IV O h Y .TI'A-a.;' f Ay w - . ! J I 4 I it i 1 A .. i ; l v ' fur dmilit cujitilottz: jouzutjil, jljtd tue daily cuiilotti: onscnvcn, cojtsolidted jniizcuaTf, Tlr tuMM S-ss ir-is. tMsMkM Jaeaary U, t4S. sWij CiiflxWJwMl, sjeaettaSed tUMI fa. Wl. CHARLOTTE, N. C.a TUESDAY., SEPTEM BER llv 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. f J .ew . 1 m A. A. . E i " -::,. f - n. Mi lit! i 'QjT t - BaaanwawaWW - - 0 ? T. iIl' ? f V , i MOfl GUCITILLE. 'X' H HJ CJX'X1 THE CITT 171 COUMC1JL. A IX IN KEADIPIESS, otTTfi-iofTUB con on error. Fatal Diseata Oyer a Ja cf Statea , vralaaeyDeala ! a missal C1U- sea CaUaa Caaaiaf; la. I a the naaaclaJ Caraalcle. TtNUOoU state-meat of thaeotton ervpaf i h Uctunl Mate, aa raase op by ihe Financial Care a lei, waa racel at tta oQm of turn News and Coarler rM.an.s7. Contrary to upwUUoa U riveaa res alt below a Local of seven mm loo baita, Tsa foUlof ara toa Cfura: " RoJm. . IlaelfU 1 1 ha abjpplof porta. fljD 19.733 AS4 aalncaat4 ta TtoofttM, JtCtUtaet to taaaa factum, 641494 Total lia factored Solb, da4a4 atxT DM tO Total crop for 183- .. .601124 Total crop Ual Ttar. 1M1 Bwi33jU5 Totai erop la l&90Hlt 632JU rnniii or tub katioxax. ocrrroj , KXCItANOC . ! ;: Jfrr OxxjcA.xa. 6pc a Tna oiacial atacDti . ib euuflo crop o( , Lba Uait4 &tat far ttom year aodloaT An ffaaisu 1983. Uaaed by tb 2iaUonal Oxwo Ei cnaoja. akoa a total cro of JO.lS4 balaa. loeladinf racaipts at aaippif porta. JXH: ahlpmaouby I ail ruia arrLixl V Sonbrnra pla na ra tfirvct from prudaMra.eiI.aOL. TTa rrpunanoa-a Uiaft.Lba boa Loam mil la coa4tDd bl.ulaemMPTr laat waoo of M 429 balaa. Tlx Incrvaaa la tba total crvfiw aa eomparad vita taa pra-vtooa Taar. waa Md4.7uO bal . Tba (atiarauft&a UoICmj ptaaara for lea yar araa fflXf balct,aala cnMc( 10BJL a XL Pakjcou Sy. tub corr csor. Ta tpaamr Kataraa ta taa Ag rlral laral Dapartasaal Laaa FararaaJ. WAJUtuoTOX. pc 10. rta SapUta bar cocloo raiama of tba Dapartmaat tt Asrieuitara ara laa favorabla taaa trtoM of Auroat. Tba prl act pal eaaa of lajary ta drvvittt. abtcb baa radoead ib proapact ta arary tfxata aiept TuxUm aat Taoat'a, Tba dllo haa b a craataat la Taiaa. la North Caruiiaa and Vtrxiala tba ta to par lure ba ba loar at alxht wltb aartooa OrtxjrM. Tba Ualf Sataa rapurtmora or I'M ooral prvrAlaoea of tba ea:ar ptltar aa4 taa boll worm at many polata. nva rofl araraga of tba oadttlOQ la trdatwl to?4 Tba btata arrrara ara Mfwlktwt: VlryioIa.?J; North Caro lina. Hi Scwjia Caroltaa. TO; Oorla. TJ; Florida. 83; Alahaaa. 78; Ulaala ppt.7i; LoiUlna. 71 : Tiaa.e7; Ar kaaaa. Taoaaaaaa. 83. la hpUn- tr of lf79 tba coral arcrara of coo rtiUoo araa S3; la ISdl It waa lot It wa S-J la Ihm (tM( erop vara lsi and i&SA la acoa eooatlaa tba drought atlll coo tiaoa. la othar racant r'o bare caawd aooa Improt tnaat. Ilaat bu a(prad vary ffaoarally and. la taoat taraataolaa? la aooa district . It waa ati4 at tba dapartaaat to d ty that tba rvaJa crop rvpurta -till Dot ba ctrao to thapabtio nouito-marrov afurnooa. Kaaia Cbarga with Fiaytaf fraah I-o-TDOjr.Spt 10 Tba roal'a J3r!Ia currapucMitt aaya: Tba mgrulM of tha Otr ta Uuigarta ara actio a la a tbor o4aly raytMatlooary Dtaor, and do avatt dladala a coallUOta Wtlb tba NihUwUa. It U faarad that tbraa act loo a win brtof aboota crlau that will Uad ta tha ra-opaoinx of tha wau.'t Etr.aro qoaaUaa. A dlapatch ta tba Talaarraph from VlMaa. rafarrta taaffalrala iiatxana. aart It can ba pwmrtiy satad that tha oalrct of IXosaia U to rt rtd af lttoca AWsaadar. aad pUca its own nomlcaa ipww tha throoa aorta of tha powara ata. wowtar. tolarata tha txaorpatloo af tha taroaa of Bolf rla by a I loam J an frata&4r. avta though t ibovtld prova ba tha Oraad Duta brrf tas or tha Or aad Duk a 1'aaL Tha hiaadard'a eorraapoodant at Br I ta statr that tha JvloUg of Roomaol la aiilanca with AcutU aad Uarxaanf l tha aritwar to tha Rajilan cowp rnf la llaixrl. II a adda that tha ra iauona aow ailatlax batwaaa Urmtay ilaaaia ara mora thaa cold. and that rt a avportad that tha Uaaalaaa ara coo cwatraMoat aa armad forra-aorth of, tha rirar Pruihv bat vara Uoo man la aad Oaaad by Jaaiaaar ILOCXY AlOCXT. N. GU bapC ia Roah Hail, a yoaof aoaa 11 trtac oawr bara,oo VTadaaaday Uat partad fruca aft Aa Dla Uoxtoa. a baaauial cut. bia ba trothrd wtfa. Tha angyaaanL waa lrotaa ftaoea trivial ctuaa. Uattat arday avaala aa tha lady aad jouoff au wara waiktsf totatbar thay wara aaa by liail. who. craaad by Jaalooay. aiaah oat af aght Into tba wooda. lla Uta bmmrfct at aad followed tha roo- .av r&a tcay armed at uua iiop mkmJ two, tha yoaag maa laft bar a tar tba rata, ttaddmly Hall raahad aM fear od ftiird bmr ta tha grooad with hiaclah. fractartrs tar alall aad rtharaa oj Jtlcc her. bJva bairrd .p4tawaaiy for ill a. but bar appaala ad ooif ta lafartata htm aad ha only -caaaad to a tt bar w ban aha waa noabla t cry aay vc(r. ba caoaot Urr. . 11 all bu C.-d. ; ? at af aa Orgataa4 0aad af fa taa dlarlaa. . ' Jfomyouc Va, fiapt IXL Twraty. tthr houaaa wara bcraad in tha Ttliaa-a arf X)rp Craak oa tha canal of tha Uta aal baassp. 1 mllra balow I Lit city yrarday aaoratnav Tha fira waa tha worx ac aa arxaauaa oaaa ox mean a t-r!