I it eV 1 . v : : " '' caiman, wooderfoland mTttartooaeimtlT0 power lsde ' veioped hieo to a varied In its epereuone that x diseeae e UI health, ean Doaslbly exist or resist Bapower. and yet tt la KanaJeee far tbe most trail iromm, waaJrsrt ta Ttltil ttf WMilrit afcllrt tit iiinr - - . raUenU '., ' . Mbm dead or Merty dottier ' for years, mad given up tor physicians f Brtgnfs and other kldner diseases, lifer complaint, as , vara eooghs celled ooneoaiptlon, have baas euredU Women gone nearly eraxjl Trowi ao acooy-of neuralgia, aervjorrjaaa. wakef ulneee and varleas, diseases peontlar la w reoptodrswn oat of shape from cxemeUtlflc pang of rbamatisnv inflammatory ami enroola; or soft arias from aerefoiel ' 1 - - tWi anefara. blood poUonlnx.1 dyspepsia, lndl eeatton, and In fact aim oat all diseases frail ivacara la oeirto . . . . Have baaa eared by Hon Bitter, proof of which aaa be feaad Ui every neigbbornood la too known wona. Ab56IutelylFurb; Tbia powder never varies. A marvel of parity strength and wnoleeomeoess More eeooomleal ban tbe ordinary kinds, and eannot be aold in competition wtth the multitude of low teat, abort weight, aiom or pbaaphate powderav Baal only la ana. Wholesale by - ; . ; aayX - "' Charlotte, a In farer and ir districts, la tropical and otter teelona vtatted by eptdemtea, aad Indeed n all tooltlee wbere tne eoodldooa are anfarorabie to aeaJtn. tbia famooa vegetable tnvlcorant and al teratlra, Hoateoer'a Stoaoaeb Bitter, baa bean faond a potent aaf ecoard even to feeble eooatfo Uooa and fracUe frames, wblle aa a eore for lad geeUoa, bfltouaneaa and kindred complaints, U U wttboot a rlral. For sale by an Draufeta and Dealera generally. There is no time to be lost when those : we love are taken with these ' terrible disrsars. The beauty of pERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER Is that it acts so promptly, rarely and efficiently. . . Dont be without PXnf Kni.Ki 1 ; Hare it ready for instant use I . . Keep it with 70a at home ' 1 or abroad 1 ALL THE DRUQQI8T8 SELL IT conPLEXiono ;ssibi'to'all:: , "iThatNatnre denies to mznr Art secures to all. - Hsni -llxnoll Balm dispels erery blemish, overcomes Redness. ' 1- , Freckles, Sallowness, Rough- Sess, Tan, Eruptions and' lotches, and remores all evi dences of heat and excite ment. The Magnolia Balm' imparts the most delicate and fcatnral complexions! tints no detection being possible to the closest observation. " Under these circumstances ft faulty .Complexion is little short of a crime Magnolia Balm fcpld everywhere. -Costs ,enl? 55' ent3,tirtthCal- dl 1 1 " y V DSentery QMI1MER a 1 V I COMPLAINT 1! IIBUSUPPLs.'G00D3i JUST BXCZlVm ' CROCKERY, ; GlSSARE, 1 T TlNWARE, AKD HOTJOSd aXSXRXIXT. A . r-- ' w ' j. e . r -- fit Ir" ' , j-,, .vaVASwl -.