1 1 - r. I'. RE "fi my BeUeres and ceres l MIEUlIATISli; , , KauraJsta," , , Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACSXE. . E21D1C3S,T0CTH1CI3, S2RETKE21T.- ' ' QUINSY, BWJCliilTQa, Soreness, Cuts, Brulsee, r ; TBOSTBTTES, And mB ether bodftjr nrrf cons esttll Bold by all Drif t laU and Dealers. EMrectwus 1 U laocaasmk-- , - - - . Ths Charts A. Vegeler Co. sea.) v a. cm. A. potteries. '-'- Af - . KKW OxuKUH.Aasa ! 1883. f; TO THE PUBLIC! ' imrmmUgm tee? TrM)vw . Poetmsster General Ombun bavins published wilful and Malicious falsehood la regard to tit character of Um LouUiana state Leuerj Company. m louowim: facta are siren to the public to prove bla itaiement. mat we are encased la a fraudulent nnmnnas to be ia.se ana anuue: a amount at MiHt nald bT too Xomslans 8bne id tr i Lottery Company from January 1st. 1879. to too present date: Paid ta Boothem Exnrees Co- New Orleans, I M wesoost, manager,.. 81,886,800 Paid vo Louisiana National Bankv ' - Jos H tscieeby, preeideot 488.000 , Paid to Louisiana tHate National Bank. " tl B Eennedy, preetdeat 138.100 Paid to Bow Orleans Manorial sank. A Baldwin, president i Paid to Onion National Bank,. , y a Chart roo, cashier......... Paid to Citizens' Bank S L Camera, preatdent.... ........ . Paid to eermanta national Bank J alee Csseard, preetdeot Paid to Eloeraia MaOonat Band - cnas Psitrer. easniev. Paid to Canal Bank, Kd Tobf , Oasbler -' Paid to Matoal National Bank, -t Jos sUtobeiL eaaaler ...... 8800 67JMO 80.000 87.000 18.160 8O00 S3o8.660 y' . i 2.627.410 Total paid as abova...i... , Paid in sams of ander SI ,000 at Um - vartooe ffloes of . tno eompanr ' taronsoout too United tftates Total paid by an.... S44&1.060 Tor tno truth of Ue abore faota we refer Um mmk to tna offlAKt of tno above named eorpor aaosw and tor our lesaitty and standinc to Um mayor and omoers ox UMuyoc wow teens. w the State anUMftUos of LotUsianak and also to Um U 8 officials of IHitslana We ( we claim to no la au oar mm ao as an boatnees la Um eoontry. Oar aandms Is eoneedod by an wao will Urreetfcaia, , and our stock aas zor years Deea - sow u oex Board of Brokers, and owned by many of oar Dei kaown via rmpsoted - tSTOAPITAL PJLIZE, 575,000-13 Ttcatetts) emir SA. 1 Louidom' State Lotteir C9, ' -If do asreow rV Oot aw mmptntrnm Omt Ja Jbr a JA Month . t o Cos XomslsM StmU 1 mmmagm s d m oomtfaitA aiawdo i thw Caiyny to mm IM IMDhifl seam he tarare lot artnoanonsi and umntaoM i wttkaesortai of 91,000-000 ewhek raaa ox vA6000u nas sines pooa aoaoo. By an oimotteimins; popular voes rs was made a parte Uae preient etato awed rjaoaaatmr d. A. P. 187 i Peoember Sd. ml mm mi . The only Lottery ever voted on the people of any Bute. IT BBfiBAim BTHQLM KVMXXZ A SPLTJIPIO p firyjgrutnTi to wm a FOBTUSiS. T NOV 161st Koatatr drawlna. CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. 10O000 Tickets at rtre Dollars Xaeh. In rvrtns, in proporUon. um: l ciPrrxL itiTat.-.., $75,000 1 " - PUIZk 26,000 1 I'&ixs.... laouc fPBOTS OP ..... ...16,000.... 12,000 PBIZUOr.. 2.000.... 10,000 . 10 PBizsa op....m 1.000 10,000 zu - - 500 10,000 00 ': -, lOO 80,000 6O0 ,, " , . ; : - .? -60..U 36,000 000 - ' - 26.-.. 26.000 APPBoinLiTioa panxa. 9 iprozmmaorj Prims of 750t.. ....$8,750 U AwoxlmaUon Prime of 600....... 