V ; v . m c i -v;' v u V:, f v 'te-i'i : v r Pfi'H F Witt - - ; - y K ' , ; ; - x e- . . ... -. i .. .u,..-. , .. t CHLOTTE. N. C.. WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 19; 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. t - . t . U U IUcUi Trial Irrr- CHzaTCB. 3 a Spt 18. 188S. It fatt aiur lut wm wblU lt bat)u uil wm prtxrrAlnc. and taany biU mad wall derrTed oooalam ww riVtri eo lu eourprtM In aodsrtakioc to rvpoct Um cm to fall. n4 oa Xhm Uf mccuTmcj aod f allMaa of lu rvDort. Tb rorl Toloa ot tboaa wbo follow 4 tb uaumooy eJoaaly concur In to Badmf of tba Jury. Tbara- U thla, Uxuti.tnal atagars aucne, iba tU Eoour bos iit ucbr mutlTa for tha narUar tnan tnat given bj tba prla oor. 1 Tba f iUUoo of Ui tubject of itn provtnc our public blgbwaya, atartad toy Senator itoUar mmm ruduoed I much practical ffuud already. It axooaad tba paopla to tba importanoa of mending lb air ways, and at a r-aU tba road hava baa battar wotkwi tbl fall tbao var twfora. lo addlUoa to tbU U baa praYokad a Try earoeat loquirr all oTr tba Staia aa to tba policy of abaa doalox lb prtaant yitem and lavylag atazopoa property to pay for tba sdd worL Tba tabjct baa wn dlKQMtd from arery i and point, and will doabtlcaa ba a Ruveraiac taaaa In our next blata campaign. Aafaraamy obaarvaUoo ro tba paopl ara la f aror or adaarlDf u tba prut syataoa. Dot tba people bara ymrj MUle to do Utaaa ya wlib deUr coining political or aco romloiaioea; tboogb tby tbtnk tbty tit It all. Cbeaur ipcot ose hand ml and aaTaoty-flv tboumaud dnllara In exUnd Inc ba railroad to Nawton aid In Luttdlog tba road to Lancaster. If sbe had bwtlt toroplke road throughout tba ooooty wita tba muoy our Und to-day would baTa omt worth double wbaitbey ara. and aurcbaarra would have baan found on Tery blghway raking bomea In our midst. . Btbt rraabytery baa bean la snlon 1ocw Friday last at tba Blackjtock eburch. It will adjourn to-day In time to give tba memara a chance to reach home on tba different trmlaa that paaa that place. Hon O J Patterson. Senator from tbla Crtunty, ratamed on Satarday laat from a month at UUona Spring. Uiabaaltb limuch I m proved by hia visit to tbat favorite oUl watering place. Tba competition In the cotton market bre tbla winter will be greater than ever several caw buy era bavleg re cently coma In. Aa tba crop will be a abart one buyers cannot afford to stand back and welt till other borers ara filled, they will have to go In f rom the tart for all they can eat. Tbla will not only keep up Cheetera reputation aa the beet cotton market In the up o Kin try but will make It even mora da lrable than aver for the farmer. The Hew Fecial Tfetaa. In com meeting In tbe JocrnjllOb jutu oo tbe new poatal notuayou dtct their- early wltbdrawal en ac- ounl of tkeir nnpopuianiy. To make Jiem a aocceaa a moaincauon laeaaen- a aucceea a modincauoi liaily oeceeaaxy, Tor lu tueir preeeni tmm thev ara worth leaa. Hot If tbey mbomUl atford aaearlty ttoey would be oume a great eon venleaoe. and for many raaaoaa we eneaid regret tbetr a bo I Is h ' fawot. Tba only raaaon men pay for a money order or a deck la far the aake of ftesorlty. Tbeae poatal notes are made payable to oearer and are. of aourae. transferable. If tbe latter con taining tba note la loet tba money la lost aa Irrevocably aa If It were a bank note, beaea one might aa well aend a bank note or poetise atampe and aave hie trouble and tba fee. Jo other words by making the note payable to bearer t partakre of tba nature of a banc note with all lu llabUitlea to loes. lie nee, aa tbey afford no security, people -do not see them. If. however, tbey should Imply be made payable to order all thla diasultr would be removed. Tbey would then be similar to bank checka, b equally secure from loaa and ooun teef ntlng. and thev would then, aa they werv Intended to do. eotlrely aaperaede for email aama both money orders and bank checks. W. UL J. Mpaxtanborg. 3 CSept. 18, 1883. reeelxa Cettew rigmrce. j Knr YoaJCSapt. 18 Tba Egyptian cotton crop u reported to be luojDO 4alea larger than the taaU which we old jrtvaa eepply from Egypt, Brazil, the Wee Iodiee. ato, of aooat OOOOOO balea aadlng lJOOJXQ bales for Indla.wbicb appears at praaest to be tbe probable a a paly, and djOOOjDOO bales as Lhe mini joam oat of ear crop and wa have a total supply of 8.40O.OU3 balea. At uro pean consompUes equal to that of laat aveaaon, and that of the United States, Canada, &&, &O000 balea larger would require 8,T5ajOOO bales, bat It Is very doubtful whether Europe will consume ajrxla eo largely asi our crop may alao exceed AJXtXOCO bales, Under any dr cacuUace Lbs lappjy.wlta the present heavy stocks, appears to be aufflclent to prevent a higher Cgnra of middling upland la LlTerpool than Cfl.d and tnet price la already discounted here. araeBAttflat eterywaa ef Bue. T-.e mum aiaf VMM. eanfaicta. aaa nlaM ateoia . tw rear afiae aa Wf toUl U av tmam aa ManimawllMi bat Iraml la Bo0 taeiiaa. thai Hot Mniwa4(Mi bat IraU la Hoo Bxuac. in - Oa lias Seeewd Trial; Ljlks Uzoaoe. N. Y- Sept ia Tbe seoentf trial of Ueo H WllUtt for mur der, began to-day. and a Jury baa been aecureo. WUIett la charged with shoot ing Talr; bla broth er-ln4aw. a barber at Glena Falta In December. ISSOt Pamliy troubles are alleged aa the Incentive of the crime. Tbe evidence la purely cir cumstantial and tbe jury a tbe former trial disagreed." M CaalaeaS Dr. C, C -OOT-DTTTS VKCXO HTXT TOWTO to -fce Sw a smi f aU aw aioea et Ue aaaa-jooa UOTllUlTCt. u la taaloBM& as a la ease. (Taaaae mkh txxa aoanaai O'DmsiII ta a JLawaaa rrlm. 