- - .: , M - -A f . ' 1 : ' . f 4 - -..; 1 hVijMhi? .. i ... Till? duilit czzjirzLOTTZi jouzzjtjll; jurn Tim djuit? cnAnLOTrz: ozjsi:zztj:zz, cojr30Z.rDTs:i jxizci2fzi, izsz. tattMaMJuurrV. tM CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18; 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. r i a I: I !,. i ! ! 7 - death or riiuu rvninn. , r tk ruMu mi ! ramn - CiMfto. f ... Coccmbia. bpL lSw FHjhCLPai - comaUHKl ibUrdooejDCArlltlUHl UIb. U. lt o If tit. alur tbr weex , iUoeoa. llawa Lbeoa of Dr. Joba it. ( VurmAS. of batnUr cxanty. la ttdj tvbiw fcK roobr bloduahterof . J rUii Crtr. of UorgMk. II lU Carter I'urcoaa a4teuUd lb CI Udl AoftJim; dart oc U wmx. isd iimU; rrIaltl wlUi dtsUoctlon at t6 Ckiuth Caxx41oa Uolvcrvitr. la 19C0 OottUw ( Coiunbit. UitBC ta .Mll l2rTiU. Gi. llm prcttod lw, coaotj jadraad w moi tatbeSt&ta bo&l4 ta 187. 1U took o scU? prt la Ihm Uorgi ea(4tBi eampaJcn. bat voted bleoMiC to l U and to txxa lag. Tl riaaluof bu ;xprlmQU ta ' coctoo ealtar br bea publUbrd all otm ib Uniud SUUt and la Mveral carta of aropL, 11 eualribuua ta laadinx axrlcallaraljournabt and mad a taaay pubUo addrtaa At Um Uiaa of Lis daaia b waa aacairwl In rataloc a eoaapaar for tba maaoXactura of ial' pbarfrcxa 0ortla p?rtt.aad alaoof a ,( apttdal ertliiror pvxtrct cclton plaat food, llabad ba qulia toccarul la Alabaaaa and Gaorfia. aod had aatared Sootb Carol iaa oa tbla tniasion. bat 'a rvaeblec Colambia ba fcaard tbat tbe . catarpiUars bad appeared la hla crop, aod bajtaod boma apparently la tba xaoat robust baallb aod full of enersn aad aatbaaiaim. bat oa tba noctdav ba waa takes 111 wttb Itrrrr, frvta wbleb diaaa badifd laatBlfbU . Yoaor. para-mlnde!. blcblv gtrtfd. VbrsicaJiy and mentally, full nf aoergy aad Qtboslaam, brv" roralof tbe srreataat OMfalneaa la tbe fielJ wbre Sootb taoat aeeda ezpaaatoa. Bo oftaa It la tbat tbe prof eiot atal tbe lf1rbUat latalleeta of tha booth f mm arrlcaitara, tbat tbe daalh of FarUb J-'urmaa Is doably to be deplored. Scltn tide arrlcaJtnra baa loet on nf Ua uoblsat exemplar. J.O. Q. ftt Oacias at (iaayatas, Meslae. Wauisotox, Sept 17. From Tama Artzooa, it la learoed tbat tbere are eoa Ctctioa rvpuru ouacvrolof lb true 'cbaraclerof tbe fer raglojr at Ouy maa Mexico, tatlce frum Vuma. bat tal it la aiunded wttb fatal reaolLa. Tbe Utaat saws tadlcataa locreaalos; taortaitly. people are dytog at tbe rate of tare to alx daily. 'Tbe etataoaaatla made recardtoc tbe oily of Maixalaa . whsraia add it too to the f ar tbe black Yocall preraila. Tbe railroad from Guaymaa eauraArUoaa reiTllory at Xolykr aad It la reooaamaadad tbat aietaboa!4 be promptly tax pa to pra- 'veotnae loportauoa ei tbe lTr into tbe UaltedbtatM. TBattaaxaarCltTof . v JUexasdrU left Vera Crni tbe 13lb Lost -b oad far jiew xorx- t .. t " Twe Maxlcaaa SerUe m Ditacalry. OALTXSTOJf. Sept 17 A "pedal dla - palcb u tbe New from baa Attach). . ear: Two Matoaa nual V kIaI aad Iatoa. brateer-la-4aw.oC weaiUiy aad . la.MaoUl cuflOKtlooi, bad faoalry ' 'dMajrreeo3at aad eacoaolrred eacn abr oa Saturday. la order to avoid auapeWitT tbe fcauvltiae tbey were at- ' uolux tby arred to retire to aa iadad epoC aad eVfbt It oat. Tbelr i iurm waa carried out aad lbt ac VUaJ wbo waa tbe most active ullaablad Caataa by a aUltlo lUh above -ta eye aad two aula la tbe back. Tbe wo traded xaaa wae naooved to bia -family 'a t eeideoce aad VWU waa eooo- raiuadtoltll. It U tboujbt tbat Caa- ioa will die. i "m I W I ; f . Jk a4 b CaJ 1 ( Baa a tm e-e Mad, j Ydxir aaid Ibia afuraooa tbt be waa a at luff reUcoitce prepared wltbavlew ta tnaxLor aaotber call for bead tbla - eaoolb. It la probable lbl acuon will baUln oot Later IbM Wedacaday of tbla week wbaa tbe flfnrre will , be ready aad the aaaaucl ot tba call caa be detarjilaed. . I ' After eooaaltatVm wltb Lbeeoamla alewar of peatloca baexatary Kolrex. be fore tbe doe of buatoeaa at tbe nary tbla aruvaooo. decided tbat tbe amount of bocds called for would be aboat flf tawa mUUon dollar. Tbe Usoe will be alxtaea day from tbla date. The eatl xaaie faralabed baTlas ostlfld socb mcUao. " - ... ; . &ila4atae la Ceaeabaffea. i -f . - . CorcsiXAOr.8ptl7-llraiadtoo acoQ3paaid by air Taayaoo and otb ra of tbe DooaM Carrie party arrived here today. -Tbe premier rrcel red a r"' r fact ovaUon from tbe erewdtaaaem Ud aad waa preavsatad" wllk a boqaet effljwera by afd'm Teoayeoa. wbo waapraatto receive bar besbaad. TbekUxbM UvUad Mr UUdstoa at tbe paiaoa. 1 " , : It r-a Carva Way erla JTaglaaal. LovDoar. 