of Western Union, to do the work of both with liU!3 more than the expense ' nfona. . -. ' ' 'v , The Trade mt Caarloston A Falliag OS in the Causa aad Cera Crsp. Cuamjeston; August 81.-Tbe News and Courier's annual review of trade aud commerce of Char lea ton. which will be published ' to morrow, shows that a business of $75.0uO.OU has been done, , and a large number of new enterprises :f differwdt rktnds have been started. :.The local manufacturers employed 6500 persons, and the value of their products "warPTBr 950.000r-Tiw-koephate and fertilizer business has been the largest ever known, the amount of Carolina phosphates exported and manufactured leing X50.000 tons, i The. exporU of cot ton and naval stores have been the largest ever recorded with one excep tion. The city debt baa been reduced, and the value of city property has in creased from 20 to 140 percent during r the year. The full statement of the cot ton mills snow mat o.uuu persona were employed, and that toe value of the annual product was 90,000,000. Special reports from the whole State show that corn and cotton are not likely to exceed two-thirds of a crop. ? A flescaed Arctic Crew--A Ship That . Passed Threats, Masda Straits, j London. August 3K A dispatch to lie tilers telegram company from Var ' dal. Norway, says the steamer Obi has Arrived there having on board members 1 of the Dutch expedition to the Arctic which foundered July 4th in latitude 11 north long, 63 east. The members of tne expedition were rescued near Island of, Waigabla. . The Obi reports . . . . - W"V t 1 . ice bound near Waigaz throughout the winter. All on board of her were well and the captain was confident of reach ing open water. The crew of the Varna left the Dymphina August 1st, and were rescued by the Obi August 25th. They will go to U am m erf est by the steam er Nordenskjold.. The captain of the steamer which was in the Strait of Sunda during the recent volcanic erup tions reports that ashes fell on the deck f his vessel to a depth of 18 inches, and that he passed masses of floating Sumice stone several feet in depth. : It i estimated that -10,000 persons i lost their lives at Tj trio gin, and that the total number of persons . killed by the eruptions and tidal waves was 30,000. v i i an i i i Banaess Fall ares. New Tork. August SI. In their weakly report Messrs B G Dunn & Go, of the mercantile agency say that busi ness failures throughout - the United States and Canada as reported to New York for the seven dsys ending with the 81st, 180 ss compared with 165, last week, showing an increase of 2Vr . The increase is on the Pacific coast, the New England States and the West. In New York City but one assignment has been mmni that: nf HiriM BmS. in the lumber trade. The distribution of fail ures was as follows: - The NewUn : land States 26 ; Middle States 26 ; South ern SI; Western 52; Pacific States and Territories 22; Canada and provinces AaeUer Day. With oat Fever. . TrMAr30IL4l TfoLA Ausrust 31.--An- . J " j I. wT.- n Vn of sickness at Pensaoora, and forty eight hours ending at noon without news from the navy . jardV The tele crapb line from Apslachieola was con nected with the Western Union system at llorlnna,Fla, today. . li - -i .Msessai""s" ' ' ; A Pnse Fight Di ockeeV . 1 ' . ": New YoiocrAngust sLElchard K. Tfn-r ka invt. nvwived a telegram from his repreffenUUve at Atchison, Kansas, to the efTact that the cominf fight be tween Ilitchell and Blade has, owing to .trouble with the authorities la that dU--trier, been declared oft, Consequently, -the stakes ere withdrawn and all bets declared c;i '.; :.. ! aak'eBeares Kkall to he ExaaUed. London August 31.Tbe ; VIcar;of .Ctratford on Avon, has signified his willingness to allow - tha remains of Lbakespeare to be examined . The ob Ject in di'turbinf the remains is to com "pare the tzull ef the poet with the bests .assI portrait cf him.. , - i . Jffasisalattsg the Wires. By SoaQtern Telegraph Una. ' ; New York. August 81 It is cur rently reported and generally believed in well informed circles that the