-a w hah r a txid td bra a o am bar r rllLixaa la thla vUlaUf raoanUy. Tvrot'ctU rubbary. Tb raaia'aeta c tha t lLaaa wba hra baaa reoderrd , twNwarUaa by tha Ctaaa ara la tfaarraat ' aal Aitinms. aavvrai paopM wrra iojarra by fU a Uea bar. aora a faulty. Tha a.aiaga will axoaaa azsjxn. Nx Oixxa.ti. S-rC Mjor Ba Ka tday aotpacdad Otr Treoaurtr ral for rafculnr to pay warraau WiIiSi a:ra tbat taa bodtt U Ulacai a-id U aeaa.aed by tha dty aUomay. Ila raoaad to aarraedar hla cfHem. Mayor Ilanaa baa bad Wall ha ajactad bf Chlaf af I'oiira Iswlay aad laatailad l aa&a a dark, ilarrtacm. aa iraaaorar. Caerta. iaZaat atrbt wbUa coca! or froca cbarta Cli Ci'.sgrtr ki crtsAiaxtua Thara waa aa aid nea. Okjccxtiuus. Sept. 0, ISSX At day it,gDt tnia (unoaj; mornioif . tha aaaa txly of a Drirru waa Xoood oa tha road aula oa Court ainwt. near; tba Cauble Aaanary. aq azaminauoo oi uta ooay ana iracu ox oiooa rareaJea tna raet that tha aexro bad been foully daalt with, Tba body waa sooa identified aa that of J on Maanay. a wltneea baf ora tha Uolted btataa Diatrlct court, from which ba waa diacbaxgad oa oaturday. Taaranaaa a rery deap cut extending from a point oaar tha heart acxoaa tha bra vat aad two am all ex emu oa tha arm and aid a. tha lnj tram ant used probably being a knlf a or razor. Oa Inquiry ft waa Cooaa to at Maaaty baa a room la tha houae of LJxita Sprouae. a white woman of coiottooaly bad character. and that at a lata hour of the night tha houao waa Tlaltad by three nagrora who bad coma from Eaaiy oa the un o'clock trala. Tba baxrua were named Wm, tWaoo. Jamea iloaeman and Turn Good. They had bacn la tha boana but a abort time wbao thay accuaed Uzzla fprouaa at ataalla fa jag ot whtakey. Maaaay aapouaea tn cauaa or the tepruueo woman and a qaarrel anaued. ha parti ea adjourntna; to tha yard to fight It out. Good waa aeeo to atrlke alaaaay wltb a knife and Ituaamaa aldia him to sulking Afaaaay. Tha Crbl oonUnord a low momeoU when ail dtaappcaxed In tha darkneas. colajr oowq the road. That waa tba laat seen of alaaaay uoUl bU body waa found a few yards from tha boose. In tha mean tlma tha trto from Kaely had laft town, but a talecraxB being: aent to that point. Ouaoa waa arrratad aad brougbt bock bera oa tba II o cluck train this morn- lac Good aad Ilea man were not found but tartla ara la eearch of them. A jary waa aum monad by Coroner hfcBea but arur taking teatimoni in ma i waa adjourned until tomorrow (Vlon- day) morning, llaaaey waa rather aa laiaJllgantBaffToaod cama from Hold IHa, In Kpartanburg county. i Cot. T. W. Xaatertio:. a promloectt clttsso, roaa la hU usual balta.thla morning and baytog dreaaed himself, went Into tba dining room and est down. U a bad been thara bat a few mo menU when La waa attacked by beartdiaeaao. Ila lived but a short time, lie came from tba lower part of tba State, and waa proprietor of the Xfsgnoila House and also doing bost neas aa a real estate a&nt. Tha Untied St a tee District court la atlll la aeaalon. havlog been held alnee tha eta day of August. It will probably ad j -tarn next week. To day baa been a very blustering day aad tba duat baa beao fearfuL We ara badly need tog rain. Oaa year ago to-day occurred tha moat aera rain and wind storm aver happening la this vietnlty. Cotton Is coming In qalta briskly but tie crop In this rieibliy will not aver sg fifty p-r cmt. of the nsusl yield. i llualneaa Is dolt, although merchants ara recHvlag large storks of goods for tha fall and wtnur trade. Hjexwick. a i in Caadeasad Tttm Otsaatckea. Over 130 members of tba Mississippi IVeaa AsetlaUwa arrived at Cincinnati on excuislon yesterdsy. It is rumored that there is a move In Cincinnati to harmonize the conflicting DemoeraUe factions by tba nomination of a new ticket, l Tba Kmgbtaof I.bor held alar ta eating la dncinoatl Sunday nlgbt. Tba speeches delivered favored arbitra tion rather than strike for increase or am. ! Forty aolU for SISjOOO have been de cided against the IWlhlehem. Pa. Iron Works. Three solu were for wagra by ma who struck, and a part of whose wagaa were held back by the company for awppllee fornlabed. Three hundred other aulU will ba Instituted aggrrgat- lsr tsrico to ffiOuoa I Jeaaa Fertruaao.ehargvd with forging a check for I in. waa axrealeu in Fblla- Caiphla yeaterday and aent to jail In default Of SSOUObalL i The dynamite conspirators arrested lo Glasgow. ScoUsnd. bare been com mitud for trial. 14 r Clifford LJovd. nnder aecretary of tha noma department for irypc, is forming a polioa mslnly of Irlshmeo. The I'resideot baa Issued a proclama tion of the opeotng af the world's oot to expoaltloo at New Orleans first Monday la December, 1SS4, to continue Ull May 19. 