- : ' '- J." - ' i- ,- - ' V s. . 7 " : 7 - i : r - - - V ; - " ,T "'- ' " ' - :- "7;- "st.-.-'i1 vr". " "4 ,-" "7 ' "" ' , -5.- -7;" "J'- 7"" - ; THE DMZsY JIJjMIIZ,OTTS JTO Z7JZjrZ9 AJTD TLUS DJlXIsY CJXJtltliOTTE OZSSEIZWEIZ, COJTS O JL J27 w( TED JOXrCXI2T, - - - iW I a AS 1M. CHARIX)TTEv N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 3- GU1RDMU TBEPUBUC DOJBAllf. BeyreaeataliTe Paysom Eater a Pr ! test a ffjaiast Tarataf Over Milliaas ef Acre mt the Pablie Ooataia to tka ' Stkerm Pacifle '-' Washington, September C Repre mbUuth PajOD,of Illinois, has filed a communication with the Secretary of the Interior protesting against tba ap pointment of a commission Xo examine the completed Soother a Pacific railroad in CaJiiornia preliminary tcrthe issue of patents for the lands embnced In the Texas Pacific Grant, which embraces about fifteen million acres of land. Bopresentatire Payson was a member of the House judiciary committee, which last winter concluded to recom mend the forfeiture of this and other railroad land grants and decided that the Southern Pacific Company had neither a legal nor equitable claim to any part of the Texas Pacific grant. After referring to the conclusions reached by the House jcdiciary com mittee, he says; "As a lawyer, I believe the claim of this company to be base less, as a citizen -1 shall feel that past experience is being repeated should it secure what it seeks. You and I both know that while we have f arored so mauy of these corpora tions with prodigal and lavish grants of the public lands and aid from the pub lic treasury, they as a rule in return have oppressed toe people by the impo sitio.i of terms hard to be borne, and in their strength and wealth, have practi cably, bid defiance to the government and legislative control as they gain in financial strength. They are beginning to realize that any attempt to secure this vast grant, about 15,000,000 acres, through Congress would be futile. The agents and attorneys for the Southern Pacific company shrewdly attempt to secure a foothold in the extension branch, nd by such claims of a purely legal and technical character as the en gnuily of learned counsel can devise and present to secure such a recogni tion as will enable them to procure eventually the patent letter to this land. Mr. Payson then takes up Mr. John Hale Cypher's letter and says a more absurd proposal was never mada than Xhat the statute was mandatory upon Che secretary to appoint the coir mis sion, "asking the Government to pass over to the combination 15.000,000 acres cf land PS a regard to it for accomplish ing just what the Congress strove to prevent." It is the coolest plrce of pro cedure to which my attention has ever been called. With regard to transportation be tweea the Mississippi and the Pacific Coast, and between the two oceans, Mr Payson says, omittingtthe Northern Pa cific route, "the whole business is in the absolute control of the Gould and Huntington party. As to the prefer ence of route the American people pays it loon.iy and tk-s it choice. The cash all goes to the same tilL" After a fierce denunciation of the ' Southern- Pacific Company and its methods the communication close with an appeal to the Secretary to refer the whole matter. iL- JXaag Chaar Favors a Peaceable Settleateat. London. Sept. . A private letter Yroas Pekin says that L Hung Chang - ia really in favor of a peaceable solution of the difficulty with France, while the dntrigaea-who surround the court are orgent in their cry .for war. Prince Kuog.one of the conservative members 4f the government, expresses the opin ' Ion that war will be the signal for a number of outbreaks in the Empire. The Empress is reported to be even fearful for the permanence of the dy nasty, and is inclined to favor such measures as shall secure peace. The Times prints a dispatch from Hong Kong which states that advices received there from Haiphong announce that the . French Admiral will blockade the ports of Canton and Pakoi unless the Chinese troops are withdrawn from the Tonquin frontier. It is stated that Chinese merchants are leaving Canton because their letters are opened, and they district the Canton mandarins. - Basiness Loekisr Up ia If ew York - 2Tkw Yoek. Sept. 0. Business has been moderately good with the commis sion houses to-day, the active condition of the jobbing trade here and through . out the country having led to a very fair demand for general reassortments. Jobbers are making a very liberal dis tribution of staple and department snoods, and there is a much better feel ing In this branch of the trade than has prevailed for some time past. The market is full of retailers from the in terior, and they are seemingly in excel lent spirits because of the promising aspect of the fall and winter trade. Yellow Fever laereaslag at the Peasa eta If avr xarU