DAIL Y J Q U II HA L-0 jh S B EVE B V S A T DU D A; Y , S B P '3 11 BE R i r fi ' . , bv not ;.' - tekh -. or sfBscmrnoir, . . Pot copr ' .. 8 osota Oria raota (br mall) 7R . Tnraa faontoa (tr null).. ...... fQOO , Six fflOtUt - ; j -. ......... - 8.75 r. , . . Ooayar f ................. 7.00 " .WXXX1T. -. rj - ,". t? ' Oua. vosv ..............a . ... . . - 92b00 - - - &lx aioat&a ..,.... ,00 ' i . lTMjlyl AariBM Vr mi mi iJVv '"T--t mmpK9m mii vunm mt Out vi tu ? :A i ' AnBltbf draft on New Tork or Charlotte, and : . tf osto&lse atoner Older ar iHegirtarad Letter M t'u 'oar ftakr -U Mat aUHwate-) we wul net be reepoo. jiff;-? .I'v-:,-;- - afiJiloDiiXAi-oeexarra,- . r. S3rSfeocliaco coplei asnt froo oa appljoaflon. . H aavanbaertbera daaMoc taa addrera of then , f paaar enaoged will please atata la tbelr aoaBO; 1 t ot1oavfrota tbe etd andTaaw adareae. - ( . - uiM SQiisn cmm time, .i.w; Men uainonu IneerUoo, OC; -two weelut K5-00I vam monUi, 88.00. , ' ,1 . . Jk eaeaaiejn was tar jongw pwnxMiunusoa w XrMi a-4 trie tl r 1b A4 r t - . AnrMl hllljl IN kII.L Mrkl virtnth . r n ' DntN or Mfenuemeaot nrast m nsaoaa - In r 12 f'ciocfc 4n l&avUr prartaua tosnaln wJOea tiMiigt Ixteauoa to appear, i ' . h.j 'J 5 BrrmB rttn PoCT)mci ait Qptanoro. a. ; f I ; Xx. aa aOPMCfcA. aUrrm.1 g r j , TTT. . ..r SEPT. li 1883. . v t,A lew Southern paper bave express Democratic conventlbrL a ' Southern :- min ihoul be nominated f orthe'seeood fiplacafoa the ticket. The Ifotr Tork Herad noticing these articles agrees 1 7: with the writers., and thinks, that the -1' selection ofa Southern man as a eandt "y date'for'the Tice 'Presidency 'would A 0 strensrthett the Democratic tiekefc.: The -PlUadIphia Xinmv iBepublican; also . ; '.gives its views upon the subject, its'ob . ' ,v ject beingi however, not so much to -.J. sited 6althe"ti6ket nominated as to 2 " t Create the lmpresiiOA that the South Is Xr . Ignored bj the Democratic Bartr. ! The r article, to, .which we refat-concludes The instances Where exaf derates and Souther men of ability and repu uttioD have received- hoaorf ftom the Republican party have beea numerous and marked. jThey have -held places in ythe Cabinet, and have beea aelected to represent this ' coon try . abroad, They have been i appointed consuls, judges, marshalsjuistrict attorneys without end. " "The reason that the" Southern , Toters ; 4ve beea slighted bythe partv;whlch ,. - t they have served and have been honored by the 'party which they have consid ered to be their oppressor; but which has long since ceased to be such, is to be found in the wide difference in the aims f aad characteristics tof the two parties. i The Democratic party merely desires to $ : get into power. .Narrowness and selfish M Wness in policy and sinrleness'of aim . prevent the Democratic party from considering the needs of the different parts of a great country. The Republi can party has been the party of the gov ernment. Its education has been broad, - - and its education has made the party - policy liberal enough to care fort all portions of the country and the sons of every portion of it. It is so unlikely 'the Democratic party will, place a v ;8outhera man. on ita . National ticket t - that the absence of a -Southern name may be taken as a certainty. In time . the Southern voter will discover that this is so, and he will learn after awhile . why It4s so.. -The present demands for a Southern candidate for Vice Presi t , . dent Indicate that the Southern roteiU- iinmiiiiijk io apprJiatw'ac. xnetxrae valne bis rDeated : sllzhU at the nan da of those whom he has considered his friends. - -9 - ) . ' Without entering into the discussion J .JM'Jorwhether a Southern man should be nominated or not, we desire simply to remark that this apparent interest shown by the Press for the recognition of Southern Dempcrata Is a piece of ar - rant hypocrisy and humbuggery. Has the Republican party ever nominated a Southern man for the Vice Presidency , -slnce Andrew Johnston, whom it after . Awards