18&3. The American Rapid Telegraph com pany and the Urokers and Merchants company of New York are talking of eoneondatlag. i Twenty tlouaand people assembled at tha Iloaa rale msatlog: In Warter ford. Ireland-Sandae. i In Morahooae 1'ariab, La. Son4sy olsht. John II Williams Irflamed by Jaaloosy and whiskey killed his wife with an axe and then fired bis bouse. I IU porta from Prnaoeoia aay there axe Bo new cases of fever at the navy yard. i Ia a row between farmers near lur trap. Texas. JM Tomer killed W II Garrett with a mck. and was than stab bed to desth bv Gar retina brothers, . Gen. Haldeman. the American mlnls ttr to Bism. writes tba postal depart ment that tha first taiegTapa una has taat hn nrvnd In that eoantrv. Taa trams running into Hajumnre rltb visitors ta the Oriole. ArnT2l Ei D.cf Trsia aUCBStOSrO AKD OAHTIIXa. Zm A LJaa DatxH 8.90 a. ra. a&d4JI3 P n. antye -00 a av ana XMO a. aa, .. -, . laaea t-0 a. as. aad 9 1 0 a. as. AxitT a SO a. aa. aaa 4.10 a. av , cbamLottm. ootxsxnx urn august a. Lsaya 2.10 Bw av, aad arrrrs 4JW p. aa.. casL-Lisa Dmsiort. ZMfa 4VS0 a. Wv. aad scrtys st 1000 a. ss. ' ' CA&0UHA CXSTBAU Leave Kit a. am. aad 7. 1 0 a. am. Antra 7.00 a. as. aaa S-16 p. as. - O. CL-SHXXBT XHTVIXXOIC LMtU0kav.ao4 anwalOSOa. latex to Itew Advartiaesaeata. o. raiupe aureaaai xauor. yarrat o- BerTHf. Coaiataoa Bara. J T. Aaaaay-- a ttantlnq. Bacaats aieet aUas XI FatUlBa STaatad. ;'T- y1 .r. - tadleatiaaa, -South Atlantle States, local rains and partly cloudy weather: northeast to north west winds, slight rise In temper ature lower barometocinr ixorthem por tion, j i ..'- ! i Old Red, lsttie name of a new post- ofiloa eatabUahed la Montgomery coun ty, this SUte, and Robt A Andrews Is the postmaster. Tha "7S base ball dub (colored) of this city, will co over to Concord to day and play a match game with the Lone Stars, of that town. . , The snowy appearance of the skies yesterday set the wood-choppers bo a boom and gave the ioa dealer a black ayev while tha ' pumpkin 'wagons aad possum peddlers started townwaid. Rev. N. R. Pittman, a Baptist min ister from Wades bora, passed through tha city yesterday on hla .-way to St. Louis, where he goes to locate. Mr. Jamee Freeman, a beef vender. was thrown from bis wsgon Saturday evening and bad two ribs broken. Dr. Wilder aet the fractured bones sad ba Is delng well. Mr. Matthew Wallace, of Crab Orchard township, reports to as that ba killed a ben the other day that waa found to bsre two wall, formed and perfect gizzards. : . ; ; , , ' Lf r r T 1iW41v tha mn4.l n.ln.. of Vlr nla. Is la the city doing the very fineet vock ia coach painting. Tba BatorltUonee omnibus, jast from bis brush, sttracu universal attention. He can be ftretd at Chamber's Livery Sta ble. There waa a big- crowd at Stanly creek campmeetlug last Sunday, but no conversions up to night. Dr. D. H. Hudson preached at noon oa tha resur rectloa and tba last day. Rev. McLeod preached In tbeafternoon. Yesterdsy was a bard day on straw bats. The air about Independence square waa full of 'to, and the best fun our mercbanU had was to stand at their windows .and watch the bare-beaded owners cbssing them, with the wind and dust in the lead. Oae never knows how fast a man can run until he Is seen In pursuit of bis bat. . , . ; . .. Caaa. Baal wara Saeceaaar. ' Since Chaa Boulwara'a reign at Mo Emlth's music bouse, as porter, a young: colored blood named Bob Ilasty has been Installed ia that capacity, and ha has proven himself tot ba almoat as aa eorapllabed a rogue as Bonlware. Me Smith aad Arthur Bacon arrested Jlsa ty at the Becoad B tptlst church (col or edj lsst nlgbt and mads him give ap an overcoat, a pair of gold rimmed eye g Isaacs and a pistol that he had stolen from McSmlth's alore. The overcoat belonged to Mr Bapon, tba eye rises as to Mrs McSositb and the pistol to Hsp py Me. Mrs MeSmlth had turned tha musia house Inside ont time and again h tinting for her missing: glasses. Hasty wsa locked up by offleer Boyte, and will be tried this morning'.' Capt. Charles Ilarruoa Uaaaimeasly : . Re-la stated .An OrsUaaaca to Pre . vido far Goad Order at the Of era !. geaae Choagea ia the City Ueyeaae f; Bill, EtC t. -i;: '.? X-j The board of aldermen held an inter esting meeting at tbe city hall yesterday afternoon, at which - wete present tbe mayor, chairman, and aldermen Wilder, Sanders, Blxby, Stauffer. Robertson, Ward, Rigler and Oiborne. After the transaction 'of some minor business." alderman Robertson explained ? - tbe charges nnder which chief of police Harrison and peUciman McManus were suspended by the police commission, and the board took ap tbe case of the chief of police . first. " It was charged thatrOn tile occasion of the King row on the Slsi "of Msy, the Kings were remitted to leave town without being arrested, and that policeman Healy was not properly protected from the assaults mads upon him, and during the disturb ances In this city on the 21st of August, tbe ehlef did not act' promptly enough." After a full investigation into these charges, the board of aldermen, upon the recommendation of. the police coin mission, by a 'nikdiinous rote, ceinstat ed Capt. Hsrriiun, as chief of police of the city of Charlotte. Tbe police com mission, by whom he was suspended, voted for Capt. Harrison's re-instate- tnent; : ' ': ''j t t : a - The case pf policeman McMaaos wss next taken up. The charge against this officer wss that on tha night of the list of August he waa intoxicated, and did not go on duty at the proper time. The testimony of several witnesses being