- J ' f .1 i . J . ' i - -r. . - a !k Jk 7 I i Mly ClariMM OImto, bttUbM Juwsrr U, IMS. Uj Ctertoct Jranal(luaMUfe iuw M. IMS., CHARLOTTE N. 0.; SATLRDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1883. 5 PRICE FIVE CEIITS. if i 1 i i i i t ? .: , i i i ! j 11:1 r i i i i i I i CHARLOTTE, SATURDAY, OCT. . www w N M A U A I I ' U VAST and COLOSSAL EXHIBITION 110 OTHER SHOW HAS CfiE OF THESE FEATURES ! HERDS ELEPHANTS MIME AFRICAN FLE PH ANTS THE OILY VQCLV FLFPHAMT A SCO 8CH0CL ELUEKCSE BRAZILIAN TwoHORWEP HORSES COLONIES CF UONXEYS 100 Artists 10 Great Riders 6 Bands of Moslo Tronpo of Aertnlists SCORESofACRODATS STR0W6EST MAN LIvtoq STIRX BICYCLE TROUPE 6 FRENCH EQUESTRIENNES WCST GORGEOUS PACE ANT .10 CAGES AHIM THE CARNIVAL OF VENICE REVIVED GLISTENING WITH GOLD AND SILVER y f X AA2cX A BE O F LIONS VV, iCil OF SEA LI3W30 H I ft ft fl ft ftVA P 7& x v i mi mm KM0RlLA?y UiUUiUUU rXTHC reunion? pp ati i e cr XAhuge k ANSARoosEJ OTEEB SEOa! EAS THEO !Vfe BABBOONSXv F r?1 "' Wfl V.V if X. . m I P f - s'.. . I m X -Ir- r Ti .tin -FT- ' . ' tff ru?rr ruru trrc a x. f m. m m Mm. K I M r. t W a am Ijd M V-iX y . x fir r l r pdct. r a. v. ms r tikiii ufkLM a CUAW THE FEATURE OP ALL FEATURES! id r ihs E-crmcus Expenso attending to wait an Eibibit'M. is not mora Will also exhibit at Chester, saiem, ucu iu, DansDury, ucc ALEXANDER & HARRIS WIXX COUXXNCX A 8AIJI OH Monday, Sept, 17, 1883, OT OTIS OF TBS Nicest and Best -Stock of - Goods Txa ojrrxBX2 bt tbxh. The, bars fTisncn then- Waits goods sad t9tderrlparu&eiwMeb care seataefc . taettoa to tbe tiade Ism. aeaaon) lata a Black good! XVaaraaent. Thladepartaaatwmbaaap pnadminialltaaHeralUea la Black Goods toko found tattO cur aa4 at prloaa that will aim an. Wa aoU eat oompletair la Oarsats Carnc ttia saBuaer and oar stock la aatlrelf new and attraet treT LadlMwUl find a stock eaaal tsaayMU ,rmrtatr and aaamaief ty.ee aad .Cheap" as Same Gwdfllf ; Goods " ' " r v CANBC80LXV ' W ' are' makla " a socclalty of Ladlaa sad Sflasea'tiOdLBtiYanduLovca. AakforabUek pair of sioekioga, aak for aMtaal. nary otoa ar aay otter 00:0c rou want. Tko- fcartlaa ail kaow UUa a taooaly boom la Um 019 wbera tbor esa COkaam-etaataniela in Ctaknona riaaoalDo oemaar. Wo baro a largo stae of tbeoo tola aaaana alao LadiM1 nd Grata'. Woaarotksax otaatraaaiataUUsettf of UeeeUtxated . -. 1' And ear stock of taooo roods ia larca Tt wttl bo nnaeeaaary for oa to aayaaftaJaa- tm pril ot ' too CaartottaawUle sooda as. toa.tndo kaews 7 . ALEifttiDEn a Hiiimis: ; f ' ' Bta fa dotteato boaltk, and harln other oat ''. el do bojtneee tbot rvalrea mix the tXmy aad attan Uoa I am able to ctro, I wish to retire from tho " tawnfllo rwrnlne , aad oSar .for aaio ray etoro hoeee. lot aad etoea of a-oode. Tale ptoportr eoa elate of a Boat and ooaronloat etoraboaeo. a tew ' roeotoouafeaad one acre of land, wiuua UUrw yarda of Liowood Depot, on tho B. IX raUroe-L 7 miloe eouun of Loxtnrtoo.'N. 10 mU Bonh tllatMMT. Imitmm saiToanded ayoaeof the boot faraio eoontrtoe la Monk Carol la a, aad haraic dally tutUM aad aU neeeary ahlppUscfaeUUioeat haad.- Bare la aa epponoBtiy tor a lire raarch ant to tot a ralaaato ptoee of protxsrty aod raako roAooy. Uoeral toraa eaa be clreo. Tor farther ? InfotiaatkMi acly 10 -: - . .... : " ' i. W. TTTZ23Z8ALTX i . r I; Rod Hcrringo J -'--'ccntlrnsMBiet SS XOta Korth Carolina ; 1 t -r , od iae laneet etoek of freeh c. . -tjjtty soy froBtatM .,- WANTEDr rT 6th! IDS V M ' mm ' m. mm I t & V I H w n B I AFFES FL03X OP OSTRICHES FIVE TOM E?HK0CER0S FIVE BENGAL TIGERS ERFORUING ZEBRAS OMLY LIOM SLAYER G0RILLA8 AmtCAM EL AMOS POLAR BEARS VLACK VARKE APE8 IYRIA03 OF BIRD8 CLOWNS r6LADYRI0ERS GcItTu Chart ota Crwrt LEAPERS rooaaa af fiVMNASTS 7Perforoftl STALLIONS Prof. WHITE'S 000 CIRCUS CAROM FRENCH FA M ILY MILES OF STREET DISPLAY THOUSAND MEN AND HORSES CLITTERme ROYAL MARCH THOUSAND COSTLY BANKERS A PAIR OF LIVING ' & FEMALE toon ztna.il Saows CJyxrgB - t Oct.' 4, Greensboro, Oct. 