'Zjoxxxm. 8pt. 18T ODonneil- the maA'darerof Carer, was landed at South MlsrTT at 9 o'clock this morning and gnlaead on board tba train for. London. 'Xaetxsla sxrlrad at Vanxball at noon. -where the prisoner was mat by a large -force ef poUoe andeeeorted to tba prison to. .He wss then, under eeeort of the t?oUe, drlvan to Millbank JalL 1 "Bhw Sa f -talfclag.',.' '" 'TtasarUa.tBaV. Taa pala. seat antVI - tor t;joai'.?"4 Pfl'-ew, teim ef -' wta nutMrwatNiui 1 aid sorta vba I trt aartJeaaa ft. anf y mim zt ay kabvaM- Hegatta AaaaSaaed. A nsrMi 1 Dt IS Tbe proposed rrattaoa Cayc; Lake has been sJbon - "onel. - "".- ; V'l B Cardial! ' ' . an T.-r r-- Cr--tm ! wa4 CC'T tf rm l u', "a ita. -4 SOUTH CAROLINA. Tbe 12 aeoeea VThosa a a DUSealty Eada ta the Arrest ef W. O. Caasalea, Cor reaaeaSsataf tae Raws aad Caarlar X. Head of $300 te Keep the reaee. Tba difficulty In the Stats Ilouae, at Colombia on Saturday, to which refer enoa wss mads In oar columns yester day, aasamed another anape on Sunday and ilooday. Mr N Q Uonxaiea, corres pondent of tbe News and Courier, and tbe friend for whom Mr Thomas had fought Col IJpeoomb, wss very much inceoaed oa aoooant of the lan g a age need by Col IJpeoomb In regard to him self on Saturday. lie bad atated his Sorpoee to meet Col Lipscomb on Mou sy morning and denounce him 1a on mlatskabls language. As soon aa this became known to Gov Thompson he sent Capt Bach man to Oonxalee to sak that tbe matter be dropped. From tbe Col a m bla Register we learn that as soou as Baobman's Interview was reported to tbe Governor aa ineffectual Ilia Ex cellency went before trial Justice Mar shall, and took out a peaoe warrant against Gonztles. wbo was Immediately arrested and granted a bearing. Gov Thompson was szsmlned snd said that from his knowledge of both gentlemen, be believed there would be a breach of the peace. After tbe examination of Bach man and Gonzales the latter wss bound over to keep the peace In the sum of feSOO. Fever Mortality la Havana. ., i WAsnrKOTON, Sept. 18. Sanitary In spector fiurgeas at Havana reports that during August there were 706 deaths In that city. 162 of which were from yellow fever. During tbe week ending Sept. 7th there were 18 deaths from the same cause. The reduction in tbe mortality results. It is tbongbt. f rom the want of material to reed upon and the mild type of tbe scourge. Some wharves ara very dangerously infected and Ul vessels which srrive and remain more than throe dsys are sure to be contaminated. Tba army and navy have Buffered very much and as the weather continues very hot numberaoontlaoeto fall alck. Ad vices from the Consul General at Cairo, Egypt, represent that tba cholera la rapidly decreasing. 0Deaaella Trial sir. Carey ta Make Soaae BtarUiag Bevelatleaa. Loxdox, Sept 18 It bss transpired that O'Doonall. after a booting Carey, Bald: "Shake hands. Mrs Carey, 1 bad to do it." Not M id not do It" aa was at Orat reported. It la stated that tbe Crown baa engaged tbe services of Mr Poland, who already appeared in the Irish State trials, to prosecute ODon nelL Everything indicates that the trial which will lake place in Novem ber will be a memorable one. It ia un derstood that Mra Carey haa offered evidence of a moat astounding nature, which sbs declares will clear her bus band's character. She has banded letters to the authorities which include the correspondence of a member of larllameuu . JlaJstead aad McLeaa. Cincinnati. Sept 18 Murat Halstead and Ki chard bmith of tbe Commercial Gazette have applied to tbe Chamber of Commerce to ezpel John B McLean from the chamber upon tbe charge of an mercantile'' conduct, rule 13. The whole Is the result of a charge In the Sunday morning's Enquirer that tbe Commercial Gazette waa unable to pay off Its reporters, and ether statements of like nature.