- r r-- :- - - , - - - , . ; 3 1 - -1' :K. . L: - 1 - V: -!;ty core, enr d Trsdars Esabasl Basa : STATS IfJSWSV Richmond Rocket : Octarua, wldeat on of Dr. J, IL arxl Mra. 1U Co v Log' ton aged: about aavtxk yeaa viied' oa Tueaday caomlno; at V oxlocX'of dlpb tberia. after, an illness of soma two weeks - r 'h ' fihelbr "Awrora : Moalton : Bamsey who was shot last week In the breast by his neighbor Wilburn JBaffv in the upper part of Cleveland county, and near Burke line, is rapidly recovering from his run shot- woon d. Mr. Ar thur L Butt, so well known as a pain ter throughout tne mate, nas oeen em bellishlng the Methodist Church this week. His has shown much artistic skill in fresco, and the church has been much improved by his brush, baelby has a splendid t brick : building Ithat Wilmington Star: There was a Joint meeting of the (jnamDer or , vommerce and Produce Exchange of Wilmington on Friday to consider matters relative to an extension of the limits ef the port from the wharves to the mouth of the river. There is a 'family living in Wilmington in which there are three children who are perfect Albinos.- liav. Mr. Gregory,4f Charlotte and Rev. Mr. Lide. of South Carolida. twill iU the pulpit of the First Baptist Church of 'Wilmington on the next two Sundays, in the order named. h 1 : Ratberford Entervrite: The subject of cutting off , portions of Barks. Cataw ba, uaiaweii ana Alexander eoupues and formica: a new county has been in troduced by a correspondent writing to the Piedmont Press. The writer claims that Dortlons of these ceantles ars in conveniently situated, the territory ex tending too far from the county court bouses. This is a isct ana is a matter of some Importance, but we have; not not heard the opinions of the popple and await further viaara. I, " Chatham Record: On last Friday morning our citizens- were .shocked to hear that Mr. John A; Thompson .was dead, having been, found dead in: his bed.' i For some days be had been, con fined to his room with rheumatism bat when he retired Thursday, might) he seemed much better and no one imae agined his death impending. It is sup posed that the rheumatism attacked his heart and caused his death. The deceased had been a great sufferer ' for many years, she result of a wound re ceived at the massacre at Briatoe Sta tion during the late war, when he was shot in the knee. f -PERSON AI. ITOJKS , Governor Sherman fell in a hotel stair way atCouncil BlufZsJ o w and wsa pain fully injured. ''. 4i ' : u Mrs. Matilda Field, youngest daugh ter of Davy Crockett, lives in Gibson county, Tenn and is sixty-two years old. j ; Dr C M Bell, of New York, who gave James Gordon Bennett 975.000 for a let on the Newport cliffs, is building a fine villa. Gebhard told a New York friendjust before starting for Paris, that, ud to date, the call lily from the island of Jersey bad cost him 9175,000. R B Hayes h&vi.l"u3 elected Presi dent of something at Saratoga, the New xork Journal thinks that his opponent must nave oeen coon lea out. Got. MeDowel1,late commanding the racine ai vision, u aitea states army.was thrown f row a boggy at ban Francisco Tuesday. His injuries are of a serious enaracier. ' - In bis confidential moments Colonel Mike Sheridan now admits that the on ly srame killed by the Presidential dsx- ty In Yellowstone park were a counle or aspeucKers ana a nornea