400 Appmilissnnn Prime of 250r..... X260 1,067 rrtms. amuurdim to t36S00 -i AppUeaOon for rates to cinbs sboold only bo saade to tno office of Um company In New Orlesns. ' For fortnor mfonnaaoa wrlio oMarty, atrmc foil address. Make P. CX Money orders payable and ad drees Iteaistered Letters to IfKW OR L. BAITS IT ATI Off AX. BAJTK, - NsworlsaasiLa. OrtHnary iettars by Man or Kuiiesa to aBLA.DaTJPHmr MowT4 -eo7 floswatti stisst. Wsahtngton. IX a $30,000 FOR $2. I i bxoulab xortelt Daxwnia WUX 1 CT take plaoa la tbe Maaoolo Ball. Kasomo A0S Tern pie BnTMlna, m LoalsTffle. Ky roday, Sopaomi wo ST4m " m tafni TiHar and fsir drawUics. cbartsrsd by tne Lecuiatora of Ky., and twice declared ssValby the nlckest court la Um et Bond ctrea te Henry eoaaty In tbe som of S100.000 lor too prampt payment of an prises sou. , . A RaTOtOTiOS X2T BIWSLS BUJCSXS DBaW- mm. i : sjw-Emy Ooket aoldor Ma owe snperrlsor. rau mm wo namoer on nia wi mm -t reepondlac namoer wUwtic ploeed in tbe wheel la his preeenoa. These drawings wUl oeenr on UM last Tkursdaj f every bmmxUu- Bead, Um apalfloant ... . '-. ';,.-:.vMr: u.j 'i EPJTESXBStt 8CIXS3XB, ': ,. ,iM.iii mm . iu,uuu 6,000 6,000 10.000 10, 0X) 1O.O0.3 10.CHXJ Prise... a Prima. fJ2.00 6 PrlXM,- 1,000 , tO Prtseo, . 10.J Prime, . 00 Prime, fcc-l Prtsmw 600 e 10O j0 IOOJPt". 10 asfih, ...... ....... . U,UAI I jOwvajprexlrjttonPrlm$a,700 ;iu r---" ...-:-'.-. - woo 1 0,000 S prima, rrme. Pnsea. tJLZl .U... Sll O400 woUTista.r7iHatf Tlexeta, fl 37 TUtsta i BaxtoBeycr PA rStin lr,er s"4 r t"w. tC'T frr.-0 Bf 1mii3TI.J ilTTlwt 03 FOoroniCi Oanxa. oaul f uruter notice. Oroers of IS and apward. by Xxprose, oaa bo sens at pur expense. 4f ?, ?? 10 - ? septt ' -t ,t -; -- - LocijTiae. Ky. ; DOVE'S T3 v"- -TIT'ZX" li rv cr - EUr c isK ;iAli.iOaI iA-.J Tj..tl-4f A i.ir.r.-t. it axiy member of your, f--lS. f-""i rrec It to tUe r in fax. t, to t is "l. . "ti r. f ..ouirrc a..:tl nft-iiJ 1-1,1 "Viouu-J, ro t . 'rf'- t : cr cf 1 ' 1 '. t -." '.or I-opi mi--- it sr.d f t a ij-ocntu.. t mm rf- a earner m It c vf t c - r r- t-atr i. 11 1j r L.-- ort t, r : r jr ... i. f ' :...y f I i 3 " t t i I l 5 SreeSiM awd m psrsim mumatm mm eomtrU lm jrwOin OMTMiSeie. omf thmt Um mmm mn eomdmcUtt tmlM sonss(f.wMss. mm,mlwmmthori ose, jro-rnim or oar mum snsrrn sTToresa, ' 3CmBmmmlwBBBmWawPmw , esmmawsm - aiidasdonedDy : 1,1 i(r)mfiiar; - I it; f TUC LACQ3. QL.CSTIOX. flr F. B. Tharber, tkc AUXokepoU ; i V lit, GiTolU yi;.Cr-l; I New Yoek. -Sept. 2L The Senate sub-committee on labor and education. had before tbem as a witness to-day Air F B Tburber. the leader of tbe Hnti monopoiy league. - Tbe witness said be believed that tbe unsatisfactory Btre of tbe relations existiofc between capi tai and labor wbicn prevailed to a con siderable extent In this country was doe to- tbe enormous cnanges -consequent noon - tne discovery ana nuuzaiiun oi steam and eltctricity, wbieb within a oomparattvely . few years naa revoia- uonizea ail cepattmente or proaoeuon and commerce, and 1 to. great extent the affairs of society in general. Within the last' fifty years new fore is have arisen for which the laws are entirely inadequate, and these have been "allow ed to be monopolized by a few; svita 'these forces had come a tremendous development of machinery and -rorpo- rata organization,' all which 1 bad conferred great benefit upon humanity is a wboie. bat the; development i naa taken place without proper regulation. ana- a corps or auenaant eviis- nas sprung up in consequence. He did not attriDuie au tne ins or society to tne effects of this kind of monopoly. There were many causes as land monopoly. currency monopoly. ? transportation .monopoly,., tartff monopoly' woom hi na tion in trade monopoly taxation, in temperance and ignorance, which have a beanos' upon thj problem. In regard to the- 'carrying trade of the world.' highways oa land could be monopolized. wnue on me aea tne exaction or 'too carrier could be held In check by com petlUon; majority of our law makers were interested directly or indirectly in corporate enterprises and,-thestatotee were enacted in that interests The witness also spoke of the nsee of money in influencing legislation la favor, of corporations, and said that so powerful