64. nto- Tbe Atbealaa erUb trpoaruCJ. Carey slayer, oa board arrived eX nymotiUi to-day. Tbe ao ihwi'jM bar dacsdad.be waver. to Laod blra at boatbaaopton, tbua bia journey oa EaxUab moil will be aborteaed aa xaacbaa poaaiua. ' , 1 Xe. , C Ctaak. SU T. . i octtre-e uyrrra axxv tottto a tmr PetaBaara Ceeaaalastaeed , "Waxrta oroy. Sep t IT- Com m Isaloaa 'wexeUaoed lo-dayto Frank O Brexal, a rnl BepfM Uriimmm ef Bni. t.mr mctK IM iraM linl W Mine mmm. m mm I v. fttn ATM. fe M tkM H.V k4( mb4 owe aiaa. MfHn a. mmm mJrmim. . MUw auymw." Pimm If mu Trwm tUMM rndmtml. m a IWJ X IS W i..wiii. ae a fee ea aoana.M m mumttgim menu. i I w,wO W rnHi, t . ; ' . . (XMtn aur at ra-4lvllia. aad Wta , ; i3 UjUaas. Amoe. V. , . Jaalaa Oraiaa 0ae4at la Drif. ' IXxav-TESTKa. 21 H,opt lflLJoaloi Bra lea Iioeib.vleraa actor aad maoa- , cr. is djlcx at AXaooomo Hsuae, bia i li- MM t : . He TTaa Draak. . ilxaxoxo. TaSapt 17- Jaa Jlataoor and Jaa . Hi s tar, xua taoants botb ef tTaahLortoa tavnatlpbcauatlavoivad la a lr-l to-day wLlcareaoJtad la aert oca i l -ry to liaLaoar. D U 1 feared wi i c. r.::tr. wbo wa drunk, is cv, Ctt i.tt -.t. . - ' ti r i-:ce Kr. Tie rfcU.- r a eaS4 i . - f . it -ft'i 1 fc 4 m toe r ."i - etLt tar tMia t - . : ) ni weZl. , Jfua HnlH A ad W.J naiaiit: vuaa, aaa u w t ! ua aa aOMta. . ALEH HOTE. . . . . - - , r : i . Tbe Dreerat JEad43rade ' Sbe4 Ureaas Balected Jlaws DtU u , Pereeaal Item. , " " fe ta Sdaav e ta ;mal oaa.vc - Tbe droagbt baa been broken. bat tbe rainfall did not amount to much bare. It rained enough. bowrer. to fir a tbe farmer a cbance to try-to prepare rrooad for eowtnir wbeat. and they Lara been busy breaking ground, but aay more rain la needed before much headway can be made, Tbe grounds bare beea eelected and ataked off for tbe irraded ecboot build loft to Wlostoo. aad 1 learn tbat It la tbe Intention of tboee wbo have charge to complete thai struct ore at an early day.. Oa Friday night last an lm prompt a eooeert, on the occasion of tbe opentnr of tbe eightieth aeealon of Salem Acad emy. waa given In tbe chapel of the Academy, under tbe direction of biff. irAaaa. assisted by Mrs. 11. E. Frie, Mlaa Uertrndebieeer and Mr. W. IL Heater. Ltke la mil furmer ooneerta given under big. DAnua'e tralniog aad euperviaion, tbe different parte of tbe programme were successfully rendared. Oa batarday night a promenade con ert waa Rtveo to the public eqeare here, the proceeds of which are to go towards defraying, the expenses of a handsome aad convenient chapel, re cently built by Z!m -Street bunday school. Tbeae open air concert, which are generally gotten op for benevolent ' purposes, are well patronized by onr eitltena, who are ever ready, to. assist In a good cause. Tbe night waa a bean tlfnl moonlight, and tbe large crowd wbo attended this concert enjoyed themselvrs finely. Two wedding last week and another to enme off this week. Mr. John F. birch, of this vicinity, waa married on' last Tuesday, llth tnatant.to Miss E co ma I lanes, of Davidson county, dauch ler of tbe late lion. Lewis 1 lanes. The other couple were Mr. L A. Unetx to Mlsa A. ri ilutner.on Thursday night. IS'-h last, t Mr.- Brielt le a member of Wachovia Band, and tbe boys of tbe band turned out and gave him and bis bride a serenade. ' . Tbe many friends here of Mr. I. W. Darbam. proprietor of the Winston Msrble Works, who baa been lying very sick la lUlelgb for several weeks, are Ceased to learn tbat be la Improving, tng at last acconnta able to alt np.. New waa received here last week from liocheater.N. Ythat Mlaa Emma Llneback. daughter of Irof.H W.Une eack. wbo Is there with her sister. Mrs. Ilsmsetb. la very 111 with typhoid fever. Mlsa Llneback la one of Salem's talent ed young lady mualdana and wsa a teacher la Oreaaaboro Female College last aeealoa. llope abe may soon re cover from her lilneaa. Two families of sammtr boarders have returned from Salem Hotel to their homes, lira Maraden Bellamy and children of Wilmington, N C and Mr Bateman and children of denton. K C Among late arrivals at tbe hotel are A P Bryan and W E Anderson. Baleigh; A McKay aod Miss Emma Me&ay, aIatlboreajtb.8C.andD J McKay and three gins, at art on, u u It was a novel sight to aee some per sons sitting around a bested stove in one of tbe provision stores here on one of tb cold day we bad last week, eat ing; watermelon. Tbey seemed to enjoy both fire and melons. Forsyth county will have a murder trial at tbe fail term of 8 a parlor court, tbe trial of Henry Beaacamp. colored. having been removed from. Davie count v to this. Mr G A Uetre. of the Salem Iron Works, leave for Louisville today. where be baa two of bia improved aaw mills on exhibition at the iixpoeiuoa. Lieut II B Lemly.wlfe and daughter. arrived m beiem sataraay uignx.ana are at his parents. Mr Lemiy baa been a banal from the United states aome three year and a half, aad the joy at bia safe arrival among his fatally and parent caa better be lmajrtaed than ex preesed. Tba greatest event of the season come off on the 37th Instant, vis: darkle exenralno from Wlnatoo-balem to lUchmond. ya. ; Sar.rar. THE WILD irACUES " Oet aw the Warpath aad Kill Oae Man Chicaoo, Sept 17- A special dU patch from Toes baton e, Arlxonajdated bandar night, says: iht bostUe Aaachea Jamped a camp at Antelope Springs, tea miles from this city, this mernln. Only two meo were present at tbe time of tbe atiack.