aJ - - r ... .-. i. .- .. - . 1 " ! x y ssMi x 1 . : I ' i. THE Djt.IL X? CHjM.TZLOTTZ1 JOXJIUTJIZ JAJCD TZXS DAILY CHARLOTTE, OD8HlZJHJl3 COJTSOLXDATED JXAIZCUZ'T, ' ' t : ' Batty CkrlU OfeMwrer J Ui lUMM Juiirr M, iset.' CHARLOTTE, N. O., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. :;,;:.,;.4r- I- - I -V - - A - ' - j. .v - r-y i i i - -:- , 3 , y-- i CUtBUED ffITU BC1BEBY. As Intficaatioa Jtectuc la Uaierick . TilMKRiCK. Sept 7 A l&rgel j attended metjLiux wm held bere tbia eTenine to test th feeling of the citizens of this district in regard to the address of Mr ltictiard O'Shanghnessy issued Septem ber 61b, RlTing his reasons fur resigning liis seat In 1'ariiammt, ana reruungthe statement that the uiaostone Ministry had purchased his resignation by ap- poinuoz him to the me posiuon or rea ldtrar of the petty sessions of Dublin. The Lord Mayor of Limerick presided. and speecues were maae Dy several prominent Rentlemen, denouncing the action of Mr O'ShanghneuT ana the Government, and calling on all true Irishmen to come forward and by their votes ia the coming election for Parlia ment show their indignation of the Government's bribery system. and their consideration . or the action or Mr CShanbnessy in resigning his seat to take a life position under the Govern ment, for the purpose of electing - member to Parliament who would act - . in concert with the liberal party. Resolutions were adopted denouncing Mr. O'sshanghnesay's address as an at tempt to break the ranks of tbe home rule party by one whosa every action of the rast few months ana wnoe accep- ' tance of office under the Government . shows clearly that he had been bribed - to create confusion In the home rule ranks, and, If possible, to turn the tide - of politics in favor of the Loot, and . asking Ma Parnell to immediately nom inate a candidate. ' Undivided support was pledged to any candidate whom "he . -miff bt name. Mr. Abrahams, th ex suspect who ref ued to stand for Parliament from the Limerick district, although proffer- ed government support and assistance to enable him to secure the seat, said in an interview to day that tbe fact that Mr. O'Shsughnessy had been- brought over bv the Gladstone ministry to re sign bis seat, was too palpable, and he eould not influence tbe tide lor a home ; , rule candidate, although he was opposed to the policy of that party. . Back from the Tellewstoae, bt Coa- teaiplaUas: Another JaakeU Washington. Sept 7. The President arrived here this morning shortly arter tan o'clock and was driven at once to j the White House. He was somewhat fatigued, and declined to see visitors or transact business of any kind. Subse quently he went out to his cottage st the Soldiers' Home, as tbe repairs to tbe executive mansion are not yet fully completed. Nothing definite has yet been airreed uoon regarding a northern : trip on the Dispatch, and probably will not until after tbe Cabinet meeting Tuesday. Secretaries Lincoln and Tel ler wilt doubtless be the only absentees on Tursdar.as telegrams from the other Cabtuet ministers announce their in tention of being in Washington Moc- ' dav. The President was accompanied . home by Surrogate Bollins,whodid not. j however, remain beif.Dutconunueaon his Journey to Hew York. A Mteswer Seek en the Trial Tag. IYehntpeo. Manitob. Sept 7. Noth tor more has been received here relative . . " - . . -w - to the wreck or tne steamer iiuy on sooth Saskatchewan. She was return ing from her trial trip when the acci dent haDnened. It is not known wheth er the crew and passenfrers escaped, and no other narucalars were contained in 'the telegrams. Th names of passengers are not known. Her loss it is said will be a serious one to the Company, as traffic has been unusually, light this Aftaaon. The steamer was built by the Hudson Bay Company several years ago, but was purchased by the Winni Deff and Western Transportation Co, this season aad rebuilt at a cost of 5,- 000. Caieage's Chassyie Brate. - rmc.kiz'o. Sept. 7. Eleanor Sch wart r- hoff. for 25 years the wife of Theodore 8chwartcboff. ' wealthy saloon keeper, has sued for divorce. She ssys that of 9 children born to them only one, Mag gie, aged 24, ia alire. the others having died at birth as a result of the fathers practice of brutally. Deaung ner wane enelente. so that eight children were atnrelv delivered and none sur vived, She also charges that since Maggie has reached mature years her father constantly endeavored by force and threats to outrage ner ana couse . nn.nti twith mother and daughter are physically wrecks. The defendant is worth $50,000. and Judge Morsn en joined him from disposing of any of his property. , .Tire in 'a Hetel One Ufa Lost. HuuTEB'a Fr- U. Y, Sept. 7. About 2 o'clock this morning fire was discover d in an ont building or the xxng ueacn i Hotel. Tbe building contained sleeping apartments for the musicians. Several - wera almost suffocated, and bad to be ' carried out. One musician, Adolphus Frederick, was burned to a crisp, ine miMinar Instruments were total lv con- " aumed. also tbe bathing pavilion and lanadrv. - The oriffin of the ire Is un known. ' The loss is about $75,000, on which there is an Insurance of about Jar Goals' Yacht BlaksaTag. Nkw YobkI Sept. ! 