"V. :. , -.- --a -:3-.-"---::-: . v . : N. ,,:;,.;:..,.v-;,;ivir-: THE DJUL.TT CZZAIZLOTTZ; J O UlZJfmlZt, MTJTXIXS DAILY CBIlZ,OTTE OB SKIZmil, CONSOLIDATED JUJLIZ CDZ 3T, 1SS3. CHARLOTTE, N. Cm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20; 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ; ; - . v GBCSIlAllS BAC& UP. ; tllalttset u Order t lhe PoitMtei ': at If ew Orleaas t Oellver bo Besu : tere letter or Cash Postal Or a era to ' or lor Ike Aew Orleaas Katloaal fjaak. - . ' :: " Washington, Sept, X9. Poetmaster General Oresbsm late this afternoon . addressoci a letter to Postmaster Mer chant itt New Orleans directing him not 10 delhrer registered letters or redeem 1 money orders addressed to the New Or leans National Bank and intended for MA Dauphin, of the Louisiana Lottery Company. The letter reads as follows: Sir: tiince you were instructed to dearer no registered letters reaching your o3ee addxfcssd to M A Dauphin, and to redeem no money orders payable to him. be has directed in an advertise ment inserted .In certain newspapers that all registered letters intended for film and concerning .the Louisiana fttate lottery-Company, be addressed to the New Orleans National Bank at - New Orleans, aad that all money orders sent to yonr office for bis . benefit and : concerning the business of said lottery company be made payable to said bank. I am in possession of trust worthy : in formation that this bank has been and still is receiving through your office registered letters and money orders for the benefit of M A Dauphin in pursu ance of his published directions. This is a defiant scheme on the part of M A Dauphin and the New Orleans National Bank to evade the orders which have been addressed to you by. the statutes of the United States, intended to pro tect the malls and the public against a 'business which Us vicious and im moral and which in the main preys upon the ignorant and credulous. This .bank cannot be peimttted to stand in 'the shoes of M A Dauphin and thus enable him toaccomplish by indirection what he is not allowed to do directly. Hereafter, therefore, you will deliver to the New Orleaas National Bank no registered letters and redeem no money orders payable to it, but deal with the same - as directed by the order of the Department of November 23. 1879. . -This order will be revoked whenever the bank gives satisfactory evidence that it has abandoned' the above scheme. ' ' - .Mortality from Yellow Fever aad Caol ' "- era - - Washington, Sept 19-r-Reports from ' Brownsville and Matamoraa-to Septem ber 4ih. state that no cases of yellow fver are known to exist in either pi ace. - Yellow fever has broken out at Flaco- talpan. Mexico, and is spreading in a ' northerly direction, also at Campact, where it was carried-by a Norwegian vesseL -For the two weeks ending August 18, ! there were 583 death at Rio de Janeiro, . Brazil, principally from yellow .fever, smallpox and pulminary consumption. Since the outoreaK or enoiara in Jsgypt to the 26th of August there has been 28,579 deaths from the scourge.' No new cases of yellow fever are reported at Pensacola, Florida, and all the indi cations point to an abatement of the disease. - Jfarylaad Ueasoeratie Coaveatioa. - U altimokk, Sept ia--The Democrat " lo State convention - to nominate candi dates for .Governor, Attorney-General Comptroller met at noon to-day at ' Masonic temple aad was called to order by Uon A P Gorman, -chairman of tbe ' State central - committee, who briefly Kddresd the body, congratulating the . members on the prosperous condition of ; the State under Democratic rule, and the uaity and harmony prevailing in : the ranks of the party. Ex-Go v Philip Francis Thomas was chosen temporary chairman. .Mr .Thomas addressed the convention counselling forbearance, wisdom and a sole regard for the public . interests in its deliberations and ex : pressing satisfaction that-so many of the delegates present were gentlemen ersea in public arxairs. The Bfassaaaasetts Repaalieaas Nomi nate ti. I). Robinson. - Boston, Sept. 19th. The Republican State convention assembled here to-day. Cuas li uadman, or iJoston, was made 'permanent chairman. In his opening address he alluded to Governor Butler as a man of great audacity, ready wit, copious speech, restless ambition, and a legislator identified with Congressional raids upon the treasury. G DBobinson was nominated for Governor, receiving 990 votes to 117 for Cbas Francis-Adams. Jr. Mr Ames was nominated for .Lieutenant Governor. 