tried to Impeach and depose be ' cause he tried to be a National instead of a sectional President? How many Southern men have held seats in the , Cabinet 'since the war? How many have been appointed to first class posi tions at home or abroad ? Scarcely any. f It is true some have beea appointed to Federal positions, but this was as a re " ward for the servioes they .rendered or ereWltender to the Republican party. And all this time the Republican party ; r'tlias "hid,' uninterrupted oontrol of the National administration with the iap- poiuuxig power wmcn me xremocraue :x party .has not had. Why. one of the loud howls bf the Republican press! n , the South was' that Southern --Brfeft- t oiersr, were elected to Congress; and s onthexnuX Congressmen J were ahnost . universally allQded to as Confederate Brigadiers, for. the purpose of keeping - upeejtlrnai ptejudice and creating cap- ltalasAiMSttbe Democratic party. And v we know, too. when the lower house of Congress became Democratic, and cer tain Southern men were appointed as -. clerks, dor keepers, &&, Ur.pUcei of I some of the Bepublleans wee had held those places, what a howl went up tall , :elong"the lineTorer ithe rrentdVal !of "Union soldiers- toj';xoake Splice tor "Confederates." The papers howled, the stamp speakers howled, and thty'kept howling ever it till-, the thing !wore out toafraztleL 1 JJ v - If theDemocmic.conventloa.wereito :iVxaorahaatek Southern man. if he . were , iaWotrdfashtijgtoaf,Jatdhad a - record without a spot; the sectional war cry woold'at Moej'be raised, and the . ticket would be styled the Confederate ticket, and as such it would be attacked i In the press and on the stamp. They would hail that as a grand opportunity to renew sectional feeling and revive ' war animosities again. ' The knowledge of .this Is why the Democracy has not - nominated a Southern . man on the ticket,' and why the. Southern Democ racy has wisely refrained from asking. ', or depa34ing it.; Aa. bearing upon this . point we. clip the following from the rjPhiladalphIa Record, independent in , poiiucsrr.5;-! n.;;::;,A.X-. The xiew-x ere iieraia can see no r reasoarw&y the Democrats should not .nominate a Southern maa for Vice " President.- There are plentr of able . sua in - the South to choose from. and. .- there is no rood reason why a tchern. -- "nsa:rtnoui4 not oe narnea tor prri- t. as rauch r&apect to prej a dice as to prin ciple.- rneuxneasnotyetceme wnen either party dare run counter to ees- ; ; .tl?1" f!lr;.'.If 3ecr-3 Wt'biaTtoa, tl VirsiA,' were t j ma 'tor Jrresidect next year arainstack Jjcan, cf Dli- :: la t!i3 Cr.tt:nir;.-c Tt?, Investltions Into theall;;ti Internal re vea t 3 at uses in sections of South Carolina ttoxr that there is foun datioa for the enlarges made, that stills have beea put up by the connivance of some Deputy Marshals the object being to seize them for the- reward, and also that numerous arfests were made for alleged violations of revenue laws,' the parties discharged re-arrested on trivial charges, several, times,, and .brought before United States Commissioners the object-of the arrests being to make fees for the ofScers. A somewhat simi lar condition of affairs existed In this State, especially in -the Western Dis; trict, some years ago until Judge Dick made an order prohibiting-' the issuing of . warrants on trivial pretense and without reasonable cause. .This put a stop to much abuse and - the numerous arrests that were being, made on ; petty and trumped np charges." v : - . The nettle Is cultivated, to some ex tent la Germany, . A thread is obtained from it the finest, known , to the trade. so fine that sixty miles in length of it weighs only two and a . half . pounds. Some scientific farmer of, enquiring turn of ralad will experiment with tie troublesome and much disptsed thistle some of these days, and discover that it too may be useful. ; , i ; - i . j i i a : '' ' , Some of the Republican papers are trying to maae it appear that jir jf n Winston Is