- as the committee work of the Chamber of Commerce is secret it Is Impossible at thla writing to asy what was done in the premises. A Mareerer GallUUaed. Rnzncs, Sept 18, At 0 o'clock this morning the murderer Halts waa guil lotined at the bone market in the pres ence of &.000 people. Last Msy Holtz concealed himself for ten daya in the coal cellar of bis victim and found a favorable opportunity to murder him snd run away with his money. During bis two months imprisonment at K helm a. Holts bad felt perfectly confi dent that rreeldent Grevy would par don him. Last night be was plsjlng scene with bis jailor until a late hour. A Mlsalag Steamer Beaeaea Pert, CzncAoo. Sept 18. A dispatch to the United .Press from Cleveland. Ohio, saya that tbe missing steamer Kewee naw with 200 excursion lata reached there shortly after noon after three on auccessf ul attempts to cross from Point Peter. A score of passe n gars left the boat on Sunday and made Cleveland by rail. Another dlapateb from the aaate place saya that tbe miaalng f eur of the a learner barge Oakland ware picked up this morning at Corneaut, Ohio, by the tug Bed Cloud. i Flane a Skip OaaaJ. ? - New York, Sept 15 At a meeting of the stockholders of the Florida Ship Canal and Transit Company yesterday, the board of directors wss authorized to make a contract for tbe construction of Lhe canaL Tbe work to be started at the earliest possible day. Tbe eastern terminus of the canal will be la tbe vi cinity of tbe mouth of the St John's nver. sad tbe canal will ran across tbe penlnaular at lta narrowest point. ' It will be ISO mUes long, S30 feet wide and SO feet deep. ; ,. i i t . i i ii i i -. f GersaaaSUersatOata ' Caa a. oo, Sept 18 Richard Mlchaslla, editor of the Neue Frete Prease to-day caused the arrest of A O Heslng. Wash ington Hosing, Herman Baaier and Wm Ragb, all editors or proprietors of tbe Staats Zeltung. on the charge of criminal llbeL -Tbey were brought be fore Justice Mseeh to-dsy. waived ex amination and were bound over for trial for Friday, September 21. Lorenz Brsntano going bsiL r . , as Dill Bepert. . ; ' 1 WAsmtraTOir. 8ept 1&J Tbe investi gation report was msds public at the Treasury Department this afternoon. As already atated in these d la patches tbe report is unfavorable to Mr Hill, and while be Is charged with loose man agement and cGoial- favoritism, noth ing corrupt or dishonest has been dis covered. , - . ;;-,!;V ".' ", A Draakem Esw, 1- . '. . Tout Jgxns. NT- T, Sept 1 8. Levi tlalzapble and George Gaillard became engaged in a drunken' fight in a saloon hare at one o'clock: this a m. and ' man named K liner Interfered - in Gslllard's behalf. 1 In the fight Ellner subbed Hulzaphls twice with a dirk, one of the wounds proving fataL Ellner and Gaillard ware arrested.-..-' .o .- ; -:.t?... '. ; A Sisal 1 Delcleacy. : Cmcxao, Sept l& At a. meeting of tba board of trustees of the town of Lake to-dsy In reference to the alleged ring f rands, special sxaoiiier Gaunt re ported th it be h&d found .a deficiency of 75jOOO la the water department, r - ' laualaau Arrived us Aagmat. ; WsfiHNaTOir, 8ept 18. Durlug' lbs month of Accost past ZS. Z$3 immi grants axTivad In thfa coontry, sinst 43C78 in Ac?tut 18S2. - Germany farn-tabedl3a3,l!nglandand-Walt 610, Ireland Uorwsy 13, and Sweden 1,77 1 ', -. .. ' . .. . v . ' irnnl asi lrtiire cf Traiiii ' ' ZUCHStOKD AJTD DaHTlilJt. Um Atr Uae Depot g.80 a. as. aad 4.80 P ss. : Aixlee g.00 a aa and 1.60 P. as. ' aJaLIXX. - Vs r ' -LeaeeS.90a.as.aeda 10a.Bk mvsSaoa.BE, aae4.10a.av - CHXBiXrTTa. COLUStBtA AJID AUGUST A. ; Lear X10 p. bl, ana anrtre 4,80 p. av . & C a. a. T. O. DTVTSIOJL 4A0 a, aa. aaS satve at 10.00 a. m. CAS0LDIA CXXTEAU Lsaea S.4S p. ea. sad 7.10s. aa. Autre 7.00 a. aa. aaa S25 p. as. , . a a-SHBXBZ sryisiox . S.00 e. bl. aad antva S.4S p. aa. LaSex ta Hew Advertisesaeats. Hartrsee M Atexander-Iiew stoek. - , J W ritrela VaiuabU peaeertj for sale. Bo. Cnaoiseni -AUMtton laoependa&u. , laalcabeaa. ' South "Atlantic 8tates. local - rains. and partly cloudy weather, northeast to southeast winas, slight change in tem perature in northern portion, stationary or bighsr barometer. locai Birrin. Nearly all the aummsr absentees, exoept the Saratogiaas, have returned home.- . . . Mrs Chas N Vance returned home yesterday from her summer tour in the mountains. ' The latest idea ia for ' hesdwalters at the hotela to be mounted on roller skstea, and is soon to be introdsced in the Charlotte hotels. Tbe style this sutumn will be for a young lady to wear a cutaway jacket and waistcoat that are for all the world like the garments worn by her pet and brothrr. ': ; - Tbe 2 o'clock Richmond & Dan Tills train came in yesterday with peo ple banging to the platforms. "Travel hardly aver gets to be heavier than it is at present. Brem A McDowell are building a large brick warehouse in the rear of the Central Hotel for the storage of ma chinery. The warehouse will be 90x43, one story. Tbe city tax books have been com pleted by Capt. Fred Nssh, and are in tbe bands of the collector, who is at the service of our people in his office at the city halL Rev. Mrs. Sallie A. Hughes, a col ored female evangelist, will preach In the A. M. E. church in this city next Thursday night, we are requested to state by the pastor, Iiev. TL LL Nichols. Thtresa man in Chsrlotte who has a daughter away at school. but who will not write to her until after the 1st of October, when lettera will r be one eenc cheaper.'