9, 11. . ; ; ; uzl2ci55-wZt t Jipf(II)pv j - PATXHT STATCDl&O '' 1 " DRY ; SIZED KALSOMINE, Ready for Use." This ralaomlne la aa arodo that to the aaoet Bwxperlooeed baad ran to prodaoaa pMaama erect. ' bUeodoraed by Painters, Deal an sad wtwii wnerorec urea. It to ready for oae by the addition of water only. It will not rob or eealo from the wall. It win work woU upon abeorbont. or what are kaowa aa hot walla, and aleo on wood work. Jt to ravataable In doaaatnc aad dlstsfeetme walla thai are Impregnated wito aenaa of dleeaee. It Is Dado of too panel WbMo, and ta grada tions of the - loertlna aad taabiooaUo Tints. Ahadee and Cotera. It la eold frora aunple eard;slt tho tlntaahadeo BMoowraara warraatoa.m wren rtepoot It win keep for yeera wttboot ehaaae fa Qaanty j ' Color, and after botna Btzad wiu watar win. . It to sacked Ba atroa anaaina aMr 1 of box rorra. boldlna etx ooaada aad one neead with toll dlreeaoaa for aoa. It to alee peaked la aula m earrataoi aaoatauoi Oa of aaeot gOOpoaBda, tn half bar- I lMBoasda,aDdbexeeotzftaBd60 I aadbomcla a dry eondlUoo, tt aaa I roisot aaoot ; obeaDlr tranaDortad. AalxpoaBdpaekacewni eorerorer400 feet wkh one eoat on a bard Snlebed wan. It aaveo the loae of Unto aad waate of aaatetialc j eooimo wuatMoidraodo of amlzlac to prodnoo dteatrablo ttnta. oto. A paU of this Kalamalno esa bo ratxedlnfiTe BBtnotea. - : Tiin rnimli a Tin aleh tnlmaidtfr lautt limniwat raaaU aoet, oar aTalenmlno aad Sreeoo Palaet are oeneeUUy adapted. .4. i ViWUsbhBrbs.v 1 i-U 1 , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ' ; Charlotte., a Oar StockvMnst be: Sold BT THX First cf Jaatprj Hcxt. COME EVERYBODY; see sad set the bartataa-eTeroCored - - i fa PfcXSS eOOEfl -TXlNKIXg. WATXBPBOOyS, ,vUfiu,Diuwu), UUIUI, klm.rOt 1 v, - i , ,Lad!v ad a-nt mil Wool - :. l. (HEaly ari.Ofta til Get Es. f Boat OereH X3vaalft foe C A DROVE OF 6IR 7. v r f A X A "X : m VA vArrinl di Dcrzrtzrs-cf Tr&i. .SXCEXORDAKDDAXrnXX. Lwti Air Uim Deoot 1.M a. aa. cod 4.89 . m. aihts z.uu a. ana p. Antra 8.20 a.m. ao4 4-10 a. av ' - CHABLOTTX. OOXXTniA AJTD AUGUST A. i S.10 . av. awl aartva 4M p. ": v CL C. A-A. T. a BITXBXaS.L V: Laajra 4S0 a. ak. aa4 antra at IA.00 pa -j : CABOLIJCACZjrTXUJU , . Lacraf.4Sa.Bk aad 7.10 4. at - : Antra 7.00 a. aa. aaa (.26 p. ak Laarat.00 a.au.aa4antrS.4t.k. South AUutie. liritl TAlnfli l!hUy eoolar, partly cloudy araathar, poth.to east wioda, Moomios THlUtiU. ctUoo try or aigaei wuvuvwri . . ! JO- -v Pant BoHaaoa, on 4V th 'Joui- NAXrOBaKKYEK'a carTtebDfs, felfrom a traa yeatarday and broke hla arm. Mr. John Branc. left yaaterday on m riait to Norfolk, benfcon plaaaure and basinesa combined. Ile(wilL Tiatt hla. relallTea before he retarna, ; liabon F.Bector haa been com'mla aloned poetmaater irt Table Book; If. G Sarah O Free haa been- appointedTpoeW tnlatreaa at Oolambla Factory, "N. C -' ; ' The - members : of the Keni rler Hoae company axe requested to vap Monday slghL for a .wind tip of the oompanra axTaln, aa It haa been aaa- pended. '. .77'"" s " The Grand -Cbnmandery Knihta Templar for North Carolina, will meet In Charlotte on the second Tuesday In next month. Hi. H. TX. Maoaon. pt Wilmlnston. Is the Most Eminent Commander. -1 About dark yesterday evening Eddie Hooper, the little . fire year old eon of Mr. Edward Hooper, who Hvea on 8eranta street, fell from , the bania- tera to the porch and had hla left arm broken by the fall. Two colored men. Ed Sparklinc and Gadaden Earle were arraljrned be fore the mayor yesterday for asaaolt and battery, bat their trial waa con tinued until to-day on account of the absence of witnesses. Squire Foster, for assault, waa fined 97-50. Ann Car-' penter, for disordsrly con d act, fined 5jOO. The primary department of the graded school is a wonder within itself. there being: about.XOO youngsters in the primary class. Pref. Mitchell the super intendent, requests us to aay to parents txiat no child under six years ox ; age. will be admitted