7s areas, - Toubdo, Oxio Mr. B. Arms, (he prominent Ptmtou of Cbleaco. aad this city, ssrs tost 8u Meobs Oil Is so per tor to soTtala ( toe mr n-ed lor ourtuc pain la iui ex be i in an experience ot tweutr years. - ; - The Aoacaes Raislag a Paalc El Paso, Sept. 19. Various reports have reached here concerning a conflict between the Mexicans and Apacbes,but , nothing definite has been received. V A A special dispatch from San Jose sta tion, on the Mexican Central Bailroad, says: .".numerous rumors came into Ojo Callente yesterday saying that the Apaches were rounding up stock. General-consternation prevailed all oyer. treat Sqaurel HaaUag aad Kills a ::'';:; ''VV'- Hu. ........ t -." 1. Nortolk, Sept. 19. John Jsirvis shot .Clodlus Bonney.ot Princess Anne conn ty yesterday, with a shot gun, killing him instantly. The murderer escaped to a neighboring swamp. Jarvis had been squirrel Jiunting. JSo cause for the murder is known. unless that ho bad been drinking. The dead man leaves a wife aad six children- . . 4 'i'l i '?re,ue Earaiags.. or r-r 'iJHanr Y0BX.ent IQ.-ltail way earn ings to hand this a m ' for the second - week in September -generally show large gains as com pared ' with the same . week last year. Missouri Pacific system increase Canadian Paciflc C5730; Northern Pacific eso.CSO; Chi cago and Alton 94.813; Long Island 5U6T7; WestemJJnion Telegraph Com- - A rood Baptist tisrtrmsa of BerreoT N.'T., a stro t teoiperuMe tean.- saffered wlta kMaey trocia. netvaigla, snd-lzztnss almost to Mind-1 ' !, over two rears after be was told that Bop buyers weokt ear htm, buesose toowssafrsMot and pfetodiesd ec&iaat Biuors." lnee bis ears be Hi bobs need fsar Jrat trast 1 in 110 lop Bitten, An Ottawa Seasauea . - - -1 Ottawa, Ont, Sept. 19-A-serisaUon was caused In front of the Parliament buildings this morning by the wife of a In3icj hotel keeper. named DesJar c ' nea, giving her husbana a horsewtip l.z3 far bestowing his affections on cnother woman. - f r: - , '-Ccalxxfireii tie Spike Drirtag. C. :rcAGO,S3?t, llStlLr Gen. Grant; ex- t ; ry jjvarts aca otners or tne Vi. rl party arrived today, and left -nt r, C. Claris, 2fW YORK REPUBLICANS. Aeetlaa of the state CoavearJea Stal- ' warts - and :- Ilall-Breeds . Come to : TerstsTieket Womiaated. ' Btchjtiexp Springs, N Y, Sept 19. The city Is crowded with delegates and politicians in attendance upon the Re publican State Convention, which was called to order at 22 m to-day by John F Smyth chairman of tthe State com mittee. Senator -vG Lapham was chosen temporary chairman, . and - ad dressed the convention. All . contests of delegates were settled amicably, the stalwarts giving way to the half-breeds in every instance. After appointing two vice presidents and two secretaries from each judicial district, and the reg ular committees on permanent organi zation, resolutions, etc, the convention took a recess nntil three o'clock. -At three o'clock the oonveation re assembled and United States Senator Miller waa-eiected permanent president. He addressed the convention at iengtn. Every allusion to the protective policy of the rtepublican party and to presi dent Arthur was loudly cheered. The following ticket was nominated: For Secretary of State, - Joseph B Carr; Comptroller, Ira .A Davenport; Treas urer. Piinty T Sexton ; State Engineer,. Silas Seymour;. Attorney General, Les lie W RusselL . . The first two nominations were made by acclamation, and tbe others,withthe exception of that of Sexton, were b al lotted for and subsequently made unan imous. - 1 There was a spirited contest over Sexton's nomination, which was made and supported by the stalwarts, while the hall-breeds named and supported Ethan Allen. The contest on these nominations was close and exciting from the start. When Albert Daggett, of Brooklyn, arose and cast 45- of the Kings couuty votes for Allen, and was followed by Henry Tremain throwing 79 of the New York county votes the same way, the excitement became very great, as these ballots placed Allen far ahead. The country delegates became alarmed at the unanimity of the New Yoik and Kings couuty menuspecting a jub, and broke for Sexton, who was elected by 280 to 215 for Allen. : The platform rejoices in the wisdom of tbe administration, and commends civil service reform. Tbe tariff plank is as fellows: We favor a system of tariff laws under which, while revenue for the government is provided. Araer ican producers are justly protected, American labor elevated, and home markets secured to home products for the advantage alike of the producer and the laborer. A 8AYAGJS JKUBDCHER. Ho Nearly Severs Ills WUe's Head . from Her Body. i Halifax, N CSept. 