irog. f The Rev A W Green, of Ithca. N Y. pastor of a Methodist church, on going to tne parsonage, to amnerf Wednesday, roan nia wire banging by the neck in the garret. Impaired health is supposed 10 nave oeen tne cause. . j The Emperor Francis Joaenh Kin Alfonzso, King Milan and the Duke Edinburg witnessed the maneuvers of the ! Austrian -- army at Brock, near Vienna. Wednesday. They will also wit ness the military maneuvers at Wels- senfels. ; : ' I uenry irvtng. tne actor, wui sail for New York on the steamer Britannic on October 11. j His manager with 60 mem bers of his company, will take passsge on the City.of Rome for Liverpool on Judge Alfred Roman, now in New York City, will conclude arrangements v. Ith the Harper Bros, for the publica tion 01 uen. tfeauregsra's -.Military up e rations." Great interest is being manl- zestea tnrougnout the entire boutnin the forthcoming work. THE RKWS IK BRIEF". IT 8Ix thousand car loads of watermel ons have been shipped North from Georgia this season. , . - v - At Hanover county court house. Vir ginia, on Wednesday, there was a rous ing reception given to wick nam ana Tacmexy .-; f - .- , According to the Italian papers there were at least seven millionaires killed at the earthquake at Ischla. 'Among them was the actor Signor Bonadio and his wife, who have left a fortune of wxxyxw lire. The celebration of Martin Luther's 400th armiverssxy. At Hagerstowa. Md, yesterday twas am occasion ef rare inter est. Several "thousand people were in attendance. of A shcotiruraSalr' occnrzadTnear the Slate Mills, Rappahannock connty, y a, on Saturday last? which' will 'pro baalv result in the death of Champ Campbell. m native of.; that eonnty; bat Since the War a resident of New xork. . The Secretary of the Treasury has ordered the suspension of .Alexander Caldwell, assistant inspector of boilers at New York, who gave the last certin eata of ins ejection to the steamer River- dale, whose boUer-.exp.loded with fatal results recently. - : - - :.. . -t : f - This British Association for the Ad vancement of t Scleneev is- hfldinrr its annsal aessisa tat IkibtfiDortiSssisnd; Titi bindreirifmbexs ihave rfvea so ties that they .will aitem the beetlpg of the"asciailorlih Montreal la ISSi. The Court of Appeals of "VTrgmlat Wednesday, refused to,cTaat the mtn- dam as against Gov Cameron-, requiring mm to oraer an election in tne n orroist senatorial district, asked tor by. the HoirJ-W Johnson; on the ground that the i Judldil department of the State government had no jurisdiction, over! the Executive. , - j A Northerner, wrote to "a gentleman In Athens. Gs. to ship him a box or open and green cotton bolls and leavesv as he wants tojplace them on exhibition as a cariosity- iUe also requested that' they be gathered from the farms of Toombs and Stephens, if convenient, as they would add to their vtln in the eyes of the Ncrtisni people. :. ; ; ; ' : Far the Aalvaataxe ef W i : TfSJMortpt. 