(ien woodward and Amos WlUiama. Tbe first waa killed at tbe Orst fire, bat. the latter caeaaed aad brought tbe newa to tbla city this even leg. Twsnty armed citizens Immedi ately started In purs alt of the hostlles. but tbere is iitue proDSDiury ox tnsir being overtaken. The Indians -came from toe direction er bonora. They moon ted on bareback bones, and some were without bridles, hence It is be lieved that the anlmsJa bad beea stolen from ranches south of bar. Several persona left her for Sonora daring the peat weak, and their fate will be anx looaly anticipated i Ills feared tbey have f alien v let! ma to the savage maraud era. Tbe mala body of tbe hostile are en eamned near Caeas Grande, Chihuahua. Their overture for peace have been re jected by the Mexican aathonuse. who are organizing troops to go to tbe moun tain fastness. News was received bare to-day via Sonora to the effect tbst Col Terraxaa, while reeonnoi taring the posi tion of the hostile, bad beea captured, bat this report aa yet lacka confirma tion. . ': . , : The Oeraaaa Yelksf!, ' Phtt. APXxrntA. Sent IX A' special ton Del. says dispatch from Wilmington that a grand procession of the German Vol kx feat, started for Scheatzsn park atlLsOa.cn. Tbe streets are crowded and at least lSjOOO people are on the move. Tbe tarn ont is over two miles La length, a early all the Lad a tries are represented La one way or another. Gov tockty and Senator Bayard are me iiona or the oay. bio res and boo are taaterouy aeooratea. i reaaeia!Cajy AVeat Ik Fever. WxanrsoTOK. SepL 17th Dtrpatchee received at tbe marine hospital to-day from Fenaacoia atatea thai aa Inspector to go fro kx ho use to house is not needed. There are' three physicians ready for doty. A aamber ef aanitary poUoentea ead tbe watchman of tbe navy yard are noasr oraers to inspect their districts and report aU cases ef 'ever to the anx gooa at tba guard erary second day. sra t SUa. wiaalew f ta fo it-.tlr mmM0. wmyrin wti- XZt mj ia4 ( a a tad tern ci)Mrt thirty Hn Sa wrtnc7 oo4 be - bjhI tm e&Ufrea.- t f ba rei.r-tbe l .Mjna i m n and Apt "UOd4 t,:: - tkictg TTOjy . ?. it wymum i.i.. mm io - X. .ivi H axfwr fit t i 1 ';rr' ( "J- ! --,' .ur - rrrnym -a e r i . :- ..;4j i.. . r f 1 I - I . i f Hi'l '--1 1 ' 4 , WCm0!TDaHDDlJrTrLL. - Le atr Uee Depot fUtO a. aa. aada.89 P BS." m Z.OO a aa an iu , aa. v, - - - "''vioiDii"'; .. - . ; Xaaeelroa.aiaB4910sv.sa. ' ' . Arrm 8 to a. aa.- ana V10 m. m. . . ' . " -" - ; -- ., CaakXOTTai COLXTSTBU SJID AUQUSTjC LeavxiOp.saaao;sntreVSOp.. . . C C. Sw-a-T. a DITXSIOIL SVfiO e. em . eaAerrtee at ia00 a. aa.' Laaes a.48 p. sa. sad 7.1 0 a. aa artle T.00 a. sa. aa B 26 p. av . - . c.- BHaXBT DTV18IOJC s Lae.ee aaop. sa aad antra 1&SS a. aa. . lad ex te Mew Advertiaeaaeata. . Rraetara bolba for sle - - i jst AdauiitntAra aett-a. a Kddiae Mee man eC geegraphla. J C PurromS. for twH. jaauciu anaoUealioraetS' . j i feeJeataeaa, . ' : u - South f AUanUc Stateev light rains. followed by, fair weather, winds shift ing to north and east, followed by rising barometer. Colder weather in northern portion a. . - UOCAJs KirXl.E. -, A cold wave La coming along' from the West. fr. V . " ' -; ;"".-: Ex-treasurer David Jenkins is very sick at his home in Gastonla. 1 - ' 3eorge XI Holderly has rjeen com mits Ion ed postmaster at Mayfield, N C. , The TJoraet Engine and Ilose com pany hold aa Important called meeting to-night,.-"., -.v ; ;. . The ooUon compress . started np yesterday and packed 125 . bales aa its first day'a work for tbe season. ' j Mr John T Patrick, Stabs immigra tion agent, baa opened an office at 18 Weet 4th street, New York, and placed Til to an It Gaines in charge of it. , A white man named G W Hnntly, waa terribly beaten" by a negro at Bea ver Dan. last Saturday evening. , Tbe negro struck Mr Huntley over the head. Inflicting very painful - and dangerous wounds. , The Roanoke College, which hag beea advertised la theae col omna, open ed IU thlrty-Orst session with the largest attendance known. fourteenitates and Territories and Mexico being repre sented. Julius D Dreher la president of tbe college, v . - Last Salarday. Cpt S E Belk.oar county treasurer, besides pay lag off the) Jury, attended to the wants of nineteen teachers of public schools in the coun ty, paying them the total of f995J7. Tbe terms for which they were paid averaged from 3 to 'tM months. ' . There are now confined in the jail at