being terribly abused by the Democratic press of .the the State since he went over to .the' -Republicans. We have failed to see anything In the Democratic press in the comments made upon the departure of . that gen tleman that borders on abuse. .' - Postmaster-Gen Gresham dldat leave his backbone In Indiana when he went to Washington to enter upon the duties of his office. He has a positive way of doing things that we rather like; Mr F Hatton dont run - that department now quite as extensively as he did un der Mr Greeham's predecessor. .' The New Orleans Times-Democrat expresses the opinion . that . the cotton crop of 1883-84 Is owned by the pro ducers, and will leave more surplus money in the country than any cotton crop of recent years. r ''".u" ' There are 683 voting places In New Tork city, and it Ukea 2.752 Inspectors to run them. ; J J ; ; . : . R M MeLane Is the Democratic non inee for Governor of Maryland. ", i : TM COLOKADO JSirOSITIOH. I. The Rlckmea td . ZHwtvUle Ex a I ait Draws 'UalyeaemT AUeatlei, IVlma 1 AaUalranen a Takes the Palaa. Through the efforts of the Itlchmoad aad Danville Railroad Company aa ex hibit Is being , made at the Colorado Mining and Industrial Exposition, now in progress, of minerals, timbers, farm products, &c of the Southern States through which its lines run. This ex hibit though made in the center of sV mining belt Is attracting universal at tention, not : only on v account ; of ; the numoer ot products shown but on ac count of their variety and excellence. As an evidence of the impression it has made on Intelligent ' minds we publish tb f oUwlnff.. f rom a letter addressed by John Jl Ualleweit.-tate Geologist of Colorado, to Capt C C McPball who has charge of the exhibit: : ' :J'' ' ur. To commence You have tables cov ered with masses of iron ores, each pile representing a different mine or locality of the great Birmingham and Annlaton iron fields of Alabama, illustrating an enormous area, and of such average quality and extent as cannot be found elsewhere within the area of the United States.' . - t - t From personal I work done In Colo rado during the past year and a half. 1 have made public boast that within cer tain areas of this state l had xoana more merchantable iron ore than la no w known in either of the States of Mis souri or Pennsylvania.'. This Birming ham ana Anniston section sjone. from the evidences you set - before me. as shown by your specimens your per sonal statements and the authorities you give me of some ot jhm most emU nent geologists, faraurpaas that. Again, In anotner point, a targe iron company has heen orgamzea in tnis state upon an examination and written report I made of certain territory. The princi pal men of this company have told me they couia u my aata was correct, lay down in the State of Missouri, pig iron from Colorado for five dollars per ton less than the Missouri furnaces could orodnce it for. but before meeun&T vou I had learned that those figures could be discounted in Alabama by three dol lars per ton, thus making- for Alabama iron .a pront or eigne aoiirrs per ton against the net cost of Missouri iron. With thee irons, you - show me pile after pile of bituminous coals, each ene representing a different seam or widely different locality from' the same great basin, yiz: the Birmingham . Iron and coal section of Alabama, and proved te me both of these elements of .wealth occur la close proximity. " Your experts record analyses or these coais. wniea are only surpassed in Terr " excptional esses, and anch exentions are known to occur within quite limited areas. ' Fur ther,- that ail or - the eoaia you exniDit, make most excellent coke. Take these two items alone of your exhibit and we at on e take a back seat, from no see- lion rn the great State of Colorado can vour Birminzham section of Alabama be duplicated - to-dav. and la . . this - matter Colorado In development, aate-dates Alabama a very little during the past four years. Even nere you ao not stop in . wis sec tion; but