Washington, Sept 6 The Surgeon General of the marina hospital service receired a dispatch this afternoon from the president of the board of health at Pensacoia, stating that the aouse to house inspection tnere had been diseon ned, and reporting that the fever was Setting worse at the navy yard, there avlng been six deaths within the last 24 hours. He stated also that he was improving the cordon around the navy yard tfjerever he eonld. The fLug aa Qaeea et Spaia ta PJjua, Sept J King Alphonso arriv ed here at five o'clock this afternoon. The King and Queen were warmfy wel . -corned by the Prench- authorities and cheered by the crowds at the stations : of Uendoye and Irum, although they , were traveling incognito, and y the ordinary express. At Hendoye their . maj astiee breakfasted, after ' which . Queen Maria took an affectionate leave t of the king and left for Lagranja. . : " A Felt Hat Factory Baraed. , Kxwabx. sept 6th At half past five r o'clock this morning a fire broke out in the felt hat factory of Carl F Zeitx and ' Son, numbers 27 to S3 Ward street, do - ing damage to the amount of SlSiXX) and throwing 125 hands out of employ " taent. Zsitz & Son are the largest man- ufactarers of ladies' felt hats In this country.,, , : , , -. ' ' V, " ; JIakiagsloaey for King Bill. - Washington, Sept 6th -Mr Preston, acting director of the mint, to-day ship ped by express to the San Francisco 1' mint a set of specimen silver coins from which one million dollars will be coined . for King Kalakaua, of the Sandwich Islands. The government will only , , .charge the actual expense of the work of coinage which will amount to about "J ; m ajj-i - , -V - lrewaed ta a Caaal. . Lancaster, Pa, Sept; 6th. Samuel . Teters, agrd 23. of JLebanoa, was drown ed yesterday afternoon in the Pennsyl vania canal at Shock's Mills, in this canntv. The - vounz man with two eotapaniona bad been stealing a ride on te railroad, and in endeavoring to es ,c:pa arrest they attempted to swim r cross the canal, Peters losing his life la It 3 attempt. .--.'' '. .T'. J. rt. O. Ptofi h P. a e--fnr-, t i t itfkm . r .n. I 4 Lit Mf 9 niuj f 1 ' - . . - - - tea... , M.-mf-i . -' 1 . T-,- The Repabllcam JHeaiaers Try a Little Sharp Practice . HABRXSBTma, Pa, Sept. a. The Re publicans in the Senate to-day endeav ored to reconsider the vote on the reso lution passed yesterday thatnopay.be allowed after September 10th unless apportionment bills were passed. After some, discussion the motion to recon sider wss put, and the vote resulted: Yeas 21, nays none, the Democrats not voting. The doors were closed and S3 members found present. Another vote resulted 21 yeas and no nays. : Senator Cooper then asked for the reading of rule S3, wnlch calls ror members to be brought before the bar of the House. Further discussion prevailed. when a motion to adjourn until Monday was carnea. ., , -- :. Mr. Mew Will Resign. Washington, Sept 6 Acting Secre tary New, of the Treasury Department will leave for -Indianapolis Monday morning to look after private interests, and will not again return to Washing ton. He will tender his resignation to the President before leaving Wash ington, and to-morrow will have an in terview on thto subject At the White House Mr New stated this p m to a United Press Association reporter that he was actuated by a desire to attend to his newspaper and other business which required his personal attention, and that his resignation would be tendered to take effect probably a month hence. Men Killed aa - Qaarrel Over Fifty Ceats. Limx Rock. Sept. 6. In Anleta county, Mi&s, last night. J no Johnson, proprietor of several extensive rolling mills, bad a dispute with one of the hands, Robt Dunn, concerning 50 cents on his wages account. Dunn finally drew a pocket knife and stabbed John son five times in the breast, exposing the heart and lungs. Before he dropped however he mustered strength enough to draw a pistol and sent a bullet through his assailant's brain. ; Both were found weltering in their blood by strangers who happened to pass. An laipeadiag Strike. Milwaukee, Sept. 6 A strike of 4.000 employees at the West Milwaukee shops of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railroad is imminent in conse quence of the management having de cided to discharge about 500 men on the score of economy. It Is claimed that the decision is based on the suc cess of the same plan when adopted some time ago on the Gould system. B-side the shopmen the order takes In engineers and brakemen. The men openly avow their intention of s Mi king as soon as the order goes into effect. Twe Yea ax Ladles Drowned. New Brunswick, N. J. Sept. 6. Car rie Waldmyer and Amelia Weaver of Philadelphia, aged respectively 19 and 21 years, who were visiting Sebastian Zimmerman of this place, were drown ed in the Raritan Klver last night. They were strolling