this place three prisoners under sen tence of. deaibvWtUla Davis, colored. for rape, Felix Wilson, colored, for the murder of Mose -Beodleman, and Thoa Shields . for. the murder of Joseph Sit-, ton. The latter two have appealed their cases to the Supreme Court, Those of oar people' whe are bo and to keep np with the style, most have & great high cathedral chair La their, hall nowadays, made of mahogany and the first letter of tbelr surname cut in the wood, these chairs . being just as com fortable for trtfeaxnen wbo call to collect's bill as any other. . ; . Dr It H Chapman. who Is so well known In Charlotte, la prostrated with a spinal affection at Aehevllle, and can not oae bia leftside. Mrs Chapman Is with hlm,and In a note to the Jotnucax Obskkvxh atatea that ah and Dr Chaa man may probably be compelled to re main In Asbevtile throughout the win ter.; r4ie Ceert., - -..:- ! The following cases were disposed of by the mayor at the morning session of the police court yeaterdsy : Laura Ferry for disorderly conduct, wsa fined 350: Bell Withers, same offence, $5; Thos. Osnhelmer, affray $Z; William Shlnn, drunk and disorderly conduct, 820; Mack Cunningham, affray ; appeal ed; 8 0 Vanlandingham, affray, 7X0; Allen Alexander,' affray 5. Total re-: ceipta from the morning session 34. Bsaadaaaa ' JKlaai Uaak Ceaalag. una of- the . best attractions . at our opera house next month will ba the fol- lowiag splendid operatlo concert com pany : Mme. Minnie Hank, Mile Paulina Sail, contralto; 8ignor Angnstlno Mon- tegrlffo.-tenor; Ignor "VInoenro da Paaq.ua! ts, baritone ; JJerr Ilelnr, Wlen- skowitx, organist aad aooompanlst, and Conaantlne Sternborg, pianist and eom- ppeer. An act of the beantif or opera Cannon,' Minnie IIabks great opera, will be given In fall costume, f t, . Dlseevery ef a Baaday Fire. '' -A ' ; Sdoday. aXternoon Kt a lata boor, as chief of police IXsrrison; sergeant Ir win and poUeemaa Boyte were patrol- log CoQega street, they ware attracted by a cro wd standing around the traHdi ing occupied, by, the Mountain House bar, from the closed windows of which' smoke waa Issuing. A window wi forced open and the room was found to befall of smoke, walja the ah el res be hind the Jbar were ablaze. A cigar rxix foil ef matches had Ignited In fiamaga fstrlfflngl f ; ' " v The2fswFtalifete. T y: , ' From the poor ruA so fir :mada on the" Tiew , postal 'notes, li would Mem that they are 'not destined to become popular enough to make themprofitable to the governme-at, and the chances are that before long they will be withdrawn, lloapeopla , would jast as willingly ; ztzl a dollar till as a postal ncte In a -letter. - Th9 cotes are also essly cdun- tzzZClzX and TJcdxwood'a Counterfeit TIrrortcr.'cecl ares that asa plsca cf wc;i: ILsy ara ajdiscreJIIfi to tta gov-; fr-t As a vrt:! tttftrs' a : ASnEVIIXlTS WEW IIOTEL. , ' Battery Farter Selected iaa the' Mite for .a $100,000 Dalldiag A Dig Deal br - Ckarlotte Capitalists. r' ; y - Col Frank Coxa has bought Battery Porter, a. beautiful eminence near he centre of Aaheville,apon which to build a large and splendid hotel. -j The hotel will be ran by Mr. H. C Eccles, whose reputation aa a hotel keeper extends throngboot the United States, and who will" keep the new hotel np to the Cenr tral in style. The hew building Is to coat, exclusive of furniture, the sum of 8l00,0d0 and: work is shortly to com mence on IL lt Is the intention," re marked Mr. Eccles to the reporter yes terday, "to make the hotel as comfort able in December aa it will , be In June, and to keep it open the year round." Mr, Eccles' visit to Asheville this lorn- mer wsa made for (he purpose of Inves tigating. Into, the prospects for a new and elegant hotel for that place, and on hla favorable report of i the enterprise. Battery Porter waa bought by Mr. Coxe for the hotel site. , ' v ". , "Mr. John Wads worth, of our c)ty, will ran a livery stable Lrr connection with the new hotel, and this la another evi dence that Iris to ba tony and strictly first class, t- The newj hotel win be opened .to. the publio by the beginning of next season. Coxe, Eccles and Wads- worth are a team that cant be beat in the South. The Asheville Citizen, in speakiag'of the new' enterprise says: "Battery Porter has been purchased by a company who are making all arrange ments for the immediate erection of av large, elegant building, with all modern lmprovementa and hotel appointments. Seventy-five thousand dollars will first be expended, to be increased aa the occasion may require. ; The extensive grounds' surrounding the hotel will be beautified and given all the attractions and comforts of an elegant park. The eminence gives the best views of the grand mountain ranges to be bad im mediately within the city : and alto gether the new hotel will be such in all respecta as to render It without a peer in the South. Notwithstanding the already large hotel accbm modations of Asheville, we have long since recog nized that the rapidly Increasing da mand, winters , as well ! as' summers. would necessitate the building of such ft hotel, and we are truly gratified to state that it will soon be an active, liv ing fact, and we trust a joy forever." 