4 Rome women Jceenly Obf errant of so cial C3nes vr"ts some tixna ajo that aworainof4:::j to-czj wts ui youn infeelinsanirr-earsses. r3-T'3 arro- caa ef tEirtj a- qc-rtsr cf i a - ctztcrr TO, OWirT r : '7 t3 1:5 tt- - ! drccrlr k . tr -..j cars cf L-r C L . 5 1 I 6as ' . c cx.Tcrra n&cmuu wratiaaamaMaaa IW ITATIO.t, SVBaTTlTVTIOMOT WV RTH. rtrTaiaTltar a a. waaxza co.rainr, but. a real nnnnDY. RettlMr aXyeUcaa laOrlglai bks Selemune Twasirr-Jles reara to ja. itcnaoi Dooolarat name, and where than aU etner BamatUa of Ka kiad. A SftsUIKDir v-a Banv mat Btx. a w. trHein. eoodwater. Ala., saia ed his Wife from aa Invalid's bed, 1 eared serine. " A. BESKDT iaa se oeoeves ! erwtilen aproeitnont aflsnai weaM aawa twaa SoOO aa aeon ea eoea aa I wooM m suae tor waaa wre settles ef rota raomnne das far say daqrntac.' i , A BlKaXKOT ' r ra regard to whlea 8. J. Caneta, SLD. DrniZlat.wt TaomaerUla.,aarat MI ean reeaU laateaeaa 1st wfeJea tt alrordea rellec after aU to aawai rtrt ease aad fated" A BEmiXDTa - t -about whlen Dr. W. B rerrelL La Oranee. Oa, writes: 1 naea need for tne last 30 reara the aaediatae roe are potOna an, aad tuaalUr a tne best eoenbtnauae) erae aouao tocetaer for IM aaaaaa lar whkatilt la wnnifn lua." ; . a aastaaxoy; " efwhtaaDB. Jeal Brannaaa, AOanta, sattl teed tne reolDe. and have ao , laaonaina: us aaa, ana eonmimiij leeoea- n, .. ' - ' . . . . j. . ... wbJek the Bee. H. SV Jonnaen. near atarlatta, 0a. aara be baa need ts hat faaUly wKh -the ataaoat " and iiwaaniiw n to the fasatnes KtebeiaaswbatttMi - a. aesc eC waleh Peeanertoo. Iv te Been eaumc sor near yeara. wna eee mtli tnereaatnc aalaa. - The article Is a ataoas wlin na, and oae of abaotate aaertt. JS HKABUI ' of wMeh Laaaar. Bankln Laaaar east "Wa eeld 60 croas la tear lonlhs. and newer sold tt In any tiara but wna u waa wanted asaas." 1 Jk HEHBDI Irt artah Dr. Baosa. ef Laarance.OaM ears: T eared eoe-ef Ifc aaaateeeaaate caaaeef VicAas- 00s aiajwiaaiAnji.'.L-a7e;:fae waani sar knowledse, wUAalew bottiea. . t-. A M.atla:iT -- : efwalehbe. J. a Bine. NotaaUsa. Ala,. sars:T 1 mm toil eonTtaeed thattt la aurtraUed for that elase ef dlaaaera whteh tt elalaaa te are.'' . . A KEAKOX . . aboat which IU. Joo. C wattner. ef AOanta, wall and taaoraMr Snawa all ewer the United umn ee a Oeoeral lnaoraaee Asent aara: I weed I Keaaadr, before the war. ea a large ptantatlos) m areas noauer ec esses, ana atwej wua abont whleh J. W, etraaaw. of Csrtetvrnie. 0s-, 1 eitmea that eaa aottte awed two saaibara ef hie faaatrr ef aaenarroal inwAsaarttr ef 1 stannina, - . 1 w . t ; A B.K9IBDT --- I that Bl CKAPSS TKAaT AST OTVJOI aWIICIttBaC I kind la tee world, aaeaaia oara oires aonu will. csanTXA' anar OBwrrxArs oaa. a ata;na;as: : 1 tn rerare te wboae esnUUnc. mnrlwsnea easag aroprlutiiea I have saaer hopareae f saeriai tlaia. Tin bsat roruVAU bjockdt ta Bbab- mi Ji Tli 11m 1 1 us f Wiiaa fliai niaiil) for saiebyan Braexiata. T - Priea: SoaaiTaUe 78 eenta. Xanre ahw SlO. Bote Frognoier and Mmnfaitaiat. .-, ' 1 . 