was tneinnuence tney posseasea tnac the offenders could not . be - punished. The State, if it had constructed railroads would not have watered stock, discrim inated against persons and places; cor rupted elections, debauched courts and created enormous wealth for the few at the expense of the many. He re commended tbe platform of the anti- monopoly league to the consideration ox the committee. t actUk Baeea ? J IxKioa, Sept 21. This was the sec ond day ot tse Jianenester autumn meeting. ' The race for the Paddock handican swtenstakes was won bv Lord Roasmore's, formerly Mr Ixxrillard's, five year old bay gelding Fassaie, Lord Howe's four year old bay colt Trevey came in second and Mr R Vlners three year old bay colt Cameoge third. There were six starters. The betting at tne start was four to one against Passaic, nine to four against Trevey ana uve to two against fjamboge. l'assaic won oy .. .. : A Great CaaipaaeerJag, - - 7 1 : Cbct a. .nxbraska. Sept 2L The seventh day adventlsu to-day opened one of tbe largest campmee tings ever held lx Ti ebraska. Two tnousana tents are pitched and the attendance to-day was over six tnousana. xo-morrow it is expected to reach ten thousand.: Amonr those present are Elder 8 N lissxeii a world's missionary ana President of the International Tract Society. Elder Olsen. Superintendent of the Scandinavian j&issions or America, and Mrs E O White, the well known writer and gospel and temperance advo cate who has traveled from Maine' to California advocating second advent views, v. v-"'-'' ... ; Jlatckea lor tke nuiloa. ' Milwaukee. Sent 20. The Diamond Match Oompaarr Scf the largest con cerns or tne una 1 - e enpji sjx fjwvnf factcriea at O".1f2o . 'wad elsewhere, has issued a prlo list L iking a sweeping redaeticjv' in the i kolesale ' price of matr&es. xne reancr.on is over so per -fnt. . Matches iriiicirhave been selling t r 3.10 per case now sell for 20 aad t i.52.with discounts to large purchasers, The conclusion reached is that the great match combination has been broken. V The Black Tete Split ia Ohio. fjeLtrxBCS, ; u, sept 20. The mass State convention of colored voters held here to-day was captured early by the Democrats, and afterwards reorganized by tbe Republicans, when the former bolted and two conventions were held. The bolters appointed delegates to the Xatlonal convention, : to La held at Louisville September 24,, aad adopted resolutions conoemning t&s , ipunu- cans. ; The other convention refesed to appoint delegates and endorsed the Re- puoiican iicxec : ... . - . ' J Flgkt Between Peaaaats and .Gens : 3 ' AtSSeSsi- i ' - 1 : VrE2mAjBept 21. News has j ost bee received here of a terrible affray be tween the gens d'azmes and peasants in the town of Fareassrse, Province of Croatia. ' Six hundred peasants congre gated before .the -town- .hall at that place and attempted to take it by storm, when the gens d'armeswere ordered to fire on them, which they did, killing tea and wounding one nundxea others. ) 1 . :; - Jiardar Ortst aGaisie of Cards. ' ' CfcbrATtptlA Locklandi asuborbof this city. 'Philip Kuhn,s young Uerman. and Ezekiel Lee, a col ored man, quarrelled last night over s game of cards. 'Lee' raised a chair ta strike Kuhn when the latter struck the, nejro with his fist knocking him down! Tbe blow probably- broke Lee's neck bat Kuhn not satisfied jumped on him and kicked- him repeatedly and then fled.. By the time a, physician , arrived Lee was dead. This morning rUuhn was arrested ana neia ior trial. ', C.' COsmaell Dlsciuted. Ii "tf.- i l LoHDOwrfiept SlAIt is stated that O'Donnell has expressed, his dismast at tbe tact tbar there nave oeen no. steps taken in Ireland to procure - funds for, his defence. He is reported m- saying; bitterly, -It Is like them Dublin Irish-; mtn." He said alio, thatL if. necaiiarv, twenty thousand pounds could be col-' lected within a week to save the life of a man who committed the' moetpopuH stable Tal bet. t rrows Dr 47. 