'MaaaaaMaMaaaWsaTffffBWaaiBBaaaaMaBaMaaea Cieae te tbe feaiteattary Mecklenburg's fall queta to the State penitentiary were sent off to Balelgh in charge of officers," laat night. There were seven In all, and their names and aentencea are as follows: Jack Bra w- ley, sentenced by the Saperior court to nv years ror an aaault with intent to commit rape ; A A White, colored also pretense, 'five years ; Morris Barrett, colored, aheep stealing, two years ; Jim William, colored,, larceny; ten years; Chaa Pxitchard., white, larceny, , two n,M XV m A a four years; Jno Owecolorad, larceny. four years. All were sentenced' by the Inferior courts except the first named fn the list, n I , ; f - w-aafjBBWawaaaaa-aa Aa accideat ea the Air JUae. , ' The paasenger train doe here yester day afternoon from ; Atlanta v at 4L20 o'clock, came in aa hour and a half Late, the delay having been caused by an ac cident to the engine, while it was spin ning along near Gastonla. The paral lel rod that connected the' driving wheels on the left side snapped in two and demolished that aide of the engine jTireman uarus to aave himself leaped from the cab and atruck. the ground a considerable distance off, falling on hla head and receiving painful injuries. Engineer Fogua remained at hla post while the broken rod, revolving with the wheel waa knocking the aide of the engine to pieces. ' Tbe angina did not leave the track and waa shortly stop ped, when it was found that : abe was too badly broken np to pall the -train on to the city. : A freight engine that waa fortunately at Gastonla, waa press ed Into service and the train waa pulled in safely, but considerably behind time. As the train arrived at the depot here fireman flartla alighted rn a badly used, up condition. - Hla head, was cut and it looked like all the scalp had been taken off tbe top. Hla In juries were attended to by a physician and : he .will soon be firing up again., JVr The Hot-ta American Review For October presents a most attrac tive table of contents. Senator N P ynq write of "Gold and Silver aa Standards of value," and maintains that silver should be coined aa well as gold, not for the purpose of inflating the currency, neither in the interest " or the silver- mining industry, but for the broader ana more equitable purpose of preserv ing uniformity in the value of metallic money, and of preventing such contrac tion of the volume of money 'as would produce Inancial disaster. " In '-'Some Aspects of Democracy in England" A Y Dicey makes clear to the ' American reader how it is that, while all the forma' ef monarchy and aristocracy persists In Britain; - the- democracy,: or,, to other words, public pinion, absolutely con- trpls the action of the government. under the title of "Co-operative Distri bution," the Bey Dr. B Heber Newton gives an' Instructive historical sketch of tbe rise, progress and fluctuations of co-operative merchandizing In the Uni ted JSfatca during the past' fifty veari. Frederic narrison -contributes an ar ticle. Invaluable to 'the; historical stu dent, on nistories of the French Bevo lutlon," 'Published at;$o rXafayette Plaea, Ne w xork. 5.00 a year, CO cents a number. . t ea 11; f-j inaureai eoautera neaoeeiysit-a.t Tor tbe enre of a!) rlsirie: r odb die. !.&- V v e t "Miii C t, t4o Coo- I muw ',i)-nit. i.rtVol luil.r.L.'lrta. end a.1 oart c a Ls- 1 nt'ore ar Mite from tair" twni 'ei t:' cieoav-'Utar- rt'e 1 iwrr stivw. li iai-- rytea. tu r A CosgTesatioa Tara pot and Catca.tY ;:: Thief; . ; jxc-, ' : l -k: ; ' v;M : bunday night last while Rev Steele, colored, was preaching at hla. church near Sugar creek, his congregation "as disturbed by a : woman's shrieks, and everybody rushed' out ; of the church to the residence near by of Sam Wallace, colored, where they found his wife in a state of , great excitement. She said that some one had tried' to burglarize the house, and' the ; whole congregation started out to hunt the man. They soon captured a one legged negro named Jas McCopln, alias Morris, from Cabarrus county, and brought him to town before Esquire McNIncb, who bound him over to court. McCopin had in bis possession an axe, some crockery and a bucket of butter. Mr W A Boberte, who li ves six mil ea, from Charlotte, came to tdwn and identified the axe aa his ; property His house had been plundered while be