(3. TV " .. -; -J am ' --. . i . i . - -! k "w a a tt " " c : s.. oro w.X.- v.y MADOCO 0Y JEJ-LOCaY. A Coacs-a Ctrl State tier Aut,U W MUl(XiTli dcto t-iarmcuunty .Thursday abt. tarn & moidif eoC-oaUt-d ky 1Uxf Wtiaoa.tbe haodaoma daux&lar ox a rMctbi4 r area ex. oo ena oar - 11 ! Kmifh th t-tLar ilk 1m b-xiocD Tooof wonxt, wex both la lor wiu. a wTl f &o yoonr frror lx. vri ut T t nrari1 tta W Uaoo. -XM- m L dhacm procrimrl . . . i . t Tvt am Ticpin-i u him . aa4 L nua e tr cbotc. liar broO . r. bo m pr-al. efUy bAddt W m katf. wtu. tbi - pr-af l Mum bmllh. woandlcf Imt Lmaif mllH UM Anl ttrok or th rP- th0 pJOBflOr tb KOI! OP tO ls BUI laio wr aoionvntM n4 . tik- ( Kn liini n1 . ttl tOOBf finMf tftro-. but wm Mizd and di- f&4 brwr m eo w ora m tu-rta. . T6 bfoCfcr ! tka murder -. i,tHn tk frrLfat mam mod mad c ud; to hladr hia aU tr In tb a-cotnt-ibaaol of bar Urrt hU dMd,btl. mftmr mil wu OTar.waJkadV jKilr avay. Uar fatbr baateIard hU tatmtloa to aatfrK-c ararr mt of tela rartaoo to aara aia ainiuw iroa LLa U(l eooaeqooa of bar act. Xm4 m aa CM U Batt la WIk taa pint mi Tmm MU IadirU f FinrM. rnvx-xrttl- &n 1I Tbo Maatar la caaacary la Lb m altar o Blno I" KM acalaat t-v DaaTUla, llaxaUoa aws TUteaboro Eailroad . Campvaj mhich baa baa la UUialioa fuc oar U yaara. bao atjUrad dc-o award la Lb daraodaat ailQ.-.Si-M with la lrral. TUa taaUaaoay la tba eaaa foroa a rolmmm of YTml baadrad pmgtm, Tbo DaU Utcrtio bmlof tbo ailrf-i coot art alioa of Kaa wlti lit atni of ibo lata Col bevU. Kaaa ad uuud balox a ballarar la aplruaaliaa aa4 clai mad ba bald a loaf talk wlUt taa aptrll of Lba dapartad ax-railroad lraWat la wbleh ba taikad pUlaly u4 ciaarly of Uta aTaira oeearrlaff darta bax lira aad aaaoaait ta ba eoo Ttr-ot wtUi coattara davaJop. aOer Lit dcaa. Kaaa roada tbaaa dacUr tlocva UAdaroatb. ! Ta Waataaa latat faraa wita ta Otmtm B-LTtxoaa.Ss 11 Today OrWa prvcraxaoaa baa dub j-ji.pu-v -wmlbmt. Abwat 11 a'elock UU morn- ln a e)4 diaaxrvaabia raia act la aaa ou to Ifaia bvur.3 p o.baa bra aataady Tba BalUaiora aijal aarrlca oCcawaa t-lfd la-daf aa4 li wii laamad that tadteatloaa potaiM to a uoitaoaAcaor raio oaUl to Burrow p tawbaatlwUl probably claar off. A i-.4 this nortilDf from . it infflffldottj arrt caaaU drtTtfl aloof Ua Allan Uooaat aid baa rarra ora. v A al igaaalTrr mirmftm WAJWWOTUJf. 6pt 11 A womqil. eUtt waa raeattad at tba Pwt-flea I)parttaet to-day datad INmaaoola. tvapt 7. fraca ruatxoaatar Uampbraya la mmi ta aaar TM allow Tatar at tba l-aaa-Ia aary yard baa aaaamrd .f y aailraaat lyr. Fifty par aoC f taaa bailee tt dia. iaaeola city. b wv ar. Im aara U rata arkably piaaltby at tbia aaaloo of tba yaar. llaapcloaad a eopy of aa ardr from tba local baltb board foaclala dlrrctlac bid U bara all tba taall n attar f raaa tba nary yard famiat4 bad aaka for Inatructiofta bafwra prfona1nc tbU laportaat doty.' I Detraction a war a today anl to blm to 1 omlf ata tba mall by parforatlnr aacb Imltmr If It caa b duao without da troylactb aaaetlty of tba aaal or . poaiac tba aoolaola of tba lattara. lajartd by U rail af a atata Trap. Xtr To ax. 8pt 1L All tba par una tajorad oa tba aoddaa g irtnff way of a at trap at cbo 1 till bircat. tbaa tra yaatarday durtn tba rrbwaal of O-baUo, ara d-Ang wr!L Mrs Kata La forraatatba oaly oca whoae lajurlea ara itkaly to acwd fatalrr waa aald to ba raat JacqaUtly a brraaldaaoa to-day. Uc Ifrau I'rtoa waa faaod at tit Vlocaota jxiapliaJ. aorrlc from a caaapoujjd .dUlucaUoo of tba laft aakla. lio will dm ba aala to aroand for aaraa v. t- -.- Urr. rm1 Col T Ilia. rlra pbyaldan. U aUaodlng tba lo- A Cblaaaa M la Caalaa. Lo.-Tos.Spt. 11-A dUpalca from IIoox Kaor atatra that a C-doaaa mob aft Cantoa bo road tba boeaaa of MvaraJ aropaaa xaerc-utau aad alao tbalr wbarraa. caaalaf sreat eoastcraatloo taooi tba forawca raaidanta, moat of wbom acmibt rafsxa oa board Trasala ta tba clrar. Mo Ttoleoea was c IT red ' to paraoas aad a f area of Cbloeaa troops waa eallad act wbicb quickly dlaperaad tba hoUn. Oa taa re4p of tha la taiUrcaea at LIooc Ko&x sarerml iraa ' baata wars laeoadiataiy aent to Caa ton to afford protaeUoa la foraifn soar-etusu- ? , , i i i; 1 1 : .-. . rawaa4 by. tba Capauaas af a " Ta'oT.N Y.Dapt llUoward SUyans -aad iao lirowa wara drowned la laka Cbamplala aaar llaUaborg laat bUraday by lam capsiiLof of a sail boat. A J bxaltb. anotbar oftba party, drif Caa -rtia Uw boat for; tao aaara, finallr Uckdiaf oa aa lalaad.. lis -roached llAUMburj List aTsator. - - ' k , i . jaaaaaabaattTaari aCaa-tated tm ilormooa wrra foand fnJJfT tcja tnomlnit of potTry andawd eondact -.XLJ.tna leader, was sentenced to Taars La lbs booaa of cerrtcttoa, 'Tba aaaUooa of lira Cobb aad MJaaAThlt ,y waa raacrrad. pacdlnf fur-bar La Til' lftn m4 ao mem If -.taa womea aU aajjjdaa tbalr Loiiaorsl UXa. i t ' A DaatradaTa rraaC' ' Onc.oo,Septll Tba latest raports f La froat say the dara-ss to the corn 4?ro? la WUec-aUa. UlebUsa, Juartbaro li'iln-s It-1- - Iowa will ba at iaas 1 par caaL. and - that tobacco, aoya,aorshaa-,ara-t-rtiaa aad bock mtbmmt ara aiatoat a total losa.' g . . A D-fa-alaOs aUUa, ST A1JUNS, VT.' Sept 1 1-Vfm Balsa, m blackatnitbof llljr.caUtfprfnAeom ' ca-iUdsulcldsyaaiardray. Hsbadbaao rraatad for UxifflT aad whlla awaltloi Cila racooTal to Jail ba cjt t bis tiiroai tillh a pockst knirs. j ... . ' " : T Saw Hill Baraad. ' f f p "P trsrroif. lf-i. Prt 11 ' tteaua U t :l cX Jaa il 8cct i iwa Jsxt ftt'i r' t stock. 