along the bank when Miss Waldmayer slipped from the rocks and fell into the water. Miss Weaver endeavored to rescue her com panion, but both were drowned. Their bodies were rescued this morning. Safely Floated. ASTOBIA. Okeoan, Sept. 6. The steamer Queen of the Pacific with a portion of the "Viliiard party on board which ran aground on Clatsop Hpit in the Columbia River, was safely floated off this morning. The passengers re mained on board half a day. Tugs were required to pull the steamer oft the bar. Their owners will divide the S50.000 salvage offered by the Coast Steamship Co. Caeeriag Alleaso aad the Qaeea. Madrid, Sept. 6 The King and Queen had an enthusiastic greeting on leaving San Sebastian. As the train left the statioa ISO conservatives, head ed by Senor Romero Robleto, gave tre mendous cheers to the suaprlse of the Liberal officials and Ministerialists present. 8agasto. Marshall Compas and six ministers remain permanently in Madrid during the Royal absence, and the military and civil authorities are on the alert in case of need. . A Taief Wk Tarawa Rea Pepper Chicago, Sept 6. James Kelly alias Scott Wallace, a desperate burglar who recently threw red pepper into the eyea of A R Stanley, jeweller, and then stele a valuable case of rings, was captured this morning. The arrest is regarded as the most important made here for some time. A S Kelley is suspected of being implicated in several extensive steals and frauds in the East. sir. Wlattoa Jolas the Repahtl Greensboro, Sept. 6. The North State to-day contains an address to the people of North Carolina by Patrick 11. Winston. Jr. Mr. Winston, who has been a prominent leader of the Demo cratic party In this State, withdraws therefrom and joins the Republican party, giving his reasons at length for so doing. This action of Mr. Winston has caused great excitement in political circles. - , Am Uapreeedeated . Crisis at Taeaea. Tuoson, Arizona, September 6. We are passing through a crisis here which is without a precedent. All the com mercial nooses In Tucson are closing one after another on account of the ftullnese of trade. The trouble with the Apaches who are continually on the warpath and are never subdued, are the principal causes of this stagnation in business. No one feels safe outside of the town, and miners, ranchmen and travelers live La constant f sax. . a ; a s m ." . v,' The Argentine Repahlle sends a "Bah senptiea to Paraell I . XVondon. Sept. 6. The Argentine Re public sent this week a large subscrip tion to the Parnell fund through Mon selgnor Dillon with a flattering letter Eromlsing future help. The Irish party as gained a new triumph in the dis missal of Jam. Byrne, collector-general of Dublin. ,: I-.. , :. i --'. Two Ladles Thrown treat a Carriage. ; Jotrrr, .Ills, September ft. While driving to-day Mrs Mary Macomber and Mrs Thomas Murphy, prominent society ladles, were thrown from their carriage by the - horse bolting and re ceived in furies which will probably prove fatal.': 1 ' 1-' Aaether Peetaaaster Gees. ; - Washington, Sept.' ev Postmaster Bue at Norfolk, who is also a member of the State Senate, has not yet tendered his resignation, but. the Postmaster General is authority for the statement that his successor as postmaster will shortly be made. ' ' ' - . i .7,""'. Z. , . . The First Trala ; 8AXTTLLO, Mxxico, September? The first train on the Mexican National Railroad' arrived last evening. . The whole town turned out to witness this great event forJSHtUlo. ;! 'f- " y A tUnD, ; J. , . Ta all wbo u rnCertrt from t& errors en4 tn Clsorwjoo of joma, Bttom wM.t, nj ef, to of &xuixl, Pi-, I J " i a !"-' r ua .1 v rgj, cj . j , h i rwtre a t 4 .:5orer-l If 1 ii 6 if U txm!Si"i., i. txl pit-m3T'i e til v - t. ,csrs T, liTMiii, Li.aa i-. !, . ArriTEl di Dtnre cf Ttel - BICEXOHD AND DAHTILLS. 7 Ltmw Atr Ltas Depot 8.80 a. aksndiSOpwav Afilve S.00 a av and 1X0 p. b. . ;. i 7 .,- AIBLIHS. '. ; - : ' ' - -Leava9.90a.at.aiid910p.av : : Arms 8 20a. aa, ana 4.10 a, av 4. - CHABLOTTX, OOLUSUtA AND AUGUSTA, LT XI0 p. at. and antra 4.80 p. bu . 7 CC. A. A.T. a DITISION. Leave 4750 pu swsod smvs at laOO s. av CAROLINA CXNT&AL. , LMvs8.48p.Bk aod7-10a.au , Arrlr70a.at.aBa8725p.Bb C a-SHkXBT DITIHION. Leave s80 p. bl,. tad antra IOlSS a. ai. fades to If ew Advertisesaeats - Opais SeoM lltt-Llzzte May Uuaar ta "49." T. U oelsla Co-imnmt Jacket, cto. ( , - : ladieaboaa. j South Atlantic States, local rains and partly cloudy, slightly warmer weather, northeasterly winds becoming variable, lower barometer tn northern portions. LOCAL, RIPPI.E8. ' Daniel W. Boyd has been commis sioned postmaster at Maiden, N. C 7 Dr. J. B. Gaston, mayor of Mont gomery, Ala, Is visiting in Charlotte, and is the guest of Dr. Bratton. ' Mr. Jim Sims, a workman at Lad- dell & Co's shop, had his finger badly mashed yesterday by a shafting falling on