prod use fire pricks, made from - tne ciays occurring in tne same formation and localities as your iron and coal, and to this you add vast beds of limestone of the finest Coxing quail ties. Evidently in this one locality is the almost immediate wealth of a na tion. To "what nature has done your people have added facilities for trans portation reaching north, wesLtothe annViAA wjw-V aawl flAntK wKlaV K wwn aK aceaWAaA au uio avw w.mji a ajajasaa ti vm4 the varied industries of iron manufac ture, makes, in time, the '.world year market. Truly we feel Isolated. Even rich as we are la the mineral wealth this Alabama section presents, it will be a long time before we have the same extent of marts to sell . our products in. and must for many years yet depend on aa undeveloped country, tributary to us, west or tneuissoun River, wnere railroad freights will- be some protec tion against your supplies. - - ' : -After this display yoa take me to other tables sbowinr the urodscts of the great States of Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, &nd which, are only from those eections immediate ly tributary to the lines of the IMch nend & DaavUls railroad system, litre you show me cinetio iron ores from tioudorn -and : Halifax' counties, Vir tf.zlz. .i'rera North Carolina you show caiUT' i cf msrchxatsbls irca cres from tv,3 fcIIowizT- localities and counties i Hlzotj. Ilay wood. ltocrt -bam, Lin ccla. Cleveland, Caldwell.. Also from thr3 cr:-tve"-scf Crotrirmouitrin, r-3 frcra :r'i.-"n c: r, i'T-cmt. LicL'3.v.z A t3. i . Lroira Lzzizz.i t-l:i cf G wllfcri ccsnty. Yea nIL ATLa prcU p:rcnt-J of titanium ia such Mtr greia inasr :titea is very remarks? I?. It is in this .Titer res-ect tbat tba Colorado aarneticcrrs caanot compaie with year product. They con tain au uie way I rom & per cent to 22 per cent titanium. So cood steel ores conseqnently are quite the exception. Aimoinn we can a upJ teste you in vast quantities id the metallo analyses, but must . wait for. .a chemical discovery which will flux out the excess of tltanio aeid -M ' vi ... t "I also think vre can fully eemal voui in a maganese ore ror tne manuracture ofaplegeleisen but that is not much, consolation, since iron manufacturers inform me this product Is bains rapidly dispensed with, owing to other improve- menia in iiessemer steal. manuracture, and in the iast few. years eniegelelsen has dropped from t250 to 30 per ton. atltes and limonltes from Madison and Franklin counties, ;"Virnia..: Hema tites from the Kings mountain district. North Carolina, with their 60 per cent, iron ore and absence of . sulphur, : phos phorus and titanium;- Also from the Chspel Hill mines of Orange county. with ei per cent, metaiie iron: mica ceous hematite from Watauga county ; lemonites from Cherokee ot exception al purity, producing a product ranking witn wedtsn iron, irouo wing (these from Davidson county,- eta, occurring with the copper and gold ores, you hate quantities 'of siderite (the spathic varie ty or iron carounatej, the most easily reduced of all iron ores., : From Madl eon, Jackson, and . Yancey counties, North Carolina, yon make your variety by the addition of ehrtnlc ores and fine ochres from McDowell county, From near Black's Station, South Carolina, magnetic iron ores . and, maganese of fine appearance. i - - "Of fuels, here von produce' the ter tiary coals from- the Richmond coal field of Virginia, and which make coke. Colorado coais or the sage age have proven to be the purest coals, and doubt less these latest geological age in, Vir ginia are similar . la quality and free dom from impurities, c - - - "x on show evidence eaouza of Iron values contiguous to your lines of rail roads, to supply the world for many de cades to comet. . c. . r - v; . , These things appear like a revelation to men of the present feneration ' All that outsiders knew practically of Vir ginia, was tobacco; or North Carolina ana ueorgia, cotton ; wmie Aiaoama had immense cypress swamps. Until late years I do not believe you knew or eared much beyond these. Items your selves. -: ' ;.