1 ....red tor ,ZJX ' ... " ' iTrrs. Cs-ailas F"aad - t . " c;- -TN-aATLf-ert 11 Tbtt2!ns of sarc -nri-"--' of tl Valnutatrewt Cr v , jr.l to-rfiy. Tbta nmplet- irnnl ci Dcrt-i. cf Tra wiciiK0XDjrDDjrnx. ttUMlMMitNa a.aa-i4.S3SL aa, aimaaOOa aaaa 1-M.aa. 'j , OTJLEXJTTT, OOLCnil A.HD ACQU3TJL lO.a-,aadrrt-aJWB-. . .: ci . t. a x pmaios. tM-a iM pk. aad antta at ia00 a. aa. ! ctao-ntx cxmu. La af . aa. aad T-1 0 a at.' -Mi 1-tM a. a-ulll am. ' 0. C- BHTUTT PrTTtlQJl. ' Vk. at- aad antra 1 a SO a. m. Ladax ta Raw AdTarusaaacata. a a M rr-- trua M a i- a w a law IXICAX. HirrLM. i ! -i-TtU U aald'to "ba tba'aqulaoctlal storm, and a flaa old equinox It la. ; Orsrooats aad straw bats wars pot aa psoommoa' cotabinatloa oa tb nmu yeabaraay. , - Tba Urarystablas ara crowded with borxUa from tba coon try. 8-dalds' trial Is tba caoaa of IL '. i : . ' Tba CbkilotUbasa ball oolorednla plajed wllh tia colored ConconJ Bln.e yeaterday la tba latter place aad scored trtl-it 19 for Cooeord. i Mr Zab Vaaea return ad bocoa yes terday tram AibeTtna. lis uu not o- Uraly racoTsrrd rxam bis woaods,birt aaakinc satisfactory progreaa i ; -':' i , Tba Eofon! 'iloasa bllllanl table, bare baea orerhaultd aad nawly eor arad, and new balls bare been pot oa tba tables. Tba boye never let tbetn cat cold. i Mr. HO. VtUb0r7.au pariaKcdaiit of tba Ualla gold mine, yesterday ex hibited five cold bricks, wwrth 5.fioa. theresalt ef SI work In u days at tba HaiU. ! Mayor Maxwell yesterday appoint ed Mr J B Booka sanitary polieeman. too Mr Jsmea Crow Alaxaadar. wbo was promoted to tba police foroa. Mr EWuke's Laras of oflca expires Ootober lat. A brk In the telegraph wires laat nhtht, aorth ,t Greenaboro, caused by tba storm, cot short oar preas dispatch er, aad amounts for tba non-appearance oftbe bulk of our teleffrapio taarkets, I Capt. 11. CL Bowman, and old IUcb-n-od A Dan vtlls eoududor, was at tba Baford House jelerday,. Jo Is sailed ibere, tocetber with a lot of railroad moo, aa witnesses ta tba Kirk eult, to coma op as soon as tba Sbtalda trial la off. ; "" f '-4 i Yesterday was a big day for travel aad all tbt LralDt passlof through tba dty wars crowded, and snoub stopped over to crowd our hotels. There were 00a boadred and twelve arrivals at the Central op to supper time. P4 Two new postofflzes were estab liabed In this State Tuesday laat. . Del phi la AUegbany, county, and Tyro tibopaja Da-klteo. Jas AFowlkea U postmasUr or Ua" former o files and Richard B. Thompson, of the latter, i A new lack for mall pouches will iro Into use simultaneously with tba new two-cent letter postafs stamp oa Oat. 1. iJf-fiy thoass-nLevs bare baea fttorit ta boaLmastara and' other! par- socu aaUorizad to bare the aa. Tbay vera sent la separata raziitared enyal- opaa, and every one of them reached Its destination. Two hundred thousand ef tba new locks bare beta distributed. Tbay are corrugated sleet, ad ara light sr and ars said to be stronger than those now la use. ; JBxperLaieat la tlrape Celrare I Mr. G. II. Wearn. of BsrrybUI town ship has baea axperimeoUog la grape culture and yesterday brought us It lot of fins grapes of bis owa raising. Tbay ware a cross between the Concord aad Winter grape and bsve the peculiar taste of both combined. ' la sUi the grapes are a little larger than buckshot. Tba viae upon which they crow Teeem bio the wild grapa viae la arery reaps cfe Mr. Wasrn secured: this ' odd .'rasutt by grafting. This asw stylo of gripe,' Mr. Wearn says, makes wine or a particu larly flns quality f ( 1 ft i r S I4 : . "'J Mllf J A Teraede Kxjdadas la ti4 -UreeC ! As ths Southern Express Company's btg wagon was on tba way td the depot yesterdsf afternoon, Urta, oyer a xaii- mA tnr-rsAn In the "atraat neap the UW I W .wW , w court houses nd f oommetioa was rais ed. 