7. CapL K.-P. Vrmnclmaa of the A team tUff Edwin ' Howly which was run into and sunk a few nights ago by Jay Gould's yacht. Atalanta, filed bis report to-day with the local board of steam boat inspectors. He lavs the blame on the master of tbe : var.ht. One of the riersons Interested In ibis collision said he had been told by a well known pilot that .J ay uouias staadlag order as eoon as be went on tooard his yacht was to let her go for all ahs was worth, and to stop for nothing. ' The lecial Seieaee Ceaveatlea. 8iii: N": T2 September 7. In - the social science convention to-day the i; first Important paper Tead was by Chasi 4 A. Gardner, of Sjyracuse, on u rmc ' problem in the United SUtes, which opposed colonization of the blacks and ' amalgamation of the races. Pro tap - Chundar Mazoomdar, of India, address ed tbe convention on matters relating to his country. Mrs. Sarah K. Baueo, of Cleveland, read a paper on employers and employees, which was wsll re- ceived. : : Ifaated te start aa Indian Shew. TfASHiKOTOai. Sept. 7-In answer to an application from the French charge d'afialrs for permission to taka twenty Indians from their - reservation to : Prance for exhibition. Commissioner - Priee has advised the Secretary of the . Interior to refuse the request, upon the ground that such exhibitions result In - the demoralization of the Indians and render them dissatisfied with their life mi the agencies, yy ; , : ' ' Treat Xtecetve roetal Vetes CmcAGO. Sept. 7. All the banks In the city to-day signed an agreement not to accept postal notes, on the ground ' that they are so dark in color that tbe writing caa only : he deciphered with U2culty. y . , ; , , - - - y tJ. .'sirrea tfOUTII CABOLINA HCWS. ! Luther iJruce, a young man or re spectable family In the Helly Spriog neighborhood, Spartanburg county, was arrested last Friday . for burning a school bouse. He was released on bond Saturday. A reward of $120 had been offered for the arrest and conviction of the nerson -wbodia tne Darning. -and stimulated by this reward. KuykendaM, who arrested moss la picaens county. went up and worked up the case against Bruce. There was no evidence what ever to -show that he ' was guilty, and he was triumphantly acquitted. :- " s . iseisy jones. coiorea, - ox addotius county, killed her infant child last Fri day, taking it by the heels and beating its body and head against whatever m v m . - a object - might be near her. She after wards threw it In a branch and stamped It, and finally took it in her arms. She has been sent to the Lunatic Asylum. : Tbe machinery at the Catawba Oil Mills in Chester is being entirely over hauled by Superintendent W. P. Fergu son and assistant machinist J. H. Ham- iltou. late of . Rich burg, but now em ployed at the mills. Operations will be resumed in about two weeks. I Chairman Bonham. of the railroad commission, has returned to Columbia from his Inspection of tbe Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Uaiiroad and its narrow gauge branches, and reports mem very much improved in condi tion. . "Mr." Moody, of North Carolina, who is In jail at Spartanburg under indict ment for rorgery. made averyciomsy attempt to escape from jail last week. ills effert was about as unsuccessful as his attempt to paa a forged check. i wMas w awVf va uwujwi vwuuif was so badlv cut- bv a sin last week that it was necessary to amputate his arm. from the effects of which be died. ! Dr. F. W. P. Butler has so far recov ered that he passed through Chester Thursday with his father. Senator M.C. uauer, on bis way to jsagsueia. y 1 Lowrysville. on the Chester and Le noir Road, has been made a station ageacy. and Mr. J. B. L at nan has been appointed agent. ; Jk. nsaennaa iu oparcanounr county caught a earn tbe ether day is lneh long. 12 inches round, and that weighed s pounds. The Wtfrk el the Utah Caatausslea. Washington. Sept 7w Hon. Alexan der Hamsey .president of the Utah Com mission, in a communication received at tbe Interior Department to-day. in forms Secretary xeuer that tne roll i port of the proceedings and work of the commission in Utah win necessarily be delayed for a time.