-.- -':-- .-. Following the above comes ' cop pef ores In great abundance, as represtated by chaloopyrlte from Cleburne county, Aiuama iron ana copper pyrcu tlVIB t WHIUIg WIUHI) UWKW, WUIU furnish much material for the solphu ric acid produced ia the , South. Sims lar ores from Douglas aad Haralson counties in the same State, -tmt North Carolina outstrips an toe otner states in the prod action of this variety of cop per, ore. Yen exhibit specimens in quantity from Guilford, Davidson, Ran dolph, Mecklenburg. Cabarrus and Jackson, some of these saving SO per cent, copper from veins ten to twenty leet wide, ana u appears to occur aa solid ore. Such occenrenees are ex ceptional in Colorado. Yon also show from Davidson county the celebrated elates with their contents of copper and gold. As yet known we have no for mation to duplicate this. . To these yoo add native copper from GranvllleiNorth Carolina, and bornite from - Granville and Ashe counties. . Spedaiiens ot black oxides. eydrite.etc from the famous Ducktown mines. Chaloopyrlte and black oxide ot copper from the .Cid miles, giving yalues of 47 per eeaL cop per. 1L0 gold and 16 ounces silver. , In chalcocite . you commenced within thirty-nre miles of the city of Waahlng- ton, D. C - in London. - county Va. The same ore from Person county N C, gives value, gangue and all. 20 per cent, copper, and a value, ia ail vex, bat one ot the aame mine, by selection, you get 17 per eent.' copper and CO onaces silver f Yoo ahow ma samples from another mine ia the aame county, and tell me that at sixty feet depth, in cut ting' serosa ten feet of vein stone, rari oos assay slavers gad 12 per cent, copper and 20 ounces silver. It appears to me If such a grade is not a ahlpping ore with you it could be concentrated, ' six tons in one. Such ore bodies and vai- hea with us would at once be advertised as bonanzas, and would furnish our pa- ?irs with Items for,, time . te come, hen you present specimens of ores and refined ingot copper from the Ore Knob miles .And ameltlng works in Ashe county, N, C and. a copper and lead ore from Mecklenburs - county Virginia. - One would . think this 4 mlrht be enough, and further comparison might cause me to leave the State I live i in. put the truth must be told, and we will not stop yet awhile, for you come at ns with our pet product, vis: argentif eroew galena, as especially represented oy toe buyer., valley tuning company .David son county. North Carolina, . carrying: value in suver, ieaa ana zinc or 900 per ton, gross, ana now mined for shipment to Swansea waiee, oat or a en giving more than ten feet of solid ore. Simi lar ores are exhibited from Rowan and Montgomery counties. North Carolina,' aa well as samples rrom tos reet aeptn out or the silver. uiu mine.; ana illus trating something I have been trying to get proof of in this State, viz: that asj aeptn is gainea en ore ooaies or argen tiferous galena, copper gradaally takes the placet) z the aeao. ana a goia vaiae is proauoea in aaaiaon to some suver. " After all this mineral wealth you have material we do not know of yet. I refer to the eorundums from Carroll. Cobb and Paulding counties, Ueorgia; jxaoison, ciay, .Macon ana person coun ties; North Carolina : and Anderson and Laurens counties,- South Carolina, also specimens of the associate minerals of the, icorundum group, cTlz:r oronzlte, chlorite, hornblende, etc, etc Of mere common tnings you srive aTreat wealth in much tt re evidences: of that; while be have amadance of v them in Colorado, we cannot utilize them, to the aame ex tent, ror many years yet, -viz; limestone, granite, ' marbles.' kaolins, talc, soap atones, feldspar; quartz, barytajrraphite. e? rpentins, asbestoavroofing alateav iasr per, halcedony, buhrstone, novacuiite and many other useful materials which have had no attention here simply be- csosf .we save bo muiu tor voeav 1 ' Then, to please these .who-, have an sssthetio taste, you