'People, cams frothing out to sea what tba trouble was. and a crowd of. about tiro hundred bad collected In lees than ve minute. The torpedo explode aa with a noise,, uas wa i a aaupon, Kttl It rMnlti wara harmlest. IIoW It cams to ba lying In Ua street walking for somo wagon to rfln over It U a iys tary that perhsps soma pracUcal. jdker who bad acceaa to the rallroau's supply waa a. mi m a y f f f j 1 - ' a- Tba apte-sber aaa? Tba September tooea falls 00 J ths 16th. at ifty-seveo m In a Las after 4 o'clock in th's evening. The new moon mt tha 1st Is In conjunction with Uf an na on tha Id a.d with Msrcnrj on tha srd. 1 Tha full moon aS the lich la very n'asr Neptuse on tba 10th, paaala la sections aorta.' ua tns zxn sns is a cooJan.Uoa with Sxtarn, baing;.l, Ctgl 14 sections south. Io some portions of tbi f wthard Jjerxaiphara' Eaiiixn. is 00 rnltteyl. mtkJnz bis sixth cccuiucya during ths jeax.but the .bsaaOXol pbe- aoDBt baa not aooe baea vuiwa iroot ooriraw Xo1sna'poInlSOf obserra Uon." On lb 2.lh lha waning moon pays bar respects to liars, en ths SStb to JeplUr.aadoa the SOth to Uranus for jb a sacoo 1 tlraal : it 1 ta re v i. .i " ' I - TDE STATE'S EVIDENCE. HIELvDa Oil THIS ' 1TAHD ' TVU TiutEis mours in mtowif DEf-Nlf. i r-. r Tba State SesU with Its Ftfth Wlta eparatiaa aaut Exelaaie ef ; Wtt BeeeeeTbe UveJleat latcraat JSvtae- ad by tha raalla. . Before tb boor of 10 o'clack yester day tba doors of the court room were thrown open and the eager multitudes who bad aasembled la groapa near the entrance poured In with an evident de termination on each 'man's race to cure tne most comfortable seat avail able for bearing the evidence lathe case of Thee L. Shields. The court room was filled Ur ita utmost capadtyja few in In u tea and' Solicitor: Otborne,. W 0 Benet, Ba4 , and Ool JlsaUtoa O Jone. couasel for the proeecatloa were prompt lyatthe8UU's table. Judge Byuum aad Messrs Wilson nd Son the defend ant's counsel, appeared , later, As seen as the court announced Its readiness for business,' Solicitor Osborne and announced1 that W O BebetZsq, Of the Sooth Carolina Bar k was prseeatj io assist the prosachUo-i ajifi? del auk ant's connsel bad ; rrjr objection to .bli assistance, may woaia maae aujuwn In the outset. The defendant's counsel made no abjection. The State then pro ceeded to swear Its, wltnasaee when coanael for the defense expressed de sire to' bare all wltnsrres worn and then excluded from tha court room till examined. This reqieaf was granted and as tha witnesses on' either side were sworn strict orders were given that they should ga oat and remain oat of the bearing of the court till called- . Mrs Annie 5aieldaalster of, tba de ceased, was the first witness called for the State." She said:'1; I lire In Hope welL Joaeph O 81tton.waa my brother. My busbaad. David II Shields, is a brother of the defendant. Joseph Sltton was killed at my bouse on Tuesday tba Sth of J una, early in the morning ba twea 0 and 7 o'clock. 1 wsa in my. 000k room in a stooping posture with ay beck to tba door, sweeping ashes from my stove, when Thoe Shields came to the door anssked me if I bad Unlab el breakfast. I told him lebg ago, and be smiled aad walked out to where my brother was. I beard something Like my brother getting a chair; for Tom ; my brother aald something ta Tom and laughed.' Tom said. "Let's gonp stairs." They went up stairs, my brother going before. My brother aald something else and laughed.! By that time I was done In the cook room. I beard the report. I ssw Tom come out of the robot and do something like pull at thedoor-knob. I could see the door where I was atand ing. I could see it when I beard the report. 1 beard no talking or quarrel ing In the room before the report. It waa only an instant from the time they went In the room till I heard the re port. When I ssw Tom come out or the room.'tometblBg told me "Buddie' wasjdesd and Inn for my husband. Tom came out to meet us and my bos band asked him what be was frighten log this child for. Tom answered, yon need not be frightened anything about It; I bare killed htm. Tom told my husband to atand back or be woeJd shoot him too. My husband told blm be bed acted rashly. Tomjgsyf 'my husband the key saying he'hsd locked the door, but forbid, blm (my husband) to enter till some one came. , .My hus band would not haye the key, but Tom aflerwarde threw It Le blm and it, fell in thdlrt.' 1 Tom said be bad killed my brother because tat brother had sedaeed bis t later, and I said fOb Buddie loved Mollis and would bare married her." Toot then said he trad Just asked blm to marry her, and be raTased. He asked me why Joe'wss going to leave her, and when I told tdm thai be (Joe) waa J net going on a pleasure trip to Thomas yille commencement, be bung his head and walked off. I saw Tom on Saturday before that and en Thursday when be aald be wanted to, see Joe about that account book of Jala Phillips. He bad but gun ; I saw blm have nothing bnt the gaou '-' He was at my house on a gabbath before that after the burning of Parka ginboose ; saw him on Mon day at his. own house; 'be said he had thought of going a P. to sea Joe, but was sick. A Linen duster beinjr prod seed, the witness isaid it was bsr brother Joe's ; said she saw it In the window of. her room where she had just placed It after Ironing It. '- Coming down stairs Shields would pass that window.; My ferotber 'wsa reading a newspaper that morning. My -room-was under, the I Cross-ax axalaad by odge Bjiram wit. nees said : ' The distance from the cook room door to tba psssasjs Is only a Little piece. I didn't sea themjenter the room np stairs J I had fishhedthe stove and ploi'tbrirooi'rTTenXl-W-td the report I bad finished the floor and was,' lat Site paaapt 1 1 aa w , Thomas Bmlds as I look ad Up j be if as coining out "I afterwards met him in the side of the back yard, 8f yards from passage door., I did not see Tom have any birds with blm on Thursday when he caued. I bad beard that Tom bad talked about me, but I didn't care for that. I was friendly with him. My bouse wss Joe's home. It is about 190 yards fronuTom's. I dont know whose, property It waf.; Joe td Tom were friendly. 