to the graded school. The superintendent evidently does not propose to torn the school into a nor aery. , ' v I aj taction IaaaedL ay Ja4ge Uilaaer. It would appear thai : the lenl dlfi- culties of the Lowell factories, in Gas ton county, like a poor man's troubles. are without an end. ! The two factories were recently sold at public auction to Mr Jno B Hall, who now owns, but can not operate them.: ; Yesterday at Con cord. Judge Gilmer in chambers court issued a temporary Injunction against Mr Hall, restraining him from operat ing the factories. The restraining order was procured by Messrs Jones A John ston, and Dumont, attorneys for. C J Lineherger and others, in an action agalnat Mr Hall for the speclAo per romance of a contract. J udge Gilmer heard the cause argued at chambsra yesterday morning; and on the conren- ing of the 8uperior coozt, he algned tho) order of restraint. Aeeideat as the Pitcha Mr Walter Rule, an English man and a miner, a new comer who baa been In America only three weeks, met with ft frightful -fall at the Pitcher gold mine. on the suburbs of the city, night before last, receiving injuries .from which he is laid up in bed. He waa, descending the main abaft, of the mine, when he lost his footing and fell to the bottom, a considerable distance. ; He was brought to the surface when it was found that he bad reeelTed two ' severe injurier, one on the head and one on 'the aide. He was taken to the, residence of hla uncle, Mr Wm i LlUycrop, on Myers street and is under medical treatment . . bj - by Dr D O'Donoghuev - ' ; , v ' .-- - -- ' 1 thoaB, they oaa Sod am axaouy like taetr wi uoDower ana atrwao 01 no tnnari ta in laor ewa nolawotaood, waa prvot poatttro that they oaa be eaaUy and parnaaaay oared at a Boons' enow-ar aak your erafxiet or pkyaieua, - ttreeowica, wm. B. 11. ltwnx rea no by de Ma. "TWO bov mm nuu uol--cirt eu m oooiora nw aaronuai uoa 01 yooriatwrs eared aaa. - --' ui JcaawAa, fitltiar lta mt tVaw-k cat ftei ' ' i - Ltnemaa Lanier, ox the Bouthern tel egraph ; company,; antred;-' la .'the ciy yesterday from a tour along the linesv and reports that eTsrything Is working splendidly for the .new company. Its wires are in Crocus condition and are wall prepared against the sleet : and snows ox, wmw.xae souwarn line is getting as mncb basinesa aa It.can at-' tend to. It Las put-up wires for the Yirifula ' Midland and Ailrbiny xaiV roiulsy and all the .work' of the&4 roads now. goes to the SouthertMnstead of the Western Union as loraerl 7 Iti ii stated that the Seutharn ia shortly, to glTo wireato the Richmond and Dan ville company as arraogements to- that effect are no w being made. :Jtc Lynch burg and Danville all the basinesa goes to the Southern wirc3.7 Ai ' i i i i m il - i i. . , TBataaral Cataarait Xfervaftt - T . are j- wpt-i ei r - irni n t r mo? root by a ic e .4 rJT- f-ir;. tae exen. ' 'cir-ii rf r- ... t if if t-x nrt i i i c I. J.'T.I. lOtTtf TV., it It-' at .9 t. Title m. lr iHil lro Us ft... :3 tT wwn it i ;o t rr- t t H . J V--I . . '. '. ; l.t 1 f T ti . . i. - I i .. -.. . 1 iot t" ' i fmi t.t otwe 1 ' ! -atota ' i 1 I ' - ' 1 l s . i 9 la a t i. - ' MOUHTED AlfU aA8KD. .n A Bob Takes a If car free the Jail la' Jtockiasaaaa aad Hangs Hla to a ' Tree A Uratal Outrage en a 'five : ; a ear via yr aue win jkYcagea . Night before last the Jail at Becking bam, Richmond county, was surround ed, by a: party, of mounted. men, all masked, who forced the jailor toj giro up the keys, when they took a colored boy named Archie Johnston from 6ne of tbe cells and rode off with him: Yes terday morning, Johnston's body was found dangling from a tree In the woods near Mason's Croa Boada, between Laurel Hill and Laurinburgv Johnston had been hanged by the mob for ft rape committed upon, a young white childv aeons one wees: ago. xne circumstances as we learn them are about as follows; .About one week ago, the , prisoner, a nerra boy about SO years ot age. met a little fire 'year