19. At Tellerey Station, near here, three weeks ago, Enock Brown, a negro laborer, had a quarrel with hia wife. He went oft to work and reluming at noon seized an axe and as his wife was preparing din ner struck her, a blow which nearly severed her bead from her body. AfWr committing the murder he dragged tbe body to the fire place so that the ashes might absorb the blood. He shut op the bouse and returned to work ; that night be dug a hole near the bouse and buried the body. Tbe next day he was asked about his wife and said she had gone to Virginia to see her people. This was : supposed to be true until he told contra dictory stories which caused his father- in-law to Decomo suspicious, as oe knew that Brown and his wife had quarreled Monday afternoon. Tbe body of the woman was found in her grave within three feet of the house. Brown who had remained at work was arrested and at once confessed to the killing. He said he only intended to frighten bis wife when he struck at her with an exe but that she was stand ing nearer than he thought. He was brought here to day and locked up. j Freaek Oatrages la Taaaatave. London. Sept 19. A dispatch to the Times from Calcutta states . that the published account of tbe French out rages at Tamatave falls far short ef the truth, and adds that when tbe English man Mr Pakenbam ' was dying - the French priests endeavored to force him to become a Catholic and compelled him to kiss the Crucifix. . ' : .The Atlanta Postatastersbla. ; - WAshinoton, Sept. 19. Ex-Postmas ter joniey,.or quanta, ua, called on Postmaster General Greshsm . to-day and applied foe reinstatement as post master at that place. The Postmaster General heard him patiently, but de clined to rescind tbe order suspending him. x-Congressman Freeman - and Col Marcellos Thornton are applicants. ior me vacancy. . t . I ni ' ' ' ' Aaotker Call for Beads.' Washington, Sept. 19. The Secre tary of the Treasury tbia -afternoon issued the one hundred and twenty second call for bonds,to be paid Decem ber 1st. 1883, amounting to t3l5.O0O.O0O, The bonds called in are three per cents, issued under the act of Congress of July 12ta, 1882. All of the bonds will be callad by the original nambers only. " .! Pall are ot Lositer JHerckaats. WrzxiAMSPOBTr Pa, Sept. 19. Peck 1 and Barnard; i amber merchants, have ' made an t assignment. - They were era- barrassed by the failure of the Palmetto Lumber Company, of Charleston, S C and Lloyd Js K.tng. jumoer aeaiers or rniiaaeipma. jreca x uarnaras en dorsements for the two firms were re ported at orer 9250.009. r : . . Oatragesla Taosoa- ' -: " San Francisco. Sept 19. Three ont rages by desperadoes are reported from Tucson. Arizona. A telegram states that, tbe citizens fearing to take meas ures against the perpetrators, the uov ernor will have to suppress them. The civil authorities are powerless. : ' - JEaiaaxrassodl Skirt JS alters. . .:' j Ptitt. a delphia. SeDt 19 J Black & -Bro, manufacturers of shirts, ere ' re ported embarrassed, and the sheriff has Issued an execution against them on a judgment for 920.495.- - The liabilities are reported at $50,000. --.' Aaotker Shoe PallareV r i East Wmcotrrn, Mass, Sept 19th Bude & Howes, shoe manufactures, are reported to have failed with liabilities of 946,000, and assets tlifiOQ. ; . :. I Baltimore. Sept 19 Henry A Ram sey ana uo, proprietors ot xne vuican steam engine works, of Baltimore, and tbe contractors for the. rrrtsr works at St Louis, have made aq tr: -anient. , Osa't xio lm SJao ' 'Tloosli en Bxts" elesrs out rats, aues, roaches, bed bu!, rjes, acts, moles, cLinumfcs, tpcen. 16. '. v.- kdi .-,-' j."' i. lttenir:uenIICtiitS. Ajo voejitnTt.i t r'-titil broken ef feat tr a tics e,. 4 $. -. an-JeTlrf wua tae excru.;.. vi r 1 t t IT '"""t p-ie 1 i a -:;. c( . H,LC J UiuI .j t. ri".: ltas.jr "veta TVKir! j au rer .-r'J r l H i trr r pM(ti'"tih' r"e i rni'V- -r9M'Ui nl.ui"-ri- -" i rn.4 1 i )viton, t. r i j t 1 : . ttotc-e i i THB OJ.UJ . iinrd 2i Bcrzrtnrs cf Tra - ? ? ' V BZCHX0S9 AND DllfTOXX, ; ' V" Utw Atr Um Depot 8.80 a. m. and 4-80 nSa,, anm 2.00 a at aa t-60 . a. , AIBLTXX. . , ' . . Leave 2.20 a ta. and 2 10p. sb. - ' . ' Arrive H 20 a. a, ana 410,sb. J "; CRABiiOTTX, OOLTJKBtA AHP AUGU8TA, ! Xeers X10 n sa. sad arrtie Jt0 p. sa, :': ac. A.-A.T. a a ditistok. i Lesrs 4 SO p. bl, aad arrtre U ia00a m. , ' ' CABOLnu. cxaTSAU' Imw K.4R p. am. aad7.10asm. . f Airlfo 7.M) a. 25 p. ss. - ' ; v ! d c bhxxbt piyiaios. ' Leave 8.00 a a sad arrive a,t p. sa.. . . . ' . , ladex to Jfew'Advertueaaeata r , r M SlateiwAttenUea tnenee. ; ' T M Piuman ot lou tor sale ekoap. CH tmu a c-CaodiM. eta. v. South Atlantic States, local rains, and partly cloudy weather, northeast to southeast wiuag, slight rise in tem perature, rising followed in northern portion by falling barometer. ; liOCAL HIPPIES. It is said that there will be two' weddings in town today. ' only The crfayor will issue' 'his. procla mation to-dsy calling in the straw bats. '. A party is being made up to visit the Boston Exposition; to leave Char lotte about the 28th Inst. ' , r . ThstBuford House furnace ; wis fixed up yesterday and the guestl felt comfortable sitting around the' steam heaters, i . . Grause's : celebrated operatic com pany will present "Olivette" to our peo ple, in the opera house, on the third of October.:: i . "r A meeting of the firemen to elect a chief of the department is called for to-nitrhk1 - Several candidates are out and we will be pleased with either of them.',.. '. - We are rt quested to say that the Star of Light Lodge No. 10, (juvenile) Good Samaritans, Trill bold a festival at Gaithers hall, corner College and 4th streets to-night and to-morrow night. Mr John Philips, for a number of years telegraph operator in the Rich mond and ' Danville depot in this city, has gone to Asheville to .take charge of the depot telegraph office In that city. A new ' platform is being built around tbe large brick depot of the Richmond & Danville road, and the de pot floor Is to be raised, making it more convenient for loading and unloading freight. - .v ' Mr. J. J. Ozoient has Invented a key board for Ihe Central Hotel office that attracts much attention. t It is not only bandy and well arranged,' but is beautr fully finished and la a credit to the skill and ingenuity of our home workmen. : The magistrates of Charlotte town ship are requested to meet at the office of Gen. John A. 1'oung. at 3 o'clock Saturday, for the purpoie of taking some action towards bettering tbe con dition of the roads about Charlotte and to put them In readiness for winter. . ? The construction car of tbe South-1 era telegraph company which has been I stationed here for about a month, was j yesterday 1 moved towards Columbia. Charlotte will shortly be In communi cation with Columbia over the wires of the new company, the poles being to within three miles of that place. The following ' fines were imposed by the mayor at the morning session ef his court yesterday: Ed Williams, as sault and battery and drank and disor derly, 910; J M CreweU, disorderly con duct, S3; George, Stewart, drank and disorderly conduct, 95 ; Wiley Suggs assault and battery, 95: Total 925. . Steae wall's Wife mad Daarater. - Mrs. Gen. Jackson and her daughter, j Miss Julia, are still in Boston, the guests of the State of Massachusetts. ! They are not allowed to spend a cent of money for anything and are" always escorted - about . by some distinguished attendants., Carriages and street cars are alwsys at their disposal free, and they are always given private boxes in the theatres. The greatest attention is being shown them . wherever -they go and Boston . is lionizing them Truly the era of reconciliation has begun and the war has been forgotten. ' . . Too Ixesae for DtsaMedl Soldiers.1 ' We mentioned a few days ago that a movement "was proposed to . endow a borne for disabled ex-Confederate sol I diers in this . State, v gen tiers an from Edgecombe offering to be one of , 600 to give 9100 each, and Mr Eccles, of this , city, offering to be another of the 600. A Private in the War Between the States"! wrtes to the News-Observer from Dur ham, authorizing that paper to put him down for 9300.r-Thia ism fine start for I the movement and we again suggest that the list be started, around, . Let us haye,the home for. onr disabled sol-1 dlers..; (..'" J -1 ,ul-, t r .t-----' . a ni Vvaanlaa ta v - About tne middle or . ucteberr an ex cursion under the patronage. of the managers of the Boston fairs will leave the Sooth for Boston - A special train will leave New ; Orleans and", stop at Mobile, Montgomery, Auzosta, Atlan ta, Charlotte, and BJchmon d f or the ' fairs.. The rates will be remarkably low,' j and the excursionists will be specially entertained anlaken care of ia Bos ton. . Mr J. B Cromez, of the Boston Heril3. and naasssr of the lte Mardi uras excursion from uostca to liew Orleans last February, will be the msn azer cf this czx lit O D T7eI3, .Lis "asent will ibcrtly rprear. la Clsjlstts to arranke Eilters for the excursion. The rrrcTtunlty win be a raud one to Ult ell Ec:tC3, xrlth Its Fossil ntll, C:iC;ulh C rr:'., Scrt:ri::n,Dc' cttct;ri:.':'-t3, It3 world's fiir end a tunfrrlc' r L!::r':l points" cf ia- t:r::',t a Iuj'ilIx-. AtjC:.;!.!,"' - - n . . ,.n . v . . Harder Trial tm Coacovdi;.;"-:", : The trial of . David Fraley, for the murder of Mr. Walker in Stanly county commences at Concord this morning, and it is said that the case against Fra ley is a hard one. His counsel tried to have the case continued, stating that they had jjst beard of two' witnesses without whose presence the trial could not proceed. Judge, Gilmer-asked for their names and issuing a warrant, gave It to an officer with instructions to hire a horse and buggy and go aammoa the witnesses to come to Concord forthwith and then ordered that the case should come up to-day. J udge Gilmer is mak ing a flue Impression upon the people. They admire his business-like way of proceeding. y - : ... -V