4 Clawau , v '- fr" Oswego. SkX. " LIQUID BEET TOXIC Is by far Cm best ot all the preparations of tbe klad food and tools that 1 bare otef nsed.uTo Cier raSerer from tiuonks diseases, or the eonrsieeoest. It U Inramable, as tt is both noartshtnc and atreactih- eqinc'. (xakaaooumij t-fi a-is Ilalws P,aiSa'rea.i ' New York, Sept 21. Brdstreets re ports It?4 failures la tie United States during the paati . wae)--41 imore . than the preceding week; S3 more than the correspendlnj week of 1SS2, ti lcacrs than the same week of 1S31. 'v-s -h:- - : aw. 11 1 ii -v Bai Com ef wn. irisms) ; mnister. Is Cis aianiaT .cuoa'ef a town sita ated la Ax rtalreo., Ohio.' It is te resenceof Mr. J Lr&'idewia, wfc wrtteai "1 in Ker- vtne penstinenUy r- r-pd my soa of a bad case oi tu vuas imnee." ki.w r 4S ir.y Z .; .T2 Crams rat2rsi Xtowsedy--"- I T:i V vrtrs 'J aU 'as''arlsiBf f?oai d! t-l t ;o-J, M Le-. it It Staes tcro--ia, X ...ew"".'r"e t,nir,.r"t.c' -e.t.tn. ,.:ir -VJ .iS. i.-rKS 1 ad 1 tuwwJ t't a '-I- -fl JtfcMi- fro sal" eeo-'' qo( u liuvd. tt is r r'c-iy r -- ft' .', niary eaan. ' --rr' 5. luci a, a t.r-'i l u'otiui.j lit ATDaiisian riubasav. laaane fron.Drint a Cta Hakes Twe ; Attempts pcU lTlies Threat aad ,Tiea Cii;s hU w. ' i , - f til . & "L . 4 ' it 1 t I - 5 EWABs,i Ni J, . fi6t 21 baaier. a saloon keeper, aired was recently released from the count t jail where ; he 'had been convicted for assaulting ; hts wire ..with a batcher knife, and threatening to take her life. Last blgbt be retired to bed crossly in- toxic&tMl. Short! aft r mirinlo-ht fiA rose and seizing a shoemakers knife5 at tempting to cut his wife's throat. , She got tbe knife away from him and run ring into the street gave it to a police man. She returned to tbe house and retired. At t hree o'clock she waa pull ed out of bed by her husband who bad procured another 8Qom?ers knife. which be-clirrrjed-lfcto the x.rht stte off Aer throat, lArat: 3 g .he ;;!' from 'VjiL ftimoym liiiB, OMiioi. iiuueu irom uie room and as she ran through the door he plunged the knife into her back. She ran into tbe street in her nisrht clothes and wns followed nearly a block oyner nusoana. u nicer scneock ap peared and Sadler ran back to his house and cut bit own throat before the offi cers could capture him. His wound however, ii not a dangerous one) He was locked up and his wife taken to the city hospital. . She is in a critical condition. She is SO years old and has tnree young cnuaren. - ... , , . - ' ; 1 Washlmrtwa. WAsnmoTOir. D. C SenL aiw-Post- master-Oeneral Ureshsm has tssnedfA postmasters to mrorm varues- wno ref mit postal money orders to M. A. Dauphin, of the Lonisana Lottery Company that the payment of such or ders will be returned to the senders. Fostmsstexs are also directed to return all registered letters addressed to M. A. Danpbin to the office at which thev originated with the word "frandulent plainly written or stamped en the en velope. -..;. ,t ; , Oreeasbere vkakea as ky aa artsi- v ";. ejaake. , . . Gkeexsboro, N. a, Sept. 21. The town was thrown into conaternarJon early this morning by the shock of an eanoquaxe at oaa o'clock. A heavy rumbling noise was heard and instant ly it was followed by a severe shake of tne earth, lasting about one minute. Tbe shock was unmistakably in tbe western part of the town. The houses shook as if there had been an ex plosion near by. Some alarm was caused, but quickly subsided. No dam age was sustained. " Governor Camera at Boatea. ' . BostOst. Mass. Sept. 2L Gov. Cam. eron of Virginia and wife, acoompanledJ bj