old daughter of Mr Ma- sou in the road near her father's house. and - no one ; being r near, be , assaulted ber in a most fiendish . manner. The little child suffered intensely from bis treatment and ber parents mscOYering her condition and quest ion ing her. were acquainted with the facts of the brutal outrafs. Search waa at onceinstitnted for J ohnston who waa captured, and though tbe Impulse was strong upon. bis cap tors, to string him - up to the .nearest tree; they finally decided to take him to jail and let the law deal with Mm ac- cordlng to regular form.: Johnston was accordingly taken to Roekinghar4 and confined in the jail at that place. STews of the outrage waa not long in spread ing throughout the county and natu rally enosgh ' the indignation - of I the people knew no bounds. - - Thursday night a large body of men assembled near Rockingham. All were mounted aicd each man wore ft mask. On amy- lag at the jail, ona of their number allocked at the door and waked jailor Dan Morrison, who enquired what waa wan ted. v The reply was, that, ft party was outside with a prisoner whom they ranted to put in jail, and the jailor forthwith opened the door. On seeing the masked faces around htm, be real lzed what it meant, and when asked for the cell keys refused to giro them up replying that be would die flrst JUo, you wont," said one of the number they pressed around and OTerpewered him, while sereral of the party proceed ed to. search for the Keys and ' found them. They then unlocked Johnston's eeH, dragged the prisoner out -and put ting him on a horse c drore away. The' lynching party proceeded .In the direction of Mason's Cross '.'Boads where the crime was committed and on arriving at the spot, the' rope waa tied around Johnston's neck and be w swung bp to a tree. The tasb then quietly dispersed to their homes, lear- ing the body of tbe child ravlsher dang ling from the limb ' a A ; Tke little rictlm of the outrage is in a critical condition. Tbe coroner of Rich mond county was yesterday evening notified of the finding of the body of the lynched negro, and proceeded to the spot for the purpose of holding an Inquest. 80 quietly and orderly did the party ge about their work of vengeance that not one of them is known. Twoaty-Faar O'clock 1 The railroads are moving to hare a new standard of time adopted that will aooa throw nainto the big figures, and to aee a man pull out his watch at neon and say nt. 24 o'clock," will be no una- j sua! thing,' The theory ia the establish ment of a nime standard," aa the rail road men term it, to be put Into opera tion on all the ' railroads, in the coon try. Tbe proposed standard would aim- ply add the hours after midnight to II, ee that 11 o'clock in the morning would be 23 o'clock and noon would be 1 o'clock. The dials of clocks would be made into twenty-four dilalona of time, and the troublesome A. M. and P. M. would be aTOided. Uniformity and certainty in the movement of trains in all parts of the country la one of the j greatest advantages claimed 'for. the I new standard, and ft' simplification of time tables that the publlo would be quick to recognise and appreciate would follow- ' J jlj The originator of the theory of twenty- four hours for standard time was Mr W HDewries,: of 'Philadelphia. Mr De wees' upon expnesing hla views, said recently; "Anything more exude; uncertain and insufficient than the style now in use cannot - be Imagined. It Is ft relic of the dark aea, adopted centuries before ft railroad or talegraph iwaa tuoagus ox. AAoaem progress ae- i mandf aomethlng better adapted to the waa ta or our present advanced dvUita-1 "Uoa. v If my plan Is adopted; I think IV will gradually extend throughout the world. I would take time from Green wich Observatory,' f or it Is" the ' best time J! exUta. - It Is exict,' constant and known, , or aaoertainahle, overy- whercni ii i; -Hi ' ? f Metal Arrivals. 