nego tiations for a consolidation of the American Rapid Telegraph Company with the Merchants and Bankers' Tele graph Company, which has been pend ing lor some time past, were to-day brought to a successful issue. The Merchants and ISankers Company originated among a cotene of brokers who needed private wires between this city and Philadelphia, and the venture proved so satisfactory and profitable that the line was extended to Baltimore and Washington within a short time. This youthful com pan v has oracticallv absorbed the Southern TelezrsDh Com pany, and if the reports are True that it naa likewise secured the lines of the Rapid Company, a fairly efficient oppo sitlon company will be put in the field atones. t It is understood that if the merchants and bankers obtain control of the Rapid that company's plant will be materially slaughtered in New England and the oil regions and elsewhere wherever it may be defective, and that new lines will speedily be built from Cleveland to Chicago, Cincinnati, St Louis, Louis ville and other points. In the mean time that branch of the proposed sys tem which is organized and operated as tne southern telegraph company is to be extended with all possible dispatch to Charleston. Savannah. Atlanta. Mo bil. New Orleans and Texas. verv thing in connection with this new tele graph scheme has been kept very gniet. nut nnieas some unexpected obstacle is thrown in the way there is a strong proDaouicy mat tne programme outlin ed above will be carried out. The Tellew Fever at Harass. " By Soatbara Telegraph Lias. Washington. August Slat. During July there were eleven deaths from yellow fever at Havana among the well to ao classes sr toreigners, ana it is es timated, that there were twice as many not reported among the native poorer classes.' Great difficulty is experienced in obtaining information as it is believ ed that the publication of the mortality list wouia make it aiactui ror tne canal company to obtain laborers and would increase its cost. The employees of the canal company are so reticent on the subject that it is believed that they have been instructed to give no information. Advices received by the State depart ment room Tampion, Mexico. state that since the 1st inst a quarantine has been established of eight dsys, against ves sels arc it in 2 xrom vera crux and other infected porta.'- This part and vicinity enjoy good health and tnere is no sua ptcion of tha plague in the district. . Sorry Their slather- Was a Us By Sootbsts Telegraph Uos. f i London. August 31. The Cologne Gazette, commenting on the answer of the Count De Paris and the Duke xe Chartres to the Grand Duke of Meck lenburg. Sch werin sJetter of condolence on the death of Count De Chambord, says: - Tha rnneea objected to being reminded teat weir mother was a Ger man, and expressed their wish to break Off thelrQerinan connection, as -they feared that it might interfere with their political intrigues, the ilouse of Meck lenburg; Sch werin. -willingly complied witn tne rrrencn royai pretenders. The Gazette intimates that' this fanatical hatred of Germany 1 will be a source of dansrer to Germany and the Deacs of Europe in case of the restoration of the monarchy in Prance. " . ' ! m ifci mi I ... Am Oraer Is Rarac ts Sfeaey Order J,. '.' Basuaesa. i By Soothsm Telegraph Use, " - Washington, August 81 Postmas ter uenerat uresnam to-day issued a circular letter to postmasters which states that under the act of March 3d, loss, no cxera or employee in a post office who is paid in whole or in part of the allowance made from postal funds fcr clerk in postofflces can be employed in the transaction of money order busi ness. The attention of the postmasters is specially called to this section of the statute and they are notified that they are not entitled to the money order commissions unless, the clerical work in the money order department is per formed by them or by clerks employed solely in that department and ' paid out of such commissions. ? Killed ay a folic s Clab. By8oQtaeraTclciabTJaa . ? . l New York, August 