taken, the board proceeded to vote on the question. ,. Alderman Ward moved to take the vote by ballot, and the vote being taken, reauitod in the diac barge of Mr. McManus, the rota standing 4 to 4. Candidates for the vacant place were put in nomination as follows: J. F. Al exander, W. XL Gray, Thoa. F. Walker and A' 1L" Boyte. The vote stood : Al exander 4 and Walker 4. The mayor cast the deciding vote in favor of Alex ander, who was duly declared elected. On motion of alderman Sanders, sec tion 1st of police ordinance was amend ed so as to make it read after tha words "chief of police," "and two sergeants." Messrs. Hill and Irwin were elected sergeants of police, aad their compensa tion fixed at 85 per month each in addi tion to.their pay as policemen, i - ; ' Acting chief of police Hill made bis report, showing the amount of fines Imposed In the police court to be Sl8zu95 Seven eases were appealed 'from the mayor's court to tha higher court. Oa motion of alderman Rigler, the thanks of the board were tendered to Mr. Hil for hla efficiency aa acting chief of police. An ordinance was introdncsd by al derman Robertson, and passed by the board, to provide for better order in the opera house., ' Its provisions are strin gent, and it comes down on whistlers loud talkers and feet 'stampers, and all ether dlstorbers of good , order In the opera houae. The ordinance will be printed In full to-morrow. - - ' - Dr. Gibbon and F. HorsJti were grant ed permission to more wooden build ings In the Ara limits, to enable them to build brick nouses in their places. The committee .reported against the sewer proposed by Wittkowsky & Barach and favorably on tho'eontract of Q. J. Etb eridge to furnish oil for the street oil lamps, clean; furnish globes, and take Charge of tha lighting, for $70.1 The petition of the Southern tele graph company asking relief from tha S 125 tax, as being exceawiva, waa laid on the table.' The tax for the privilege of sailing fresh meats was repealed. Tbe motion to repeal the tax on bakers Aad the Trial ta Begin This Hornng ?: Drawing Twelve Good aad Lawful fiea From a Venire of 200--The Jary ; Completed at 8uadawa.r-ig: :'ff;S-: ' Yesterday was an exciting day in tbe court house, and at any ; time from ten o'clock in the morning until sundown in the evening it was difficult, if not al most impossible, for any one to work his way into tbe densely packed room. On the Judge's bench there was a push and Scrooge, and his honor , could not spit without bitting somebody." The aisles and all the space around tha bar was packed so densely that a man could not ran his band Into his own pockeL and . all the surface of the benches in the room. was 'utilized ss standing ground by the crowtL? The jury to sit on the case of Thos L Shields,who mur dered Mr Joseph G Sitton, was being drawn, and every ."man in tbe room seemed intent on catching every word of Judge, lawyer or Juror. At 11 o'clock in the morning the work of selecting the Jury was commenced, and just be fore sundown the. twelfth man kissed the Bible and filled the vacant chair in the jury box.:: .The 'regular6 jury was first commenced onutnotone of them could serve, all having expressed their opinion, and tbe special venire was then drawn upon, tit was not until in the afternoon that the first man was found, and after that there was another drag until three and then seven bad been obtained, but after the eighth man was found, the remainder of .the jury was quickly secured. The jury as drawn and empanelled consists of the follow ing names: W F Cuthbertson, J L Hart, PC Harkey. A H Griffith, A G Kirkpatrlck, N J Wingate, J T Barrett, W S Flanuiktx, J N Howie,T2f Pyron. S M McCali and T R Dreshour. On the jury being empanelled they were given in charge of an officer, and the court adjourned until this morning, when the trial will begin. ; t The Kit k suit against the Air Line Railroad was let go by the board until after the conclusion ofthe murder ease, which will occupy. Judge Gilmer said he thought, two days. Intense interest Is manifested In the murder case, and the court house does net begin to hold the crowd that is anxious to hear the evidence. -. : i Harricane at Sea Terrible storm at I , uaaiagtoB. , .-j-.j l 4 . ; Sunday night at twelve o'clock a ter rific harrieane centered along the coast near Wilmington and storm amount ing to almost a cyclone prevailed at Wilmington unceasingly 'up to ' a late hour last night. No damage was re ported as having been dene , in the city, ut it Is feared there have been wrecks at sea." The sea came entirely over Wrightsville' sound, and the roar of the breakers . was distictly. heard at Wil mington, a distance of eight miles. The hurricane started off the coast at Flori da and moved northward. ; . Stimag Up the Old CorparaUaa. j The messenger boys of the Southern Telegraph Company came out yesterday ia bright new uniforms of cadet gray, with gold trimmings, and made a very neat and handsome appearance. The Western Union is not able to ataod this, and has decided to have its messenger boys uniformed ' also. T be Western Union boys will come out in blue. It Is something