'J Bo. lOS&Irrecftoeet AXUata.Ga. 9 - 1 theaaeaaaef ! flwltt's Speetne brlnclac health aadtwae ware to Ihoow : trwnrsnle ef ? t .' -j i ... I Sfcla SXB SJB TO b evrr?iKssS. ' t7ateaTar laatl had soenc at ' hendred aoi'ara for Uaatiaant by saany ef the beat asedieal saes. wttbowt eaj heaeflt. I sugeied exernaanngly, and all aa beat r meeds edrleed ne that the k7 hand ef death was faat aoDtoaenlnc. leanchtat . 8. a. 8. tike a drownloc aaaa at aatraw ... After taking two bottles I eoald feel a . ' . change for the better. The 1 . to diaabaree treelr aad the rt to ! abate. Wheal had taaea sts batuaaerery .a. sore had healed aad aay afcJa began te aa . . aaaae a a antral aaeearanee. I peratated - aaul I had laaaa twelve bettlee, aarcestse v and there Is not a irraptom ef the disease ; raaalnroe. and I feel aa well aa I eve did. I have galaed tweotr-eoe poeads la Saab. ni oasona wooeer aa aay uaprwvea Udon. I have aeeeeuarnded It te I tn every raetanee with eoeaptete IbeUevethat d. aV Sk has eared ess from a horrible death. . -i r. - i . Ontwv. m. - I ass eore that BwtffB BneetBe rHfa. 1 waa aacrlMr eolaaoed with ; ana wee grvea na o am. dvui i opecuw v" relieved sae pro eipUy aad entirely. luaak . " It U the createat nmtxU ef tbes-ij- -ft. O G. 8PXKOC3.1 4 . : feas Worfca, KeeM, 6e ; Write for a err ef the Bttle beeai free 1.000 EX wsl a will be said aay '-' cbemirt who w4 tysd, ea the analyata ef " lOObotUeeaa a, one particle ei alar ' enry, leaioe otaaaiaaa, or aay 4 . ,1 iPrawwa.AnAa,elA, n n c"" 3C""'j DidonocntiD Liven,- ; . and T.I ALALIA. .: T .Trc tbeee eoaroea arise thme Sjm Tsof fba oiaeast'S of toe baman raee. --aeea STmpUMnsladloate Caeir exiatenoet Xe aa ad A - jsawreia eeetlvw, aAelx a 1111MM anar.ianiart saaedLA , r. wvtatex saaajlaetaa vwaaeoaty-; A iatteriaxc as.Ue iXaart, ! bwora t r, y t r eoi- weed Vrtae, COasyiFATlO.C end de, nandlbeo.se tt rwraedytlsf act -.-y ri t.rte Liver. AsaLlTer medicine TLXi'i s-iuusieiaverto cnuo." a.tieiraoaoaont.'e- Kidneyaanl&jt.!nUalo -trooo; renaovti) ' all tmparitlea taroet tLeae three e i emgeie or the vtee," rron,"V' . ewu (is -1 i a - x r -"", n 4 akin an4 a ri ji ou w., . - 'iC. 1 ju. as .. eane ro i-a r r ii-4nr r l"..te-Jare Wliii iiiv wot aiul kitAtKr.ca m rrfx-i n . . '. x. , z tzLzS . ' i J re fcaJ. I. wi'Ji Co"-na- " t?on,t roye-1-, a 4 1 tl tn c art:' 1 " i cf r - ax. 1 .: . 1 ( ' t 4 i t t l jf. a iLi T tol.'VL: v lve i r" r'--- r " '"a la 1 1 1 row a t ir t f tt) rr ; ; ?v rTT:v eii auN-TotiX - a .L -r-' r r? 1 -M f 31 -C-. .5.1 "A :o t 1 men;s. suits,, v; !, ir'( l f ) ;"M ? f f h 'rfT " .isi.t'l?.-! tn-.'i'-i -'V':4 i''- 4--i:4;t-";- s-V til n-i.-. vf.t"J j xffe-'iAi.:.' h v-1 tL Asa.vj YOUTH'S SUITS, .r.' ALL at VM f c . -MX-. . . if . . - - -. .., t-- - I - ' - , x 3 nRTI '. b 1 T :"joY'arr::-; IMiT;rSr sd.allafTa 1 Test 1 aa w m f J. E ormaxo i t I t ... - J ' 5 , Wholesale' and Retail .-...7 t'.ii -f-.-r:.i i .1 c: . .. ..-ft.- i ,;1 -.X .-.' .' ' l-n t TRADE ! V5" n Largo Stock of ... -:? PtJQE WOiTiS ISAC3, ! cUU i rfji . .. tip nlisj ' to o ; c..:-r? i . "i : ilKTl fl i- PA 7 k flA CT F5 l ; , J W.C Vrlll LUrlUU r j r .:.;r- a jf.:n-.'-H rt h a i.i'i-t- .f. Js e-.j ;s-t e.U 4 H-.,.-- , .-.