81. The autopsy was made this a m on the body of John Smith who wss killed as alleged by a blow from a club in the hands of police officer McNamara on Wednesday even' lng last. It revealed ; that the cause of death was a fracture of the occipital bone running into the base of the skull four inches in length from the locality of the wound, the coroner gives It as his opinion that it could not nave been E reduced by a fall. It must have been ie result of a violent blow, such as would be made by a club. -- Mateal Slaughter for a Sweetheart. B8oatasTBTslesnhUns. t Leadtille, Coi-August 81. Redd y Williams and Ed Cunningham,- living near Red Cliff, Battle Mountalnyeeter dsy agreed to settle their rivalry for the hand of a young lady by means of pis tolat At a siroal each drew his weapon aad fired. Williams feU ' dead at the first shot, pierced through the heart, and Cunningham fell shot through the lungs, and died a few minutes later. Trying ts Step the Outrages' Upon the Jews. Pestah, August SLr-Herr Tisza,Pres ident of the . Huagarian Council, in order to put a stop to the outrages upon the Jews, has decided - upon severe measnres. which are to be put into op eration wherever anti-Jewish riots oe cur. : The measures will1 provide that any one who shall be condemned to death by martial law shall be executed within three hours after the sentence u imposed.. .,, :ri, r. 1 i i: 1 IfsMew Cases ia theilavy YerfaV ' TTabhinoton, August :8f -Commodore English, acting secretary of the cary, baa received the following tele gram a. from JUeatensnt Commander Welch, at Pensaeola. Florida:. I , "No new cases. No deaths in thi yard. Marines reported wen." : v v.;, ;: Ceaaared far AetTskiay Care of Carey. Dublin, "Angnit 81-It is . reported that the home ofSce anthoritlet have severely censured the " officials at Qaeecstown "for" failing to secure the safety of James Carey, who was killed in South Africa by O'Donneil. ; SSBSBVSSSmm"S - f- u.i " Decrease el tae Pablie De. ;;; WASHmaTON-. August 81-It is esti mated that the oecreass of r the ptiia debt for the month ef Aujus will be about CVXXyxx.. j I Antral Eil Eetnre cf Tr& RICHMOKD Aim nAHVIIXX. : Law Atr Um rpot 80 a. h. sad 4.80 . Sk amra X.OO s as saa iu s, sm. I Lmtc S.SO a as. sad 3 1 0 a. m. Arms S 80 a as, saa A.10 a as. chasxotte, oolumbu. aud augdsta. Lssve X10 p av sas antra 440 P sa d c a Av-a. t. a srnsxox. Lssve AM a as ss4 antve at 10.00 a as. CABOXniS CEETBAL. Lss R.4S a aa, aaa 7.1 0 a as . Antvs 7.00 a aa, aaa aas a as. aC.-8HaXBTDTTI8I01l.: LsafSvS0aaa,aad antve lOSOaav . . lades ts Hew eats. B tes Onaan -Tsh and Wlator Ooeoa. J i Deurtss -Bsary OsUss UoCWrT. Wlloo Bros Joawrtso's XalaosmliM. a P Horbasa btsnsal Swamp UMmn. Isi , 'PUT-- 8outh Atlantic States, fair weather. winds mrttuv norinariv. BLauonarv or ruing oaromeiar, ana temperuura uocai. irn.Ja. Hon. Z.T. Fulmore. a native of Bobeson. county this 8tate, but now Judge of the County Court af Austin, Texas, wss In the city yesterdsy. Mr John C Tipton, editor of the Lincoln Press came down yesterdsy to give us a few items, but be brought them with him in bis paper. j Capt Ilarry Johnston and Mr B M Miller, Jr, are at the Louisville exposi tion. Uncle Ked Glavia has just re turned aad says that it is "grand, grand. trend, -o,.- r.--!lvt:?r,f -Bey J T Bagwell has returned, to the city and will occupy his pulpit on Sunday. The rubbish will, be removed from the door so as not to laterftrs with enlranee. : y. Mr WU1. Arthur, ssent of the Caro lina Central Ballroad at Bbcklngham, has resigned nls position An 3 will. leave for Florida on the S'-h IssL' lHe used to live In Chatiotte ai.1 has rjiany xneaos here. ' -.?:; lit Iais. v ?' : . rr Banks Wintera;an Atlanta boy, is wttk the Armstrong minstrels and bis excsllstrt tenor sieging last night splendid feature of the show. . Banks has a fine tenor' voice and h attracts attention.' ? ' A lot of livery stable, turnouts have been chartered for Hickory Grove camp- meeting to-morrow, eight miles from town. , A big crowd is going and we hope some