remarkable,tLe good effect the Southern Company has had upon the Western Union. It is stirring that grim old monopoly up in a lively man ner. Since tha Southern opened and put call bells in all our hotels and in the offices of our business men, -the Western Union has been compelled to follow suit, and last week a representa tive of the cheeky eld corporation went around town asking permission of our business' men to let them put up call bells also. This is a convenience we are morally sure our business men would never have had but for the establish ment of the Southern office in bur city. The Southern Company is making i lively for its rival all over the country and it is big fun for everybody except the Western Union. Fell Dead TJpon the Pavement. I Yesterday morning a colored man named Archie Walker ' was walking along Trade street, and when! in front of Hargrave & Alexander's store, fell to tbe pavement in an apoplectic fit He fell flat on bis face, and a crowd quickly gathering, tbe man was' put on a dray and carried 6fL Tbe crowd sup posed that Walker Jiad fallen ! in an ordinary fit. : He, was carried to 'the house of James Petbel, 'nn College street; and a physician being summon ed found that the man was dead from an apoplectic stroke. ( Walker was em ployed as a drayman by. Petbel. v For three years past be bad suffered with a diseased brain and was considered a "luny" by those acquainted with him. His body was given a decent buriaL. -Coaaty Comaalsatoaera Sfeerifl'a Bands Tbe board of county commissioners met at the court house yesterday, pres ent Wm E Ardrey, chairman, and com missioners John L.Brown, John R Morris and R D Whitley. M R Alex ander, sherill tendered his bond for the 1 fl ax 'm-' n . . ... cuiiocuon ox otate taxes ror the year 1833, in the sum of thirty-six thousand dollars, with B Y 2vlc Aden and MP Pegram as sureties thereto. The sure ties justified according to law, and the bond was accepted, approved, ordered to be registered.. Sheriff Alexander also presented a second bond -for the collection of county taxes for 1833, In tbe sum of fifty thousand dollars, with Wm Maxwell, J E CaldweU W F Sni der, R B Cochrane, H M Dixon. Wm McCombs and A B Davidson, as sure ties. This bond was approved, accept ed and ordered to be registered. : The board ordered that J H Collins, J W Morrow ; and J H . Elms be ap pointed a committee' to make the nec-1 essary repairs to the bridge across Sugar Creek, near Ilea's mill, in: Pine ville township, or to build a new bridge if they think best. The treasurer was 'ordered to psy wm Maxwell, register of deeds, for transcribing 6,60s names on tax list I from township rolls at 48 per name. S32&L24, and ror computing tax on same at 1H per name 99.09. total 936383. It waa ordered paid .D W Hyatt; for 600 feet oak lumber for bridges in!" Provl- 1 dence, 91 60; C C King, ten days guard ing prisoners for Inferior and Superior couna ouvi Amnony s uryce. 452 feat oak, lumber for bridges in Charlotte townsnip ggjao. ;. t , .-1 . f . , For Dyapepala, Co.tlT.n.... kSIck II.ad-.che, Clironlo Diar rhoea, Janndloa, Imparity of tha niitod. Fevar and IAgn, Blalarla, and all TJlaaaaae cauaed by Da . rangemant ot Xirer, Uow.la aad KJdnaya. arvjtPTOsrs or a piskased uvetc v. Bad Breath; Piua ia th. Bide, ometimea th mid is Celt aado the Shoulder-faUde, atuukea for Rheumatism ; general low of appetite; Bowcia . aea-rally ooatiTe, aometimea alternating with kurj th. head ia trouhUd with pain, ia dull aad heavy, with, considerable loaa of memory, accompanied with a painful aensation of leaving uitdone something which coght ta have beea done; alight, dry cough aad Suahed face ia aometimea an auradaat, oftea ., mistaken for com amotion; the patient complains .. of weariaeaa and dcWlity; aer m ta, caaHy startled; feet cold or burning, sometime, j prickly aensatioa . of the skin juau; spinta are low and Jeipondent, and although satisfied that exercise would be bene ' fecial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude sa 2' is ia fact, dlstruata every remedy, bevaral the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet eaaminauoa alter death aaa shown tha lirer M have beea extensiv-y deranged. It ahaald ba aaexl by an pereoaa, eld aad yaaag. wheasTtr aay r tba above ; eyraptaaaa rnoaar. ' Paraawa TraveUag or TMttw In TJa- lfUr Ilitoa.Xy taking a doaa occaaioa ! r keep theLiv- in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria. JBUlowa attaveha, Uixamcas, Naav- f aea. Drowsiness lpreasioo of Spirits, etc It will invigorate Uke a class of wine, hut la BO 1a toxleaUaa; bayaraga. . ; - , t UToaasTt aateta anything- bard of digestions, ar fed heavy after meals, or alewp leaa nr -aght. take a dose aad you will be rauevedT .Xlra i, . tad Dcwtora XUUa win ba aavod .j by alaraya Ummphtg tba Raa-alatae i -'. la tha B.asst aor. wnxtever the ailment may be. a thorearhrr lMUattwe, altormUva and toada caa be eat of place. The remedy ia linnalnaa doaa not lnterfera watb. ' and ; . " FCHTXT VKflTETARTJ-. , And has all the power and efficacy af Calomel or Quinme, without aay of the injurious ancreSeca. 