1 1. ,CE2rr2l :H0Tirx. W" A Prince, Memphis, Tean; L B Pembleton, 3f Carolina i Mra Bobt I Steele, Bocklng- ham ; Mlas Pickett Covington.1, Bock- Inghsm ; J A Crews, Washington, D C : J W Hodsoo, , WshM ngton, DC; B U PIgues, Marlboro, S G;E O Btewart, Beanettaville,8 C ; P T.lnehan.'Baleigh x C A Williamson, C J Hosk, Wm Tram- blrv poluiabla, O ; Louis J Poisson, Wilmington. 2 C,J U Gaither, Kew- ton, N C; B W Shelton, Davidson Col lege; G A- Jackson, Tklladelphla, Pa : J OTunbartake, wife, child and nurse ; Haywood;Whltel sulphur Springs, NO: N H Gwyn, Granite, N,C; Jao A Dod son, Greensboro; Mrs St J alien Wilson, Miss H H Wilson, Charleston ; Dr J is Xagllsh, Kew Yprk City;. John H Bo- j hanan. Chester; Mrs W -P Kramer. I(ew Orleans; J H Pinch, Atlanta; JcssphAngsli; Ilew York; Vea Bro- Mathlss,GarabaI!i,2T C; Geo E Beab Augusta ; Thcs J iloncare, Portaraouth, Ya; D J T! : ProvIdeac3.-':7 t ? - ' ! llllf -mm m ' 't2uB larUla. . A 6COGn ATOICAL sieeting et tao aesooi cossssmeeaiea. ' as WaleftTfcey Daa 'Xot af Stadrag -The Gewgrapay Qaeatiem ftertled by - a Betara to the Old Syrteta. : , For aeTeral days the geography, ques tion haa been agitating, the people of our city to a considerable extent, aa the recent - communications ; to" our . paper bear evidence.' The trouble ali i arose about the board of , school commission ers at ft late meeting deciding to retire the Eclectic geographies that have here tofore been in use la our graded School and substitute a new book, the Maury geography. This proposed change was apposed from the start by . the patrons of the school on account of the expense inrolved In buying tbe new books, and last Thursdsy when - they were served with a notice to get the new: books for thslr ' children; there was a row raised all over town. Th6 school commission ers, thinking that the matter needed an investigation, held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the city hall . and as are salt of their deliberationa they decided to return to the old books. There were present at the meeting Mayor Maxwell and Commissioners Williams, Barrier, Oatee, JJurwell and BagwelL Tbree members were absent, being out of the city on business. .',. , . ' , . $ The commissioners gare the question a thorough discussion and their delib eratlona were quite lengthy. They de- elded to recind the recent order where by Maury's geographies were to be sub stituted for the Eclectic and that here- arter the'Eclectie shsll be in formerly. Ail scholara who have pur chased Maury 'a geographies are required to i take them to Tlddya book store, where they win receive their money aaa a sow xiecuc ia anainon. - Mr Wright; agent for the Eelsctie books, submitted a proposition to the board to take all the old Eclectic books beckon even exchange, the scholars to be provided with the revised Eclectic free of charge on presenting their old books at Tiddy'a. This, we take It. settles the great aoeraphleal qaaUon that has been disturbing our canxmo- 1 Coaeeed If odea. ;. : ' " Yesterday waa the second day of the trial of David Fraley; on charge ef the, murder of Mr Walker, refanua agent, I in Btanlj county last spring, and ;the day was spent in the examination of j meases. -.Four or five witnesses bed been rrsmlned cp to the time the Char lotte train left. There are about twenty witnesses in au. it is thought that the STamf nation of the witnesses will be completed this morning end 'the given to the jury this aternoon. large number of' Stanly people are in Concord and the court bouse is crowd ed, though ,the interest is neither ee ' deep or as keen as that manifested ia the Shields trial here last week. Fraley is fine locking mxa. He is most ably def ended, and the array of counsel for the prosecution la a formidable one. Mr. John T. ' Allison u1 building large brick storehouse at the depot.' ; Mr. Joel Reed, who owna a gold mine. the principal vein of which rune under Main street, has bended the property to ft northern corporation for 810,000. The mine is located' In the town, jost, in rear of the Methodist church. . It will seem queer to see the ore dump mov ing and the stamp mlRa . in operation right along aide, oae of the streets of the townu ;.' Mr. James M. Means, a former citizen of Concord, bat who moved to Texas sometime sgo, is visiting the dwellers at borne, with his wife." N rv - i Some of the finest fresco work in the South Is being done in the Interior of the new Lutheran church, by an artist from New Market, Va. Rev. 8.Tr HaTlman, the pastor, has just received ft call to Pom aria. 8. 