It. :f- " . - The largest camp-meeting held In Mecklenburg for many years is now in progress at ; Antioch, 16 miles . from Charlotte on the Providence road. . - A number of 'Cabarrus farmers were in the city yesterday, and report that they bad good rains Wednesday- night. , It will help out late corn, but will do the cotton little good. They all report their cotton crop short. The Chicago Tribune, of last Sunday, says: "Mrs. W. C Morgan, of Charlotte, N.C.; Mrs. George C Harris, of Zanes ville, 0.;and Mrs. J.C Carpenter, of Detroit, Mich, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Arthur Gleason.at No. 60 Bosh street. The Hornet Engine and Hose com pany hold an Important meeting to night, and they desire that every mem ber should be present. The Chief hav ing resigned," the company will be ex pected to take some action looking to the selection of his successor. Dr. F. Scarr. keeper of Elm wood cemetery, has grown a fine specimen of the celoeia cristate, or coxcomb. It is 265 inches in length from Up to tip,' 1676 inches in width and weighs 9 lbs. and &K ounces. It was grown from seed furnished by Peter Henderson and Co. , ' Mr. H. A. Hunter, of Hnntersrille brings os an addition to our museum In the shape of an egg, laid two weeks ago. with the figure 9 distinctly raised oa its large end. It Is a perfect figure and the hen that made It is no mean artist. The hen evidently intends It as a new de parture to number her fruiL ! On next Monday a change of scbed nle will go into effect on the Carolina Central Railroad. Shelby division. 4 On and after that date trains will, leave Charlotte for Shelby at 6:20 a m, and returning will arrive In Charlotte at 6:40 pm. It is the same old winter schedule, with the exception that faster time will be made, allowing a longer stay in Shelby. ' ' ' . ; , . Iatersseau Dariag Aagaat. From ; the report of . Dr. F. Scarr, keeper of the cemeteries, we find Uat the interments during the month of. Angast were aa follows: In Elm wood oemetery, four one male adult and three children. The causes of death were, debility 1. croup 1, . cholera in fantum U gastritis 1. Pine wood, colored, twelve four fe male and four male adults, and four children. The causes of death were. typhoid fever 4. cholera infantum 8, dropsy 9, consumption 9, and strangula tion 1. .-,- Tha Iareveaeat The "old red house," : aa it was famil iarly known, located on West Trade street, opposite the First Presbyterian church, is being torn to the ground, and in its place Mr. Frank Horah will erect a handsome two story brick bouse, with two store rooms on the first floor; The ' "eld red" has long been an eye-eore to that portion of oar city, and none will regret to see the familiar old object; vanish from sight. The work of build ing the new brick house whleh .Is to take its place will begin at once, and when fl olshed It will be a vast improve ment to that locality. - ,-' ! . The streets are blockaded, and squads of masons are at work' at corner of Tryon ! and Sixth 'on the Methodist church; Sixth, on Wads worth's livery stable ; College, i on Chambers' livery stable, (about completed); College, on Gdther's new storehouses ; Fourth, on Carson's new storehouses and still Charlotte is not happy. " t : ATerrlhle Saake Rite. - ; 1 Dr. H. M: Wilder was yesterday sum moned to Mr. At Farrows near town. to attend a colored man who had been snake bitten. The darkey was reaching his hand into a pile of. rocks and feel, ing a sharp sting withdrew it to find a snake hanging to his forefinger. The snake clang so ssysgely to the finger that it allowed ; itself to be drawn entirely from the rock pile, and the man had to shake his hand desperately before the reptile released its hold and fell to the ground. The end of his finger was badly lacerated by - ths fans ef , the snake. Before the doctor arrived, ths n tim bers t&4 given the darkey a quart of new cp;!a brandy and it fetched np his boots. Dr. Wilder put an application cn the tittea fiatr and giving the ne gro torn stilus to rcllere the effects of th9 tr&ndy. Hit hlni in a f sir way to rtroTtry. Ttr zzzro Cli. not know vrL-t rrrt cf a it ttz-, czlj kne? ' f COURT AGAIN OPEJfRD. , Jadge Gilaaer Retaras froat Ctreeas hero, Ceaveaes Caart, Tries " Several CirU Aetiaas aad SeU the Harder Case tsr Trial Next xleaAay. - The crowd that ; had gathered about the court house early yesterday, morn ing to attend the opening of the court, were disappointed oyer the announce ment that Judge Gilmer bad failed to arrive and that the Sheriff had been instructed to adjourn court nntll the afternoon. A message was received from Judge Gilmer saying that on ac count of his son being taken unaccount ably worse, be was unable to leave' Greensboro night before last in tlms to open court yesterday morning. He arrived In the city yesterday afternoon and at ones proceeding to