was at church, and a lot of ' provisions, be sides the, axe, were taken. McCopin will be tried before J ustice McNIncb on this charge next: Saturday.: V McCopin has served a term in the: penitentiary for horse steallng,snd has a bad charac- MJI . . ai-Si it-:-. t.i. . " Oaeaiag el the Graded School. '.The city graded achools -opened yes terday morning with-eight hundred and forty scholars in attendance on the first roll call, about two hundred more, than attended the opening last year. . In the primary department of the white school. Prof Mitchell has fifty new, scholars. Yesterday afternoon the new furniture ordered for the extra rooms at the white graded school 9 arrived and the extra rooms are being 'fitted up to-day. This session, the grade has been in creased and the efficiency of (he school greatly enhanced. The Bingham schol arship, mentioned by us a few days ago, is a standing one and does not ex pire as long as our graded school lasts, eb that there is a chance for av free scholarship in Bingham's school every year to some Charlotte boy. ' The com petition for this scholarship will be lively, as will be that among the girls for the Female Ititute .scholarship. The opening day found the school rooms fairly crowded and it looks like there is a probability of some children having to be left out for want of room. It would be well for "parents not to keep their children waiting, but to start them to school at once. : Those who go now are at least safe fori the aesslon and stand In no danger of - being crowded OUt. : ' - ' : - :. - ' ; - - nail. CeJajBiblal ' ' A. racket occurred In the State House at Columbia on the' 15th. that will be interesting reading in Charlotte as the younger of the principals, the eon of Col J P Thomas, has lived here and La well known by our people. A special to the Charleston News . and Courier aays that "Mr J P Thomas, Jr, the Gov ernor s private secretary, was standing in tbe corridor of the State House in front of the Go varnor'a office, quietly talking to two gentlemen abpnt an ab-; sent friend, when Col James N Ups-1 comb. Secretary of State, came up and injected into the conversation an off en-1 sive remark about Mr Thomas' friend. Mr Thomas said, "Mr f La my friend ; you have' av right to form ; your own opinion! of him. Colonel, but I do not agree with yon." Col Lipscomb there- unon renewed bis assertion in a loarl - -4 : . . Kua, . au luuuua waiaeu uuiouj uim his office, i Presently . Col 1 LiDscomb went to Mr Thomas': inner office ' and met Um at' the door, Bavins; angrily. -You virtually aaid I lied just now." Mr Thomas . replied. --Now I didn't. I merely' took up ror a friend" Col Lips comb suddenly - rushed forward - and slapped Mr Thomas' f ace. - Mr Thomas replied with several blows. They than trappled. f Col Lipscomb weighs over 200 pounds and Mr Thomas la of slight build, f In their struggle they moved to the other end of the office when Mr Thomas picked up an iron cup front the stove and was dealing his opponent en ergetic blows oa : tbe face with it when others came in and separated, them. Col Lipscomb retired much battered and , bis face covered with: blood. Mr Thomas waa unhurt I The attack on Mr a nomas nas caused mucn comment un- f arorable to Secretary Lipscomb.' Beajaaala Catler Gaest. 'Mrs Stonewall Jackson and daughter Jnlia, who are now in Boston, are the guests of Gene Ben Bdtler. On . their arrival in that city . they were met a we aepot by Adjutant Ueneral DaltOn,' of nis ezcelleney's.atair, and escorted to the Berere :llouse,i where they have aince beenl entertained. ; The Boston Herald, tells how: they apent Sanday: "Sunday merniag at the breakfast table Gorernor Butler presided oTer quite a faxrdly party.-' On his left sat GoTernor darvis and wife and .Lord Coleridsre. On the right Mrs JacksonJlr McGebee, Lieutenant J McClellan and Miss Julia Jackson, while at the foot of the table was Mr J D Johnson. The Lord Chief Justice had proposed attending worship at St Paul's church in the morning, hut dldnot carry ont his intention. Hon G Coleridge ; spent the day with Mr Syd ney Bartlett. The rest of the party at tended the new OldSouth church in the morning."; Afterward the gentlemen. including Gov Bntler and . Lord Cole- ridge,- on invitation of Judge Devens, partook of lunch at the' Union Club, about twenty other gentlemen being in- Tited to meet thenu In the course of the, day ' the , party visited 1 the JArt Museonu fAt four? o'clock' the Lord Chief Justice went out witlrJDr Bow- ditchTan old personal friejad,with whom he dined and spent the evening, and the ladles of the t party, escorted by 'Mr . j onnson, naa a pleasant ariT to Brook- line, Chestnut UU and' around the col- lesec otuldingi; at Harvard. Monday morning -at 10 o'clock