A Remarkable Case. , tv ' ',. ' " ;:J5trange things are always happening, and a medical gentleman ol this city tells us of a remarkable case , that came under bis observation last week. A little child In an adjoining county some time ago swallowed a grain of oats without itsparents" knowledge. Shortly afterwards the child was taken' sick and notwithstanding the attention of the . physicians it continued to grow worse and-declined in health rapidly A few days since a painful sore spot came on the child's aide, and shortly after it was noticed the child's parents were surprised to see a grain of oats come out through the sore place. Since the oats came out of the side of the child, its health at once began to im prove, and the inference is that its Ill ness was caused by the grain, f This is a" case for cogitation by the medical fra ternity. - ---- t-v -.- : . Sweeplag Changes la the Rieavmoae A Daarllle. ,.y,U ' ; ; ,:f r Some anticipated changes . in the af fairs of the Richmond & Danville rail road, of an important character, are to be made by tbe new managers. Mr Geo E Scott, one the new managers, gives a reporter of tbe New Vork World au thority to say that the affairs of the road are to be put in a more satisfac tory condition. The amount of the floating debt is 9 1,025.000. and it is hoped that by retrenchment this will be paid off in two years. - Among other items there Is to be a saving of 97&0OO In of fice expenses and it is intended to abol ish the New York office. The company holds valuable securities of auxiliary and other corporations for a large sum and it will receive over 9300.000 from those companies in a year. A meeting of the new directors is soon to be held. A Row 15aterixso Booaalag. t) ' ; Uessrs. W C Petty & Co, who recently equipped a factory at Bosh BHU near High Point, for the purpose of making all kinds of power loom shuttles, are meeting with the . most gratifying suc cess in their, new , enterprise. .They have .been running - only ' about six months and their work gives the fullest satisfaction. Being located in the midst of the finest dogwood and persimmon timber ia the country, and cutting their own stock, they can insure' patrons that none but the finest selected wood will be used In making the shuttles. Their prices will range with those Of Northern makers. It is the aim of the company to supply Southern manufac turers with a Southern made shuttle that cannot be excelled as to quality of material, workmanship, finish or fitting. It is strictly a North Carolina enter prise and we are glad to note Is a suc cess. Air. T. As. van: has samples of their work on exhibition in this city. Discovery ef a Mew Cosset. The new comet has been seen -from the great observatories North and West, and thhrmnch can be said at present: Owing to its slow motion its precise path cannot yet be predicted, but it is a great distance from the' sun and earth; will reach its nearest point to the sun about March 15 of next year, and then be about 70.000,000 miles from that lu minary. . These particulars, ' coupled with the fact that it is now visible and shows a star like point at its centre make the probability very great that we : hall have this winter a notable object ' in the heavens. ; To one, familiar with this subject, these points call to mind the first observations of Donatio comet of ' 1858, which was - dicovered f ourH months before its perihelion, was only visible to tne naked eye two months after discovery,and only , then present ed traces of a tau. Its nearest approach'! to the sun. was . 44000,000 miles, and it was distant 240.000VDOO miles when dis covered. --st-T" If erth Carollaa at Denver r Boston is not tbe only place ; where our State, is makingr a show, thanks to the enterprise of the Biehmbn4 & Oan Tille Bailroad Company. The exhibit made by this company at the Atlanta Exposition, in 188rjattracted a great deal of attention more,' probably, han any single exhibit there. And the ex hibit which this company ; has at the Colorado ..National Mining and Indus trial Exposition at Penver is also at trading tbe attention it deserves. Capi talists, mining engineerBvandothers in-, teres ted in industrial: enterprises will visit the .Colorado JSxposition, and the Bichmond & Danville was wise to send products of the States threugh which the reads of the system pass, notwith standing the fact .that it is so far from home. CaptJ C. C McPhail, who has had . charge ot pie Bichmond & Dan ville exhibit at other expositions, is the oommisaioner of the company at Den ver. ; Mr. John K. Hallowell, an accom plished . and practical Colorado ' geolo gist; addresses a circular letter to Capt. McPhafi, telling him of the great attea-, tion the exhibit is attracting at Denver, and, enunieraun the .various articles that are shown. Theexhibit consists of iron, copper, gold, wooia,' minerals, mica, etc.; Epecins-s: cf-cica'frrai 2Iotth Csrcliaa sr cxaltltsd that" are wcrtli frsta titO to C 3 per r - ' ; - .' 