1 j Dor II M Wilder, the second witness for the State, said:'. X made a post tact tern exaolnatlon of te body of Ur Sit- too, but not an entire autopsy. ' I found the body at onslXr Sblslds", dressed and tn a coC3n. L.I have been a . practicing pbysIoian for 12 years,' It wss -on the ctii day cf J fez.3 X 'ciataei U-a body ; fonsd a cot wo tmi la. Uis bt-i Just above tba ear on the'rlht side.' JThe Ctzeral,rin3 of t-S.a.ct Vr-t downt ward enl-rcrwera. l txt.i.a tne whole cf bit bead, end di'dnt ess where iy act bid 'corns oat. Ula t-tca cf the far- t'"s c.t1 f, -and bia niouLa' eee- ; . 1 c f tr-.c t. :.b. There wts .3 i 1 .1 L 1 C Let.' -It f-rrtl t j Lava one. and would produce almost instant death ;' the wound on the race waa not.' " Witness being questioner as to bis qnaJificatlob as an expert, aaldr I can give an opinion as to relative position. The face of the deceased was, in my opinion, turned slightly away from the nartv flrinr run. and downward. The upper edge of the wound -.waa smooth and the lower edger ragged; shot came from direction of smooth aide. ' I saw traces of powder; on face, .some .not buraed sticking Into nose.' , Cross-examined witness said: Jt was about 6 o'clock In. the evening when made the examination.' J just examined the bead : fouad no wound on the fore bead. I saw powder on the face. r" ' Mrs Annie Shields being recalled said; My brother bad the paper in bis band wberf ne went tft stairs. A newspaper sfas aaown ber and she said that was vom paper.. . .. John Sample, third witness, aald: went to the bouse of David Shields about one hour after the killing ; it was about 8 o'clock- I met Mrs -Nathan Thrower on the way. and aba went up with me. I a topped and talked to Mr and Mrs Shields, and then ; went up to the rocasUjI found It locked-: Came back dowii anl asked! fbi the key but it waa aot to be foandJ Tried key ftf another door, but it would not do. Mr John Sltton and I then broke down the door and entered. I fuand Mr Slttoo lying eh .tba bad with a wonnd: In bia head. The bed was aiUing diagonally across the room. The bead of it was fire feet and four inches from the door and three feet from the walL Sitton's bead waa lying about half way between the bead and foot of it, near the back aide. Hi bead was farther from the bead of the bed than bia knees." There waa a suit of i clothes on the foot of the bed. I found blood on the ceat. : There was blood on the floor about eighteen Inches from bis knees. ' There was a puddle of blood on the bed around bis Jiead. : I didn't see any connection between that on the floor and that on the bed. After other parties came in .we examined his parson and took some things from his pocket. I found a small memorandum on the floor back of the bed. , ; - : A book was abowa the witness, and be said it was the book be found. hnd bad same blood marks oa it now, as it had then. i j t Proceeding the witness said : I found 1 It ona footer eighteen inches from the railing of the bad on the floorAnd prob ably three feet from deceased s head.-1 f onnd a pistol In tba blp pocket of the deceased. I waa not : there when the body was moved, except aa to but ftSC which were placed on a chair. I found no money on bis person. John Sitton alone went into the roem with me. I examined the boose after the killing. Where Mrs Shields stood the door of the room in which SUtonwae killed could be seen. " .'". t Cross-exam Ined Uie witness said : . I could see .be impression of the pistol outside of tLer pocket, i Uf recollection is it was loaded, and waa not Arid off to my knowledge: X think I have, seen Sitton In tny store with) a pisto on bis person; saw him with his coat oC. My atora" was 800 or MO yard .torn 'Mr Shields' sbre4 Sitton was paymaster of the Hopewell aad Charlotte mine, and bad charge of the money of the .com- m h ffl V ' '' ' " ' ? . ..Ths court then' took a reoees until 3 30 o'clock in tha afternoon, when the iprramrnatfoir 'of the State's witnesses was resumed by caUing Joto Phillips colored, tb tbestand. 