- He reports, bow- ever, that the dmunds act, so far as the commissioners have been responsi ble for its execution, has been carefully aad rigidly enforced this year, as it was last, tio persoa living in polygamy has been allowed to vote or to be voted for for any office, and altogether 15.000 per sons in Utah have, through the opera tions ef the law, been disfranchised on account of polygamic practices. Heart Kechefort Aaes KJaa Hasahert the Pans Intransigent by Henri Boche- fort. abusing King Humbert, has arous ed great indignation throughout Italy. The article accused the king or having pocketed tbe money subscribed by tbe .French people fer tbe ischia sufferers, while he was at the same time urging Uermany to annihilate France. An Italian officer wailed upon Mr Hocbe fort and demanded satisfaction for tbe insult to his King, but Mr Bochefort refused to grant him a hostile meeting. Ex aoldiers Iadlraaat at the Resaeval a Festal Ageau Hastxnos. KKBSeut 7.--At a meet ing of 20J00O ex-United States soldiers and sailors yesterday, resolutions were passed condemning the action of Post master General Gresbam ia re mo ring Gen Paul Van Dervort from the rail way postal service, on account of his connection with tbe Grand Army of the Republic, and calling upon presi dent Arthur to reinstate , him with honor. - A lalelde With eat Apparent Caase. New York. Sept 7 Albert "Weber, a young German, committed suicide this morning by taxing prnssie acia. The act seems unaccountable and csnseless. He was in good health aad spirits, and earning an excellent salary as a book keeper, ana naa looxea rorwara with much pleasure to a visit to his home in Germany, haying already purchased his ticket for to-morrow a isremen steamer ... t Trestle Anticipated trees the Iadlaas. Chxxenxz. . Wt. Sept. 7 Trouble from bands of Crows, Sioux. Cheyennee, Sos hones. Bannocks and Groeventies Indians is feared by stock men ia north ern Wyoming. Grass and game are scarce and the Indians are accordingly dissatisfied. Indian agents are accused ox dishonesty. - Making tM rree With reetage gtaaips. 1 Clkvkland, Sept. 7. T H Oakley was arraigned to-day before the United States commissioner for embezzlement and put under $500 bond. Oakley is charged with the appropriation and misuse or pottage stamps wnue employ ed at the delivery window in the post office. He is a minister and has been preaching at Ashtabula, Ohio. He con fessed his guilt. y .. . - Ttrgiaia Feetsaasters . Cesaatfssloaed Washington, Sept 7 The following Inrinia postmasters were commission ed to day: Jacob M Pitkcy Leroy, Rockingham county, and A J Tinnsll, Air Point, rtoanoka county. These are both bow offices. y Haamter aad Flstel - San FbanCisoo. SerL 7. Edward Davis and Joe. Jeffiott, both employed ia ' Woodward a Gardens, got into an altercation last evening. Davis attempt- ad to strike Jefflott with a ? hammer. when the latter drew a revolver and shot Davis dead. - ! "V .'Bastaess Fail ares. New Yoke. 8ept. 7-BradstreeU re ports 142 failures In the United SUtes the past week. Sixteen more than the preceding week, and 21 more than the corresponding week of 1883. and 77 mora xban the same week of 188L , What I a Heraed Free Washington. Sept 7. The latest curiosity passing through the mails whicn naa round its war to tne aeaa letter office here is a live horned frog from Wyoming Territory. ; - . a i i i i - , . t v -uy., Saleida ia Korlalkv -.Vs v. : NoBrouc 8ent 7 B A Forbes, a well known citizen of Norfolk, Va, shot bimself through the temple this am. Financial embarrassment is said to be the cause of hi suicide, y To an wtse are rdTertnt froa tbe iron and la- ClaorMlOB ef toma. Derrous wJa. Mi l t t i r ran, ri i e cui um fi-tr:a ?u tlwswrH I f a in njonry la r ' KICHBIOSD AMD DAHTILLX. -! " J ; Leave Air Um Dooot 8.80 a. rn.aod4.80 Bw aw abIys 2.00 a at. sod UbQ p at. , r km a?0 a. bu and S10s.sk. Aim S ao a. a. aaa aiO bw aa CHABJLOTTX, OOLCXBTA AMD AUGUSTA. Leave X10 p. av, and urtn 4.80 p. aa r CL CL a Aw A. T. St ol wvxaioN. LMrfM a, sa. aad antra at 10.00 a av ' : CAROLINA CEHTaAIb Lan R.4S ft. as. and 7.1 0 a aa. Antra 7-O0 a. at. aaa az& p. aa, T "aa-gHBXBTDtfr&tox. i Leave B.S0 Bw bv; sad antra 1040 a. av ladext Hew Aadieauaaa. , South1 Atlantic States, increasing cloudiness and local rains, easterly winds, becoming variable ; lower baro meter, slight changes in temperature. LOCAL. ftlPPLsEa. Mr. and lira. H. C Ecclet returned home yesterday from . an . extended northern trip. ; s . ; ; Stanly Creek camp meeting; la Gaston county, eighteen miles from the city, will draw a big crowd from Char lotte to-morrow. . - . - Mr. Burgess Nichols has rsturned from the Northern marksto where be has bought a fall stock, consisting of the latest styles of furniture. Tbe police cleared College street of two tangle legs yeslsrdsy afternoon and run them into tbe cooler, vulgnlar- ly called the calaboose. ..' Cotton is coming to market fairly well censideilng tbe fact that