. He ia the meanest man in town.' - 4 ' - y 1 -'. In our Greenville letter, published In yesterdsy's Journal Obsje&tkb, where it is stated that Dr J A Manly wss called to the pastorate of the Bap tist church in that city, it should resd DrJAMundy. The advertising car for Sell's circus arrived in town yesterday and the gap ing Jaws of the big hippopotamus are to be seen from all the bill boards. Sell's circus pictures are something new and a little better than the average. Mr W H Faxrior, the jeweler, who left a short time since for Cleaveland Springs, la now lying sick with typhoid fever in Bhelby under treatment of Dr Morrison. His brother, Mr John Far rior, is attending to his business in this city. ' The old frame building on Tryon street nearly opposite the Second Pres byterian church, which waa used as a shoe shop by Msjor Wm Holt, has been moved back: to make room for , a new two-story brick storehouse to fee erect ed by Dr Gibbon. '- Mr. Boston Wallace, who Uvea near Matthews Station, reports that his sec tion of . the country wss Tisitsd by a violsntraln and hall storm yesterday before daylight. - The bail waa heavy, but did no damage, and the ground was msds too wst for ploughing. A 'w days since ss the 8 year old son ef Mr. Milton Beard, at Hunters- ville, waa running hogs out of the past ure, he fell, and striking bis arm on a fence rail, broke both bones. Dr. M. CY Hunter was summoned and set the arm, leaving the boy in a comfortable condi tion." ... ... .r:... . Mt ..; ' 7 ? The officers of our street railway company will let out' tbe contract next month for mule power.;; If the mules do net demolish the cars within the course of a cou pis of years, steem pow er and electric lights will be employed on the line.' .The company does not want to put on too much style at the start.- ;.-,-'.;.-.-'-! -v-"1-- -' eeeeBBBaeHBaeaBBBSsSBB""StefaaaBBSSB Rapid lirewts ef Carp. . , . i . Another evidence of the rapid growth of German carp wss demonstrated by Mr -Willis tWilklnson ' yesterday, vrks went out to the pond that was stocked by himself,, and the Trotter boys, and brought - back three - large carpi Weigh" ing IK IK and 7f pounds eaclu; The pond was stocked three years f go, the carp of course being so small when put in the water that they could, hardly be seen. 1 'We are toUl that the carp in the several other ponds around theclty are doing equally as well. 'Ul ProVaal e U6aticie la Valoa Ceaaty; . The difficulty mentioned by us yester day as having occurred at Beaver Dam between; a" negro 'man- apd --.Ur G W Huntley, was -a more serious affair than at first reported. ' - The negro i whose name is ;ilosssTlIsj2xUton,i struck Mr Huntlr, crvtr : the J head - vlth ) an axe crnshlng the skull and L. dieting an in jury from which it is thought ha will die. Hamilton, has been - arrested and placed in jail at Honros.' He is said to bear the character cf a desperate nero. 21r Huntley, fc3 t?n lyicj in an un cccxclouj condition, evtr, tiace he wss Etrcci ara, eni tlj casa Ij tzl$ tots a very e:ri3C3C-a." ' - . - - I C"-. , CUB BIG EXHIBIT AT BOSTON . AMD WHAT ; W ABC SHOWING x.- - ,tug nssve suvuijjanuaSiH Oar State Captaree the - Whale Thing aad it is Called the If ertai Caroliaa - fzpeeiuoa The reatest Display ver Made fey a Soalhera State Tastef al and Uaiaae Arraagenseata of ' the xelbite. . ; . V;r Several of our Charlotte; people who visited the Boston Exposition have turned homeland theysay that decidedly the most attractive feature of the whole exposition is the North Carolina ex bibit. It is given the most prominent place in the building, and the exhibits of cereals, woods, ores, minerals, gems. eta, are arranged in an exquisite man ner.: A beautiful little Summer house formed of North Carolina grains just gets away with the New Englsnders. -I felt proud of old North Carolina,' said one of the returned . visitors, "and stood with a swelling heart watching the delighted crowds swarming around her exhibit. Nobody can realize the attention it is attracting.". The display of polished gems is something extraor dinary.' Prof. Charles T. , Wheeler, of Charlotte, has a splsndid private collec tion, which the Boston 'Post describes at lengthAnd which we have previously described in these columns, , His aqua marines and garnets attract great ad miration. Prof. William ,Eari Hidden and Mr. J. A. D. Stsphenson. of States- ville. also exhibit gems. Among the collection of valuable stones shown by these gentlemen are ' tourmalines, ame thysts, corundum, beryl; cyanite, chrys olite, albiU, arrows of love, turquoise, blue beryL i The .display of native wines shown by the State Is very creditable. .Messrs C f W. Garrett A Co, ef Enfield and Bingwood, NT CL. and the North Caro lina Wine Company, S. B. Hunt 8b Co, of Kittreli, are the exhibitors. I A very choice dinner wine is known as tbe dry scuppernong and is very palatable. The other wines made by these companies are claret, mish, both hard and sweet, old port; Virginia seedling, sweet Con cord and communion. The balance of the liquor display is . made up of cor dials, cognac. Muscatel and grape bran dies, strawberry and