4 . t T I : . Phillips aald be was sitting in front of bis shop waiting for the Key In order to go to work, and that old Mr Shields came up and opened tba door; that Ur Shields thenwentout-t-feed his chickens and walked back and forward. After the killing Tom Shields came down and asked for Abner Alexander. He called bia father np and after telling whjat be bad done, asked Abner to go to town with him. On being Cross examined he aald Mr A C Shields usu ally fed his chickens at that time in the morning and walked back and forward. Abner Alexander, the fifth witness for the State said: I was at the black smith shop that morning when I beard a gun fire. A little after that I saw Tom Shields going o roeet David Shield and his wSe withT bis gun drawn as if he was going to ahooW They ware 163 yardi distant- He then came down to the store and began to load hi gun. lie 4 caued to bis rawer ana my self and said be bad killed Joe Sltton, He asked ma tb come to town him aad I did. .He said ba wanted to aed Judge Bynum and" wanted me to take him to tha office.. He said be conldnt get away if he waa to try. but sald.along the road. that I could bide: Lira: la ray bam till the excitement wonld get down; and then be might getaway.- nroaa-axamlnedL witness said : . I first saw Tom at bis' Srether David point ing the gun toward Dayld and bis wife. lis cams trverao-wnere awns ana saaa tbat Sitton had seduced t, his sister aad be had killed him (Sitton) for it; want ed me to take blm to town. Didnt say be wanted to give himself up to the sheriff. Jt wsa my horse and his fath er's buggy we used in coming to town. He talked about escape along the road. Shields lived 11 miles from Charlotte. It was 0 o'clock when we arrived here, At this stage of the trial, the State rested and the defense introduced Thos L, Shields, tha defendant who said; , I have not been well for a wee i or two. tap; (be denUnt li thUcs J bav known Joe Sitton about 13 months.; His sister married my brother last Septem ber 1 was Introduced to him soon ffter and then did not see him tilt this year. I knew blm while liting 'at my broth er's. I was living in my own boose. EittSiilwaiJiTirzin i DiTld's bouse. which was owned by my ratner. 1 naa fctnllTir jltiere since February was farming and stayed in my fatbea's store wt S3 ta. tri est tZ2uuUy ; yonr jest trotT, Iealey, t!stst-and myself . Ibe iii-. 'J I L". e. j junker. tlzlzi who was not livi; with r9.'- Hj El:!sr r n V -"-y t t cbool cri t: .. t . , a-.- W 4 - fc.i. xy . tti x try r-lr! t in f-rtc. . aisters room waa also down stairs, bnt in a part adjoining the main building There is a passage between the' rooms; My room was np- stairs, but not above hera By reason cf what X knew and heard I webt to see Mr. Sltton' early in the morning of the 6tb of June, to in duce him to marry my sister and repair her wrong. I started over to see blm. aad as my general " habit, I took ray gun Which was loaded as usual. ! I met blm sitting in a room down, stairs. said to him, "Joe, I - wsnt to see yon a minute privately." and he said, "let's go np stairs.".. We went up and I set my run down outside of the door. I sat down on a chair leaning againat the aide of the" door, and Joe sat down on the bed. Joe said: "Here's that book. I haven't bad much time to do anything with it." It was the book of 4ny black smith and I took it and stuck it in my pocket. , .' ,. :; . : -2 " 1 1 I then said : h I want to see yon on more important business ; I hare heard yon are going away and I want yon to marry I my , sister before yon go ; yon bare seduced ber and yon must marry her. He said be would die first, arose ndmde a move for his pistol. iAshe did so X reached outside of the door for mr (run and shot immediately. I went around to his bead and .attempted to move him and got my band in blood. The account book ' dropped out of my vest pocket and ! picked it up and placed it on tba mantle-piece; then went ont and locked the door, j Went down, met my brother and his wife and told them - what X bad done. -, I went down, called my father and Abner Al exander and told them what I had done and asked Abner to take me to town. Ia the room my chair was nearly half outside ; I could reach my gun. He wai sitting on the bed 6 or 6 feet facing me. When be rose up he said, in ah angry tone: "HI die first." I knew be ha bitually carried a pistol. ' I took no aim. 1 did not see where I had shot him until X saw ' blm lying on ' the bed. I first knew of anything wrong between Sit ton aad my sister on Wednesday before tba homicide.: I had worked hard that day.fc.lt was 11 o'clock at night when the barking of dogs awoke me and I went down. In passing the window of my sister's room I heard somebody in there: was so shocked I couldn't speak. ( sat down on the step and heard her aay "Joe" and that he oughtn't to go away. X went up stairs and sat on my bedside. Thought of going down and having a row about it, bnt coneludsd if mes later would throw - herself away she might go. X saw blm go out of the window, then out of the yard; I knew him very' welL Xsaw him again : on Saturday night, but be didn't come in side the yard. Monday night X saw him again, about 11 o'clock, but he did not coma in the house. . On Thursday, the day after be bad been at my