33eeao A aether SI order Case tor Jadge Vilmer. f Mr." A. C Freeman, clerk of the Supe rior Court , for Stanley countyi was in the city yesterday. CoL Chas. li. Jones was subpoenaed by. him to appear in Albermarle next Monday, and bring with him copies of. the Observer con taining accounts of the murder in Big Lick, last spring, of a young-man nam ed Charlie . Fox. 4 Dr. Richard Ander son, upon whom suspicion rested, was afterwards indicted by the Grand Jury and will be tried on the charge of mur der at'Stanly court next week. Doctor Anderson's friends say that he will be acquitted of the charge. This thing of hauling editors into" court is becoming unpleasantly frequent of late, and if it continues, timid reporters will soon be afraid to say anything about, a murder case, but let them pass, by unnoticed The editor of the Joubnal-Obsebteb was subpoenaed to appear in court here last week and produce the papers con taining; accounts "ol the Shlelds-Sltton tragedy, and now the Observer man has to hustle off to Albermarle with his fijes. Sabpceaas do not meet with a popular reception in the sanctum.! A Past Prelgkt Use to the SoaUfc A. new fast freight line, to be known as the "Great Southern Dispatch," is now. being organized by the East Ten nessee, Virginia and Georgia, Norfolk & Western, Shenandoah. Valley - West ern Maryland, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads, to run between all Southern and Southwestern points and Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. No announcement has yet been made, says the Baltimore San, of. the time' of inaugurating the line, but it will doubtless be ready for business within tbe next thirty days. ; The line will start with 600 cars provided by the several companies in proportion to their interested mileage. This is the first through Southern freight line ever es tablished with Baltimore, and in that re-' spect it is to the business community the most Important railroad movement contemplated for some time, The East and West fast freight lines of Pennsyl vania. Baltimore and Ohio and the other trunk lines are conspicuously known everywhere and their business is enor mous. The main stem of the Great Southern Dispatch, will be 14 00 miles long, from New York to Chattanooga, or Selma, but its cars will be sent to all points east of New York and over the South and Southwest. . .... . JXrs Graaiy gars That . , Winter dress goods are the most ele gant and stylish that shoppers hare seen for many a year. Any kind of a hat j and every sort of a bonnet will be en-1 tirely In fashion this fall and winter. Plain , white JFrench china is coming into fashion again. It being cited that at some of the most fashionable of New port dinner parties of late only white. nndeoerated china -was used. Toadies? traveling suits this autumn were never prettier or more stylish, and that it is; a good pastime to sit down and calculate how many yards of.- braid It takes to -trim one of them. In jewelry there are many new styles and designsjsome very unique and pretty, others rather "loud," and best appreciated by people who are' not conspicuous for good taste. : Fall bats are 'ornamented with the heads. wings and breasts of birds that fly both at home and abroad, but that where some of them belong is a mystery Something sew in candlesticks is of curiously carved Swiss wood with a quotation' from some poem on night ent in large letters across the front. , It is not every woman who can successfully wear a bustle, thongh this is something that in the excitement incident to fash ion and style is often forgotten. Now that the season for the' white dresses is drawing to an end, it is curious to nobs the number of conquests they have won for the wearers ojt all types and degrees of age and loveliness. Dressmakers Just back. from Paris say that reception and ball dresses are not to have sleeves and that the waists do not take a great deal of material, and that, people began to say "I told you so" last winter. ' f ' 1 t.oai e in .y-A . w ... -.'..4 smss. u aeaere t r- tv-w Bemalnlng in the postoffice at Char lotte for the week ending September 17, ! 18SS: T IAilison,MlsaNJ Alexander, Measers Bee be & Co, Lafayette Brown, Mlnnid -Brown, ; J E Bartlette. B; W Crews, Tom'.Cunniagham, .Martha J Cody,. Mrs May Carson, Iiaura CrumbaJ H P Cooper. Mrs Elizabeth E Carter, W K Dodge, Hattfe Dtiver Thos Ellison i B J Elam, Aaron Erwin, Lizzie Crier, J ohn Hood, Bryant Hollyburten, Mrs B S Horn, Mrs Mat Morton Johnston, Mrs Lanie Klnsey, Mrs Elizabeth: King, i Wlnalow jLand,WiUIam Iann. S L. Leon Josie Xineberger, Zenoby Miller, Char ley Miller, J O Nesbit, Mrs F L CCon- neii, j ohn A FOor, Mrs Farthina Ban kin, Mrs Julia- O. Bay, Sallie Sanders, Mrs S J.White, O Wods, A O. Wright "- - When calling jTor- the abore please say advertised. ; s ,,- Wi W. J exkxks, P. M.