have a magnificent case exhibiting beautiful crystals Kf niddenite,' amethysts,' sspphires,' runy corundum. stauToutes. tiroons. rutiie in qaartz -most 1 every speclmens-beryls. earnets. moonstones, znonazite, oolnm bites and manv uniaue anaxtz crystals. Tbespeoimenr'of aericolturat pro? aucta ana Ttnose or one nunarea vane-, Uevot. wood from your forests I am no ludsre of. but ouieuy 4Anowieasre tnat Colorado has not got them aiL ,. - J: Icrast not end without speaking of the : exhibit of -commercial mica from several i counties . ia North CareiiBS tributary to your railroad system,worth In valne tt 60 to 1 8.00 per. pound, and the finest exhibit I have seen.-We real ize iere.that a good mica mine is of more value jthaa a silver mice, but so far, unfortunately, we have failed to ret the mica and, mt perforce, do the best we can witd' what nature has given as. u''i i ' CAteaco xumea. .rv . - A Trajhlnrtoa.ccrre'pC3Jent sajs: "It U renerailv undart tood tht an eil-. ort Wlil tsmads tct have ta Onsus Barean-cads a permanent institution Thera is no .donbs of the . necsssitx Cf tala. if it is t&a Intention ever .to.ooca pletattsilast esnsss. .vnviUtU2 -1. - 'm mmm ' ' - " 1 f. " wr-,ml I'--' r Tmica tTTi. Arrja, - T r- r--i r. -nl--t I if!l , l Jt i . .f lUHIi . . .'.4 fv,r w aa ta tme41 r ? 1 t a cs J. .t ia.aa eiirienca ci . main - i i II taTl- n - 4 rr; irEiGncoii, . t a wonderful miscellany countera of ihs store which my ticighbor, ihe crugzit keeps ! It is a com- roentary on. human misery and, the relief of distre3.,Vhat a variety of compouadsl -What-wealth of injeauity lu3-beea "expended ia-rn thcia arid hi brninthem together I Th re are mecLldnei lo cure Ssease - - and there are poisons to kilL There- are cosmetics to make the complexion beautiful, irid'the are, pills, EndT tizzizrsjhxi pbtjms, and lozenges, and padSr- arid o;nrnvent3,-aiid pomades "aridknkk-l:rjickajidlerluinea 11:1. cvx:i jruunr lum pcupic nccu yuxv loeir diseases, ajxi a great things that cannot cure even a sickxat era debilitated monkey." "fit . t -Jlf mirrhborf: ihe drtt'trtist. will nbt ta!:e it aa tincomrilimenfarv. remara; a rnaucTnar rr&ny ti me tningy ne sens- lor tne cure ot oyspepsia ;'are'of n'rtorticinir a!56cnt. The fact' is that "dyspepsla: -'isha very tough .sease td V.-f estle' tvith.'- It needs tonics and it needs: uroh,V A good rnany 'of the articles ofTered for tlie 'cure of this maladjrhave tailed ia that the : tonics they contain are not the right things, and that the iron is introduced in such a way as to do more barm than goodC , I -. ' T But irrj neighbor, the druggist, is fortunate la JiavinR on his shelves, one medicine which is no failure .butj -oa the cntraTyjisure-sticcess. .'ArnoQall the others it stands pi-e-minent.'t xt aBrosets Iron BiUers. Here 1 see what my dyspentici friends need. Many a victim of dyspepsia has been helped by it into liberty and life, 1 - Let all the other contents of the drag-shop go,, but give me Brcrwtfs I rod 'Bitters for -rhjr dyspeptic rcena. aouar. a Dome, aia you say r ' iertamiy ar reasonaoie enouga . Drice-'f Jifv neighbor, the druevist. will teH . 1,-. .r'.3 :-... tit.. Have Inst retarned from the supply, of PALIi and ' WINTER GOODS for the. and Bolicit their fHends nrtrl j?ntmrt rpfftnA th A TV'rH! 'pn nlir to' examine their stock if ;they desirtj' tYitirchsiStf trood trooda at. f o w. prices, 7 Farticalar,; attention callea to our patented The best unlaundried $1 shirt ohirta are made expressly for and sold by no other" honse in them villi satisfy yon that no otner bhirt in .the market pan compare ntb4hera both to cifiHty and iriaate. j Gents t FufnishinkG. Uivo as a call at fiasomo Temple Building, : . j MfifiHp.rilmpip: Tpnn Wflplis 3Bmm w h iMmnj. Pr?opi?jloCoi?9 CHARLOTTE, N. C. JtXT MS StlVSD AKSS vw Saw mills, Vt 5' t-'i HdrsePorvers, Water Wheels, Steam ' Engines, The; Gregg ;Beapersf - 1 Portable Corn mills, -Wheat Mill Outfits, : The-Medw.King Bakes, The ;Meadowf King iMqwers ;: ; : W heeler and Meleclc SebaratorgL TheeGreggT(Self DilmpirigV jH&es,l Tl li a AtLVTiL'- i t opm xroriapie Oaaaai Shoes ! . ! Ik ,1 -1: .3 it 11 -iHi-.