the court house, convened the court. The old iron, clad .salt of W 8 Brown and -wife against T S Cooper, administrator of A F Sadler, was brought op for an other trial. The plaintiff entered a non suit and appealed the esse to the Su preme court. The officers of that tribu nal will recognize this ease as an old friend, as this is ths third time it has been sent up to them. 7 ' In the salt of Smith & Forbes against Frank A M Boyee. the Jury returned verdict la favor of the plaintiffs. . The cult of the Bank of Charlotte against the Bank of Wsdesboro was compromised and jadgment was entered against the defendant for costs. - The court closed with ths hearing of the suit of Wo Johnston against S P Smith, Which was finally continued for the defendant upon the payment of eosta. ' ---- - - ' Testsrday was the day set for . the trial of Thos Shields for the murder of Joseph G Sitton, bat on account of judge Gilmer's enforced absence and not knowing whether ox not he would be able to bold court yesterday, he thought it advisable not to have a spe cial venire summoned, and a postpone ment ef the trial was therefore made necessary. Shields was arraigned be fore the court and his trial wss set for next Monday. Judge Gilmer ordered the Sheriff to summon a special venire of two hundred good and lawful men front Mecklenburg, from whleh to select the Jury, and the Sheriff has ' already commenced to mark down the names, i DavMsaa CaHege Beetlag af the - atittee af Ways aad JKeaaa. Ihe committee appointed at last com mencement to take charge of property Improvements and arrangements, met in this city yesterday,' present. Col Jno L. Brown, Bev LY McKlnnon. Col T M Holt, J B Mack, D. D, Geo Allen. J. Earn pie. D. D, A. D. Hepburn. D. D, Hon J H Evins and S H Wiley, Esq. Col Brown was chosen president, and Dr Rumple, secretary. Circular letters to Us pablie were adopted, and ordered to be distributed. 7 i , The committee unanimously elected Rev J B Mack, D. D financial agent for four months in the year, and Rev. Li McKLnnon, Col J ! Brown and Rev. J Rumple were appointed a committee to visit the directors of Columbia Semi nary, and ask their consent for Dr Mack to-. undertake 'the i work. Maj. Robt Bingham was directed to visit and address, this fall, the Presbyteries of Mecklenburg and Fayette villa, and the 8ynod of North Carolina, and next spring, the - Presbyteries of Concord. Orange and Wilmington. . Dr Hepburn was directed to -visit as many of the judicatories' of ths Chorea, and classical schools as practi cable this fall. - . Dr Rumple was directed to 'present the claims of the College to Concord Presbytery this fall. Col Holt and Mr Allen to Orange Presbytery, and Col Evins to Enore Presbytery. The oemmittea on the buildings was directed to have the old college chapel re-eeated and otherwise repaired, and painted, and the campus improved as they may be able. - Arrangements were begun looking to the employment sf a competent elocu tionist in the college for the current The following committees were ap pointed: ' ' I 1. For "securing special rates' and traina from railroad companies, 8 ; H Wiley. Eaq, Col TIM Holt, Hon J H Evins and Rev J Xi Rogers, i ' , 2. On commencement entertainment the faculty of the college. . . ? .-. . ! 8. On advertising commencement. Col Jno li Brown, Geo Allen and Dr llackV": 1: V.'::ti 7;''- i . ! , A circular was adopted setting forth the plan of the college 7 property im provement society, by which subscrib ers of fire dollars and upwards for a term of years agree to proTlae funds for thoroughly repairing and decorat ing the college building and campus. 77 The thanks of the committee were tendered to ths Chamber of Commerce) for their hall for r the meeting - of the committee. i - - 7i y , J .V- - ; ' ' M"MBaBaasmABakaaiABBBBBBaaM ' The Cash BaUread U Chartatte. ; 7 Wlttkowsky and Barnch, Charlotte's well known merchants, who are always forward in enterprise, hare done away with the cash boy system, and have adopted instead a novel and ingenious contrivance called the cash railway, an invention that works like a charm. A line of brass tracks suspended around ths interior of the- store centre at ths cashier's desk. Each salesman has a stand, and on receiving the cash, pots it into a wooden ball "which Is dropped on the track and runs back to the cash ier's desk where the money is changed and ths proper amount placed 1n the ball which is sent back to ths on a lower track. , The balls axe of dif ferent sizes,' and the track is so arrang ed that any certain ball will pass all the stations along the track until it comes to its own, when it drops out into a basket at the salesman's side. It is certainly a novel lnTentlon and eaves time and trouble. . There la but one other of the kind In the State and that ens is in WUrr.inton. - The cash rail way is well worth a visit to tha etors to sse, end j cs5 for the noyelty of ths tbir- ens -suld taia a little czih ilozz to res Low ths railroad opentes. ; m l Hi in 1 1 TtSdy's Paper BUU Baraes. 