uwenu . X3. u rover anai raaany.ol xxonoix, amvea in .Boston this morn ing to visit the Institute Fair. They leave Boston to-night. : lie Smvalssarl sir. John Ceaaek. at. Mary's TbeotocVsi Semi aary, Baltimore. MtL. soya armr hartoc saSuiod monibs wit Mooradlaia (rtaouma -n tm eaeetx. aad basuc tried oeerytalnc medieal talent maawTwi. wuaom noM. IM nai Jseoos mmi. was mmstaieadsd. aadtt nzrej TOOTOaCKX PO03V east sa eaa ato. , i EXPTHtBCa au ltS, TV '5TA I wuuwnB-fviin ' w m una law 88V. Bosla - stsaitr strained. a TTitias 1 1.2& Tar arm at 12 OO. erode TurveoUm antatr k.niti vt, Mitt i4A mm a ' ' ! w. m-fwm '.a1 i j PBODOCX Wmr oolet; H mi rinJ ri3;iH wo.wtraa. w: ""gagU-aoa, a 00e3.XS; Bitra, S4. Aamsty, MiMm oMper. namns S7.6a - wheat oJ ooiot and eteadyt Boothara red SI.OA f. .'"r I" 11 l ePaher vwwf I liu i I.UHa, UM emir Waetera Ouii aad tuu., awii. 'Wit wi orawhtto 6al 1 sv yoUow ezebSOi October 6W SSSi'SSSI8 Srm;Saora 820. Prormtes)erqaies. CofTsa sseaqn htto miisss, ordiaary to fair, BlOi. Boa at stsauy nctotaott A eon '1: eorMwrnflaed aakd atlaim JS2arw y w mnw in aim yiaiona, aad on prrrata r Liverpool; eSrina war leathy wtta reports of i la re ireo at ta me. - I mtrnr tt rmMUttt boflBoneraa m .... by ball onermora. . it waa tor mmaaters were eOerlac to aednot one easd par tLM iec ewraco to tndnoa shn Shortly alter noon Um markas acIa UJU nam iimibiii.i esmoos vot ucaooer W. com a tetrra aad hither: uaaTaaeeaeooaoas waeoot l enoi mnithor and predio rtoes' :a4osin wrihicher iber 61 1 Oeteoor 6i. ta- noose nest to a am yestmday: Be Member 61 1 Oenmar sreoiloa rqaailed 7V4eara. SOOeetnrarC CkaU t-T -nrl ITTST IHrSiniS,r 91Vm- " 27 Sj; row aoumi a opened a ad' loo-nm, asaia awsaenina and oiostns; ssmrdar'S fwnme: 8MMihartin7-ii? Ortooor 1 1 0.7& lArj-rolsewHambat ll'illi OetoberSt.Sa. for um year $7.7 U f sort r bs QtUet and a shade hlcher; eeptambar IA SO: Oa teber 66.65: for lAoywari UaSTT flaw yoaa lowen saiee - bak; mkltt rrw eptaada lbwar low auddnns --eieoaenOdaod aotseeetau . C a ; , low mtddltiMt 0 18-1 6di aodsroinary 8 7-iea: 0ffa?J-a4yj rnvvcins 10Ie: low clddl&M l middrfnoj; , 10Mm low mhviiinBmst eemnary vest receipts XXKi. .ww BPoo orunary edje) laoaipu AUOO. . TJkTrrm-8tosdri mtddoac lOtfc: raw mld dB&s He; coed ordinary Ge. receipts 272TvT ttwrwowm Plrmj mtddtlrm ICj low mid dHna- ,Weej ood ordinary-- roo-lpbs-e . Btos-QtsssalAJtinjlO t aooosTa Qqetett mirtrmrm estet low 9Vm sood oruinary ? receip(s834. - liaarwja eteaarr fniadurjk lOb; wey wmes aood ordinary 64u reoelpw 200. - Bwrrwoma rirms middTinc. lOUet poor tarod mUcie 1-lSo.raeelnts icjt i I -PaiAiraxreriA-nMr'-midattntf jihldHns lOUot Sbod ordinary 8aea reeelpts . Brjertm efradyj miovntnt ic&k( tow tiMks -SMS orsimirj iUeee reestnu mi i m ST7XTJBEB, - jnm T(a-UM ar steady j sales 184.4 CWbama. ,- - .. .. . i Aeatsmm-eoow ws s eeee MSfs. 8Sbm:2 ilito Bnrere her iee?fea er......i.r4..- v-f-4'r 1 0 7,74. .4:...l...J.J..I..iar 00. -.v.....ii.,.....iv. yai iboary :11 anru.. .. 5 rana,.. ... .11.46 .49 Jaif. ....... .............. s a. (tsM .. 1146d SLrrnroob Best sUs 8.6O0 bales; mbor 21. Cpot eotfoej doll; amorteaa 6.ao0; prines nn eloeed oniot and ZcxSAed ensnsea. arnrss h'-her una rterdy: c rt flti-t "fiseb iLrea ladApr J 6 cJ-t : oyember and her biry anail. t ti .14' , xotai saiee this wo B. 8 X were forwarded : Total saiee tills week are fiftJXxl bales, and 6-8 were forwarded from Ship side, trMklna la , aa71),of wfcihspi"oe fok o4JU or 'rv 7,v iv-ui.. if x. -lat !lf"-ol- si t . -;"YCf 1 e"u tr Li. -1 -ni ' ir to 4d COO rlee,s tt T j 1 1 1 and gXuOO ia Igl, InoiuvLctf now 61 1 . h'tJ bams American, r-'st id 4.0OO bales la 136 and 0o0,&0 U 1 ? v,q- IlAilSSTil 1 Ornca ow tn jotnntAZ-OMnavv, I fieeeisu yesterday,, wood auddltna .... ...... o ii-ie9" ..0 la-i&asiavid J as- '-- mM.'kejmmaa f' fcMMWMM Lwlil I LlllI ' t 1 ilk . V C - n ?. r,-. t w)wl 8o " : Se7dttB "1 frm-4) IMKtflSSrTIC. KAVAlSTOaXa, pedlrfor Ep2ejJs-tv""TJ" for eposes and PaOn f 'rrntes. . g areas Wsskams U tar taxis rsllerm sad caret. - blood and a lc' see tl-y-T'sh c!witlaa Xe ft-:r4 rf ! of aa&i ut t iiJ.' -s,,- Cares ' atr Motohm sad stnbbors blood i sons, Cerbmaeles aad Seslds. promptly earns paralysis. Tes. tt is a rlintnj sad bealtarat Aperient. Kms Serafala and Kkm; Era. : tola brothers. Cbsatm Bad brack to svod, i Boats m. Eqeansdbyi ebaraw reselrt yL'.iiuu.uy 'ui..i!..i,juufj I ot aoitU fSatSne. rnauKlr amtfcnbyroatastt. Bastoms berrtas nmtotae uood. isisarsstoodm serosa JBmoiGbu OTBellablo wbea an opmtestaO. too ntad and lnTls-orsms Um sody. - fs tPaWAmakkssW JBaf forer, tM a msashlem' ISko the krlad. oatea. Babaves, 'ml 3 m m..m irfaaUMUTiMd. m wrtUaa: by over , UnaM eieil a aad efanlelnas In U. H. and J yj nwsu,..! s' a. ise V vKfc. ji j , ymmwTwnoiiiissscncaiamseBdmsmp4 . Cwsrlss JT. CtWlentoa. AcssAHew Tork 3Sja,w tt- Pegram & Co., DEALERS IN Trunks and Valises; hMm Misses; Gents' vA Bajs ----- FIHE QOCDS A SPECI1LTY. Plred MleUsis;. CHARLOTTE, N. C. MrWII mm 1 r I 'ff.Cig.E?R-l. I hare In st.r aad to arrtre a fun eat Of Hoary aad Eanay Gsods taaaqppyaayd oanalatiot la part of Um foJowmx. ' HAMSB ACON, BREAKFAST STRIP, CANNED 2tE AT I ANDTRUITS, GRAlir SQmd Eeed. Bran. Ploir aad mmi. CoOro. Soskr, sTotsams.Byrops. Tlaegar. Lar. Smoklac aad CbowlricTobaes. BmJf a&d Qsars. Bios, Crt U. Bodaand Btarek, a srrst raiiaty (of soodo tmpomtbu ta mentna. Call and see bxwebaan aanto?CAtH. J. M. MILLER. I. sepOtf THE inn 1 . 1 arm ilmJi . Water. WILL tUBSISa IT M BIS&1L8 OH LXSJ 1 f 1 -tSiiSnit. . . A Fresh Stock cp;.X7AEiirric;jiirjDJ 1 0, JORDAN! CO, DRUGGfSTS. . , VALUABLE UND FOR SALE. 1 1 1 1 1 ib-nr '.1 so - ,-fi . '.-.e, a. )" . . V e M 1 1 ' 88 88 Mi r,AraT7 rJ i eon it w - r sr j a a t a m 'AT Sf A B Bales, coata.r i 1.; atyne ecrea. i a Ko t too torse Iiia wii adar'sti to c: ' . e.a ktnda of rralu elor, a, lias wej i"1 is g s Hole of 1 tin highest imrfweino'.t. V s he so 1 ua reasonable teruns or eitsoaDrod ior e. r rroprtr. " - 1 alsoofTer for asarr OB my l.oi' x lyirij on tse waters of tw..lj . - burg oor' 7, N. ti, and ot S eoti -,ac r -Invorer tiiiOacrAV-iblsls oct t e t' t i taiins in one ef ta bt sentors t i t n . , and has r ' ' " - v , ; ootton t .la ' ptaee 1 t ' f ' new) ft , ' tena; t plAci t ...t : SlTVi. ijr..iaw ti,t. . lilt j ylT"-t 1:'t1 lit t -ri, - a or l-i'.-ti t w.'.lim ezl n'' Ricfio::osDiiriyiLtEn:n: h w race: T '1 Acs 23 1CC3. , j. lilZi I tfOam 4t1 a " i ' r .... ...r f 2 1 a rn tpm i-mmm, .at .nt ....c... v r.inin 7 it pm j rite wot joro .. 1. Seta 7 64 pm ! r... ... 10 Warn ..J - ' ...i.-jli 14 pre ....L.., if ', -i - a. .1.-.; HftpM ...!..., srrfe 3 .'. o.l ipt.i.... lnvet-;, .si.. .. 2.it$iD ,....', Arrito totauore. ....... o-OO poal... .j..... ho. 15 peily eis-Eteanday. j ' Arrive it -. t...4 pie ' I - ' am - - . .;- ? a rs 1 . KO. i Cut n i Ulruw4kikJ 1 A It B S frvs ipsui "ifl. i aat 4 weft f Danrliia. te -o"nr f j W M O U B frr i 1 points la VeairatiG. it Gel- orDr'. 3VWaBdaarv rWu 41 id f i cor at tirei2trowiUiHdtO SK(illwHr' on gtio brarvt. f - i Iaa bvid bulla.) i- Kd.60, Ko. S3, Lally. frJata, ABf257l?rs. to- o!dsboro ......., 1 o 1 w a............. A- je 1 fS. -... .4. .Xi-i'fO t: ftHS.4M;' ;-''0t0-... 1.05 am 8.25 m leOPB ASA ami t r OA pnu 7XA& KM6pm lOdl DSD - 4 Oa lOiOaas arr re La- a a ol..... Art -. fe y . w ABCfO CuiUtth-O .... ........ ta46am 12 twtpm 1.60 pm taoOw'sti loaml Xo. 1 S Csfy exarrC Boa my. ts4rre P'-'-Nww Arrive 1 m., s . Leave Laieib .! 045am . 