-;: " . W . ; , .- . - . -' - Hotel Arrirala. .Y; 'i Czntbax, 2 Hoixra-Xi i M Baldwin Norfolk, Va ; J S Schwingle,Ne w Tork Ben H Sumner, Llncolnton, N'Cj'T P Bern olds, Philadelphia; W B Douglass andwif e,; WInnsboro, S J; MrsB M Stevenson,Manmouth,Va;CC Grace, Screven, Ga; S H Hearne, - A C Free man, '; W D Pemberton, -I M Cogens" Albemarle, N C; Danl a Walker Lind say WItfi .Brunswick cotmty, NCfB. C Ivy, B W Ivy, EUesville, N O; W H Clarke, East Saginaw, Mich; JQ Hol land, JJ Kennedy, Gastonla, It C ; i ll' uarxe, AJaviaaon ucaege; J Ll uough Miss Mattie Iloush, Chesterfield, S C; Miss Ella G Smith. Baltimore ; Bev A O Eaclner, WaJi:bcro, 11 C; IIP Car non, Mouni Holly, 21-C;1 All Clark, Kentucky ; Mra J Pearson, .Franklin ton, IT C; , Zln W II. Bobtitt, Greens boro, 2 C; E L C :zZzzizt wifa tnd child, P ILEimey, . Hocre3ville, '-IT C; D 21 F r,:rC; T7 E TTS-zj; Tlcck" El.!, uC',IDi .'j. ! !, IX J XIliiii.ID :' w:;o z -,ct7 Give rxisn a Stamp to Write to Ills Ma. ' The very latest fraud out is the' pos tage stamp rackety and it is being work ed in, this, city, having been " in troduced by a sharp young America yesterday morning "You . see, .they work it this way" said a citizen in ex plaining it to the reporter. This morn ing while -1 was at breakfast, my wife answered a knock at the doer and found a boy standing on the steps. The boy raised his cap and in a most polite tone, informed- my wife ? that ' he was from Louisville, but had been to Baltimore and was now working 'his way back. He wanted to write a letter to hia mother and begged for a postage stamp. My wife was favorably impressed with' his honest face and came back to ask a stamp from me. 1 went to -the door and told the boy that I was going up town and if he would go with me, I would get the stamp and see him mail his letter. . Good morning,' was all he said as he turned on his heel and put out of the yard. ! I watched him as far as I could, and he stopped at every house within sight. It's a good business. Sup pose he collects 100 stamps In a day. which, no doubt, he does; there's 93 in his pocket. -Don't you see it?" On in quiring around we found that the' honest-little boy from Louisville . who wanted . to write to his mother, had been at a number of houses where bis plea was successful. If he uses them all ! for the purpose for which be said he : wanted them, his poor ma will be over whelmed with correspondence. It Js certainly "the latest," and our people would do well to keep a lookout for the postage stamp boy. He's a sharp one. BaWI mi Sb Tltu Pssii ' lllaUter. Is the ataroJar name ef a town, sita ted la angislze ool. Ohio. It fct the eeardeaee ef Mr. i Braodewte, who wrttest "eaaaarttaa Kr- vioe perat aneaur enrea mj son or a bad ease ex sr. Titus Daaee." Sl-bO . - . . HerriDg's Chanipiofl : Safe; - . Send to the manufacturers, Farrel & Co., 631 Chestnut street, Pliiladelphia, and . get testimoniaLs. ' : Scarcely a day passes, with out receipt of i testimonials from some quarter of the globe of the wonderfol suc cess of the Pat Dry Chemical Filling, 'which generates car bonicacid I gas under the effects- of the , lirer itself . and saves the contents of the safe. Julius C. Smith, GinTille, S. O., Wright- & Cdppeck, Newbnry, So ' G, tne ' owners of - four safes in the Somball House," Atlanta. Gtu, and Clos sens Bakery, Charleston, S. O., all having had recent 'fires give nothing lSut praise for i!tt a warAif .Qnlaa !vs An gust by Farrel &, Co, double j those ot. last year, ana orders to replace new wet filled safes are pouring in from r Georgia, Alabama, and all Southern Stetes,.air of wMch is posi tive eviolenee that good goods, together with the best filling, on .which scientific men nave spent years - of study, and for which thousands of - dollars have been spent by us in sek cunng ; patents.- wnsi. wnir rrs the end, : and the - day for cheap trash and concrete or wet 'filling is near an end, .' lii ; safes for fire, as well asj bur glars, our motto ? for 4.0 years uas oeen; -xue very, pescas none too ood.". . ; . ,;. 'r Attention ? Firemen Too are hereby ordered to xaeet at tbe tKH ef the Hornet Steaat lire Compaor olgbt, (Tanra. i aarx to eiect a eater or too Department ana to traosnot any other bnttnata that mar be hroncbt beloto tao ateeonc, - - . : - : rx M. SIOUCB. : aeaOdlt . , , Aottac BoCr & X. Depanaseat. City Lots Cheap. 