7. News was received in the city yes terday that the Long Shoals paper mills of Wm & R Tlddy, located at Lincoln ton on the Catawba river, were totally destroyed by fire on the night of the 5th Inst. . How the fire originated could not be learned. . Mr Richard Tlddy left the city yesterday evening for the scene of the fire, and did not know any of the particulars at . the time vhe left. The loss is not known, bat It will likely be in the neighborhood of 015.000. This Is a misfortune that will call forth for the losers ths genuine sympathy of this community. . The Bayer's Coart, A quarrel occurred In front of, the Central Hotel night before last at a little after 12 o'clock, between a party ef men, and during its progress Msjor Carlisle, a citizen of Charleston, one of the participants in the quarrel, drew a pistol on Mr. Andrew Co wlee and flour ished it in ths gaslight. The interfer ence of bystanders and the arrival of the police pnt a summary stop to the proceedings. Major Carlisle was sum moned to appear before the mayor yes terday morning and was promptly on hand. The mayor pat him under a bond of 050 for his appearance for trial at the next term of the Inferior court on the charge ef carrying concealed wea pons." The other participants in the quarrel will be arraigned before the mayor this morning. . . Bostgaatlaa'at Br. Keadrick. Ths following card handed in yester day by Mr. J. M.Kendrlck. Chief of the Charlotte Fire Department explains itself. Mr. Ken Brick- has. long been identified with the department as an active, enthusiastic - firemen and "the boys" will regret to see him relinquish his position. We suppose a meeting of the fire department will be called at ones to act In the matter: ''- To ths OJJLcxrt and If embers of ths CharlotU Fin Department: -Gestlxxes Owing to a eontem- Slated absence from this city at an early ay. whleh may be prolonged, 1 here- witn taxe tnts metnoa or tendering yoa my resignation as Chief of the Char lotte Fire Department, to take effect from this data and reaoest vour Imme diate acceptance of the same. Respectfully, ' . J. M. Kexdbick, - Chief of C.F.D. Charlotte, N. C Sept 7, 1883. Kaocke Craxy fcy a Cattaa Bale. A colored man who drives a dray for Mr Allen Cross came near being killed yesterdsy through bis foolhardiness in trying to haul ten bales of cotton at one load. , He : was seated on a top bale about ten feet from the ground, driving through the streets, when a jolt of the wsgen upset the cotton and it tumbled off, The colored man tumbled first and as he hit the ground a heavy bale came down on him. It was thought by those who witnessed it that the man was sorely killed, bat when the bale was rolled from his body, it was found that he was not dead bat crazy. The bale struck him square across the chest and had the rather strange effect of convert ing the driver into a raving maniac. Dr Byers examined him but could find no bones broken. The driver was sent to bis home to be held under restraint until the effects of fall wear off. . . Carrots la 49, , i Miss Lizzie . May Ulmer, a bright and vivacious young actress, makes her first appearance before a Charlotte au dience in the opera boose on Friday the 11th inst, as Carrots in '49. The play ia a new. one and baa already, scored a ceess in Philadelphia, where it is be ing plsyed at the Chestnut street theatre The Times remarking on it says: "The Chestnut street opera boose was opened last night for the season. Lizzie May Ulmer appeared as Carrots in '49 and the house was folL ' The play Is of a kind with which theatre goers are en tirely familiar, yet It is a kind which ia Tory popular. People seem to like the slang and native dash of a character like Carrots, and there is something in the rough human nature as brought out of the mining regions which is pecu liarly fascinating. ; There is a sparkle about Miss Ulmer. mixed with a simple pathos, which well fits her for her part in this piece, and aha aaaily earns the sympathy of the audience. She la very well supported by characters in all va riety and 40 promises to have a sac- cessfulweekWs .i s- .---;i i7 Bore Aswat the Death oflra Hall. , A special dispatch published in this paper from Rock Hill last Tuesday an nounced the death in that place on tha previous evening of Mr. J. Ira Hall, from an overdose of morphine. 