there ia no boom in prices. Forty-ona oaies were sold in town yesterday. Macon school will open on Monday 10th September. Classes will be organ ized on the first day, and regular recita tions will begin on Tuesday morning. - Tbe mayor's court yesterday netted the city 5 for a plain ease of drunk. The police could not find ont the offend- ex's name, who was- sharp enough not to give It, so as to keep it out of the paper. ' . - Chailotte can boast of eight tame buzzards that daily take their places and sun themselves on the steeple of the First Prrsbyterian church, just the same as if that was all the steeple was built for., 1 ! Two new pustofflees have been es tablished In the State Orton, in Co lumbus county, with Hanes Lennon, postmaster, and Wharton, Beaufort county, with Francis P Hodges, post master. Mr. 1L C Ecclea. who returned to the city yesterday, says that Mrs. Gen. 8tonewall Jackson did not go to the Boston exposition with Gov. Jarvis and party as expected. She is at the New York notel, and her daughter. Miss Julia, is with her. T Rev. N. M. Woods, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church in this city. is in Fort Mill this week assisting Eev. J. HJTborn well in a protracted meeting; A great deal of Interest is being mani fested and much good la being dona, ! - A colored man named William Shsdrach, who, however, claims no kin to Abednego, was sent to Jail yesterday by Esq. J. H. HowelL.of Providence township, for stealing four ears of com frjm Wm. Slwood. Shadrach's father came ta town and fixed up the trouble. securing his son's release from Jail. Bates feflhe Oriel a. ' t A number "of our citizens hare ex pressed their intention of visiting Bal timore on the occasion of the approach ing Oriole celebration, and the cheap railroad rates will enable crowds to go. Bound trip tickets from Charlotte to Baltimore over the Richmond and Dan- i villa road will be put on sale at the of fice in this city on September 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. Tbe tickets will be good for seven days 'from day of purchase. allowing the bolder the privilege of pending a week in the Oriole city. The rate from Charlotte to Baltimore and return will be 818. This is a low figure and no doubt a tlx crowd will take ad vantage of the opportunity for a real cheap trip ' . ., TXailroae Ceafereace. !' There was a gathering of railroad men iu Columbia last Thursday night. The Register saysi ' "Messrs Sol Haas and Drake of the Associated Bail ways of Virginia and the Carollnas, Emerson of the Wilmington, Columbia and Au gusta ; Ballroad, Barnum of the 'Air Line road, Pickens of tbe 8outh Caro lina and Davant of the Port Royal rail road reached - this city Isst night and registered at . Wright's . hotels These gentlemen have . been holding a two daya conference in Charleston for the purpose of arranging Joint rates on their respective lines of road. It is said that these rates are to be submitted to the Ballroad Commission and we pre sume that is the object of their visit here." ;. y " v. ..." .-; .'-!' Death frost Lockjaw. : " h John Houston, the colored man who had bis leg broken at the depot in Fort Mill about two weeks ago, died ysster- j dsy of lockjaw. Houston's Is? . was broken in two places. He was standing i on the depot platform while the freight train was shifting, and as a box car moved up.it struck a gang plank, which whirled around and struck ' Houston's leg, which it broke in a severe manner. The doctor, thinking that bo could save Houston's leg. did not amputate it, and the wounded man was getting on well enough until a couple of days ago, when lockjaw, set lxuy Houston was a most respectable colored man, and for a long time worked on the Springs farou' He was a cood.cli darkey, and bis death is greatly regretted by his white as well as hlJ colore I friends. - ' : m m m ' r. ST. a. KUo4-To eoatrMton. - . ' Decided Agalast the Beak. ' J ' '; The . whole time of the. Superior court yesterday was taken np with tbe trial of the case wherein the Commer cial National Bank Is plaintiff and C. W. Simpson, administrator of T J Cure- ton, is defendant. The case was given to the Jury at sundown and the court took a recess until this morning, y The Jury after being out for some time, found 1st, that the bank, the plain tiff, extended the time of payment on the note sued on ; and 2d, that the bank reserved its remedies against the sure ties. . . - A Delighted Jl arc heat. We were shown yesterday by Mr, 8 Wittkowaky a private letter, addressed to one of his traveling salesmen, which speaks in the highest terms of lots of goods that bad been shipped recently from Wittkowsky and Baruch'a to the writer and other merchants doing busi ness in tbe same town. He said be never saw goods go off better. . He