1 if-: . To enea m a new setlMi of tbit tSSy a number ef desirable, fall else, boUdlns loto ui oeaeid ; gor laforaaatloa and ten app?y at the law of- nee ex. s ' " - - - v.. ' : Or K. X. P. OSSQSSZ. r ' Mp20eodlw C. II. DHLS l CO. Candr Kanntadarara and Jobbers of 6UQ IB TQXJXTS and TOT3, prize goods; -w-'C . - -- i Peaniitb7; rza , a . ' ooo o o o ,U A ; AA a a' . O PI AAA o o ecu cujl a PMb id ; Fancy' Wes, For Dyxpepsla, OoitlTcntii, Side Tleadaelie,' CKronle Diar rboaa, JanndXee, Impurity of the Elood, Ferer and 5 nmgmmmat ot IAver, ltowelj ud nudneyt. t" STStPTOSTS OT A THSEASED TJ Villi. Bad Breath ; Pain ta the Side, lometunes tbe ' pun is fclt under the Shoulder-blade, mistakes for Rheumatism; general iocs -of appetites Bowels : naerallT cotie, semctimei alternating wtth lax; i ike head ia tvoablad with pais, is dull and heavy, with considerable foss of memory, acoonpaniea withapaiafidseaeatiemolesTiiviiBdonesometluDg - which oaght to hare bees dooe; a slight, dry couga aad flushed acs is sojaeajaea aa at tends at, often aiittakra lor ceosumptioa; the patieot comphuos ' cf weariaess aad debility; u m as, easily startled; feet cold er bumiac snnntim.j J pnckly ism irinn r ef the. skin exists; spirits arc low aad despondent. aad, altboogh satisfied that exercise would oe bsee- - Scialyet one caa hardly sumatoa tip fortitude to try 4 us, distrusts every- remedy. Several : of tKe above syarptoms attend the disease, Vot eases . hare occurred when bat few of then existed, yet exaaunatioa. alter death baa shown t&e Lirer to have been cxtcosivdy deraaced. ' Is ahrwild "fce asod by all persons, old and . young, vhmsrtr say of too above , t syxaptoma STpoar. Fmsts XrmUat ef IMsc Is Vn ,fmlU?r t-MsaOltiai, Try taking a dose occasioa elly keep the Liver in healthy setkm, will avoid afl If alaria, TUllo mttaelf s, Diroaess. sea. Drowsiaess. Depiessioa of Spirits, etc It will iinriffcrate hie a glass of wine, but is no ln toTlcatias; fcerarafa, "XT Too naro eaten aaytnlag hard at alffostioa. er feel heavy after meak, or sleep, less at Tight, take a date aad yoo will be relieved. Bflu wtn be aaved by always tbe Besulator -.. Tor, whaaever the ailment may be, s thortmrfjv irffStve, aotermtawe. aad teade caa i eat of plsce. The resaedv is hsnolfiu Interfere with business or rrnrcBELT vemikta-kt.v., Aad has all the power aad efficacy of, Calomel or " Quioiae, without any of the injurious after efiocta. ' - A Cioweraor's Teetftneiry. ; Siaaoas Jjver Regulator has beea is taK m ar aaauly for some tisaay and I sa satisfied kits J- OaJ. SaosTzs, Goveraor of Ala. Boa. Alexander H. Stepnons, of Go ays: Have derived some benent fresa the ase of &mmom Liver Regulator, aad wuo. ta five it a SaSgAe'CsT aaaoe - . 2 ' ,: j nTiwl StV11 h to jTalieve. I have used auury remedies for Iva- Uver ASecnoa aad DehHitv. bat aevae saryrhingr to benefit me to the extent . aesota to GoorgJa for it. and wontd send rortaer far kkb a Maaa aao wotud advise all who are aim. Barty afieceed to give it a trial as it sacstts tbe only thing that acverm2s to relieve. ' r r; P . hf. Jamxxy, JJIaoeapoCt, anna. .?r Tf ataeon aays From actnal ex. ymrnc tm the ase of Simmons Liver Regulator st ary practice I have beea aad am i to as aad prescribe it as a narrative aaedicmc. . XSTTake ealy the Geimine, which always has oa the Wrapper the red Z Trade-lCarlc aad MgrisroTo ef - T. H. atETLXX Jt CO. :' yxjix. sAue bt alxj druggists. OK AtOHPAT THS GRADXD SCHOOL WILX .'J OPXK, AKO AI.I. THS TOUSa T.anraya ,; 1. axd yrssa who hats. xot , - sot a . Call eZT OSS aV T, I BXIGLX C0l'3 TXBT . .... CHXAP. T.L. EnGXabaa Jast retamed frein lie Xsst era xa&rket and eascowtliowroa ' THE BEST STOCK OF . DR ESS C O O D S, u, iff Ia an Grades aad SHE, ; GEXAFZB THAN TOD HATS XVXS ' THXM IB THIS aTABKXT.; SXZ2I Tbla season you wCi be able ' . ' U i: one of the to find in oar store Selected Stcclis TO BX FOTJSn EI ANT HOU3JS Uf TKX STATS "j CaU to m at and to tonvlneed that taeo are :AKl 4 - A - ?- . PRICES ! ! ! . XT rs woTjxb nrroBac th" public that wo have formed a ecDartnenb n under th name and atrleef . . . - r Barnett . " Alexander, Tor tbe aarooaa of ooDdoetli? tbe lie tall and tatlnMt at t e'd sL&nd ef - , Jraney Grocery boslne,9 at IBoy Dandaon. Mr. BiV.X&rT, mho . aaaebaqte of the braise, tit just "r " retailed from tbe northern JLark - ota where be ptircbased one ol -- tbe best Unea olr iCROCERIES '. Kver ornedta tblt city. we are now o- openlBg a fall line and to r - s. V- a tew eaa our ttoca wl'l t-e . eompteta. It Is our latenuon to Bake or atoe' s'cop-I to rone 1" tie " State. OCB BGIXiia AvOXlO W1U.E2 ills Eest'Gco?s izA tii Lc tX M . - Tbe pobUa Is tsnted to 'eall acd cureHcBr atoea and tee for tweif tbat w rsn to; aesa when we aay utat e latecd ajv, to -oen baadtverj Uilng to be f&uad la TTTlAYy- AirD .FANCT GROCER? Y f Tsry ree& "rrr, aeptXSdtf XL S: ci G:: tit w - and. tloes not pleasttro. The Time Has Come. mm - C . the bc i. . n4lo - 1 Vfl t 1 ' . " 1