house Sit. ton said to me. "xou had better have ma to kill that d-d old dog." I told him X would not have the dog killed. ' On Tuesday morning at breakfast. my aister was nearly , through . eating when X asked her when Sltton was go ing away. She said: "To-day- "When is be coming back," I asked; md she said the didnt know for be bad told 00 many stories about it. X told her X was ! tb see him. and aha said she didn't care what I did ; if he married her aha reck oned she would not be ruined." She said SitUn had promised to marry her. My sister wsa 10 orll years old. - Crosaexamlned the witness said :.,Ii saw Sitton leave my sister's reom at a quarter to 13 o'clock Wednesday night. On Saturday aad Monday nights I dont know what time I siw blm. I carry, both barrels of my run half xocked. X dont know what be was doing while I was getting my gun. I dont know how many steps he - made forward.' I left , blm lying as be fell; dont know what i made the wound on his face; dont know what he had in hia hands. ; We had talked about Jule Phillip's account before. I bad an interview, with him about it a lew oaya oeiore. iwn 5 re member that I aald X would pay it if X lived." A, book, containing tables for computing interest was shown witness who aald be did not remember seeing the book, bnt knew of nothi ng to pre vent bis seeing it If it bad been in Sit ton bands. $ I never aala anything to sister about tha matter between ber and ; Sltton ; f tLU breskfast 'Tuesday morning... X didnt . say anything, on ett-ter night he was at my boose. At' the time he talked to zne about killing ibe dog I said nothing about the seduc tion. - Sitton was not far from the muz tie of the gun when I shot; I do not know from Ms position whether blood coald have run on the floor in front of the bed.. There waa clothing on the foot of the bed. : The mantle piece waa near (be bed.": i Sitton did not reply to anything that I said to him in regard to tha seduction Whea l am in the ; country I always carry a gun. ,1 started oat In the morn ing with the gun with, the intention of killing crews, or do ves. The reasons I did not tell of seeing Sltton in the room on Wednesday night was that X thought they might marry. X did not know that Sitton desired to marry my sister that he evBrpTOpos-d. Sitton asked ma two or three times early in the summer to go off and spend the summer with klnou .- X r do not know .: whether X bad blood on my bands or not when I met David and bis wife.- I told David not to go in b room' because -X did hot think be ought to go in until some one came, I do not know why X locked the door.vl; got blood on my band, bat do not kno w Jklw j: got it off. ; B ere Col Jones s produced -a- linen duster and asked witness if ha erer saw it before. He itated that he did. not know. Did you not wipe your gun and the blood from' your5 banc, on thi$ dnster when yon came do wn stairs ? asked Col Jones. The defendant answered, X - do not know. v Tba re-nJ XcaTe to Days Shields. and bis wile fcr ths kill2 wsa that Sitton bi-d aeducad iny ai-ter.- X nertr tc!4 "ey one except my counsel t:ilt!ll:l tfm.trsatirs ba ettcrpti t3 :1'-L;j' T'tzVl'l tzl cunber cf f v 1 ! :-i i -: -:at3 .:r.lr- tl-l : It w i . ... -; . father forbid my sister to visit my brother's house. - i ;; The Court adjourned about 0 o'clock to meet this morning at the usual hour. when examination of witness Will be continued. -- - 1 ' Killed by a Fall fraaa a Barry, t .. ' ; t A distressing affair is reported from Cabarrus county, resulting in the death of a young child of Mr. and Mrs.' J. C Sossamon, on Saturday last Mr. Sossa- mon and wife. With their young child had been to t Bocky Biver church to have the child ' baptised; and after the rite was performed, they got into their buggy to go home. On the way the buggy wheel ran into a deep' rut and Mrs. Sosssmon was jerked backwards, her bold was partially released from the child and it fell from ber. arms to the road, receiving fatal injuries. Its skull wsa crushed and the unfortunate Little child died soon afterwards. v-"; k Thief Oraagkt ia by a tadeau Mr S P Telfair, a atndent at Darid son College,' arrived in tb dty yeatsr day bringiag with hiss a prisoner in the person of a negro, man named George Caldwell, jabo was placed in the jail in tbia city en charge of larceny, f Cald well had entered Mr Telfair's room at the college and was detected in the act of walking ont with an assortment of Mr Telfair's clothing. Other charges against him are that he has stolen cloth ing from colored families about Darid son College, and on one occaalon last summer forged Mr Ed Carson's; name on an order. He is what is ordinarily termed a "bad nigger," and his capture gives satisfaction to tb people Of Da vidson College. f - - - A I-hrely Caart. Testerday morning two colored men. Frank Orr and Sam - Moeeley, became engaged in a difficulty, la the course of which Moeeley pulled out a knife and attempted