also speaks in the highest complimentary terms of bis visit to Charlotte at the time of his purchase, and of the social pleasures-he enjoyed in mingling with merchants here. bar Special Artist ChekedOaV : Our special artist . was yesterday en gaged in patting the finishing; touches to a cut of that glorious and invulnera ble old vehicle, tbe lumbering old wagon of the Southern Express Company ; the wagon that has tenaciously held Itself together in its dally rumblings to and from the depots in this city for a cen tury past, when George King, getting a hint of what we were doing, bade us cease and go with him to the Carolina Central depot. There we found stand ing on tae ptauorm a oraaa new wa gon, about as large as a box car and with springs like a locomotive's. The wagon bad Just been received from the mannractnrer in Kv xorx.ana it is a beauty. . It is'preUy much of the same pattern as the old one, but is mors sub stantially built and has a finer trim. It will be put on the run in a day or two, and all who have tears to shed for the dear old wagon may prepare to abed them now, for its days are numbered and Charlotte is te know it no more forever. v- m i , Hew Fmseeager Depac te a BvulU There's lots of people in town Just mean enough when they read this item, to say that the local editor was bard np for news yesterday and as usual, fell back on that old union depot to fill op on ; but doubting Thomas, stay thy at easm. We leave out an interesting re ligious item solely to make room for this. because it is a good piece of news for our citizens and it is true. too. ; We are going to have the Union depot, not gigantic iron columned, marble floor affair, but a neat and pretty two atory brick building; with a abed to span the tracks. The new depot is to be built on tbe east side of the track, opposite Wilkes foundry, en the lot now occu pied by Major Moody's clearing; boose. The ticket office, waiting roomaaggare room, telegraph and train dispatcher's offices will all be on the first floor and Msj. Moody's department will occupy the second floor. The depot will be completed and ready for occupancy, so , the officials state, within the next three months.' . f , ', Greead ta Palp trader a Train. Mr. Bob Ashford. the trestle master of the Carolina Central Railroad, while walking the track a short distance from Polk ton yesterday morning, came upon the mangled . remains of a negro man whose name was afterwards discovered to be George -Williams, and who bad been run over and killed by tbe train that left Charlotte the previous night for Wilmington. The body was shock ingly eat np by tbe car wheels, being; ground to pulp, bnt not scattered along the track as is usual in such cases. Mr Ashford on finding the body, walked on to Polkton depot and gave information of the discovery, when a crowd at once flocked to the spot. The coroner was j sent for to bold an inquest, but np to the time of tbe departure of the Char lotte bound local freight, be had sot arrived. At first, foul play was suspect ed by! seme, who were disposed to be lieve that the negzo bad been murdered and his body placed on the track for the train to run over, bnt an investigation into the matter did not . well sustain this supposition. It is thought more probable that Williams had been steal ing a ride on the' train and bad fallen between the ears and was allied. - Hew BaUreaa Iaveatia ' There ia about to be a revolution in the matter of headlights for 'locomo tives. - That ever: encroaching force, ' electricity, has marked them for her own. One of the advantages of the new application is that the light cannot be extinguished. .The new inventor, who has not quite completed bis work, con ceals his name. The light he will offer can be thrown upon the floor, Jammtd up against posts and pillars, - rammed against walls, and yst it will not go ont. The Lynchburg News says that Mr B MeD Smith, a former Lynchburger, now a Missoorianjs in that city, with a model of bis "safety car-wheel," which he has introduced on the various rail roads in Virginia, The model is ex-: bibited at Lyman & Thurman's, on Ninth street, below the News office, and has attracted a great deal of attention. the new invention is a double-flange wheel which passes over split and bro ken rsilv- misplaced switches, &c j where the ordinary wheel invariably flies the track. The introduction cf the new wheel will require neither material change nor any vast outlay of : money. The only changes necessary will be to make new patterns and chills in the foundries, when the new wheel can be east and put under the car as easily and cheaply as the old one.' OxsTLxazs Toer Cop rtrttrv litre tcea et fMlTMHU I laid BP With tTPbOH lart for orer two raor' tad eosld tt bo ru 1 u I tr-4 four l op iura. To Ukmm q