-h o-t Now is the Time Wheo the i ' 1 '. .''- ' T' "''' 'i' I PMlbM)a to 1 ok aroond . I.;... aad m wbara ta7 can ta V ' -: ii '--'"' U ,1 fs -'n't'. ' i i; -ft .11 tf. - Cbildren SeZiool Shoes mm wtoki reaiM iboi coat va x ep bm wetj 1 mm mrm mm ia m far-.P t. . . . . ... 1 At tn tadow yoa to boy tbss-Mda. lU.h'- fs'-lVi 'ttt-.on , ; GiveLUs a eali;: iiiarwa aoxvtcttz BarxsrACriokilaa f. fat G1H t . : t i ir- ' . I . Ws tiawnnwuiil Caa aamtM r a ImI ataia Li atr-VvWtTaaHvaiTMSattMUMawjM ml mm- t'l.1.11 liiallltlll wifTiaTl mum and nami Umlmm irftum t&lacr.- UUtbslsadlaa' atjla aad kinder am-osa stmb m msaraxocs aad Leer Eraofclt astaial Trraaadraavciasaonrndadorttaaa: In oroartatrosaiayfcnow mrraad.oof phi aia atmaa m. m. wui m oa aaca loaf '- T W . -mW W W T . U :S1 , ,W kep co hmd dm augeat and ataat anort-i da A " W W d a a m mm m a a j i ij i - .'? , . ; ; i . ; j Tot ftxnd la tha Stats, aod. eaa Xarnlab ea X aborteat aoaos aoy Qoanuty tar parses or aa;i Oaratockor ..;r-c a it r j ' :MnairpaaWdadTilW&' fit gSi l tLJmveV rued rrJi rre-r.rar lt-, csj.l'a. ai-us efxa ft-- mm - GMMBfotlieiii : 1 ; " t . m ' Shoes! ! M t - TkTit ss' SO mr v m - mm Tim rnuaaiST. u dir-!ayei pn.th-shelves and,t4e' and -calves, and-mlneSt-and-H essentialand, iaa woi X -. Northern markets trith a full in. ths United Ststea; -These ns, each Shirt bearincr onr name tiW'cityi , An examination of .1 . t f t'-r . . , t ... J v - n , - ana ouiuonary. f tall JOlWlXKES. 1 i - I- : A Brilliant Scleiaei Disr.uLrsi7nr.ip - LorrEny woatra.sr vtatQiwaA. 1 - , . .... rr.-y.i, 1 v-- : 3t! "rUmvm - - - - 7 Se rrl taan. ' lTa trnehlM 'tV tola aaterpziaa m baaad t4Mm ta a&artor mt taa Du-aml ewaatp Ca&al Uutapaay TaapwpoM la mtmw km tmm -laptwx awim aad ateoafoo mt taauaoat lrapurtaat aaturaaUac Bak c taa haiaad lata d Vbctaia mmm aorta Cara- lMa T , , - TaS Watty mt Of Vattmrr aas bans talrtf tataad aad aatawiahad bmtmm tmm court. U. ia taa , r,.:. uoer ArnxcirtM Bcaxstx r mvmr m otaaad bafara taa ptU, aDdaaaxaBal atlaa mi taa -datanad aiaa. wlU aaowtaatata (at aaota favoraata ta taa- ttekat AOdata taaa am omataf tlmliaf jhtrcUU , i- Caaa mttmi Hap. . j ?. f tm ata- dawra at Vortan-. Tttatola,-si CTuasftAT. aarnaTBsa jatta. issa. ; J, fHOILBAOHr . ---.-, - IXaaager; , .-.., 1 n fi a a at j . " -t.-. j i Prize of. .:.iaiooo , is.,V; V---tsoo J li dor -'..i.'i,O90i is..';... ; ifioo t; ; U9 OW ! B. - BOO : , 1 , Ce . y , 200 , is.,. . . 200 "I ao 200 "1st 200 .j x do ? -200 is: -"zoo ; .i.do .;.pt.i00fimreu'..w v eoo iif : i9 1". t " l r Jnaf . t v , 750 152. A0 , v",v 0..'m...uooo 800 -do h iuj.. 6- are. . . i: . : IJJUQ r ? 9 r Approximation m. . - i . of...:;.v;t50 v...r:.;::i1:a456 t1.--.if...i.ii.3 so.u:.:k. ..r srro - . OI......,,. . 20 S5S FrlzeaTdlstribating t .. . . . . . fiSjWO Vr, wi rx .TICXXTS ONLTlL'i I . . . . . . .riaa a&r'l.-ataiT atsaUac ta tbat'af 1 1 LilS :;'vr3l t saa4s at Sarfotfcv.Va v r n pa,uuAT. taa ZOta mt sxprrxBES, 2tl8i3 ttelar to t"tnf aad ai tTSk rutvr aaah HMi-Sa annlH - - .. 1 . Apfulaauoa lav ahaV tmttMi ar for taf armatlan ten.c" t i-aie. c ut aad town ol wrtiaa H Lt-'J4 aartja9Tataar .aaptldl 1 1 aT taatasni Mmtota pal,a- ln-placinc taattu... icr" ( ao' t a aoaapMif aatail t ' thai Wat S.iOv-tHii u l pcizci tnjioaiad fc Lost 4 tdaVitarl. aad it 4a 'tkiUi rerra tat toa bubw,. xlfcocr!a-aTTot iuKi ti m I ebfaUat el l ?a prtaoa aU a ta turn u tia fcrwtea la J w w -r -vwuiL-cxi aw uerexara it ta tw-'iJ fwrvset . at r -'nsatB ?f O5? tO g UcBl L.U UCu fl Qa " l t" r "3 teartrt If -w t ' t- 1rjl(f 1 J '.I . id t- ! - - 4-4.-. tij- jr r s V. L - f i - t t m, i- - c 4 ' k. 4 ... -1 f-f. . if--, t- .. T .. j i .... 4 ,.(, .1 v ..... 1 s f ., l--3,! 1J r- t-" - lit rd;-al-- 7 tn 1 1 - - r're chart ta tiPOQ ' l- L.r.. m.. tt ILaaptldlia. 3 aatioia. va I i f . 1 ' ' ) iTNT TlroGroatcat r.lochanical - Invention of ' ! Opening of the latest devine'luiown ta commercial science fcr the transmls- " . -- - . - .