ef thaoe win come back ooa- vnrtArf- . . ' I - A Garmaa wui be urea next iifin- dsy night at the dub roe tns, oota ali mentary to the visiting young ladiei- Danclsg wUl commence. promptly: at,0 Ocioxz, 'provided- the ladlas -wfil I ba ready for their escorts,, ;:..t "Mr W O Waittbdaga as a enrioaty In the beet line, whlc' forms a valua ble addition to our mpaanm The bast was grown in his garde and If It only had arms, would pass off for a medal of the sideshow fat wssaan la azure at- The committee of arrangements T - for the unveiling of the firemen s" mon ument : on the -10th 1 of October, jars run arranging with the railroads to excursion trains into, the city frota an directions. 11 wUl be big day fox Charlotte. -h i C;' i i I i !, Adelaide ism new postofiee estab- lished In Rockingham county, with Eliza JT Oarriaon,' postmistress. , i The name of . Bingham, postofiee la Ban- dolph county, . has been , changed to Flora, and IVorenzo Bingham commis sioned postmaster. ' . - t The teachers Institnta at Undoln- ton closed yesterday. after: anjntarest- lng and profitable time. The attend ance of teachers at the institute was quite large, and . among the Interesting features of the session wss an address delivered lsst Wednesday by Hon. J. C Scarborough, State Superintendent, of Public Instruction. - l Bev. T. W. Ebeltoft.pastor-of the Baptist church at Fayette vQle, has de signed .bis charge at that place om ac count of bis iu health, lie has located in Shelby where be - will open a book Btnra. Mr"F.hltnft ,'waa sreMdlnfflv populai In Fay ettevtlle and his forced withdrawal from s the' pulpit was a matter of dsep ; regret to bis congrega tion. Their best wishes go with blm to his new noma , . , ; . . i- Opera Ilsase last If igaJU .T i ( !. . Armstrong "Brothers ..minstrels; held f arth at tha opera house last night to a j large and jolly ' audience- and scored .1 big success on the opening event of the 1 season. Tae orchestra ls a good one and there Is noticed a marked improve ment In the troupe sinca its last ap appearance here. Jerry Kennedy,' John J Sheen an, D Foster and Artie Hughes, the "four planets." , glvs . life to the troupe.' Their representstions of the various styles of the dude, were Up top. There are several ; very., fine voices in the troupe and the number and variety of the songs gave them t nil .- play. The singing of Banks. Winters, Ul H Mc- Pherson and Ernest Sinclair was excel lent ' On the whole, Armstrong! min strels Is a good company and deserves good houses every where.- . ; SS Fits ta M Qoaril 1 scvlorM mm sf Iks tssst pajrV;! ans se," WTOtat a 1 anr, of UmjXoru Oalo.' eaT aU enr tfX soumJ sot itw- tot S wssfcs. , II to L In atmr W r'S U aaiaamaa .rio stid t sui:lns iswa ' a psrtaaaspl KXX"fl TOOTSAdS Sta, - riPTY-OflE YCAJtS AGO. What was Ksswa sf Ckarlstte's Gsld JSlaee is the OtdeaTlaaes Aa Xater- estlag Scrap freas aa Old szatauae. We were yesterday put ia possession of a copy of the Fenny Magazine, pub lished in London In 1831, which contains an article on the geld mines of this sec tion which will be interesting reading at this late dsy. If the. wiiter could only come and take a look at oar mines of the present dsy be - would ' changes . that : would astonish blm. The article eaye in relation to the gold mines that were, then opened: "These mines have not been worked to any considerable extent for more than about five or six years, ' or probably much less. And yet many of them are worked upon an extensive scale, and mills for grinding the ore, propelled by water or by stsam, are erected in vast numbers. The company - of Messrs Bissels, which is one of the most con siderable, employs about .600 hands. Taa whole number of man now employ ed at the mines la these Southern States is at least 2O000. The weekly value of these mines is estimated at lOOjOOO, or more than one million sterling snnosl ly. But a small part of the gold is sent to the United States Mint. By far the larger part is sent to Europe, particu larly ta Paris. Of the working jnlners the . graaler number are