blackberry winer, This display is tastefully arranged on three pyramidal stands. It is really the first wine display, ever made by the State, and the success of the enterprise Is very gratifying. Another Interesting feature is the sua: industry, which fat shown from theisilk cocoons to the manufactured goods. The cocoons are arranged on a lattice framework, and so nearly , resemble peanuts that it has been found necessary to place a placard over them notifying sightseers that the frames do not contain peanuts. Directly rn front in a glass case are displayed the ails: floss of various kinds and the manufactured goods in the form of yarns, twines and th reads. The women of the State are becoming interested in this Industry, and several are quite suc cessful in a small way And j udging from aU appearances, in the immediate fu ture many men will start into the buai- ness,wh!ch pays a handsome remunera tion. The mulberry trees, the food of the silk worm, are found in great abun dance, and quantities of trees of the right age can be purchased at very low prices. .-,-''-The minerals and ores form an im portant feature of the exhibit. The leopardite stone, so abundant about Charlette, .attracts much attention by its dd tracings and spots. .Marble, asbestos, barita kalinite, : corundum, manganese, powdered Iron, bituminous coal, eta, are shown in great varieties. Gold bearing sulphurets and pyrites are shown from Rowan and Cabarrus coun ties. The ' free gold is obtained from Rutherford. Montgomery and Caldwell counties. In the agricultural depart ment a good showing of grasses, grain, both ih the stalk and in the seed, rice, yams, potatoes, corn, peaauts.beana and a large collection of dried fruits, of which mention will be made hereafter. Cotton is shown growing on the stalk, the dry a talk, in the bale and tbe cotton manufactured products. Directly in the rear of grain arbor is a large case divid ed into regular sections filled with dried fruits. The large sign above is com posed entirely of these fruits, the base being composed of select apple and the letters of, haired peachesv The trunks of the pitch pine trees are shown with the hardened pitch on . the surface, the manner in which they are cut.tbe boxes to receive the sap,the various tools used in the business and a huge copper still used in refining the turpentine.: In ad dition the several . kinds of rosin are shown and the bils'and pitch. . Among other novelties to. Northern people is seen the cotton gins. The display of woods has been carefully prepared, and tk varieties are nearly all shown in tbe log and in jthe plankt The planks and boards are '.finished, and the grain and other characteristics of the wood fully brought outV Ambngvthe raluable woods shown are the yellow locust, red cedar, sj eambre, butternut; white holly, yellow pak,'chestnut oakV birch, sweet gum, slm; overcup oax,. macx oax, reo. bay, hornbeain, laurel osk, , Juniper, hickory, 'water oak, Spanish T oak; red hickory; hockberry, persimmon; cotton gum. beech, maple, mulberry, white oak,' sassafras, black walnut, wahosred elm. yeUowvpqplar; ? post oalc ;rpd'j maple; honey locust, yellow buckeye and many tlrely out of woods of the State,has been erected, and a- bureau of Information has been estbnaoed for the bentfit of parties desiring to obtsin knowledge 6f - the State and the- railroad, rates. Tha gardenvcomposed of pots of green ferns, palms, cotton , plants,', rhododendrons, arbor vitas end other shrubbery .presents -a very handsome appearance,: A small exhibit which will be passed by many, unnoticed is the -eizht butts jot water from a group of mineral springs in the State. These springs are located within; a radius ef 230 yards, and 62 steps in a straight line . will bring a person from the fc-tsida spring on . one side to tt s rTtag tt.3 racrt rsinoTed.and yet tia chsniicsl cbirExtsrlcti cf thecpri-ri era rery cL!"imi:ir.-v?y : era cr:; tv.-3T7ti;3 A Citizen of Cabarrus UeckylUver. - s :' . ; - V,. .v f j- Mr. Jonah Barba. a citizen of Bethel township, Cabarrus county, was found dead in Bockv River last Monday. He had been' missed for a day or two and his people becoming alarmed, instituted search for him. which resulted in the finding of his body in tUe river.' ! The last seen of him alive wes on the Friday nreviousT when he left John Baiba 'house for his home. He was then In slightly intoxicated'eondition. ...The coroner was notified and an inquest was held yesterday, but with what result we have not learned. ,' , ' A Shockiag Case. ' v Night before last some parties walk ing along Poplar street were surprised to hear the cry of an infant, and on making an investigation, tbey found a newly born babe lying among a lot of weeds Close to the sidewalk. Tbe police were notified and at once -began to trace up the easels They finally discorered that its mother was a colored girl nam ed Caldwell, who had given birth to the child alone and unattended In the weeds the previous day, where it had remained until