4 A Oer-rsoi'i Testimony. Simmons Uver Kegukuor haa been in use la my amuy for some tune, and I am aatianed k ia a valaabla addition to the medical scieaoa. J. Giu. SaoarxK, Governor of Ala. Uori. Alexander H. 8tcphas, af Oa aaya: Have derived some benefit from tha use of Smonsjver KeguUtor. aad wish t give it a Relieve. have used auun asrsr Sana ta oalv Tblna- that t aai pepaia. Liver Aflc hava fcund anything to benefit me to the ,ent nmunn UN XCDUItV. But Z. . ' omm. m sent rrom alin- 2S-S2!!P" ould send further for sch a medicine, and would advise ail who are sim. --"- grve it a trial as U i flung that aever fLia ta rcueva. x, P. M. lAJora-r. hfian i ' Mir. t. ir. i only apoCa. Minn. . Hassa san , i la the ntf S Tl o . , - ' m2i P"0 1 kav beea and am taiiinrd to aaa : aad prescribe ft aa a purgative marlines. v X-akV only tha Oantrina, which alway. aaa oa taa Wrapper taa rod I Trade-Mark aad Signature of T. U. ZBXLXH A CO. Xa SALX BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Shoes! Shoes! ! - r in --I, I , ...J" uerrin Champ ion Safe A Bail road ta aa Baill aad O aerated y . Colared reaf4o.'"'" ;;t ; :'-i--r 'i A colored man named C. F. Martin arrived In the city Sunday from Wil- defeated, the mayor casting the decld I niington, to work op Charlotte In the ing vote, Tbe tax on cigar manufao I ioterest of the proposed Wilmington, turers wss repealed, tha mayor castins? I Wrigatsville and Onslow Bailroad, of are crowded i oa xx. OmoL pt ed .1X61 srias JJersssa Iouatars. La wlLh a stone, rradxe tr ween the Creai reseat rireai p A TJoatoo dispatch of the 7thssys.the Kreateet furaat ores wltnesaed la nriy years are now rag Log la the ISsw Eng land States. Boatoa is surrounded by a cordon of flamea. From the booth Shore, aire tcblag aroand to the west and reach ing eastward until met by Idaasacbosatts Bay, there Is not a town wiuia fifty mi lea of ' Uneton that has not one or mora forest fires which are beyond ooatroi. There baa been no rain f ox weaaa. water famtna la feared and evorythiar Is ss dry aa tinder. Parthor away aacog tba ploa trees of Jain, the gran ila hUla of Kew Uamp sMra. tha gTaea raoao tains of Vermont an 4 tha natmeg grovee of Connecticut, the trees, snrabbery, meadows and peat bogs are many of tbem In flstnes. These Craa are set la a variety of ways, but ara moat of them the reeuit of earelt aeas. Tha locomotive aad the small boy are the moat aetlvs sgents and eare laas smokars and hunter sooond them, la Ivfasaachoaetxs they ara very exten sive. About s XXX) acres of tha msaaows la Canton and Norwood have bean boraed over oanog nva osjs, wltn loos of oyer liocxoua 4 ; , , i - efeyri- Clly Graded aehaals. , It Is only a few days . now, unlll the irsded schools will open and the school buildings are btlng thoroughly cleaned and prepared for tbe little children that will want o enter them.. So many new pupils have applied for admission it has beea ' found " necessary to employ ajma additional teachers and - fit np. some new rooms, but the carpenters promise to ? have everything ready by Uondayi mom Log,, As .a amber of pupils outside of the city sre making inquiries about admission, the sapeiin taadent requests us to ssy that the tui tion fee of those who do not have pa rents or guardians 'living within the city limits is -one' dollar' per month. There will ba an examination: of the colored teachera next r Thursday, com mencing at Oam, and of the white leathers on Friday.commendng at the same hoar. ii IVa laararaQi rrBs-rtaai af ktch ataiwrraar aad cut? ta taa pJ-euncg oroueru-a ar a. io aserua aa taa aaoa woiMarna i ZTagTaUt Shax ta Death. "EATcrf Hocox." Bpt. l&-Abo llarrwa, a s-apaccad hog thir. waatakan r-il cf tis tocaa Last a !it.t by uokowa l uUat, c tx Carryyi: . aad shot to The Xavle.lt 1-aeUBAaatarsaJa, Aa Aaaiaf t tar Paraay. jT.-ibta rnaa. " If I'.r 2few rta.'zriS ta caa cpaa tip t.La :--.:er-tooks si eotaa to XXcraej'a WAsnTSfQTOJf. 8cot. lOu There are no tew developments In tfte Korfolk poet- tauiertsip mstier. rasioasier Jtae has cot vrt sent In his resignation,' bu; wlU rrobafcjy do so as soon as the ILa hooeitea In Vlntinla caa sgTeo upeo man to soccaed hica. - - - j . ' i- r ! r y r Is. a (a . 1 J r ' s a t aaan , r .,r 4. 1 l Ta al visa ae riwwt rnea tha arrora tr4 ta- sn.-rv(iooe ef roK-a. b-rvuua i i nn, aary t- f, i- tf r ar oj. " . I w 1 a-"1 a ts) i. t if i. i I r i . . 1 - .a r r t . if a RH-t ta " - J - . -. Fs'Vl a - f-a-. t-a-d aire Mi s t. . -rr T. X.t, t .siioa L), . . I ,. i. c. j. The PalleaCoart. Sunday ' evening policeman , Black- wsldrr arrested a negro man named Thomas Jones on charge of entering the bouse et a colored woman named Ldxxla Smith, and robbing her trunk of f&flo In money.' ; The woman entered tha houae just aa Jonea waa leaving the trunks , lie knocked her down and oscaped. Upon making, an Investiga tion aha found that he had stolen 360, broken her trunk and turned out her clothes. Policeman ' Blackwelder ; got on track of the negro .and soon had hlra arrested 'and .locked up. .Tester- dsy be was sent to Jail by the rasjor In dgfsaltof $ 100 bond for his appear rxrance for Ultl by pjs Superior court ! eowin session.' ' , ' J'. . 