Got Butler ae- coapanltd the Lord, Chief Justice and tla; other t?uests to the Institute fair, , and in the afternoon he t;ck his Tislt- crs for a cruise in tba -iiarfcor on the Aw erica. Tetcrning tn time for dinner 'Tha Inspection: Postponed. There was a full turnout of tbe Hor nets Nest Riflemen last night 'at their armory to receive Col Cameron, Inspec tor General of the Stat Guard, fie expressed bis' ( gratification at the promptness with which, the" members turned out, and in the course of his re marks referred to the advantage a well oianizedmlUtery' company might be to the community. Wth a view to allowing the company time to pass a more creditable : inspection, he ' post poned the day of their Inspection to rn time when, they might be able to make a number one report. : . Hotel Arrivals. ' ' -i. Centhax Hotel. Frank Penfield, N X; J H Traynham, S C ; T W Dixon, N G; Miss Florence Finch, Llncolnton, N C; E TMcCabe, Richmond, Va;'Dr C D Rice; P Babcock, Raleigh; N C ; S 0 yahLandlngham, B Cunningham, S C;IID;Blythe,- PhnadelphlanJ" C Wright, Raleigh, N C; RG Fridey, Jas S Allison, Baltimore ; H C Watson and wife, Rockingham, N 0; J F Johnson, Louisville, Ky; M A Teal, Wades boro, N C; EB Kettle, N X; O H Harris, Atlanta, Ga ; .W S May, Texas ; E L Westburn, Dayton, O; Q F Shoemaker; PhUadelpbla ; Wm F.MuUer, NY; :W L liardin, liorganton, N C; Duncan T3 Robertson, Frank E Taylor, Cheater, S C;: Chas E tott, Alfred Balch, N Y; Miss Fannie Carpenter, Llncolnton, N C; "E Lilly, Wilmington, N,' C; T H GIbbs, Columbia, S C : . C S Morrison, Statesville, NC; S J Lowe. Loweavllle, N C; S O Reld.AGReId.NC; J G Bermingham and wif e, Lllesvllle. N C; Hyder Ratterree, R J Belk, 8 Cj J D Moowt Gastonla, NT C; G N Webb, JB Beetle, Shelby, N C;V C E Childa. Lln colnton ; J T Dudley and son. Mrs A Dudley, Bennettsville, 8 C; Mrs L M Mortemer, Miss M R Smith, Miss H E Brown, Chester, S C; Mrs Lotta Cra ven, Master I Craven, Philadelphia ; : D il Wads worth, Jlonroe ; . J A DeaL Blacks, S & , sea, vii . aTtalateT. le tbe stapilar Daaa ef a town atta fte taaacialea eoi. Oble. It le the reatdanee et euanoawML wo wmeei Hafw tum pefwaneaxif eaied ar ton ef a bad eaae ef areianeat 8L VOns Daoe. a 10 iiiilSafc Send lo the m ann factnrers. Farrel & Ca, 631 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and get testimonials. ' :r 5--. ;- .--- Scarcely a day j passes with- ont receipt of ? testirhonials lxom-' some ' ' craarter of the globe, of ; the v wonderful . suc cess of the Pat Dry Chemical liillmg, wliicli generates car bonic acid gas under the ef fects of thoflre .itself and saves the contents of the safe.' xsewbtLry, tv fJ tne owners of four " safes in ?the KimbaU and CIOS- I I ona KaVoFw rh.laatr.n S3 "! vA - - - - - - - - . -hiU havinsr liad receiit: fires. give nothing : but praise for the CiTAMPioir. i Sales in Au gust by Farrel Ss Co. double those of last year and orders to replace new. wet filled safes are pouring 1 . in from Geonria, Alabama, - and I all - Southern States. all of which Is . -SO LAOi uve eviaence tnat roocL troods, togetner with the best llllingv on which scientillc . men have spent years of studv.' and for winch thousands : of dollars have been spent tby us f in bgt curing patents. WILL wilT est THKi ana tne aav n rra&n ana concrete or wet lillin&r is near an end.t In safes for; fire, , as . "well sis bur glars, our 1 motto Tor 40 years nas. Deen r "xlie. very, best is none too sood'MfT.i Attention, ) Hornets. , v. -3-:i i ' ' ; TOU ate hereby ordered ta attend tha aanad meeting of oat compear this f Taeadar) ere nine. Sent. It, at 8 O'clock, sharo. Villi aumduvali earnoauy oeauea aa important bustnese erui.be kA THOMTSOavs-i Preeldeot 8ecretarr. aept IS It. Just Received. : i . , Aaopplrof If ttreet from atoUand. Applr at Zlmejood 0m fi. ; . ' - SeptltrfllW ADMINISTRATORS 'KOTIOPffSt it,. Baetee ananSad aa aAmtnlarraCn nf jAaanh B: Bltton. all peraooa baeioc etauna aaalnat him are Bereoe BOt; nod ta nmnnnt thm tn ma m a. K . iora ui xuui oat oi Beptemoer, 1 gsa, or uu ao tiee wul be oleaded m bar of tbalr raoovarr. aw peraosa ladeiutea to him will aoaAa payment to dm , 1 J. M. ATXBTk Adm'r JL a. aitton. aeptl8tf I v flVLAURY'S NewSsrics'cf f,fe:2nf Iii2S, : , aVKCXSTLT akoptid' bt ths SCHOOL COM- These booka erin be aaid tn tha nnhit. at th foawrtns rat r w. jTidfoduotlcn i Prlo.,...i.... .... F4 Cental Xoehaase irloe........-;.k..... ........ .. ,J lUrT8 EaTTSm VijmaX W GaXMBATHT. v Herrin 1A0NTH Lxeharcsi. j,. "ij :;ti-jf i x !- -'if - Jin tritrri. For Dyepe Cestleeoeaa. C hroal, tlsr- rbaea, JaatuUoe, Imparity of the Blood, JT.T.r jkd ; Afn. ZXalarla. 1 aad an 1 eaaaad by t . raagement 6f Xiver, Ilowela aad BUdaers, gTMPToars o a rJtntAsrr txrm. ' - Bmd Breath r Pais in th tide, lomiim. th. T Pia tm kit mmtde th. Showiaa-kUii.. miuJca lor .