discovered that night. It was restored to its mother wbo promised to care for it. , . . V The reliee Courts - -- At the mayor's court yesterday morn ing Mr J M Mendel and Mr J B Har rington were arraigned on charge of vio lating the Sunday law," the first by sell ing cigars and tbe latter by selling. Ice cream. - After giving them a hearing, the mayor 'reprimanded and; then dis charged them. The following ' fines were imposed: Jo Prim, assault and battery, S)7.60, appealed ; C O Willis, drunk and disorderly conduct, $2.60; Wm : Walker. affray, 87.50 : William Northey, drunk and disorderly conduct, S5, ' and James Davidson, affray, $10. Total fines 83z0.' A colored man named Alfred Bost. who was arrested by officer Blackwelder on charge of stealing cotton from Mr B A Xee, was sent to jail in default of bond. The theft was committed about a year ago; Thieves Disrobe a Sleeping Yeuag Man - A young man from South Carolina, whose name we failed to learn, came to the city a few days ago, and under tbe effects of grog, lay down In the lot behind the Central Hotel Sunday night to sleep, When he waked he had on nothing but his underclothes! f His hat; shoes, coat, rest and pants had been taken from him while - he . slept, and with his vest a sum of money, amount ing to , Monday a party of negro boys playing under the cotton platform came upon the missing ' clothes and turned them over to policeman Boyte, who restored them to their owner. The money was never recovered This is j ust the same - way that many another man has come to Charlotte and gotten into trouble. People who get drunk and sleep out in back lots that are known to be frequented by bad charac ters, may expect nothing less. : We ex press the forlorn hope that this is an example by which others may profit Don't sleep in back lots. : , i , Cafearraa Ceart A Siarder Trial. w Judge Gilmer arrived in Concord from Greensboro at noon last Monday and opened the fall term of the Superi or Court for Cabarrus county, finishing up, during that afternoon about one half of the State docket. Yesterday the venire.was summoned for the trial of David Fraley. a citizen of Stanly coun ty wbo murdered Mr H , X Walker, a revenue agent; on the 9th of last Feb ruary. Fraley fired from ambush at Mr Walker who .was riding along the road, and five buckshot took effect in Walker's body, inflicting wounds from which he died shortly afterwards. The murder created the greatest indigna tion in Stanly county and Fraley's coun sel had, the trial-moved to Cabarrus. We learned from a gentleman returned from Concord yesterday that the trial would probably be .continued or moved again, as he understood that an effort was being made not to have the case tried at this term ef Cabarrus court. We have since learned : that Fraley's case waa ' yesterday afternoon set ' for trial on next Thursday; the - efforts to have it continued being unavailing. Betel ArrtTals..'1;:;LJ. ., , ;'l . ii - . Ckntbai. Hotki A U i Martin. Jr, Savannah, Ga; J G.Wright, Bsieigh; J B Stoff eU Bristol, Tenn ; W B Wilson; Jr. BockHUl,S C; J W McComb; Phil- adelphia;iWB Kendrick, Virginia; T- 6 Campbell, Madison. NC; Charles A Fite, Garibaldi. N C; W E Gibson, Washington. D C: H W Chambers J E Shelli North i Carolina; D F Bar ringer, Kings Mountain ; Jil Gray, Sal isbury ; Miss f Grohagan, Kentucky ; Miss Gertrude Waddeil, Miss Virginia Edwards Miss Mary Edwards, Miss Miss Sallie Edwards, Miss Xula Nor wood. Miss Hannah - Wilsonr Cheraw, S C; E WyManshlp, Bockingham ; L; A PottSjG L Glascock, North Carolina ; IiOuia H. Maxes, Mrs BIchsrd W Price Wilmington r ilra M H'Beid, Miss May Bold, Cheraw ; W A Potts, J Cm Potts," B W Shelten, North Carolina ; C S Mor rison, Statesyille; J D Baker, II , M Sloan, Davidson College ;. X. I Suggs, N O ;u J A Stewart, Salisbury ; J Arthur Shaw, vBaUf more; J. S : Finkenbiner. Bichmond i'T-WVT" Witt,: Baltimore; Harrison Watts and son. North Caro- nnsj JjHmesviWUson, jsilCf. W!H Taylor, York county; j F Johnson, Xaulsville; Ky F EE . Sumner, Xincoln ton . 'J"J Xraffett,Wilmington r J T. Tate, Mountain Island Mills; B S Bob- ertson,. Kicimond; W 8 Belk, . Fort Mills ; A C BillupsVUbntgomery, Ala. TbeTfarlee Arsaied PaJteply ef Tntthw The mooes ef merit when onoe leoosnized as a sueoeM mrariablr exeltea detraction aad stlmu-: letea enr, batiad, malloe ana all unobaritabla- , aeee. hrnor enterprise is wort Br ot regard 1 whose rerp v&n has not been pone time assailed i r tse-bauAdd race ot some Disappointed one, boM aaenpt to defraodt defame et destror a r-bteoue oa ts been defeated after deteetloa. t panopir of uu.n, sonesty ana nur oeauog te aa hea paused tbe Jbomislana Siate LrOttery to te lnTic'- iotosety vpon tno lnWrii y ot Ue tfd.ot La sad ,uvl Ai lrt,ct Va, .a. hero and taero, ome6xsapr aiea one oua t -t 1 ' pur r opsnioi is una. . . ' IB t:(H. t f"i S-'iTO. .O L.At "i -l be , The Change in the School Geographies, To the XdUor of the Joomal-Obserrer, InSundav morning's paper you pul liabed an article