'The following additional- particulars of the affair we get from the Rock Hill Her ald: "Whether or not Mr. Hall took the fatal dose with the intention of pro ducing death Is by no means clear; but the fact that he was making; hurried preparations for a trip to another town on business, and the farther' fact that there is no known reason why he should have desired to kill himself, .'warrant the: inference that the dose was not taken with suicidal intent 7 It ia said to be quite probable that he had taken morphine in very small quantities ones or twice daring the morning, jand fail ing to have the effect of quieting him, his relatives .think he took a larger dose abont- dinner . hour, not supposing it would affect him so serisosly. After he had Informed the family that he. had taken the morphine, and was afraid the dose was too large, emetics of, various kinds were used to produce etqesis, but everything given him pro red - inef fectwalJV " J " Essentially Local. ? -.-" ; Denver Kws fPem.) 'k "7 ' . 2 7 The tariff question, in man v of ifs phases, is no longer nation, but essen tiaiiy local, uence it is not to be won dered xt that both free tradersjnoderate tariff -men and extreme protectionists are found working side by side in Dem ocratic ranks. The same Is true of the Xle publican party. . ; - . 1 '. : ' C-rrr ra-m Toot Bop Ktrt hmr been of r -t- no me. I lau bo wua tr: aoi 1 1 -rf rf twonor'i ni rtJ i ret bo relief i lit if1 rr)jL...fi, lti-7enCrlnf c i Lx X&t. , I ': 7 . BARRIRD. 77; At tfes resMenes ef the b'tde fn eteele Creek teimk&la, tats ooaatr, by Br. O-X. KeOjoafaLXtt . m, boooc aae aua. naney a. utmk , . rewttnaed nv- woaderfal and wmuaAoam mmilvm sewer ta tfe. wwpw maxu tm mo vmnea in 11m opersuoos laMt ao or Ul haaim en poeHrij exist or wlrt ttapowvr. aad yei tt is - Harm In for tb most frail woman, weakest In. nuivrnuuwtauawut. - ' - "Almaat &A or nMirif Artna Tor yean, and dtea np Dy physieiaaa ef BrtcaTa m umocj allium, uer eompwuut, ae- w rrwic" eaiied noawinnpfioa. tun beeneorad. - Wnaiiiii anna narlt maul . . . . - Wtom ma acooy of DeanusU. serr jostwss. waaefMtnaas sod vartous ataaaaes peeouar to ieple drawn oat of shape from ezaraefattas Dajur of rtaMmititBL Iaflammatofy aad caroala, or snftazbis from scrofula! - Salt Jaaaam. blood aotsonlnsV dyspepata, tndi- ayuon, aaa in tmet aim oat au diseaaea trau - - Hataralabeirto - Have been earad by Hop Bitten, proof ef wbleh do 1000a ta ovary ncisatwrnood in too Known Fatty Teste Kserteacs efaa fU lane, ' Xra. WInaiowa BooOilna' Rmm. for ehfldroa teeUilac U tbo pnoartpnoa of one of tba beat fe- bin poyaKiaaa ana Danes m toe Lnuea states, aad has been aaed for torn yean wtta never fitt ing: Buonaea br BattUooa of motbavs foe tbeir ehli- dito.- ItroUoves tbo eblldfma pain, enraadyaeo- (OT7 aaa aiarriMBa. enpue m tas dowou aaa wina eolie. By rlrUuc besltb to tbo ebild tt raots tbo other. Wo would mm ta ovarr mother who baa a ebild soffeitnsr froat bbv of the foraeoln enm. aiaintat Do not let roar preiodiees, nor tbepre JwdlflM of others, stand between yoar saserlpc child aad the teUef taac WU1 be aue yea. afcao baely sora ta follow tba oso of this adlelne. Sold by droextaUUiroojAoat tbs world. PHee25 Of TjBBatJOBa iBsttaUona and eoanterfetta bar ante an psarod. Be sura thai ih word "Honf ord a" la oa Us wrapper. Kono an smalne without tt. HO r.lORE EYE-GLASSES. ho sroBx viixim ; MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE, CertsJnaad Iffaetm Beaaoey f ar Saak mm. Iafl Prxtoelac Lonrdcbtrdneea, aad lestanas tbs TJpooa. Stya Tasaon. Bad ke. Matted Kro Las (juox stauef aad Fanaaaent Cora. also eananv effiesdsas when to soies,eoeaas uieem. Vovor Tumors. Salt Ttenm. Barns. Files, ar mt Osts. SUUebeira Salve aaay be toadvaatara. as7d4w bom or au Marxists at 2 PROOI Jantlrn i isto fnTS3 li" llTT.Ii,lIM ,., ' as7dw .4m OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday, Sept, 11th. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o CROWNING EVENT ! 8 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIRD SEASON, i i MERIT WINS" TREMENDOUS SUCCESS ! Evmwflimrii r; ;7; - - ; or - - ? 7.-.: AITEBICA'S LITTLE FAV0BITE THE GEaf OF THS STAGE! 7; 7 THE REIGNING ; SUCCESS 7 OP " O THE DAY O (- Lizzie Ma Ulmer, -1ST. TEX most Beantifnl Play Ever WrltUn. .. .. . . Entitled . . . . Supports by s afagnifioent Company 7 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO : ARTISTS o o o , OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . Tbs moat evenly baJaaesd and TbowuglUy Bos Saaan. Bfflt. a aaJS at nsaal piaoaa, . ss7 A BIG LOT NEW GOODS Cal 1 and See Them. ' .---'" ..." T.LSEIGIMm Ono Ta-c3x-t Onl " wasmmmm. 7 - . ' ' 'i - f - . . - --. - - j " ;o to: j - , . . .".'."'..". I ' tl i -i7 ' :o:io: " i ' OOKS 500.000 TOLRir Cs ehcfMt Cternftn cf tis world, One tdDu.ddr0"' sJue tr. Lo vsf prices weflKovfl. l.i- soj If deaiera. - bfit tt ex-j'",s.-.oa Jim vajnifcil, on evlienee cX cood -'1 E. AZZ' r v".l:.