r-rtn f itu. jr r enm la rsable aeal3.I- The Darning f Tiecy's Paper Hill. - Mr. Richard Tiddy has not yet return ed from Lin coin ton and but few addi tional particulars of the destruction of his psper mills could be learned. We bear, however, ttat tbe loss is not so great as was at first supposed. Part of the machinery was saved from the fire. It is the intention of the Messrs. Tiddy to rebuild the burned mill at once. The building of a new mill was in contem plation before this one burned down The Lincoln ton Press received yester day says: "The fire is supposed to have originated from a small fire, used by the blacksmiths in finishing up some new machinery for the new mill, near the building. When first discovered, by the hands at work in the mill, the fire had gained such headway in the stock room aa to preclude the possibility of extin guishing the flames. The bailding was totally destroyed , and the machinery badly damaged. Mr. William Tiddy estimates the loss on building and ma chinery as not exceeding 9A00O. The loss on stock is not more $2.5000. No insurance. The mill will be rebuilt by January 1st. The new mill 'will be in operation in ten days, and for the benefit of the brethren of the press, we would state that their wants will be supplied by the Llneolnton and H ew mills. The lose of the Long Shoal mill will neither curtail or cripple the operations of Messrs. W. & B Tiddy." ; . The Whiskey Car Aheaaeae. There has been a remarkable falling: off in the receipts of the Southern Ex press Company since the whiskey ear from Charlotte to dry points on tbe Charlotte, Columbia St Augusta Ball-' road has been cut off. It used to be a regular thing to see the express wagon move off from theofflee in this city with a top load of Jugn, demijohns and kegs. carefully packed la straw and the stop pers secured with big bunks of red seal- ins; wax to keep the express messengers from letting the air get to the contents. all marked to towns along ths C. C. & A. that had raised the black flag against the ardenL On arriving at these towns. this whiskey pat up in packages was seld ont of the express offices ss C O. D. matter. This dodge had a long and suc cessful run, and it gave to people who witnessed the daily, shipments of the staff the impression that our neighbors down south of us either had a lot of snake bites to contend with, or else ere a mighty dry set. Tbe prohibi tionists, however, got to working on the business, and soon put an end to it. It s ajaharp dodge to ship liquor to a customer ia a prohibition town, where the sale of it is prohibited, for the ex es agent to deliver the package C O. D, and the matter being brought to the attention of the'eoorta. a decision was rendered that this waa not evading ' or circumventing the law, but violating it, and notice waa given that if the bus!- ta was "continued at the old stand" indictments would follow. The traffic s ia fall force when the law shut down on it, and in some of the express offices there's piles of Jugs and demi johns stowed away, in corners waiting for the blockade to raise, . The TariSTQaestiea. - Tethenataetthe; A peripateuo "intervtewiaar renorter ox ue xxxuaTxue vommreuu recenuv nracr me as jooisvuiew Jkennjcxv. and after talking with him for a half hoar or- so coolly informed me that having heard of my presence fn the Vmlim Oi-a " Kai kai4 um mr. 4- the purpose of. intenriewinr me on the subject of North Carolina politics, and that he would publish the substance of tne interview, in tnis x had no objec tion, if he had correctly reported what I had said. This he either unintentionallv or wilfully perverted. What I did state on the tariff Question was that the Dam- ocratie party in North Carolina waa for a revision 01 tne taniZras is now stands tooody being for aosoiute free trade bat that a areat many Iemocrats had gne into manufacturing and that self terest would make them favor -protection" to such business as they were interested la. For instance a larre manufacturer of cotton plaids, in this xwae u. v v.vu , ii. a ma. 1 1 1 tt hi i 1 ia owned and worked by his family should Cf.f. rl4J rmm. 1M..H. tfl.f i be compelled to seu their goods for a price les than their tarliT en that class of goeda, taat he would lose eleven hundred dollars per day. and hie mills would stop as soon as the looms con sumed the cotton that had gone through the -picker." In fact it don't take long for a man to see through the hole in a mill-stone, when his pocket most pay for picking it. . 1 hope my newspaper friends will withhold their fire until they have some thing to shoot at. ..very resrwctfuliy, - f CHAS. It. JOKES. 