- . ' , -- . - , ' slon of CASH from eostomers to the eonntin&r noose or cash oraee by a system of Xlevated Railroad. To-morrow will witness a new era ia the boslnes inter eats of this part of the country, which the commercial world for progress and enterprise. There ere as yet only a few of the large houses In the Union that hare adopted the Iterated BaOroad sys tem, the' ad vantages of which are innumerable to a large business, for many reasons. - First, The great aaving of time. . - Secondly, The promptness with which purchases are paid . for and change re turned to the customers. " ' . Thirdly, The great despatch with enstomers may be served and enablt d to make their purchases In so much shorter time than by the old method with the shrill cry of Cash. Cash! Gash II Cash!!! Cash, hereboyr " - i With this addition to our business we can confidently say to the public at large that nowhere on this continent eaa purchasers of all kinds of Dry Goods be served with any more regard to their own special Interest, in extent of assort xaent. Variety, Quality or price, than they can at the .Dry Goods Palace of ITTlfE CHARLOTTE. N. C. To the Public: TO-MORROW BEINi&THE OPENING DAY OF-THIS NEW ENTERPRISE THE PUBLIC, OLD AND YOUNG, ARE MOST CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW RAILROAD SYSTEM. i XTXt gccllanerms. WOSTH OT WOBTH OT liiii SILVER ahQ'PITED MBODT: REGARD TO COST, ;t i :" .-a.U -L - r.i 1 " iff 5 ." w .lik 4 -t. rf)'--' i2 J. Ti Bntlep's Jewelry Store leetc TOY KNITTER, .-:-uaid -:ri r--ti-rv-4 "-i. i-,v , And jQnlets.tlie-Noisy Boys! r j - - x vaBCHrtJ) saociiD hxvx osx. I Price Orify S -CentQ, but CJi kiiJi: & eZ irswaxnr&v ''Odiiiin'-SfiRii- Wa Wta pa 1 s eezis kwr bailial foe rood a&rtrend at ar mia, known aa Tbm cii Cr XESa" ea Kas&eet, near Us xtr-LLrs ri3- zoaartraaaBcaaaa'tsa eotoo aaad tasal t9rteaead.;v;v,'i--'.'--'-',- ' dJULOTTS CH. CCH FAST. W XI . w"da W . fw a. . " d - . J --T0BZ80U-- lew Railroad! ZSt IB places onr city amor z the front ranks of 1 it II: JELLY TU MBLEK S, aVBCattflk CoDlcra. 177 Taaa. BaDf Carrlaca roods, JraCneafvcdatui aad'iocber . . , o : - . - - - . ; . ' . LCHOU It EaSTenxxn. ta Joha Sasokflald Co. tarervxta a caix. nar27 V 3 xi. A. nnumm Trataicataia am ZZataJl Xtrnmlmw Xm " CXEBUQ r BUUfllTS a&4 PH4TTOH3. COifN t tJW WA602IS. KOdS CASTS, da.?ea.r W Onl aMboa and Dajtoo. Oio, Laocaater. JPa . aad liintTirtfm Irm ; . , , - Collage Straat, Cnrlat , IU C acpyaiax' - ... ; . , hoto no? :n7fiRT r AUmx a ILaOatr QM aCaaatrr fcrtrf- . claa Talla TVIwa TSm T&lavlca at 7 Bsaaa a ala. I wtsa to siataoos. aoaia roocls woold lm Ci assd a doctor and ir.sa tber dant." noetora aa ba enterad ala aoaas ta a txxy Cttla TlUasa tn ths IsUrtor ot C Eata :ErwToiJcattera teTcs attcdaof aianr Saa, 1UtoenC3fa iac:r3r--'-'n. "I aava aaea Cawa aaoii Ha rz: no, Cis laaaaacrf-'-rriTO, not Htmtt to era til ami; jl cnlaai as bad. anrasdt&tti E!p; aad: fatmd' Lla taSertca ' Cram a lataar aaarp attaak of fjono.'wiLicii Ma t&B. 1 Bdgfrt bars nnered m tta mfcts, U ttfytad a c?la of aeriM anl two or Cire eir r!g teaiaCsa ta tas aoass. 1 Sut aoj t2iey aiurt remiiin Ignorant aa pica, aad wban ta lt t'e r aU rbem. aef? for a docta, ;t u. j crerc&r am or act" . . , . , - ju. aawmt. waat aia cr rr - :a t - "at . roo eaU t&eav oa too axpaet pec; u ts lree? la tio T-aareauw turs, aa tts rc-rsl La a rc 'laii-a.easa," .aower-satia tojt-sr. 1t Utr tides!, pet EX.;;c:73 -ClTCnra rcr'"3 - rULTTZa a tt r--js'i rtisail, 1 3 wold Lit raaa rit a an. l.r. aad a&-.sj e a can Can,atraciisa cf L.a ta fc. r:r?on' Fist?r proiaotfM t?"!s.. ni:-i .a i-r :j or r"ata r-t, esd t-- ri f;:: - t-- r ""!:? tr" - --i I 9 C. Z I 11 . . . t. . .. .. ... t- r J:zrsc3, n.-rr- ;..!r- r.-- . . .;ii.. BiM Froit Jars, atekaad -a TZTztV.3 lrca rrc.cnu j cf tbc: cres ia L-.-i tl.3 e zt- i:-3 - c.:::: - -w r ---- - J IT t3 .2 :i lz-.::ica tbs rrc-c5 n::: La -c rrs.'zilcar.-t tl3 ,t;t ilK. :'.!;: iz : y