to butcher Orr, giving him a savage cut on tba throaL Orr caught Moeeley band and pulled it away, pre venting him from getting a good: lick at bis throat. The cut was v not a very serious . one and wss sewed up by a pbyaician. The two men were arraign ed before the mayor who put them un der a bond for their appearance for trial by the present term of the Supe rior court, and failing to 1 give bond, they were sent to jail, I ,-. Bob Hasty, McSmith's musie bouse porter, whose arrest for stealing, an overcoat, pistol and pair of spectacles was noted by us yesterday morning, was arraigned before the" mayor for a hear ing and placed under a bond of 9100 for trial by the Superior court. He was, Jailed- -, . '- ; ' ;! Jeff Smith; colored, for ; beating ' his wife, waa sentenced to twenty days bard labor on the city rock pile. ; Addreee by the K. aV D. . ISxeewtive The executive committee of the itich- mond & Danyille Uailroad Company bare Issued the following address to stbckholdersAndfrom its tone we infer that the coming meeting will be a Live ly one: "The undersigned members of the board of , directors, comprising tb executive committee, and owning and representing more than a ' majority of the capital stock of the company, ask yonr proxy for the general meeting of stockholders. We shall oppose the pro posed issue of additional stoek,believlng the asset of the company under vigor ous economical management sumcient to. protect and develop ita valuable growing properties. fvWe propose t to elect and confirm at this meeting the following board of directorWal.1 axtaus nntu tne annual meeting in De cember next: " George S 8cott, George I Seney, H O Fahneatock, Samuel E Thomas. O S Brlce, George ; F Barker. John McAnerney and W Clyde." Qaera Ileaae Last H IghU J ' The weather was decidedly against theatre going last ntghVyet a large au dience greeted Miss lizzie May Ulmer on her first appearance in Charlotte, as Carrots, in '49, and in , this character she was1 the - bright, particular, star, scoring a decided auccees and winning the favor of our people, n The play is a clever and interesting production of the playwright's art. Jit1 action la brisk, its development continuous and its situations effective. It had the ad Vantage last night of being ably acted. In the role of Carrots the red-headed waif of the mountains. Miss Ulmer has a part which fits her like a glove, and her piquant, spirited, intelligent acyn g was the meet important feature of the enter tainment. The type of character to which Carrota belongs is well defined, bnt.' .Miss Ulmer managed, ' by almost imperceptible touches, to differentiate ber heroine from Mliss and the rest, and to give her ah Individuality of her OW-U-i-iyir?-!?". -?ri- '.v . ' : : . The Colored Peeple'a Railroad. I k i, t We mentioned , yesterday that a col ored man named E F Martin was in the city in the interests of the Wilmington, Wrjghtsville and Onslow Uailroad, an enterprise set on foot by the colored people. ; Martin is the general manager of the road, and at the meeting at tbe mayor's office Monday night snccseded in raising 9750 in atock, a part of which was paid cash down. An organization Waa effected for . Mecklenburg county, With H B Kennedy director and sub treasurer, and J W Brown, W C Smith and T B Weddiegtoh financial commit tee. Speeches were made ' by E F Mar tin, N W Harlee, n B Kennedy and others.. The following resolutions were adopted:; . . : . t " Jieaolved, That we, ? the colored citi zens of Mecklenburg county, pledge our moral and financial support to the con plation of tha V, W & O Il-llrcod, and we call upon all good citizens to aid us ! In this grand and noble enterprise. ; Z2eolped, That a Tots cf ts be tendered to bis honor, ths mayor cf the city of Ct-rlotta; for bis cencreus rr 1 nf naciocs f ltOTrr. tLs Izz able entBrFr?,"V. " . - . sllesoi:e: '.tt thsa yrccr: .lnrs I r;t to L3 Jcrr::Ai. Orc-r.vE.t f;r v--w- --''--.. - i . r - r ; A iforth Carolina Diaiaoad that le Ac ; taalahlag ; the New YorkereOor ; State's Itef ttutioB aa a Ucux Vto- . daeer. Mr. J. W. Sescrest, a wealthy New Yorker who operates In gold mines in this section, arrived in the city a few days ago and in the course of conversa tion with the reporter msde an interest ing statement about a curious mineral recently found in Noith Carolina, and which has been described In the news papers as a diamond embedded in emerald. It is in possession of Mr. J. D. Xerrington. of New York city, end Mr. Seacreataayalt la a crystal of emer aid, an inoh by an inch and a half face. What has . been called a diamond Is merely a piece of quartz crystal, which Is embedded firmly in the emerald. The erystsl is about two-thirds the size cf the emerald, and appears to have been driven into It. Neither atone, is very pure, and they are only valuable as mineralogies! specimens. This sorto crystal is com c only called a diamond in North Carolina, but as yet no real