- ' , ? I" 'ro s, . hi : 1..JJI1J Villi ' .nr n l '.'iitfj.'-sscat ICAlien le-TieteCoflie. ... ; , :aS 1 7 i h". rrr f "t - ?' '" f r ' i - - 1 . . . pf - ei V r -av v . lihsftp,(l::(lil flfllnps! ' 1 .1 . s-r:i- .u. -w' yT?Tftr iw 1::.. , .. -' T.r:. sorj ' ' '' '' . 'j r-' f-c- rir-'fl i'f Jl Witf;; .j ..'rl i- i ' ,C-?ifc .:. 'i . i C T .".a i.'r , i r :-v j . . - -1 "' TrTlrTr? 1 BOYS' SUITS, .. ... . . . ...'.,,,,1 . -r, ..... f - ' imt ' .If . v' CHILDREN'S SUITS, Ml, PRICES, , . . i e s : oh stosrriix "thb gbasxs scbooi wxxx orsxaxn sixths vocmiAiaxs i AJTO XXSSX9 WEO EAVX KOT . ! .1 i. .-trt i cix err axs at c t. ssiflijia oas txbt '.XvWSXXOLS Bss )aat setatsad frees the KaSV. ertsaajicsseaeBaiiowshewroei' ; . I ; THE BEST STOCK OF $ DRESS GOODS, Xa aB adSSk, axerwJwm '"i:-?;- i TMs season yea vffl he abU te aad U ear store we luvut ui faum. m ittBMia, e: :r,Te--la, ESlIS 6 COs ... A Y SON HAND .iitt.il.. :41m Amouvazsvor rvri.- .-HJ ?xi 1 rI C h.J Jw': r.vr.;---t MMi sttyiss, Va i,P.'v 's r" .'viil t-vlfs lt.r 41 3XS ib: ii i-l'" !- C . ,- - . , , . etee of caudr-Ts taos it tee . 1) ne at Trucrs and vaUsaa. -1 fa-- irHoa tta-1 t T r--l. csotn r--rl rsl. " .n,!TTTINi : 'j T?,T ' V fT r 1 f, f t f "7.r"7i lJ Li U L.xuj U-jl ... - . .. s , T , .. ... : ccx rr irrs, raj ' .. A. t 4'W1 - a - - - .. j iT J i T WJ - - . aaTKI lBH.ai - - - -t n "tf '1 " I iMyyM.i . wa, ,vivvmoimvv Can lease Bssaatbe inaitistl that ttase are g,? t :p-.r I rf 'GX eveiy ftafte.' rrota xsest a)t&seeavlest i , tr fVi w .. yeearryal- -s Um.z cl te tsrr f.isst. i - --.. ' j A CerUU sn? XSsetive Batosoy far' v i I gsoc t r boi 14) and, &eaSa,v t.' t n .? ;- -v aav: rf-v, l isK tAfri r Btee e .ioa.-.. -f. r4.: -:ifMv'j, t t . . v'nrl,:: JUy.Jiiajiai( -vo, 4 ti ; - Sara. .TVaaa; aai ImnaasadT atyea, C:!:::i.:J;L--;:--C::7,;. Succo6ocr;;tb; 'Ettoncbr'C: tdmond. SKf-RlCEM ' xvonxta. C3ra nLTSssu octobssx isssv -.-- . V u; S - JX4S liii 4 ' , : saw mxxat, orxxrr BlSpHi7E2HSI)Ifc'!2 PH!.OT -jsxxn;'-caiaika exxwrra Oonnery'S Patent Oaiklns Tool, whka does not rash tbe sheet. ' ' - ; ParoeobMBtteotloii eeued to Cr8end for Catalagaa. . WE CreatRed pl m i fecial, mi SKONABLE GOODS, V -.'.'.i'i..rv-t c cnot as Bsaiy WW BUHDS PETlfCB u t.c-j ; e mh a naarvflia, riniu mrxjta, purr sa, auL, - TO MAKE HOOM BOB OUR FALL STOCK JnlyT B U R Gh E : S; S ALL KINDS BEDDING, 5cC. A TULL LCTJI 01 u CHEAP .BEDSTEADS, PABLOa aad CHAXBXB 8CTT8. O0T JIMS of aa kinds ea hand. Ko.&Weet Trade street, faiartofts. orm Caronna. ; CENTRAIHOTEI !vwJiaa;iw wui ariardi taat 1 avu aawsiaaaww aaalaaCaraai aafl'nra, waiai te aj. lan . - WAREHOUSE: NO. 31 CHESTNUT ST, PHTLADELPHIA. li ' iledals" and 5liplornas awarded. at Centennial, 1876. I Onmd'Gold-Mcdal,' Paris, 1873. ; :"auS21da37tf- . . , TV.? : UJAtP OOAlfor aaaoeeae aaa. as -aieaaa or Macrsmiai Coat, ana and it to their sdrtntara by eer!1 their orders to pe false or to W. U. B. rrrw, at ween.Doro. w. v. we (narhnteeear Coal towels -etSvBoanasJsX the- boahauaad if wiu munei w oeaver Dy ear loaa m as aa rea 1 1 1 aenalila nta as mod Oial aaa be delivered, al an -j I BoLnttaKortber eosth Cerotina. t rCorrenonda"ae eoiidied.. aKnar toltaek's I im,vwwto, inuL, ar tL, -. i -,., i.