on the .subject of the proposed change of geographies in tbe graded acnooi, over tne signature ox an Original Graded. School - Advocate." The statements made then . have been contradicted by at least one member of the school-board of -commissioners. I wish to say that I am the author of the tricle in question, and that I am neith er afraid or ashamed to assume its re sponsibility. The statement that the change from tbe old to the new geogra phies would . cost the patrons of the school five bnndred - dollars wss made upon the authority of calculations made Dy rror Mitcneii, supenncenaent, ana Mr B N Tiddy, the book seller. n The allusion to the "cat in the meal- tub" was perhaps ; imprudent, but .lust before the manuscript was banded in to the printer, I was informed that severs! of our citizens were stockhold ers in the University Publishing Com pany, and that perhaps iney expectea to be benefitted by the sale of the new books. This msy be legitimate in a business point of view, but for fear I may be misunderstood I desire to dis claim any idea of reflecting upon any body in ton matter. . Very itespectfnlly. Ciias B Jones. f StV Vltaa Dsutee. Minister, Is the slnralar name of a town sttu- aiod la ajunalze eo.. Ohio. It m the leaide: ot Mr. t Bfandewte, who errttoat "Haiaiiitwa Ner vine Donaanoatir eared mr von of a bed ease of 8L Vitas Oaoce." S1.60 - flerringl Champion 'Safe. Send to the inannfacttirers, Farrel & Co.r 631- Chestnut street, Fhiladelpliia, and tget testimonials. 7 J.2Jv s Scarcely a day, passes with out receipt of f testimonials from ' some..,' quarter . of the globe, of the wondexfol. suc cess of the at Dry Chemical Filling, winch generates carA bqnid acid: gas , under, (the ef iects 'bf the- fire itself. and saves the contents of, the safe, Julius O. . Smith, Greenville, S O.,; Wright & Ooppeck, Newburyi . S. .O., the owners of four safes; in-the .iKimball House, Atlanta. Ga., and Clos seus' Bakery, Charleston, S.O.,' all having .had- recent fires -Ve. nothing but praise for the CAMPipir. ; Sales in Au gust .by -Farrel. & Co, double thoe of., last , year, ndj orders to replace new wet filled safes are pourlris in irom ,Georfria, Alabama, and ' all Southern State-H, of which f is- posi tive evidence that crood floods. together witH the best filling, on which scientific men have spent years of study, and for which thousands' of dollars' have been . spent by us in se curing patents wxll warrsr the a ent, and the dav for cheap trash , and concrete or wet filling is near an end. In safes for fire, as well as bur glars, our motto for 40 years has been: "The very best is none too good." I - r Attention, Indcptadcnfs ! . There rtnb a aeltad mMUnc of ttM ennnati w (wwimmij) ereains at s o'eiooaw mulnoas et Importance. BO. CHAMBIB3. - President. W. J, HAssjsow, . -, j - Boeretarr. seplSdlt ' - Betas tndetteatabeaRli. and Bavins other out-. too ooamess use reauiree au um nm aaa saea BMiimwww sito. i win to roaro rroaj tae wioantUo owtnoiie. and offer iforeaia mr etoee. boaee, lot aad etoek of caode. TbU piopertf oob aiata of a aeat and eonvonieat etoranoooa. a two loom oattaeo and erne aero of land, witblntblitr rams ox xaamoa uepoc. on tne a. b. rauioad, 7 mile a sooUi of Lexlattoa, N. , 10 mOee aortn of Satlftbary. betns surrounded bf one ef tbe best farmtBK eoimtiiee In North Carolina, and banne dally maUa and all Booaaearr anlootna faellltleaat band. Hero la an opportunity for a live merchant to set a Taiaable piece of pro pert 'and make money, uboral term eaa pe stTan. Vox fartner uuormanoa apply to -- S? ? ;j,4ifV'iv-- ' " J. W. FtTZSXnaLD, ' . i f t VUsrsaa T. a, Davidson Co, N, ft" SOptlOpIm , .:i;,'7,.;.'';;7s::l.:'t. t; i"'-" .' Just Received. supply ef?;,; HYACINTH BULBS, (Sc., Street from Holland. Snclv at Emwood Orae- tery. ..."i?.'' : ' septisaiw ADMINISTRATOR'S ; NOTICE. 1 EavtBs aoatl&ed as Sdmtnlstrator of Joseph O. SItton. ell peraoDS aavlne eJatma acalnst him ara hereby notlBed to present them to mo en or be fore the 30th day of Beptamber. 1884. or thla no tice wut be pleaded In bar of their recovery, all perttras indebted to htm will make payment to me . . U. STKBT. ' Sdm'r f. O. sitton. septl8tf " f;, IVIAURY'S ' ;M: Series of GecjrapMev ,; RICINLY ADOPTXD BT TEX SCHOOL COM. 1 -;"-:. - .' MIBSlbNX&S. ' ' ' , These books will be aold to the nnmia of th elty ended Schools at the followlns rataai - y . ' lutmra XLaxxsrrsT GkoosafSt. Indrodootton Prtea.. ............ 54 Cents. meaaage frtoa............"....M.... Sd JUUTB BSTttSD SfaSVAt. OS GSOSBAPHT. Introduction Prtea-......"..;.;...;.....!.; tt.?9 sxehanga raoe....... , , ,15 c'aeptlSdtf ' , ' - "'i'JTta JEDWNs. 