foreigners Germans. Swiss, Swedes, Spaniards, English, Welsh. Scotch. &c There ars no less than thirteen different languages spoken at the mb?es in this State. Aral men are nocking to us mines rrcra su parts.' aad find , ready : employment. Hundreds of landowners and renters work Ce mines on their grounds on a small scale, not being able to encounter tha expense or much machinery. , The stats cf morals among the mixers' or laborers is represented to be naplorahly bad. This may be attributed to t absenes of say general orgtalr&tici -yet for the police and recall! on c" mines, eosablned with the usual of gold opon tha onedacsiad an r classes af - men '(often not, ths favorable, specimens Mtt their .y caUsi who csneraay, tztx .err meat la ta gold dLrJcU.1 The t! of CharloUa, ia Mecslasbtag cazzlu Jj In the immediate vicinity of several cf the. largest mines.: It ,1s Increasing rapidly. T- ' :- une urteresung zacx deserves mea- tlon-fWhen ,speakJog of tha gold mines, there ars indubitable evidences that these - lalnee? were -known and worked by the aboriginal fnhabltasts. or some outer peopjaai a remote panod. av. r i Many pieces of machinery which were' used for this parpose have been found. Among .them are'sevaral aruciblssf esnhenware, aid fxr better than those in nee, liessxs Ausseir naa msa three ef them, and found that they last ed twice or three times ss long as area ths TTffV'H crnclhles, which ; ars ihs best .now made. It is to be regretted that some antltjmary baa not bad aa wp- portunlty of at least examining these ecrlcca t i It is heped that they wUl ts priicrrIln f uturs aotwith- stsndlng the temptaaoo offered by taatr superior quaUUas. . These gold mines prove that the whole region in which they abound was ones nnder the power ful acttoaof fire. . And :it Is a fact, not generally knewa, -that the mlnera who have come from ths num in South 'America and in Europe pronouncSUOs region to be mors abundant In gold than any other that has? been found on te globe. There Is aot&UIng the extent of these mines, but sufficient is known to prove they are of vast extent." i ; Testing Fanaaas Iatsasivs Systeaa. . - A good deal has been said in our col umns lately about ths intensive system of farming pursued by Jlr Farjah Fur. man. of Georgia, and in a trip to Cabar rus county the first part of . this week. this writer, saw a practical demonstra tion of Its wondsrf ol results.' Mr Ervia Harris, a young farmer of Poplar Tent, became Interested . in : the accounts of FurmsnS intensive-system and 'eoa eluded to try it. He selected aa acre of ground which he planted t in cotton after Furman'a plan. ' He put on this acre of ground lOO pounds of compost. The early saason jww bad and ths cot ton did not get a good stand,' but,1 this fact to the contrary notwithstanding, he win make fullj three bales from this one acre. The cotton is neck high ts a man and there ars from 60 to 75 bolls to Che stalkv Ur Harris never hoed the cotton, but ran a plow through it once or twice.--It required lltthi or so labor to cultivate it. -He is so- wall pleased with the result that next year he will. he. say, cultivate as much land as his means will allow .Wndsr this intensive system. It Is simply -wonderful and with these practical results before their eyes, Jf will not be long" until laU our farmers are pursnlcgFurmantnethod; Sta! ea Kales Xtseovered.. , .' I in rThe stables of Ur 8 II , Howell, near the old fair grounds, - were entered by thieves night before last, .who cut the chains by which two mules were secur ed and rode the mules awsy. ; Their in tention no doubt was (osteal the males and. thty syldently,. rods 1 hard to . get sway from this section, but becoming alarmed lest they .might be . detected and captured, dismounted and! aban doned the mules. The ; animals were found on the TorkvUle road some dis tance from Charlotte and were brought back ahl restored to Hr Howell. wMsaaBssfeisakwepSaBBasssissHaM -rtssssM IstBOiwSbis - that a nsif ssndaar rc n. "pisp4aBt s Hops, fetjebn, i -itiura a-, . on, . i, a4 mu so