5 , J The tssyor had one other case, that cfJQesry Elackwcodfor . drunk and down., .rixcxwcod was Csed CI CO and cost, Ind cull sg drayman's fee for hsul- Isg hid 13 lie Ic;i-up. ' . ', ' the deciding vote in favor of repealing. A gas lamp was ordered to be put up at the corner of Poplar and 10th streets. The action of the mayor and clerk and treasurer, in making drafts on the Mer chants and Farmers Bank, for funds for city purposes, waa ratified and en dorsed, j - - n On motion of alderman Robertson, Cemetery avenue waa changed back to its original name of ,6th street, j The street, Committee "made theC following report, which was adopted: t -t -i , The street committee, to whom was referred certain petitions for extending. Graham street, and for opening a street to that portion of 3d ward west of the Ai&C Air Line railroad, and between Bill street and Sd street, beg leave to recommend: .--'.if . wi'-Jo . U That , Graham , street be , extended from 1st street to" Hill- street' and be rroperly located and graded. ;-trl "y.. . That 1st street ba' extended from lilot street;, to t Smith street, and be properly located and graded. '1 ' Vye also recommend.' (hat. the. mayor be authorized to negotiate with proper ty owners on '4th street; between Tryon and Graham, to secure an alignment of fences, with power to act as he may deem best to effeet the object in view. We farther recommend that 4th street be opened, from the Air Une railroad to Boundary street (north). Alderman Osborne submitted the re port of the fire committee, recommend ing that J. K. Purefoy's petition to put np a steam engine in the fire limits be not granted. They recommended also that 220, if so much be necessary, be appropriated for; uniforming the Hook and lLaddercompany. ; These recom mendations were adopted.' The' license tax on Junk dealers was reduced from t300toS250i y. " , i- CsrsJ af I T t!l aT - 1 t; - f I f . . I . 4 t- 3 i i . . a. - t c::i f- ) S3 Am niA Tt. Jtr aa,-ma rsu Capt J C Burly, an old engineer em ployed by the Blchmad.tfc Danville rail. I road cbtspany, died In Greenville, 8 CL Eaturday night, of typhoid fever. Capt Uarley.was CO years old and was one of j the best engineers on the . road, i He manned tha engine that pulled the first fast watermelon train through this city list scaajr, , tad j carried his train to Dan rills at the rate of thirty-elsht j miles an horr in safety and without a tinslt tccideat. 'i A good man is lost to t9 rrilroai ccrapiny end a faithful which he is the general superintendent. Martin is an old slave of Gen.' John B. Gordon, of Georgia, and got his ideas of railroading from his old master His plan is to form local companies in all the towns of the State, each party sub scribing to so many shares in the pro posed railroad. Ha has visited a num ber of towns, and has enrolled thou sands of shareholders -He has already graded six miles of his road from Wil mington to s Wrightsville sound, and says that he will succeed t beyond the shadow of a doubt in completing the road. It Is proposed to run the road to Wrightsvill' first, thence to Jackson ville, along tha coast, in Onslow county. He; talks taI road: With1 surprlslngf in telllgence, iud says that .within - the course of thr years Wrightsville sound will be a port of entry, with as fine a breakwater as r the f Delaware The country along the line of his road is lo vi and flat, and from Wrightsville' to Jacksonville, there will not be a cut oyer five feet 4eep. It is etcluslyely the colored jpeoples' enterprise.: BevvT. 0. irrice is president of the company, and all the other officers and directors arfl colored. ,: Martin showed iis a map of his railrcad,; drawn by ;' a colored draughtsman, aad which was excellent ly executed. He has been working on this project for a long time and has so well succeeded that there is no doubt of bis uitlmateaucess.":v:r i-f ; ; Last night at te mayor's office, Mar tin addressed a large crowd in behalf of the railroad, and; explained to them h-s plan, of 'operations,,; and' painted in glowing language the benefits that are expected to accrue to the stockholders from the road. y. He met with consider able encouragement in Charlotte, we learn." ' Among his list of stockholders are a number of white people. . ""; a-a-aaamBBaaaaMmaaaaBnamWaBB noraeffarda acid Pataarph-sM.: : 1 ' '. Ia Iinpaired Nerre ronetlon.' ' 1 ' Dr. C A. TeraaM. Boeton, Vasa. sarat 't hsya naed It In eases of Impalroi nerve funetion. wtih bdneaeial resalts, especially la eases were tba sjstem is aSeeted toj the toxic action of tobacco. Send to the inanafactarers, Parrel & Co., 631 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and get testimonials. . ? . Scarcely a day passes with out - receipt of testimonials from some quarter of: the globe of, the - wonderful suc cess of the Pat Dry Chemical Filling, which generates car bonic aci4 pas under the ef fects J of, the; lire ; itself and saves the contents of the safe. Julius O.i Smith, Greenville, S. O., TOghtr&Ooprck, JN ewbury, b, u., the owners of four, safes in the. Kimball House, Atlanta.1 Ga., and Clos seus Bakery, CrlestpriS. O., -alL having had recent fires Tgive nothing but praise for the CHAafpiojr.: - Sales in fAu gust by Farrel & Co. 