1 The Bepmbllcaa Party 4 tke Feeple. I Sale Oootlar (PeaO ; At no time since the second etefffJrvn of General Grant has the Republican party enjoyed the confidence of the na tion.' At no time during these many years has it been supported by a ma jority of the voters of the country. Five Houses of Representatives have been elected within the last tenyears : only in one of these five the Republican a secured a majority of the members a msjority so slender that at one time it was doubtful . whether thev eonld nr. ganize the House without outside help. In one of the two last Presidential elec tions the Republican party was defeat ed, bat by unprecedented frauds retain. ed the position of power which the peo ple had denied to it, while the last Presidential election was carried bv wholesale corruption. Thefeelinrof a majority of the nation toward that arty is not merely one of distrust, bat t is a feeling of utter disgust. ; : - 1 aa a - Whea Helaaaa is Jast Heavy Eaeagja. Washington Fost . The Philadelphia Times eomnlalna that the 8 on has not' yet told the public how much Mr Wm S Holm an weizhs. When . Mr IT ol man aira rinvn rn a treasury raiding scheme, the raiders are wuiing to maae amaaTit that he weighs tWCUlJ'uTS WHO. Violent tntr ta t!ia nmolM. aftea maatt in rtMHiBsaUam. trot. C CX Ixmpteaals. mtnwref of too cymnaeiom. yoMaro, aaya taat e. eaoOM OU Is tbm tntaaitila ear. 1-rtj Jeuf Extcetesce sf aa l lane. afra. Wtnalow'a Eootfclna Pyraa. tar eftfldran teetblDK. la tae prMcripuoa or ooo of tba txet fa p&ysicUoa and aufa In taa United btvafa. aad aaa ben oari for tony feara wtUi njvr f tn aooraaa by muilooa of rootiaera tor toeix ei.0- i cmq. it reuevea ia f-'..a from pain, earoa cto tfy and CUarrEMza, r r x tT ta booeis and wind etu i. - By nnoct t - iw ti e&ud it iMta tne mHi?r. Va wotiU r 10 W7 r?oUer ao baa etiinl tc rtn from fcoy of l e lorre-olr com- - Oa the Hatter ef Assesssseats. Urea Hacald - - tf- : X The funds of a political party should come from the free gifts of all who believe in its principles and its policy. Candidates and officeholders should not be called upon to bear all the burdens of a canvass. Those who do not suffer the annoyances of candidacy and office can better meet tbe pecuniary charges. xnose wno noia office should be zree to give of their abundance, but nothing snouia ; oe extortea trom poverty in or oat of . place. Sucb a rule of raisin? i money lav essential to correct some of tbe evils of. our politics. The profes sional aeiegsta and worker gets his profit by striking candidates, and liber ality in gifts is exaggerated into one of tne chief quaiincauons for office, y A Call tor the Wlag ef BeeoacUiatiaa Phuadahbia ChneJcte. - If the Democratic party in Ohio ex pect to win it should employ an angel of reconciliation to spread his wings over Ju4re Hoadly, . Durbin Ward, ueorge 11 Pendleton and John it AIo- Lean.- . ''.-' """MBaWSBSBaSS,BjBSJJBBMtM. . Tired et Lale. - Curvxxjtxrj. Sept 0 Rudolph Selili- gel.an upholsterer, formerly oz Chicago, was found in a field near this eity this a m with a bullet in his left lung: He said he had abot himself at dark and lain in tbe field all night. He said he would drown bimself as soon as he was able to get out of the hospital. ' Prizes DistaswteeW Ottawa. Sept 7 In the Senate cham ber to-night Princess Louise distributed prizes to fortunate members of the Do minion Rifle Association. The Marquis of Lome. Prince George and Earl Car- naron were also present. . a . Experts aad Latpetts lav Jaly. WAAHijfOTOH. Sept. - 7. The total value of ex porta from the United States during July.1883. was &294.094gainst $54,017,541 during July, 1882. Tbe value of imports during July, 1883, was $56 80038, wnue lor J uiy, iS824t amounted to wnjsoms. . .. v gjexpr dvcxtistmtxsts. TO CONTRACTORS; for raa f a beuhnna la Paw Ofc lownahtp. 10 be aad by wtkoaete tor. M 9. MoLXOV. fitaalaTAMak, JL C .MpSdlw v 110 MORE EYE-GLASSES. . " HO atoax wxiKXTXJ. " MTTCHELL'S ' EYE-SALVE. ACettata XSmettw tmv raak Vmg9lgtt4nt)M. aad Siat at tae Old. tbe aa Ciena. . PUaa. ar SUueb4ira eajaa aaay bo vt aa xxwxxHta at 2 erfddw bewian. aad mmn taaieea M744W OPERA HOUSE. t . Tuesday, Sept. 11th. oooooooooooooooooooo . . o CROWNING EYEJiT ! 8 yo QOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIRD SEASON. MERIT WINS mm a o-a-ai 4saie ; trimmdous;sucgess AMERICA'S UTTLE J PAVORITB . THE GEM OP THE STAGE I : y THE , BEIGNING i SUCCESS OP. -IN THK- moat Beautiful Play Ever WtittenT . r , Entitled; : , it 33 Sapported by a liagnificent; Company 000 0090000000000000 OOO r. k K I N- i o 1 n fn 1 n n n o -000 oooooooooooooooooooo W H Tbe avoat rraty baJaaoM " aad Ttoreqraly .. Csaapetaat rawiianr arar Oraaauad. Prlees as oaaal.- Boa Small 'BUJm. Tfi i mil a aals at oaaal plaeea, - - aal A BIG LOT y :o co: 1 NEW GOODS 50: :c: Call 'and -'SgTo Thorn. 4 MRfflG wm For Dypeptlm, Coattvames. Sick TTnarfTTio. ChroiU Xlr rbcMt, Jaundice, Impurity of th tUnad. 