Bnsn c -4 u L .cfi mi but when m a&4 rart. . i poor, psaror sad doctor. IW and swtor, tmJ? vm bavin bssa stuMl tor j TTLV3 nH3 AgQ J ;DTXC0eeBtS I HOT A CASS Or StUROEO. stiller aad White Aeoalttea ef Jgarder , lag Was. Wsrsks A Xall Day is . CsartCiva Calendar. , . ' . On the opening of the Saperior Court yesterday, the case of Joseph White and Edgar Miller, who were arraigned oa the charge of murdering Wm. Worsham was taken op. The counsel made no speech to the jury. Judge Gilmer hav ing saved them that trouble in addi eas ing the jury himself, instructing them to return a verdict of not guilty, which they accordingly didand the defendants were discharged. The jury was then dismissed until Monday, and the court occupied the balance of the day in bearing the motion docket. Judge Gil mer adjourned court until Mondsyand left this morning for Hills boro, where be has a very sick daughter. His son is also sick at Greensboro, but Is improv ing. . His daughter has been growing worse and Is in a critical condition. The following calendar for the trial of civil cases has been arranged : -g JfOJOJAT, SXFTXXBEB 8. W S Brown and wife vs T 8 Cooper. First National Bank ts B B Alexan der, et aL . W 8 Norm en t, exr.vs Frank Cash ion. O W Chalk & Co vs C C & A B B Co. J M Jones vs Charlotte City Mills. Symmons A Co vs B D Graham. TUXSDAT, aSVPTaJlBXS a JEAnstinvBJ.CSrkes,etsl. J W Jaekson vs J and Tbos Sym- E 8 Brilton vs Air tins Ballroad Co. D W Culp vs ; , . - : - -Franeberger and wife vs Air line Ballroad Co. "Smith & Forbes ys Garrett & Boyd. Wm Johnston vs 8 P Smith. : . ' ; Commercial National Bank vs T J Cnreton. f erf ...-i T K Bsmondi vs F A llcinnch.-" ; j f wmsrsoAT, tzrmnirn ft. i J Elrk vs Air lias Bailrcsd Co. , U A Arwood vs A A Czlhtyet aL ', - A B Davisca ts HzD Arlafa. "T7 A Bstirta vs B & D Billroad Co. Hanj Archer vs Hzrtha Archer. ( - HE Barnett, adx, vsl W Earned ZD H Anderson ts F IX ExSard.. - ?v JL B Owens, et sj, ts 8 C Johnston Cess CIin,et al. TS Ellen BIssla." UnnirjoaTiWBmmon. f ; .' Ct G Xandriek nLQ &11 E Smith- j AlgPeoples va M"A..Pwplea. ffatssAbewtp . ' ' ' m r u.- famishes -ns with the-fol- lo wing batch of Intaraninarnotsar zTbe! wheat aad stock fair at Winston w very creditable to -the people of that section, cfaisiderlag that it is the first or second efTort cf the - kind; -The cattle, sheep and, horses displayed,' and ths wheat and grasses exhibited would Co credit to any section of tha country. On Tbiirsday Gor Jsrrls'made a plain, eeasihle address ' to . the - audience on farming aad ether practical a objects, j and Ur Hazard, of Pennsylvania, spoke on stock ' ralsixig. &c Tha town of Winston shows algns of . great energy and thrift.; As a tobaoco market it is onset ths best, if not the beat, in this Stats or Virginia.' iThers was a sale at one of - the warehouses on Wedneedsy which noted extraoxdlaarry hlgbflgures. Foortsea 'lets of. leaf tobacco, aggre gating z3 pounds, sold for exASO.41, avwraglng . t76.4i per hundred. The weather irttow and has been Tery dry in that section ox ta -State, snd It Is thought that there cannot be moss than a half crop of tobacco raised this year.r .The town of Greensboro Is showing decided, progress two or three large blocks of nsw business houses . have . just been completed,' and another large tobaoco . warehouse r and ; factory in course of construction, i That clever gentleman,- Dr Benbow. gave. Greens boro a tremendous lift and push by the exercise of his great energy and pro progreealve ideas, and many other citl sens have caught - ths Inspiration and ars helping to move business onward and 'upward, ; A live' newspaper like tha Greensboro Patriot does much-to help the town, and Its genial and -tal ented editor. J JS Uussey, is as geod a specimea of humanity as can be found anywhere. . : pt z.. o :.'