0, but will decline. i Tbe following Charlotte lawyers are attending court at Concord t Solicitor Frank L Osborne; CoLH. CL Jones, R. D. Graham, J. H. Wilson, W. H. Bai ley, C E. Grier and Gen. R. Bminger I SSoae 4aia aad Camed Two Beys jk .... ' t .t f -l t ':. mI Alex. Chsfln, a Charlotte youth, who has -gained considerable notoriety by reason'ot his' runaway travels.' Is off on the wide world again, and this time he carried two Salisbury 'youths, one) of whom is the son of Mr. J. ILGray.' the well known . Uwyer, with him,, lTx, uray pasaea wrougn .criariotteoxallis return to Salisbury from klonroe a day or two since, having been on the bint for tha rtmawaj s.; He caught np with them at Uonroe, but they aaw him first and .fled, and Mr. Gray had to return without his son. The Monroe Enquirer says : "On Wednesday morning Mr j.' , M. uray, a lawyer ox caiiAbury, arrlYed in town on the search for the bora, one of them being his son."Another one of1 the boys, whose name . we dldnt learn. was alao from Salisbury. the third one. Alex. Chafin, being a Charlotte produo UOn.' The bovs cot Slrat of If r. Orav soon' : after.' his , sxri'vair. and . without tarrying for an interview made tracks through the fields out of towni As soon as poasible searchers were sent out-for them la all directions,) bat no trace of them could oe found, and Mr. Gray left town' on we evening train for Char lotte." The object of the bovs was the seaooast and an oceaatiip. . The Char lotte boy is something of a aight-eeer. hayurg' made one trip-to Europe and been ovef." the coontrj' a time; or two wIth,Boblnsoa's,),Irca8. .It is probable he had put the nautical notions In the other boys' headal .... . i 1 Wods EnoK XjOo, p-idaBi af tnoHov Wo, rni - aaa vomsoDT, mb araaeteeew uai aadaraa Ul rea paui iwiiKaarer, rx. jaoooa uu. r Xlecovered. from a Traaee.' -. HTA2TSIS.- Mass. Sept' SL Mrs A1-' phonzo Bradford, who has been in a traace for a week, recovered her senses this afternoon. Twelve years a to she was similarly affected, and remained in a-death-like. sle?D for 22 dava. The physicians says it wss not a tranc3.but a ecrfcf rriritrallrtH rhrncsen.'l GlaCctCottoa. i ; r. Already a good deal, of complaint Is being made by our cotton buyers about the gin cut cotton that is being brought to market. Some of the flnestr grades have their value greatly depreciated by the staple being rut by the aawa of the gin. The trouble is -caused by the gln- ners running their gins at a very rapid rate of: rpeed. faster than there is any necessity for. '. The saws cut up the lint and cotton that would otherwise bring rthe top of the market." does not bring more than an ordinary grade. It is to the interests of the farmers to see after this matter and require , their glnners to run at a moderate speed, even if it does take longer to get the cotton ginned. - -; Sells Brothers Clrcaa, : j The universal public will be glad to learn that the .above great consolida tion, traveling in a train of fifty cars, is upon its wsy hither, and will erect its immense tent in this city on Satordsy October- 6, , It is without doubt the largest organization in the country, em bracing a circus and hippodrome, with equestrian and t performers of j high standing, and a menagerie, the excel lence of which Is guaranteed by the list oi .animate acneaniea in taeir. pro gramme. , . The sells brothers have or ganized an . exhibition which can best be expressed