'Wm-wmv ! aad an: STMPTOlfS OV A DISEASED XXVEK. Bad Breath ; Pais ia tte Side, saenetiaKa the fin is fcfc Bade tbe Shoulder-blade, astakem far Khfiiwamm gcnatal ham of appetite; BoweSa feaeralJT eoaowe, runi rimi , aiterBatiae; wtta,lax; -, the head la Mafaied arita paia, doU aad faary, with eeemderable laaa ef ncaer, acooeasaaied amhapaiwfuiaeaaaooaoneariBKnadoacaBavrtniaa; arfcieh ocgHt to have heea daae; a slight, dry conga adftoaaedfece is amauiiati aa attrariaat, eitea auatalcca tor mw,iirTiniija. the patirat mwifJaira aw amuqrf eer m , e8y startled ; comer paraiag, scan nan I jpnckJ ; o the. skia exists; spirits are low aad 4 . aad, although nriifird that eaeroae would I Saal, yet oae caa hardly snaiawo up iortitude to T, a fact, distracts every remedy. Several of the above ympCBau attend the disease, hot eases ' ' have eccjated whea out few of thess existed, yec - eaaariaanoa after death has showa the Urer to have bets extear4y deraased. I slieetld W by all peraoBa, old ay eX tbe appear. Trave er XAriag fa ally a keep the Liver ia takiac a ease 4 all Mslaris, Bilioma attaehs. TiiTT.ii K aetioay wiU avosd aa, Dravsaee, Depressiea ef Spirits, etc wdl brrrronss kac a glass of viae, bat ia AO It If Tmm katrer HTUm ti.wt ar feel heavr a&ar t.i. or .1 n -aght. sake a dose aad yoa wiU bs relieved. t Sad. Jlal ma sms wfU bm aavad y always 1 ., .. fa Tcf, wrasttw the ailment atay be, a theraochlv vmr?, aUermtlvw aad tevi caa ee eaa x place. "Tee seaedv mm Laterferw watte 1 . ,.XT IS PEKTXT TjWTETABIJS. I-V 0 rwer aad c&cacy at Calgtad ee iaay as tae aajunma attar eaecav vahvhlc addiooa to the aiedical scieace. J- Goj. Saosrraa, Gcrrmor of Ala. Have derfred soese aeaent fivm the aae of oae Liver Prnil. mmA k i asther dial. aahctkai aad Deiiitv Im m j ayaa; t beaefit mm to-&e 4rrteat lGe4N-a k, aad wotOd scad fcsiher far Aaariff thictgthat CTve mx a trad as it til ml v taaa 1 terceve. ' - J"MT. VTraargpoEs, aCaa. - aSST oaiy a T aaiUao. which afwaya -t wiapper xae rei x. Trade-Hark ad mlgmmtmrm am mJ. H. ZKII.rV Jt CO. rXat SALE BY AIX DRUGGISTS. J OOQDBATTOa AGaTITS-SlOO toS2O0per aaoaaa made a!ilBroar frnabooka and BiWa wraawCLatoCC&OZacQufatla. Fa. aa74w "uzzie courmrGHir ':Tirm:Ev::nLD J aaJcrLla cf atxAi. rotx ran tinvuk mzurmt t. Sc Ooe. CHHcrtta, H, C. ea?d4v ; BURNHAKS PAMPHLET FREE BY BURNHA1 BR0S,Y0RK, PAr 7d4i Shoes! Shoes! ! Now is the Time When the People bsefn to look arocBd and see waere tnereanbu CMIdrca Scliocl Sices. We woald.rsvaiBd tboaa tb&t mm- kjeno tne rerv am uat ara ocarad la tbm aaatfcet -AND- vutvn&L roa to suy when jou aae Give Us a Call. 6CABA5TZX SATI3rACTI03ruC3 C RAY & BROTHER .'anclOV18S3 - 'Lliui FXTXST STASDAEO DRY SIZED KAtSOMM, - Tala EaJaotntrM la mm aitMa fh.t tit . tnaxperteBtod aaada eaaaot niu to produce a ptoaalnc afloct It ia arKtOrvf a Patntava. TWaliwe anl r ... keepers wherever tried. 11 ls reacj tor um by tne adr;;oa of water on!r. It will no! mD or aoaie from tie waJ. w uiwa eueuroent, or woat ara kaowB aa hoc walia. aod aiso oa wood wor It ta tnvaJoabio ta tioaaetsa; &ad dlatBfe!tHi walla uat an lspresnazed r41 a rerun ef Useav It U mada of Ue purest M and ta r-silv. SS2J-?l-i15tJ,liaS and fanhtooabie, Vlnta, Abadea and Oolora. . ItUaoMfioiaaaiBpleajd;antt0tlfita,8liade ad colon ara warranted ta aver nepeat accu nxa. - - - fc - It win keep tar mn wSboot ebai?a In Ona.?" v pr Color, and after belna Kizsa wiui mm.r m. - evp f or moDtAa. -- - " It la rtfaafl la Btmna- artartf rta naruk. m4n. f box form, boldicj six pooos a&d ooa r-oujd, I'-i full d.recuopa for It ia also pacsed la' oojic, la trrei) ft about poanc j, Ji h-4f-i4t. -ieia ot about 1 50 pooixia, and boze ct 5 aad hO poanda mmcht aad being la a dry aan.-;:n, u n bo ebeaply traoaportecL A SlX DOOTWl n fcS?H wf!l mm ftn,i'v1inn?M teot wtUi ona eoat oa a tara tulslsed waj. It aarea tne losa ot tlmo and wivsi. cf Btrsl aoaraoo wits tae old adda ol mnir.r to ptOQ ac deeirabia t'Bts. ?fa. A pail ol um XAlMmfos ean fee ctrsd ta t t alnutea. - 1 1 Tfl9 wo wlaa to iatrf? tserr fcoms at -rmaJ e t, our Aalsomlna and a'Rseor&Uiat are sc'a j adapted. . -.' 7 mi(ht ! Mil Urer, BmriU aad Kidmerc pepaia. lver " ; ' .- sr. . Dr. T. W. : "a aaya 1 Fran actaal ex. e of Siatasoos Uvea- Regulator ia tave heea aad aa sstirfefd u aae as a porjjative amadiaae. aad prescribe it as a 7- Grayl Brother, lor aua by . . -7 y7ilcbn Erco., T7HOLI-3AU: DilUGGICrii" ' V. i h . . f A t V Ktrstrrri'a Add TOeenate, ' rc-irs ef Ir ri auj L-o rt,; let yjr r? 'no ,ue, aor t pra. ' a ct 1 v.3 t .ea jour su r.rj l an Care f t-rt ta a"- Tea. a :: a rr. 8. t r-ear-wu r- ' f - i 1 oc T. L S!!IGLG ti CO. ctrrrra cnxzra csaf rrrt c-v r t ' . i i i L - .3 . ... CXL3 31Z3 AT3

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