- I 'l " Governor Jarvis, ws learn,' will leave Balelgh this morning to" be present at the opening of s the Boston Exposition on. Wednesday next, iwhers r he makes ths responsive address on that occasion.' Ho ons need fear: that Jairis will not reflect credit on' the good Old t North tate in any position he fills, He will be accompanied to Bostoa by 'Mrs Jarvis,' Commissioner ; llcOehee, '- and Col Paul B Means as one of his aldv Caarlstte ss a Csttss sxaiksta. y With the close of. the cotton year end ing yesterdays August 81,: the number of bales of -' cotton received - in this city for .the year amounted .'to the stun of 65032. Capt. W. M. SUtt. the Insneo-1 tor, furnishes us with the monthly re ceipts during the year as follows: lBSlrr September.. .. t ....... ajS9 . .uctoDer ..............;;, ...12.738 i jMovemoer ...... " i December....'.!, ISS3 January . - - February , - April , - May............ , ' .'June.... J pJuly-... V August'. ....4 Total,..:. ess e i ..'.S5482 xxsrsaf ' acta iaswpasAc . u , la Kerroos Diseases. j ; ' " at. emwt, Kew Torfc, ln oorroosdls-l t snow or ns prapsrauoa ts soual B." - Kr.'Zitwta C. Tomler. Paate-aa Tant-. Waalilaa. ton. D. C.-ssr tan OQ ar' uostton of Utaat. ions rm.3ou4oerox, s aaoobs UU, saiad kuS a rna.i in ii mil ... T , ....'957 3,712 k Tan .... 6,880 2,745 2,311 .... 77S ....t. C79 r. . . j.741 t . . . . . Waived gTaatiaaUsa. V ' ' The young man Ouverins who was arrested In this city on the charge of forgery committed in Bichmond, has arrived safely in that city. The State ssys: "Chas. T. Cluverius, who is charged . with feloniously forging ' a S12S. onmortinff to have been drawn hv I C.B. Starke, was before the police jus tice this morning. . When the case was called tha accused, through his counsel, waived an examination, and the case was sent on to the Hustings Court." Asetaer Depraved White W We had hoped that we were through for a time at least, with reporting eases of white women running . off . with ne groes, having noted two eases in quick succession, but yesterday another case was. brought to- our notice. A negro man accompanied by a white woman was seen strolling about Boekingham and It was soon, ascertained that they were trying to find somebody to marry them. The officials bearing of it, had them arrested and after a trial, sent them to jaO. ; Oar informant could cot give ths names. ' V Judge, David Schenck. one of ths most prominent members of the Stats bar, aad who Is now general counsel for the Bichmond & Danville Ballroad In this State, has written a book on North Carolina Ballroad decisions, and which has just been issued from ths press, The book contains a digest of .the de cisions of the Supreme Court ef North .Carolina pertaining to Ball roads, from 1837 to 1SS3, which ars sap piemen ted by notes from ths author. About Z50 esses are cited. The book Is not only aa iaterestlng one, but for lawyers It Is a Tsluahls work. It Is well edited and reflects credit upon Us suthor . f.':-' :.';' ACsaaeal rariSTEetaUlsaeaV '" "... JIrry UeSmith, ths . enterprislas musla rza,bxs 1223 a new deal for Incxessel pcpalarity. ITct coctert with beic? happy hJrasr.lf, ha ia always ea- dcaTozing t to mii:s cthra happy and has hit npbn ths ilea cf Cttlr cp s priTats mnslcsl paxlsr for cti.a where they -exa . xsssxahle and enjoy themselves.1 -The parlor Is located on the' second floor. Immediately over his musio store and' Is TUxed np in band- soms style. -It Is furnished with a fins I Chlckerrng piano and an-orsaa. and ia ths lixndsj of lsC-cSmith, It is an Warrayi- mm"m tA'fn 'flTTfTf tOIthS ISdlSS .ltlniSSs-' I'J?"i'f V,r;-fr 2.. f,-t ' . . . .. a ifn s . r ' nstsi Arriyais.' ;; yi. .r . . " " r; ! CTTTntsTtHoT Xlilijrc Cheraw.&C; F TT-Hcts, Ilewtern. N C; W TY OTTeaX, 2Iew Tork;.TT7 Fltrpatrlck, South Carolina; B I Han- tr,Augusts; 7o; CovlBon, Kyj I H Cohan, New York ; B BWU f ordIKlngs 'Mountain rli Bedford, Ylrginia; BTJennlrigs,BennettsvIllev 80:07 Baser, t Louis r'A, X Hunt, Virginia; - Sam T Ashe. OHss Settle Ash Tradeshoro, C ; -'Atlas Hantiie Gray, Xerth Carolina Z TFBmors and family, Austin, Tmm; Q1I Ovexson, Angnsta ; E H Gray, Xorth Carolina ; A B ; Kelly. AlmTion,V"Ala ; George A Overbaugh, A H llcljoud and wife, 'A U UcLond, JL H McLoud, Jr.v Nerth Carolina; liias Kate-lllott. Fa jeUe Tffle ; It W Dick, Bouth Carolina ; ,W'J Armstrong, j J. .B ' Armstrong, Prank Ltohmann. Anthony Iohman, George Ila&imoud, Dan. lister, W H Mayo, James HerraCXrank Hanson, George Keeny. John fields, HXeavitt,' Banks Winter, SUvcv Ernest Sinclair, -SsoW Harley. Walter West; Will McPherson; Jerry , Kennedy, 'Jack Shechaa, Dave Foster, A Hughes, James Powers; Andy Powers, Chas Parker, Joseph Parker, James Parker," James.