- Hhwwwwi gmomX Iom of appMiM; Uonii . raocraUy C(tiir., Mmetioxs. altwiiatinc with lug ; th. bead lm troubled wua yaia, b duU aad awry. ( with eanndctabla loaa ef nomory, aooompwled ' With a painful ematiaa afkaviag ondon. somMhing i whtch aught to ha v. mmtn dot; a tlight, dry cowga ad iawiava ia null mm mm mummtitkmt. et-a .. awWakoa lot oainnnliu.; th. mm&ntl eampUin. warinca aad debility; aw aa, aailf atartled ; teat cold or Umiag, inwatlmae 3 pdckly aaaaaiioa '' of the: kla exlata; tplriu are low aad aaapapdaat. aad, aUhongh apafiad thataaerci would be baaa- - ficial, yet oae caa bardly eoauaoa aa fortituda ta trj W-r-i iaac, atasmata mwrr remady. myrml of tka ahow. ayaipoaaaa artaad dam dtiwn, bat caiaa hare occarrad wheo but few of tha uiiud, ymt amlnatKm after death haa ahowa thf Unr to baee baoa cztaaaiyclj deraegai. . It aaoald ee msed y sdl peraama, old aad jroong waeaeref any of tb abore i-.-'Vi.,- arpear. ; ,- Peraoas Trtnllae or TJei- la Cn- OoalUiy XVaaJlUaaTby ukia om vxmmlo. .:, mOy aa kaaa th. Urar la beakhy acioa, U avoid aU afalajrla.Xlalloa aUacka, IMzataa. Na t mr.Dtwunmr Mreaaioa of Spirits. t& It wi01anorata bkea (UM of via.. Vat Le no Ia- twalaatlag bmrage. '' "it Tmm bav 'eaten aaytbJa bard of : . eusoatloa. or fea! beaey after amW, er aler i loaa a? Sghc Sake a doe. aad yo U be nlitrrmd.- Um.. aadl tWeSora Baia wm ba earex ' ay ala7i fceeplBC tbe EeraUtoe '.J- fat tba Klaaaet Tar, wmaterer the ailnMa aaay be. a thoroochly . Vmrgmttrm, altmUvo aad ton, c e oat of plaea. Tha ronedr is hwmlMi ot tatarf.ro wHJa boalaoea or rvnrxr vrcrTAriA Aad kaa all the oawsr aad etteaey mt CaioaMl or Qaiae, wUhout aay of tbe fcyunoue aftat m&mcm, 1 ' jPoeei aore Toatrmooy. . ' Uar Reoltr has ha bmha fcaurf far aoaaa tba.. and I aaa aauaasd m mm ealaable addiUoa to ta. awdical acioaoa. J., Cnx Saoaraa, Goreraor of Abu " Peo- S lewder H, Steftaoma, mt GeU says: Uaae derived aoeaa bcaeht from the aa. ef Sunmoas LiTar Regulator, aad wiah to giro it a IttTLaSf teTiaMU . wTlIIt!1.tfrruT,,.t UXtm MmMlMT." 1 bin sd auorr RmdjM in ln- oiroi aaa ucuuty. out . a . . . . ' .anythiDK to beac&t mm to the rrer Kerolater haa. I aeat from li.n. 1 to Georna fur fat. ud wmM m-A f..,,u I a aiedicfaia. aad snU .11 .! . tbioa: that mmwr fc.ls to refer. tr. at. jAJcaer, IflaaeapoEa, Uinm, 5W. Wi aXaooai aayai From actual a. fat th. ass of ti-, Jk.,..,. ay practfoa I haw bee and aaa tatirfind to aaa aad prescribe it as a '' far-Take aaly tba Ctoamlae, wbicb mhrnwyi baa oa tbe Wrapper tbe roa SS Trado-Sfarat aad8i-aatro of JT. IX. ZEIXXX A CO. ' Q SALE BY All DRUGCISTS. OB M03TDAT TBM OBADZO eCHOOL WILt; OTZSr, AJTD ALL TUX TOCNQ LAX) EE 3 - A2TD inaSZS' WCO HATS HOT '".- ,i ' " 'i GOT "A - - is rf thtit m m 1 .1 . w. 3 CAH aXT OXX AT. T. L. SXIQLS A Oa'3 VSBY :j.vr't;:..w.:;:":.. , T. L. 6X7GLX has Jost tetorned from U Ta& era market and eaa now ebow yoa I 'THE BEST STOCK OF O ODS In 401 flrades aod Silk, CHkAPXB THAW TOO BATS XTXJt EZJiU litaa Ui XXXI WARaXT. This season roa win be'jbl to (Lad la ear store one of tbe 1 Dcsl Sslcclcd Sfctlis TO bs rouiro m akt eocsz w rnx eTATi Prices ta 13 Estircly Sitktctcrj Can to see as aad be eoarlneed tbat these are FACTS. :V ' ..lf .: ;'l ' ' : .. W: rT'U;EtMS & CCa n; Asm LOW PRICES !!i I w woutD nrro&if ths tvbuo that I"" w baeelermea eopactoerabtp underlie name and style of . t Alexander,- For the enrpose of eondaAlo the Betan and Grocery bualneea el thm oi4 eiandof of oondartlDi ruer '.LmStor eioaoo. air. baknxtt. erbo OB eaanra er u DrMinoae, baa loot returned from tne IS on asm Atari- . e(s aroere be parenaeed one of -, the best lines of -GROCERIES isaui -.r ' i:: KfeVeaed ta , . tbla city. Wo are now " opealne a full lino aad tn J - a few are. our svock win be v . eempiete. . It la oar lotanuon to - make ooe ate teoend to ren In tba State. 0UB A4lttl A.QX1U b ll,I1.2 Hie Best Gccls til tha Lowest Fri: The enblla le lntarf tn nail anrl Initial m atooKand see tor ltMif that ere a.eaal. Whoaer ea tbat we Utnnd always to . nana aTtuanc to be lauad la a autoU; Srsi caae IXEAVT AND PAKOY OROGCHY. Tery resdaotftillr," , B. W.BIPTT, W. C. ALaXAIJU septlSdtt School for Dan ci n c acpoia. Sianoaet aad leTMHasCoE. Barnett PROF.; NOTT, Cember of the Sorted it rroftasorstf r r : BewTora.-wCIbecta si' class for L " 1 " ? and lTaaters t-UK.j ar.smoci, r : : rj , stsao'c'- c."irtrT'.' n ii tT Et 8 . V '. f't fj I'm t ,t il - ' f ' 111! f t ' ". ! 3 f.-Uur?, rX tLs tctc3 Lara' l::.;r.::: i .. : !i n r: .-rrr r 3 a y.i s..ou te s a t - i wmj to t' --ht a ....-s-iif ... , aa fci ie ; , ... J la the eveniE2. j .3 1 i.i-.it.i, i a i. j 1 ,itt- . ' " Ta., Vrr. f1,r ' in t-e r- 1 t ' , i " - ' . A mi , a. .ea-