diamonds have been found here, al though various kinds of precious stones have from time to time been discovered. Many of these, chiefly emeralds of rare color called Hlddenlte, in honor of Ur. Hidden, the discoverer, are found in a small mine at Stony-Point, which was opened about two years ago. and baa been worked, more or less, since that time. The emeralds are found in pen cils of vailous sizes. Some are of a dark green color, but most of tbem are pale green. Some of the pencils are very large, the Largest being 8 Inches long. In the same vicinity have been found garnets, rutiles, aqua-marine, topaz and other precious atones. There is some reason to suppose that the Dewey dia mond, the largest diamond ever found in the United States, which Wss cut by the Merse Diamond Cutting Company In 1882, came from North Carolina, al though it was found by en-Irish laborer In Manchester, Vs.. When found it was embedded la a curious stone known as ita eolumite, large quantities of whicb. in ledges, are found in North Carolina. It appears that a load of this stone had been taken to Manchester for assaying, and it is conjectured that this piece in which the diamond was embedded bad dropped from the cart on the wsy. It weighed 234 carats, and when cut 11 11-10 carats. The cutting cost &IJD00, and the stone Itself may be . roughly estimated as worth $10,000. A curious peculiarity of this Ita eolumite is that it is a flexible stone. - The stone is a coarse sandstone, aad may be used f or. Jtuildlng purposes. Mr. Derby, a native of New York, and a graduate of Cornell University, who is employed by Dom Pedro as geologist of Brazil, visit ed the mineral district of this State, and said that If he bad been taken to the place blindfolded,; and then, on the bandage being remove". - where he was, he shou. hMftHnrlv that ha WSS I. mmia ua district or Brazil, no aii i h0 W9TT,. ..... .. .... V M.HMUMJU And any diamonds in Norti eroiioa. The Sqalaaetial Gale. j ; .The wires oft the Carolina Central Railroad were blown down beyond Hamlet by tbe storm yesterday, and all communication with Wilmington was cut off. Judging by the severity of the blow here, it is to be presumed that Wilmington continued to bare a small aized cyclone throughout yesterday. At Smlthyille tbe maximum velocity of the wind on Monday was S miles an hour, and the steam tug boats being unable to anchor at the warf, had to move up the river to Wilmington. - The wind was iw severe In Charlotte ytsttrday, the little cuSia signal once uescriDing a perfect cirft-Uines. Th- greatest velocity of tbe wind, as reco3""tVCr 3at aesa-thUclty yesterday, was SO miles an hour. The. wind was ac companied by a slight fall of raid. A traveler wbo vtstted Errpt aad tba Holy Lund, eaye ha beard bt. Jaooba OU, tbe anal pa-i-sur. pralaea aaa bleeln Herat's Chanrion Safe. Send to the manuiactrirers, Farrel & Co.; 631 Chestnut street,: Philadelphia, and get testimonials. ' - Scarcely & day passes with out receipt of testimonial o from, somo quarter of the globe . of .the wonderful' suc cess of the Pat Dry Chemical Filling, which generates car-, bonio acid caa under the ef fects of , the fire itself and saves the contents of the cafe. Julius O. Smith, Greenville, S. O., Wright & OoppccI:, -STewbury, S, C, tho ovmcra of four safes in the Kimbzll House, Atlanta. Ga., and Cloa seus Bakery, Charleston, C. O., --all having' had recent fire 3 givo nothing but prairo for tho CnAtiPloiT. Salca in Au gust by Farrel & Co, do ah! a those of last year, and crdcra to replace new wet llcdcf:3 are pouring in from G corgis, Alabama, and all C or.4. v : ra States, all of which 13 p : ! tire evidenco that good r;ozZ , together with tho bczt lillir on which ccicntilic men h o spent ycara of ctudy, r.: which thouand3 cf do!'. : hav6 been epent by n in r curing pa " t . "T'-TT T t - - 3 T7II-Ij hitd, tho dr." i ch?ri tvrz: an:l cenerr; I r.n crr : 'l " wet lJH:Tii r Tlie I ' .4 . . tii:: nlti. , rounJ : for t: ) to rn of in finally t lac! r nc!'.i : Una, t! .3 tLediy I 1 t?r n lClb 1 dj;.-.: the- 3 ' toys f ' la.rj c: which v ' crcr.::l I, giTlr.T. C East 1 elpln.: J coming ' with f er e-.iL roin.Tto . crowi t ; "don't yc. i 4 L ' v. tyirr L.a i rln U t. Una Ike... t with c.(. ad Hi.u iitl-a i of wcarmr 4 Tt coi i or j f tK. , 1 try k ta 1 of tK. tbov- . OCt' , harm been c xt -: : in ii.. h lu r I mttyta lie-.. . m. Ittrtm Wld ln ;. tO-i.. i.u.,, .. If-' Ton I Si ....!. 1M ft 1 ,., ' IL.t " 1 ,m.l tb ' ret, m-s. . TTo . v, : , - iuri... r 1 : " Italic Ia I. . biamm . ncaoca to ' h a tf 4. a . vr . aeed. i. :: Cty road, or - :.l t . for two ton t eeitir.Jawlf 'fa The P' t I k. 1 1 1 i .. Li n 1 A- e 1 T . 1 1 i i I I - r. ... i r . " i- - , U.i i. c 1 t I 1 I r- hi 1 Iiili Ir. T. poritfatcw ii mad prv . ) - udt. ''err- -":--. " ' r t . , i c - Mult - -" - ' . a .- r k:s 1 f J .. - .. J ' . , II - , , , t - m , - a . - a Uy L. . ' I i w t-3 tzZ . X. . 'irr a .... W. X