-. Whippier, . T Whippier, A. Brand. Jno Hewig, Gns Hewig,; Amstronss311nstrels; TW Dixon, H A Gillespie, S M Sloan, TL Washam, J B Shexrill, B ! Bjburn,B D Boss, AW Beedy, J W Jenkins, J S Bell.'. sIL North i Carolina J , A - Monroe wife and four: children, J T Barnett, X Dixon. North Carolina; Paul-F Grier, Due West, SO; HW Davis, Bichmond Vs ; r W i U 'Buss, "Norfolk,; Vs t P "F Chambers, wifa and children Darling ton, 80; J W Canes,' Spartanburg. S C ; W D-Drehar, Philadelphia fT H'lIo MuHen, wife and child.1 MIas Bolah.H Bliss, Savannah; Ga; J A McBae, Ben- nettsviBe, S C; J. H -Trimble, Daorin-v burgvNC -f fcj. .1 -is Tear Hop Bitten asrs' bora ef STsstvaiaato ate. -I was laid np wtta trp&ou lersr tor ersr two mostb -sod eoaM get so reUet nntu I trlM your Hop Bitters, Ts those suSeriss wtthosuutror any-sas la fsstris hoi)ih.leoj- - X C. 8TOXTZXL, . essrottos et, auoajoTiii. , -- . j ; Th Psetss Easasnwssasat v Dr. W. IX WirHt, ' ef CtaefnhaaV O. seoda the aaooUMa prot-Miopai eDorseaiOBs: I hlN DISS iaaarlbagl ia wss. Ball's Balsam for ths Cant in a gwat ntuabsr ot rajs sad always wttS saa. wii, Oo esss In Bameaiar was rl-n o br srsi pajaieiaDS who aad been oaliad In for ea&sal- wuasuMii.TxaspaBt aaa au tos smptoms of eonAraied eoosamcUon oskt nlr st swesis. needs fever. Harassing ooem, eto, i-s eoflameooad rmnuwinmis to t lmer aaaaas soon eatorl to his naal aaatta. I tasve sfso foonu-Ofc Wau EaU's Balaam tot tasLao ths most TSlosblo ezpootennt tor- breajklnv s dis area&lss soosns and eoida tUat I hare et r UaSd. ANNOUNCEMENT. TO;0fflFinMPatfODs; We hare eznvrd boos from the Korta sa a riET7,FALL G0C2S and te onake room for thsxs ws shall scU at . .v . - 1 .-. COS-T therwaatnrtsr of sor aornmsr stoea. i - sicsiw rza. & a a kscc: 7 b aRCGRMA Costlvaaesa. Sk Hesdsdie, Ckroals ZMar- Imzmrltr of ta 0 7 . Blood, Tvrmx aad sso. lfslarta. tased by Io- flAver, Bowols ud Kldaeyv. KS OS a DrXKAfiXD UVSK. I fctt ate tb ShevUcrwWade. awstakea far aval loaa at aooatitK: BaU latly coaor, nuriia.i atoaadaa wfah la; aaaa BauM wita paja. ts ana aoa nu. . ' C laadocfauity; acr w as, a8y startled: uwranaai p i everr prraaor. . oitasaAova ka Dot lev c tacss 1 sea, Dumian, X will la it oata hit a . of Spirka. etc It tMf wise, Vat Uaoia- x V aua'g AfiTUL aaa an et fJ I say f Sm I ' a rsTtlaffjor haa 1 I ta Tha ! mr- J- Cm Saoaxsa. Comor of Ak. Hava auii as soaas tiianfn w Am m73 stSSsl DtbLfW. bat aa. mm. Utr MfSUtor has. MmTllrmmW ti f I aa at - wiT nai a rtUi tnai as a i 'P- AC Jajoot. Lbs. rM TJ9t W. S2a- mm-r I Vi-t actaal as- i ' aacac I aava aaea. and. t k safy I iVbm . n SALT BT AU. DRtiqciSTS. - ; WIioMIe1- and vRefail ' v. TRADES .v. - J Af? large S to c Ic of 1 i Linseed 01 it--..-: u - -a- ;a-' TWO CAR LOADS IROSEJEOIL ' 2- -;r - .. . r.ViiRi J.iH.n7cADEW. f maris Jast noetn&i a ear load cf TT7.TU COTTA niTH PITS ol, Tar.?u size. ITow Is tlis cms to hsrs roor pnnUiM wea.dratssd and mads aosiU7 st a siaaa expanse. ; - - . zzzu a I'ciKjwrtt, :eos2322t Caaricue, li. C. ssgsassaS Bmi Breath ate ltfca with a aaiatfol aaaaaooa oricwiacaajooc aoaaccAiiia inn, rat oaa caa aurlfr an fcj.tii.xi. t several frairaatwo ate oeath has shows tha Aswar to SaCWS) bsssaa SSaVnaBsVfrSdFW wBQWBSsAW - nrtssltlwaisd ayaJ iwiaaiialdasd ywsas wWswror saj sf Xbm aaovs Pw ia haakby actiea. wi3 avoid eiaistiia, arCed heavy aeraiaa? p5 lMittaMaalrWwURatfJd. TSsa.1 saa T7ei BTXls wm so savwS ky atarays a-nstsa tks Ftgalslus " - ta taa TTsaas 1 r?ssaaaltTi i r,"wM t! "T ftiablv far MM BBBhiaMlaaTr latis aaa wtaauas aaduloa ays la tornm soca "-- i3 .;: jri- tt " '" ' " ' ' ' OTTkSa TO THS . - ' s ' ;- ' mm -