by the word "Enormous." How d warf-like and insignificant ap pear the traveling shows of our early daya compared with each a monster as that of the Sells Brothers, which could swauow uem au ana wen nave room S aa a a. m . to spare. The press everywhere awarda tbe palm to this consolidation. ; soutol canoi.rfA. The paymaster of the Southern Tela. ! grspn uompany naa arrived in Col am vim ana reports was we delav in. ai . uina: current inaeotedleaain tbat'i Toon waa due to lua iilnas. for tte lasimonw naa prevented bis comic sr to Sooth Carolina. He will finish pay- j ing oa eyery gang as worx in We state by Monday. Unexpected delava hire occurrea m eracung tae line between there and Charlotte, but the poles will be all up this week and the wires in two weeaa. SoDerintendent " Lirseomhu Af th Penitentiary, and Dr. Grifiin. of tha T.n. natic ASylum, have gone to Leaisvilla to attend the penal and charitabls in stitutions eon vention. beginninsT on' tha 24th. The former will visit, before his return, manygot the principal prisons of the country. , j.. The Columbia Graded school has su white pupils ; We number will probably reach 600 and were will ba so or nnm colored children in the school for that wat i- race. . . tao Wwrid at Chester A Arthur! freauentlv Invaa. tigated. President; Boacoe Conkling. berated aa no lawyer, making aa mneii tnaaey aa William 11 varta at the bar; 1 Ben Butler. Governor of Maaaachnsetta. and glTlng more-aniaat r to extreme Christians and Jarisees than Bob In-1 Democrat, left by William AicKeaof whiskey ring fame, the I- wring lie pub lican newspaper r - v-' - T-t Pu litzer, bought out tff tb- V;i!jch Post as a oontaminatlou - Lc-r. rt!-u- noon by Carl 8ehurz and ' wrlem-d 'tir New York ae We proprietor urttnu!r Dem ocratic daily; James A Garfield, em balmed In the same cioUts with Abra ham Lincoln; Jay Cooker restored to public eonfidenee and honor and rich again; jay uouid, tesuryinsr on the e3eaeyof prayer in small transactions and escorted to we stand try a Senator, like a lady of rentle descent. On tbe otber hand: Cart Sen urx editing s rail road orrxn : Horace White enriched bv land grant railroads; B Washburne oberure and passed by: -D A Wells flouring for corporations ; Gratz Brown lecturing- on temperance; Senator Christiancy tn the divorce court. i . Fatcaed mp Peace will not Eadare. Herald. Zod. . r- rr f " The conditions of nartv birnumv anl pear to be impossible of f ulnilment tm- ul paruee are again formed of - those who are actine tosether for a common end, and who agree in opinion and f eel- ing. Arpexened np peace may be ar- raneed. but it wiu not endure. -The differences are too radical to compro- raise. There must soon be,aa the Inde pendent address declares, "a reconstruc tion of party lines or an active, inde- penaent organization.'". ; y t : " ' r f Jtaia ta arrwaiy laerDesaaad. ' WaHXSGTOH. Sept SL--The nabllah- ea sauemeni wai we contractors are unable to fill the lanre reauizIUons re- cenuy maae dv we poetopce denart- mens xor two cent postage stamps is de nied as we aeparcmens. All orders so far made have been promptly, filled. And as the contractors have an areola stoca or. sumps. on nana, prepared months ago. no apprehensloifcia felt at we aseanment about . Ellin s? xnlnro requisitions as soon as made ' . , 1 1. The Oeatttata at tao Florida Raval Jteaerratioa. - " : - WAfiHrsaTOJt Sent, si rvHtn- xarDie, ox I'ensacois. naa anotner inter view with the secretary of the navy to- oay reiauve to inrnismng rauons to the oesutute on we narai. reservation, and we res an ex. we lnterneW'tswaL thm secretary is disposed to take the res do o- albllity of. issuing additional rations to a umitea extent, but expects some help to do given oy we innaoicanu ox we ttate ana ox we city. , ; , , , v , a t OOLTTMBIX.' Sept. ' JL A BTecial dls- patch to We Daily Register from. Sum ,ter ssys: -Yesterdsy a negro in the upper part ef this coontv outraged a white Klrl named Bettie Dixon, twelva years of age. . A sister of the victim, in trying to protect her. waa stabbed by the negro, but not fatally.'