5? FOR RENT. - - For Dyepepela, - Oheoale Diar rhoea. Jaojidloe, ImoorttT of the 7" Blood, I-ever aad Ag-ne. Malaria, aad aU PUeaeea "mm eaaaod by De- , raagetaoat of livar. Bowels aad Kldaeyt. "' STMPTOM9 OS A XIISKASKD UVEIC , - ' Bad Breath ; Pain in the bkle, KJinrtime the . twin U felt wodier tbe Shoulder-bhule, atUtakea for - KJteumaum ; general lota of apfMtita ; Bowels ' gcacrally eoKtve, aoBetimca ellcraatlnc with lu 1 the bead H troubled with peie, ta dull aad heavy, with eeoaidcrable loes of awmoqr, acoompaniatt with a painful sematin afleaving undona Mathi nf which ought a have beea doac ; a slight, dry comrS aad aaahad ha is iriiastiinns aa attcadaat. oitaa BBistakea for censtunptieaj the patiem complains af weariness and debility j aersfas, easHy startJad ; feet eold or burning, aometimaa J prickly senaatioa at the. skla eaisU; spirits are low aad OMooadant, aad, slfhughsatianed that eaarcias would he bwia ' fecial, yet oae eaa hardly suauaoa op fortitude sa '. try Is 4a fact, diatruats every remedy. Several ' of the above rrmptocni attend the dieease. bee cases , have occurred when hut few of thesn eatated, yet asaminatiop after death has shown tha Aver to have beca cxtenaiTCry ocrangwl. ' It alMtaUl e iaadl by aU poraona, old aad A r yena;, ahenersr any of the above ytnptoma efpaax, Persaae Traveling we Uvtac ta t7o aesuny aciaiiTiea. Mr taking a ally e keep the live ia healthy aerion, will avoid L aU atalawfa. BUloaa attache. Dimiw, Nan sea, Drowinaee. Depreaaion of Spwita. etc It will invigorate like a glass of wins, bat La ao ta toflratina; beyarag-e. 1Y Toa bavo eatea anythlna; hard of " diajaatioB. or feel heavy after saeala, er sleep. ; lea nr aght. Sake a dose and yoa wiU be reiieTed. Tlmt aad Dootora BUla wffl be savod by alwaya fkooplac tbo Bcsolatar ta tba Hoaeef For. whatever the ailment may he. a thoroughly petrgsmve, altermUy aad tonie caa rbe out of pUea. . The remedy is hsntlea, doee Bet tntaafera arhtls 1 aw pteaaara. M ,TT 19 PCBELT TKfZKTABTJR. Aad has aU tha power aad efficacy ef Calomel or Quiaiac, wuhout aay ef the injurious after edecta. ' JL Oeveraor's Teatlaaemy. . Slmaines liver Regulator has keen In nee ia say taaulv fbr eosae time, and I am satisned ft ia a vaiaabU addition to tbe asedical scienoa. J. Giu. Saoaraa, Governor of Ala. Ham. Atanraadar K. Staybasia, af Oav. Says : Have derived sosse beneht frpea tha eae of : f5miVr Blsaor, aad wish ta give it a f authar trial. ... .M Jfae oalr Thins that Borer fall a ta pepsia. Liver Afiactioa aad Debility, but never have fwad aaythiag te benefit me tothe eeteut aeaota to Georgia fur H, aadwould send further for Beth a medicine, and a-eedd adviae all wbo are sim ilarly affected te give it a trial as it seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. ,, . - P. M. Jajonrr, iflnaaspnTTi. aflaa. iw. v Yar ae. . v . . pfric ece ia the use of Simmons Liver stegulator aa ' asy prarrlce I have eecai aad aas --t f g se aaa .1 ,i 1 . : I - XSTTake only the Genuine, which always aaa oa the Wrapper tha rod Z Trada-Sfark aaaSijraataroof J. IL ZKIUX A CO. t SUR SALE BY ALL DRUCGISTS. Oil StOHSAT THX GBADZD SCHOOL WILL OFSir. AND AXX THX TOUHQ LAOIX3 AND H18SX3 WHO HATS NOT GOT A . fi can qxt asm at t. l. exiaLX ca's TXBT T. L. BCGLn has oat returned from the Xast era market snd eaa now show yoa . --THE BEST STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, 1 In an erades and 8Uk, CEXAFXa' THAN TOO BaTX XTXB B1XN , THXU IN THIS VABXXT. This season yoa will be able to find In oar store . j : r . one of tae ". ' : ; 3 ' 7 Cest Selected Slcclis . -. '. - .,.., - TO Bl FOUND TJf ANT E0CSX IN THX 8TATX. Prices' ta b. Miely Satlslictcry. . raji to' see os snd be eoavmeed that these are fc.7. ' . ! J?A.GTS U :i i: Te la, Stlglt .' & Co. Ket7- GccOo AND- LOW PRICES ! ! ! WI WOULD INT0BH THX PTJBU0 THAT we have formed a oop&rtnersn p under the name and style of . . - - - - Wot the jorpoae of eondoetlnw the' Batall end fancy Greoary boatnea at ta eld stand of LeBoy Dayldaon. Mr.- BAUNSTT, who hasehanre of the hnainaaa, baa lost ,;; '. , returned front the tiortborn Jdarhv- ' . . . eta where ho purehaeed one of ;,;:...;;.). - the best Hoes ef . GROCERIES . ; . - " ' Xver opened In " - ' this elty. Wo are now opanlne a full Una and In a few daya our stock win be complete. It . Is oar Intention to taake our atoek seoond to none In the . State. OUB UUL1NU alOTIO WILL BX Hie Best Ws'iii & iWcit Price!. ' .- I . f The irabllo la Invited to eall and lnspe our stock and see for Itself that wa mean business when we say that we Intend always to fcrepen -hand aver) thins ta he found la a strictly tnt'eiaea HEAVt ANP; FANCY GROCERY . lL TeryresreotfuIIy,.. : . . , . - - J,B.W.PeXTT. septlOdtf School for Dancinc PROFa NOTT, Member of the Society ef Frofeasora of Eanoln Now Tork, wra becln a claaa for Ladle. Hisses and LTaaters CaMrday afternoon, eentember l;i. at 8 0 o'clock. Class for rentlcman same crea tes at 8 o'clock, over Crier's store. on Tnoa street, ' The above Ceases "1 te"eonvened ir : . 'y Ts9S3sy, Ttnrl27S asd Ea.irija, 8 r J rnd e'ezocip. a. rj "Z Lar- v .;;. The Time Has Come. mm raront IBaijttM Alexander, (. leist i""- i -i t' , t i r l - La. - ..r.tWe-:'. :icaup 1 Til. 2 1 . - . LZ2 I Z L3 tl tZ.3 ZZ I-?f :rl- .::3i:;3t:"uf . t - J.C.E a i err : rrz, : .J ... Tit r - AT'7t3 -. :