'double those of last yeaiy and orders to replace new, wet filled safes are pouring in from Georgia, Alabama, and U all.. Southern State3,4;all ! of which" . is "posi tive evidence that good goods, together with , the best fillino;, on : which' scientific ' men t have spent yearajbf .study, and for which thousands of dollars have been spent s by us in se curing patents, will wtit dt the :MD, and ' the; day j for cheap ? trash and concrete: or ,wet. filling is '-near an endj I .In safes for fire, as well as bur glars, our motto for 40 years has; been: "The: very best is none too gbod." ' 4 j , J. S. PHILLIPS, -Merc ha h t T a i I or, Would inform la pobilo that ha keeoa on' hand at all times atall Una. ot aamtriea of sood for Men's Wear which will be made to order at tha lowest possible prices. tM a good fit sro-anteed, Cuttles; and JBepairlnc procaptlr s vuuu-hisw. sepiiavoon. Now is the Time iVheii the People berta tol-vali aronnd M wnerauierean tur Children ScIicdI Shccs. We wooJd remind tbem that wa ksep the very beat make that ara.oOred la the market -AND- At prte-a that arlll tnduse jou to bdj when roo aaa tha eooda. - amarw mj ws aisa a i, , , ', - , Give Us a Call. twWX GUABtHTXS 8ATI3rACTI05taTCl O RAY & BROTHER Jane' 0-1883 . . n?rTs rrnfv-r.aCi rszn TO PHT8ICT1N3,- WAK3SXK9, LIXBT 8TA BLKKKKPsMfc ANO halLkOAD DtN Also BCADSoJ JTaaULIKdi It any member of your bowebold. rrara pareoU to tha merest infant, ara anuotea with Malignant Soree, acrof uloua or otbrr alae. Salt Uaeum or roald Haad, Hum a. wouodt, bo matter bow severe, or ot bow ton atandtne:, or from whatever eaue produeed, send and ret a anient ootue oi iuir oil aia ae suaraiiira a a euraorrto pay. a coraa before othrr ruruedieti oeein to act. It la equailr apoii-&bie to ail in I . Ultra or cores, or Ixiutroed r-artaeea af All d ' raeUo antmala, or anjtblnn that atovea oa t Tan. one or two applieationa are all that la easarr w neuaraiue toe aeuon or tha virus neat we uicer l( arreata at onrm the (roee Kr-slpe'aa ana removes the lnaammauon le ana inoa oi us aiasaae. - . For sale br all druvtrtsta and eoantry atoi S3T Aak for the "Turf, oil fcpeuiua-boo Beader.'' with oerUficatea of euros. . " . aaUBCaXI,LADDd:Co. ; ; May Olr. 4 ' v , . j lilctorafoa. Va. -.JMIMQRJS' ' PATATNT stasibo DRY SIZED llLSOlIINE, 'Ready for Use."; '. 1 V ! 'if DOVE'S 1 WANTED. . ; larty Tears Bzaeneaee araa Old Kara. . II rs. WIbbUhi's Soothtna Prmn tnr .ihmmb teeUklna. Is the pressrtpUoa of one of toe beat ta- mate phrslelaas -nd aoraes ta tha United States, and tuta been usd for f ny years anth never faU i"f suoeess or muaons or motavrs for toelr ehtl- i diWL It relieves child from pain, eurea dyseo- err maa uiarroaa, fnHog in tae DOei9 ana Wind eoiie. Ej rtriD t-lth u tbe ei:d U re-ts the rafK!!-T. V. o tH i s, to every tKithtrwho haa a cfclid sr"-r'.t 'rora a-ay of its fsrrnine eom r hi i jr. M iys pre'-is! i r t i i're , J it ' . ( -1 r i-- i r -:t -eru j I t ie'it;j fi e V...1 13 t j i-i, a Nw I two first ciasa eperatora on the Singer sewing; j uwuiua. i a rucu as come wen reeommenoaa sbaaaj wotk ana sooa wage wd l be given. ' ATTENTION, BtsN3stlRiCem3D. Too are b-rebr ordsred to amb'e atrrwrr armory tb!a (fuesdnj) evenlrj at 8:h0 o'o'oci l,r transaction or unno'iani buaineas and to receive arms,etaf. , - . , . . Lj oratr of - '' n. u. fc-ztts. ut C:rr. ffii : This KaJsomlne la aa article tht in the most Inexperienced hands oannot fall to produce a plesaina eSect, , it U endorsed by P-fntera. Daalara anil rrnnaa. keepers wherever trl u. : it la ready for oaa by the addition of water only. , It will not rub or acale from the waiL ' It will work well upon absorbent, or what are known as hot ealis. and alno on wood work. it is Invaluable la cleansing and OlHii.feoting Walla that ara Impregnated ma -erma or dliwaKa. It la made of tba pureas Wbit. aud In griwia tlons of he leading and faahivtiablo Xluia. AThades and Colors. . a It la sold from simple eard;all the tints, shades and colors are waiiamed in erery rspst accu rate. . i ...... it will keep f t yerra wlthont change tn Quality or Color, and after being- mixed with watur aui . keep lor mwitba. - It Is pneaed In strorg mar,!", piprr packages. Of box form, holding six pouu ia and on- pound, with full dlrecUooa i'or ne. It la auio pats ed in bulk, lo barrels ot about bi0 rx.n-Oa, in hit b-r-rr la oi aaoui 1 HO pound, and boxs or 2 and Ml Kunds eaca; atd being in a dty coiMiiUoa. u eon cb-epl iraoapoitsd. A alx pound packHgswtn eovroyer400aariara feet with one coat ou a bard nnib-d wau . It saves the Ions or lima and wast, of anaterlala com mon with toe old mouo of lulling to tuoduoe doslrable tints, eta. ' A pit ofu&ia aAlaonUne can be salzed In firs m"iites. i . . 1 bs psoplafwlio wish to teHt:fy tnelr bomes at mn.il eoxt, our Kmtomlae and A resoo I alust are as'eelaiir sdetpied. . Jor ssie by i r- A r' no' .-r-i i l . ' i. " CI I I i '-. lti ....V-JV . T7IIOLT3AL! ?c:ri 1 t""tl3 hT.rfcrsTcr. . twll-il .1 CZt.Ul.wi C'l hz.3 tLrorn