. Last night a any .or ciazena cook xne. negro, tied ilm to a tree, shot him. then cut him to a Jelly and, left him. , r u; ,; ,,-Vv 1 "t Xlr. Davia' SoaXU. j ; P.- Davis, son of Ex-Senator David Davis, waa taken seriousl v - 111 this morning and his father who Is' in North Carolina was telegraphed to 'return at ace. c i - - -;.... ..- :.-". t "I '. A CARD.' . I- To aU wtio are reSartna fma da . r-ni. vhA dlactUos of yocUi, Dnroce - ear'?l ey. lo cf raaaiioocL J v. I i i a t '" timX wl tire TOO. liv3 C CoA " . f Tt renedy waa HacovefM tf it t 1 1 fo Car- ' - . ' ....... . f , 4 TTf'4! rVf!tTfkf f r -Yrvrfr V. lVtepion Safe. TJ Send tn iho rfiaTinfi'fnrpra Farrel & Co., 631 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, ; and get testimonials. . . . - v : " Scarcely a day. paces' with- ont receipt of -: testimonials from soma quarter of the clo be . of the wonderful suc cess of the Pat Dry Chemical ITilling, which generates car bonic acid cas under the ef fects of : tha firo '.itself and sares tiie'cdntentaof the safe Julius O. Smith.- Greenville S. P-i rlTright & Ooppeck, Newbury, S,-CL, the owners o f ' four 1 safes 5 in th e Kimball House;'Atlanta;Txa arid Qos sens Bakery, Charleston, S.O.. all. haTinghad recent; fires -give nothing but praise for the Champion. Sales in Au gust by Parrel & Co. double - those of last year and orders to replace new wet filled safes are pouring in from Creorgia, Alabama, and all Southern States.- all - of which is posi tive evidence that good goods, together with the best filling, on which scientific men hare spent years of stud vr and for which thousands ori dollars have been spent by us in se curing patents .wtll wxa ur the , eto, and - the dar for cheap ; trash and concrete or wet filling is near an end. . In. safes for fire, as I well as bur glars, our: motto for 40 years has been: "The lYery best is none too rroodV' i - C. n. DHLS & CO., Caady gtaaTsetaftrs and ZiUbea cf Til 4 ' 1 ' n J'' ' " ' '' rlaifl. and;. Fancy (Indies, ff-QAB VSXJXT3 sad TOTS, , I T3TTr7T7 .rtArvno , Jfjrj AJKJ UUOj CHEWING GUMS, Peanuts, ooon 8 B ao3l GGA a ana ss- i f oorj a o o o a O 11 ESS BSSa- AAA O O OQ AAA & B -2 a o O Qua A A B . & -88- AAA OOO Straot, CHABLOTTE, N. Ce CHy Lots Cheap. T? oeoa np a aaw eeen of tala eny a amber dMtoabja,faq alaa. bolldlaa; log tM baaold Vvtnforaaaaa and terms apply at ttts law o aaa of . . . ,r . .- , T. It PtTTKAW. ' seoodl, . VV.y"-. r '"9 'J 3 ASD LOW PRICES ! j ! WS WOULD ISTOSaC TBM rTJBXJO THAT r wo aave lormed a eerjartnanhiB andetyleof anar ua rvt tao vorpoeo of ooodnetlB tte aad v aaoey ureeery soa&ave at kio t-1 aAd af - baaenarre of t2a bnaseas, 1 m t , rit .;..:totorBed from too Konaera Aiara-. -i eta voere ae tweaaaed eao ox tao Seat Usee ef GROCERIES,! '- Ml IVejBfainad ta v.J:'.l l.J . , tale etty. wa are now . . ' ---7. opaala a tall Boeaad ta ;1 - , atew aara or woe wi:i to i, ' ' oorapieta, It to oar mtenuonto : - 4 SBafce ewr ft"t a-wod to li ti :5 etato. OU3 bULIa MOXIO. WliLE - Tt3 Best GccJs B G Ict jfe. ; 'jtrc i'' r . : . -v f.:".vx ; Tbo jbUe ta tartted te eaZl and tnrrWnr atoea aad aeo for itaelf t&ax wa rAeti i-- ?eee whao er.Ukt wa uted aiwure to fciea aaaderetftUng ubofouadlaaaUy f- v ai HEAVr A21D FAITCrr GSOCTIl'r , - ZJ2.m---'-i' -" w. a . f A 4 f - T - 1 m m m T 0m -J : n.-- witery Ctspuieiioj of -tif ' i-'1 . .. -. ' jV , r .y '-.. .... - l. .1 i x 5L t r - lit....:. 4 i.j r r Hemi rJeu tBafiiett - .- s It a r-r. The rMCa. winreliill it. -4 f 1 j a i. Kit tllui J fc ' ' t i 1 :!.- " ' . . ' . iji i ' 'fry '.1 rr- it t -1. WANTED.- ' To y tharw. -"'yr- Irs . A-. esa cr rtiroczj assr Z7oreefard.a Add P2ao?aiv r:s't ' irr 11 1 I" 3 r " r r-' v - r 1 1 1 ' Ant!' t-n ar - c I , ta a-, a kiqo1,' or a al - -i r- t' ... - - ----- - . - a. i, 't f t .

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