1.4ft pm SKOpa: ll.i6pm -"Arriso6r Ko. CO Coaoeets at 8aHebmy for all potnU oa VUbBK and at CnaloUe wuk A Aw air Lino for sU rotate ia too etk and ooatlrweeV . : tin r I rmiam il I'aaiheia wna i f l H "B tor aii paints Booth and iiinittmeei simI sjlik i A O Air-Lino lor aU potam Booth. , - t . H. W. R, U BAIUtOkB. . ! -t: KO. 450-imflj. . v ' - ....IO.IS pas 11 .yi mm Astm) famimm-. . , ast rSa 4a-Dagy. axespt Banflay. , " sae'essaimbflw.,x. ...... 10,21 am Aiil'O amrmawikMra,,...... ......... 1 1.80 a m lAoapm , eooioaoaTa,. -. . ?a Oaly.exoapt Baiday.-i hrrtro KeriteisT"lo..........mmr. QjeQ p sa Arrrro fmam?emw.,. ...... . VUKI a at ?aj,g OrOegr n -rfyl iad XAooa ralam..........li..... ass Arrioe Xernersrlllo rvod a m Aatro tireesmboro.ti.............. 7.10 a m srxAxs rjHivxBsirr wm BSdir 1 1 1 - - - . ' - " " ff.X.- OCCXIl BUsUU. Dafiy . , ' " "- - ' oxeoaday. LeeewChapal KilL.... 1U16 a m Amse oatrssaay. .. 1246 a m f , ... . eoxsa sooth. ., s- . paby - . "- ' ' ' - -- Ks-Beooay. 1 are tTalssiBff y 12.48 p at Arms Chape amy.... AA P m Cn Trsias 60 aad Si. bstejoia Row Tork aad tontjemery. small! nn Hslrerk and OM Sore 62 aad 63. ersabJncten and USMTUlel eaaamat elsk Oeedsborev Cbariosto. for all eoinia Soma. Sooth Bona, aid km. A or Emigrant 1 atos to Texas. Arkan- TMkTlLOOTt, M fiLADGHTEa. ; Blehi CABOLfflA CBHIBAL ? MLMQ CQ. mr BupsaiMiasiieer,-! ' Wllaumjtew, M-L-Vi i O a-t-triC 1 1888. foOowkm 'ffloili will bo oparsmd on this railroads i. , wu- ' lop, n. t Arrtso at Caartotro t.. ...... 7.00 A. M Itaavo Caartotta a ...-r.. 8.46 r, H. f Arrtvaat WUaUncloa at...y.. 825 A, EL ' Trains Boo. 1 and 3 stop at oejy, andjpaiata dasnnstril la tl Train No. 1 DaCy eaeapt Banday. ! He. aa am , ev ...v 4m,i I ' Lmvtnbmwas ft On a. sl arrtre atCoane-to 8 26 P. M Leare CAartorm or. .,. 7.10 a. at Arrrvou LauiUiheux. 1. . . Al6P. sf. w 8.00 A kL " IliM) If isweko4b td P.M. arrisowcawrlotta 6-o P. hi. eaewi aad a make doss eonnecooaac eraa ksl trains to and rros Balotsa. vara wasweea w Take Train Ko. 1 for ijtsteertUa. emoona West rn Sk X B. m. ishmnia mi aolnta Wms. i . -Aiao, for auaitanoorc. eroaovLUo. Athena. At poimo 00m u west. . - - 1 L.C.JOMU. eopermtoTiSBril, . r. CLucaveeoerai Paaeensor AsenC, ' . : t Paasnaaa triimvr, 1 "JL ' Counsaia.aaJo'yii.'ea.r 4m aad after Umietntma tbe t -Mlowloa wUi bo tbe inheilels est tfceC A Ll M. tf. Drrtsteoi i - Leawi Ttewton...... ...... M. ..... u:. . 7.00-ai Lore Ltonotntoo.....'M y...... BSSam iMavonujaa .... ............... . exam LewTo mssoala...... t....... ... 1 003 a m. Leave taorve- . .....v.n oa am Leave Torfcrtlle ..1 1.66 am Arrresc-neeter........ ...... ...... .... l.aopm ' Me4oosea o a wea a -mfm mmrm mym' LdSO D Sam iva Torknlle.. 4 25 p m M Owe? . AOSnm Loaro GaMonta...,..,. B.10 pm Loaoo paUae '. . 6 25 pm Lease LUeMrdnn..rrj.. T. ' ZzL. r.T.aa om Arrrro Kewton JZ..iB00m G CIHVI3I0X LeavaCneeter rtOOB Learo Riehbarw..;.... Leave Purs Lewis.. .V 8.00 pm rl4t pm . T.a6 pan ' ootiam ft e - . a.3aa Plrlilu . . - . s ......... 10 85 am .-.v. .11.25 am arrtre Cboner ' 7. V? . .. t . '4 rti .- fXCaBDWELL. ia)ylSdtf amvAstJ HAEXOTT ILOTTE, COLUkTBIA AWD ADfl03TA f; JtAUAaaOCOAtPANI, - i j - ?--ti-.l t lv.. i.C -' -'. 3 -1 -JTgg P. U. a.sl 1 6.r5 8.S i ,, 8.1'J 1LH B ? stoo Iv. ChSTtettij!;.? ' EooaEoJ. " ; . . Cnmter. : W wad ward's. g 2.10 2 87 8 20 4 01 .f " .C 6.81 " - Bldgeosy, j ir.CoiBmUa, ' LfcCotambbv i . Lexington, '''-- v - BafawOMTSr' X'-'. v Iimw.'njit GtaaUeetTlo.- dr. nrai'v- 1. ri A.16 7.m 12 9.4 S e7 7.7 Bt7 i 1U.07 7, fcJJ Mervawa x. 41 2L UK . . LO PJlSt iff fnlte 'e. ; T.f5 . ..... - V.I 860 B6 Alia 7-82 866 tec I mim. T-4' iai-P8 Ar. Oolot, 1 rv. V 1 1 Wtfi m j t Vinnsbon. t i. k-VeodKi sV !' X jester, m as La. '-..;w i. 2 al..U , !.. r- ltneiiio .5 -a-': 11.4 11a7 14 4 4 .14 1.4 2.1 a t7 41., iH?