- i , arMdara.eonrttlns: Acent, green-ioero. bu C. i 'rrn nnnE'EVE-GlASSES.: 41 - - -w.-i JK tOKX WXaX aXX3. , , - 4 l'i'rTivJ-r V - -?EYE-f e '; ?; Hx- si c ' : vU l! Prsooeinf LonftedaMSr snd; restorlna the y - B eeATye aawf A JW awaE3r ivwe eaxaa invuwvtaia I 9 saf " wtea used in they pal. sw. u as u ra. sever eores, lumoxs, raa or- woerever umaauaauoa bt be nsetttoaevmntare. atloenisv, t ae?dw - 1 1 an raraua ff "" n iwotv unufc ana 11 v IU, . . kllVTM iUiVii J MHIUI" Tf I traTew,.a irV L - elS.A?J ay-J lor t..-'- -v - t i i I f-.fetl.:v. sh aj v I Uneleastii:. -. -da 1 - r.r.rT -7. " rNi w in ..... M r Sn . r. X 1 r-Tfrn f u;'c"shlvca;-- i r igii.TJs, rxixx, marxio, kc .1 . . ", . , , -fc ... . .. ' ' XXyaTrautUa Paxaapa fee? rwnwfartnrt f TebTf DSlTXlSKIBainiOFSUforsetSscX pns!! AVB MADEf f :f: . . - All lXBZST&cad lBK!f - TIES, LAmZS sad CHtL- . ..noYua & nmsmiiGnn, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. . . N-1 C H O Ii S , - - 11 L it '1 J - CH N. C. i . ra . -. - igiiinniirir ILtiiliiflij- 1 i !T " is Hf save cmrxuL XIOXEX. ip wiut H. C. XOCLX3, Frocrtelos. w Medals'Awar-ded. World's Fair, London. Expositicn mYerselle, BariSi r World's Fair, New York. ' s- " A.:j:NE7iLQ!)I:iiY yJUST RECEIVED " ftra novel arrangement of a Bxsr- cv TlirS Oohjcd Wraa eTBiaes, which yield rruij to every Brovemeatof the wearer, tbetaost 1 zsrxcr ITr Ture and CoarosxABLa Corset erex rude Is a - These sprtnes are warrtated to retain1 their perfect elaatlo.tr entfl the Corset Is worn out, and, unlike robber, will not beat the person nor decay wlti age. -- .. . . - . v s. . , ,- wiu fit perfectly a aiealui variety ef f anna than any other, and la approved by the best physicians ha the eoontry. . - la WABaAgrsPTO Grra Batstactioj am Kohxt ExroxDxn. . .... s L.- . .-j. c t,v -z' y ;f .. .j -- ! 1 Kaw BAVX9, Con, roe 2, 1 t?t. y Iiksebs. Tot, Baxxos A Cos i. Lave uied BalVa Health Corset, and have no fee .1 la aaylna that tt Is, In my octnion, te beat I.L&re ever aeeiv I e&nnot e bow, a . 1 c ct t e WLA DO PO5 If yoa ean soeceed in t . iUl 1 f rs.rxS. yoa wlileonleratrft ti. jon Us i 4-.JCI ooreooniry. . k. reiy iruj . - F-J- f7 - t i 'Kxw Havkt, Cor, Ji!y eJ. 1 ri" ' ' XTrr? Tot, fiAajtoa dc Co-I bareti' -e4 the I-aU Ee&iUi Preeerrlnn Corvet, and la, j tad for some time, eeveral i.i.ieiJt wear'"t ih From my Invest' ;&:Ht, is n t xTWri,'f that U haa sserliA aoove ai c or ec . n -, -J - w,.aiii. Lbi. " I bars mvBSs4 i &- il" u- 'tMbf. eTiUlm e- v 1 - i t 1 1 .osl t preserve tHe U. uit.,... .i . j W4TS It. ' It rwrc4 (tmfr-"''f"!'lii' f r - to 131 If 1 1 1 . . t tee-1 vet -.elan,-., se ' ..! . e.ai t aj La?s ts c. . . ; Ft ;;WP.;:W;:: vastly nc-3 to nr ixir xr?n.i r... t -t' .."tv.: -! . " J " i- '" v-' ' ; ... - - - ' .J , - . i. e . rir.i! 1 T " " 1 i i -1 ;- ; Tv- f r T' 0 ... . 4 ... U.vw :-c " r J r - ' j f : " i 1 ( . 1' i - J w . j r-;tf,-c.i: i:'sz.Z. I: ti r.r' r --9. 1 r.:::3 1 m :