-, 13 V- v- z. K. .lz, l'.v,l.zlt i. i... It for Pjapepala, mnCFfrmWX Costivoa.. Sick Headache, Chroaie IHax- mm rbaea, Jawadlee, Impwrity of tbo Blood, Fever ud 7 Acme. BTalaria. r-j . f, mm caused by Ie- -of Liver, Bowels and Kldaeyi. STHFTOWS Or A DISEASED LIVEB. Bad Brfcuh; Paim ia the Side, Kaetimes the paua is felt nukr the Shauldcr-taiade, aaistskea for Rbgiimm ; (eoeral low -of appetite ; Bowel ftoi ulty oosn-re, emetrnes aberaatii with lax; the bead is troubled with pais, is dull end beaTV, with considerable loss of memory, acoosspanied ' with a painful seasuiea oflearing undone something which aaght to have bees done; a slight, fary coogh and Sashed face is mnwiiaq aa attrnrtsat, often saistakea for tanaMutioa; the patient complains of weariness and debility; nerar as, easHy startled; feet cold or burning, sometimec j prickly sensatsoo of the skia exists: soirits are low and and, altaoogh satiafied that exercise would be bene ficiat, ret one can hardly summon trp fortitnde to try is fas fact, Manuals every remedy. Several of the above syaratoois attend the disease, bat cases bare occarred when bat few of then existed, yet v animation after death has abowa tbs Idver to -hare bees riliiaiyty deranged. - It shoal dba by sJl persons, old aad Xoana, w ay of tbo above - loi soaa TraveUar w Uvfar la Cn- : man 11 j 1 aiauiiss, oy taJuia; slly to keen the Liver in healthy action, will avoid SS. DidKi Nan. sea, Drxnrsiness, Depression ef Spirits, etc It will levigmaf like s glass of wine, bat is no ln If Tow. ban eaten nnytbinr bard of figmmOmm, or feel heavy after meals, or mlmmp less ar Tight, tabs a dose sad yoa wiU be Kfieved. if tad Deensrs BfOs wdB a sawed by always beeplaa the Tfeawlstor for; whatever gie ailmrnt nay be, s thoroughly safe nwgative, alterative an never be out of place. The aemedy aad. doea aoi Interfere wrath ana tasue can TT IS ITJKJCLT TEfflCTABLB, Aad has all the power aad efficacy of Calomel or QBtsine, wtthootaayof the injorioas after enacts. mi3y.for time, and I am aariafied it is a vamari aaattws to the awliral aoenoe. J. Gill SnoaTsa, Governor of Ala. Baa. Alexaader B. Stepbeas, ef Ga saysr Have doived some benefit from the ese of SiMone Liver Brgnbtor, aad wish ta give it a farther trial. - ml. ntttm Om .rff a Bel ,e:"--r bave oaed saaay remedies for Dys- itimmee ana sAeOuitr. bat uvetomnl amythuax o benefit aae to die neaoca to Georrm fcr ir mttA t...i . , c seek a asedidae, aad would advme all wbo are aim. - aced trve it a trial as it scobs the ontr thing that never Oils to relieve. ' P- M. Jubct, afhmrapoEa, VGna. 1 'r- blneoei sayst Erom actual e perieace in the wse of Sinunuea Liver Regnlatorin my marlM-p I have been aad aaa to as aad prescribe it as a pargatrre aacdkaae. sTalce eery the Owanliio, which always mapper ta rea Z Xmde-Slarst x ' . xi. ZKTTJX CO. ' TOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Good bat roa AGcrra -sioo toS2oo per momb made wlUnr our Bne bocks and Blbits Wrtto to J. C. MoCU&Dr A CO.. PMIs. Pa. ae74w ricanEcourmrGnir' mtJ CCTJl LtlLS m L'lLSTCS, i w si.t.sraax. i Msnu or vat-, tan OK AM-UCiflOM. ran ,uaa cotrrnt cs. jj5j5g, P--b C C- ot-, M, C. BS7d4w Q 1 DURNHAvfS. 1 J PAMPHLET FREE BY V-BURNHAilBRCI lYORr PA . BS7aa; 7,,. C . i(- ij, ri Shoes! Shoes! ! Nowis the Time When the Paoplebecfn tolaokaroasd uejeaabay XMIJrca S:!:ccl Slices. Wa weald remind tbraa mat we kaep the very l)atrflaAUiataraofledlaUi8aiatk - : ' 7 '7 ."" . ; . 'r AND l22i at wlB toaaBo oa to r no se us goods. , 3C3iyerU GTHHlXtTX SATI3TACTI0SlaTlJ GRAYS BROTHER Jan : 8. 1883 - PAIZST 8TAHSABD ' DRY SIZED KALSOMINE, - Eeady fo.UfieJ,, -Tbls KalsomlM la" asr article that to tbraos X mcxpaneBced bands cannot fall to prode a It is endorsed br Painters. Dealers and House -keepers wherever tried. o ii If.??7 or ose bv tne addition of water onlx. It will not rah or so&ie from Uk waU. . rlt will work well opon absorbent, or what are - itb bivainable la eleanstog and dlslnfectnat walls Oat an Impregnated w"a lemia of disease. - U U Bisde of toe pores While, and in trada- StlJy1 fMhlonablo Tints. bades and Colon. - , It ta soklfrotn sample card; all the tints, shades war warranted In ererr.respes aoi- " win keen for reen wHbont ehansre to QsT!t or Coior, aad after belnc aoized wita water wUl, keep for months. e It la packed n ttroB inanina paper packages, or box torm, boiii-n six pounds and one pound, wt&fuu directions for it is aaso pacited la balk. In barrels of aheot bOO ponnda, m hit-tmr-rela of about 160 poonda, sad boxes t 25 and 50 peemdseaeh; andbeinf la a drr eondltno. It e&n be ohesplv transported. - a six pound package win eover over 400 sonars feet wita one eoat on a hard nUhed w&U. It saves ue loss ef time and waste ef material eoramon wtth the old mode of miTipg to produce desirable ttnu. ee. - , - a psil of uus Kalsornina eaa be aitxed tn Ere Ss!nutea - .- T be people wj w!b to peantify taert homes at ... mil, m . uovw x I n T sneeialiB adapted. ? - t V- Gray & Brother, jot s&tS ej ; y- plWiIcon : Erc3., W. WH0LT3ALI: D HUG G 13 To, c - " r . .7.- 7-.-,: i " ' ' I : m - t - t .-., ft-3 "3 r r"