- f l.f, 3 r t..- i ACCjariouaA -, StOii"9f .a .b-i-Sly4 2 O,- fScrriEDl-ka.'. r. r; - vTia '7 ro w i Kits 1 I 1 t' Hiu 1. - Kl )t A'. .,s Lvj AasxawASS-rSMa 63. - 1 'i'si. . ! t 3 c J.. 1 . . i -! Ar k a e, Tij i.tA. .... . . 1 : ' I -A "Jt) .air ;:3." r.. 4 , "3 ansimi ista, iksa, heenhwara. fsa OBS. 7 I m-e I m B ! w B OK wv-c 11 1 1 X J, OCaSTOCr W NOW rrXiRLTaLt W. All P- COPRI323 a CX)PaBATTTrLT KXW STOCK OP ooda KoeMsmdstosbMyeasaro 'eleaaedonr arariyail etir cods laom-oiosiBsoot saM tblssemmer, k.ets yi-vf.j -i;. v.w .- . -,'- InallttM iMdea and VabHeS Stm Mmratnes laail eoiMs and prtoee. tsecmplete, y.y??1 a job lof of LaDrEa OOR8 AJOCB3 Omt we ottor at 81. fnX rood jcaiiiy. -Oar stortc ami bo ketiC eomDieta. and oa win at ill unm arw MMtfaiin. u.!. .mm., nur oodsium, ARUistockoi f f v; . Otre a a can.' 'We win sen yoa ss cheap as Trill j V. -.-', a. eariTH lliWERililR ij j . w vf-y 'X1.' --v . - . . : 'Xit'i' rri ?T.iH7 M y &sV-&?x,Xj-yi-:j' . ' l , - .The interior of our. 'establishment is now renovcted, and our stock so that we can now ioe 'selling f6ds,ntln', and if ysa are thinking of baying think of us. t : ':66ffi(B0TQnDCBI?Q99' ' t W will cot be undersold by tny - clothing - house, either large or small, and that we will sustain Our reputation of sell ing only superior clothing at extremely low prices- !:"" ; i Ee8pectfully, . AGENTS POR THE PEARL ;OIdydlpn "Aa we walk throegh tbe street, bOw often we meet, some 1 -Poor old man. whose life ia naught but woe ; -With age his form is bent, in his pocket not a cent, " And for shelter do not know where to go. . . . ; 5 With relations by the score, who keep him from the door, V And meeting on tbe street they pass tbem by; Ijfyoa ssk them why it's done, they will answer yoa and say, 4 We're poor, we're old, and only in the wayr .: , - V . i -Tbera was a time I hear; when the young were mot so queer, " : ' Bat since that time there's come an awful change; - . , Young men in health and might, their old parents they will strike, , And it happens every day: it's notbinz stranre. Take this poor wreck of For death I'm rare b Himself and faithfnl wife, r . When old, they find that "Jly little song, Tm surej is for rich as well aa poor,T : "i For take a rich man when he's growing old ; , - . ., His friends will shake hia band, his relations round him stand. Awaiting him to die, they want his gold. . " J " Then let as from this honr do all that's ia our power t 11 a a J mm . a a a . . . - J til t ao rasa tne roaa ror twj.-yvj j Ana it tney trouble en us cast, why let this be our last -I " iiariJ. ts Tossy; that they are old. and in the way-i .?- T So let as cheer them on. i . -? .'tr V . : ; Tbey won't be with us ldng.' : ' .- . ir,i ... Dont let ns Sneer beeanaa thevra old aad srraT r And remember whll wefre young 5 - The days to as may come, ; v t ' W rtAn wt wIIl ruk Ain shil nnsic . BdOiro Ann I PIANOS AND ORGANS '.Vaf.i ri Ck)inoknd BeleT a cexia tor italorniea &nd Li-y- ,.io ' . Yar&p.s r fS21Stf air- . i 'A. 1 VI Ut4 flU 5 : - . rr it fitjTnH.fi5,?rK i M;rii0m Ji-'ife t-si 3 071 inn 5 1 r t t a r I. ' 1 f IFu li 1 1111111 i?..-; ica l.-fiT-l "gtf 3j 1 to aTl iaMiuWlM f)ar atnsk oif VlMtsaivf and lwUl pay yon to look at ihem before pareuasinc T rT- : . Z7- tbe EuiLiJiira. ' Clothing far Hen.T'oaths or Boys 'tew . . i - IirtOoCJeraaadTanoea SHIBT. toil, hie children him do spurn, oftentiRHmdoMTrrav:. . .. after toiling all their life, ' they axe in the way I" - J 01a zoies llgnt ana gsy ; ml In Ih. w iwnnYTmno oudiozil. lem prices. IV : i . ... . icr Pdll f . - .- - r f i I ff i -! ?l i UMlL-IUI 4 1 r - ; I J I j. J ILvW Lops tl 1 . I t .J its.. , : i XT..? :-f. t r m H T !- r-"3 s 1 1) 1 r' . 1 :r Ink ra i M rtr-t X - f- "3 C r i r